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For this entry, a whole new world awaits. After a murder of royalty takes place, a group is exiled from the community. They are now tasked to survive the unknown. Will this group survive or take each other out in the process?

Mistland #3 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) looks to provide those answers in its’ latest installment.

Let’s take a closer look at what transpires now.

Mistland #3 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho gives readers some insight into clues surrounding the prince’s death. Knowing that this group of “usual suspects” all have connections to the case, it allows readers to start making assumptions on who was involved. One character in particular gets ample time explaining her backstory. Form here, the story shifts forward.

There is a fair balance of action and drama for the group. Being in a hostile and unforgiving landscape, dangers are abound. One causes some of the group to be separated. This might be a bit of disappointment as the two separated are the breakout characters thus far. The rest of the book focuses on the remaining survivors. In heading to the close, there are some solid surprises being unveiled. This leads to an intriguing ending point with many questions to be asked.

Watanabe and Marques craft some excellent fantasy creatures roaming in the mist land. This amplifies the dangers at hand. Seeing the group being challenged draws out some shocking reactions. Along with this, the art team mixes in great flashback points. This builds possible clues to the greater puzzle at hand.

That said, the strongest visuals are in the latter portion of the book. With a few full page splashes, the fantasy aspect rises a few levels. It is capped off with an engaging full final piece that is sure to have readers guessing what’s next.


The world of the Mistland expands further with a steady mid-chapter. The writing dips into its fair share of secrets revealed and fantasy action. With some exceptional pages, the art team keeps readers engaged with an ever-changing new world. If you’re looking for a fantasy story to check out, keep Mistland on the radar.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the coolest book at the LCS has returned with a vengeance. Hell has been unleashed on Earth. Everyone’s favorite reaper is rallying her allies to try stopping things from getting worse. However, the spotlight for this issue shifts from Jessica Harrow to one of the series most beloved characters.

GRIM #17 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS) walks readers into the story of the one and only Eddie!

Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the issue!

GRIM #17 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS)


The year is 1975. A young man is putting on some eye liner before heading to the school bus. As he leaves the house, his father draws his attention. Dad isn’t too keen with the eyeliner and barks orders to remove it. The young man hesitates and gets slapped for being disrespectful. The young man is Eddie.

The story jumps to 1985. Eddie is backstage at a show applying the eyeliner. A reporter is questioning Eddie about his family’s support. Eddie sells the “perfect” story. In the conversation, he slips up and mentions his solo project. Eddie’s drummer Saul hears this and is none too pleased. This causes some friction between the bandmates. Saul announces their friendship is taking a toll on his health. It’s agreed that Saul will play their current show but won’t after that. They head to the stage and begin their sold out show.

Readers watch as the high price of fame catches up with Eddie. It is an emotional toll that carries a heavy weight. The young boy from New Jersey bears some heavy scars. This builds towards a moment that changes everything. Its’ conclusion leads to a send-off that will hit in all the emotions. There is no way fans will see that final panel and not get a bit choked up before concluding the issue.

Phillips walks readers through the rock star life with an unforgettable issue. Eddie and his relationships with family and friends vary to extreme degrees. His father proves to be a source of pain and manipulation. Eddie shows him compassion through the years of abusive behavior.

It’s a stark contrast to his loyal best friend Saul. Eddie treats him as an after thought through the sacrifices Saul has made for him over the years. This all unfolds into the middle act where fate confronts Eddie head on. Heading into the final pages, Phillips leads readers into one direction but pulls a great swerve. it leads to a heart-wrenching moment that perfectly closes out a great read.

Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano bring out the best and worst of Eddie’s life with the art in this issue. The brooding disdain of Eddie’s dad pours out on each page. Saul’s reaction to Eddie’s non-caring attitude is one of desperate hope with no luck. Once they hit the stage, this dissolves into a bright two page splash.

Eddie’s demons don’t stay way for long. A post show party is filled with visions of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. The lyrics of “Boys Don’t Cry” come to life via Napolitao’s haunting lettering. It fills the air of a stunning full page image. What follows captures the shock and fear involved with rock n’ roll lifestyle. The closing image is an easy connect with readers. It packs an emotional toll that only this creative team can deliver.


With “Boys Don’t Cry”, the tragic tale of one of the series most beloved characters comes to the forefront. Phillps weaves in themes of loss, pain and redemption masterfully with the writing. Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano brings the bright lights and dark times of Rock N’ Roll to the masses with pin-point precision. After reading this issue, there’s no way anyone can dispute why this is comics’ coolest series each issue out.

Hit me up on ODPHpod and let me know your thoughts on GRIM #17. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are returning to a brand new series from Comixology Originals and Stout Club Entertainment. A royal murder has taken place inside a mountain community. With building tensions amongst the clans inhabiting the land, there is no telling how devasting the explosion of personalities will be.

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) dives further into the chaotic fallout.

Let’s take a closer look at the next chapter!

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho juggles around many characters in this issue. The King casts out Thrud, Har of the Dagar, Lodar, Liv, Embla and Gymir. There is a wide range of reactions to the exile. Har and Gymir stand out as moments readers will focus on. The six now must face the brutal elements of the Mistland.

Seeing how they survive in the frozen tundra proves for a new dynamic to emerge. Har and Gymir continue to break from the rest as the characters to watch. Their banter proves to reflect the lives they have now left behind. This leads to a unique finish with much for fans to ponder in this new landscape.

Watanabe and Marques give ample time for the original exiles to say their goodbyes. The panels capture the heartbreak and frustration of their sentences. Once the six exiles are outside the mountain, the art gives a broad picture of what they’re up against.

The new environment causes more tensions to rise. The brief argument between Har and Gymir jumps out from the pages. This rolls into a striking closing image. Knowing that the group is in new territory, readers will have to make their guesses as to what lies ahead.


Mystery abounds for six exiles as a new stat quo unfolds. Castilho’s writing switches themes to farewells and survival fighting. The imagery of Watanabe, Marques and Manes fills the pages with growing mysteries. Get ready as the biggest dangers to this group might not just be their newfound home, but their own personalities as well.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we have arrived at the end of an initial voyage. Leading the charge from “The Devil’s Cut”, “GONE” by JOCK was the first series to roll out under the DSTLRY banner. It’s been almost a year to the birth of the company. There has been a surge of stories following such as Spectregraph and The Blood Brother’s Mother. However, Gone will be remembered as the one that blazed the trail.

GONE #3 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs brings The end of Abi’s space odyessy.

Let’s see how the final chapter fares.

GONE #3 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (CREDIT: DSTLRY)


Jock leaves no doubt of his level of storytelling with this series. Abi is a complex character that readers have seen literally grow up before their eyes. Abi is fearless and committed to her goals. The dynamic between her and Jay carries the story until an unexpected twist. it is perfectly timed to shift gears into the next half of the book.

Her relationship with the Captain has always be complicated to say the least. Jock’s writing times their showdown exceptionally. With everything Abi has gone through, the moment plays out to a well structured climax. Its’ fallout ties up loose ends while leaving fans with a gut-punching closing page. This chapter really takes things to new levels for an unforgettable finale.

As for the art….where to begin! From the start, Jock captures the drive and will of Abi and Jay’s mission. The intensity written on Abi’s face speaks volumes. There’s a great full splash page of the pair fighting infected passangers that pops off the page.

Jay’s reveal is given a full page image that haunts before starting that portion of the story. This sets the stage for the final encounter of Abi and The Captain. The imagery reflect the many reactions Abi has gone through on this ride. The conclusion will draw a vocal reaction out of the reader which is always a plus. The concluding pages hit on many levels with the last page giving a heart-breaking impact that ends the saga on a strong note.


The space odyssey of Abi concludes with a final issue that simply cannot be missed. Jock’s writing takes Abi into many directions before a final confrontation for the ages. The artwork is exceptional from cover to cover. It’s high level storytelling at its finest.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Gone #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this edition, we’re checking out a brand new story on an imprint you need to know about! Magma Comix is a new imprint featuring some creative heavyweights. The Principles of Necromancy features the Hivemind (Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly), EAMON WINKLE and SHAWN LEE. Silicon Bandits is from JASON STARR and DALIBOR TALAJIĆ, STJEPAN BARTOLIĆ and SHAWN LEE.

Now joining their ranks is a story that is sure to make some waves on New Comic Book Day.

The Scale Trade #1 by Steve Orlando (Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver), Megan Huang (Star Wars) and Shawn Lee constructs a fantasy tale with a grounded feel.

Let’s take a closer look at how this debut fares.

The Scale Trade #1 by Steve Orlando, Megan Huang and Shawn Lee (Magma Comix)


The saga begins with a news report talking about Dragons. On the report, Blaire Monroe is an activist supporting the Dragon Conversation Agency. Monroe explains how Dragons are priceless. She also mentions how they’re in danger on the Black Market. it is also referred to as The Scale Trade.

Meanwhile, a pair of gentlemen are talking in a diner. It feels as an interview between DCA officials. On one side, it’s Agent Tritos. On the other is Agent Neil Cutter. Cutter seems as the grizzled veteran who’s schooling the young agent on ways of business.

Readers see a quick flashback of Tritos’ first encounter with a Dragon. It leads to the pairs’ first investigation. What starts as a routine check spirals into much more.

Things escalate very quickly as the pair furthers their investigation. What do they find? The pace picks up as the agents go to work. The fallout plants seeds for what lies ahead. A closing image will lead readers into the next chapter with many questions as to what is next to come.

The Scale Trade #1 by Steve Orlando, Megan Huang and Shawn Lee (Magma Comix)

Orlando sets up an intriguing prospect with this story. The agents conflicting personalities is sure to lead to much more drama. Their banter reflects an uneasiness with the climate at hand.

Agent Cutter comes across with cards held close to the chest. It even appears at times, he is baiting Tritos into something more sinister. The pacing grows faster once their case begins. The final act flows very rapidly to the conclusion. With its’ closing segment, Orlando brings an end for now but gives readers a few ideas to ponder till next time.

Huang presents the importance of the dragons right form the beginning. The two page spread for the dragons flying gives a sense of importance to these creatures. It helps amplify Monroe’s pleas to protect them. The panels with the agents vary in emotions from focused to reactionary panic. As their case comes to light, the images reflect the fast moving action. Once the ending begins, it leads to a solid parting image mirroring a calm before a bigger storm on the horizon.


Combining crime elements with fantasy creatures, “The Scale Trade” delivers an interesting concept. With Orlando’s writing guiding reluctant partners, Huang’s art conveys the deeper mystery unfolding for the readers. It’s a solid debut issue that should lead to more excitement as events unfold.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Scale Trade #1. Thanks for reading!


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For this entry, the saga of the Shroud ends its’ debut on ComiXology Originals. With one door closing, another has been announced to open. Dark Horse Comics is releasing the Best Jackett Press series in print form on December 18th, 2024. Until then, let’s see how Jo and his friends make out in their encounter with Charon!

BY A THREAD #4 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals) looks to bring fans an unforgettable ending.

Let’s take a closer look and see how things fare.

BY A THREAD #4 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals)


The story begins with the immediate fallout of Jo losing his arm to the Shroud. The mood is reflective at how dangerous Jo walked towards being killed. Witht he shroud leaving a facial scar, Jo’s friends see him in the hospital. One friend who comes bearing gifts is Charlie.

Charlie bears the guilt of causing Jo’s injury. A metal arm lies beneath the wrapping paper. Jo is happily surprised to see it. Charlie hopes this can lead to some forgiveness. It leads to an impromptu kiss which Jo isn’t ready for. Charlie leaves before he can react.

The story shifts back to the cold reality of the new world. Jo and friends are locked away in a crystal jail. Rowan has set them up for his own devious plan.

What does Rowan have in mind with Jo and company? Readers find out there is much more that just Jo’s journey at hand. A showdown is set in motion that could change the course of everything.

The pace fires on all cylinders as the action unfolds. During the chaos, who will be left standing? With the closing pages, a new course is set for when readers head back into the abyss of the Shroud.

What a mic dropping ending. Scott and Jack Snyder drive the emotional points right through to the conclusion. Jo’s backstory connects with readers about the uncertainty of the new world. It’s a perfect set-up for their present struggle. The reveal of Rowan opens up many possibilities to where things can head next. The direction that the story leans into is an excellent build for the feverish last act.

With the climactic ending, there are many moving elements at hand. The writing manages to close in on Jo, who steals the spotlight with his actions. The fallout presents an intriguing new course of action. Once the final page hits, readers will want to dive right back as the next course will set things in a new avenue to follow along with. Amazing work on display with the finale.

Favoccia and Cogar give readers many huge images to rave about. The emotional innocence of youth is shown in the opening segments. It gives a happier timeframe before the darker times of the present. Rowan’s reveal is crafted with a full page split of panels featuring the major player involved.

This is complimented with a full page displaying the showdown of Rowan and Charon. There’s no way readers see this and not get excited for what follows. From here, the action doesn’t stop as events keep escalating to a grand finale. The fallout leaves readers for now with an image that leaves no doubt the saga is far from over.


With Rowan’s plans revealed, Jo and his friends have to find a way to survive in a thrilling arc conclusion. The fantastic writing of Scott and Jack Snyder takes readers on a rollercoaster of events. Favoccia layers the chapter with superb imagery that elevates the saga to new levels. By A Thread is a series that readers simply can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod Social media and let me know your thoughts on By A Thread #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving back into an intense story that combines elements of horror, action, and drama. The one-upsmanship style chase between Father Vieri and Legion has taken some insane turns. Where the story braces to go now will surely keep fans on the edge of their seats.

THE DEVIL THAT WEARS MY FACE #5 by David Pepose, Alex Cormack, Justin Birch (Mad Cave Studios) looks to turn things up a few notches with this latest chapter.

Let’s take a closer look and see where we go from here.

The Devil That Wears My Face #4 by David Pepose, Alex Cormack, and Justin Birch. (Credit Mad Cave Studios. Cover By Alex Cormack.)


On a burning ship, the spirit of Father Vieri is trapped inside its’ current vessel. Mortally wounded, time is not on the side of the Father. As Vieri makes his call, a name is mentioned that is answered. The name is Santiago Izan.

A spirit emerges. It claims to be the real Santiago Izan. Before there’s time to react, they’re taken down to Hell via demons.

Meanwhile, Legion (in Vieri’s body) stands over the fallen Brother Gabriel. Legion plans to explain the gapping hole in Gabriel’s body. His plans are interrupted by Cardinal Pentecost. Pentecost calls him out for his bizarre behavior. The conversation heats up. It’s interrupted by Maria, who knows that Legion is inside Vieri’s body.

Suffice to say, there are a LOT of moving parts with this story. The descent into the darkness challenges Vieri. Readers see his story take a few twists in finding the truth. The question becomes will he solve it in time?

As for Legion, can he thwart off the Cardinal and Maria? The challengers arise but a power play is made. Readers see a dramatic moment sends things heavily into Legion’s favor. This all boils over into the final pages where the ultimate showdown looks to be heading for an explosive finale.

The Devil That Wears My Face #4 by David Pepose, Alex Cormack, and Justin Birch. (Credit Mad Cave Studios. Cover By Alex Cormack.)

Pepose excells in juggling the vast character stories with this chapter. Both Vieri and Legion’s paths take intense shifts within these pages. Vieri’s path lets his true character shine as he tries saving a soul. The same can be said for Legion. He is pure evil and the writing gives him devious charisma while executing his plans. It’s a classic tale of good vs evil.

The build towards the close comes off steady and to the point. The shocking moments just flow and never feel forced. It gives both leads a final sell to the readers of the magnitude of the final confrontation.

Cormack and Birch spare no expense with the horror elements. The full page panel where Vieri gets pulled to Hell jumps off the page. The facial expressions of Legion convey the manic nature of the demon. Even when confronted, the eyes give away his demonic attitude. This plays into the final act. Seeing one last moment of action, Legion’s ultimate endgame comes to light with a full page panel screaming “The End Is Near”.


The pen-ultimate chapter of Father Vieri’s & Legions deadly dance doesn’t disappoint. Pepose constructs the path to the final confrontation balancing horror and heroics. Cormack and Birch bring the hellish playing field to life with haunting imagery. Buckle in for a final showdown for the ages.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Devil that Wears My Face #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of a fantastic story via ComiXology Originals. Debuting in October of 2021, the saga of Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Andrea has led into some incredible places and fantastic characters. It is no surprise when the creative team behind it is an Eisner winning pair (AFTERLIFT) that is known for the imaginative storytelling.

Readers have followed along as the vampire crew behind an all-night diner have challenged villains, mythology, and the high cost of immortality. Heading into their final chapter, the family risks it all for one of their own. Who will survive the final showdown with the Takers?

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sets course for an unforgettable finale.

Let’s take a closer look and see how the series concludes.

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Alex, the vampire/“super-hero” who began this journey in issue #1, has been taken away by the Takers. The remaining members of the family track down his whereabouts to the Bermuda Triangle. With Francis (Frankenstein) and GOD by their side, the group ventures to free their family member.

Upon arrival, they are confronted by The Boogeyman. Behind the scenes lurking is Lucifer. He is waiting to have a chat with God about current affairs. Once the family conquers their fears, its full speed ahead into a confrontation with the Boogeyman and his forces.

This issue begins with God and Lucifer discussing the forthcoming battle between them. God has cyphered Lucifer is building his forces via the Supernatural. God challenges him on the plans. God also questions whether they’re on the right path as well.

Meanwhile, the action kicks off with the family (in full superhero costumes) taking it to the Boogeyman. With a lack of fear, the evil forces begin to fade. During this moment, Cynthia and Joy break away to find Alex and Francis, who are still captured.

The captured pair have found a friend in the form of the Yeti. Unfortunately for the trio, their path to escape has come upon a road block. Lazaruk and his “Justice Angels” stand in their way.

Readers watch the magic unfold as the final stand plays out. The tension never slows down building to a fever pitch with time slipping away. An unlikely voice becomes the catalyst for the strongest part of the final act. The emotions run high with one paying an ultimate price. The epilogue provides a superb ending to what has been a phenomenal read since day one. There is much to enjoy with this final chapter.

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky combines multiple theme for this finale. Questioning fate is one of the bigger elements of the story. The conversation of God, Lucifer and their destiny raise many questions about the paths they’ve chosen. This ties in perfectly with the family’s original challenges. Defying the Takers, the writing has mirrored the defiance of what is considered to be certain fate. It leads to great character moments for Ian, Andrea and Cynthia.

It’s closing pages complete the journey of self-discovery with a quiet moment between two characters. Zdarsky closes out the story with a strong ending fitting of the characters that have stepped out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

Loo and Alleyne shift focus to the conversations with the imagery of this book. The use of the white background for God and Lucifer’s talk gave the moment a completely different feel than the other stories going on. It’s a contrast to Alex and Francis being stick in their darkness surroundings. Where the talk bring hope, Alex’s situation has been shrouded with darkness. Readers can connect with the hopelessness of the capture.

Once all the stories start coming together in the latter half, the mood is leveled up with the coloring and lettering. The final stand for one character reflects the noble sacrifice being made. It is also complemented with strong emotional reactions amongst the family. The pain and sorrow in certain characters faces speak volumes. With a parting full page visual to the world of the diner, the story concludes with an enjoyable image. There is no other way the series could part way with readers with other than this shot. The team delivered on some incredible storytelling.

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The supernatural saga of comic’s favorite diner concludes with a strong finale. Zdarsky orchestrates a layered conclusion with superb writing. Loo, Alleyne, and Cvetkovic provide a bittersweet farewell with dramatic visuals. It’s closing time for this wildly imaginative tale and a true disservice to your collection not to add this chapter.

Hit me up on ODPHpod Social Media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #15. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along the space odyssey hailing from the pages of DSTLRY. Since its’ launch, the upstart company has created quite the buzz for its’ creator owned series. The first fortay into comic shops was GONE by Jock.

With a 13 yr old stowing away on board a spaceship looking for food, readers became instantly locked in with the story. Now, time has flown by when we catch up to the lead character and the dangers that still loom.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs brings much to the table for its second issue. Lets take a closer look at how things fare now.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (credit: DSTLRY)


No good deed goes unpunished. This is what Abi learned the hard way. The 13yr old attempted to help her family by stealing food from luxury starships that stop by her planet. On one fateful run, Abi doesn’t escape in time. Now along for the ride and far from home, Abi must figure out what to do next.

This chapter picks up with a ship speeding through the galaxy. After the initial run, the narration paints the picture of despair as the Sabs failed attempt to take over the ship has forced them into hiding. The group, who’s taken Abi, in scrape to survive.

Meanwhile, the “upper class” passengers have embarked on a hyper sleep. In their slumber, guards watch over them and the ship. As the rebels embark on another scavenger run, they think they find a huge score. The only problems it’s heavily guarded. A voice speaks out saying they will handle it. Readers see it’s Abi, but no the same one they remember from issue #1.

Abi is much older and wears the years of survival on her shoulders. The latest task sets Abi into dangerous territory. What does she encounter on the latest run?

Readers see a shocking reveal as Abi makes a discovery. How does this new dynamic play into her future? The mystery of the ship dives further into wonder. The conversations will lead Abi into reliving a past thought to be lost. However, the final act will send the story into a shocking tailspin as to where things line up next.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (credit: DSTLRY)

Jock sets a few new paths in motion with this latest chapter. The time jump with Abi shows how much she’s adapted to her new environment. Her demeanor seems broken and battle-tested. This is evident in the mission shown in the first act. Once she makes her discovery, the story takes a huge twist in direction.

The writing latches back to her past, giving more layers to the debut. The conversations she has become emotional with the pain she’s felt. Jock does an excellent job hiding the true antagonist’s motives in this scenario. It helps to build up for the big surprise in the final pages. With the parting shot, it’s anyone’s guess where we go from here.

The art continues to bring the desolate times of Abi to a stark reality. The moments with the Sabs capture the rough way of life she’s been experiencing on the ship. Readers can easily see the anguish and wear of the everyday life. The mission at hand moves swiftly, building on a few ideas.

The fallout with her companions is brought to life with vivid coloring. It shadows the true dangers at hand. Abi’s confusion leaders readers into wondering what is truly happening here. Following this, the emotional expressions with her conversations make a solid impact on readers. It grounds the story just enough to see the true toll Abi has been enduring. This all get sent into a new route with the closing images. The parting pages are simple but tell such a terrifying moment.

It’s a true testament of how Jock masters storytelling in his work.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (credit: DSTLRY - Cover: Matt Taylor)


The winding road home takes another drastic turn in Jock’s sensational space odyssey. Abi’s latest chapter is filled with strong writing and exceptional imagery. Readers can’t help but be locked in for the stunning new developments. Don’t miss picking this story up.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Gone #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re heading back into a world of danger and mystery via Comixology Originals. When “The Shroud” starts conquering the Earth, life as we know it has been changed forever. Jo and Canon have adapted to this new world years later. When a sign of hope appears in the form of a black diamond, a world of possibilities opens up. Where does it all lead?

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price heads further into adventure and intrigue. Let’s take a closer look, but watch out for the Shroud.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The chapter begins at an earlier time of Jo and “The Shroud”. Readers watch the youthful actions of a game of “Spin The Bottle”. In a post-apocalyptic world, it’s a fleeting moment of normalcy. Jo spins and it lands on Charlie, who isn’t there.

Jo finds her contemplating her future as she’s got a chance to join the Mechanic’s guild. Jo offers words of encouragement. When Charlie slips, she falls towards a catching Jo. In between laughing about the slip, a startling revelation appears. Jo’s arm lands in some of the Shroud. With it quickly moving up Jo’s arm, Charlie makes a choice to save Jo. The cost is high as she takes an axe to his arm.

In the present time, the older group of friends have followed Rowan on this journey. Rowan is the stranger who showed up with the black diamond. With bright hope behind his selling point, the group camps out twenty miles from their location at a drive-in theatre.

With the break int he action, the conversation goes back to their pre-shroud days. Happiness is short lived as something crashes the party and its’ not happy.

Readers see the party-crasher with action unfolding. The pace picks up as the group fights to survive. he fallout sends the story into uncharted areas as a few revelations appear. The closing moments enter a new dynamic into Jo and his friends’ quest that leaves many questions for next time.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

The writing keeps the focus centered on the longing of the pre-shroud days with this latest edition. The moments of “Spin The Bottle” reflect how trying to retain being normal isn’t in the cards. Jumping to present time, the group’s conversation keeps their time light-hearted until the threat shows up.

At this stage, the pace shifts gears to the threat at hand. The action picks up the issue but leads to a strong closing act. The writing spaced out Rowan’s secrets enough to give the finale a bigger feel before concluding events.

Favoccia does another fantastic job with bringing this fantasy world to life. The innocence of the kids right after the Shroud wins over readers. This pays into the striking panel of Jo losing his arm to survive. The threat at hand has very intense visuals stemming from it’ near full page panel debut.

The fallout mirrors the reaction of Rowan’s reveals. Readers instantly can sense the change of the group’s feelings. This plays into a great closing page which makes a big impact on the way out of this latest chapter.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The journey for the truth is paved with dark intentions in the latest chapter of jo and his friends journey. The team of Scott and Jack Snyder pen a tale of innocence defying danger with solid writing. Favoccia’s artwork continues to shine through the dark landscape of the Shroud. Combined, it’s a winning formula you can’t afford to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me ow your thoughts on By A Thread #3 Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the end is drawing closer for a fan-favorite series on Comixology Originals! With a devastating sacrifice last issue, the supernatural family sets course to the root of their woes. Will they be able to save their fallen member or be added to the casualty count?

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sends fans on an unforgettable voyage into the unknown. Let’s not wait another minute and dive right in!

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


With Alex being taken away by the Takers during their battle with Lazaruk, the remaining members of The All-Nighter Cafe embark on a quest to get him back. Ian, Cynthia, and Joy are joined by Andrea (their recently turned human to vampire ally) and an individual claiming to be GOD.

Finding their location would be a challenge. Francis (aka Frankenstein’s Monster) sacrificed himself to be bait. Once the opportunity was there, time has now become a factor to succeed or die trying in the process.

This issue begins with Cynthia scolding Igor and the rest of the family. Knowing her personal relationship with Francis, she is not taking his actions well. The sacrifice was not in vein. The tracker Francis had on him starts showing the Taker’s possible location. Readers find out that it is the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

Meanwhile Francis is being held captive by two mysterious figures. The one leads the conversation into questioning Francis’ actions. Once he is not answering with truth, the figure hits Francis with force, claiming to be waiting or the others to come.

At sea, what does the family come across? Readers see what is lurking in the Triangle and it is not happy to see the visitors. From here, the triangle conflict leads into new revelations and challenges. Is this what will finally stop Ian and company? Once the final act begins to play out, readers know the final endgame has started with a bleak outlook.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky sets forth the final voyage for the diner crew with a strong tale of challenging fears. The emotions range from anger to worry amongst the crew after Francis’ choice. The creativity pours out from this issue as well. With the issue’s antagonist, Zdarsky challenges each character to face their darkest fears.

Taking the conflict to such a level keeps readers a new perspective heading into the closing issues. The final moments kick events into high gear coming to a screeching halt on the last panel. The story has been an excellent read thus far and shows no signs of letting up now.

Loo and Alleyne focus on the emotional reactions of what is happening for this chapter. From Cynthia’s rage to God’s “even keel” calmness, the variations of reactions provides the readers an insight into the conflict. The secret of the Triangle is given half page panels which amplifies its moment. Its’ resolution is another great half page panel that closes solidly.

The major antagonist makes a grand entrance to the group late in the issue. The panels add a haunting element to his attack. The smaller panels (like the 9 panel page) connects the dark overtones of what is happening as the initial strike is made. The closing image caps off the beginning of the end on a high note. It’s another example of great storytelling that this series is known for.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The end begins here for the supernatural family with their final voyage into unknown danger. Zdarsky pens a superb build into the chilling attack by a dark presence. Paired with the captivating visuals brought to life by Loo and the art team and you have a winning combination of storytelling that can’t be missed.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #13. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are following along the supernatural family serving the daily specials via Comixology Originals. Returning for their final arc, Ian, Cynthia, and Joy begin their plan to rescue their missing family member. However, after the ending of last issue, they might have some divine intervention on their side.

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sets events in motion for the final showdown. Let’s take a closer look and see where things stand now, shall we?

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


GOD has entered the playing field.

As Ian, Joy and Andrea converse in the diner, they quickly realize they are not alone. GOD is inside and making milkshakes? Ian is not believing the stranger is how he claims to be. Readers see a subtle way of proving the claim via Blood Milkshakes.

Ian still denies the claims. He thinks this figure might have more to do with The Takers. God tries explaining more in detail. A new thought is posed where not one being but rather all Humanity is God now. Ian isn’t exactly on board (still) but the rest of the group clearly has warmed up to the notion. From this conversation, a new member looks ready to join the group in their rescue attempt.

The conversation is interrupted by figures representing the Takers. With the action escalating, does the mysterious stranger sway fate in their favor?

With a hasty escape, the group reunites with Francis and Cynthia. It is at this moment, the dynamic changes forever. What course does the family now walk towards? As one’s past comes to light, the rescue mission appears to begin, but not without a hefty cost. The emotional pull begins on readers leading into a closing page that won’t be soon forgotten as the end appears to be closer than anyone wants to fathom.

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

Zdarsky throws readers off their game with the introduction of a major player. Bringing in GOD to assist the team demonstrates a new look at the set-up of the story. The explanation of reasons and motives are an easy follow to readers. It also allows new directions into where things lead. God’s story provides a huge set-up for when the group escapes the diner.

Featuring a stand-out character in the spotlight, Zdarsky elevates their story tremendously. The effects form this raise the stakes of the final act many notches. Zdarsky taps into the emotional connections these characters have to completely bring the small wins crashing down. The final moments of this chapter drop a huge blow to all parties involved, lighting the match for an explosive final run.

Loo and Alleyne feature a few different looks to God’s introduction. From Ian’s disbelief to Joy and Andrea’s amazement of his “creation”, it provides a few light-hearted moments before cranking up on the emotions. Once the group arrives back at the forest retreat, the tone shifts and focuses on the actions and feelings of a notable character.

The personal panels showcase a different side before ushering in an action that kicks off the conclusion. The imagery perfectly covers what each connecting character is feeling once the end begins. It exemplifies how there is more to this story than just supernatural beings. It’s about the caring each major character has shown for their small group and how important the final act is to sacrifice so much.

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


The road to Hell is paved with good intentions as a heavenly figure makes their presence known in another fantastic issue. Zdarsky’s emotionally layered writing raises the stakes with Loo, Alleyne and Cvetkovic crafting the calm before the upcoming final play. There’s no reason this series shouldn’t be in your collection by the end of New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #12. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along with a brand new adventure on Comixology Originals (via Best Jackett Press). With the hype surrounding its’ debut, the initial entry from a father-son writing team made a huge impression with comic fans. Now poised to drop its’ follow-up chapter, the fantasy-adventure tale kicks into high gear with secrets ready to be told.

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price returns to New Comic Boom Day with an idea of hope shinning through the Shroud. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening now!

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


When a mysterious black substance coined “The Shroud” starts taking over the Earth, it leaves a trail of destruction and death. Years later, survivors have formed towers known as “Needles” to live on, hoping for a better tomorrow.

Jo and Canon are trying to find ways to survive in this dangerous new world. They come into contact with Pindle, who promises relief for a price. Readers see quickly all those promises disappear quickly. This is all due to Charon, a warlord in search of a stranger lurking around the Needle. Jo comes into contact with this stranger later and finds out he might hold a key to safety in this shroud era.

This chapter opens with a flashback to eighty days after the Shroud first emerged. Readers see the breakdown in society starting through a young Jo’s eyes. His parents killed. His world shattered. The chaos is everywhere.

As he prepares for the worst, he is rescued by Canon. The pair flies away to a new home. The moment impacts Jo greatly. It also influences him in the present time. With a black diamond in the possession of Rowan (the stranger Charon is seeking), Jo and his friends see this as a sign of hope. Can this be the break they have been searching for?

Readers see a valiant move as Jo and company dig further into the hidden agenda of Rowan. Can they stay out of Charon’s reach long enough to find out. The pages fill with wonder and excitement as a path is ventures with grave consequences for failure. As the final act unfolds, events lead to a parting image that can only mean this story is far from over.

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

The writing dives into the past, present and future of the world of the Shroud. The opening sequence gives readers insight to how quickly the world fell apart . Choosing to tell it through Jo’s eyes made for a solid connection to readers. The “present” of the book brings a deeper insight into the events unfolding.

Scott and Jack showcase the groups emotions as to what Rowan represents to their situation. The Snyders combine fantasy elements in with adventure flawlessly for where things lead. Pacing sets up for a fantastic finish. This story just keeps getting better and better.

Favoccia and Cogar continue to blow readers away with the impresssive visuals in this series. The flashback sequence fully brings to life the harsh new world young Jo now finds himself in. This concludes with a full page panel introducing readers right into the second act. The conversations reflect the the possibilities of Rowan’s cargo.

Readers can’t help but be caught up in the thrill of the adventure at hand. This is put on display with an exceptional two-page full spread. Just when readers think the bar can’t be raised higher, the parting image leaves no doubt of how incredible the journey is currently as its’ only just started.

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The mystery of By A Thread draws readers further into danger with another excellent chapter. Scott and Jack Snyder’s superb writing is taken to another level through the mind-blowing visuals of Favoccia and Cogar. The journey continues to level up with each page. You simply can’t miss what’s happening here if you’re a fan of great storytelling.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know your thoughts on By A Thread #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Comixology Originals has a brand new series debuting with a very familiar creator returning to the line. Since 2018, Abigail Jill Harding has been gifting fans with the stunning imagery of the “Ask For Mercy” series with Richard Starkings. With this new series, Harding is making her writing debut with a tremendous amount of buzz behind it.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and
Richard Starkings looks to have fans attention with a magnetic story playing out behind its’ concept. Let’s see how this debut fares, shall we?

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)


The story begins with birds known as rooks flying around a graveyard. Behind guarding stone angels guarding a room, the sky has a red moon. A monstrous figure walks from the doorway with the angles weeping. As it approaches a gateway, the creature shapeshifts and flies away into the night sky.

The scenery moves to a castle on a hill. Inside lies a woman appearing on her deathbed. As she looks out the window, the creature shifts into a human form. Known as Darius Ravenscar, he kneels at her side. Readers sense there is a strong connection to the pair with the woman asking to relive their past. The stranger obliges and the story kicks into gear.

With imagery of a woman casting a spell into a fire deep in the forest, Ravenscar awakes inside his bed. Franticly running late, he makes his way into the city of Eborvik, towards the castle. Inside, he sees a woman named Princess Seraphina playing her harp.

The noticable admiration fills the scenes but there is one person not happy with what is unfolding. King Sitric, Lord of the Four Vales, orders Ravenscar to leave.

While leaving the castle, events start to unfold that drastically change the path of the story. What happens to Darius when he leaves? How does his life change? Readers see there is more than the King interfering with what Darius cares for. Fate has intervened in an unlikely way. The closing act covers a range of emotions before charging into its’ final moments. Once seen, the ending of the chapter foreshadows a deeper story lurking that has only just begun to come to the surface.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Harding paints a dark and complex story with her writing debut. Ravenscar instantly comes across as a tortured soul when he debuts. The elements of horror and hope dance through the dialogue as both he and Seraphina play into a world they hoped to have found together but never did.

The backstory of the pair dives into the brooding conflict with the King. Emotions run high as his majesty is determined not to allow events to grow further. The direction of the book shifts after the castle into unlikely places. This is where Harding’s writing goes up another level, connecting the doomed couple into fleeting moments of happiness. It’s these events that feel even further away once the closing moments happen. Once the chapter close, there is much left for readers to return and see how things play out.

The art reflects the moods and themes portrayed from the beginning. The full-page introduction image of Darius creates a bold debut locking readers in. This is also matched buy another full page panel of Darius after events have changed his future.

The use of coloring adds another layer to the saga at hand. Being a black and white book, once the red coloring is used, it signifies a change. It also announces the Rooks hovering overhead and where they connect to the shift in moments. The book is detailed with emotion and striking visuals. It has a great deal going on but paced enough where nothing feels out of place. The final panel brings the book to a screeching halt but leaves no doubt for things to come.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)


Powerful imagery bolsters the strong writing debut of Harding for a love story unlike any other. Blending the worlds of horror and hope, the story of Ravenscar and Seraphina takes readers into many directions before leaving a terrifying note as to what the future holds.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Parliament of Rooks #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are returning to a supernatural tale from Comixology Originals that simply can’t be missed. Since its’ debut, the story of Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Alex, a group running an all-night diner which has more to it than a daily special, has been a major hit with comic readers. The final image of where tings were left immediately created a buzz for when the series would be back.

At the Comixology Originals panel at New York Comic Con 2023, the final arc was announced. Since then, fans have been catching up in digital (and print via Dark Horse Comics) form. It is an amazing read filled with imaginative takes, pushing the creative limits. Heading into the close, the creative team is not ending their shift on a sour note.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic returns with an issue you can’t miss! Let’s take a closer look and see how the road to the end begins.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


After surviving their encounter with Lazaruk and the “Justice Angels”, The remaining members of the vampire group look to figure their future out. With Alex lost during an encounter with the Takers (the governing body of the supernatural), Ian and Joy looked to take the fight directly to their doorstep to get their family member back. As Ian put it, “After all….we’re super heroes” which Alex’s fascination with begin their wild adventures. Others haven’t played their cards just yet as the world they know has been turned upside down.

This issue picks up where Joy is continuing the vigilante ways patrolling the streets. Ian looks on from outside the closed Diner. Readers can tell he appears troubled with what’s unfolding.

Meanwhile back in the Forrest colony, Cynthia and Frank are discussing the fallout of events. They break away for a quiet moment of normalcy. It’s a change of pace that both are enjoying considering what has transpired.

The story shifts to Joy on patrol. She jumps into a fight over a woman between two men. Joy’s interference isn’t welcomed and a scuffle breaks out. Joy handles events but some of the women watching events play out are also not happy with Joy.

Readers quickly see a surprise as they are not whom they seem to be. Luckily, Andrea, the former human ally of Alex and the group appears. What transpires next catch some off guard as more clarity about what is the groups’ next step comes into focus. That said, once the closing pages begin, everything readers thought they knew changes course as the last panel solidifies what everyone knew going in: The story here is far from over.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

Zdarsky brings readers back with a well-paced return for Ian and company. Having Cynthia act as a narrator of sorts reflects the mood of everyone since the last issue concluded. The tone is one of being worn down and wondering what’s next. The moments with Frank give this story a “normal” break before diving back into the supernatural. The ramifications of losing Alex weigh heavy on the rest of the group.

Seeing how everyone is dealing with that loss demonstrates a wide range of emotions. Seeing where Ian is leaning towards solving their problem is something readers can sense the consequences of those actions. It all ties together with the final panels, setting events in motion for a memorable farewell.

Loo and Alleyne bring the human emotions out of Cynthia and Frank right from the beginning. Their panels are a nice transition in comparison to what follows after. The fight between Joy and her combatants lead readers into a bigger payout later when Andrea joins the party. The art mirrors the mood of coping with loss as the issue progresses.

Ian’s frustrations stand out as he lets readers in onto where his thinking is leading to. The concluding pages give a great surprise to what has been an excellent return for the team of the All-Nighter Diner.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


The supernatural heroes helmed by Zdarsky and Loo return for a fantastic start to the final arc. The loss of Alex haunts the team with with sharp writing and excellent visuals to set the stages for an unforgettable finale. Don’t miss the beginning of the end this week for New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #11. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the next installment from an upstart company making big waves in comics. Since it’s announcement in early 2023, DSTLRY captured readers intention with a founders roster of top-level creators and a business model unlike any others.

With a lineup including Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Brian Azzarello, Stephanie Phillips , Mirka Andolfo, Joëlle Jones, Tula Lotay, Lee Garbett, Marc Bernardin, Becky Cloonan, Junko Mizuno, Elsa Charretier, Jamie McKelvie, Ram V and Will Dennis, there was no possible way anything this line does that wouldn’t be big news.

Factor in the actual partnerships with financial stakes aspect along with the roster and THIS is why the imprint has the hype surrounding each forthcoming project.

With the release of The Devils Cut this summer, fans have been counting down the days until DSTLRY’s next book. Their wait is finally over as another founder leads the charge into the comic shops this week!

GONE #1 by the one and only JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs looks to make a lasting impression with readers and keep the company’s momentum rolling. Let’s take a closer peak and what’s happening here, shall we?

GONE #1 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (Credit: DSTLRY)


The story begins on the Sun-East settlement of a distant planet. Armed individuals are walking the streets looking for someone. The mood is tense as the residents scramble away. A lone stranger winds up standing in the center of the colony. His eyes are blue like ice with no remorse.

This is a stark contrast to the light reflected face of thirteen year old Ari. As depicted in “The Stowaway” from the Devil’s Cut, Ari steals food for her family off of starships. Readers find out that on this scavenging mission, five started with only two surviving. With empty hands and mounting problems, there is a sense of despair lingering in the air.

Ari is determined to help her family out. With her mother expecting a child, there’s mounting pressure to find ways to help. Ari mentions about a possible bigger score with a new ship but her mother doesn’t want her to go. Ari passes on the warning and joins a group of eager individuals ready to make the heist.

However, once on board, things change dramatically. What transpires while on board you ask? Readers won’t be ready for the change of course that the story takes. Abi’s future as she knows it changes forever. With a new stat quo in place, there’s never a shortage of dangers lurking. The intensity builds right up to the final act. Once the last page hits, there’s no escaping how this story has blazed a trail that readers won’t be able to get enough of.

GONE #1 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (Credit: DSTLRY)

A non-stop thrill ride of unrelenting spirit. Ari is an easy character to root for due to her drive and caring. Jock’s writing sets up the stage for how dangerous her cause is right from the start. Once the search begins, the mood is anxious and bleak. The moments with Ari and her mother brings events into clear focus as the weight of the situation grows.

Ari knows what’s at stake and risks it all to help. It is such a heroic quality that follows the lead in her unexpected adventure. The drama works well with the pacing, allowing readers to pause before things ramps up for another round. The closing act comes off as a change of course, but is extremely well done. The journey has only just begun but what a start!

The art shines as one would expect. The imagery from the initial search paints the picture of danger through each panel. Excellent shot of the man facing the settlement moving to the close-up of eyes. The imagery of the spaceships over the broken colony depicts the evident divide between the people of the planet. The panels with Ari and her mother pour with expressions of doubt and struggle.

It’s a lingering feel through the remainder of the book. Jock mixes in action with the escalating drama where nothing ever feels safe to Ari’s mission. It’s a great attribute that an excellent storyteller like Jock can pull off with ease. The closing image throws a solid swerve into the mix while ending events with much to be excited for in the future.

GONE #1 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (Credit: DSTLRY)

GONE #1 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (Credit: DSTLRY)


The next phase of DSTLRY kicks off on a high note with a tale readers simply won’t want to abandon ship on. The talents of Jock flood each page with excellent artwork supporting the astounding story being constructed. This is a no-brainer to add to anyone’s comic collection for New Comic Book Day this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts about Gone #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the wait is finally over! Ever since the secret was let out in the pages of VOID RIVALS, fans have been eagerly waiting for the “ENERGON UNIVERSE” to kick into high gear! Bringing two of Pop Cultures biggest fandoms together in one universe is always an exciting time. Considering the pair making their re-introduction and it’s not just an event. It’s a new chapter in a historic legacy in comics.

Since its’ debut via Marvel in 1984, TRANSFORMERS has been a staple at the comics shops throughout various publishers. Often paired along with the world of G.I. Joe, their stories have been entertaining fans for decades. Now primed for a HUGE relaunch via Skybound Entertainment (and Image Comics), the quiet build has been trending towards a new series with one of comics’ biggest names behind it.

TRANSFORMERS #1 by DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON (MURDER FALCON, DO A POWERBOMB, BETA RAY BILL), MIKE SPICER AND RUS WOOTEN looks to keep the momentum going as a new chapter is about to be written in the franchise’s history. Let’s not wait any longer and dive in, shall we?

TRANSFORMERS #1 - DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON, MIKE SPICER AND RUS WOOTEN (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment)


The story begins with imagery reflecting a struggle has happened for two major figures. One is “Sparky” Witwicky. The other is Optimus Prime (longtime leader of the Autobots). Both have seen better days during these panels.

The story shifts back to the present where Sparky’s son Spike find him at a bar. The mood is tense as Spike tries communicating with his dad, who’s not very receptive to the chatter. The name of “Jimmy” is mentioned which sways the dialogue into new areas. Sparky is rescued by a co-worker/designated driver, leaving the talk ended with much disdain.

Spike is picked up by his friend Cindy and her uniquely painted van. The pair heads to the mountains for star-gazing and a break from the Witwicky family drama. Little do the young couple know what is coming ahead.

With a loud rumble, the ground shifts. They fall down a ways. When they get their bearings back, Sokie and Cindyt realize they are not on a mountainside anymore. They are on the backend of a certain spaceship implanted into the actual mountain!

As they start looking around, readers see some familiar faces lying inside. The mood is tense and shocking. Before they can react, someone has crashed the party. They are the key connecting the Energon Universe!

What is their purpose? Did they come alone? It’s at this moment that the creative team turns EVERYTHING up to 11 as the action begins to furiously hit! There are many highs and lows within this sequence of pages. They will not disappoint! Just when readers think they’re a break to catch their breaths, the closing panels set up a terrifying! possibility for their future. There is WAY more that meets the eye with this explosive debut!

TRANSFORMERS #1 - DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON, MIKE SPICER AND RUS WOOTEN (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment)

TRANSFORMERS #1 - DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON, MIKE SPICER AND RUS WOOTEN (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment)

Johnson constructs an exciting and driven debut chapter for the next phase of Optimus Prime and company. The opening sequence may start off at a slower pace compared to the remainder of the issue. This allows the Witwicky family tension enough time to start connecting with readers. However, the moment that changes everything is the debut in this series of a certain character fans have seen before.

Once that character hits the page, the flood gates open with more of the fandom’s heavy hitters. Pacing really picks up, taking readers into peaks and valleys. The ending throws a solid curve into what has been nothing but fast moving blockbuster thrills!

With a big battle taking place, the art really pops off the pages. Anytime an Kazuchika Okada rainmaker is used in a comic battle, readers KNOW this is going to be something special! Excellent semi-full page panel featuring this. The dramatic panels reflects the deep emotions felt with the father/son dynamic.

It gives small breaks to the frenetic pace but nothing to overshadow it. Readers want big action and there is no disappointment to be found. It is a Hollywood summer blockbuster brought to life in a new media form. Nothing but win to set the bar for a universe that looks to make a huge impact right out of the gate.

TRANSFORMERS #1 - DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON, MIKE SPICER AND RUS WOOTEN (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment - Cover: Cliff Chiang)

TRANSFORMERS #1 - DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON, MIKE SPICER AND RUS WOOTEN (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment - Cover: Ryan Ottley)


If anyone has any questions on why this book has generated all the hype it has, it only needs a few pages to prove it! Johnson, Spicer and Wooten get right to the point with superb writing and electrifying art as the next chapter of the Transformers fandom makes a bold leap forward that new and old readers won’t be able to get enough of. Absolutely do not miss this on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Transformers #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, readers have come to the end of the road (for now?) for one of Image Comics’ most exciting series. Since its’ debut issue, the story of Valentina “Val” Riggs aka Sundog and the battle against eternal darkness has won fans over with fast paced action and high drama. Now with its’ latest arc ready to close, the creative team throws caution against the wind with an unforgettable conclusion to what has been a highly entertaining story arc.

NOCTERRA #16 by Scott Snyder, Tony Daniel, Marcelo Miaolo and Andworld Design brings a definitive finale to the “No Brakes” storyline. Let’s not wait and deep dive into where Val and the Sundog Convey head now, shall we?


With the world in eternal darkness, there is very little hope to be had. However, for the members of the SunDog Convoy, that is all they have. After picking up Augustus McCray (Gus) and his grand-daughter Bailey, also known as Piper on a ferryman run, Val (along with her adopted brother Emory) embark on a journey to find a save haven through the endless night.

Their journey has taken many twists and turns. It has also brought them into the path of Blacktop Bill, a dangerous follower of NOX. With the remaining members of the group arriving at Eos, a place of sunlight, plans do not go as planned. Blacktop Bill shows up and brings a fight with him. Emory decides to make a tough call and tries drawing out NOX in a trap. One of the components is to mentally connect with Bill. Once Emery does this, he quickly finds out that he is vastly outmatched. Bill sees thru Emory’s plan and NOX is now poised to enter the fight.

The story shifts to Thirteen years prior with Emory going to school. Emory addresses the audience about theories. It also is used as the backdrop to his complicated relationship with his birth mother. This quickly becomes a prequel for an event fans of this series has been waiting for. This is the moment the Sun “was killed”.

Fast forwarding to present time, Val and Emory are surrounded by Bill’s forces. When inside Emory’s mind, Bill figured out what the plan was and struck first. With the dark forces surrounding them, all hope looks lost. That is until an unlikely save is made.

Who has entered the standoff against Bill? What of Eos and the fate of the light? With Nox fast approaching, can the convoy make it to another day? Readers brace for impact as the battle is taken up another notch with Humanity’s fate hanging in the balance. There is no stopping to catch a breath.

Once the final act hits, readers are gifted a stunning resolution to what had happened. Letting the final moments sink in with stunning final images caps off a strong farewell for now, not forever.

Snyder leaves little behind as the final showdown between the Convoy and Nox lives up to the hype. Using Emory’s painful memories as a backdrop, the story reflects the hopelessness of the world they live in. With every advance Val and company make, readers sense it’s only temporary. Snyder never lets that stop the convoy members from trying to win.

Blacktop Bill steals this issue with his unrelenting attacks. The showdown with Emory is a satisfying conclusion to a build constructed heavily over the past few issues (and “Nemesis” special). The conclusion sets a fitting tone for where things will lead next time the convoy rolls on.

Daniel and Miaolo deliver on spectacular visuals throughout the issue. Opening with Emory’s past reflections, the emotional details laid out are an easy connect with readers. This carries to the current timeframe of the story. A smashing two-page full panel image of Val’s “back-up” sets the pace for the rest of the issue.

The menacing nature of Blacktop Bill shines through these pages as well. The evil grin never lets up as he takes on all challengers of the Convoy. The showdown with Emory will leave its’ mark with readers. Its’ resolution brings the fast-moving action to a screeching halt. The terror of Nox is split between two page half panels, making for quite the impression. The closing visuals bring a superb close to an action ride that shows no sign of slowing down, even after the last full page panel.


The Convoy’s last stand versus Blacktop Bill and Nox finishes with an epic conclusion that shouldn’t be missed. Snyder’s flawless writing matched with the amazing visuals of Daniel concludes the hopeless fight against darkness for now, until it’s time to hit the road again on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Nocterra #16. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic boom review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this edition, we’re checking out a new series coming out from Image Comics by way of KLC Press. The imprint has been making some noise as of late with series like Vanish and The Schlub winning over fans at the comic shops. Now, the latest series from this line is ready to make its debut.

KILL YOUR DARLINGS #1 by ETHAN S. PARKER, GRIFFIN SHERIDAN, BOB QUINN and JOHN J. HILL looks to keep the hot streak of hit series going. Let’s take a deeper dive into this premier issue, shall we?



The story begins in 1692. A young girl is tied to a stake, pleading for her life. The mob watching isn’t welcoming the idea. Readers look on as the girl’s pleads fall on deaf ears as the stage is hit on fire.

The story shifts gears to a brighter time with an army of armored animals ready to brace for the fight ahead. They are addressing their queen, who is fully prepared to lead her troops into battle. As she unsheathes her blade, the time period jumps to 1995 where an eight year old girl named Rose is playing with her stuffed animals. Her “quest” leads her to where her mother is handling bills. Rose asks her mother to join in on her “fight” but real-world problems are taking a higher precedent.

As the battle winds up and Rose returns home from school the next day, she’s looking to play again. However, there is nothing giving a happy vibe to Rose’s world on this day. Something happens this go-around that no one is expecting. Rose is transported into her fantasy realm. This trip, things have gone very grim.

What happened to “The Kingdom Of Rosewood”? How does Rose handle this latest threat? The journey just begins as the lines blur between imagination and reality. Even when the story starts taking off, the final pages leave no room for mis-interpretations as the mystery begins to change directions before it starts.



Parker and Sheridan weave quite the engaging tale with this debut issue. The pacing gives enough balance to where Rose’s worlds of reality and fantasy can make their marks while keeping readers guessing. The book kicks into high gear with the actions of one fateful night.

At that point, the writing duo play into the fairytale aspects with the “big bad” slowly making their Prescence felt. One can guess this ties into the beginning moments but (as with every great story), readers will have to wait and see the connection there. The closing moments give a chilling close to what is sure to be a saga like no other.

Quinn and Hill balance the light hearted imagination moments with the dark and brooding panels with ease. The team constructs an imaginative world that conceals the dangers lying ahead. Once the moment where Rose sees her “kingdom” come crashing around her, the art takes a swift change in tone to reflect the growing terrors unfolding.

The prime examples of this are Rose’s drawings. With the use of full page panels, the truth of her world have turned grim and violent. The art builds the heightened fear up and adds more to the shocking final page. It’s very creative in set-up and fans will be impressed with what they see.




For fans of fantasy mixed with a touch of horror, the latest series coming out of KLC Press and Image Comics is one to check out. Excellent writing and creative imagery usher in a story that will question the line between dreams and nightmares. You won’t want to miss this on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts about Kill Your Darlings #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest installment from the epic return of one of comic’s most legendary fantasy series. Since its’ return after a LONG hiatus, the Image Comics series hasn’t faltered recapturing the magic that made this book popular in the late 1990’s! Two issues back and the fans have been greeted to a phenomenal run leading into this latest installment.

Battle Chasers #12 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI continues the saga of Garrison, Red Monika, Gully, Calibretto aka Bretto & Knolan as the world of Gaia falls further into chaos! Let’s take a look at how the latest chapter progresses, shall we?

BATTLE CHASERS #12 by by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (Credit: Image Comics)


Last we saw our favorite characters, things were very grim. Garrison and Red Monika have been getting hunted by Mastreo and the Martial Paladins. Gully, Calibretto and Knolan have been under the watch of King Vaneer!

As readers start this issue, Knolan is pleading with the King about Gully being in possession of her father Aramus’s magical gauntlets. the King is none too pleased with this and gives a stern warning to Knolan about loyalty.

Meanwhile, Garrison has gone thru a transformation while facing certain doom from the Master Paladins. He has re-emerged as a blue-skinned figure, seething with energy. Limbo, one of the Paladins, looks ready to strike but is now not dealing with Garrision, but a figure named Wrenneth.

What happens now with Wrenneth in control? The action is taken up few notches as the darker side of Garrison is released. Does Mastreo know what is unleashed now? And what of Red Monika? There is no shortage of excitement coming from this issue as things shift in a new direction for Gaia’s fiercest warriors.

BATTLE CHASERS #12 by by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (Credit: Image Comics)

BATTLE CHASERS #12 by by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (Credit: Image Comics)

Madureira splits up time between Garrision’s and Gully’s stories more equally this go-around than previously. Garrison’s has a more balanced narrative with mystery and action. It’s caped off with big action and showing a possible threat to what the King has been preparing for.

Gully’s is slow-building into more but has many moving parts attached. With her brother arrested and facing a possible end, Gully is still searching for her own path. The supporting cast there gives more support to the story but has some ways to go which I’m assuming will be heavily feature in the next arc. The issue finishes with a solid build for that story whenever issue #13 hits the shelves.

LULLABI firmly establishes the terrifying potential of Wrenneth during the action panels. The pace is fast and holds nothing back as Wrenneth deals with the Paladins. Right down to the evil smile, the art reflects how much evil is flowing thru Garrison at those moments. the action involving Red Monika doesn’t hit any brakes either.

Fans who want big battles have plenty to enjoy. The Gully portion does more foundation building with Sebastian Nefar pulling the strings. Those panels ultimately lead to a definitive close for the return arc with plenty of ideas to where things head to next.

BATTLE CHASERS #12 by by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (Credit: Image Comics)


The first arc back for the legendary fantasy series wraps up one story while setting the stage to an ever bigger tale in the near future. Madureira and Lullabi continue their successful formula of strong writing and artwork to leave no doubt to new and old readers alike that Battle Chasers is back and here to stay!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Battle Chasers #12. Thanks for reading.