Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are heading back to the world of one of Comics’ best series. Since its’ debut, the dangerous world of the Order of St. George has been a home to comic fans and critics. Something Is Killing The Children by BOOM! STUDIOS is consistently winning awards and is slated for a live-action show on Netflix.

As for comics, it has already spawned off another series, House Of Slaughter, with a special one-shot debuting last year: Book Of Slaughter. Now nearly a year later, the story of Maxine Slaughter continues.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan picks right up where things left off. Let’s take a closer look and see how Maxine’s life has changed.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Dan Mora)


After dealing with the death of Aaron Slaughter, Maxine contemplates the future. Cecilia, the aplha of her Withe Mask pack, presents her with a unique offer. With a shortage of Black Masks (solo hunters), there is a need to have more for the Order. The process is difficult to change masks. Maxine finds this out when she digs into the history of Erica Slaughter and the Order itself. Even with this knowledge, Maxine agrees to change.

The story begins with in the swamps of New Orleans. Maxine returns to a house. She is wielding axes covered in blood. A man watches and asks her if something is dead. Maxine replies with pushback. Maxine claims she doesn’t even know what she is hunting. Their banter is aggressive. Readers soon find out that the man is Louis Boucher, Maxine’s trainer to becoming a Black Mask.

After a meeting with Cecilia about her current situation, the story shifts back to the house in the Swamp. Maxine walks into Louis’ office. Maxine is asking for food and help. The response she gets is less than warm. Louis hands her a book. Inside are the pages to further her journey along.

Readers tag along as Maxine dives into the history of monsters via the House of Boucher. The information is vital in Maxine’s growth in becoming an independent hunter. The information also creates a new dynamic between Louis and Maxine.

Making moves in the shadows is Cecelia. She passes along where Maxine’s next stop should lead her. Readers of SIKTC know this place all too well. However, before heading there, Maxine still has more to learn from Louis. The final act throws a swerve into the situation. An idea is mentioned that looks to play a greater impact on Maxine’s story that she could ever imagine. The final panel’s chilling words cement that before leaving readers until next time.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Werther Dell’Edera)

Tynion challenges Maxine’s concept of what hunting is all about. The dynamic between her and Louis is rocky at best. Louis comes across as gruff and unapologetic. The debate about her learning is a version of “tough love” which offsets Maxine. The writing shows Maxine struggling to absorb the knowledge Louis is passing along. This remedies out by the final act, where it appears Louis gives her a lesson in trust.

The writing also plays up Cecilia as a difficult teacher in her own right. Their conversations are more pleasant than the ones with Louis. They also reflect the dangerous tasks that lie ahead for Maxine. This comes full circle in the final act. As Louis as been tested, his words become haunting as the latest lesson has been taught with a hint of doubt thrown in the mix.

The art duties are split throughout the issue. Maxine and Louis’ story gives readers a tense, uneasy lesson in hunting monsters. Cecelia’s story comes to life with subtle reactions while Maxine tries stating her issues wit Louis. The Boucher book is filled with excellent images of the monsters that live in the Slaughter-verse. It’s a complete package of telling multiple tales while keeping things moving in the same direction.

The final act is filled with a darker coloring scheme that illustrates the horrors Maxine thinks she is facing. The imagery translate more than the reader thinks. Balanced by the writing, the closing panels plant the seeds for something more sinister on the way.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Jae Lee)


Maxine Slaughter’s transformation in the Order of St. George enters a new level with a stand-out tale. With Tynion’s strong writing guiding the all-star line-up of creators into creating a story of knowledge and trust, this will be one for fans not to pass on for New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Book Of Butcher #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this review, the wait is finally over! One of 2023’s most anticipated books is finally hitting comic shops. Ever since the announcement of the Energon Universe from Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics, fans have been wondering how G.I. Joe would fit into the new playing field.

A big hint was revealed within the pages of Transformers (2023) #2 with one of the most popular members making a huge impact. Now fans find out where things go from here with a solo series they simply cannot miss!

DUKE #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton finds the franchise member of the Elite fighting team in a new stat quo. Let’s not wait any longer and see where thing stand now.


The chapter opens up with a flashback to Duke in action. The narration eludes to how great of a soldier he is,. The image then shifts to a distraught Duke sitting in an office. The narrator is revealed to be none other than General Hawk! The argument is over the events of Transformers #2.

Duke’s claim of Starscream is being dismissed. Readrs see a retelling of events through Duke’s eyes. However Hawk is not hearing a word of this. Duke is given time off to get his head right which doesn’t go over well.

Six months go by and Duke is still in assurance of what has happened. He is contacted by Dr. Adele Burkhart. Burkhart is housing a meeting of “alien survivors”. Once inside, Burkhart takes Duke into her office and reveals some important research. Burkhart was searching for energy sources not of this world. The research was taken away, much like Duke’s story was dismissed. The stories appear to be leading to one location: M.A.R.S. Industries!

Duke embarks on discovering the truth. Once he starts, he quickly finds out there is more than meets the eye about anything the public knows. The pace ramps up with many invested parties now having Duke on their radars. The question is can he survive long enough to expose the truth. If the final act is any indication, fans better buckle in for non-stop action and excitement! This is going to be a must-have series!

DUKE #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (credit: Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics - Credit: David Aja)

Williamson hits the ground running with setting a strong pace for this issue. the conversation with Hawk and Duke plays into the initial reactions expected when hearing of giant robots. Duke is written as defiant but perceived as paranoid. Once events shift after six months, the issue takes off!

The conversation with Barnhart kickstarts Duke’s pursuit of the truth. At this stage, he becomes entangled in a bigger conspiracy. The feel of deep rooted espionage takes over and allows Duke to do what he does best. The sheer grit he demonstrates is an easy win for readers looking for the action. The closing moments cap off events perfectly sending this initial chapter onto the next.

Reilly and Bellaire grace readers with some of the best action sequences in comics. Right from the start, there is an exceptional two-page spread showcasing Duke’s skills. It’s matched by another great two-page spread showing Starscream’s attack, smiling in the process.

Just when readers think they will slow down, the art ramps up after Duke goes investigating M.A.R.S. The pace never slows and readers can feel the intensity of the panels pour right off the pages. The closing images will have fans amped up for what’s to come. You couldn’t ask for a stronger debut in storytelling.

DUKE #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (credit: Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics - Credit: Steve Epting)


Williamson constructs a magnificent combination of high-stakes drama and thunderous action to welcome back the face of G.I. Joe to comic fans. Adding in the electrifying imagery of Reilly, Bellaire and Wooton only elevates an incredible issue even higher. This is one not to miss on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Duke #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the mystery of the Massive-verse marches on! Since its’ debut in 2023, the saga of the “Accountability Killer” has branched out from just being a comic story. It is a pop culture event. Not just any comic has a companion podcast featuring Patton Oswalt and Rachael Leigh Cook. The Black Market Narrative/Image Comic now starts heading into its’ final stretch with readers still buzzing about the question: “Who Is No One?”

NO/ONE #7 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Antonio Fuso, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou looks to provide some big clues surrounding some key elements. Let’s take a closer look and see how things shape up!

NO/ONE #7 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Antonio Fuso, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Credit: Black Market Narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Geraldo Borges)


The story beings at Ritter’s Diner in September of 2023. Former assistant Chief Ben Kern is talking with an old friend about his son Aaron Kern. Aaron is publicly known as the “Accountability Killer”. Aaron is currently out of jail via his confession being deemed illegal. Readers find out what Ben is planning and the burden on his soul will be immense.

Meanwhile, Alejandro Rios returns to work after an encounter with the latest “Accountability Killer” and No/One. His return is cut short when Rios gets a message on his phone. Walking into a car, readers find No/One behind the wheel. The conversation goes from a simple “Thank You” to an interview attempt. Suffice to say, it falls on deaf ears.

Both Ben Kern and No/One’s paths cross later in a confrontation which will have readers on edge. The fallout leads a surprise person of interest to Ben Kern’s door: Julia Paige.

Through the escalating tense climate led by Senator Noah Kemp, time is not on their side. What does this partnership uncover? The final act reveals a truth behind one character that readers won’t see coming. The last image sets the tone for the end game to start on the Massive-verse’s greatest mystery. Get ready!

NO/ONE #7 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Antonio Fuso, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Credit: Black Market Narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Stefano Simeone)

Higgins and Buccellato center this issue around the actions of Ben Kern. Kern has been the one most personally affected by his son’s recent actions. The writing reflects his guilt and anger. The choice he makes is a bold one. The contrast with No/One stands out as they both want justice but see differing ways of accomplishing it.

The stand-out moment of this issue is the partnership with Julia and Ben. Knowing both no longer have ties to their organizations, the writing reflects their focus on ending this case once and for all. The final act puts their work to the test. Readers see how the set-up provides a thrilling moment leading to a blockbuster break. With only a few issues left, the pacing picks up to take readers to the finish line after this trek.

Fuso steps in for Geraldo Borges for this issue and gives readers a more grounded look for the series. The page keep a steady format of multiple panel pages. The imagery points out the emotional reaction to events. Kern’s facial expressions range from pained to frustrated.

The art also builds a sense of danger when Kern and Non One cross paths. With Kern’s choice on attack, the fallout grants a hostile setting, planting the seeds for a future meeting. The closing act moves events right along showcasing Julia and Ben’s work in action. Fuso ends this chapter on a strong note with a panel that kicks off the beginning of the end of the mystery.

NO/ONE #7 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Antonio Fuso, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Credit: Black Market Narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Stefano Simeone)


With a major break in the “Accountability Killer” case, the Massive-verse’s greatest mystery starts its trek to the finale. With exceptional writing from Higgins and Buccellato, Fuso’s illustrations bring the drama to a stage where the saga is about to explode.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on No/One #7. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have finally arrived at the conclusion of the last ride of Marshall Holt via Comixology Originals & Best Jackett Press. Since its’ debut in the second wave of Scott Snyder’s line of BJP comics, the horror-western tale has grabbed readers’ imagination and never loosened its’ grip. Now, all best are off for the final showdown of good and evil in the wild, wild west.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis brings down the curtain on the mystery of the terrors of a small town. Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Marshall Holt is on the verge of retirement. He’s recruited to investigate a murder in 1891. The case leads him to the town of Canary. Holt knows this town all too well. It is the location of his most disturbing case: Hyrum Tell.

While searching the case, Holt is joined by Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren. The trio’s journey leads them from an abandoned cave to “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. The “Canary Evolution” theory looms heavy as they can’t escape the danger. All the while, Holt is trying to hold it together with the memories of his past begin to creep into the present.

After a monstrous figure reveals itself from the grave surroundings below, Holt leads the charge to head to the bottom of the cave and address whatever evil lies there once and for all.

The issue begins with Holt returning to his family’s home. The mood is dark and looming with an evil hiss. As Holt walks in the house, he finds his wife and baby dead as canary eggs lie on the floor.

Suddenly, Holt is back with Mabel as they prepare to descend to the bottom of the cave. Knowing time is not on their side, the pair lowers the elevator. Once they begin to head downward, Mabel notices that things are not normal.

The road to Hell is paved with dark intentions as Holt and Mabel finally land at the deep bottom. Once they walk out of the elevator, readers see the insanity they set into. Answers are revealed and more burden is put on Holt’s soul as he now finds himself in a place he never expected.

The closing act floods the pages with excitement and rising uncertainty. Can Holt save the day one last time? Readers will walk away with a few parting images before a surprising one to conclude this epic tale with.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Snyder sends Holt off into the sunset with an unforgettable issue. The challenges he has faced have not been an ordinary case. Tull’s impact on his life never strays too far from this story. Holt battles the ghosts of his past to find a possible future. Snyder focuses in on this element during the key points of this finale.

Once the big revelation appears, Snyder presents our lead with the challenge of being vigilant for the greater good, no matter the cost. The conflict is one that will not easily escape reader’s minds as they read the tale. It pushes Holt to his breaking point. Knowing what lies ahead, his actions re-assure any doubt of his nobility in the face of overwhelming odds.

The final moments move briskly to end this saga on a very strong note. The parting images will have readers talking as the “Canary Evolution” theory leaves a lasting impression for an immediate re-read for years to come.

Panosian delivers on looming horror and crushing drama art to conclude the last ride. The heart-wrenching images of Holt struggling to deal with his family’s state instantly sets a devious overtone to the story. Once the decent inside the cave begins, readers brace for the impact of Holt’s valiant efforts.

The cave is filled with brooding images of terror and anxiety. There are a run of two-page spreads that scream volumes of the breaking of Holt’s spirit right before the evil’s reveal. Panosian welcomes that element to the main story with a devilish hello via its’ body language. Showing Holt’s reaction to all of this further cements the cost he must decide to pay to end things. The conflict concludes with another fantastic double page action shot before bringing the curtain down. The mastery of horror and western styles is truly remarkable with the artistry.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


When the dust settles and smoke clears, Snyder and Panosian conclude Marshall Holt’s last case with a spectacular conclusion! Superb writing lays the foundation for mind-blowing visuals to guide readers into a gritty showdown of good verses evil.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on Canary #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review log to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are diving back into on of DC Comics’ finest stories at the LCS! Emerging from the pages of the Justice Society of America, the original Green Lantern has been taking readers on a journey of love, loss and courage. With a mysterious attacker making things personal, the Emerald Crusader looks to stop his adversary before it’ too late.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni sees Scott get some help in his quest for justice! Let’s take a closer look and see what’s unfolding now.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: David Talaski)


The latest chapter begins with Charles "Derby" Dickles taking a passenger around in his taxi. The conversation is very one-sided as Dickles’ guest isn’t one for small talk. On route, Dickles sees Scott walking. The passenger says to keep driving. Dickles obliges.

Meanwhile, Scott is meeting with Mikey, who might have some information on his situation and the dead bodies Scott is being framed for. Mikey is very nervous due to the Police amping up their “protection”. He mentions to Scott that Tommy, an old flame is dead along with more men missing. The theory is Tommy drowned. Knowing society and the police classifies someone like Tommy as a “Criminal Deviant”, Scott wants to personally further investigate. Before Mikey can answer, the Police start “protecting” men on the pier. Scott disappears away.

Scott appears at the city morgue to investigate Tommy’s death. He’s joined by Jay Garrick aka The Flash (fellow JSA teammate). Scott notices Tommy has the same marks as Johnny Ladd, his lover from his time in the US Army & Project: Crimson.

Readers see the frustration in Scott’s demeanor with the lack of respect to handle Tommy’s murder properly. Garrick assures him if the police don’t look into the murders, the JSA has already started. Scott and readers both find out that Jim Corrigan aka THE SPECTRE is looking into the matter!

How does the pairing of Scott and Corrigan play out. Readers see the clash in styles but it is overshadowed by the actions of the Ghostly Guardian. what does Corrigan do to shift momentum in this case? The final moments give some clarity as the big reveal is shown, kicking this story into high-gear for its’ next chapter.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Amy Reeder)

Sheridan pens another phenomenal issue driven by emotion and defying society labels. Scott’s drive for justice is personal, but Sheridan uses his anger as fuel to solve the mystery. The theme has been building for the past few issues, but once the other members of the JSA get involved, this shines through. Scott has rarely let his guard down but they are moments that will lock readers in.

The first is at the morgue with Jay Garrick. Coming right off the heels of the Mikey encounter, Scott is mad and stand-offish. Garrick doesn’t get phased by this and makes an easy connection to the reader of how Scott is handling the situation. The stronger moments come with the Spectre. The writing mirrors the frustration and wear Scott carries. One simple panel and Spectre’s words change everything making such a powerful scene. This speeds things into the closing act which gives readers much to ponder after the final page is witnessed. Sheridan crafts it for a parting scene to close off events for now, but not long.

Tormey, Sotomayer, Herms and Gattoni layer this issue with some incredible panels. The banter and mannerisms between Garrick and Scott meshes well to create the uneasiness and genuine conversation between the two teammates. The art welcomes in the Spectre with an excellent full page panel with Scott working together. There are multiple rooftop panels between the two but none pack as much punch as a simple hug.

The scene is one readers will feel the rush of weight off Scott’s shoulders as the dialogue gives it more gravity. This rushes events into the final act. With a full page panel to end things with a major reveal, the art sets a high bar of balancing the action and emotion of a legendary hero.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Jerry Ordway)


Sheridan’s powerful writing peels back more layers of Alan Scott as he faces an emotional attack on multiple fronts. Tormey, Sotomayer, Herms and Gattoni’s stellar artwork & lettering welcome in a surprise guest as the quest for justice takes a deeper toll.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re heading back into the dangerous landscape of New York City via Marvel Entertainment. One event has kickstarted an all-out free-for-all with control of the NYC Underworld up for grabs. Caught in the middle is the Amazing Spider-Man! Can Peter Parker and friends stop this before it’s too late?

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #40 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna shows desperate times call for desperate measures as an unlikely group fights to save the city! Let’s jump into the latest chapter!

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #40 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel Entertainment)


In the West Village, A mysterious figure is preparing himself in the shadows. He is talking with an associate about plans since he is now out of jail. The figure alludes to jumping right into the Gang War. The sights are set on Tombstone and Beetle. Readers see when he steps into the light, he is The Rose! With his forces ready, the journey to the Beetle is made.

Meanwhile in the Meatpacking District, the Track Suit Mafia and Inner Demons are set to face off in a warehouse. Before the suits make a move, an imposing figure makes his way into the crowd. Tombstone is there and he didn’t come alone. Spider-Man and She-Hulk are along for the ride. The uneasy trio defeat the mafia while the demons took off.

lurking in the shadows of downtown is Madame Masque. Considering her actions started the war, readers witness her next play. How does this move affect the war? What is the Beetle up to during all of this? How long can the uneasy trio work together?

All questions are revealed as the war rages on in the heart of the Big Apple. Statements are made. Actions have consequences. However, no bigger move is made than the final image. Readers will need to brace for impact as a major player has enter the deadly game. Suffice to say, the final image is going to have fans talking.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #40 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: Joey Vasquez)

Wells juggles many character with this latest issue, but keeps the theme centered around one especially. Tombstone’s play keeps readers engaged whenever he is on page. The uneasy alliance with the heroes pours with tension and mistrust. yet, Wells’s grouping makes for some strong dynamics with conversation. Tombstone’s view of events speaks volumes to the overall gravity of the situation. With his presences and the debuting player, the storyline looks to be re-igniting a new flame for readers.

Romita, Hanna and Menyz give slow builds for each main player throughout the issue. The Rose makes the dramatic debut with a full page panel. The same goes for the Beetle as her storyline takes flight with a strong full page image as well. “The Uneasy Alliance” kicks events off with great action panels. Seeing the “Fastball Special” used should get old-school fans excited!

The art builds up the tension with the parallel characters heading into the final act. Readers will be shocked who finally makes their appearance in the final pages. An incredible two-page full spread brings a close to this round, but lights the match for an eventual combustible confrontation later on. Readers should have much to say about this latest chapter.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #40 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: J. Scott Campbell)


The lastest chapter of “Gang War” brings forth a game-changing character to an already explosive saga. Wells paces the multiple storylines with solid writing. Romita and the art team craft some excellent visuals in the backdrops to show readers things have only just begun. You’ll want to keep your eye out for this issue on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Amazing Spider-Man #40. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re heading to visit comics’ most exciting universe: The Massive-Verse! In a short amount of time, the Black Market Narrative/Image Comics line has given new life to traditional superhero concepts. But with all good heroes, they need to have great villains. In the Massive-verse, there are none better than SHIFT.

The cunning and charismatic figure has made waves in the pages of both The Dead Lucky and Radiant Black. Scene-stealing at every turn, fans have been asking for more Shift. Their requests have been answers.

SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, and Sjan Weijers casts the spotlight onto the Massive-Verse rogue and the secrets behind the mask. Let’s take a closer look at the mysterious shifting character.

SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, and Sjan Weijers (credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Igor Monti)


Editor Note: The first Four chapters of this story was first introduced in the pages of Image! anthology series earlier this year. Each chapter story has a different art team with Higgins writing all chapters.

A man named Guy is having an argument with someone on the phone. The conversation is based on a shortage of payment. Guy casually threatens the caller before driving the point home about his payment. He walks inside a building. Little did he know how fast things would change in his favor.

As Guy walks in, he’s greeted by Gregg, Jace and Riley. With business at hand, Guy is chatting with Gregg about the tech in the room. Massive-verse readers catch wind how the weaponry ties back to <001>. With a possible job at hand, Guy gets introduced to a powerful suit codenamed Shift.

By “shifting” to Lockport, Illinois, Guy comes into direct contact with Radiant Black! With his mission in hand, Guy makes a play to fulfil his contract of syphoning radiant power to fuel some charges. Dodging danger, Guy fills the charges and “shifts” away.

Once he returns, Gregg is impressed with his skill and claims he’s taking the tech to Morrow. Guy offers a counter proposal. Honor amongst thieves is tested but the result solidifies a new player has entered the Massive-verse game.

Where things head from here shows the rise of an “entrepreneur” in the land of hired mercenaries. Chapter Three will jump out as a certain character make a cameo that was a great tie-in. It is a creative take bringing in Shift to that storyline.

Readers are also gifted a brand new chapter by Higgins and Di Nicuolo to send Guy onto his next business dealings. It’s a perfect way to conclude events for now, but leaves the door wide open for more Shift when the time (and price) is right.

SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, Walter Baiamonte, and Sjan Weijers (credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Daniele Di Nicuolo)

Higgins builds Guy up as an individual all about the opportunity. The rise to power is one that readers can follow along with ease and delight. Guy’s charisma wins over readers with each dirty deed. Higgins escalates his moves with the first two chapters with a “Year One” type feel.

Chapter Three shows an ingenious scheme that plays into another book in the Massiveverse. The concept is unique and locks readers in with the chase. Chapter Four features Guy at his most “human” level. The conversations with Anja Wronja peeled back a new layer into Guy’s character. This break doesn’t last long as the Guy fans know and love returns for Chapter Five. It perfectly bookends what has been established from the start. The only thing to be unhappy about with this issue is is’ the last one…for now.

As previously mentioned, all chapters had different art teams creating them. Di Nicuolo and Baiamonte bring an energetic style to chapters 1 and 5. Their art mirrors two starting points on Guy’s personal journey into business. Manna, Beyruth and Costa mix in the action with Guy’s strictly business demeanor.

For chapter Three, Borges and Englert delve into the high stakes gamble of the assignment with excellent action panels. Evenhuis and Weijers present the more grounded approach with a laid back style setting up the calm before changing lanes into the final chapter. With the varying art, readers truly sense that they see the different sides of complex character.

SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, and Sjan Weijers (credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Deegan Puchkors)


The Massive-Verse’s most wanted breaks out to steal the spotlight in a one-shot that doesn’t miss its’ mark. Higgins along with an all-star line-up of artists take readers on an escapade with superb writing and phenomenal art each page. Hopefully this is the start of a bigger plan, just like Shift would scheme so make sure you grab your copy at the local comic shops this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Shift! Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are catching up with the fallout from a fandom’s explosive return to the comic shops. Picking up right where they left off, the global special forces unit has their hands full with Cobra. The terrorist group struck fast and personal with their return salvo. Plus, there’s another element at play that no one is seeing coming.

G.I.JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO #302 by Larry Hama, Chris Mooneyham, Francesco Segala and Pat Brosseau (skybound Entertainment/Image Comics) presents the aftermath and new direction of pop culture’s favorite military team. Let’s take a deeper dive and see how things stand now.

G.I.JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO #302 by Larry Hama, Chris Mooneyham, Francesco Segala and Pat Brosseau (Credit: Skybound entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: Andy Kubert)


Cobra Island is no more. All that is left is a toxic wasteland. This is all in part to Dr. Mindbender’s Mutant Virus Bomb being activated by Serpentor Khan. Anyone caught in the blast has been mutated. When the “survivors” become unruly, Khan makes an example out of one of them. Khan shoots off the head of a mutant, leaving their body for scrapes. Khan proclaims the survivors are going to leave the island and take over Cobra’s home turf of Springfield.

Meanwhile, at Arlington National Cemetery, service are being held for Wade Collins. Collins was killed by Cobra Commander in his escape from Cobra Island. Collins death affects many but arguably none more than Snake-Eyes.

All the while, Cobra Commander addresses the people of Springfield. His message doesn’t go over well with family members asking about their loved ones. Commander pushes the mission statement forward that Cobra will be ready to handle Serpentor’s invasion no matter the cost.

With a looming war brewing, who is waiting in the wings watching? Readers see quickly that there’s more than one invested party watching events unfold. This all falls behind the emotions left in Collins’ death. The final moments of the chapter ties up its’ impact before leaving readers with a visual reflecting the loss.

G.I.JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO #302 by Larry Hama, Chris Mooneyham, Francesco Segala and Pat Brosseau (Credit: Skybound entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: Brad Walker)

Hama builds up the Cobra civil war behind the emotional impact of a fallen Joe. Collins’ burial at Arlington delivered on a strong emotional connection with readers. The impact is felt later when Stalker breaks down Collins’ story to other Joes. The flashbacks walk new reader through his story, showcasing how devastating of a loss this is to members of the team.

Cobra’s brewing civil meltdown fuels the other portions of the book. Hama displays Serpentor as insane and blindly thinking his plans will work. Meanwhile, Cobra Commander knows what is coming and his address to the citizens of Springfield mirrors the same message. Overall, the chapter starts building up a foundation for a much bigger fight waiting to happen. This is nothing but a huge win for readers.

Mooneyham and Segala display the grief and sadness of Collins’ death with their visuals at Arlington. The mood is somber and the feeling of deep loss never leaves the panels. Later in the issue, the art makes the flashback panels pop out to show readers on how deep the loss is with Stalker.

The moments with Serpentor spotlights the devastation of the mutant virus bomb. The art depicts the victims as horribly disfigured and Serpentor’s madness relishes in the moment. Cobra Commander’s reactions are hidden behind the mask but his body language conveys the plan to defend Springfield no matter the sacrifice. Another great issue with the artwork for fans to enjoy.


The fallout from a death looms on the hearts and minds of G.I. Joe with action building in the horizon. Stellar writing and visuals welcome back a new phase for the never-ending conflict between G.I. Joe and Cobra. The new series is off to a strong start and here’s no way you should be missing this on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media ad let me know your thoughts on G.I.JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO #302. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the end is drawing closer for a fan-favorite series on Comixology Originals! With a devastating sacrifice last issue, the supernatural family sets course to the root of their woes. Will they be able to save their fallen member or be added to the casualty count?

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sends fans on an unforgettable voyage into the unknown. Let’s not wait another minute and dive right in!

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


With Alex being taken away by the Takers during their battle with Lazaruk, the remaining members of The All-Nighter Cafe embark on a quest to get him back. Ian, Cynthia, and Joy are joined by Andrea (their recently turned human to vampire ally) and an individual claiming to be GOD.

Finding their location would be a challenge. Francis (aka Frankenstein’s Monster) sacrificed himself to be bait. Once the opportunity was there, time has now become a factor to succeed or die trying in the process.

This issue begins with Cynthia scolding Igor and the rest of the family. Knowing her personal relationship with Francis, she is not taking his actions well. The sacrifice was not in vein. The tracker Francis had on him starts showing the Taker’s possible location. Readers find out that it is the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

Meanwhile Francis is being held captive by two mysterious figures. The one leads the conversation into questioning Francis’ actions. Once he is not answering with truth, the figure hits Francis with force, claiming to be waiting or the others to come.

At sea, what does the family come across? Readers see what is lurking in the Triangle and it is not happy to see the visitors. From here, the triangle conflict leads into new revelations and challenges. Is this what will finally stop Ian and company? Once the final act begins to play out, readers know the final endgame has started with a bleak outlook.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky sets forth the final voyage for the diner crew with a strong tale of challenging fears. The emotions range from anger to worry amongst the crew after Francis’ choice. The creativity pours out from this issue as well. With the issue’s antagonist, Zdarsky challenges each character to face their darkest fears.

Taking the conflict to such a level keeps readers a new perspective heading into the closing issues. The final moments kick events into high gear coming to a screeching halt on the last panel. The story has been an excellent read thus far and shows no signs of letting up now.

Loo and Alleyne focus on the emotional reactions of what is happening for this chapter. From Cynthia’s rage to God’s “even keel” calmness, the variations of reactions provides the readers an insight into the conflict. The secret of the Triangle is given half page panels which amplifies its moment. Its’ resolution is another great half page panel that closes solidly.

The major antagonist makes a grand entrance to the group late in the issue. The panels add a haunting element to his attack. The smaller panels (like the 9 panel page) connects the dark overtones of what is happening as the initial strike is made. The closing image caps off the beginning of the end on a high note. It’s another example of great storytelling that this series is known for.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The end begins here for the supernatural family with their final voyage into unknown danger. Zdarsky pens a superb build into the chilling attack by a dark presence. Paired with the captivating visuals brought to life by Loo and the art team and you have a winning combination of storytelling that can’t be missed.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #13. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re returning to the City of Tomorrow to find out the status of the Man Of Steel! Under the “Dawn Of DC”, the SUPERMAN line of comics have been thriving with incredible stories. One of the biggest break-outs in the line has been Superman. The classic storytelling has given a fresh take on the dynamic of Supes and Lex Luthor.

The creative team has been crushing it right out of the gate. That said, Fans are getting a special treat for the next few issues. Joining the ride is an Eisner winning artist that has been making an impact in Bludhaven for a while now. Let’s see what visuals are crafted in Metropolis under his artistic style.

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo (NIGHTWING), Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher starts up a new arc falling out of “The Chained” storyline. Lets not delay any longer and dive into the latest issue!

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Jamal Campbell)


Superman is left in a weakened state following his encounter with Sam Stryker aka The Chained. The current “frienemy” status with Lex Luthor becomes even more strained. Lex Luthor is dealing with the return of his mother, Letica and daughter Lena. Meanwhile, Dr. Pharm and Mr. Graft are still looming to finish their revenge of Lex and anyone who steps in their way.

The issue begins with Lois Lane reading Superman fan letters. It is revealed that Superman is laying unconscious from the fallout of his latest battle. Readers see a quick trip through Lois’ memories as she recomposes to start reading letters again.

Metropolis as a whole is still reeling from The Chained’s attack. Normally, Lex Luthor would be a prime candidate to swoop in. However, Lex is still behind bars and dealing with a more direct threat: his mother. Knowing that she and his daughter are making waves isn’t good for anyone.

Moments later, a weakened Superman awakens. He wants to go after Pharm and Graft but is in no condition to do such. How does the Man of Tomorrow deal with this? Readers see a creative solution that leads into a conflict long the making. The outcome readers won’t see coming as events unfold that take this new chapter into an unlikely direction. Just wait for the closing arc and buckle in for a can’t miss story!

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Lee Bermejo)

Williamson masters capturing the essence of Turth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow with this issue. The opening pages reflect Superman’s place being a symbol of Hope to the world. Having Lois reading the fan letters instantly connects the emotional impact of a fallen Superman. The personal connection shines through as well once readers see her relive the private memories. Ultimately when he awakens, Superman comes off as the ever vigilant hero trying to stop evil no matter the cost.

The supporting cast has great moments to shine as well. The dynamic between Lex and his mother jumps out. Seeing Lex on the defense is a rare sight but conveys the looming threats building. The action speeds up nearing the latter half of the book. The closing act plays into a creative surprise which is sure to have readers locked in for the long haul.

Redondo jumping in for art duties makes a big splash. The moments with Lois reading the letters pours of emotion and heartbreak knowing how dire things are. Following a great full page panel, a simple 9 panel page by Redondo and Lucas puts a big exclamation point on the effect this is having on Lois.

The action sequences are bold with a thunderous entry for the Man Of Steel. The full page shot sets the tempo for the conflict. The two-page spread combines a few different looks before closing with a couple strong visuals. The closing act is constructed very well, closing with a final image that will have fans talking!

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Bruno Redondo)


With Redondo’s amazing visuals leading the way, the latest arc of the Man Of Tomorrow soars to a new level. Williamson’s excellent writing balances out the classic storytelling with the creative team to give fans an adventurous new tale that needs to be added to your collection!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #9. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, two of DC COMICS’ most popular heroes have entered an adventure that neither could possibly prepare for. Their journey has led them to a world filled with much mystique amongst comic fans. A simple rescue mission has evolved into much more. When Batman and Superman head to the world of “Kingdom Come”, everything they know is challenged.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #22 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands poses a grave future for the legendary heroes. Let's take a closer look at how events are unfolding now.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #22 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics)


When they are tipped off on the location of David Sikela aka Boy Thunder, Batman and Superman head into the multiverse. Their destination is Earth-22. The planet is the home of GOG and the world of “Kingdom Come”. As expected, the heroes’ arrival hasn’t been warm. Their reunion with Sikela was even colder. Now fighting to survive, the world’s finest have their work cut out for them this time.

The issue kicks off with GOG and Sikela (now known as Thunderman) addressing Batman and Superman of their world. Gog is confident in the loyalty shown and vows that the invaders will be brought to him swiftly.

Meanwhile, The World’s Finest are facing off against the Heroes of Earth-22. The odds are overwhelming but Batman and Superman are holding their own. Their opposition believes that Bats and Supes are here to kill all the heroes. The oe feeding the heroes that idea: Thunderman. Sikela makes his appearence in the fight and proves his value by causing the World’s finest to be captured.

While taken away, the pair runs into a familiar face in Gog’s prison. Some would say an old friend. Others would say a “New God”. Readers see what this inmate reveals concerning Gog and his plans for Earth-22. The information reveals a darker plan than anyone realized. Once the final page lands, the course the story is heading looks to get darker before finding its dawn.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #22 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Jerome Opena)

Waid leads readers on a deeper walk into the storied world of “Kingdom Come”. GOG appears as terrifying and cold as ever with his presence in the story. This provides a great balance to the heroic actions of the World’s Finest. Seeing the pair work together as the odds overwhelm shows the long game the legends play while uncovering the truth of events.

Readers will see the standout moments of the issue kick in once the prison conversation begins. Waid splits the story between the past and present without losing any details in the mix. All points come togther with a strong final portion of the chapter. The closing leaves a chilling air with readers as the truth is revealed with little hope to stop it.

Mora and Bonvillain craft some amazing action sequences that are sure to please readers. Seeing some of the greats from the DCI square off with the original pair will deliver on classic superhero storytelling. The mannerisms displayed convey the high stake involved with this mission.

Readers are gifted a fantastic two-page spread from inside Gog’s prison that brings up some very familiar faces. This leads readers into exceptional visuals panels that bring all points together with two noteworthy final pages. One is an all-out action full page shot. The other is a more simplistic page which hits equally hard with the reactions displayed. Both will have fans buzzing. It’s one of Mora’s strengths as a artist which this series benefits from.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #22 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Travis Charest)


The dangerous plans of Gog become more clear as the celebrated heroic pair unlocks his secrets in a can’t miss issue. Waid, Mora and the team construct a tale build on superb writing and magnificent art to expose the world of “kingdom Come” to a brand new audiance.

Hit me up on ODPH social medias and let me know your thoughts on Batman Superman: World’s Finest #22. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest adventure featuring one of DC Comic’ most popular characters. In the “Dawn of DC” era, John Stewart’s life has been vastly different. Now working at Steelworks, Stewart has tried stepping away from the superhero lifestyle due to personal reasons. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. When you’re one of the most legendary Green Lanterns of all time, retirement isn’t exactly an option.

GREEN LANTERN: WAR JOURNAL #4 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Montos, Adriano Lucas, and Dave Sharpe shows Stewart’s latest challenge and the race against time before it worsens for the entire galaxy! Let’s not wait any longer and dive in!

GREEN LANTERN: WAR JOURNAL #4 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Montos, Adriano Lucas, and Dave Sharpe (Credit: DC Comics)


The chapter starts on the planet Durla. Thaaros welcomes exiles from Euphorix to this world. Being the Lord Premier and representing the United Planets, Thaaros is coming across as quite the nobility to the visitors. During the meeting, one of Thaaros’s advisors informs him of the actions of Green Lantern Varron.

With the complexity of power involved (along with the United Planets overseeing the Green Lantern Corps), Thaaros becomes focused on finding Varron. This causes a change in actions with the visitors of Euphorix. They become captured and are held hostage in a power play.

Meanwhile, John Stewart is fighting off an infection from the Radiant Dead. With allies Kyle Rayner and Lantern Shepard with him, Stewart faces the undead warriors head on inside his own mind! With the action racing, Stewart looks to fail in the fight. This is all before he and Shepard return to Metropolis before the infection takes fully hold.

On their return, Shepard is ready to cut losses, but Stewart never waivers his hope. Stewart asks about a Dead Lantern’s Ring Shepard possesses. With time running out, Stewart makes a risky call. Readers watch along as a decision is made with no plan B if it fails.

Will Stewart succeed or succumb to the infection? The gamble takes quite the turns before heading to the home stretch. Once in the final act, a moment occurs that will have fans on edge until the next chapter drops. If you’re a GL fan, you’re not gonna want to miss this!

GREEN LANTERN: WAR JOURNAL #4 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Montos, Adriano Lucas, and Dave Sharpe (Credit: DC Comics)

Johnson centers the story about Stewarts never ending grit. Even with the deck stacked against him, Stewart uses his background in the Marines and his undying will as his strengths. This plays into fighting his battle on a level of fronts. The battle inside his mind comes across boldly, reminding readers of how unbreakable his spirit is. Even in its fallout, Johnson presents this right to the forefront, leading into the chapter’s next phase.

The challenge proposed by Stewart is quite the gamble. Johnson shapes the moment combining desperation and the unwavering drive of Stewart. The final act plays deeply into Stewart’s current stat quo and where his future leads. Rest assured by the conclusion, Johnson has something big in the works with this story and fans can’t afford to pass up this series.

Montos juggles around the action with the dramatic set-ups throughout this issue. The action sequences within Stewart’s mind move brisky and give fans some great visuals before snapping them back to present time. This phase kicks off with Stewart and Shepard in the Metroplois skyline via a two-page spread.

The reactions mirrored in the panels reflect the doubt and drive of stopping the infection. This leads into Stewart’s gamble which pays off soundly. Another two-page spread starts the final act which showcases the intensity of the struggle. This all comes to a head with a full page image that will have fans immediately excited for where things lead from here. It’s a perfect way to end things for now and start the next phase of Stewart’s current arc.

GREEN LANTERN: WAR JOURNAL #4 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Montos, Adriano Lucas, and Dave Sharpe (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Dave Johnson)


Even with John Stewart trying to stay away, the life of a Green Lantern cannot escape him. This statement rings true with an excellent chapter that is sure to have fans talking. Johnson tests Stewart’s drive with great writing while Montos delivers on some memorable panels ushering the next phase of the iconic Green lantern’s journey.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern: War Journal #4. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving back into one of the biggest pop culture crossovers in history. Combining two of Hollywood’s historic monsters is big enough, but adding in DC Comics’ legendary franchise takes it to a whole other level. Within a few issues, the series has delivered on big action and shows no signs of slowing down!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft picks up after last issue’s shocking ending. Let’s see where things stand now after the dust has settled!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics - Cover: Drew Johnson)


When Godzilla invades Metropolis, this moves draws the attention of the Man of Steel himself, Superman. Little did he or the rest of the DCU know that the King of All Monsters would become the catalyst for an invasion of the Monsterverse into the DC Universe. It also doesn’t help matters that looming in the wings are the Legion of Doom. However, they have shifted their attention to one of its’ members who’s gone rogue.

The first round has gone the way of the monsters in the initial encounter. Superman appears to have fallen in battle with Godzilla. With the rest of the DC Heroes trying to stop other monsters form destroying cities, is there anyone who can stop Godzilla now?

This issue starts in Central City. The Fastest Man Alive, The Flash (Barry Allen) is running into danger. The destination is Iron Heights Prison. What’s waiting for him is MUTO, a classic cthulhu-hybrid monster. Flash heads into the prison to stop a riot from the inmates. As a fog looms overhead, Flash slows down. This allows the meta-prisoners to get the upper hand on the hero.

Luckily, back-up arrives quickly as Supergirl and Green Lantern crash the party. With the mist dealt with, the focus shifts back to stopping MUTO. Plans are derailed for Supergirl as she notices she can’t hear Superman’s heart beat. Knowing something is wrong, she races back to Metropolis.

Readers bare witness to a bloodied and defeated Superman in the street. With other heroes trying to slow down the monster, one takes blame for the fallen Man of Tomorrow. SHAZAM powers up to take down Godzilla once and for all.

How does The World’s Mightiest Mortal contend? The answer doesn’t wait long to appear. The action moves fast as events spiral out of the heroes control. Can they find a way to get their “home field advantage” back? If the final moments are any indication, things might be going from bad to even worse!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics - Cover: Mike Deodato Jr.)

Buccellato spares no expense on delivering a non-stop thrill ride with this latest installment. Right from the beginning, the Flash conflict spotlights another DC Hero struggling to believe what they’re dealing with. Buccellato doesn’t spend too much time dwelling on the wonder and kicks right into the heart of the conflict and ultimate resolution.

The shift to Metroplois makes perfect sense as DC’s most powerful hero is defeated. The sense of panic fills those panels until ultimately Shazam enters the fray. Juggling so many characters, Buccellato never forces or cuts short time in the chapter. Each major player gets their moment to tell their part. Pacing helps build up the closing act as a dangerous entity looks to have become even more dealy. There’s such a big “Hollywood” feel to this story that continues to impress.

The art gives each monster a dramatic entrance while building up their moments on page. Duce and Guerrero mix in near full page panels to emphasize this aspect. The moments with Godzilla really capture readers’ attention. From a near full page action shot to a fantastic two page spread, the fight rages on to an easy fan approval. The emotions run high as well concerning the fate of Superman.

Duce and Guerrero balance out the surge of fear and denial concerning the fallen ally with the frantic setting of the story. The latter half of the issue shines as a major player appears to be ready to impact the main plot. The issue is capped off with a strong final image tipping its hand at how bad things are going to become. Another great visual read!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics - Cover: Simone Di Meo)


The mayhem continues as the omnsters run wild in the DCU. Buccellato weaves in big action with emotions running high as hope takes a huge hit. The art team construct visuals that give this story the proper larger than life feel it deserves. If you’re not picking this up on New Comic Book Day, you’re really missing out!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, BOOM! Studios spin-off series from “Something Is Killing The Children” has showcased certain characters of the Slaughter-verse. The anthology style book has featured such characters as Jace Boucher and Edwin Slaughter in solo adventures. In its’ current arc, the spotlight is on Bait, a white mask who doesn’t speak and has no arms. Now arriving at his story’s end, Bait sees no easy way out of the misfortune he has found.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera brings a conclusion to the White Mask’s saga in “Alabaster”. Let’s see how the conclusion shapes up.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Javier Rodriguez)


Bait was sent by the Order of St. George to investigate a string of murders in Erie, Pennsylvania. While there, he posed as a foster child and quickly became distracted by Nannette. Nannette bears a striking resemblance to his sister Ashley, who was murdered. With his judgement clouded, Bait slips up some secrets he shouldn’t.

This causes the Order to act swiftly. An order is given but Bait struggles with this. Knowing that Nan is sick and the cause behind these monsters, Bait tries to succeed where failure is the only option. When making a stand at the foster home, things do not side in his favor. During this moment, Bait is impaled by a monster!

The closing chapter begins with Bait watching the chaos ensue around him. A group of White Masks have arrived to confront the monsters. The battle is violent and unrelenting. Wounded, Bait can only watch as the Order steps up to finish the order given once and for all.

Readers get a blunt picture of the Order’s way of business. The imagery is graphic but reflects the cold-hearted ways of the mysterious group. Between the scolding of his fellow members, Bait is left only to watch his worst fears come true.

The fallout leads Bait back home. Readers see that a hero’s welcome might not be in his cards. The scenes are tough and hold nothing back. As the final act approaches, Bait’s world as he knows it will be forever changed from the murders in Pennsylvania. The ending sequence poses some surprises as one chapter has closed…for now, but it will only be a matter of tie before readers see the Order strike again.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Werther Dell'Edera)

Johns ties up loose ends with a solid finale to Bait’s latest mission. The struggle for following his heart vs. following the Order proved to be a heavy weight for the lead character. Johns pours in the emotional attacks as events unfold that greatly impact Bait. Right to the very end, Bait’s choices play out with make readers sit up and take notice.

One area that will jump out is how the Order takes care of “loose Ends”. Johns doesn’t glamorize the ruthless nature of the organization. Their actions truly speak louder than words. However, there are a few “good” members of the Order that make their way into the story. The ending makes readers think about what has transpired and leaves hope for what’s next. It brings the curtain down on this great performance until next time.

Cadonici and Segala paint the chilling picture of events throughout this issue. Opening with a two-page spread of mayhem works to create the tense mood of this chapter. The book’s statement panels come from how the Order ties up the remaining factors of the mission at hand.

The art team holds nothing back at the horrific methods in place. It connects with readers about how dire things look for Bait. These themes flows into the closing act as Bait comes to deal with the consequences of his actions. The final moments give a solid curveball to where things go from here. Another great arc is over for now, but not for long in the pages of this series.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Erica Henderson)


Bait’s valiant attempts to win seem a losing cause in the pages of the SIKTC breakout series. Johns sets closes the door on this chapter with emotional writing while Cadonici and Segala echo the looming fear of repercussions for good intentions with excellent art. This will be one not to miss on New Comic Book Day this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on House Of Slaughter #20. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out a brand new series from a legendary creative team. When fans see the names “Bendis” and “Maleev” in the same creators listing, most instantly think of their run on Marvel’s Daredevil. Others may think Scarlet. This time, they’re reuniting for a brand new crime mystery series for Dark Horse Comics.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed welcomes readers to the mystery of Emma and the debt of her family’s sins. Let’s take a closer look and see how this story begins.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics)


A teacher introduces Emma to fellow students in her new classroom. The moment is awkward as Emma’s speech doesn’t exactly connect. Making things even worse is the FBI crashing the welcome party. They’re looking for a “Masterpiece Lawford”. Emma is very confused as to what is happening. Emma is led away into a car with her next stop an unknown location.

After having her mask removed, Emma is in the presence of Zero Preston. Preston is a billionaire who surprises not only Emma but readers with his knowledge. Preston knows Emma is not her real name. Preston also explains how her parents stole money from him and disappeared without a trace. The grudge has grown over time leading to this moment.

Readers witness the master plan Preston has for Emma. It is a risky gamble, but with all the anger fueling him, Preston is locked in. Emma starts to try figuring out what is happening as she now faces a real problem. The fallout from this leads into a new direction.

The closing moments add danger and anxiety to the young 16 year old’s path of discovery. Rest assured by the final page, Emma’s world as she knew it becomes forever changed. Get ready for a story that fits its’ title billing.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics - Cover: Tula Lotay)

Bendis crafts a new vision in what we define “criminal” as. Emma is presented as an outsider to a world she knew nothing about. The dialogue with Preston is filled with themes of intrigue and wonder. His drive of “villainy” is an easy play for readers to see. The story behind her parents is a great surprise.

The latter half of the book dives further into the revelations bestowed onto Emma. The dynamic in seeing how she is processing all of this is keeps the audience locked in. Pacing never allows for this to get lost in the shuffle. Emma’s closing arc throws more mystery into the plot which peels more layers away to her new stat quo. It leaves much for readers to think about as they process what is sure to be the start of something truly special.

Maleev, Herring and Reed kick things ff with a frantic scene of Emma and the classroom. Once the FBI makes their appearance, the art team captures the fast moving moments with excellent usage of the word bubbles to match her reactions of doubt.

Readers are gifted a fantastic two-page image with a further dive into Emma’s parents history. It has a vintage feel like the Jim Steranko covers of Nick Fury to hook readers into their history. The “Unicorn Pow” images provide a solid break to the tone of the book. However, the closing moment ramps up some action and mystique before bowing out the story (for now).

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics - Cover: Peach Momoko)


The team of Bendis and Maleev strike another huge score with their latest mystery crime tale. Through fantastic writing and impressive imagery, the saga of Emma Lawford lives up to its’ apply titled name. The sins of the family come to light with an issue you can’t afford to miss at the local comic shop!

Hit me u on ODPH social media a let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the adventures of one of the Spider-verse’s most popular characters. Since impacting pop culture audiences in the smash Spider-Man Spider-verse animated films, Gwen Stacy from Earth-65 has become one of Marvel’s most beloved heroes. Now poised to take the lead in an all-new adventure, fans have much to be excited about.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH #1 by Melissa Flores (MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, THE DEAD LUCKY), Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles present the next chapter of the Ghost Spider. Let’s not wait any longer and see what the new story is all about!

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: David Nakayama)


On Earth 65, people are running out of “Freak Out”, an establishment that is hosting a certain band for the night. The group? The Mary-Janes! As Em Jay tries calming the crowd, the cause for the disruption appears to be Spider-Gwen aka Ghost-Spider!

Readers see a quick flashback to moments prior. While playing drums on stage, Gwen Stacy notices an approaching threat coming near the stage. Pink Velvet is making her way through the crowd. She’s addressing her social followers and touting about her super-villainy. Gwen’s sensing danger as she gets close to Em Jay.

Before she can strike, Pink Velvet is taken down by Ghost-Spider! However, the fallout works in Velvet’s favor. Being an “influencer”, Velvet speaks as she was the victim and paints the picture this is all Gwen’s fault. After a heart to heart with her dad, Gwen is called away to meet with the band.

Once she arrives, Gwen sees an offer of a lifetime. The Mary Janes have been asked to open for DAZZLER and the UNCUT GEMS for their tour!

Readers see how an offer of a lifetime has much more than meets the eye behind it. What could be the meaning behind their addition to the tour? The story cranks up the volume as Gwen and company get their information. They also get a party crasher fans won’t see coming. While still processing this, fans are left with a solid last song (or in this case image) until the next tour date.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: Ivan Tao)

Flores unveils a very fun and engaging story for readers right from the opening pages. Gwen is presented as an unlucky soul searching for something. The life of Ghost-Spider isn’t perfect and the clashes with Em Jay work to slowly build the drama. The moments with her father are brief but reinforce the drive to find her happiness through her musical responsibilities.

The story begins to take things up a few levels once Dazzler and her associates appear. Flores puts a few great twists on some classic characters, giving readers a fresh perspective. One in particular will catch some off guard, but that plays into the enjoyable aspect of what is being presented here. This all leads into the final act where more layers of the tale begin to peel back and show there’s more to the latest saga than just rock and roll.

Balam, D’Amico and Sifuentes keep things energetic as the music begins to play. Readers don’t have to wait too long to see Gwen in action. The scuffle with Pink Velvet is brief but gives readers a few noteworthy panels featuring Gwen in action. The moments with her dad rewind the tension and allow Gwen to have some character moments. This caps off with a fun train sequence meeting up with The Mary Janes.

The introduction of Dazzler and company makes an impression with a near full page panel. The art spotlights the mutant rockstar with some noteworthy concert visuals before ramping up the drama into the latter half of the book. The reimagined characters are featured well into the overall picture. Their spotlight is stolen by the antagonist, who leaves readers with great action sequences. This all leads to an excellent closing page before bowing out until next time.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: Peach Momoko)


No matter the earth, the life and times of Spider-Gwen are never ordinary. Flores’ creative takes and writing lead the visual ensemble of Balam, D’Amico, Sifuentes and Cowles to compose a new tale fans won’t want to skip on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Spider-Gwen: Smash! Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the protector of Gotham City and his so look to be breaking their latest case! Since its debut from DC Comics, the Dynamic Duo has been repairing its’ fractured bond while giving readers an amazing story to follow. Now, things escalate to a fever pitch as the case looks like it’s about to break wide open!

BATMAN AND ROBIN #4 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo, Mikel Janín, Jeromy Cox, Romulo Fajardo jr. and Steve Wands look to present another exciting thrill-ride for Gotham’s father and son vigilantes! Let’s take a closer look and see how things shape now shall we?

BATMAN AND ROBIN #4 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo, Mikel Janín, Jeromy Cox, Romulo Fajardo jr. and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics)


With most of the Bat Family exiled away after the events of “The Gotham War,” Bruce Wayne has taken his fight against crime to a new location. No longer at Wayne Manor, Batman has set up shop inside a brownstone. With his back-up personality still lingering after the effects of “Knight Terrors”, the Dark Knight continues his quest for Justice. Along for the ride is his teenaged son, Damien. Their relationship has been strained over the past few months. Their latest case might be the catalyst to heal their wounds.

While investigating an attempted kidnapping on Dr. Kafira, Batman was attacked by Bats! The alleged culprit behind the attack was Shush. Readers quickly foud out that she wasn’t the main boss. That honor belongs to an old friend: Kirk Langstrom aka MAN-BAT!

This issue begins with a flashback to Damian’s training with the League of Assassins. His trainer, Mistress Harsh, pushed his skill to the limit with an unorthodox test. When she deems he failed, Harsh hits Damian. Unknown to her, Talia Al Ghoul walks in and doesn’t appear to be happy. The outcome is one readers will have an inkling of happing but to what extend?

As the story jumps to the present, Man-Bat is addressing a defiant and restrained Robin. With Shush in the room , Damian holds his own with the banter with the bad guys. It’s enough to almost give Batman an easy route for the heroics. Man-Bat senses him and says to join the party. Batman obliges and onward goes the excitement.

How does the encounter go with Man-Bat? From this stage, the drama picks up as the duo now knows who their opposition truly is. The fallout delivers on giving some key notes as to how the father and son deal with the knowledge. This all rises right into the few ending pages. Once readers get to the end, there’s one bit of news that should generate some buzz heading into the next chapter. It’s another great piece of the winning formula of this series.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #4 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo, Mikel Janín, Jeromy Cox, Romulo Fajardo jr. and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: David Finch)

Williamson gives readers a strong payoff to the latest caper without doing a full reveal. The metamorphosis of Langston works to further the drama along. It also adds a new layer to the storied history of the enemies. Speaking of storied history, the strength of this series has been the bond between Father and Son.

Williamson’s writing spotlights Bruce and Damien's road back from estrangement. The flashback sequences show Damien’s past in a darker place in comparison to where he is now. The stark difference is seen in a few moments where the pair happily bond in their pursuit of the case. The ending moments solidify their bond while leaving readers with a great closing footnote until next issue.

The art duties are spilt this issue between Di Meo and Janin. With Damian’s initial flashback sequence, Janin sets up Damian’s brashness with solid action behind it. Batman gets his fair share with a near full page panel that shifts gears in the story direction. Janin also delivers an epic two page image of the Dynamic Duo in happier times that is sure to please fans.

Di Meo comes crashing in with his own two-page full splash page bringing Batman crashing into the story. The imagery is fast placed. This gives this Bat book a certain feel to it that drives the building drama with each page. This issue has a great 1-2 punch with the art leading into a great closing panel to cap events off with. It’s always a highlight reading this series.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #4 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo, Mikel Janín, Jeromy Cox, Romulo Fajardo jr. and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Gleb Melnikov)


The latest case for Bruce and Damian Wayne closes in one aspect but opens a surprise one with this latest issue. Williamson’s strong writing balances the family and crime-fighting while the dual art threat of Di Meo and Janin gives readers a wonderful trip through the vivid imagery. Make sure you have this series on your pull lists at the local comic shop!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman and Robin #4. Thanks for reading!

OUTSIDERS #2 (DC Comics)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along a trio of individuals that strive to know the unknown. Luke Fox. Kate Kane. Drummer. This unlikely group blazed its’ own trail in their debut issue. Now the question becomes what secret will they unlock in the DC Universe now?

OUTSIDERS #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Robert Carey, Valentina Taddeo and Tom Napolitano (DC COMICS) brings forth a new expedition into the hidden world of DC Comics. Let’s follow along as the trio takes another plunge into mystery!

OUTSIDERS #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Robert Carey, Valentina Taddeo and Tom Napolitano (DC COMICS - Cover: Roger Cruz)


The story begins with the trio conversing in their offices in London, England. Kate Kane takes the lead and starts describing an experience she had while at West Point. Kane breaks down an expedition to the Enlil triangle, investigating a unique storm. While out at sea, a creature emerged and took out the fleet researching the area for rescue.

Kane tries selling the point of investigating the creature and the storm. Knowing the area has been a mystery for 25 years, Kane feels this is Outsiders business 101. However, the rest of the team shown some hesitance. After some deliberation, the group heads into the Enlil Island Chain to unlock the secret of the storm.

Once they arrive, they come across something that readers won’t see coming. Blocking their path of discovery is a long-standing DC Comics team that knows a thing or two about “Challenging Unknown” obstacles. The Outsiders cross paths with the new CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN!

What happens when the two units are in search of the same answers? Readers find out fast that the Challengers are not the same group they remember. The new dynamic plays into an unforeseen hurdle on the search for the truth. The drama heightens as the search goes further into the sea. The resolution leaves much to ponder as the ending presents a new thought. The final moment closes out the story on a solid note, while giving some inklings of where this team is heading as their story has just begun.

OUTSIDERS #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Robert Carey, Valentina Taddeo and Tom Napolitano (DC COMICS - Cover: David Marquez)

The HiveMind further play into the mysteries of the DCU by re-envisioning one of DC’s classic teams. The writing walks readers through their history just enough to sense their impact on the story. The breakout character thus far has to be Kate Kane. Seeing the tension building with conversation with Fox challenge how this tea can co-exist.

Meanwhile, the mission at hand showed various layers before drawing its’ conclusion. The personalities clash just enough to give readers a different sense of teamwork. This point is highlighted in the closing act. It gives its’ payoff to the brooding internal conflict and continues to move the latest chapter forward. The closing moments leave readers on an optimistic note as the writing reflects the new team is still finding their footing. All the while, the writing juggles many points on the road to leave the readers well invested at this ambitious story.

Carey and Taddeo leaves readers with many different looks on this team’s latest quest. There is an excellent two page spread welcoming the creature from Kate’s past into the current story. The conversation panels show Kane’s frustration in getting the team invested in her. This does taper off once the rival characters make thier appearance.

The Challengers make a grand entrance with a stand-out fill page panel. Their introduction panels are presented in an easy-to-follow style which makes an easy transition once the drama begins to ramp up. The closing image will give readers pause to what’s next. It’s a great full page parting shot mirroring the prime driver of a solid driven story.

OUTSIDERS #2 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Robert Carey, Valentina Taddeo and Tom Napolitano (DC COMICS - Cover: Serg Acuna)


The latest challenge for DC’s newest super-team displays an emotional driven tale. The HiveMind balance the drama and excitement with fantastic writing. Carey, Taddeo and Napolitano construct huge moments with driven reactions to continue making this a book not to be missed on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Outsiders #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest chapter in DC Comics’ huge crossover event: BEAST WORLD. With the Tians stepping into the role of the premier superhero team, they have been tested like never before. What happens when one of their own becomes the problem behind a global catastrophe? Nightwing and company are finding out first hand.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott continues the chaos as the heroes scramble to stop it. Let’s take a closer look and see how things are going now.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics)


When the Necrostar is released from its’ planet prison via Brother Eternity, the Titans lead the charge to stop the oncoming threat. Beast Boy takes a huge gamble and makes himself into the one being that might be capable of stopping the threat. He turns himself into a Starro.

After the space altercation, an unforeseen presence makes their move. Amanda Waller has sent Doctor Hate to intervene. Beast Boy is now infected and attacking the earth with spore-like creature. The people of Earth are transforming into beast of their own.

The story picks up with Cyborg and Raven floating in space. Both are reeling from the initial encounter of the Necrostar. As they start gathering their surroundings, they see a number of the DC Universe’s most powerful heroes trying to stop Beast Boy’s attack.

Meanwhile back on Earth, ANIMAL MAN is being overwhelmed by the surge of animal-humans taking over. In Bludhaven, Nightwing and Batman are doing all they can to help the innocent survive the ordeal. When a young boy becomes trapped in a car, Batman flies in for the save. During the rescue, Batman is wounded via a bite that nearly rips his arm off.

Nightwing swoops in for help but the next moments switch everything on its’ axis. What transpires pushes Dick Grayson to his limits. In the process, he (along with readers) find more clues about the spread of the animal infection. Will it be enough to turn the tide or will another force factor in to delay their cause? If the final image is any indication, the battle has only just begun for the heroes of the DC Universe.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Björn Barends)

Taylor keep things centered around the face of the Titans for this chapter. The struggle Nightwing shows to the conflict shows many sides. Not only is the world around him becoming unglued, but he is forced to confront a threat he never wants to face. The moments before that fight occurs, Taylor shows Grayson’s fears pouring out as he knows what is coming. The emotional gut-punches with Batman and Nightwing play into how readers can sense the conflict is weighing on them.

The other main characters of the story gets their times to shine. None Moreso than the main culprit behind the escalation of events. With a power struggle looming behind the scenes of a global crisis, Taylor paces each level out to keep a fair balance of drama and action.

Reis, Miki, Anderson and Abbott bring stunning visuals to this issue. The full page image of the DCU heroes fighting Gar-Starro makes an immediate statement. The more low-key moments center around Batman and Nightwing. The reaction Batman gives the young boy after a question is asked shows a different side to the Dark Knight.

This leads into some fantastic action, building towards a monstrous full page image that amplifies events. Mixed with other heroes emotions, the closing panels cap off the feeling that the tide might start turning or be lost forever. There is much to enjoy with the art displayed here.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Kendrick Lim)


The chaos spirals more out of control in the next chapter of DC’s monster crossover. Led by Taylor’s emotional writing, the battle waged by the heroes comes to life through the vivid imagery of Reis, Miki, Anderson and Abbott. Don’t miss what unfolds here on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are on the battlelines of NYC as war has erupted via Marvel Entertainment. With a power vacuum of the criminal underworld now open, every crime boss is making a play for the throne. Standing in their way is a friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN. The question now remains: Is he going to be enough to stop the war or has the city already been lost?

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #39 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna lead Peter Parker into battle to save New York City! Let’s take a closer peek and see how things are shaping up!

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #39 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel Entertainment)


The story begins six hours after the first strike was taken in the Gang War. The Streets are on fire. The residents are in the crossfire. A couple is trying to run away from the violence. Unfortunately, they run into a figure trying to stake is claim in the battle. He is the Ringmaster, from the Circus of Crime.

The couple gets hypnotized into joining the battle. Ringmaster leads their charge as the opposition comes from Crime-Master and A.I.M. With the conflict spiraling out of control, time is not an ally. There is an invested group watching over the rooftops. Their arrival is not a moment too soon.

Peter Parker has recruited some allies to save NYC. She-Hulk, Daredevil (Elektra), Spider-Woman and Miles Morales are waiting to strike. With innocent residents used as soldiers, Spidey and company know that extra care is needed. Once A.I.M. sends in a tank, the time for waiting is over.

The action revs up as the heroes enter the war. Readers see how the initial counter fares. It sets a pace for where things unfold from here. However, there are more figures making their presence known in this claim for the throne. None will be bigger than a return of one prominent player who could be the game-changer through all of this. If anyone isn’t sure about the magnitude of said character, just wait for the final page to send readers into the next chapter.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #39 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - cover: Patrick Gleason)

Wells kicks off the first round of actin with a solid entry. Right form the start, seeing how badly New York City is faring makes a big statement. The use of civilians as soldiers shows the desperation and disregard Ringmaster has to stake his claim for territory. Readers are treated to great Spidey action as his team of allies make a big debut.

The break-off adventure later with him and She-Hulk is another stand-out moment. The banter is fun and provides a relief from the drama unfolding. The sub-plot with the crime bosses amplifies with a great return. Throwing in a wild-card to the mix, Wells creates a few uneasy alliances which should have a big payoff later. The issue ends on a great note to move things forward as desperate times call for desperate measures.

Romita JR and Hanna bring excellent storytelling to the pages of this chapter. Fans are greeted to a huge two-page full spread showing the conflict between Crime-Master and Ringmaster. This is matched with another two-page spread announcing the heroes’ arrival to the conflict. The art captures the impact of the returning character to raise up the writing. Seeing the frustration and anxiousness this character creates solidifies the importance of what they’re bringing. The final pages reflect that, even with sneaking in a quip on the way out.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #39 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - cover: Lee Garbett)


“Gang War” launches Peter Parker and friends into the conflict head-on with a great introduction. Wells, Romita jr, Hanna and the team construct excellent action with high-stakes drama to give readers a great read for New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Amazing Spider-Man #39. Thanks for reading!