

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the back stories of Erica Slaughter continue to come to life. Since her encounter with Cutter, Erica has laid low. The series has moved towards telling past tales of Erica’s history. Each have been stand alone and are great jumping on points for new readers. It has been part of her “Year Zero”.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #40 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS) is the last stop of Year Zero before issue #0.

EDITOR NOTE: Some of the imagery and plot featured in this story is meant for mature readers. Discression is advised when checking this issue out.

If all set from here, let us see what secrets of Erica come to life now.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #40 byJames Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS) Cover - Jenny Frison


Tynion gives readers a deep cut into Erica’s past with this latest chapter. The emotional toll that she goes through as a hunter is heavy. Seeing how devastating one action can take magnifies that even more. With this chapter, a truly gruesome incident happens that wears heavy on her soul.

Readers watch as Erica opens herself up to Aaron Slaughter of what she’s experienced. The writing is blunt and paints a cold picture. Hunter life is anything but normal. Showcasing the range of emotions Erica bears will hit readers very hard. The fallout from this leads to a somber conversation between Erica and Aaron. How events wrap up feels devoid of feeling. It paints such a painful theme of Erica’s life and how she must process each victory and defeat. It is an intense insight that will have readers talking.

Dell’edera and Muerto depict Erica in a broken state. Her facial expressions tell a story of loss and remorse. This gets a counter balance when Aaron appears in frame. Being someone who’s lived this lifestyle longer, his reactions appear more “normal” than one might think it should be.

Everything does change when Erica begins to flashback on this particular case. The use of purples break up pages to exemplify what’s unfolding. This works very well to shift focus. That said, there is no greater image of this book than a certain full splash of Erica screaming. How the art and lettering work in this instance is incredible about portraying the horrible tragedy without showing anything to the readers. There is no doubt what has just occurred. It carries into the closing moments. With a simple panel and question, the images end with a feeling of remorse before departing.


In this latest chapter of Year Zero, readers see a terrible tragedy through Erica’s eyes. Tynion’s writing floods the story with pain and anquish. The art team tastefully brings this tragedy to the forefront with the imagery. SIKTC continues to set a high bar with their intense storytelling.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Something Is Killing The Children #40. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the journey into Erica Slaughter’s past continues. Since her violent showdown with Cutter, Erica has disappeared off the grid. Readers have now been granted access into her early beginnings. Each chapter has been solo adventures early in her career. It has been a perfect jump-on point for new readers.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #38 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS) welcomes readers into another point of Erica Slaughter’s past.

Let’s take a deeper dive as the past becomes present!

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #38 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS)


The issue features a wounded Erica being discovered by a couple of kids in a treehouse. Tynion sets up the discovery with wonder and confusion. Getting the outsider perspective helps to grow the mystique of her missions. How do outsiders comprehend what she does?

This element comes into play when the Order checks in. The conversation breaks up the serious tone with its’ awkwardness. Once Erica interjects, the mood shifts back to a more serious tone. Tynion reveals just enough of the past to keep readers in suspense.

The conclusion ends with a level feel. There is no extra drama needed. It is a conclusion that just says goodbye. In this line of work, there is no heartfelt goodbyes. It’s always strictly business as the final page states.

The art captures the uncertainty of the children who discover erica. Their reactions play into the unknown factor of their discovery. A two page sequence connects this point to readers with ease. Erica’s response to being discovered also carries a presence.

The panels display her showing some moments of normalcy. There is a small sequence of cutting hair that displays the missing portion of a normal life. With a strong parting shot, the story closes its doors as its’ on to the next case.


The outsider view of Erica Slaughter’s life catches readers with a dialogue driven tale. Tynion spins the contrasting worlds together with the writing. The art brings out many reactions to events at hand. All the while, readers witness sides to Erica rarely seen. All in all, a solid stop into a mysterious past.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Something Is Killing the Children #38. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this edition, Jace Boucher is at the war’s end. His final stand against Jolie and both Houses of hunters united will not be without casualties. With the pain of his past fueling him, can the Butcher win an impossible fight? Even with a strong ally in Maven, it might be all for nothing as an attack on his home awaits.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #24 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) unleashes a full scale attack onto readers!

Let’s see how the pen-ultimate chapter stands up.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #24 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) CREDIT: BOOM! STUDIOS


The build in this series has been purposely slow to have readers ready for the conflict. Brombal finally sets off the action in two big battles. One is Maven defending Jace’s “children” from Jolie invading the swamp. The other is René waiting to face off with the Butcher one on one. With the rising body count, the fights have become personal. Let alone the Houses of Boucher and Slaughter watching in the wings.

The writing delves into the manic behavior of Jolie. Risking hunters on her personal vendetta showcases how unhinged she has become. Maven pulls out some huge surprises as their battle commences. As for Jace and René, the writing shifts into making both very similar in actions. Their banter is very driven and strikes a few nerves. This builds towards a strong finish with a few tricks up the sleeve. Seeing how things are left, there is now way to even guess how the war will end.

Fuso and Muerto craft impressive fight scenes throughout the entire issue. Maven revealing her attack is a two page spread that readers will be raving about. Talk about a game-changer! René and Jace’s brawl is violent and emotionally draining. It holds nothing back as each page becomes more intense. Both fights end in ways that no one will see coming. The images rev up the excitement as there is one showdown left! Only one point is certain: there is no guarantee anyone survives.


The Butcher War level up its intensity and drama with an issue not soon forgotten! Brombal weaves two impressive battles that hit the emotional marks. Tate and Muerto choose violence with the unforgiving images to deliver the hellish fight Jace is in the center of. There’s no way not to be amped up for what’s next after this chapter.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on House of Slaughter #24. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, time is ticking away on Jace Boucher. “The Butcher” of the “Slaughter-verse” has angered two very dangerous groups. Dealing with the House of Boucher is one thing. Trying to fight off them and their allies in the House of Slaughter spells certain death. How long can he survive for now?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #23 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) heads right into the fallout of last issue’s initial strike.

Let’s take a closer look at how things shape up now!

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #23 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) - BOOM! Studios


Brombal shows how this conflict is breaking down both sides. Jace is trying to fight his battle but shows his emotions are leaking his weakness. With each wund that has been done, it’s fueling Jace on his mission. The question becomes: will it be enough to win?

On he other hand, being embarrassed by a lowly hunter doesn’t go over well with each house. The alliance seems to start showing its’ fractures after the defeat. The Old Dragon steals the spotlight to show his plans to eliminate Jace are the only options now. This causes big tensions with the opposing house. The writing shows how much more is layered beneath the surface. Even in the final moments, there are secrets to be unlocked. This is all much to fans’ benefits.

Fuso and Muerto lean into Jace’s rage in the opening pages. His talk with Maven leaves no doubt of how personal this all has become. It’s capped off with a strong near full page visualizing why he is fighting this fight.

The breakdown between the Houses also jumps out at readers. The embarrassment of Jace winning drives the Dragon into full panic. His facial reactions speak of the last shot to reclaim his reputation. The fallout demonstrates the power play each parties are attempting on the other. Once the closing pages start, readers will have the inclination that the end is coming faster than expected.


Jace’s last stand builds towards an unimaginable showdown with the latest chapter. Brombal keeps the paranoia and rage high with the writing. Fuso, Muerto and the team magnify the breaking of spirits amongst the key players as Jace’s time ticks closer away.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on House of Slaughter #23. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this edition, we are heading back into BOOM! Studios “Slaughterverse”. Last time fans saw Erica Slaughter, she was reeling from her encounter with Cutter. The emotional toll is still being felt by fans to this day. Where do things go from here?

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #36 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS) heads into the past before showing Erica’s future.

Let’s take a trip back in Slaughterverse history!

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #36 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS)


The story begins five years prior to the showdown with Cutter. A Young child named Randy is raiding their refrigerator. On the news, the news anchor mentions children being mauled. It is presumed a bear or wolf is responsible. Readers know all too well it is more than that.

Randy sneaks into a barn with the stolen food. A figure is waiting inside for Randy. It is Erica Slaughter. Their talk is broken up by a dog belonging to one of the victims. Erica bonds with the dog as she starts piecing together her hunt.

Readers watch as Erica tries solving this mysterious case. What is the monster up to? Why the specific targets? The case heads into a distinct direction. The fallout delves into the composition of Erica. It is a bittersweet closing as the soul behind the hunter starts revealing itself to the audience.

Tynion takes readers into a self contained moment of Erica’s early life to much delight. The case is very straight forward. Erica is written as a evolving hunter, honing her craft. The connection with Randy and the dog make for memorable moments. Readers sense Erica’s growing concerns as she sorts through the hunt. The resolution exposes some elements while re-establishing her distance from others. Few writers can make a simple story so layered but Tynion pulls it off flawlessly.

Dell’edera and Muerto do a wonderful job building a tense feel in the beginning section of the issue. The use of 4-6 panels on each page constructs a slow pace leading to reveals. The art team also catches Erica having some glimpses of happiness with her animal companion. It is rare for her guard to be let down, but works to break up the brooding aura. The parting images leave the case closed with a noteworthy ending panel. There is no question that one case is closed but many more have just been opened.


The journey into Erica Slaughter’s past is filled with emotion and mystery with this latest chapter. Tynion’s superb writing is setting the stages for a long pay-off. Dell’edera and Muerto provide impressive imagery capturing a side of the legendary hunter rarely seen. It’s phenomenal work that shouldn’t be missed.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Somehting Is Killing The Children #36. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are heading back to the world of one of Comics’ best series. Since its’ debut, the dangerous world of the Order of St. George has been a home to comic fans and critics. Something Is Killing The Children by BOOM! STUDIOS is consistently winning awards and is slated for a live-action show on Netflix.

As for comics, it has already spawned off another series, House Of Slaughter, with a special one-shot debuting last year: Book Of Slaughter. Now nearly a year later, the story of Maxine Slaughter continues.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan picks right up where things left off. Let’s take a closer look and see how Maxine’s life has changed.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Dan Mora)


After dealing with the death of Aaron Slaughter, Maxine contemplates the future. Cecilia, the aplha of her Withe Mask pack, presents her with a unique offer. With a shortage of Black Masks (solo hunters), there is a need to have more for the Order. The process is difficult to change masks. Maxine finds this out when she digs into the history of Erica Slaughter and the Order itself. Even with this knowledge, Maxine agrees to change.

The story begins with in the swamps of New Orleans. Maxine returns to a house. She is wielding axes covered in blood. A man watches and asks her if something is dead. Maxine replies with pushback. Maxine claims she doesn’t even know what she is hunting. Their banter is aggressive. Readers soon find out that the man is Louis Boucher, Maxine’s trainer to becoming a Black Mask.

After a meeting with Cecilia about her current situation, the story shifts back to the house in the Swamp. Maxine walks into Louis’ office. Maxine is asking for food and help. The response she gets is less than warm. Louis hands her a book. Inside are the pages to further her journey along.

Readers tag along as Maxine dives into the history of monsters via the House of Boucher. The information is vital in Maxine’s growth in becoming an independent hunter. The information also creates a new dynamic between Louis and Maxine.

Making moves in the shadows is Cecelia. She passes along where Maxine’s next stop should lead her. Readers of SIKTC know this place all too well. However, before heading there, Maxine still has more to learn from Louis. The final act throws a swerve into the situation. An idea is mentioned that looks to play a greater impact on Maxine’s story that she could ever imagine. The final panel’s chilling words cement that before leaving readers until next time.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Werther Dell’Edera)

Tynion challenges Maxine’s concept of what hunting is all about. The dynamic between her and Louis is rocky at best. Louis comes across as gruff and unapologetic. The debate about her learning is a version of “tough love” which offsets Maxine. The writing shows Maxine struggling to absorb the knowledge Louis is passing along. This remedies out by the final act, where it appears Louis gives her a lesson in trust.

The writing also plays up Cecilia as a difficult teacher in her own right. Their conversations are more pleasant than the ones with Louis. They also reflect the dangerous tasks that lie ahead for Maxine. This comes full circle in the final act. As Louis as been tested, his words become haunting as the latest lesson has been taught with a hint of doubt thrown in the mix.

The art duties are split throughout the issue. Maxine and Louis’ story gives readers a tense, uneasy lesson in hunting monsters. Cecelia’s story comes to life with subtle reactions while Maxine tries stating her issues wit Louis. The Boucher book is filled with excellent images of the monsters that live in the Slaughter-verse. It’s a complete package of telling multiple tales while keeping things moving in the same direction.

The final act is filled with a darker coloring scheme that illustrates the horrors Maxine thinks she is facing. The imagery translate more than the reader thinks. Balanced by the writing, the closing panels plant the seeds for something more sinister on the way.

BOOK OF BUTCHER #1 by James Tynion IV Werther Dell’Edera Miquel Muerto AndWorld Design, Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, and Chris Shehan (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Jae Lee)


Maxine Slaughter’s transformation in the Order of St. George enters a new level with a stand-out tale. With Tynion’s strong writing guiding the all-star line-up of creators into creating a story of knowledge and trust, this will be one for fans not to pass on for New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Book Of Butcher #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the showdown fans of Erica Slaughter have been waiting for is finally here! After an excellent slow-burn build, “The Showdown at the Easy Creek Corral” pits BOOM! Studios legendary monster hunter against her greatest rival to date! Considering last issue’s cliffhanger ending with a character’s life hanging in the balance, losing is not an option.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design gives readers the “big fight aura” with its’ story arc conclusion. Let’s not delay any longer and jump right into the action, shall we?

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: Boom! Studios)


Erica Slaughter’s current investigation has led her to Tribulation, New Mexico. When a monster known as the Duplicitype (who now has taken the form of Erica) violently murders a family, a lone survivor named Gabi is on borrowed time.

Gabi is now under the custody of Riqui, a bartender doing all she can to help her. Even with Sheriff Carter’s involvement, the danger hasn’t left Tribulation. It’s only grown more terrifying. This is all because of an insane force of nature: Charlotte Cutter.

Cutter has been hired by the Order of St. George to eliminate Erica as she is considered a loose end to business. Knowing that re-emerging would put her life in danger, Erica took the chance to help Gabi anyway. Unfortunately, death and destruction has been left in Evil’s wake.

Erica, Riqui and Gabi make a final stand to draw out the Duplicitype but Cutter has crashed the party. Once Gabi is captured by Cutter, Erica makes a tough call to shoot the poisoned arrow meant for the monster at Cutter. Unfortunately, Cutter grabs it in mid air and stabs Gabi with the poison!

This issue wastes no time as Erica makes a direct line to attack Cutter. Gabi is screaming in pain as the poison starts taking hold. Riqui is helpless to stop it. Their words provide the soundtrack for an all-out violent throwdown between Erica and Cutter.

Nothing is held back as the two fight to the death. Readers get their money’s worth and then some as the rivals deliver on the emotional tension that’s been building. All the while, the monster is still walking towards their location.

The drama never stops escalating as the chaos swirls around Erica like a hurricane. Once the smoke clears, the resolution leaves scars that won’t fade away for Erica and the readers. Get ready for an intense payoff as one chapter closes but another one prepares to begin within these epic pages.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: Boom! Studios - Cover: Cliff Chiang)

Being the champion of Slow-Burn drama, Tynion delivers a highly emotional conclusion to this arc. Erica’s struggle to find a win has been a major driver for this arc. Cutter has been one step ahead of her at every phase. With their final confrontation here, Tynion unleashes Cutter at her most deadliest. With stabbing words while hurting Erica, the dialogue uses words as weapons. It plays completely into how unhinged Cutter is. It also pushes Erica to go into another level to win.

The second confrontation nails the impactful build-up for the case as well. Gabi’s story has been the backbone of the entire arc and receives an magnificent send-off. Tynion mixes in elements of tragedy and triumph in an even blend to close out this tale. The ending issue arc reminds readers of how even in victory, there is much defeat. It further defines how incredible this series is

Dell’edera and Muerto bring the action at a fast pace throughout this issue. They mix in only a few moments to let readers catch their breathes. Those moments still jump out as you see Cutter’s insanity go toe-to-toe with Erica’s unbreakable will. It’s a great compliment to the fighting. Readers are gifted a full page panel that kicks off the conclusion of their altercation. It’s also a visual that will arguably cause a vocal “YES!’ reaction as well. That’s how much the art will lock you into the drama.

There are also a few other full-page images that will connect with readers in other ways. The story ranges with extreme highs and lows involving those panels. closing moments bring the story back down to set forth a solid overall conclusion. The parting image couldn’t be crafted any more perfect to conclude this chapter of Erica Slaughter.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: Boom! Studios - Cover: Declan Shalvey)


The latest challenge in Erica Slaughter’s life comes to a chaotic and explosive conclusion with an amazing issue. Tynion’s superb writing orchestrates the thrilling showdowns fans have been waiting for. Dell’edera, Muerto & Andworld Design showcase through incredible imagery the brutality and heart-breaking reactions to another SIKTC classic! Absolutley DO NOT LEAVER THE LCS WITHOUT THIS ISSUE!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Something Is Killing The Children #35. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the penultimate issue of the current story arc from an award winning series. Ever since its’ BOOM! STUDIOS debut, the saga of Erica Slaughter has entranced readers with its powerful storytelling and chilling terror. Racking up honor after honor, the series is poised (post SAG strike) to make a huge splash on Netflix. In the meantime, comic book readers are treated to a deeply intense tale that is poised to combust!

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #34 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design presents the calm before a storm that has been building for months. Let’s not waste another second and dive into this latest chapter, shall we?

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #34 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios)


Tribulation, New Mexico has been the epicenter of the latest arc. With a family being violently murdered by the Duplicitype (who now has taken the form of a certain monster hunter), the lone survivor, Gabi, has been under the custody of Riqui. With a growing body count, Erica Slaughter has re-emerged from being off the grid to end the killings.

Her return hasn’t gone unnoticed as the Order Of St. George has unfinished business with her. They have unleashed the deadly force of nature known as Cutter to eliminate her. With personal attacks breaking her like the death of Big Gary, readers have seen why Erica is a character that has won fans over. Through this fire, Erica remains standing and poised to finally end the evil once and for all.

This issue opens with Erica practicing riding a horse. Erica needs to strike from a distance to kill the Duplicate. Riqui and Erica have a tense conversation knowing what is about to unfold. With poisoned arrows and bow ready, Erica is ready. Riqui has doubts.

While this is happening, Gabi is inside the secluded ranch where the three are hiding. Unfortunately, someone else has found them: CUTTER! As Gabi screams, the monster starts approaching from up the road! The tension is so heavy as reader brace to a fight that truly feels grave. What will Erica do? The pace speeds up to an absolute jaw-dropping final panel. Brace for impact because the drama hits the wall hard with an unforgettable issue!

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #34 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli)

Nobody does slow build drama better than Tynion. Nobody. this might sound like a broken record at this stage but WOW, the structure of this issue alone is amazing! The conversation between Erica and Riqui plays off as a final goodbye. The feelings are doubt and struggle. This adds so much to the eventual moment of the fight.

The appearance of Cutter is fantastic as she strikes in such a manner that makes her a villain you love to hate. The pacing ramps into high gear once she appears and never looks back. readers can’t help but be locked in and be floored at the closing moments. If there was any question of why this series gets so much hype, read this issue.

Dell’edera and Muerto craft the “calm before the storm” with poise. The opening sequence seems peaceful but filled with tensions. The mannerisms of both Erica and Riqui do not seem confident but they press forward. The panels where Cutter strikes hit readers with intense danger. This is upstaged (briefly) with a full page shot of the monster/Erica combo walking towards the ranch. The art depicts the franticness of events with subtle glee from Cutter looming. The ending panels will leave readers in pause and the wait for next issue will be extremely tough. What an issue!

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #34 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Rahzzah)


The slow build pays off huge as a showdown months in the making explodes off the pages of an undeniable issue. Tynion, Dell’edera and the team impact readers with superb writing and intense art to send Erica Slaughter into her gravest challenge yet. This is an absolute must buy on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Something Is Killing The Children #34. thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we're checking out the latest chapter from BOOM! STUDIOS hit spinoff series in the “Slaughter-Verse”! If you haven’t checked out HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER yet, you’re really missing out. The Anthology style takes on some of the characters has really grown the fandom of the series. It has also provided memorable tales that new readers can easily jump in for a story and become hooked into the lore of the Order of St. George.

House Of Slaughter #18 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera spotlights a member of the order with a heartbreaking tale. Let’s take a closer look and see what is happening now, shall we?

House Of Slaughter #18 - Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera - Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Javier Rodriguez


When dead bodies start appearing in a small town in Pennsylvania, the Order of St. George sends in BAIT to investigate what is causing the killings. Bait is a White Mask with no arms and doesn’t speak. This move puzzles some of the other masks but as anything involving the Order, “Trust The Process”.

While at the foster home conducting his search, Bait becomes infatuated with Nannette, a girl who may have more to the case than Bait wants to acknowledge. With a monster lurking in town, Bait can’t afford to lose focus. The battle of head verses heart ranges on in between fighting some battles searching for the truth.

This issue kicks off with someone at the Order searching for information on Bait. However, Gerde, a red mask, finds the young member digging up information. After some cat and mouse banter, Gerde comes to an arrangement for the information while giving readers some insight into why Bait is so special.

Bait’s actions begin to draw notice from others at the home and outside. With mounting information, Bait’s been slacking and this doesn’t sit well with certain members of the Order. How can he get back on track? Can Bait accept what he’s finding? Readers see a tragic tale play out before them as the details of this mission start to become clearer with a final panel that sets a dangerous course moving forward.

House Of Slaughter #18 - Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (cover: Werther Dell'Edera) credit: BOOM! Studios

Johns sets up the drama before delivering a crushing blow with the middle act. The mystery of Bait has been a draw to the other members of the Order. Johns gives this element a gripping lead with Gerde as she serves as a narrator to what is to come. The action moments give a break to the serious tone but nothing will hit harder than Bait’s beginnings coming to life.

The scenes are heartbreaking as the danger pours with frightening emotion. The scenes are paced with building tension that never stops climbing. readers can’t help but empathizes with the scenes unfolding until Johns brings the moments to a slow break halt. The final act ties events back to the overall tale heading right to a big final moment. Nothing but win with the writing in this issue.

As for the art, Cadonici and Segala provide striking visuals to support the heartbreaking drama unfolding. The mystery of Bait sets things off in a solid directions with Gerde’s interrogation for info. The coloring gives a haunting feel as the truth starts coming to light. The action panels make a solid break from the drama and show why Bait has been selected here.

That said, Nothing will top the Bait flashback panels. The range of emotions being displayed is an instant success with the readers. It drives home the point of the tragedy unfolding and what the aftermath has left behind. This all builds into the closing moments where Bait’s internal struggle goes deeper into the seriousness of the matters at hand. Great way to end thing heading into the back stretch of the story.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #18 - Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera - Cover: Raul Allen - Credit: BOOM! Studios


The mystery of Bait starts coming into focus with an absolutely stunning tale within these pages. johns delivers on superb writing and takes readers into a side of Bait never seen before. Cadonici and Segala support the devastating drama with intense panels setting forth the tough road ahead for the young White Mask. Don’t pass up getting this issue on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on House of Slaughter #18. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we are returning to the BRZRKR universe from BOOM! Studios for an all new adventure. The story of B aka Unute just wrapped up its’ debut run but that was far from the conclusion of the character. With projects tagged to Netflix still in the works (pre SGA strike), there is much for fans to look forward to.

Leading the way is BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES (“John Wick”, “The Matrix”), Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire. Where do the adventures of Unute take readers this time? Let’s take a closer look and see how this Kickstarter project to LCS staple shapes up!

Editor Note: If you are new to the series, BRZRKR is an ultra-violent series and some panels aren’t suitable for a younger audience. Discretion is advised.

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)


The story begins in Atlantis. A narrator explains for the mystique of Atlantis’ riches have brought out some unsavory characters trying to claim the resources for their own. Zubatai (The Narrator) greets the army storming the gates. She gives them a warning if they proceeed. The savages laugh it off. Zubatai responds with unleashing the King’s Guard: the half Man, half Mortal, All Killing force of nature known as Unute, the Berserker!

One man verses thousands doesn’t sound like fair odds. However, it’s not fair odds for the thousands. The violence is unleashed as Unute takes the fight to the invaders in graphic fashion. When the conflict finally ends, it is Unute as the last man standing.

As he is paraded around the city to a hero’s welcome, Unute is greeted by King Azaes, whom they share a pivotal moment with the readers. Lurking in the background is Visane, a priest who Unute sense danger around.

Later in the evening, Unute stumbles upon a robbery of highly important objects. With the preist looks as the prime suspect, unute makes his way to confront him.

Once he arrives, Unute walks into a surprise situation that leads to nothing but trouble. What dangers have been unlocked? Can Unute stop them? What will be the future of the Kingdom now? Readers get set for another does of drama and ultra violence as Unute does what he does best. The conclusion brings a definite close to what should be a pleasing tale for fans from this series.

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)

BREAKDOWN: Reeves doesn’t stray too far from the formula of previous issues of the brutal saga. If anything, this story has more moments of light-hearted dialogue than in recent memory. There is a bit of random swearing mixed in that works for some scenes but feels awkward in other stages.

Unute still connects as a troubled force of nature. Reeves scatters in more “human” elements with the flashback sequences of him filling in as a “father-Figure” to King Azaes. This plays heavy into the closing act, which ties up all loose ends before its’ conclusion. Readers who want the big action will not be let down as Reeves delivers on those larger-than-life times for a good majority of this issue. There’s absolutely nothing wrong as any long time reader of the series knows. If you want action, look no further.

Skroce steps in for art duties and spares no expense with the sheer brutality of Unute. The initial onslaught is a graphic two-page spread that readers witness limbs torn and cut off. Normally, this might be a bit much, but this fits Unute’s world to the letter. Skroce focus on the details of Unute’s regeneration as he heals up from the viciousness of battle. The gradual progression gives readers a sense of how things work concerning Unute.

They are gifted a wild scenario for the final battle. Unute’s big opponent gives the box office sense of epic once it enters the story. Even with the noticable difference in structure, the battle brings the same energy as only a BRZRKER story can. Great final one page panel to wrap things up with until we see Unute appear again.

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)


Unute’s return after the debut series conclusion sends the title character into a familiar realm. Reeves pens the story with a sense of action leading its way. Skroce and the team bring the vividly imaginative tale to life with unforgiving fight scenes fitting for the half-man, half god. If you’re a fan of BRZRKR, you won’t be disappointed with this issue.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts of BRZRKR: Poetry Of Madness. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, one of the best series in comics returns from a brief hiatus with a vengeance! SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #31 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design kicks off the next phase of Erica Slaughter’s greatest challenge! How does the latest issue from BOOM! Studios bring back the award winning story. Let’s not wait another second and return to the world of monsters and hunters!

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #31 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Jenny Frison)


Ever since her re-emergence in Tribulation, New Mexico, Erica Slaughter’s latest case has been anything but easy. Hunting down a monster known as a Duplicate, Erica has been trying to protect Gabi, the sole witness to the Monster’s attack of her family and Riqui, a local bartender turned guardian of Gabi from the dangerous evil. To complicate matters even more, The Order of St. George has unleashed Cutter, a vicious killer to take care of Erica once and for all!

Last issue saw Cutter frame Erica for the multiple killings of the Tribulation Police dept. Making matters worse, the duplicate has assumed Erica’s likeness in its’ attacks. Wounded and on the run, it appears time is running out for Erica to stop these forces once and for all.

This issue picks up with a survivor form the Duplicate’s latest attack. In their description to the Sheriff, Readers get a frightening picture of the events that took place. The fear in Owen’s voice recapping the attack leaves nothing held back. With the information given, Erica is clearly described as the attacker.

This should please Cutter, whose plan looks like its’ on the verge of success. However, Erica took something from her last issue that has the ruthless killer on edge: her Dolly. With noticeable outbursts, Cutter tries recomposing herself, but to no avail. Cutter is now pushed to the brink of insanity. This doesn’t bode well for Erica as she and her companions lay low in preparation for their next move.

With the dangers mounting, can Erica survive? What of the people under her protection? What of Cutter and the duplicate? Readers get an insight to Erica’s handling of the situation before a new player enters the deadly game. Get ready for an interesting change of events as the closing moments bring more than even the great Erica Slaughter could bargin for.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #31 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Jenny Frison)

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #31 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Jenny Frison)

BREAKDOWN: Nobody currently does slow burn drama quite like James Tynion. Kicking off the new arc. the pacing allows for steady builds in all the major storylines. Seeing Cutter even more unhinged is a strong point to readers as her character appears ready to obtain victory. The initial outbursts leave no doubt as to how far gone she truly is. Meanwhile, Erica tries to regroup over recent events.

With her confidence rattled, Erica comes across determined to get back on track. This is overshadowed by moments between Gabi and Riqui. Seeing the pair bond over this ordeal breaks the tension up just enough before shifts back gears. Tynion throws in an excellent new development before tying off events in this return chapter. It’s issues like this readers fully understand why this series gets so much credit and praise.

Dell’edera and Muerto drive home how unglued Cutter has become. Seeing the visuals of the breakdown all leads to a full page panel that fans won’t soon forget. The art team also delivers on the latest Duplicate victim’s emotional state. Watching them relive a nightmare with their testimony to the sheriff set an early feel that never escaped the issue.

It balanced out with Gabi and Riqui’s more “normal” moments as they follow Erica’s lead. The break gives readers a chance to soak in the story before the shocking close-out panels. With the latest development, there is no way to pass on becoming hooked into the latest arc.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #31 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Jenny Frison)

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #31 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: BOOM! Studios - Cover: Jenny Frison)


The latest story arc of SIKTC kicks off with a superb return issue that fans can’t afford to miss. Excellent writing combined with haunting imagery sets the stage for a combustible series of future events. After reading the first few pages, the creative team defines what incredible storytelling is all about. Don’t miss this issue on New Comic Book day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on SIKTC #31. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the Heroes In A Half Shells enter into a new crossover with one of pop culture’s biggest fandoms for an all-new series! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are no strangers to huge crossovers. Earlier this year, they were featured in a sequel series with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. For this adventure, Turple Power alone might not be enough to handle the threats from the Upside Down.

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES/STRANGER THINGS #1 by Cameron Chittock, Fero Pe, Sofie Dodgson and Rus Wooton (Credit: IDW Publishing and Dark Horse Comics) pairs the heroes with Eleven and the gang from Hawkins, Indiana for a monumental event! Let’s take a closer look and see how things unfold, shall we?

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES/STRANGER THINGS #1 (IDW PUBLISHING/DARK HORSE COMICS) - Creative: Cameron Chittock, Fero Pe, Sofie Dodgson and Rus Wooton (Credit: IDW publishing/Netflix/Nickelodeon/Dark Horse Comics)

The story begins in New York City circa 1985. Some passengers on the subway line notice a “Rat” moving along the car. Little do they know, this is no ordinary rat. One passenger puts it best: “The Whole City Is Going to Hell”. This becomes very evident with a noticeable marking underneath the seats.

Above ground, tourists flood the streets of the Big Apple. One such group is definitely far from home. Readers see the familiar faces of Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield and Dustin Henderson sight-seeing with a class trip. When Eleven meets up with them, they find themselves seperated from their group.

Heading into the subway to catch up, the group hears a frightening but familiar sound. Miles away, it appears the supernatural followed them from Hawkins. Looking to investigate, the kids head deeper into the subway. What they find is more than they bargained for. Luckily, they get some much needed back-up from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

What could be the common cause for these two groups to cross paths? Readers find out quickly that this is no random occurrence. Events are in motion that start peeling back the layers to the suspicion. The final moments build for a surprise that will have readers locked in for next issue and the rest of the series! Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

BREAKDOWN: Chittock balances the supernatural and super-heroics with a fine balance in this opening issue. The banter of the kids from Hawkins fits right in line with what won over millions from the hit Netflix show. Even with the big change of scenery, nothing felt out of place. Even when the kids meet up with the ‘Turtles, the reaction of the kids is priceless. The moment plays into both fandoms extremely well. Even when the final act starts ramping up, readers can easily get caught up in the story. Solid surprise ending to lock readers in for the long haul.

Pe and Dodgson bring out the best of NYC with the panels of sight-seeing. Incredible shot of the Empire State Building with the kids’ reactions in the surrounding panels. Once the action begins, the art team sets the pace early with a huge visual of what was in the subway. As great as that was, it’s topped by a two full page spread of the Turtles entering the fray. The kids’ reactions reflect the same type of moments on the show. This plays into connecting with readers about the mystery looming ahead. There’s also a great display page of Eleven using her powers that fans will be excited to see. Solid final visual to send readers into the next phase of a very entertaining saga.


Chittock, Pe, Dodgson and the team unite the heroes of Hawkins with the legendary TMNT squad for an impressive debut issue. Fans of both franchises will discover quickly how well this pairing gels with the stellar writing and attention-grabbing visuals. The story is just beginning and you won’t want to miss this!

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know your thoughts about TMNT/Stranger Things #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, the brand new Power Rangers creative team helming the longstanding BOOM! Studios series has been on fire since their debut at issue #101. Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice (along with Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire) wasted no time sending shockwaves thru the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fandom with the re-introduction of Rita Repulsa now known as Mistress Vile. Vile’s attacks on the Power Rangers have only been a small part of her master plans. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 picks up right in the heart of Vile’s moves as she advances forward, but not without some other big moments mixed in.

Let’s jump right into this issue, shall we?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


As previously stated, the Power Rangers have their hands full with a more deadly version of their old nemesis Rita Repusla. With their first introduction, Vile left Lord Zedd (YES, THAT LORD ZEDD) lying near death at her feet. Vile also captured Matt, the Green Ranger and sent Alpha-1 out to cause some mayhem on the Omega Rangers. Suffice to say, that was only the start of the Rangers issues.

Lord Zedd was brought to Prometha Headquarters to heal but how safe is that place with Zedd residing in it? There’s little time to process as Vile and her mysterious enforcer crash the part in an attempt for find a morphin navigator which can lead access to the Morphin Grid. It is scary to think what an evil mind could do with that power. Readers see a small taste as Zedd himself has found a Morpher of his own! Now, the major players are primed for an epic throwdown!

This issue opens up Zedd revealing he’s had a morpher for quite some time, dating back to Power Rangers #16. With it primed and charged, Zedd reacts towards Grace Sterling and gives readers a small idea of what he can do. Meanwhile the Omega and Power Rangers are dealing with a broken Aplha-1, attempting to get more clues.

Back on Earth, Tommy catches up with an old friend (former Red Ranger Jason) but their talk is broken up by a now-possessed Matt leading Vile’s army into Angel Grove! There is no shortage of action here as the face-offs that have been building are now set to explode! Vile and her mysterious enforcer versus a Morphin-powered Lord Zedd! Tommy vs a possessed Matt! Things move fast to keep up with the action but is it too late? Readers get big payoffs for the building battles and even some extra reveals along the way. Even with all that, the final moments of the book introduce two more players into the game and longtime Power Ranger fans are not gonna be ready for what’s coming after this issue!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona c, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: This run continues to impress and set such a high bar! Flores has been setting up the face-offs unfolding here. Since Matt was captured, readers have been waiting to see what Vile’s work had done to him. Flores presents this version of Matt perfectly as his insecurities and fears with the team are fueling his drive here thanks to Vile. The one-liners he is saying are excellent verbal jabs to compliment the action. The same can be said for Zedd looking for revenge against Vile. Zedd being embarrassed by how he lost the first time has driven him to the point of being blinded by rage during the fight with Vile’s enforcer (which was accurately predicted on the MMPR #101 review). Pacing gives every battle proper time and the drama in-between has enough time to connect with the audience. If this wasn’t enough, just wait till the last pages and who is now getting involved. The hype you hear about with this series is well deserved of all its’ praise.

Di Gianfelice and Angulo bring the action throughout this issue. From the moment Matt walks towards Tommy, readers can instantly feel the emotions behind what’s going to happen. The depiction of the possessed Matt was done well and instantly signaled this will not be a friendly experience. Seeing Zedd unleashed was a standout moment as well. Seeing him not handle the bruise to his ego from the initial defeat has been a different look. This is reflected in his fighting style, even to one instance of being distracted just enough to take a strike. With all the action going on, the art team does sneak in some noteworthy panels involving Kimberly and Yale along with Zach and Trini. The art is very leveled on giving ample time to each story taking place. Nothing feels rushed to try cramming too much into the story. With all that going on, the final pages of the issue will be a buzzworthy topic about who appears. There is much to enjoy from the events of this issue.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Flores, Di Gianfelice, Angulo and Dukeshire unleash Mistress Vile’s plans in full swing with an action-packed issue that fans can’t afford to miss! With every issue, the bar keeps getting raised on the meteoric rise to legendary status from this creative team. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 delivers on a big pay-off to building plots while dropping a show-stealing ending that has to be in your collection on New Comic Book Day!'

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the finale issue of the latest chapter involving the next big comic property now making its’ way to Netflix in the very near future. Something is Killing the Children by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design is a series known for its’ fantastic storytelling and its’ current storyline has been building up the latest threat to Erica Slaughter to a dangerous level. Issue #30 brings an end to the current arc and all bets are off of how Erica Slaughter gets out of this situation alive.

Before we dive into this issue, some of the imagery for this blog may not be suitable for younger readers. Viewer discretion is advised. If all good after that, shall we get started?

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


Tribulation, New Mexico has become the center of mystery and endangerment with the emergence of a monster known as “the Duplicate” running around. In one attack, the monster murdered an entire family leaving behind Gabi as a sole witness. Riqui, a local bartender, has now become the protector of Gabi but clearly isn’t ready to deal with such a threat. Luckily (pending how you look at it), Erica Slaughter has re-emerged from hiding to take down the creature. Erica’s presence hadn’t gone unnoticed as the Order Of St. George has sent the vicious Cutter to Tribulation to end Erica once and for all. Along the way, Cutter has left a bloody trail behind with her murder of Erica’s longtime ally Big Gary Slaughter as her sick crowning achievement.

Cutter continues to put the pressure on Erica as she’s now framed Erica for the murders of Tribulation police officers inside their own station (that Cutter killed personally), and is assisting The Duplicate by making it a clone of Erica! With the walls closing in (along with another surprise from the Order en route to Tribulation), Erica escapes the police station with Gabi and Riqui wounded but ready to fight back.

This issue opens up with the aftermath of Cutter’s rampage at the police station. Cutter returns to the scene of the crime, with only one officer knowing Erica’s side of events. Cutter tries playing off the sheriff’s doubts about Erica until she realizes Erica has made a bold move: taking Cutter’s precious doll from her bag! This sends Cutter into a rage in front of the officers. Meanwhile Erica, Riqui and Gabi head to Riqui’s bar “The Luck Of The Irish” to get some assets for the upcoming fight. Riqui catches wind of Erica’s plan to use Gabi as bait to draw out the monster and there is a tense exchange of words. Erica is unfazed by Riqui’s reaction and pushes the group forward.

The trio sets up camp at a ranch Riqui’s uncle watches over. During this time, Erica unveils the plan to stop the monster and unloads the story behind her and the Order. The fallout from this is impactful not only to Gabi and Riqui but to the reader as well. Are the pair ready to embrace the world of Erica Slaughter head on? Can they actually stop the monster and Cutter? Before there is time for answers, the final act kicks into gear throwing one definitive statement to the reader in closing: the one enemy they cannot defeat is time.

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

BREAKDOWN: Wrapping up this arc, Tynion delivers a strong understanding of where things are heading to. The book is essentially broken down into three portions. Cutter’s story kicks things off with showing readers how she reacts to being on the defensive with the theft of her doll. Seeing the emotional breakdown finally gave Erica a much needed win. That play into the second section with Erica’s story with Gabi and Riqui. Since her arrival in Tribulation, Erica has played much close to the vest. Seeing that she is not ready for what she’s up against, the breakdown of plans is crucial in Erica re-building her confidence along with preparing her allies for the frightening places they look to be heading to next. The third portion re-affirms how things are progressing and challenges how/if Erica is ready for the challenges. Pacing works to cap off the current arc along with setting up the violent showdown forthcoming.

Dell’edera and Muerto ramp up the drama within these pages. Right from the start, they present Cutter as being in control until the doll is taken. The full page panel crafts how truly unhinged she is as Cutter looses control in front of the remaining officers about her doll. The trio’s story is presented with various emotional moments. From Riqui’s warning to Erica only to be countered by Erica’s stone faced numbness, the trio varies as the events begin taking their toll on them. The Ranch sequence of panels gives readers a look at how Erica is handling the events at hand. Her reaction to telling the pair about what they’re involved in evokes a solid reaction as to the weight of the situations at hand. The final act caps off how time is of the essence and is something not in Ercia’s favor. Solid final full page panel to close this issue & arc out with.

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #30

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

FINAL POINT: The latest chapter of Erica Slaughter’s adventure concludes with the looming sense of fear and doubt in the air. With a daunting task lying ahead, Erica is testes unlike she has ever been before. Tynion, Dell’edera, & Muerto bring forth the drama with exceptional art and writing, taking Erica into uncharted water with a sliver of hope to survive. Don’t miss this chapter on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Something is Killing The Children #30. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re heading towards the conclusion of one of the most buzzworthy comics at the LCS! BRZRKR #10 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins for Boom Studios continues to forge its’ violent saga of B, half man, half god. The story has definitely gone into some shocking directions and continues to impress. With three issues left, let’s see how this book prepares to conclude their comic chapter (as they have some spinoff projects in the works), shall we?

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios


Where we start, B (or Unute) is healing up from the experiences over the last few issues. His only friend/doctor Diana now has developed powers due to exposure from the radiation explosion from B’s situation. They are talking telepathically now and coming to term on all the changes and where they’re heading to next. This concerns and fascinates Dr. Caudwell, who’s been using B since the beginning of the story. Seeing that Diana now has abilites is an X factor he wasn’t expecting.

While allowing B to heal up, all the major players are setting up plans for what will be the final mission in uncovering B’s secret. With a venture to the location of where B thinks his secrets are buried. Will B be able to handle what is uncovered. What is Caudwell planning now that the end appears to be near? Plus just wait till you see the final page! Readers are NOT ready to see how this issue sets things up moving forward.

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Reeves and Kindt are setting thins in motion for the final trek. B’s story continues to move where readers are constantly guessing what’s next (which is not a bad thing). This issue keeps up that tradition with some misdirection. The biggest mystery has now shifted towards Diana. It appears she might be playing both sides against each other at one stage, but seems like she’s already chosen her ally. The main point of this issue will have readers buzzing as where it leads, I’m not sure anyone saw coming. That’s one thing to note about the writing with this book: Nothing is out of the question when it comes to the mystery of B.

Garney extends the strong work with another great issue. Right from the start, readers can sense the psychic conversation between B and Diana without tipping too much off to Caudwell. It’s great visual storytelling. Walkign the readers thru Caudwell’s planning while B was recovering also stood out. He was never tipping off too much to anyone, especially to the readers. That said, all will more than likely be overshadowed by this issue’s conclusion. It’s a huge exclamation point to put on the issue and sets the countdown to the end fully in motion.

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, BRZRKR #10 moves the story along with a chapter that feels like the calm before the storm. The creative team puts the key players into position where once the final moment begins, it will be a non stop run to the finish. Check this book out when you’re at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #10. Thanks for reading!