Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, it is time for a massive(verse) event! Since 2022, the world of Black Market Narrative has created a special event properly titled “SUPER-MASSIVE”. The event brings together members of Comics most exciting line in a one-shot adventure. However, this year, things are very different.

The Radiant Black game-changing event know as “The Catalyst War” has taken center stage. With the War’s conclusion poised for Radiant Black #30 and #30.5 respectively, many fans wondered how the rest of the universe would become involved. Their wait has been answered.

SUPERMASSIVE 2024 by Kyle Higgins, Ryan Parrott, Mat Groom, Melissa Flores, Joe Clark, Stefano Simeone and Becca Carey brings in the Massive-Verse family frotn and center into The Catalyst War!

How does this year’s event stack up? Let’s find out!

SUPERMASSIVE 2024 by Kyle Higgins, Ryan Parrott, Mat Groom, Melissa Flores, Joe Clark, Stefano Simeone and Becca Carey (Black Market Narrative/Image Comics)


Juggling the events of the Catalyst War, the writing team doesn’t miss a beat with the adventure at hand. Seeing the dynamics of certain players match up proves for some great moments. Post-SM, readers will need a Rogue Sun-Shift extended team-up. One area which does not get overlooked is when characters “meet” for the first time. This makes for some poignant interactions as events move forward.

Having Shift step into the spotlight levees how uncertain things have become. His role takes the conflict into a dangerous territory. Seeing the conflict play out, the writing presents the big action moments that are accustomed to this line. The resolution plays into the uncertain elements of Catalyst. It leaves readers off on a high note as the Massive-Verse world faces its’ gravest challenge.

Simeone gives readers much to savor with the art. THE AERIAL SCENE! Capital letters is the only proper way to describe the full page insanity on display. This event feels larger than life. It sets a high pace for the rest of the book. Each character gets stand out panels that don’t get lost in the shuffle.

That said, the group shots elevate the story when presented. Once they come across the big “villain”, the catch phrase stand off will have readers amped to see what unfolds from here. Simeone crafts a sense of danger. heroics and tragedy with the big fight. Its’ fallout feels bittersweet as it sinks in what lies ahead. The closing image caps off what readers are expecting from the start: A Supermassive event that delivers. Mission accomplished.


With the Catalyst War unfolding, the Massive-Verse pillars enter the fray with an excellent adventure fitting of the title. Superb writing balances the personalities and pending fate magnificently. Simeone and Carey envision the electric feel of the devasting conflict with amazing artwork. If there is ever a question of why this IS Comics’ most exciting line, this story will silence critics quickly.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Supermassive 2024. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points! It’s the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of a Massive-verse Pillar’s second arc. Since returning to her hometown of San Francisco, Bibiana Lopez-Yang has been challenged by Morrow. The tech company and its boss Jimmi Moss has plans of changing the city. Being a reluctant hero, Bibi has been thrusted into the role of protector.

The battle for San Francisco has not been easy or without loss. Bibi’s former boyfriend and longtime ally Eddie Martinez was a casualty of this conflict. Conflicting matters more has been the re-appearance of Pyre. With everything she has gone through, Bibi continues to act by a certain motto: “I don’t need to be good. I just needs to be lucky.”

THE DEAD LUCKY #12 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) brings the battle of San Francisco to a stunning finish.

Let’s take a closer look and see how events play out.

THE DEAD LUCKY #12 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) - Credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics


Bibi and Pyre watch the chaos unfold between Morrow’s forces and Bibi’s small mech team. The conversation doesn’t go the way Bibi would like. She talks of teaming up to end things once and for all. Pyre is more intent on watching the world burn. Unwilling to just sit by, Bibi leaves the talk.

Meanwhile, Jimmi Moss has become a twisted version of a “better tomorrow”. Moss has turned himself into a type of cyborg to fend off a terminal illness. He’s taking the mayor hostage. Moss wants chaos and won’t stop till he gets it.

The stage is set as Bibi makes her way to the Mayor’s office. What chance does Bibi have of ending Moss’s streak of terror? Readers sit back and watch how the actions of both have led to this very explosive meeting.

The fallout is well paced as a battle of this proportion isn’t so cut and dry. Most importantly, the fallout effects Bibi in a strong evolution of character. The closing act is a bittersweet epilogue to the battle. Readers can expect a wide range of emotions with Bibi’s words guiding them along the way.

The final page is a perfect way to say good bye for now, but definitely NOT forever….

THE DEAD LUCKY #12 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) - Credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics

Flores brings a fitting and intense close to the latest chapter of Bibi’s journey. For this second arc, much time has been devoted to Pyre’s return and his impact. The opening monologue reflects the deep rooted ties of their past. It also serves as a sort of closure for the pair as this entire run has been constructed for one certain showdown….

The confrontation between Bibi and Moss gives readers a long awaited payoff. Flores’ writing shows the natural growth of Bibi in her role of hero. There is one moment which highlights this over others. The transformation from revenge driven mindset to protector of the city is exemplified within this moment. The epilogue is a heartfelt send-off to one chapter of Bibi’s life as she welcomes a new one ahead. It’s a superb closing point in the ever-changing world for one Bibiana Lopez-Yang.

Carlomagno, Iacono and Carey multi-task the intense drama and big action for this conclusion. The opeing pages reflect those themes. From Bibi’s reaction to the battle right to the big battle itself, the art team brings out all the stops for the art.

Another major image is when Bibi crashes the Mayor’s office. It’s a mid page panel that structures the page into a turning point. The pacing keeps events moving forward with ease. The conflict is officially over with a full page image of Bibi speaking about her dreams.

The final pages help lift the weight of the strong writing to carry the book to the finish line. The parting image is well-crafted and will leave readers on a high note for the future.


The latest chapter of Bibiana Lopez-Yang ends on a solid, bittersweet ending. Flores’ writing showcases the growth of not only a hero but the person behind the powers. Carlomagno, Iacono and Carey put together the impactful imagery that concludes events for time being, but readers will be lucky to see more down the road.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Dead Lucky #12. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this edition, the battle rages on in the streets of San Francisco via The Massive-verse! Comics’ most exciting universe strikes again with Bibiana Lopez-Yang trying to fend off the mechs of Morrow from killing off an old friend turned enemy. As always, Bibi doesn’t need to be good. She just needs to be lucky.

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) showcases Bibi’s latest efforts into stopping Pyre and Morrow before the city is leveled in the process. Let’s take a closer look at where things head now.

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORESFRENCH CARLOMAGNOMATTIA IACONO , BECCA CAREY and Michael Busuttil – Credit: Image Comics via Black market Narrative)


With an A.I.D. (Artificial intelligence Destruction) Protocol in effect, the streets of San Francisco are caught in the crossfire of Pyre and dangerous Morrow Mechs. As the threat has leveled up, so has Bibi and her mechs. They have now executed the Squad formation into a powerful Mech! This is much needed as an A.I.D. Mech is poised to strike!

The battle steps up a few levels. Bibi is pushing her team to find a way to win. The intensity heightens as the two metal gladiators try to take the other one out. Just when readers think Bibi is on the cusp of winning, she’s distracted by a fallen civilian. The A.I.D. Mech delivers a blow that forces the team suit to fall. Bibi retaliates by electrocuting the Mech. This move has taken a toll on Bibi. She lies unconscious in the street. Where her story leads next will be a return of sorts that fans will be amped to check out.

The actions of Morrow haven’t gone unnoticed by the Mayor of San Francisco. A decision is made that impacts everyone in the city. The choice draws a reaction of Morrow’s Jimmi Moss. What happens next pushes the city to an unforeseen place. Can Bibi recover in time to save the city again or is it too late? Readers will have much to process as the final page sets up events for San Francisco’s last stand.

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORESFRENCH CARLOMAGNOMATTIA IACONO , BECCA CAREY and Michael Busuttil – Credit: Image Comics via Black market Narrative)

Flores gives readers a solid balance of action while setting up the major players for a face-off with epic repercussions. Bibi’s attempt to win pushes her to her limits. Its’ fallout leads to a much welcomed conversation. Fans will be very excited to see someone’s return in this segment. The writing showcases Bibi’s struggle with self-doubt and motivation to keep going.

The sub-plots with Pyre and Moss give enough of a set-up that once the Mayor’s action takes place, it sends the story into a strong path of possibilities. Readers will see this especially with Moss. There will no turning back from his actions. It’s very intriguing to see where his direction goes from here. Fans have much to look forward to for the Pyre story finale.

Carlomagno and Iacano construct a great opening fight pages right out of the gate. The two page spread is an easy win for readers with the intensity of the battle. This is balance with Bibi’s road to recovery and the conversation she has. The emotional impact is big with its’ fallout. The key moments where the players are put in position have gifted big panels. This all build towards the final full page image setting events in motion for the big face-off coming!

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORESFRENCH CARLOMAGNOMATTIA IACONO , BECCA CAREY and Michael Busuttil – Credit: Image Comics via Black market Narrative)


The tension runs high as the fate of San Francisco shifts into dangerous territory with The Dead Lucky #11. Flores crafts a strong build for the eventual showdown with an emotional reunion to lift Bibi. Carlomagno, Iacono and Carey set the backdrop of the battlefield with excellent art leading into a showdown for the ages.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Dead Lucky #11. Thank for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the adventures of one of the Spider-verse’s most popular characters. Since impacting pop culture audiences in the smash Spider-Man Spider-verse animated films, Gwen Stacy from Earth-65 has become one of Marvel’s most beloved heroes. Now poised to take the lead in an all-new adventure, fans have much to be excited about.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH #1 by Melissa Flores (MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, THE DEAD LUCKY), Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles present the next chapter of the Ghost Spider. Let’s not wait any longer and see what the new story is all about!

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: David Nakayama)


On Earth 65, people are running out of “Freak Out”, an establishment that is hosting a certain band for the night. The group? The Mary-Janes! As Em Jay tries calming the crowd, the cause for the disruption appears to be Spider-Gwen aka Ghost-Spider!

Readers see a quick flashback to moments prior. While playing drums on stage, Gwen Stacy notices an approaching threat coming near the stage. Pink Velvet is making her way through the crowd. She’s addressing her social followers and touting about her super-villainy. Gwen’s sensing danger as she gets close to Em Jay.

Before she can strike, Pink Velvet is taken down by Ghost-Spider! However, the fallout works in Velvet’s favor. Being an “influencer”, Velvet speaks as she was the victim and paints the picture this is all Gwen’s fault. After a heart to heart with her dad, Gwen is called away to meet with the band.

Once she arrives, Gwen sees an offer of a lifetime. The Mary Janes have been asked to open for DAZZLER and the UNCUT GEMS for their tour!

Readers see how an offer of a lifetime has much more than meets the eye behind it. What could be the meaning behind their addition to the tour? The story cranks up the volume as Gwen and company get their information. They also get a party crasher fans won’t see coming. While still processing this, fans are left with a solid last song (or in this case image) until the next tour date.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: Ivan Tao)

Flores unveils a very fun and engaging story for readers right from the opening pages. Gwen is presented as an unlucky soul searching for something. The life of Ghost-Spider isn’t perfect and the clashes with Em Jay work to slowly build the drama. The moments with her father are brief but reinforce the drive to find her happiness through her musical responsibilities.

The story begins to take things up a few levels once Dazzler and her associates appear. Flores puts a few great twists on some classic characters, giving readers a fresh perspective. One in particular will catch some off guard, but that plays into the enjoyable aspect of what is being presented here. This all leads into the final act where more layers of the tale begin to peel back and show there’s more to the latest saga than just rock and roll.

Balam, D’Amico and Sifuentes keep things energetic as the music begins to play. Readers don’t have to wait too long to see Gwen in action. The scuffle with Pink Velvet is brief but gives readers a few noteworthy panels featuring Gwen in action. The moments with her dad rewind the tension and allow Gwen to have some character moments. This caps off with a fun train sequence meeting up with The Mary Janes.

The introduction of Dazzler and company makes an impression with a near full page panel. The art spotlights the mutant rockstar with some noteworthy concert visuals before ramping up the drama into the latter half of the book. The reimagined characters are featured well into the overall picture. Their spotlight is stolen by the antagonist, who leaves readers with great action sequences. This all leads to an excellent closing page before bowing out until next time.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D'Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - Cover: Peach Momoko)


No matter the earth, the life and times of Spider-Gwen are never ordinary. Flores’ creative takes and writing lead the visual ensemble of Balam, D’Amico, Sifuentes and Cowles to compose a new tale fans won’t want to skip on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Spider-Gwen: Smash! Thanks for reading!


Welcome back to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, With being one of the pillars of comics’ most exciting universe: The Massive-Verse, fans are talking about the latest adventure of one Bibiana Lopez-Yang. That’s right, we’re heading to San Francisco and checking on its’ protector via Image Comics and Black Market Narrative.

THE DEAD LUCKY #10 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) continues its’ second story arc with Bibi’s past crashing into her present. Let’s see how things are shaping up now, shall we?

THE DEAD LUCKY #10 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil - credit: image comics via black market narrative)


With the new responsibilities working for Morrow, Bibi’s plan of taking down the evil tech company was starting to take off. However, a mission in Jordan has led her into the crosshairs of someone she thought was a memory. Pyre, a member of her armed forces unit, has returned into her life with powers and a new agenda.

After the reunion, Bibi returned home to San Francisco after being gone for three days. She didn’t return alone as Pyre followed her back. Wanting to help her with her mission, Pyre draws attention onto himself in the form of Morrow forces. After an A.I.D. (Artificial intelligence Destruction) Protocol is given, Morrow’s mechs have now been given lethal clearance to end the threat of Pyre and Bibi is caught in the crossfire!

This chapter begins with Korin, a Morrow board member, trying to figure out who authorized the lethal force call. She brings this to the attention of Morrow CEO Jimmi Moss. However, Moss is more concerned about his deteriorating health condition. Moss addresses Korin to handle the problem of the protocol while he goes back to trying to solve his own issues.

Back at the fisherman’s wharf of San Francisco, Bibi and Pyre brace for action as they are now surrounded by mechs ready to fire. Readers see business escalate quickly as the pair fights to survive. Once the smoke clears, there are many questions left in the wake.

Who activated the protocol? What is the public reaction to this battle? How does Morrow respond? Events speed into the spotlight as the attack at the Wharf appears to be the tip off the iceberg. Bibi is now hopping out of the proverbial frying pan into the fire as tensions escalate out of control. Lucky for San Francisco, Bibi isn’t going down without a fight as the final page makes a bold statement before concluding the story for now.

Flores pushes Bibi into uncharted territory with the latest chapter. Seeing the stand-off with the mechs brought high tension as Bibi is trying to keep control before others get hurt. This counters Pyre’s play as he embraces the fight. Their personal history strains the overall mission of stopping Morrow.

Flores spins this into building drama which pays off later in the issue. The mystery behind who initiated the protocol is a nice twist to the overall tale. With a few suspects jumping to mind, readers can make their assumptions while watching the action sequences play out. As always, this series gives readers much to enjoy.

Carlomagno and Iacono features great action throughout the issue. The initial stand-off comes across as fast-paced and unforgiving as a lethal order mission would play out. Bibi and Pyre get moments to show off their abilities ending with a strong panel demonstrating Bibi’s powers to end this round.

The public reactions to recent events carry weight as the anger and frustration bleeds over from the crowd to a board room meeting that plays a big part in connecting with readers. This is a small break until the next round begins. The art team speeds up the frantic pace of the battles without mis-stepping any key moment. This all comes to a head with the closing image which will have fans excited to see what happens next.


The presence of Pyre brings the fight home to San Francisco with another Massive-verse fantastic issue. Flores mixes in big action while quietly laying a foundation for a bigger payoff later with excellent writing. Carlomagno, Iacono and Carey add the finishing touches for a visual experience that will have fans locked in from the opening page. There’s a reason why The Dead Lucky is a New Comic Book Day staple for fans. Don’t miss out!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Dead Lucky #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are jumping back in one of the most anticipated stories in Power Rangers history. Since the new creative team has taken the reigns at MMPR# 101, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers by BOOM! Studios has generated a huge buzz amongst comic readers. Reinventing one of the fandom’s most legendary villains to a whole new level is no easy task. With the introduction of Mistress Vile succeeding in her evil plans, all hope appears to be lost as the heroes have now entered “The Darkest Hour”.

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #112 by Melissa Flores, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms and Ed Dukeshire picks up the pieces of a heartbreaking loss with its latest chapter. Let’s not wait any longer and dive into what’s unfolding now, shall we?

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #112 by Melissa Flores, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Boom! Studios - Cover: Taurin Clarke)


The issue begins with Billy Cranston picking up his broken glasses. As he looks thru them, Billy notices his surroundings have drastically changed. He is now standing inside the Morphin Grid! As shocking that is, readers are more shocked to see Grace Sterling inside the grid.

With the events of last issue, Grace is dead. She apparently died at the hands of Matt, The Green Ranger possessed by Vile’s power. However, in this moment, Grace is alive and one with the grid. Grace explains how the grid is infected via the Dark Spector. Readers along with Billy sit in awe of the information and secrets revealed of what Vile’s actions have done.

The story shifts focus to Zach and Trini fighting off Vile’s forces. As things look to be failing for the pair, the rest of the Rangers swoop in and assist in the battle. After the melee, the united rangers come across one of the most polarizing characters as of late: Matt.

How does the meeting go? Considering the recent actions and accusations, the mood is extremely tense. Unfortunately, there is no rest from the attack from Vile and Spector. Tough calls are made as the Rangers are pushed to the breaking point. Just as hope feels lost, the final moments prove there might be some light at the end of the dark tunnel next time we see them.

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #112 by Melissa Flores, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Boom! Studios - Cover: Goni Montes)

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #112 by Melissa Flores, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Boom! Studios - Cover: Björn Barends)

Flores never lets up about how high the stakes are with this story. Right from the beginning, Billy seeing Grace (in this version) with the grave message is impactful. Emotions are still reeling from her death. The conversation goes from frank honesty of what’s happening to a reminder of why the rangers’ shoulders are big enough to carry the weight.

The portion with Matt reflects that as well. The reactions of what happened connect with readers as it will be a long road for recovery with not only the team, but himself as well. Pacing moves well to give both stories room to grow bringing it all together for the final page. Readers are on the road for something special with this saga.

Prasetya steps in for Di Gianfelice for this issue art and brings a different dynamic to the story. The moments inside the grid with Billy and “Grace” conveyed the gravity of the situation. The reactions in the conversation added a new layer to an already dangerous plying field. The action sequences with the Rangers and Vile’s forces deliver on excitement.

This balances out Matt’s struggles to deal with what he is going thru. The art demonstrates his shifting of feelings as it starts sinking in what has happened and how he played a part. The closing moments tie everything together with some final panels that will have the fandom on their edge of their seats waiting for the next chapter.


The latest installment of “The Darkest Hour” brings forth a dire reality to their current situation. Flores presents strong emotional moments with the writing while Prasetya brings it to page with energetic art. The clock has just started on the “hour” and fans will want to get on board early on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we’re following along the return of a pillar of the Massive-verse with a new chapter from Image Comics (via Black Market Narrative). Comic’s most exciting universe has returned in a big way since its’ latest crossover event: “Supermassive 2023”. Each regular series has just started brand new arcs and Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi’s past appears to have found her in an unlikely place.

THE DEAD LUCKY #8 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) wastes no time challenging Bibi in her new stat quo. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening here, shall we?

THE DEAD LUCKY #8 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) - Credit: Image Comics via Black market Narrative


After the battle for San Francisco concluded, Bibi suffered a massive loss with her ex-boyfriend/ally Eddie sacrificing himself to save her. With Morrow still in control, Bibi elected to take her fight against the corporation in a different direction. She decided to broker a deal with Mr. Jimmi Moss, the head of Morrow to lead Morrow’s special crimes division.

On their latest mission, Bibi is sent on a mission to Jordan to recover an asset. What should be a simple recon assignment turns shockingly personal as Bibi runs into a “Ghost” from her past…literally. A mysterious figure stands in her way. He is known as Pyre, who once was part of her military unit that was killed in the event that gave her the powers of electricity she has.

This issue opens up with Bibi starting at someone who she thought was long dead. Pyre seems unfased by her doubt. Bibi lashes out with an electrical blast which knocks Pyre down. The Dead Lucky squad appears behind her, including Ghost. Pyre lashes back with a blast, escalading the action until both collapse.

Once she comes to, Bibi is imprisoned by Pyre. She is still in denial until Pyre shows an object which will catch readers attention. What is Pyre’s selling point of Truth? This event causes a flashback which gives clarity to the mysterious background of Bibi. The fallout carries Bibi and Pyre into uncharted territory for the mission at hand. Where it all leads to is a final image that proves there is more to this story than readers are ready for!

BREAKDOWN: Readers get some big reveals in the story of Bibi’s past within these pages. Flores builds this moment up by selling Bibi’s shock throughout the first act. The emotions pour out of Bibi with the impact of seeing someone she lost standing right in front of her. It is a strong set-up to the flashback later in the story. It provides a break between the action and drives home how Bibi’s past clashes with her present. Supporting characters get their time but the heart of this issue runs through Bibi’s reactions much to the readers benefit.

Carlomagno and Iacono bring the action to life right from the start, With tensions running high, they display Bibi losing her cool with displays of both her and Pyre’s powers. However, the flashback sequences is what pops off the pages here. The coloring gives those panels a retro feel building to a huge two-page spread that makes a loud statement. With the high-level of excitement looming, the art team shines with featuring the toll it takes on Bibi. The closing moments leave some questions that need answers but enough to have readers clamoring for the next chapter to drop.


Bibi’s past catches up with her present stat quo in an issues fans will be buzzing about. Flores unveils a piece of Bibi’s history with superb writing matched by the eye-catching art of Carlomagno and the team. The Dead Lucky is THE series you need to be reading when a new issue drops so don’t miss it on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what your thoughts are on The Dead Lucky #8. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, it is the long awaited return of one of the pillars of comic’s most exciting universe: the Massive-verse! The Image Comics line (via Black Market Narrative) has returned with a vengeance following its’ 2023 “Supermassive” Crossover book. The landmark Radiant Black #25 and Rogue Sun #13 have both resumed to much fan reaction. Now, the last regular series Massive-Verse Book is back at the local comic shops this week!

THE DEAD LUCKY #7 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) brings a new stat quo following the aftermath of the Battle for San Francisco! Let’s not wait any longer and dive into this issue, shall we?


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


Returning home for Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi post military service has not been easy. After being honorably discharged, Bibi is addressing her own mental health issues (PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt) and the event from Afghanistan that killed her platoon along with giving her eletrical based powers.

Bibi was also caught in the middle of a battle between Morrow, a tech corporation looking to control San Francisico and the Salvation Gang, a self-touted “fighters for the people”, but are they really? The battle has been brought to her front door with her parents’ restaurant being lost in the fight.

With things escalating, Bibi forges an uneasy alliance with The Salvation Gang to end things once and for all. However, nothing could have prepared Bibi for losing her ex-boyfriend/ally Eddie, who sacrificed himself to save Bibi from a Morrow weapon.

With the gang in shambles and Morrow getting ready for another round, Bibi cuts a deal with Mr. Jimmi Moss, the head of Morrow. The fighting stops when Bibi joins Morrow as the head of their special crimes division. Now on the inside, Bibi makes plans to end Morrow once and for all.

This issue opens up in Bucharest, Romania. A young girl is being held hostage by a group of human traffickers. Getting ready to extract her from this situation is Bibi and her new Morrow team. Readers might recognizes some members as former Salvation Gang standouts. With time ticking away, Bibi goes into action to make the save!

How does this mission fare? Readers see quickly how Bibi operates on getting the job done. In its’ fallout, San Francisco has changed. Is it better or worse? Where does Bibi fit into plans? And what of her next assignment? Readers had better buckle up for an exhilarating ride as the stakes have been raised to challenge Bibi even further than before!


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

BREAKDOWN: Flores brings readers back to a very different landscape than when we last saw Bibi. Right from the start, the story wastes no time getting down to business. The tone is tense with every action impactful. Readers immediately sense the danger and how clockwork-like Bibi operates.

The aftermath of the previous arc lingers with Bibi and her emotions reflect that. Readers see that the loss of Eddie still weighs heavy with her motivations post mission. Bibi doesn’t do everything perfect and her interactions with her circle of friends and family demonstrates that exceptionally.

Heading into the final arc, Flores sets up a great cliffhanger ending with an interesting personal set-up. What should be a routine mission turns into something more which fans will clamoring to see more of.

Carlomagno and Iacono deliver a fair balance of action and emotions panels with this return issue. The extraction portion keeps a fast pace, instantly locking in with readers. Seeing how precise Bibi is with her mission was a perfect way to kick things into motion with Morrow.

The emotional changes between Bibi and her supporting cast also jumped out. The art team focuses heavy on the strain of working for Morrow and the guilt of Eddie’s death. It reflects how her character is flawed and not perfect. One sequence that defines this is when Bibi is at the family restaurant Seeing the old picture of her and Eddie, followed by the confession of self guilt made for a noteworthy portion of the issue. Strong final act with a show-stealing final page takes readers into the next chapter in an exhilerating note.


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


With a new stat quo cemented in place, the return of Bibiana Lopez-Yang kicks off its’ next chapter with an issue you can’t miss. Flores’ incredible writing is matched with Carlomagno’s superb visuals to give readers a combination of action and emotional complexity that simply can’t be missed. Make sure to snag your copy on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Dead Lucky #7. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the current run of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Boom! Studios can easily be defined as legendary (and its only just begun). It has almost been a year since the new creative team took the reins and never looked back. In this time period, they have reinvented a classic villain and given the Rangers their biggest threat to date. With a HUGE storyline kicking off with “the Darkest Hour” in MMPR #111, the path to get there has been must-read material.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios continues to ramp the tension up with hope slipping further and further out of the heroes grasps. Let’s take a closer look at the events unfolding here, shall we?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios


Rita Repulsa has returned in a monster way. Repulsa has transformed into the dangerous Mistress Vile. In her first move, Vile sends a huge message defeating Lord Zedd and leaving him lying near death at her feet. The Rangers have been on the defensive since the intial encounter and haven’t been able to catch a moment to bounce back. Vile has been striking them with pin-point accuracy with her attacks. No greater move has struck the Rangers more than her kidnapping and brainwashing Matt the green Ranger.

Now with an army by her side led by Matt and “The Vessel”, the body of Zordon under an evil influence, Vile makes her biggest push to accomplish her plan of unleashing the evil of the Dark Spector by controlling the Morphin Grid. There is an unlikely challenger to Vile’s plans that no one saw coming: A Morphin Powered Lord Zedd! With the huge showdown looming, a familiar face is lurking in the wing with plans all his own.

This issue picks up with Lord Drakkon freeing Kiya, the former Omega Ranger from her prison. With their past, the pair quickly become reluctant allies with the chaos swirling around them. Drakkon convinces Kiya to help activate the Morphin Arch on Safehaven. The pair is intercepted by current Omega Rangers Kevor and Yale. Kiya is none too pleased to see her replacement and make quick work of the pair until Zach and Trini arrive. Drakkon and Kiya escape with a warning to the Omega Rangers: Destroy the Arch before Vile finds it.

Meanwhile on Earth, Vile has already made great strides in her plans and taken Grace Sterling hostage. On the cusp of winning, Vile thinks Vessel is returning after disposing of Zedd, but reality is quite the contrary. Zedd arrives and is ready to finally handle unfinished business. As for the Rangers, they make a stand against Matt and Vile’s forces. Readers are in for an emotionally charged throwdown as the payoff for the builds hit their marks. On top of the action, there appears to be an unlikely shift of allies heading into an imposing final issue to lead into ending this arc before the darkest Hour begins.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios v

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Flores kicks off the conclusion of the current arc with an issue fans will be very excited to read. The return of Drakkon and Kiya has been hovering in the background for a bit but their re-introduction plays into how desperate times have become. The theme of “Enemy of My Enemy is my Friend” shines thru and plants a seed for a later return with the Omega Rangers. The showdowns fans have been waiting for will lock in with readers. The Zedd/Vile standoff presents the duel fans have been waiting for with great dialogue and a surprise factor thrown in the mix. The battle that will stand out the most is Matt vs. The Rangers. Setting up how he was before Vile captured him and referencing the potential romance with Aisha, Flores adds an extra level of emotion to the panels. Readers will literally hear the drop in Aisha’s voice when she says “Yes”. Overall, the key players and stories all had enough time with the pacing to head into next issue bracing for the uncertain future ahead.

Di Gianfelice returns to art duties after Marco Renna filled in last issue and doesn’t skip a beat bringing the action to this issue. The battle with Zedd and Vile had a strong presence to it with big panels featuring the two finally squaring off. The coloring from Angulo (with an assist from Jose Enrique Fernandez) captured readers attention and never let go. The emotional reactions were featured throughout this issue from Kiya seeing the Omega Rangers again and especially with Matt vs. The Rangers. The emotional reactions of Matt and Aisha during the fight never was lost in the shuffle. Those moments told their own story which will link up with readers. The panel with Aisha says “Yes” is told just reading her eyes. Each sub-plot looks poised for a big conclusion next issue with the closing full page panel sending readers home on.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke) for BOOM! Studios


The dynamic duo of Flores and Di Gianfelice reunite to send the Power Rangers on the path to the Darkest Hour. With emotionally charged writing paired with incredible visuals, the hype surrounding this current story arc continues to be justified with another exceptional issue. There is something special unfolding with this series that all readers need to check out.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

In January of 2022, an event debuted spiraling out of the pages of the hit Image Comics series (via Black market Narrative): Radiant Black by Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa. The event welcomed comic readers to new heroes such as Rogue Sun, Inferno Girl Red and The Dead Lucky (via cameo). From that book, an exciting universe was born that has energized fans with its creativity and characters. The event was SuperMassive. The universe was The MassiveVerse!

The fallout from the book kicked off solo series for both Rogue Sun (by Ryan Parrott & Abel) and the Dead Lucky (by Melissa Flores and French Carlomagno). Inferno Girl Red by Mat Groom and Erica D’urso made its’ transition from Kickstarter to Image in January of 2023. With the success of those series alone, fans have been clamoring for the heroes to reunite in another crossover. Their wishes have been granted with another Massiveverse event hitting the local comic shops on May 24th, 2023!

SUPERMASSIVE by KYLE HIGGINS, RYAN PARROTT, MELISSA FLORES, MAT GROOM, DANIELE DI NICUOLO and WALTER BAIAMONTE (editor: Michael Busuttil) brings together the heroes of the MassiveVerse for an epic adventure. Let’s not delay any longer and take a closer look at what’s happening here, shall we?


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


For anyone needing a quick refresher on each character and what they do: Here’s MassiveVerse 101

The story begins Enfield, England in 1412, A battle is taking place between the Rogue Sun of that era and a mysterious figure known as Thomasin. In Rogue Sun’s possession is an obelisk that he is going to great lengths to keep. It is in a losing effort as Rogue Sun is defeated by Thomasin. She takes the obelisk and uses it to open a portal, leading to an unknown location. As she walks thru, she leaves the obelisk behind.

Fast forwarding to present time, Rogue Sun is sneaking into a museum in New York looking for the obelisk which has a personal connection to Caleb Hawthorne. With the object in hand, Rogue Sun flies to Lockport, Illinois to recruit Radiant Black on his latest mission. Readers see an awkward moment with Marshall, Nathan, Caleb and Dylan “meeting” for the first time. All the while, the actions of Rogue Sun have garnered the attention of Morrow and its’ latest security addition: Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka The Dead Lucky.

What is so special about this obelisk? Readers quickly find out it is the key to opening the door to the Holy Grail! With the power that could come from finding it, it is no wonder why all parties have varied vested interest in acquiring it. “With Great power comes great responislbilty” takes a whole new meaning as this story progresses. Once all parties finally meet in Enfield, the heroes open the door into an adventure they (and readers) won’t soon forget.

Readers will be glued to the pages seeing how these individuals survive the challenges in their way of acquiring the grail. The action is box-office as they progress thru on their quest. There is no shortage of drama with all the personalities involved. They make for some of the best moments in this issue when the clashes arise. However, no one is ready for the surprises mixed in for the latter portion of the book. The closing act will catch readers off-guard, but the payoff is sure to please. If that wasn’t enough, just wait for the final pages. I can’t stress this enough, when you hear “Massive-Verse Event” that means AN EVENT! Readers get a total picture that all ties together for a satisfying conclusion and why when all these heroes come together, readers can only describe it as “Super Massive”!


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023

BREAKDOWN: The Massiveverse writing team plays to the strengths of their characters to make for a very enjoyable read. Marshall’s comedic timing is spot-on in breaking up the more dramatic moments. Bibiana also sneaks in a well timed “Indiana Jones” line that works perfectly as well. The story itself is an intriguing one as each hero is tested on how far would they go to get everything. The emotional toll the mission takes is easy to connect with as there are deep personal roots behind each motivation. The action scenes are well paced, giving the characters enough time to properly interact in-between, making for the best scenes. Not everything goes smoothly and that makes for added tension. It comes off very organic and not just “another super-hero team-up”. Each character gets an ample amount of panel time to move their own stories along with the main plot. The final act has great surprises that raises a few questions along the way, but that’s for another time. No spoilers on those moments, but rest assured, the readers will be excited to see them transpire. The fallout ends things with complete closure before sending everyone onto their next paths. The epilogue is something special that fans won’t be expecting but this goes into how creative the teams are behind this event. Get ready!

Di Nicuolo and Baiamonte add such energy to the pages of this event. The action panels waste no time in setting a frenetic pace. There are a few 2 full page panels that are absolutely incredible with one being a game-changer later in the issue. The art team also presents Thomasin as a compelling character through the various panels. Her story comes across as one of redemption moreso than sheer searching for power. The interactions she has with Bibiana come across as if they both share some common themes between them and why they are invested in the Grail. The comedic expressions Marshall shows in more serious moments work with giving the readers a solid break before diving back into the drama enfolding. The closing moments ramp up the action before slowly bringing everyone down to say goodbye for now. Excellent epilogue to close out the event with an image that will have readers talking without question.


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


When a book has the billing “Super Massive”, it gives itself a high benchmark to hit. Without question, The Massive-Verse team accepts and exceeds the challenge mixing in superb writing and energetic artwork in an adventure fitting for the title. There’s a reason why this universe is comics’ most exciting one. The event is an absolute must have on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Supermassive 2023! Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, How Morphenomenal has the current Power Rangers story arc by Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice been! Taking over the flagship title at BOOM! STUDIOS with issue #101, the creative team has lit a fire under the fandom with its’ excellent re-introduction of a fan-favorite villain while challenging the heroes of Angel Grove like never before. Considering how things left off last issue, readers have been waiting on their edge of their seats for this latest issue to drop! Luckily, the wait is over and a special guest star is filling in on art duties that fans will be excited to see swing thru!

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire dive into the mystery surrounding the big identity reveal of Mistress Vile’s enforcer! Let’s not delay any longer and dive right in, shall we?

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th


The Rita Repulsa fans might remember from the TV show is no more. Out of her shadow has emerged a dangerous foe that the Rangers haven’t been able to stop yet. Her name is Mistress Vile. In a short amount of time, Vile has defeated Lord Zedd, captured and possessed Matt, the green Ranger, and now is in the final stages of achieving her plan of achieving ultimate power.

The only thing standing in her way is a morphin-powered Lord Zedd looking for revenge. Vile sends her enforcer to deal with him. During the fight, it is revealed that the mysterious figure is none other than ZORDON?!

The story opens up on the planet Bizerk. Vile and Alpha-1 are standing in front of a frozen figure…Zordon. It is revealed to readers that Vile has placed his consciousness in a time wrap, splitting it from the body! Vile frees him from the ice and without a conscious, Vile uses her powers to persuade him to her cause.

The story speeds to present time and “The Vessal” hits the scene, making a mindless walk thru the chaos around him from Vile’s forces attacking Angel Grove to head right to the Command Center. Making his way to Zordon’s chamber, the Vessal confronts Rocky, Adam, Alpha and Zordon! The action picks up as The Vessal disposes of the Rangers attack with relative ease. At this stage, he makes the connection with Zordon’s essence!

Readers see the two meet in an unlikely place with a meeting of two minds…literally. Both Zordons have their cases and stances, no one looking to budge. The conversation shifts to the Vessal’s ultimate goals which readers see where Zordon stands in response. The fallout is one that will leave readers guessing as the ripple effect can be felt on the final page.

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th

BREAKDOWN: Flores brings an “angel vs. devil” approach to the conversation with the Vessel and Zordon within these pages. The pacing for the story allowed for a small moment with other characters but drove home the importance of these to meeting. Once they finally meet and connect, readers get taken on a sound trip thru the various emotions and memories both have. Seeing how both attack the other with key points kept this moment engaging as the high-stakes game they were playing rolled onward. Diving into the motivations for the Vessel fleshed out some questions readers will have and also positioned its’ future in an unforeseen direction. The conclusion of the issue leaves much to ponder as a key factor in this conflict seems to be ready to leave its’ mark.

Renna steps in for art duties and anytime he’s on a book, you know the art will deliver. The steady, methodical walk to the command center early in the issue links up to readers about how focused the Vessel’s mission was. The 2 page spread when they finally meet will be a visual to stand out as that moment sets the tone for the majority of the issue. The conversation comes across as direct and intense as one would expect. Seeing the reactions both have to the other’s verbal jabs highlights those panels right to its conclusion. Excellent final image to keep readers guessing at what’s next to unfold.

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios - on sale May 17th


The mystery behind the Vessel’s uncanny mission is brought front and center during the havoc of Mistress Vile’s attack. Flores, Renna and the team throw the spotlight on this character and its counterpart with strong writing and exceptional artwork that will have fans reeling from the meeting of the two minds. You definitely don’t want to miss this issue on NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you think of MMPR #108. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, the brand new Power Rangers creative team helming the longstanding BOOM! Studios series has been on fire since their debut at issue #101. Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice (along with Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire) wasted no time sending shockwaves thru the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fandom with the re-introduction of Rita Repulsa now known as Mistress Vile. Vile’s attacks on the Power Rangers have only been a small part of her master plans. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 picks up right in the heart of Vile’s moves as she advances forward, but not without some other big moments mixed in.

Let’s jump right into this issue, shall we?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


As previously stated, the Power Rangers have their hands full with a more deadly version of their old nemesis Rita Repusla. With their first introduction, Vile left Lord Zedd (YES, THAT LORD ZEDD) lying near death at her feet. Vile also captured Matt, the Green Ranger and sent Alpha-1 out to cause some mayhem on the Omega Rangers. Suffice to say, that was only the start of the Rangers issues.

Lord Zedd was brought to Prometha Headquarters to heal but how safe is that place with Zedd residing in it? There’s little time to process as Vile and her mysterious enforcer crash the part in an attempt for find a morphin navigator which can lead access to the Morphin Grid. It is scary to think what an evil mind could do with that power. Readers see a small taste as Zedd himself has found a Morpher of his own! Now, the major players are primed for an epic throwdown!

This issue opens up Zedd revealing he’s had a morpher for quite some time, dating back to Power Rangers #16. With it primed and charged, Zedd reacts towards Grace Sterling and gives readers a small idea of what he can do. Meanwhile the Omega and Power Rangers are dealing with a broken Aplha-1, attempting to get more clues.

Back on Earth, Tommy catches up with an old friend (former Red Ranger Jason) but their talk is broken up by a now-possessed Matt leading Vile’s army into Angel Grove! There is no shortage of action here as the face-offs that have been building are now set to explode! Vile and her mysterious enforcer versus a Morphin-powered Lord Zedd! Tommy vs a possessed Matt! Things move fast to keep up with the action but is it too late? Readers get big payoffs for the building battles and even some extra reveals along the way. Even with all that, the final moments of the book introduce two more players into the game and longtime Power Ranger fans are not gonna be ready for what’s coming after this issue!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona c, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: This run continues to impress and set such a high bar! Flores has been setting up the face-offs unfolding here. Since Matt was captured, readers have been waiting to see what Vile’s work had done to him. Flores presents this version of Matt perfectly as his insecurities and fears with the team are fueling his drive here thanks to Vile. The one-liners he is saying are excellent verbal jabs to compliment the action. The same can be said for Zedd looking for revenge against Vile. Zedd being embarrassed by how he lost the first time has driven him to the point of being blinded by rage during the fight with Vile’s enforcer (which was accurately predicted on the MMPR #101 review). Pacing gives every battle proper time and the drama in-between has enough time to connect with the audience. If this wasn’t enough, just wait till the last pages and who is now getting involved. The hype you hear about with this series is well deserved of all its’ praise.

Di Gianfelice and Angulo bring the action throughout this issue. From the moment Matt walks towards Tommy, readers can instantly feel the emotions behind what’s going to happen. The depiction of the possessed Matt was done well and instantly signaled this will not be a friendly experience. Seeing Zedd unleashed was a standout moment as well. Seeing him not handle the bruise to his ego from the initial defeat has been a different look. This is reflected in his fighting style, even to one instance of being distracted just enough to take a strike. With all the action going on, the art team does sneak in some noteworthy panels involving Kimberly and Yale along with Zach and Trini. The art is very leveled on giving ample time to each story taking place. Nothing feels rushed to try cramming too much into the story. With all that going on, the final pages of the issue will be a buzzworthy topic about who appears. There is much to enjoy from the events of this issue.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Flores, Di Gianfelice, Angulo and Dukeshire unleash Mistress Vile’s plans in full swing with an action-packed issue that fans can’t afford to miss! With every issue, the bar keeps getting raised on the meteoric rise to legendary status from this creative team. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 delivers on a big pay-off to building plots while dropping a show-stealing ending that has to be in your collection on New Comic Book Day!'

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are at the pen-ultimate issue of a featured character from comic’s most exciting line of books: The Massive-Verse from Image Comics (via Black Market Narrative). RADIANT PINK #4 by MEGHAN CAMARENA, MELISSA FLORES, EMMA KUBERT, REBECCA NALTY, & BECCA CAREY showcases the pair of worlds travelers striving to find a way home with more odds stacked against them. Let’s take a closer look and see what is unfolding now, Shall we?



Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


Eva aka the streamer known as “Evaplayss” aka the teleporting Radiant Pink has been going overtime in her heroic duties to the point of scary burnout. During a charity appearance at a hospital, an explosion occurs drawing Eva into action. When trying to save an EMT named Kelly, her powers go haywire. This miscue lands the pair into a distant world and very far from home!

As the pair attempts to get back home, they wind up entering different worlds full of mystery. All the while, it appears as a budding romance is forming between Eva and Kelly. The pair land in another world and find a cat spaceship which its’ lone gigantic cat protector names Kitty Kitty injures Eva. On top of all this, Eva discovers Kelly is wearing a special vest draining her powers!

The pair call a temporary truce for their issues after an argument and form a conversation with Kitty. Its’ explained that Kitty is trying to get back to Katneep IV. With creatures destroying the ship, the trio make an escape through a pod but appear to be in even more danger with a giant hand reaching for the ship!

This issue opens up with a return to Whiting, Indiana where Eva resides. Her best friend Maddie and Eva’s grandmother are trying to be calm during Eva’s disappearance but the fear is growing. However, Maddie comes across a call meant for Eva that might hold some promise of finding Eva.

Off world, Eva and Kelly appear very relaxed and recap the previous issue’s cliffhanger ending. The pair along with Kitty Kitty make the dramatic escape and land on Katneep IV. Eva and Kelly get the impression that their guests of honor but not everything is what it seems.

How does the pair adjust to life on Katneep IV? What of their blossoming romance? Who was on the phone that Maddie heard? There are many questions swirling around this issue that readers get some clarity on before heading to a mind-bending final act. Get ready for an exciting finish to this chapter but there is definitely more story to be told before this saga is said and done.

BREAKDOWN: Camarena & Flores delve into the growing romance portion of the story while maintain the fun energy that has been this series’ calling card from issue one. Excellent cameo from a certain Massive-verse character to tie things back to the present world The world of Katneep IV is an entertaining break from the overall picture. It sets up two key areas of the story: Defining their feelings and a final act that readers will not be expecting. Eva has been an evolving character within this run and looks to expand on that growth with how the final pages play out.

Kubert’s art is as stellar as always. The Katneep IV moments are an enjoyable break but this issue’s key panels break down the heavy emotions of the characters. Maddie and Eva’s grandmother’s pain about not knowing where Eva will hit readers with the seriousness of her situation. The growing relationship goes thru a wide range of feeling, right into the final act. Kubert seizes the reader’s attention with how Eva reacts to those closing moments. This plays right into a noteworthy final panel that leaves the door open for where this story goes into its’ conclusion.

FINAL POINT: The latest adventure of the youngest radiant continues to shine with a final sequence of events that will definitely have readers talking. Camarena, Flores, Kubert & the team keep the winning formula intact for this issue with solid writing and energetic art. The series has been an enjoyable trip this far with sadly one stop left. Don’t miss out on this issue and series on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know what you thought of Radiant Pink #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are taking a look at the next installment from a creative team that is carving out a huge legacy in the Power Rangers mythos in a very short amount of time. In just five issues , Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice have re-invented a classic villain whose actions have broken the biggest evil in MMPR history while keeping the both the Omega and Power Rangers on the defensive to stopping her master plan. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 by Flores, Di Gianfelice, along with Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire for BOOM! STUDIOS looks to continue the winning ways. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening in the latest chapter, shall we?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


In their wildest dreams, the heroes of Angel Grove could never imagine that one of their most legendary foes could become even more of a threat. Yet, that is exactly what has happened with Rita Repulsa who has now become Mistress Vile. Vile made an immediate impact when she dismantled Lord Zedd and left him lying at her feet in front of the young heroes to witness. Since then, Matt aka The Green Ranger has become Vile’s prisoner. Alpha-1 has pledged allegiance to Vile’s vision and challenged the Rangers. Factor in that Zedd is now recovering from his defeat and plotting revenge, the Rangers are surrounded by Vile’s efforts with no way out.

This issue opens up with a flashback of Rita and Zedd’s first encounter on Spearo V. Rita attacked Zedd on behalf of her father, Master Vile. During the battle Zedd throws Rita a proposition to join with him, seeing that she has outreached her father’s role for her.

Back at Safehaven, the Omega Rangers base, Both teams are having a conference call with Zordon and the earth based allies about what to do about Mistress Vile. In the conversation, it is deducted that Vile is looking for a way into the Morphin Grid but needs help doing it. The Rangers have some time to prepare knowing a Morphin Arch would be needed and one is revealed to be on Earth, which causes some tensions to be raised. Zordon orders the Power Rangers to return but not everyone is on board to comply to his orders.

The young heroes don’t even have an option to catch up and talk when suddenly Vile takes the fight right to their doorstep! How can they be ready for this surprise attack? It is a moment that readers will be excited to watch unfold. Even with a great cameo conversation and those huge action panels, nothing and I MEAN NOTHING will top what happens within the final moments of this issue and who is involved! It is a very safe bet to say that all of the Power Rangers fandom will be buzzing about the closing image from this issue.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Just when you think this run has already given readers all the surprises it can handle, Flores drops a HUGE final moment that no one is ready for! No spoilers on that as it is one to be witnessed and not ruined. As for the rest of the issue, the writing demonstrates the growing frustration Vile is causing within the Rangers unit. There are great character moments involving Tommy and Kimberly reflecting this. The reveal about the Morphin master ruins furthered the wedge even more. Vile’s attack has left even the most confident members of the Rangers team nervous as to what is to come. Pacing worked well giving the story breaks to focus on character moments, one of which builds toward the concluding image that is going to leave fans speechless.

Di Gainfelice does a great job balancing out the Rangers’ struggles with Vile’s moves with excellent action sequences. The personal conversation involving Tommy respectively will connect with readers as a reflection of their feelings of recent events. It’s levels out with the battle at Safehaven. The action panels waste no time speeding things along, showing how quickly Vile’s forces are moving. The art caps everything off with a high-effective parting shot to send readers the message that the stakes just got higher involving this conflict.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The impressive debut run from the creative team of Flores and Di Gianfelice (along with Angulo and Dukeshire) grows its’ legacy even more with their latest issue. Superb writing and art turns up the pressure on the Power Ranger teams with an even more ominous danger looming in the wings at this issue’s conclusion. If you haven’t checked this run out, make it a point to remedy that situation this week at the local comic shop!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re hitting the midway point of a solo tale featuring the youngest Radiant of comic’s most exciting universe: The Massive-verse! 2023 is the line’s biggest year yet with events like “No/One” (debuting in March) and the huge crossover event “Supermassive 2” coming soon, comic fans have been jumping on board with this universe. All their books have been on point with this series being no exception. Radiant Pink #3 by MEGHAN CAMARENA, MELISSA FLORES, EMMA KUBERT, REBECCA NALTY, & BECCA CAREY for Image Comics furthers the worlds traveling adventure with last issue’s big reveal looming overhead. Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening now, shall we?

Radiant Pink #3


Credit: Image Comics


Radiant Pink (aka Eva aka the streamer known as “Evaplayss”, has been overactive in her heroic duties worrying those closest to her. When a charity fundraiser she makes an appearance at is disrupted by an explosion, Eva jumps in to help. During this, Eva is teleporting Kelly, an EMT out of danger but they wind up far from home…as in other world far away. With her powers not working right, Eva tries finding a way back with detours to other worlds, with an eventual landing spot to a cat spaceship. On board, Eva is injured by the ships protector…a HUGE cat. At this point, Kelly reveals she is wearing a vest with is syphioning Radiant Pink’s power!

This issue opens up with a flashback sequence diving into Kelly’s past and how she came into contact with the power vest. Kelly’s visions are interrupted by Eva waking up on the cat ship. Eva quickly remembers what Kelly’s action caused and how many people could have been hurt. A fight ensues while Kelly is trying to plead her case about her actions. Once the pair calms down for a second, readers see a truce form long enough to make plans to try going home again. Once back on the ship, more secrets are revealed. Will the pair be able to make it home with the broken trust shown? What is the secret behind the ship they’re on? What happens now when they try to leave this planet? Many questions are answered with a few more raised before closing out this book on an interesting final visual.

Radiant Pink #3


Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Camarena and Flores keep the light-heartened tone throughout the book with a few more serious moments mixed in. The flashback sequence is more serious as readers see glimpses of Kelly’s past and why she’s involved in the attack on Eva. Her story has much to explain but it takes a sidestep to the bigger plot point for this issue. Speaking of which, The reaction Eva has to Kelly’s actions makes perfect sense and doesn’t feel completely over, even with their truce intact. It works long enough to deal with the ship and its’ true situation, which plays into the fun aspect of the book. The closing moments throw a curve into the story nothing to knock it off track from the fun read the series has been.

Kubert and Nalty hit the mark with Kelly’s flashbacks. Using a different coloring scheme on the panels worked to connect the sadness of hr past, leading into the more defined panels of the present time. The emotional outbursts from Eva were captured perfectly as she’s now not just fighting Kelly but her broken trust as well. The alien world aspect involving the ship gave a solid contrast to Eva’s reactions and more serious interactions with Kelly. Interesting final image to end this chapter on moving into the home stretch for this series.

Radiant Pink #3


Credit: Image Comics

Radiant Pink #3


Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Camarena, Flores, Kubert and the team continue to take readers on a fun adventure staring the youngest radiant while mixing in some trust issues along the way. The issue mixes in drama along the entertaining tale for an issue you want to check out on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Radiant Pink #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re taking a look at the epic debut run from a creative team that has set the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe via Boom! Studios on fire! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire picks up where the re-invention of a classic Power Rangers villain is causing nothing but trouble for our young heroes. After last issue’s origin story, are the Rangers even ready for who is challenging them now? This issue catches up readers very quickly so Let’s take a closer look at the latest events, shall we?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Since the conclusion of issue #100, the Power Rangers haven’t had a moment to catch a break. After investigating a disturbance on the moon, they (along with readers) are in complete shock seeing Lord Zedd, their longtime nemesis lying motionless and defeated at the feet of a familiar face. That person is the former Rita Repulsa who has now become Mistress Vile! Making an immediate impact, she takes a prisoner in the form of Matt, the green ranger! Zedd defeated…Matt Captured….the Rangers are becoming increasingly frustrated at the fact they can’t stop Vile. After a signal from the planet Casentine indicates the Red Omegazord is in trouble, the heroes investigate to find Alpha-1 waiting for them.

Last issue featured Vile’s origin and an idea of where Matt’s future is heading. This issue jumps to five days prior with catching up with the Omega Rangers, whom readers haven’t seen since issue #100. After a quick catch-up with Zach, Trini, Yale and Kevor, readers see that they were on their way to the planet Casentine. The story jumps to present time where the Power Rangers (from Earth) confront Alpha-1. It is quickly established for anyone doubting that this Alpha is anything but a friend. Meanwhile on Earth, Tommy and Billy are assessing recent events with an unconscious Zedd lying next to them on a medical bed. Readers can see the anger and frustration pouring out of Tommy as he questions Billy about recent activities. All the while, Aplha-1 challenges the earth Rangers where he is getting the upper hand…until Trini and Yale show up! Can they swing the odds into the heroes favor?

Back on Earth, someone has awoken and that spells trouble for everyone. How does Zordon react to this revelation? Can the combined efforts of Power and Omega stop Alpha-1? What does Kimberly and Trini find out concerning Mistress Vile? Where are Zach and Kevor? There are many questions raised heading into the next phase of Vile’s plans and readers have much to look forward to with this issue.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Flores takes Vile off the board for this issue, allowing all the major players to get some panel time (along with seeing some old friends). Pacing worked very well to hit all the marks. Many readers have wondered when they would see the Omega Rangers again and this worked as a nice re-introduction back. Their part is significant enough but not overstepping the current story set-up. Seeing Alpha-1 as a legit threat was a nice add to the story. The fallout from its’ portion of the issue will be one to watch moving forward. The Tommy/Billy sub-portion gave the readers an insight to how desperate the situation has become. However, the one character to watch coming out of this issue is Lord Zedd. Seeing the ultimate bad guy defeated and weakened makes him an even more dangerous character. What levels is he willing to go to get revenge for being defeated? Overall, solid job juggling all the characters for this chapter.

Di Gianfelice mixes things up with big action panels and simpler, but equally as impactful personal moments with the various team members. The panels with Zach and Trini along with Tommy’s discussion with Billy are perfect examples of those emotional moments. It’s countered with BIG action pages when Alpha-1 takes on the Rangers. In a few short panels, Alpha-1 demonstrates why its’ a big challenge for the Rangers to handle. There is an excellent full page panel involving Zords that will be a fan-favorite relating to that fight. Seeing a broken Zedd will also have fans buzzing about what’s next to unfold for him.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105 - On sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The Mistress Vile storyline returns to breaking the rangers down from its detour origin last issue. Flores, Di Gianfelice and the team continue to make a lasting impression with this initial arc. If you haven’t picked up MMPR lately, make sure to fix that quickly. You don’t want this story to pass you by!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #105. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the battle for San Francisco heads toward a conclusion in the pages of one of the stars in comics’ hottest line of books: The Massive-verse (home to ROGUE SUN, INFERNO GIRL READ AND RADIANT BLACK to name a few)! Since its’ debut on August 3rd, 2022 (aka #DEADLUCKYDAY), readers have been taken on quite the journey with an excellent first arc. THE DEAD LUCKY is set to take a hiatus after this issue with a return after one of the biggest events in comics for 2023: SUPER-MASSIVE 2! Until then, THE DEAD LUCKY #6 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) for Image Comics looks to wrap up loose ends before taking a pause in the action and drama.

Before jumping into a deeper dive, check out the song by AL1CE for the series! That said… here we go!

THE DEAD LUCKY #6 - On Sale February 15th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics


Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi returned home after being honorably discharged from service to a drastically changed San Francisco. The city and its’ people are now caught in-between an ongoing conflict between the Salvation Gang, who claim to be fighting for the interest of the people, but are they really?, and Morrow, a corporation who looks to control with its’ tech influence. While this conflict is unfolding, Bibi is addressing her own mental health issues (PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt) and the event from Afghanistan that gave her ever growing electrical based powers and killed her platoon as well.

When escalating fighting happening, Bibi gets involved, much to Morrow’s displeasure. When they try luring Bibi out in the open, her parents’ restaurant, Chi-Mexi-Q, is destroyed and her father is nearly killed. From this action, Bibi makes an uneasy alliance with the Salvation Gang but that doesn’t go exactly as planned.

Bibi meets with Gust (the head of the Salvation Gang) Shift (a notable figure last seen in Radiant Black, who’s loyalty is there for the paycheck (or is it in this case?) and the gang to make a plan to strike Morrow. With a plan in place, Bibi says her final goodbyes before returning to the Gang headquarters. However, Gust cuts a deal to sell out Bibi to Morrow, who attacks them at their home base! The battle rages on with Shift warning Bibi of what’s unfolding before her. With Morrow surrounding her, Bibi prepares to make a stand and with her platoon of Ghost, Spaceman and Tanky controlling Morrow Bots, she might be lucky enough to make it out alive.

This issue opens up with a flashback sequence of Bibi in 2017 with her breakup with Eddie, who readers know as her ex-boyfriend/ally. The story time-jumps to the present where Bibi and remaining members of the Salvation Gang make their stand against Morrow. In the battlefield is Reporter Mack Sands who Bibi is trying to save. Needing any help she can get, Bibi asks Shift for an assist but in typical Shift fashion, there’s no money involved and its’ not part of his contract so he leaves her stranded. Bibi rounds up Torrid, Factor, Shorty and Winston from the Salvation Gang along with Sands, who’s taping everything to make a final play. As they go back inside the warehouse, Morrow’s forces grow outside, even with the Bots standing guard protecting Bibi and company.

Bibi knows she’s the one they want and plans to fight. Morrow unveils a new Air Guardian droid to attack. Bibi tells everyone to run and heads right into the direction of Kane, a Morrow fighter who’s leading point on this mission. At this point, I’m giving fair warning now: BRACE YOURSELF FOR WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

Readers bare witness to an unforeseen player making their way into the conflict. An action is taken that changes everything. The ramifications are HUGE to Bibi and hit very hard in the emotions. The fallout sets up a very unique moment that fans will be talking about until its return, but trust me when I say, the story of Bibiana Lopez-Yang has just begun…

Flores caps off one hell of an arc with a brilliant ending issue. The conclusion is going to blow readers away. Through this first arc, readers have seen Bibi thrusted into the role of reluctant hero and push forward against insurmountable odds. Not everything has gone perfect but Bibi refuses to quit on the people she cares about and the city itself. It’s a character trait that shines thru this issue. The banter between her and Shift is brief but a big win (side note: Fans really need a covert ops-esque series with those two as the leads at some point).

Seeing Bibi step up to lead the remaining Salvation Gang was a noteworthy moment as well. However, the emotional roller-coaster of the “new Player” that jumps in will hit readers very strongly. The conclusion is a great swerve as well and one that will excite fans until Bibi’s return later this year. I really don’t want to spoil anything but readers really need to see it for themselves. There’s a tremendous amount of win for this issue.

Carlomagno’s art crafts the emotional panels extremely well for this issue. Seeing these dramatic moments balance the high-paced action out worked on many levels. From the coldness of Shift denying to help Bibi to her directing traffic with the Gang and Sands, there are many emotions displayed through this issue. Take nothing away from the action as Carlomagno & Iacono make certain moments pop right off the page with an energetic feel. If you think those are great (and you should), just wait till you witness the heartbreaking moments in the concluding pages of this story. The final panel drops a huge exclamation point on this chapter. Readers have much to enjoy visually.

FINAL POINT: Since the first issue, Flores, Carlomagno and the team have welcomed readers to San Francisco and introduced them to a great new story that consistently reestablishes itself as a must-read series with its’ incredible writing and art. The conclusion of The Dead Lucky’s first arc doesn’t falter at the finish. It delivers on big action and bigger moments which has become a staple of this series. Highest possible recommendation.

The Dead Lucky vol 1 TPB is due out in May but don’t wait until then to check this series out. Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of The Dead Lucky #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, the buzz surrounding the new creative team on the Power Rangers franchise at Boom! Studios has been crushing it ever since they debuted in #101. With vivid re-introductions of fan favorites and new story-lines brewing, there is no better time to jump into the line. After last issue’s shocking final panel, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire became an instant must-read amongst MMPR fandom. Let’s not wait another minute and dive into what is unfolding here, shall we?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


The Power Rangers have been thru so much since the epic saga of “Charge To 100.” With an investigation of a disturbance on the moon, the young heroes had no idea what they were going to see unfold! Lord Zedd, their infamous adversary is lying at the feet of a returning, yet new figure in the Power Rangers Universe. Rita Repulsa has emerged with a new identity of Mistress Vile and taking care of Zedd sent shockwaves thru the Rangers. However, her next actions drive a deeper wound into the team. Vile captures Matt, the green ranger and is on the run! With desperation and frustration setting in for finding Matt, the team gets a signal that the red omegazord is on the planet Casentine. Once they arrive, they don’t find Matt or the Omega Rangers, but find Alpha-1 waiting for them at the downed zord.

This issue kicks off with an update for the readers about Matt. Along with torture, Vile is also trying to break Matt mentally and starts going into how similar they both are. From here, readers settle in for the origin of how Rita has become Mistress Vile. Dated a few months back (along with a two-page recap of Rita’s notable moments), Rita has been banished into space from Lord Zedd for failing to conquer Earth. Drifting away, she is discovered by space pirates led by Divatox, who say there is quite the bounty for Rita’s return to her home of Gamma Vile and her father, Master Vile. Once the family reunion starts, it’s the beginning of the end of Rita and the era of Mistress Vile starts.

The reunion is overshadowed by Master Vile’s ultimate goal coming to possible fruition. What plan does Master Vile have in store here? Who is he trying to connect with? How does Alpha-1 tie into those plans? How does Rita’s return impact everything? Readers witness how love of family is trumped by love of power. The final act carries a great build-up and pay-off explaining most lingering questions. However, readers will need to brace for the impact of Vile’s master plan with the final panels here.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The story behind Rita’s evolution was an excellent read. Flores sets things up to display how ruthless Rita can be and how her new status quo hasn’t even begun to plateau. The relationship with her father proved to be a double-edged sword in the sense of how Rita being back meant a great deal, only to be pushed aside by his own master plans and self accolades. Once established, readers watched along as she went to work assessing and ultimately manipulating control of the situation. Reintroducing a character with such notable history can be difficult, but Flores pulls this off masterfully with giving Rita a layered origin into her new persona. With that said, Take nothing away from the impact of the final page, as those few panels will have fans reacting strongly as the endgame is revealed very quietly. Incredible issue.

The artists on this issue (Simona Di Gianfelice & Kath Lobo) present Rita’s rebirth with some excellent panels. The two page spread showing her “this is your life” timeline jumps out. It’s a great piece for new readers to get caught up quick on what the character is all about and a great refresher for older fans. The panels with Master Vile “reuniting” with his daughter also stand out as Rita’s reaction to hearing her father’s plan spun into scheming and planning which gave a bigger pay-off when the plan unfolded. Rita’s constant evil smile carries through this issue and gives readers the visual que that she’s been in control this entire time, whether others knew or not. While this issue focuses all on Vile’s origin, the final panels will connect with readers as they see what Vile’s current manipulation is about to cause. It’s not a huge moment persay but once readers see what’s unfolding, it will hit BIG.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The evolution of one on the most infamous rogues in Power Rangers lore is delivered to fans with an issue that can’t be missed! Flores, Di Gianfelice, Lobo and the creative team deliver on superb writing matched with excellent art to bring forth the backstory of Mistress Vile. With the endgame now in sight, readers can’t afford to miss this issue. Make it a priority grab at the local comic shops this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media & let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104! Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the battle for San Francisco presses forward in the pages of one of 2022’s best new series. This series was heavily nominated for this year’s CHEERSIES Awards and looks to carry that momentum into 2023. THE DEAD LUCKY #5 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) for Image Comics sees the fallout of Bibi’s choice last issue and will anyone be ready for what’s next! The series has been excellent from the jump and it was announced that there will be a small break after issue #6. That said, the expectations for this latest chapter just spiked even further! Let’s not wait any longer to head back into the Massive-Verse to see what’s happening now, shall we?

THE DEAD LUCKY #5 - On Sale January 11th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics


San Francisco has never been the same since Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi returned home. An honorably discharged veteran, Bibi has now been caught into the middle of the conflict between Morrow, a corporation seizing control of the city with technology and the Salvation Gang, a group of questionable people fighting them back but can they be trusted? While this conflict is going on, Bibi has been dealing with her own mental health issues (PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt) post service. Being in the middle of the Morrow/Salvation Gang conflict, Bibi has had a tough introduction in the world of super heroes with ever growing electrical based powers. Not every outing has gone well. When Morrow lured her out in the public, Bibi’s parents restaurant was destroyed and she nearly lost her father in the process. With Morrow continuing to back her into a corner, Bibi makes a choice to form an uneasy alliance with the Salvation gang! “An enemy of my enemy is my friend” has never been more true than here.

This issue opens up Mack Sands, a reporter covering the fallout of”The Darkest Day”, which was an out of control protest. The end result gives Morrow a big win by being awarded the keys to the city by the mayor! With a growing influence on the city and “promises” by CEO Jimmi Moss (who’s been pulling strings behind the scenes) of making San Fran better, the public still is at unrest as martial law has been declared! In response, the Salvation Gang is trying to sell their vision of San Francisco to the reporter, with very little success. With the building tension, Bibi makes plans to handle Morrow with her new “allies”.

The Salvation Gang “acquires” some Morrow Bots for Bibi to control. When Bibi is told of their vision of her running all three bots, there’s a familiar face of the massive-verse that pops up: Shift! Last seen in Radiant Black, Shift has been hired to help the Salvation Gang with Morrow. Readers see there is a personal connection with Shift’s motivations in this instance. With the new player entering the game, Bibi unveils her plan of derailing Morrow’s influence on the city.

The Salvation Gang wants more of an extreme showing but Bibi sticks to her plan of less casualties and more effectiveness. How will they make this work? After a few hours and some possible final goodbyes, Bibi and the Salvation Gang try making their move until Morrow strikes first. Readers will have much to enjoy seeing the battle of San Francisco unfold. The action is big, but the surprises are bigger. Can Bibi work with Shift and The Salvation Gang? Is everyone on the up and up about why they’re involved Readers will also have one amazing final image to close out the frantic speed of the battle to process while waiting for the next issue.

THE DEAD LUCKY #5 - On Sale January 11th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

THE DEAD LUCKY #5 - On Sale January 11th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

Flores keeps a solid balance of drama and action within this issue. The dynamic between Shift and Bibi is payed up perfectly. It’s a reluctant pairing but seeing how their different personalities mesh made for scene stealing panels. Hopefully readers get to see more of this down the road. Witnessing Bibi prepare for the final battle was another strong area. Her final goodbyes* gave readers an insight to how heavy the stakes were going into the battle. Once Morrow makes the first move, the pacing really speeds up but takes nothing away from what’s unfolding. With the odds stacked against them, Bibi doesn’t back down. There’s a few moments that will make readers very excited to see play out during the fighting. The final act is going to be a great surprise for readers with a parting panel to carry that excitement to the next issue.

Carlomagno & Iacono hits the ground running with the battle unfolding. The action is BIG and everything you would expect from a battle of this magnitude. There’s an almost full page panel in the midst of the battle that will have readers amped up for what’s ensuing next. No spoilers but when the page is seen, it’s placed perfectly to kick in the next phase of he battle. The costume upgrades and weaponry were excellent as well. The back and forth between Shift and Bibi stands out greatly due to Shift’s smarmy grinning after every snarky comment to get under Bibi’s skin. It’s countered with Bibi not giving in (with the exception of a few well-timed one-liners). The final goodbyes came off great too as readers can easily sense that THIS might be the last time Bibi sees her family, Eddie and Maria Garcia. Heading into the last issue of the arc, there was much to be enjoyed here.

THE DEAD LUCKY #5 - On Sale January 11th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

THE DEAD LUCKY #5 - On Sale January 11th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

THE DEAD LUCKY #5 - On Sale January 11th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: The Dead Lucky has arguably their best issue with #5, and that’s saying something with how incredible this book as been! With a familiar Massive-verse friend stopping by, Bibi’s battle for San Francisco shifts into a few unexpected directions but never loses sight of the endgame. Flores, Carlomagno and the team bring the action, drama and excitement that simply can’t be missed within these pages. Do not leave your local comic shop without this book in your possession!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of The Dead Lucky #5. Thanks for reading!