The World’s Finest have fought for good in many locations. Alternate dimensions. Different timelines. Wherever they have gone, Batman and Superman make their presence felt. One place out of their element is Atlantis. Under the water, there is one king: Aquaman. When the King calls for help, you had better believe the pair is diving head first into danger!

BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #35 by Mark Waid, Adrián Gutiérrez, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (DC Comics) kicks off a brand new underwater adventure!

Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest saga!

BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #35 by Mark Waid, Adrián Gutiérrez, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (DC Comics)


Waid takes readers into the depths with this latest installment. Adding Aquaman into the mix provides a fun dynamic. The banter between him and Robin keeps things light-hearted until its’ time to spring into action. Once here, things change drastically. The outbreak of a virus causes havoc. It also pushes various parties to the brink of war.

Lori Lemaris and King Ronal have conflicting views of more heroes involved. Waid plays off the history of Lemaris and Superman very well. It even draws out a smile from Batman. The good feelings don’t last for long. Readers watch as there is more unravelling taking place. Once the play is made, the World’s finest is on their defensive. It also puts Aquaman into a crossfire. The orchestrated attack seems to have a surprising mastermind behind it. Judging by the last page, fans are in for a very wild ride.

Gutiérrez and Bonvillain bring an exciting vision of the seven seas to life. The opening full page shot of Poseidonis and Tritionis gives a small insight to the larger issue later on. Seeing how the virus is infecting connects with readers. It’s a vast contrast form the peaceful moments with Aquaman and the other heroes. The art gives a calmer picture before heading head first into conflict.

Once underwater, the action sequences start to take off. This leads to a reunion of Superman and Lemaris. The reactions of the characters display tells of an underlying issue in wait. Ronal’s disdain for Superman is clearly evident. This plays into their conflict later in the chapter. Aquaman doesn’t escape the anger either. The people of his kingdom unite in a striking group shot (which pops due to Wands lettering). Pacing moves things right along as the conclusion hit. The last page reveals a shocking figure via full page spread. It will definitely catch readers for a loop. Leave it to the creative team to end things on such an exclamation point.


The World’s Finest plunge into danger with their latest tale. Waid’s writing sets up a multi-layered front. Gutiérrez, Bonvillain and Wands construct a strong vision of conflicts under the sea. This will be one for fans to check out.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #35. Thanks for reading.


Renee Montoya’s latest case is a doozie. As the new security on the JL watchtower, Montoya seeks answers. Kenn Kawa is left for dead. The evidence points to Batwoman. With the past personal relationship weighing in, Is Montoya’s judgement clouded? There’s little time to process as the Eradicator has entered the field. This problem might be more than The Question can possibly answer.

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #3 (DC COMICS) by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Willie Schubert continues to expose the attack on the Justice League’s home turf.

Let’s take a closer look at the latest installment.

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #3 (DC COMICS) by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Willie Schubert


Segura puts Montoya into a very unforeseen scenario. The case has spiraled into a more complex situation. Kawa being the intended target remains a mystery why. As she goes through her findings, Montoya is forced into some confrontations. The tense reunion with Batwoman proves to create a difficult path for answers. The writing never lets the tension escape until a situation forces a pivot.

With the Eradicator involved, readers watch as Montoya amps up her efforts. The methods she evokes are driven by rage. Pacing has done a great job in slowly building this reaction up. Once Montoya unloads, it makes a statement. This blinds her to what is really going on. In the shadows, moves are being made. This is very familiar in set-up. The responsible party is anything but predictable. Once the mastermind behind all of this is revealed, this moves Montoya’s efforts into a dire corner. Rest assured, the last page will lock in readers for the next chapter.

Tormey and Fajardo Jr. break down recent events nicely within the first few pages. This leads into a full page image of Montoya’s reluctant partner on the case. Coloring works perfectly on the attack of Ted Kord. The use of shadows connects with readers as the mastermind is slowly revealed.

It’s a big contrast to Montoya questioning The Eradicator. The art depicts the emotional release that’s been growing in Montoya. Eradicator’s reactions only prompt more out of the The Question. It is a scene that steals what’s happening in the background. Once the main attack begins, the mood shifts. Montoya’s reactions reflect the shocking turn of events. The panel structure raises the moments before the final page. Once there, a full page image hits as business has picked up for Montoya’s search for truth on the watchtower.


Lurking in the shadows is an unlikely truth in The Question’s latest case. Segura’s writing delves into the toll taken on Montoya while the mastermind makes their debut. Tormey, Fajardo Jr. and Schubert bring on the bad guys with strong imagery. Brace for the last page’s impact!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Question: All Along The Watchtower #3. Thanks for reading!


A new era in the Green Lantern mythos begins now. After the Thaaros saga concluded, Oa has risen once more. The home of the Green Lantern Corps signifies a fresh start for the galaxy’s lawful heroes. It also brings new dangers front and center.

A mysterious figure is looking for the Book of Oa. Can Hal Jordan and company stop the Sorrow before it’s too late?

GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams, V. Ken Marion, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe kicks off a brand new story arc in style.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest space odyssey.

GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams, V. Ken Marion, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe (DC Comics) Cover: Fernando Blanco


Adams gives readers a straight forward build coming out of a huge event. Considering all the Corps have been through with Thaaros, the mood is promising. Sorrow’s opening segment contrasts that completely. It heightens what’s forthcoming. Seeing Hal Jordan smiling and enjoying his time sets a fun pace heading into the chapter.

Seeing the corps working together is another solid moment. Kilowog’s return is already a fan-favorite event. The foreshadowing of more gives a quick diversion before the celebrations begin. Adams really gives the Lanterns a sense of repurpose. This ultimately gets disrupted by a certain party crasher. At the stage, pacing picks. up. The conflict is short lived but leaves its’ mark. Its’ fallout unveils a new thread into the Lantern mythos. This becomes a rallying point setting the course for the next big event. All in all, the writing is very solid for this lead in.

Marion and Fajardo Jr. give The Sorrow a full page splash to kick this book off. The interactions with the librarian waste no time setting an uneasy mood. It is a big contrast to Jordan in space. Each panel shows how he “found his smile again”. This leads into a great page of the Lanterns reuniting for Oa’s battery. Jessica Cruz holding court shows promise of what’s to come until Sorrow hits the scene.

Opening with a full page brawl with Guy Gardner, the latest threat makes a big impact with readers. The only downside is the conflict is brief. This leads into a striking page featuring Gardner confessing to a secret. It catapults events into the closing image. Readers will be excited to see the last panel. The image sets the tone for what lies ahead for the reunited squad.


The next phase of the Green Lantern legacy starts on a strong note. Adams’ writing delivers on constructing the drama with memorable moments. Marion, Fajardo Jr. and Sharpe present a united front bracing for a dark challenge ahead. Readers should expect big things from this latest arc.

hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1. Thanks for reading!


What has Angela Alva done! The heir apparent to S.Y.S.T.E.M. has taken out the Blood Syndicate and captured Hardware. Rocket looks for a way to fight back. A failed attempt to recruit Static leads her into unchartered waters. All the while, the Shadow Cabinet looks poised to intervene whether asked or not.

MILESTONE UNIVERSE: THE SHADOW CABINET #3 by Joseph Illidge, Denys Cowan, Darryl Banks, Atagun Ilhan, & Chris Sotomayor delivers the pen-ultimate chapter of the latest from Milestone Media!

Let’s not wait any longer and dive in.

MILESTONE UNIVERSE: THE SHADOW CABINET #3 by Joseph Illidge, Denys Cowan, Darryl Banks, Atagun Ilhan, & Chris Sotomayor (MILESTONE MEDIA/DC COMICS)


Illidge brings the heroes of the Milestone Universe to the brink. Rocket has been a one-woman crusader through this ordeal. Within the opening pages, she has to process what Angela Alva has started. This leads her into a final stand that will either make or break the universe. The writing is very straight-forward. Readers easily know that the stakes have never been higher. It is complimented by Static’s change of stance. With the deck stacked against them, there is a glimmer of hope left.

This is all due to Angela Alva. After capturing Hardware, Alva unloads her secrets in celebration. The Alva family history is tragic and unapologetic. Readers watch as Angela has been forged through pain and a yearning to belong. Even in victory, the writing also shows how she has lost. Angela’s crowning achievement backfires. This leads into a long overdue return. With the conflict escalating, the final pieces are put in place to face off. Pacing moves events right along to a solid parting spot before its’ conclusion next chapter. Readers should expect a big ending for next issue.

The art showcases how troubling things have become. Rocket’s opening sequence displays her uncertainty as things fall apart. This matches Static’s decision after meeting with his family. The moment jumps off the pages as Virgil Hawkins wears his heart on his sleeve. Readers can sense the “big fight feel” approaching with his closing panel image.

Angela Alva’s story takes up a good portion of the book. The panels primarily use a 9 panel se-up. This hones in on her family history as well as her own journey. Readers watch as the end result leaves a new figure in place via full page image. Pacing picks up pages as events start spinning towards the finish. The initial heavyweight bout is packing action. It is a monumental showdown that is poised to a strong finish. The book closes with back to back full page images. Readers have a strong lead-in towards the epic conclusion.


The secrets of the Alva family set into the spotlight of the Shadow Cabinet’s pen-ultimate chapter. Illidge delivers Angela’s story with strong writing. The art constructs a multitude of emotions as the final showdown begins. This will be a tough wait for the finale.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Milestone Universe: The Shadow Cabinet #3. Thanks for reading!


HAIL TO THE KING! Arthur Curry has been a major player in the DCU for decades. The legacy he has left is immeasurable. Founding member of the JLA. Ruler of Atlantis. King of the Seven Seas. Curry has even made a successful transition into pop culture with two hit Hollywood movies leading the way.

It is only fitting that the King returns to the Comic shops as a part of the “All In Initiative”.

AQUAMAN #1 by Jeremy Adams, John Timms, Rex Lokus and Dave Sharpe begins a new chapter of Curry’s legacy!

Let’s take a deeper dive into the hero’s next phase.

AQUAMAN #1 by Jeremy Adams, John Timms, Rex Lokus and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


In dealing with Aquaman, there is a sense of caution as to how to present him. Pop culture has had a notion of him being “The Fish Talking Guy”, nothing more. Adams literally wastes zero time to present him as the true powerful hero he is. The opening struggles to save a crashing plane hits all the marks. It comes off a quick recap for new readers before launching into the present struggles of the King.

Adams showcases him yearning for more. The daily royal duties are mundane. With a hint of danger, Curry lights up. It reflects the message driven home to readers. There is more to this character than they have seen. With a mysterious threat attacking, Curry heads into action. This spins into a shocking twist. It sets the stage for an even greater mystery. In only a few pages, the new stat quo will have readers buzzing.

Timms and Lokus kick things off with a great opening recap page. It hints enough for new readers to get a sense of the King. There’s no slowing down from here with a gorgeous two page splash. Instantly, the threat is front and center with Aquaman ready. The plane rescue is fueled with a super heroic flare.

Atlantis shines with the regal overtones. The art makes it stand out while balancing Curry’s boredom. Being King comes responsibilities that don’t excite. Luckily fans don’t suffer through that. The panels drive home the chaotic scene with an incredible full page shot. Pacing flows very smoothly as the build spirals into the great twists. Curry’s reaction connect the uncertainty. It all leads into a strong closing panel which sets sail onto a dangerous future.


Atlantis’s ruler is back on his throne & bringing the action with this debut chapter. Adams writing shatters any preconceived notions of the hero being one-dimensional. Timms, Lokus and Shapre never stop escalating the drama with the art. Long Live the King!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Aquaman #1. Thanks for reading!


Hawkman is in Hell. After being impaled last issue, the fierce warrior is not in good shape. He joins the rest of the Justice Society Of America. After getting attacked by the Injustice Society, the team is on the ropes. The younger generation of the long standing DCU team is faced with another issue: adapt or fall.

JSA #3 by Jeff Lemire, Diego Olortegui, Luis Guerrero and Steve Wands (DC Comics) seeks to answer if the team is “All in” or All out of Luck.

Let’s take a closer look at where things stand now.

JSA #3 by Jeff Lemire, Diego Olortegui, Luis Guerrero and Steve Wands (DC Comics) Cover: Cully Hammer


Lemire plays into the strengths of Hawkman for this chapter. The brash anger never escapes readers as his deals with his set-backs. Pacing keeps events moving right along. This helps with such an ensemble cast. Even as his story takes off, the other side plots get a fair share of time.

The Infinity Inc. portion gets a well timed pay-off set in issue #1. At their current state of question, the “traitor” is revealed. The bad guys plan is all going according to plan. Once a young hero finds some confidence, tides turns. This is as vintage JSA as it gets. This is also what makes it a great win as well. The close throws in an unlikely surprise. How this plays out is up in the air, but readers will enjoy the path there.

Olortegui and Guerrero dive into the emotions of the heroes for this chapter. Hawkman’s rage as he’s captured pours on each panel. Jade dealing with her team’s losses showcases a different side. The traitor reveal is brief but hits its mark.

Once the main battle starts, the issue picks up in action. A near full page image turns the course of direction. Its fallout sends the heroes into a new place. This eventually launches into the closing pages. Readers watch as an unlikely ally appears in Hawkman’s darkest hour. The art provides a fun backdrop into the classic tropes on display.


Hawkman’s darkest hour arrives but not without possible help. Lemire’s writing brings out the best of the classic team. Olortegui, Guerrero and Wands dive into the pure emotion of conflict for an entertaining tale. How can you not be a fan of what is happening here!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on JSA #3. Thanks for reading!


Even in defeat, Amanda Waller claims a small victory. Super powers were stolen. Some didn’t return to their proper hosts after “Absolute Power”. The Justice League has reformed. Two members have an idea to possibly resolve this issue. Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi aka The Atom (respectively) might have solved this dilemma. However, some are not so inclined to be on board with this initiative.

JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #1 by Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, Mike Perkins, Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott (DC COMICS) takes readers along for the ride to right Waller’s wrongs.

Let’s take a closer look at what unfolds here.

JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #1 by Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, Mike Perkins, Adriano Lucas and Wes Abbott (DC COMICS)


This story has a very interesting concept at its’ core. Knowing what Waller’s actions have done, there are still lingering effects to be had on the DCU. Pitting Palmer and Choi as the main protagonists is a big win. Their partnership provides many scientific aspects with the occasional one-liners mixed it. It provides a solid counter to Nathaniel Adam aka Captain Atom.

Adam’s stance leads into a few directions. The time jump leaves many questions as to what’s happened. Being the first issue, there is plenty of groundwork to be set. Readers get a hefty fill of build-up on the project. Knowing the writers previous work, its safe to say there will be a solid pay-off. Judging by the final page, the fireworks look to be lit and ready to pop. There is a great deal of promise to be had here.

Perkins and Lucas start events off with a manhunt. It’s capped off with a great one page image of Palmer crashing the scene. From here, the time jump back is built via a two page spread. The Atoms at work showcases their skills to new readers. Once back at the watchtower, Palmer and Choi’s reactions to their research creep out.

This is countered by Adam’s reluctant compliance to assist. The panels indicate he’s not fully on-board. A full page image of him being worked on Justifies his body language. Readers watch as the wear builds to the closing act. There’s little action scattered into the close. It provides a good lead into the final page. A full image of a hero on the run sends this tale forward into the unknown. Without question, there is much left to witness unfold in this story.


In wake of “Absolute Power”, two heroes challenge the events fallout. The writing focuses on a detailed build without revealing too much. Perkins, Lucas, and Abbott construct the tension along with the search for answers. There’s enough here to bring readers into the chase for powers.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #1. Thanks for reading!


James Gordon is framed for murder. The Riddler is about to acquire Wayne Industries. Lurking in the shadows is the Court Of Owls. Gotham City is living on the edge of chaos. Can Batman weather the storm to save the day?

BATMAN #156 by Chip Zdarsky, Tony S. Daniel, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) brings a whirlwind of excitement with its latest installment!

Let’s not wait another second and dive into the drama!

BATMAN #156 by Chip Zdarsky, Tony S. Daniel, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) - Cover: Jorge Jimenez


With two issues left, Zdarksy is leaving it all on the table with this story. Juggling multiple heavyweight rogues is a task. The writing pulls it off with ease and excitement. Riddler comes across as the psychotic genius that he is best as. The battle of wits between him and Batman is as classic as it gets. Its’ resolution provides a very unique twist to an already heavily layered issue.

Zdarsky also gives Jim Gordon’s tale a fitting end as well. Making him a very grey character in his arc worked immensely. Readers have seen a very different side of the last good cop in Gotham. His arc ends with a heroic stand, even if he hasn’t been 100% noble. This all circles back to Batman in the end. As more clues come into focus, Zdarsky drops one more bombshell before ending his long run with a sure-fire bang!

Daniel steps in for Jimenez on art duties. Events escalate quickly as Commander Star stands tall via a mid page panel. Batman and Gordon fight their way through the police to stop Riddler. The electric panels pop with action. Daniel flips the tempo with Riddler and Kull. Readers watch as Riddler’s ego fuels his insanity. There are vintage deathtraps pitting Batman’s knowledge against the odds. None greater than the realization of who is pulls the strings.

Gordon’s resolution comes with a heavy burden. The art reflects the pain his actions cause. This becomes the fuel for his assault on Riddler. After being in a morally neutral spot, Gordon demonstrates the hero aspects many associate him with. One moment will jump at fans before the close kicks off. With events ramped up, the final image delivers a shocking reveal before leading into the finale.


Zdarsky heads into the finale of his run with an incredible set-up. The writing keeps readers locked in with action and surprises. Daniel, Morey and Cowles ramp up the intensity with each panel. Expect nothing but fireworks with this story’s conclusion!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #156. Thanks for reading!


Batman is dying! The Caped Crusader was shot by Mario Falcone during a confrontation. Now with time of the essence, someone needs to save the Dark Knight. That responsibility is now in a young Dick Grayson’s hands. Can Robin save Batman’s life?

BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN - THE LAST HALLOWEEN #4 by Jeph Loeb, Cliff Chiang, Dave Stewart and Richard Starkings continues the legacy of Loeb and the late Tim Sale’s suspenseful story.

Let’s not wait any longer and dive right in!

BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN - THE LAST HALLOWEEN #4 by Jeph Loeb, Cliff Chiang, Dave Stewart and Richard Starkings (DC Comics) COVER: TIM SALE


Loeb puts the Boy Wonder front and center for this issue. Batman is wounded and barely escapes the Falcone mansion. Crashing (literally) into the Batcave, Alfred must attempt surgery. The scenario is all too familiar to Grayson. Seeing his parents die in front of him bares an eerie resemblance here. Loeb plays into the connection with the narration. This sparks Robin to pick up the case, whether he’s ready or not.

The journey takes him to a very recognizable place. Inside the Arkham walls, Grayson attempts to fill the shoes of Batman, Readers watch as he struggles but remains vigilant. This overshadows the brutality of Solomon Grundy’s story portion. The larger investment is with Grayson grasping for straws to help. His desperation leads him to one person for help. It is only fitting of who it is. The resolution is perfect Batman storytelling. Once concluded, the final pages set the stage for an inevitable showdown. There is much to enjoy with the writing here.

Chiang (Paper Girls, Human Target) steps in for art duties. The two page splash of Batman crashing into the Cave sends a loud message. It starts this chapter off with a sense of danger. Mixing in the Graysons’ accident via panels adds fuel to that fire. Moving to a nine-panel page illustrates how Grayson is reacting. It works to carry him to his next portion of the story.

Once at Arkham, the half page with the Calendar Man shows his determination for answers. It leads to a confrontation that is very fitting. The result is a “family portrait” for the ages. Chiang and Stewart also craft a heartfelt Alfred moment to conclude this section. It is in difference to Grundy’s rage as he pursues a suspect in the Gotham PD. Those panels add more intrigue before the close. Once there, a full page image of a popular Rogue seals this chapter up for its next round.


The latest “Halloween” chapter casts the spotlight on a near death in the family. Loeb’s writing shows Dick Grayson treading through the chaotic Gotham landscape. Chiang (along with Stewart and Starkings) builds up the emotional ware of a dying Batman on his most loyal supporters. This series continues to set a high bar for storytelling.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN - THE LAST HALLOWEEN #4. Thanks for reading!


Bruce Wayne No More? The Dark Knight has made the choice to fully embrace being Batman. It is a costly decision. Wayne’s aggression starts becoming more intense. Alfred sees Wayne slip further into darkness. That might be the least of his problems.

A serial killer case has unlocked more secrets. How does Batman focus with his identity being lost all around him?

BATMAN: GARGOYLE OF GOTHAM #3 by Rafael Grampá, Mat Lopes and John Workman dives deeper into the Black Label brand mystery tale.

Let’s not delay any longer and see what unravels now.

BATMAN: GARGOYLE BY GOTHAM #3 by Rafael Grampá, Mat Lopes and John Workman (DC Comics)


Grampá goes all in for this pen-ultimate chapter. Dr. Geist is a very disturbing villain. The writing shows his manipulations playing out to his delight. Batman’s struggles with the truth hit as he is disposed off. Their initial confrontation ends with a surprise. It works to establishes Wayne’s journey in the latter half of the book. For thinking he is in complete control, Grampá’s script takes that out of Batman’s hands.

The supporting cast also has key moments to shine as well. Gordon’s pairing proves to be more than he can handle. Readers watch as multiple secrets come to light. It is interesting to guess if this “partner” is revealed to be a Bat ally. Considering how other Bat-verse characters have appeared, it is’ out of the realm of thought. None may be creepier than The Joker. Hos introduction is terrifying. Seeing the connection with Crytoon only spells more chaos in Gotham. Factor in the closing pages and Batman won’t be enough. The final page sets the stage for a deadly finale.

Grampá’s art paired with Lopes coloring is simply stunning. Dr. Geist’s confrontation carries a heavy intensity. The action is unforgiving. Readers watch as the detailed panels move events right along to another big debut. Joker’s half panel introduction sends shivers down readers spines. Seeing Crytoon and him go on their killing spree is vicious. It’s fitting the done for a darker Gotham in which this Bat seeks to fly in.

The dual page spread of Gordon’s “enlightenment” is gorgeous to watch. It is so well detailed and structured. Secrets are exposed with the tone of fear in Gordon’s voice. This is a big moment in an issue that never slows down. Heading into the final act, Wounder’s full page attack leaves nothing back. It pops off the page in a brutal way. This perfectly sets up the panels to close out. Knowing what darkness is unleashed, expect all Hell to break loose in the finale.


Bruce Wayne’s journey into darkness takes another disturbing leap with this chapter. Grampá presents an innovated look at the classic rogues with the writing. Seeing Batman embracing his inner rage proves to be a scary but needed weapon in his fight for justice. The artwork is stunning with its ferociousness and detail. This is a very intense read that lights a very explosive march to its’ finale.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on BATMAN: GARGOYLE BY GOTHAM #3. Thanks for reading!


The Ravyn Queen is in danger. An Assassin lurks. The Aviary on the verge of falling? Not if Dylan Siegel can stop it! The Massive-verse’s supernatural protector has one chance to stop the Philistine. Will Rogue Sun capture the moment or let it slip?

ROGUE SUN #24 by RYAN PARROTT, NICK COTTON, ABEL, NATALIA MARQUES and BECCA CAREY (Black market Narrative/Image Comics) concludes its’ latest arc as only the creative team can!

Let’s not delay any longer & dive right into the story.

ROGUE SUN #24 by RYAN PARROTT, NICK COTTON, ABEL, NATALIA MARQUES and BECCA CAREY (Black market Narrative/Image Comics) COVER - Stefano Simeone


The one thing about Rogue Sun is that readers can always expect a great finish to their arcs. This issue is no exception. As Parrott and Cotton kick things off, the focus is on a young Divinity and Dottie. The tension is high as Dottie makes a deal that forever alters her young niece. It carries an uneasy weight that returns in present time. Knowing there is heavy consequences, Divinity’s actions look to carry over throughout the world Dottie is now reluctantly connected with.

As for the aviary, the writing sets events off with a bang. A traitor waited in the wings. Aviness unleashes the Philistine. Readers watch in shock as the attack commences. Dylan crashes the party for the save. In this moment, we find out that he might be ready for the next step. ‘

Pacing mounts the action with each strike. Dylan is out-classed in his initial round. Even with his estranged dad Marcus in his ear, Dylan is challenged to survive. With a passing action, the comeback starts. It will thrill fans as Dylan grows in his role right before our eyes. The conclusion is a very strong one. Events are tied up plus a new path is given to Dylan.

Normally this would be enough, but as previously stated: Rogue Sun arcs don’t just “end.” The closing act provides a superb twist that will shake up the foundation yet again for the world of Dylan Siegel. Another excellent performance with the writing.

Abel and Marques bring out the fear and complexity of the Aviary’s coup. The set-up with Aviness and the Philistine slides into the scene gracefully. It instantly hits readers directly. The moment compliments the debut of Rogue Sun into the final battle. Fans watch as the full page image sparks the explosive confrontation.

There’s no shortage of action taking place. The battle is brutal. The stakes rise when Dylan debuts a new item to help him win. Panels are never short of emotion either. From Divinity and Dotty’s portion to the fallout of the coup, each page hits their marks. Even when closing this portion, a full page concludes events for the parties involved. The art team leave the conclusion for the shocking surprise. A final image floods the page and spells certain doom for Dylan. It will be a long wait for #25.


The latest challenges in Dylan Siegel’s life nail the landing in this arc finale. Parrott and Cotton continue to lock readers in with their superb script. Abel, Marques and Carey craft the dramatic final rounds with great art. Rogue Sun is about as consistent as it gets for quality storytelling.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Rogue Sun #24. Thanks for reading!


Doomsday crashed back into the Kents lives in a new fashion. The longtime Superman foe has evolved. He proposed an offer to the Man of Steel. One more death will make him an Ultimate God. Failure to comply means certain doom for Clark Kent. Luckily he has backup in the form of Superwoman aka Lois Lane. With this dynamic duo be enough to stop Doomsday’s ascent?

SUPERMAN #21 by Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher shifts gears for a new look at Metropolis’ first couple.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what’s unfolding now!


Through the chaos of being heroes, Clark and Lois strive to find time for each other. Williamson sets the stage with an intimate view of the couple’s relationship. The dialogue captures the pair letting go of their heroic duties. It comes across as loving and enjoyable. This provides a much welcomed break from current events. Even the one page interludes hit their marks. Only until Doomsday comes up in conversation does the mood greatly change.

Clark’s struggles with Doomsday’s ultimatum. Knowing what the stakes are, readers watch his worry. It’s countered by Lois’ confidence. The only negative about this is that its’ short lived. The story throws in a fun side plot before the last act. From a Happy ending, the pair is brought into more trouble. Knowing where the parting image leads, this may require some “super” luck to survive what just arrived.

Mora and Sanchez kick off “date night” with an amazing two page splash. Seeing the couple radiate their happiness is a welcomed sight. This leads into a trip around the DCU. The injection of the one-page interludes make for easy transitions. Once things come back to the fear of Doomsday, this issue takes off.

The art team locks in on Superman’s worry. Seeing the reaction of weighing the stakes leans into the audience. Lois’ reaction reinforces the danger. After a brief detour, the parting stop happens in Smallville. Capturing the small town in Winter, readers watch the joy brewing for the happy ending. It’s quickly thwarted in the closing pages. A bold two page image ushers in a new threat. As the final panel hits, it leaves no question the happy moments are fleeting with an uncertain future.


Lois and Clark break away for some time alone but their superhero day jobs can’t leave them. Williamson pens an enjoyable tale of a future imperfect. Mora, Sanchez and Maher spotlight the highs and lows of the Super-couple with Doomsday’s offer looming overhead. This series is always soaring to new heights.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #21. Thanks for reading!


Rex Mason is anything but ordinary. The long-time hero has evolved since his beginnings in 1965. After a tragic origin, Mason has mastered the ability to transform into any element. In the wake of the “All In” movement, the spotlight shifts his way. The former Outsider and JL member is poised for a brand new ongoing series.

METAMORPHO: THE ELEMENT MAN #1 BY Al Ewing, Steve Lieber, Lee Loughridge, and Ferran Delgado (DC Comics) kicks events off with a mysterious starting point!

Let’s not wait any longer and dive into this chapter!

METAMORPHO: THE ELEMENT MAN #1 BY Al Ewing, Steve Lieber, Lee Loughridge, and Ferran Delgado (DC Comics)


Ewing makes Mason’s return chapter quite the unpredictable read. The opening intro page adds a huge throwback touch to this issue. Ewing lays out the key players and alludes to what lies ahead. Mister 3 proves to be a unique rogue. The altercation with Mason speeds events to a solid pace. Readers watch action unfolds or in this case, break down leaving the hero on the defensive.

From here, the story goes into a few directions. One of which is bringing in an old friend into the mix. Ewing constructs the awkwardness while escalating the fight. At this stage, the conflict reaches a fun ending point. This brings together most loose ends. It also leaves readers with one last revelation before departing. All in all, Rex Mason’s life continues to be a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Lieber and Loughridge keep a very vintage feel to this book. The information page keeps in this theme. New readers can appreciate this style. This rolls unto a two page image of Ra-Man. It helps building some hype. The story spins back into present time with the start of conflict. The use of the monitor for Metamorpho’s backstory is a nice touch. This launches Mason into the foray with some style.

The fight is textbook superhero. Mister 3 pulls no punches while the fight is brought into view. Lieber’s detail in the “melting face” steals panels. Readers watch as Mason and his “partner” come after Mister 3 with a final shot. The panels are frantic with much action filling them up. It leads into a near full image conclusion. The fallout ties up loose ends before leaving with a vintage image. Structuring around the full image with the classic comic style leaves events on solid ground. There is much to enjoy here.


Rex Mason is back with a flare and stye all his own. Ewing’s writing crafts the unique environment with a throwback style. Lieber, Loughridge and Delgado bring out the best and quirkiness of Mason’s heroics with the art. This one packs quite a punch!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on METAMORPHO: THE ELEMENT MAN #1. Thanks for reading!


With Absolute Power comes Absolute Initiative. Amanda Waller took a full scale attack on all of the DCU. The heroes found a way to save the day. In the process, they realized the world needed a Justice League. Little did anyone know what kind of Justice League this would form.

JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED #2 by Mark Waid, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ariana Maher continues its’ first arc with another monster chapter.

Let’s take a closer look at what is happening now.

JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED #2 by Mark Waid, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ariana Maher (DC Comics)


Waid dives into the action while staggering the drama. The story hits the ground with the League rushing to investigate disappearances in Costa Rica. Readers watch as the heroes see a scathed Batman appear. With plan in place, the team offshoots into their assignments. This leads into an unlikely pairing and their quirky partnership.

Martian Manhunter and Dr. Occult’s dialogue provides a new perspective. Both have some similarities. This gets outshined by Manhunter’s revelations. Knowing this book is a result from Absolute Power, J'onnz’s information hits hard. It’s amplified by the results of their search. The writing builds up the moment to an explosive breaking point. What follows is a side of a hero rarely seen. The rage and anger flow until its’ stopped. This leads into the final pages, which leave many questions. As strong as the League’s initiative has been, will it be strong enough for what’s next?

Mora and Bonvillain open with a frightening look at Blue Beetle’s state. The chilling panels lead into more heroic times. A full page image of the league entering the field will have fans excited. A half panel of a wounded Batman speaks loudly. This leads into the League hitting the key elements in play.

The panels with Manhunter and Occult carry a darker edge to them. It reflects the current state of J'onnz. Once the villain arrives, the images take things up a notch. The flashback sequences give just enough to connect. They’re quickly passed by J'onnz handling business his way. Panels carry a frenzied energy as the fight begins. It’s resolution leads into a more puzzling look. The parting images drive home the disturbance from Absolute Power and a larger mystery in the making.


The new Justice League makes their presence known in this latest chapter. Waid continues to build suspense behind action with the writing. Mora, Bonvillian and Maher construct sensational images while constructing up a surprise threat. There’s no shortage of wonder and excitement with this series.

Hit me up on ODPHpod socials and let me know your thoughts on Justice League Unlimited #2. Thanks for reading!


Who challenges the unexplained? Prof Haley. June Robbins. Red Ryan. Rocky Davis. Ace Morgan. One of DC comics legendary teams return in an all new series. With the “All In” initiative running wild, it’s a perfect time for the Challengers of the Unknown to return.

Now stationed on the JLU Watchtower, their latest challenge might be their greatest. Luckily, they’ve got some big backup for this run.

CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN #1 by Christopher Cantwell, Sean Izaakse, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou starts an impossible run in search of answers.

Lets take a closer look at what happens now!

CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN #1 by Christopher Cantwell, Sean Izaakse, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (DC COMICS) Cover: Mike Deodato Jr.


Adding the Challengers into the JLU mix makes for a solid beginning. Connecting them to the Darkseid attack is an easy win with readers. The team isn’t exactly household names. Cantwell does a great job interacting with the larger DCU before sending them onto their own path.

For this issue, the team is split off with the Trinity. This issue is heavily focused on Superman and Ace temaing up. The writing gives them a very classic feel as the heroes go in search of the time splits caused by Darkseid. Once in full swing, the story delves into the insecurities and emotions of Ace. It ultimately foreshadows more events in the works. The stage is also set for a conspiracy feel with a shocking ending. In dealing with the unknown, always expect the unexpected. That is an easy way to describe this issue.

Izaakse and Fajardo Jr. give readers a speedy recap of how the Challengers landed here. A near full page image introduces the team to new readers. While not fully in-depth, it hits its’ key points. There is an impressive two page splash for their debriefing. This leads into the pairing up for this issue.

Superman and Ace come across as old friends. The body language answers Ace’s insecurities. It also explains why he and the team are here. As events play out, the mission goes dark. Another full page image shows off the different lives of Ace. It takes readers into a more darker path before the closing act. The final page ties up a few loose ends while closing events out with a good cliffhanger to ponder.


The Challengers make their way into the “All In” movement with a steady debut. Cantwell welcomes readers in with an ever-changing threat. Izaakse and Fajardo Jr. present events with a heroic feel perfectly reflecting the classic team. It’s a great jumping on point for those unafraid of the unknown.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Challengers of The Unknown #1. Thanks for reading.


Oa stands in its’ darkest moment. Lord Premier Thaaros has evolved into something even more sinister. The only thing standing in his way is Hal Jordan. It’s the showdown everyone has been waiting for! Jordan and his allies versus Thaaros and his United Planets Lanterns. WINNER. TAKES. ALL!

GREEN LANTERN #18 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) concludes the Civil Corps storyline!

Let’s take a deeper dive at how events play out.

GREEN LANTERN #18 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


Adams brings a thunderous conclusion to this epic saga. Right from the start, stakes feel monumental. Launching Jordan and company right into combat throws everything into chaos. It is a brief moment as Adams’ pacing casts the spotlight on a few notable Lanterns. Seeing Kyle Rayner and Kilowog back in the fray is a huge win. Star Sapphire’s role is brief but effective. This ultimately leads back into the main event of the chapter.

Pacing picks up as Jordan’s fearless instincts kick in. Readers watch as big action starts to unfold. It drives home the significance of the Lanterns. Being guardians of the cosmos, Jordan understands this more than anyone. It’s fitting he leads the last charge.

Adams writes in a moment that pops off the page. Jordan’s one-liner indicates the true power of the lanterns: Will. Readers watch as the Lantern Corps takes the conflict to a whole new stage. It delivers on a satisfying resolution. Before departing, Adams leaves the audience with a parting surprise. If there was ever a time to jump into Green Lantern, it is during this run.

Xermánico and Fajardo Jr. go BIG for the visuals for this conclusion. Thaaros starts events with a full page image. This is upstaged by a show-stopping two page spread. Seeing the Lanterns in action ushers in the final stand. Varron’s entry gets the full page treatment. Kilowog gets a very unique flashback page as well. This might be enough for some books, but not this one.

The art team puts together a series of two page splashes. Thaaros and Jordan’s brawl keeps gaining moment during these impressive images. Without question, these will be a crowd pleaser. The energy and feel of these pages will lock readers in to the stunning close. One light burns out but the final panel indicates Jordan and company are not done in fighting the injustices of space.


In the last stand of OA, the Green Lanterns are not going down quietly. Adams pens a phenomenal close with the writing. Xermánico, Fajardo Jr. and Shapre present the stunning images fitting for such a devastating finale. This is one you won’t want to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern #18. Thanks for reading!


The times. They are a ‘changing. One of DC’s most legendary teams has maintained its’ ethics throughout the decades. When a new threat comes across their path, one member is pushing to adapt their ways. Will the youth of the team outshine the founders? Only one way to find out!

JSA #2 by Jeff Lemire, Diego Olortegui, Luis Guerrero and Steve Wands (DC Comics) takes readers back to where this rift began with its’ latest chapter!

Let’s take a closer look at where events stand now!

JSA #2 by Jeff Lemire, Diego Olortegui, Luis Guerrero and Steve Wands (DC Comics)


Lemire presents a classic challenge for the Society while foreshadowing a challenging future. The mission starts out as traditional as one might think. Note: this is never a bad thing. As the Injustice Society keeps the JSA at bay, the more brooding build starts. Obsidian’s push for a proactive stance goes against the normal JSA ethic. Lemire sets it up quietly for a larger role later.

Once the attack strikes the headquarters, pacing builds very quickly. Readers watch as the good guys are on their heels. A youthful panic leads into a separation of squads. Lemire balances out the veteran guard wisdom with the youthful fight very evenly. Prime example of this is Wildcat reassuring the young Dr. Fate to keep pushing. It leads into a shocking close. Events have been spiraling but where the final image lands proves to be dire for the Society’s chances to survive.

Olortegui and Guerrero deliver on big action when the fight breaks down. The initial attack is presented with a two-page splash. It builds up the puzzling scenario that is unfolding. Once the Injustice Society reveals itself, pages kick into high gear. Another two page spread ushers in the bad guys for the conflict.

Readers watch as the action is fast paced and flying. There’s great matchups before eventually dividing to where issue #1 began. Once things return to “the present” Tower of Fate, the art focuses on the reactions of the losing battle. This caps off with back to back full page images that leave no doubt time is not on the Society’s side for victory.


The look back at the current JSA conflict provides readers with a vintage superhero sotry. Lemire brings out the JSA’s timeless strengths as characters with the writing. Olortegui, Guerrero and Wands construct a throwdown that is sure to please new and seasoned readers alike. Judging by the close, there may be no choice but to adapt or fade away.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on JSA #2. Thanks for reading.


Lois Lane against Kal-El? Some would think this is a typo. Unfortunately for the Man of Tomorrow, this is a reality. Superman is far from what fans know In the Absolute Universe. Can the unlikely hero survive the Lazarus Corp. onslaught?

ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #2 by Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval, Ulises Arreola and Becca Carey (DC COMICS) continues its bold take on the Man of Steel.

Let’s take a deeper dive into this latest installment!

ABSOLUTE SUPERMAN #2 by Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval, Ulises Arreola and Becca Carey (DC COMICS)


The dynamic between Lois and Kal is vastly different than the ones fans know. Aaron writes Lane as an ambitious soldier dedicated to the cause at hand. Superman is reluctant to comply to oppression. This results in a fast paced adventure. One theme that cannot be overlooked is the sense of right and wrong bestowed on the young Kryptonian.

After a brief attack, Superman addresses Lane in a blunt manner. This reflects the anger of the Peacemakers efforts to impose. From here, readers watch what Superman does best: inspire hope in hopelessness. Saving bystanders once an attack vehicle crashes is perfectly narrated by Lane. It mirrors the readers thoughts as this new version of Superman takes action. This builds towards a solid conclusion. Aaron builds a mix of classic teases with new takes. The final page solidifies the darkness lying ahead. One fight is over for now but easily not for long.

Sandoval and Arreola waste no time in setting a tense stage. The conflict between the Lazarus Corp and Superman fires off with a tremendous two page spread. This leads into a moment fans have been waiting to see. A one page image showcases the iconic cape in a completely new fashion. Events only escalate from here.

The rescue imagery brings out what fans love of Superman. The defiance to Lane’s mission. His selfless heroics is saving people trapped from a crash. Performing feats no one else can. The art team packs it all together in just a few pages. Superman’s impact is written on Lane’s face. The many emotions shown as she writes her events report speaks volumes. Events conclude with a dark and disturbing image. The true evil Superman is gearing to fight comes into light. It will be a challenge fans will be eager to watch be (hopefully) defeated.


With a blend of classic and new takes, Superman makes a loud statement in its’ latest chapter. Aaron’s writing keeps the Man Of Steel soaring with hope. Sandoval, Arreola and Carey flood the pages with action and intrigue. In a short amount of time, this story has made an immediate impact with no signs of slowing down.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Absolute Superman #2. Thanks for reading.


The sins of the past haunt the present. Thomas Wayne made a choice years ago that impacts creating a Dark Knight. A killer is on the loose. The gift of renewed youth is at Bruce Wayne’s fingertips. Where does this mystery take Batman now?

DETECTIVE COMICS #1091 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott pulls readers further into a dark corner of Gotham City.

Let’s take a closer look at the latest chapter.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1091 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott (DC COMICS)


Taylor takes Batman into a fear he constantly struggles with. Anytime life is lost on his watch, he carries the burden. The murder of a teen he stopped is extremely impacting. Taylor’s writing spotlights the guilt Batman feels and how its’ fueling his search for justice.

This leads him into another attempt to save a possible victim. Action reminds Batman of how human he truly is. It also brings up another lingering theme of this current arc.

The question of rejuvenation gets a surprising conversation out of his best friend. Seeing Taylor tackle a Batman/Superman debate leads into a new direction with big ramifications. Readers might be a touch shocked at Superman’s response but it fits in place here. This kicks off a new stat quo (so to speak). Seeing how the fallout leads Batman into his investigation provides another classic confrontation. This gets upstaged by the close. The chapter ends with a definitive statement as to how human Batman has truly become.

Janin opens the issue with a few nightmare panels. It reflects the guilt Batman carries. This leads into a fast paced chase involving Robin. The coloring makes each panel pop as the Dynamic Duo go to work. Readers can sense how swiftly each strike is thrown. It ultimately leads to a more calm interaction that hits like an overhand right.

Superman discussing rejuvenation with Batman exposes a few things about the pair. Superman’s optimism is easily seen when thinking over the dilemma. Even with Batman’s traditional brooding, the thought of living long to fight the good fight shines with the rising skyline. Even with Batman falling more into the tough choice, the panels reflect his investigative wants. From here, the art displays the dark corners of Gotham. A conversation between enemies foreshadows the closing page. Once here, readers see a near full page panel send events into a new light. Only time will tell where this all goes from here.


A question of extending the fight leads the Dark Knight into a different light. Taylor sets the stage for a question of ethics with the writing. Janin and Abbott construct the fallout of the choices with impressive art. This story keeps readers guessing as the true danger stays lurking.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Detective Comics #1091. Thanks for reading.


Lois Lane superpowered. Lex Luthor suffering from Memory Loss. Superman trying to keep up the fight for Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow at all costs. Don’t forget WHO is underneath the hooded cloak!

SUPERMAN #20 by Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher brings the deadliest Superman foe back like you’ve never seen him before!

Let’s take a deeper dive into this latest chapter!

SUPERMAN #20 by Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC Comics)


Williamson pens one of the more intriguing takes on Doomsday. Having him revealed as the Time Traveler throws readers for a loop. Seeing the offer he makes Superman proves to be a conflicting one. With this evolution of the character, Williamson writes Doomsday as way more than an unstoppable killing machine. This sets a high pace for the return to present time danger.

Once the story returns, the focus turns to Lois Lane. Seeing her inexperience with dealing with a fully powered Doomsday amps up the drama. The rest of the DCU waits with baited breath as the fight rages on. Events shift gears to an unlikely character jumping into the fray. It leads to a shocking twist.

From here, the fallout starts spiraling to the close. Where events land provides an eerie calm as time is not on the Kents side. Judging by the final page, more elements are in play than even the Man of Steel can fathom.

Mora and Sánchez immediately hits readers with an incredible two page splash. The recap of the Time Traveler gives more gravity to the situation at hand. As this figure, Doomsday is drastically different. The mannerisms displayed show a more cunning version of the monster. It concludes the first act before launching into a more frantic scene in the present.

The battle between Lois and Doomsday is blunt and unforgiving. Following a strong lead-in page, the two page spread hits readers just as hard as Supes hit Doomsday. With each page escalating, the fight hits a wall when the surprise weapon enters. Using just a few panels, the art fully encompasses the rage behind Doomsday. This ultimately gives way to the more reflective close. Leaving readers with a question on the final panel, this Superman story has many miles to go before hitting the finish line.


With a new version of pure evil manifesting in Metropolis, Superman has a tough choice to make. Williamson’s writing throws a mix of familiar and variant combat at readers. Mora, Sánchez and Maher deliver on striking visuals carrying the Man of Steel into a questionable better tomorrow. Where things lead now is anyone’s guess.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #20. Thanks for reading.