Wonder Woman


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the countdown to extinction starts for the DC Universe. Over the past few years, the seeds have been planted. Fans that have read Batman, Superman, Titans: Beast World, and Suicide Squad: Dream Team just to name a few, have seen the work. One character has been weaving her plans in the shadows. Her name is AMANDA WALLER.

Now, one of the DC Universe’s most dangerous people is about to unleash her plans into the spotlight.

ABSOLUTE POWER: GROUND ZERO #1 by Mark Waid, Nicole Maines, Skylar Patridge, Patricio Delpeche, Steve Wands, Chip Zdarsky, V. Ken Marion, Joshua Williamson and Gleb Melnikov (DC COMICS) showcases the final moments before Waller takes her plans for the DC Heroes to a whole new level.

Let’s see how things look before ABSOLUTE POWER begins!

ABSOLUTE POWER: GROUND ZERO #1 by Mark Waid, Nicole Maines, Skylar Patridge, Patricio Delpeche, Steve Wands, Chip Zdarsky, V. Ken Marion, Joshua Williamson and Gleb Melnikov (DC COMICS) Cover: Dan Mora


The issue is broken into three separate Stages:

Stage #1 by Mark Waid, Nicole Maines, Skylar Patridge, Patricio Delpeche, and Steve Wands centers around Jay Nakamura. On Gammora Island, Waller has taken out its’ president. Nakamura is next on the list, but where does Dreamer’s loyalties lie?

Stage #2 by Waid, Chip Zdarsky, V. Ken Marion, Delpeche and Wands features the latest “recruit” of the Suicide Squad: John Starr aka Time Commander. Waller has a certain mission for Starr’s skills. The mission is not one of enjoyment. Starr is given the task of bringing back a robotic evil that took a combined effort of the Bat-Family to defeat!

Stage #3 by Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov and Wands serves as an epilogue to the “House Of Brainiac” storyline in Action Comics and Superman. With a very big loose end to address, Waller takes it upon herself to handle this variable. What results may be the final piece to her puzzle of Absolute Power!

If anyone is new to the world of Amanda Waller, this book will give you enough insight on why she is hated and feared in the DCU. Each stage shows a varying degree. The first is the effect of her presence on Dreamer.

Stage One is a heavily emotionally driven tale. The conversations with Nakamura and Dreamer will catch readers attention. Dreamer comes across as a sympathetic character caught between what’s right and what is perceived right by Waller. Where her character goes from here will be one story to watch moving forward.

Patridge and Delpeche focus much on the art on the facial reactions of the two leads. The anger and self loathing will lock in readers. The images connect how personal the actions and consequences are. In the conclusion, the panels tease what’s next. Will it be a road to redemption or slipping deeper into danger? Only time will tell.

Stage Two borrows a similar theme from the beginning stage. Starr is a reluctant character forced to work against his will. Knowing what lies ahead, the sense of danger and anxiety ring true. It serves as a gateway from Zdarsky’s Batman to the crossover. The story is a very quick one but does a fair job in explaining what is forthcoming in the event.

Marion crafts a fast moving tale with the writing team. The only moments of pause are Starr’s looks of peril. It never escapes reader’s attention as his fear of what is coming grows with each page. The near full page ending drives home the regret of what has transpired and how Starr is sinking quickly into a grave dug by Waller.

Arguably the strongest stage of all, Stage Three leaves no question at how heartless Waller can be to get what she wants. Her plan to influence an impressionable key player connects with readers. It is devious from start to finish. The concluding act drops a big exclamation point to casting the first shot into her enemies.

Melnikov brings out the best of Waller’s imposing personality. The reactions to events never rattle the head of Task Force X. This is easy to cypher when she puts her plans in motion. Seeing how she puts up a facade with the unknowing victim echoes the lines crossed for her impending victory. The stage is capped off with a full page spread welcoming the beginning of the end. Brace for impact.


Welcome to a new era of danger courtesy of Amanda Waller. Each stage serves as a compliment to previous stories, but is a solid entry point for new readers. The writing goes to great lengths to amplify what Waller is capable of. The art plays off the emotional pull of the reluctant characters turned pawns in the quest for Absolute Power.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving back into one of the biggest pop culture crossovers in history. Combining two of Hollywood’s historic monsters is big enough, but adding in DC Comics’ legendary franchise takes it to a whole other level. Within a few issues, the series has delivered on big action and shows no signs of slowing down!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft picks up after last issue’s shocking ending. Let’s see where things stand now after the dust has settled!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics - Cover: Drew Johnson)


When Godzilla invades Metropolis, this moves draws the attention of the Man of Steel himself, Superman. Little did he or the rest of the DCU know that the King of All Monsters would become the catalyst for an invasion of the Monsterverse into the DC Universe. It also doesn’t help matters that looming in the wings are the Legion of Doom. However, they have shifted their attention to one of its’ members who’s gone rogue.

The first round has gone the way of the monsters in the initial encounter. Superman appears to have fallen in battle with Godzilla. With the rest of the DC Heroes trying to stop other monsters form destroying cities, is there anyone who can stop Godzilla now?

This issue starts in Central City. The Fastest Man Alive, The Flash (Barry Allen) is running into danger. The destination is Iron Heights Prison. What’s waiting for him is MUTO, a classic cthulhu-hybrid monster. Flash heads into the prison to stop a riot from the inmates. As a fog looms overhead, Flash slows down. This allows the meta-prisoners to get the upper hand on the hero.

Luckily, back-up arrives quickly as Supergirl and Green Lantern crash the party. With the mist dealt with, the focus shifts back to stopping MUTO. Plans are derailed for Supergirl as she notices she can’t hear Superman’s heart beat. Knowing something is wrong, she races back to Metropolis.

Readers bare witness to a bloodied and defeated Superman in the street. With other heroes trying to slow down the monster, one takes blame for the fallen Man of Tomorrow. SHAZAM powers up to take down Godzilla once and for all.

How does The World’s Mightiest Mortal contend? The answer doesn’t wait long to appear. The action moves fast as events spiral out of the heroes control. Can they find a way to get their “home field advantage” back? If the final moments are any indication, things might be going from bad to even worse!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics - Cover: Mike Deodato Jr.)

Buccellato spares no expense on delivering a non-stop thrill ride with this latest installment. Right from the beginning, the Flash conflict spotlights another DC Hero struggling to believe what they’re dealing with. Buccellato doesn’t spend too much time dwelling on the wonder and kicks right into the heart of the conflict and ultimate resolution.

The shift to Metroplois makes perfect sense as DC’s most powerful hero is defeated. The sense of panic fills those panels until ultimately Shazam enters the fray. Juggling so many characters, Buccellato never forces or cuts short time in the chapter. Each major player gets their moment to tell their part. Pacing helps build up the closing act as a dangerous entity looks to have become even more dealy. There’s such a big “Hollywood” feel to this story that continues to impress.

The art gives each monster a dramatic entrance while building up their moments on page. Duce and Guerrero mix in near full page panels to emphasize this aspect. The moments with Godzilla really capture readers’ attention. From a near full page action shot to a fantastic two page spread, the fight rages on to an easy fan approval. The emotions run high as well concerning the fate of Superman.

Duce and Guerrero balance out the surge of fear and denial concerning the fallen ally with the frantic setting of the story. The latter half of the issue shines as a major player appears to be ready to impact the main plot. The issue is capped off with a strong final image tipping its hand at how bad things are going to become. Another great visual read!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics - Cover: Simone Di Meo)


The mayhem continues as the omnsters run wild in the DCU. Buccellato weaves in big action with emotions running high as hope takes a huge hit. The art team construct visuals that give this story the proper larger than life feel it deserves. If you’re not picking this up on New Comic Book Day, you’re really missing out!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest chapter in DC Comics’ huge crossover event: BEAST WORLD. With the Tians stepping into the role of the premier superhero team, they have been tested like never before. What happens when one of their own becomes the problem behind a global catastrophe? Nightwing and company are finding out first hand.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott continues the chaos as the heroes scramble to stop it. Let’s take a closer look and see how things are going now.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics)


When the Necrostar is released from its’ planet prison via Brother Eternity, the Titans lead the charge to stop the oncoming threat. Beast Boy takes a huge gamble and makes himself into the one being that might be capable of stopping the threat. He turns himself into a Starro.

After the space altercation, an unforeseen presence makes their move. Amanda Waller has sent Doctor Hate to intervene. Beast Boy is now infected and attacking the earth with spore-like creature. The people of Earth are transforming into beast of their own.

The story picks up with Cyborg and Raven floating in space. Both are reeling from the initial encounter of the Necrostar. As they start gathering their surroundings, they see a number of the DC Universe’s most powerful heroes trying to stop Beast Boy’s attack.

Meanwhile back on Earth, ANIMAL MAN is being overwhelmed by the surge of animal-humans taking over. In Bludhaven, Nightwing and Batman are doing all they can to help the innocent survive the ordeal. When a young boy becomes trapped in a car, Batman flies in for the save. During the rescue, Batman is wounded via a bite that nearly rips his arm off.

Nightwing swoops in for help but the next moments switch everything on its’ axis. What transpires pushes Dick Grayson to his limits. In the process, he (along with readers) find more clues about the spread of the animal infection. Will it be enough to turn the tide or will another force factor in to delay their cause? If the final image is any indication, the battle has only just begun for the heroes of the DC Universe.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Björn Barends)

Taylor keep things centered around the face of the Titans for this chapter. The struggle Nightwing shows to the conflict shows many sides. Not only is the world around him becoming unglued, but he is forced to confront a threat he never wants to face. The moments before that fight occurs, Taylor shows Grayson’s fears pouring out as he knows what is coming. The emotional gut-punches with Batman and Nightwing play into how readers can sense the conflict is weighing on them.

The other main characters of the story gets their times to shine. None Moreso than the main culprit behind the escalation of events. With a power struggle looming behind the scenes of a global crisis, Taylor paces each level out to keep a fair balance of drama and action.

Reis, Miki, Anderson and Abbott bring stunning visuals to this issue. The full page image of the DCU heroes fighting Gar-Starro makes an immediate statement. The more low-key moments center around Batman and Nightwing. The reaction Batman gives the young boy after a question is asked shows a different side to the Dark Knight.

This leads into some fantastic action, building towards a monstrous full page image that amplifies events. Mixed with other heroes emotions, the closing panels cap off the feeling that the tide might start turning or be lost forever. There is much to enjoy with the art displayed here.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Kendrick Lim)


The chaos spirals more out of control in the next chapter of DC’s monster crossover. Led by Taylor’s emotional writing, the battle waged by the heroes comes to life through the vivid imagery of Reis, Miki, Anderson and Abbott. Don’t miss what unfolds here on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a very special edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, DC Comics is giving readers one hell of a holiday treat. Gotham City can very very unfriendly to outsiders. However, one person pays no mind as he travels there on his route around the globe every December 25th. What event could possibly bring Kris Kringle to the scariest city in the DC Universe?

BATMAN/SANTA KLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT #1 by Jeff Parker, Michele Bandini, Alex Sinclair, and Pat Brosseau kicks off an unforgettable story perfect for the holiday season. Let’s take a closer look and see how this team-up fares.

BATMAN/SANTA KLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT #1 by Jeff Parker, Michele Bandini, Alex Sinclair, and Pat Brosseau (Credit: DC COMICS - Cover: Dan Mora)


The story begins with a group of Carolers singing in downtown Gotham. Flying overhead is a mysterious group of creatures that appear to have bat wings. As the group presses onward to sing in the cold, their performance is cut short. The creatures attack the singing group and leave no survivors.

Arriving on the scene to investigate is the Dynamic Duo of Batman and Robin. During their exam, Batman notices a neck puncture that appears to have drained their blood. Knowing this seems out of the ordinary, Batman calls in some help. Walking thru a portal is the Mistress of Magic herself: Zatanna!

After using a spell, she deciphers that creatures known as the Draug are at fault. Zatanna mentions that the Draug are of Norse Vampire decent. As she is breaking down her findings, one such creature attacks! While it’s in the air, the creature is impaled by a wooden stake. The person behind the weapon? None other than SANTA CLAUS!

Readers quickly find out that this is not the same jolly ol’ Saint Nick that they usually think of. What is his connection to the case? More importantly, what is his connection to Batman?!

As the story progresses, the unlikely team-up dives further into what is behind the Draug being unleashed. Readers get an early holiday gift with fast-paced action and memorable conversations between Santa and some of Gotham’s finest. This all leads into a final page where it appears someone has Santa on their naughty list and plans on delivering pain and suffering as a gift next issue!

BATMAN/SANTA KLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT #1 by Jeff Parker, Michele Bandini, Alex Sinclair, and Pat Brosseau (Credit: DC COMICS - Cover: Derrick Chew)

Readers get an early gift via the most unlikely of team-ups. The issue moves briskly to hit its’ major points. Parker mixes in well timed one-liners with a more serious narrative. A good majority of this comes from Damien Wayne’s dialogue. Seeing Batman a bit more at ease and less brooding was a nice change as well. The story still had a dramatic feel to it, but one that also embraced the fun aspect and ran with it. This will be a version of Santa Klaus that won’t soon be forgotten.

Each time Santa makes an entrance, Parker sets it up to connect with the audience as a major plot point. Heading into the closing moments, Parker unveils much the background story that flows easily into the present. It caps off with a strong final image that is sure to have fans excited to see where things head next.

Bandini, Sinclair and Brosseau don’t delay about setting the tone for this debut issue. The two-page spread of the Draug’s first strike establishes the dangers lying ahead. This is followed up by full (or near full) page debuts for all the major DCU heroes at play.

Doing introductions like this to readers gives more weight to the impactful appearances. The issue is filled with great action images. This plays off the fun dialogue extremely well. The art team builds up the closing images with a dramatic flair to cap off a fun ride that is a fantastic present for readers.

BATMAN/SANTA KLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT #1 by Jeff Parker, Michele Bandini, Alex Sinclair, and Pat Brosseau (Credit: DC COMICS - Cover: Otto Schimdt)


The Dark Knight joining forces with Father Christmas makes for an exciting beginning to what will only be a legendary story. Parker’s exciting writing blends perfectly with Bandini and Sinclair’s energetic art to give readers a tale that they won’t be able to wait to Christmas Day to read! Make sure to pick this one up on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1. Thanks for Reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the return of one of DC Comics’ Trinity Characters. In their illustrious history, there has been many heroes of legend but three have stood above the rest: Superman, Batman and Princess Diana of Themyscira otherwise known as Wonder Woman!

Since debuting in ALL-STAR COMICS #8 in 1941, the adventures of Diana Prince have become that of legend amongst comic readers. Now poised to start a new chapter under the “Dawn Of DC” banner, there is a ton of buzz surrounding her latest saga due to the talented creative team behind it.

WONDER WOMAN #1 by Tom King (Mr. Miracle), Daniel Sampere (ACTION COMICS), Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles kicks off a brand new story that is sure to be one fans will be talking about at the LCS this week. Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on, shall we?

WONDER WOMAN #1 by Tom King (Mr. Miracle), Daniel Sampere (ACTION COMICS), Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics)


The issue begins in West Billings, Montana with a simple game of Pool at a bar. The narration leads readers to think that an event has already happened. In the moment, there is some unwelcomed banter amongst patrons. The end result is an Amazonian is smashing a disrespectful male head-first thru the table.

As more male patrons of the bar interject themselves into the conflict, the end result leaves them no reward. When the smoke has cleared, nineteen males are dead inside the bar.

The news media is reflecting the public’s shock about this attack. Some are putting a spin on the events. Suddenly, a man’s phone gets a message that interrupts his meeting with two other individuals. When leaving the meeting, the mysterious figure kills the two businessmen after revealing he was working undercover to expose them. With the bodies laying dead and a room full of scared patrons, the man simply walks up to the counter and leaves his business card to give to the authorities. His name is Sgt. Steel

Steel is now put in charge of a unit known as the Amazon Extradition Entity (A.X.E.). AXE is the result of the Congress-passed Amazon Safety Act, which bans Amazons from being inside U.S. Borders.

Readers will need to brace for the viciousness of Steele and his unit. What transpires next will send shockwaves through the DCU. These actions don’t go unanswered as there is someone who has a very vested interest in discovering the truth and the U.S. might not be ready for what Hell she will bring when she strikes. If that is not enough, just wait for the final moments to add more fuel on an already enraged fire!

WONDER WOMAN #1 by Tom King (Mr. Miracle), Daniel Sampere (ACTION COMICS), Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics - Cover : Chris Bachalo)

King constructs such a multi-layered conflict in this opening issue. The idea of the Amazons being banned from the United States is a fantastic twist. With Diana being such a popular and respected public figure, the new stat quo brings forth how will the people now look at Diana after Congress makes their move. King gives some insight to this, but readers can expect the payoff to be later in this series. The question ultimately becomes where will they ultimately side: Diana or the Government?

Steel proves to be a solid foil to what Diana is up against. His blind loyalty is a reflection of the government’s opinions as they push an agenda forward. This is brought to terrifying light on their initial move. The pace nicely builds the tension before the eventual meeting of opposing forces. The action hits when it graces the story but its’ fallout plays a bigger factor. the closing moments throw everything on its’ head as another piece is added to an already impressive puzzle.

Sampere brings this story to life with easy and anxiousness as things swiftly change. The initial outing in the bar paints a vivid picture of the melee that transpired. Excellent full-page panel to light the fuse for this portion. Also noteworthy is the use of the 9-panel page for when the reporters come into the story. Sampere also adds much emotion to the supporting cast of Steel’s attack.

The mannerisms range from scared, frightened to Steel’s maniacal enjoyment of what is happening. The mood changes later as Steel sees exactly who he’s up against as a ill page stand-out visual welcomes that character to the party. The closing moments throw a swerve into where things are heading with a parting image to close out a strong debut chapter.

WONDER WOMAN #1 by Tom King (Mr. Miracle), Daniel Sampere (ACTION COMICS), Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics - Cover : Mikel Janín)


Mixing in the superhero world with political conspiracies brings forth a grave challenge to Princess Diana of Themyscira. Through King’s superb writing, the visuals from Sampere and Morey paint a fractured and dangerous new world with one character fighting for justice against insurmountable odds. The hype is completely justified on what is happening within these pages. Don’t miss out on NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Wonder Woman #1. Thanks for reading!