On the outside, everything might seem normal. It’s a completely different story inside the gates of Paradise Gardens. Loo is trying to navigate through her mysterious past while unlocking the hidden world she now resides in. Can she save the Gardens before Dr. Zerc takes her and the care center down?

PARANOID GARDENS #3 by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, Chris Weston, Dave Stewart and Nate Piekos dives deeper into intrigue with its’ latest chapter.

Let’s not wait any longer and see what unfolds now!

PARANOID GARDENS #3 by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, Chris Weston, Dave Stewart and Nate Piekos (DARK HORSE COMICS)


The crisis of the gardens proves add more layers to an ever evolving mystery surrounding Loo. Knowing she is being kept at bay by fellow staff members keeps readers guessing. The pacing of the story allows time for that to build while other events take center stage. None have a greater impact than the fallout of Dr. Zerc’s manipulations behind the scenes.

The writing doesn’t tip off too much involving the “big bad”. Zerc comes across as desperate, yet cut-throat to achieve his plans. The health of the Gardens is on;y an afterthought in this case. Allowing Loo to come and save the day casts her and her abilities in a new light. Her showcase leads into a sold closing act. With Zerc digging in deeper, the secrets of Loo may be the make or break point for what has already been a lights-out hit.

Weston and Stewart bring a distinct look to the visuals of the Gardens’ residents. The opening page captures the spirit of the Gardens. It is quiet, reserve and has a bigger story lying in wait. Some of the more “unique” residents continue to steal scenes, assisting the one-liners.

The flashback pages break from the formula. Using black and white shades is an easy segway into the close. Loo letting loose with her abilities comes across as a big event. Each panel carries a big weight and equally important reactions. This flows into the final page where it appears Zerc is ready to make his move.


The grounds of the Paradise Gardens become caught up in the crossfire of Dr. Zerc. The writing keeps its unparalleled balance of humor and drama on a high level. With strong visuals that mirror the brooding themes, “Paranoid Gardens” hits anothe rbig mark at its’ midway point!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Paranoid Gardens #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the journey into Erica Slaughter’s past continues. Since her violent showdown with Cutter, Erica has disappeared off the grid. Readers have now been granted access into her early beginnings. Each chapter has been solo adventures early in her career. It has been a perfect jump-on point for new readers.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #38 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS) welcomes readers into another point of Erica Slaughter’s past.

Let’s take a deeper dive as the past becomes present!

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #38 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS)


The issue features a wounded Erica being discovered by a couple of kids in a treehouse. Tynion sets up the discovery with wonder and confusion. Getting the outsider perspective helps to grow the mystique of her missions. How do outsiders comprehend what she does?

This element comes into play when the Order checks in. The conversation breaks up the serious tone with its’ awkwardness. Once Erica interjects, the mood shifts back to a more serious tone. Tynion reveals just enough of the past to keep readers in suspense.

The conclusion ends with a level feel. There is no extra drama needed. It is a conclusion that just says goodbye. In this line of work, there is no heartfelt goodbyes. It’s always strictly business as the final page states.

The art captures the uncertainty of the children who discover erica. Their reactions play into the unknown factor of their discovery. A two page sequence connects this point to readers with ease. Erica’s response to being discovered also carries a presence.

The panels display her showing some moments of normalcy. There is a small sequence of cutting hair that displays the missing portion of a normal life. With a strong parting shot, the story closes its doors as its’ on to the next case.


The outsider view of Erica Slaughter’s life catches readers with a dialogue driven tale. Tynion spins the contrasting worlds together with the writing. The art brings out many reactions to events at hand. All the while, readers witness sides to Erica rarely seen. All in all, a solid stop into a mysterious past.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Something Is Killing the Children #38. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the Massive-verse murder mystery has reached its pen-ultimate chapter. In the streets of Pittsburgh, the mood is tense. A rising body count. A legacy of lies and cover-ups. The “Accountability Killer” case has gripped the city. All that is on the citizens (and readers’) mind is a simple question: “WHO IS NO/ONE?”

NO/ONE #9 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou takes one step closer in uncovering the “WHO” behind the mask!

Editor’s Note - Some of the story and images in this issue deal with “Active Shooter” themed Gun Violence. Reader discretion is advised for younger readers.

If all good to continue, Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest events.

NO/ONE #9 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Black Market narrative/Image Comics)


Proposition 87 has passed. The law giving citizens the right to “preemptive self defense” has become a reality. This is in wake of the “Accountability Killer” case and No/One’s actions. A city has been pushed to the brink. Higgins and Buccellato push it over the edge. The writing reflects how broken the people are due to the haunting case at hand.

It also shows how dangerous this law has allowed people to become. Some of the situations are all too real in this day and age. Even someone like No/One can’t save the day here. Key supporting characters in the story such as Alanna Paige and Detective Harper have noteworthy sub-plots here. Taking a side tour to focus on Prop 87 only raise the stakes at who’s behind the chaos. Seeing where the final pages lead, the writing team has perfectly set the table for a show-stopping finale.

Borges and Englert have done fantastic work in this series but this time, they might have really outdone themselves. There are many highly sensitive scenarios played out with Prop 87 being law. The art will strike a chord with how intense and disturbing the citizens of Pittsburgh have become. It never lets the emotional weight rest as events progress forward.

In the chaos, there is a defining image of No/One standing over the madness in the streets. The full page splash exemplifies the horror of human nature. From here, the parting page connects who is behind all the drama. It is a lasting impression that will lock readers in for what’s to come.


The pen-ultimate chapter of the great Massive-verse mystery leaves readers in the midst of chaos. Higgins and Buccellato construct a disturbing take on power and responsibility. Borges, Englert & Otsmane-Elhaou present strong imagery to reflect the dangerous landscape of the post Propostion 87 law. This is exceptional storytelling that fans simply can’t miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thought son No/One #9. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this edition, Jace Boucher is at the war’s end. His final stand against Jolie and both Houses of hunters united will not be without casualties. With the pain of his past fueling him, can the Butcher win an impossible fight? Even with a strong ally in Maven, it might be all for nothing as an attack on his home awaits.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #24 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) unleashes a full scale attack onto readers!

Let’s see how the pen-ultimate chapter stands up.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #24 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) CREDIT: BOOM! STUDIOS


The build in this series has been purposely slow to have readers ready for the conflict. Brombal finally sets off the action in two big battles. One is Maven defending Jace’s “children” from Jolie invading the swamp. The other is René waiting to face off with the Butcher one on one. With the rising body count, the fights have become personal. Let alone the Houses of Boucher and Slaughter watching in the wings.

The writing delves into the manic behavior of Jolie. Risking hunters on her personal vendetta showcases how unhinged she has become. Maven pulls out some huge surprises as their battle commences. As for Jace and René, the writing shifts into making both very similar in actions. Their banter is very driven and strikes a few nerves. This builds towards a strong finish with a few tricks up the sleeve. Seeing how things are left, there is now way to even guess how the war will end.

Fuso and Muerto craft impressive fight scenes throughout the entire issue. Maven revealing her attack is a two page spread that readers will be raving about. Talk about a game-changer! René and Jace’s brawl is violent and emotionally draining. It holds nothing back as each page becomes more intense. Both fights end in ways that no one will see coming. The images rev up the excitement as there is one showdown left! Only one point is certain: there is no guarantee anyone survives.


The Butcher War level up its intensity and drama with an issue not soon forgotten! Brombal weaves two impressive battles that hit the emotional marks. Tate and Muerto choose violence with the unforgiving images to deliver the hellish fight Jace is in the center of. There’s no way not to be amped up for what’s next after this chapter.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on House of Slaughter #24. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of a great mystery story. Linnea and Parker Kent’s quiet life as Private Investigators has been anything but. After taking on a missing person’s case, the pair has uncovered much more than they bargined for. Last issue took a shocking turn. How does the finale conclude events on?

PINE AND MERRIMAC #5 by Kyle Starks, Fran Galán and Pat Brosseau (BOOM! Studios) looks to deliver an unforgettable finish.

Let’s see how the finale closes events out!

PINE AND MERRIMAC #5 by Kyle Starks, Fran Galán and Pat Brosseau (BOOM! Studios)


The mysterious cult responsible for some unforgivable actions has ties deep into the town of Jamesport. Parker Kent found out the hard way. Parker was killed by an officer with sinister connections to the cult. This now leaves Linnea on her own to stop them once and for all.

The issue begins with the leaders of the cult addressing Parker’s impact on their sacrifice ritual. They think all is saved but there’s an X factor to their plans. Linnea was in the crowd disguised. She escapes and starts to process losing the love of her life.

What unfolds next is a soul searching moment for Linnea. Dealing with grief, she goes through many emotions. One resident makes an ill-timed confrontation. This leads to Linnea making some drastic choices. The fallout sets her on a path where there is no turning back.

Readers watch as Linnea sees only one way to conclude the cult’s sacrifices. It builds towards a shocking conclusion that has been a staple of this series. Just when readers think they know the ending, the final act proves otherwise. Prepare for a final series of pages that will have fans talking and recapping what they just read.

Starks pens a touching and exciting finale with Linnea alone in the spotlight. The first act focuses on her processing what she has just seen. It’s presented in a strong way with the readers clearly feeing her pain. The range of emotions builds towards a direction shifting moment.

The fallout spirals into an excellent close. Starks paces the actions out to maximize a game changing action. What follows next is a creative venture that gives fans much to ponder. Linnea’s journey has been one about finding strength when tragedy strikes. The conclusion doesn’t disappoint but also leaves a lasting thought on the way out.

Galán delves into Linnea’s grief with a unique panel set-up. Using 2-3 per page with no words, readers can truly feel her emptiness. A quick flashback sequence breaks up the dark tones at a needed point. The images show Linnea at a place of comfort and calm before snapping back to reality.

The game-changer moment is granted a near full page. It presents the action on a grand stage. This ushers in the final moments. Galán does a great job setting the final image up. Readers won’t be ready for the full page panel concluding what has been a solid read from start to finish.


Through tragedy comes a final attempt to right some wrongs in this series spectacular finale. Starks leans heavy into the themes of grief and loss to fuel Linnea’s last chance at justice. Galán’s art brings out the best of Linnea’s character right to a show stopping final page! The series has been nothing short of fantastic since the start and doesn’t miss nailing the close.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Pine and Merrimac #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are returning to a brand new series from Comixology Originals and Stout Club Entertainment. A royal murder has taken place inside a mountain community. With building tensions amongst the clans inhabiting the land, there is no telling how devasting the explosion of personalities will be.

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) dives further into the chaotic fallout.

Let’s take a closer look at the next chapter!

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho juggles around many characters in this issue. The King casts out Thrud, Har of the Dagar, Lodar, Liv, Embla and Gymir. There is a wide range of reactions to the exile. Har and Gymir stand out as moments readers will focus on. The six now must face the brutal elements of the Mistland.

Seeing how they survive in the frozen tundra proves for a new dynamic to emerge. Har and Gymir continue to break from the rest as the characters to watch. Their banter proves to reflect the lives they have now left behind. This leads to a unique finish with much for fans to ponder in this new landscape.

Watanabe and Marques give ample time for the original exiles to say their goodbyes. The panels capture the heartbreak and frustration of their sentences. Once the six exiles are outside the mountain, the art gives a broad picture of what they’re up against.

The new environment causes more tensions to rise. The brief argument between Har and Gymir jumps out from the pages. This rolls into a striking closing image. Knowing that the group is in new territory, readers will have to make their guesses as to what lies ahead.


Mystery abounds for six exiles as a new stat quo unfolds. Castilho’s writing switches themes to farewells and survival fighting. The imagery of Watanabe, Marques and Manes fills the pages with growing mysteries. Get ready as the biggest dangers to this group might not just be their newfound home, but their own personalities as well.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series from BOOM! Studios. A bad direction is better than no direction. That is the motto that a young man seems to choose when a discovery that begins a road down a dark path. With an all-star team behind it, this has all the makings for another monster series for BOOM! and readers.

CROCODILE BLACK #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman, Incredible Hulk), Somnath Pal (Brigands), Patricio Delpeche and Becca Carey (BOOM! STUDIOS) welcomes readers into Danny’s world and the new path he’s chosen.

Let’s take a closer look at how this debut shapes up.

CROCODILE BLACK #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman, Incredible Hulk), Somnath Pal (Brigands), Patricio Delpeche and Becca Carey (BOOM! STUDIOS)


Grizzly murders have taken place. The killer is known for wearing crocodile skin shoes. He seems relaxed as he takes out his targets. A snake seems to be following his every move.

One month prior, Danny is a young delivery man. His past seems complex. There are themes of loss, isolation and mystery surrounding him. Danny is talking to what sounds like a therapist on the phone. Escapism becomes the main topic of their talk. Their conversation doesn’t go the way Danny likes when his little brother Matty is mentioned.

It’s interrupted when Danny arrives at the home of Leo Black. As he walks inside, he finds Leo dead in a chair. A call for help is made but never completed. Danny ends the call and takes Black’s tangling cigarette and leaves. As he leaves, he becomes fascinated with Black’s crocodile shoes…

What happens next will lock readers in for the long haul. Events move fast as more pieces slowly become revealed. It builds for a powerful final act. There are many questions formed as the final page leaves a few thoughts in readers’ minds until next time.

CROCODILE BLACK #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman, Incredible Hulk), Somnath Pal (Brigands), Patricio Delpeche and Becca Carey (BOOM! STUDIOS) - Cover: Christian Ward

Johnson crafts a complex tale as Danny’s life tries finding a source of purpose. On the outside, Danny is as normal as can be. Inside, he is conflicted and angry. Once the moment strikes finding Black’s body, things begin to shift into a frightening direction.

The dynamic with his family is fractured. His brother’s disappearance lingers heavily on what relationship (if any) they have. Once the fallout commences there, readers get an idea of where things are heading. The bookend technique works as to the multiple layers of Danny. The pacing allows readers to become caught up in his evolution. Where it leads from here can only grow readers’ interest in a story behind a troubled soul.

Pal, Delpeche and Carry provide an intense opening to Danny’s story. The beginning series of events hold nothing back. Its’ as graphic and violent as one would think. This becomes a stark contrast to where we see Danny in the middle of the chapter. His mannerisms leave no indication on where his journey goes.

The fascination of the shoes becomes a haunting element. It feels at that moment a switch is hit that should have been left dormant. Knowing where the moment leads, the art team showcases the rage and disillusion Danny tries to disappear in. This leads to a strong closing page. The final panel speaks volumes with just a look at the reader. Get prepared for a very unique journey.


The evolution of Evil shines as a young man welcomes readers into a complex scenario. Johnson boldly sends Danny into his next phase with superb writing. Pal Pal, Delpeche and Carry leave no panel to waste with the heavy imagery witnessed. This will be a series to have on your radars.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on CROCODILE BLACK #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we have arrived at the pen-ultimate issue of a fantastic Dark Horse Comics series. The saga of young Emma “Masterpiece” Lawford has been quite the impressive saga. Revenge has turned into a game of who is playing who. Is it the extraordinary teenager with the legendary parents? Is it the vengeful billionaire with a score to settle?

Readers have taken notes as the tension mounts. All roads are now leading to the final showdown. The only question is who will win in this battle of revenge.

MASTERPIECE #5 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed leads Emma and company’s journey towards its’ epic conclusion.

Let’s check out how the final stage is being set.

MASTERPIECE #5 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed (Dark Horse Comics)


The chapter opens up with a young man telling a story. the picture being painted is of a man lost in his own hype. The figure being described is all about image than substance. Zero Preston is the subject. Readers find out who is testifying about this: His son Solomon.

Emma and her team of Lawrence, Skottie, Gleason, and the Paragon welcome Solomon onto their team. Taking down a powerful man like Preston will be no easy feat. Solomon gives a big clue on where to strike at his father. The information gives a big insight into the man who’s ruined Emma’s life.

However, the moment is quickly dashed by The Paragon. He senses that someone has crashed their meeting. The Muscle of the team ushers them away to confront their guest. It is a personal reunion for the Paragon. As readers witnessed last issue, Preston hired the Paragon’s ex-wife to handle his problem.

The mood swiftly changes as Preston sets forth his most dangerous attack yet. Emma’s team needs to scramble quickly. The book speeds towards its’ final set-up with a detour that will have fans’ attention. A new development has been added into the mix. This will either be the deciding factor of victory or the nail in the coffin of Emma’s revenger plan. Fans will have much to look forward to in the finale.

MASTERPIECE #5 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed (Dark Horse Comics)

MASTERPIECE #5 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed (Dark Horse Comics)

Bendis throws in a few new dynamics before setting the final stage. The addition of Solomon provides a personal element into Emma’s plan. Conversations reflect the unity to take down Preston. It also shows the conflicting personas involved.

The Paragon has been the ultimate wild-card in this story. Seeing his past catch up with him made for a few stand-out moments. This all leads into a strong final act. Seeing the pieces fall into place provides a strong foundation for where the closing leaves readers. Pacing allows a slow, methodical build into the parting image which is a great spot to leave before the finale commences.

Maleev, Herring and Meng welcome fans into Emma’s team meeting with a two page full splash. It’s has a sense of a “welcome new readers” to it but works to showcase the full team. The Paragon displays a few emotions throughout this issue. Seeing the reactions to his ex-wife now enemy raised the tension a few levels.

Emma also has a few panels that break up the seriousness of the situation. Her time conversing with Lawrence comes across as a possible goodbye knowing what is coming. This leads into the closing moments where the panel usage comes into play. Emma’s image repeating itself walks the readers through what she’s envisioning with the plan. This all caps off with the final page. A full page that leaves no doubt where everyone stands heading into the conclusion. It’s high level work that is well known with this series.


Engaging, Clever and Bold. “Masterpiece” can easily be described with those words. With this latest chapter, Bendis, Maleev and the team combine sharp writing with classic imagery to stage all the players into position before charging into the finale. The series is nothing short of its’ title billing every time out.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points! It’s the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, the chess match between Zero Preston and Emma “Masterpiece” Lawford continues onward via Dark Horse Comics. With revenge as his motive, Preston crashes into Lawford’s world. An ordinary teenager finds out quickly she’s anything but. Emma’s parents are legendary thieves. Preston was one of their targets. The ultimate revenge for him means ruining her life. Little did he realize what his actions would cause.

MASTERPIECE #4 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed dives further into the dangerous cat and mouse game.

Let’s take a deeper dive at what is happening now…

MASTERPIECE #4 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed (Dark Horse Comics)


After confronting Preston at his mansion, the favor is returned to Emma and her team. Andrew Garrison the IV leads a group to track down Emma’s presumed location. Once they get inside, the group find no one. All that’s waiting for them is a laptop with a note to “play”.

Emma leaves a video recording. In the message she informs Garrison she has all his hidden information. Readers see the moves set in motion. Emma advises Garrison to quit his chase. If not, how will Preston react knowing he never completed his job?

The answer to that question is interrupted by The Paragon! The imposing figure demonstrates his style of action. He beats the group to a bloody pulp! Once that business is finished, it’s onward to the next phase.

What does Emma have in store now? How will Preston respond to the failure of Garrison? Readers sit ringside as both parties take their plans up a few levels. The final act tips off a few clues as to where the mystery heads now. None will be more impactful than who enters the game on the final page. Just when you think you have all the answers, more questions are thrown into the mix.

MASTERPIECE #4 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed (Dark Horse Comics)

MASTERPIECE #4 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring , Moo Meng and Josh Reed (Dark Horse Comics)

Bendis paces the back and forth moments to give readers a closer look into both parties schemes. Emma has emerged as the true heir to her family’s reputation. The dynamic between her set-up for Garrison is through and leads off perfectly for the Paragon to appear. Post the encounter, the story shifts back towards Preston.

The writing reflects his brash defiance that Emma is challenging him. Even with the results of the Paragon’s involvement, Preston looks shaken but refusing to accept his loss. This plays well for the closing act and the drastic measures he takes. Each side gets ample time to shine and this only builds more excitement for what is unfolding within this tale.

Maleev, Herring and Meng give the Paragon a huge entrance into this chapter. Switching from dark Blue to tinted Yellow connects with the change of demeanor and attack. The use of Red also makes the images pop, which is another cool technique.

The page panel used for Preston’s reaction is a complex one that readers will enjoy. The facial reactions vary to Preston finally comprehending what is going on. The grainy footage from the tablet also stands out to amplify his emotions. This builds towards a nice parting shot to throw another twist into a can’t miss story.


With revenge fueling the dangerous game of cat and mouse, the showdown between Lawford and Preston takes things up a few notches. Through flawless writing and exceptional imagery, each party make bold moves to ensure victory. Will it be enough in the end?

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #4. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points! It’s the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the Black Market Narrative/Image Comics Massiveverse mystery nears its’ final stop. Since it’s debut, the “Accountability Killer” case has had fans locked it. With the companion podcast featuring Patton Oswalt and Rachael Leigh Cook taking the story to a whole new level, the question on Massive-verse fans’ lips might soon be answered: Who Is No/One?

NO/ONE #8 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou takes the saga into uncharted territory.

Let’s take a closer look at how things are playing out.

NO/ONE #8 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Credit: Black Market Narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Geraldo Borges)


October 2023 - Aaron Kern is out of jail. The public knows him as “The Accountability Killer”. Due to a technicality in his confession, Kern is now free. His father, Former assistant Chief Ben Kern, looks to stop his son before another body is killed. In searching for answers, Ben Kern and reporter Julia Paige piece together the identity of the copycat killer of Kern’s M.O.: Bartender Harrison Gill.

Working with the Pittsburgh Police Dept., Kern sets a sting to catch Gill. Gill runs away after stabbing an officer. While leaving the scene, Gill’s mask and a gun are found in his car.

This issue begins with a meeting at the Pittsburgh PD headquarters led by Chief Mixon. There’s a briefing about tracking down Gill. Readers find out he might be hiding in the woods as he has been off the grid for a few weeks. Before adjuring, Detective August Singh mentions about the .38 special and the forensic report now in the possession of the Pittsburgh Ledger.

The report is tied to a police shooting of the past. Thirty Five years ago to be exact. Once readers find out who was involved, the course of the case shifts gears into new territory.

The public outcry differs away from the case at hand. The new information brings out the Weiss Macht Brotherhood, a far-right militant group. They have an axe to grind with the names mentioned in the report.

What follows next is a high-stakes affair where lives are in danger. The thrills don’t falter as the story speeds for the final moments. Once they hit, the story heads back into focus with more secrets poised to be revealed.

NO/ONE #8 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Credit: Black Market Narrative/Image Comics - Cover: Diego Greco)

Just when you think you have the story figured out, Higgins and Buccellato change the questions. Throwing in a new side plot this late in the tale might not work. However, the pacing allows for the moment to build steam and give more intrigue into Ben Kern. Once thought of as a moral compass, the new plot shows not everything is cut and dry.

His current stat quo changes everything heading into the finale. With the introduction of the new “social group”, they provide some insight to how this story is affecting the people of Pittsburgh to a certain degree. The closing brings events back into focus towards the case. This might have been a small detour but one that gives fans a moment to brace as things speed to a close.

Borges returns to art duties after a small break. The build toward the gun reveal works as it leads to a full page newspaper shot. Readers can easily sense the dramatic shift within the story. The media reaction is presented with great use of panels.

The action panels with the WMB are fast paced and never slow down. The frantic images hit their marks in bringing the danger front and center. The closing moments slow things down to where the story comes back to the original investigation. It’s a serious image to lead readers into the home stretch of this incredible series.


The Massive-Verse’s biggest mystery adds more dynamics into an already complex story. Led by the superb writing of Higgins and Buccellato, a character’s image is revealed to be shattered. Through the excellent images of Borges, Englert & Otsmane-Elhaou, fans are treated to a detour in plot before returning into focus for the main course to be served.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on No/One #8. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the mystery of Emma aka “Masterpiece Lawford” continues to lead readers into dangerous territory with every page. The Dark Horse Comics drama has delivered on a complex story that has only begun to reveal itself. This is no surprise considering its’ creative team. After last issue, the tables might be turning in Emma’s favor. Can she sustain hope when the world is crashing down around her?

MASTERPIECE #3 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed looks to answer that question. Let’s tag along for the ride as the next chapter is about to unfold!

MASTERPIECE #3 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (DARK HORSE COMICS)


The parents of Emma “Masterpiece Lawford” are legends. Legends in the criminal world. Zero Preston has an axe to grind against them for stealing a very large amount of money from his possession. His plan of revenge has put their young teenage daughter in the line of fire.

Emma has been asked to target Katie Goods, a billionaire with a questionable history. Emma’s parents ad a crew for their cases. Now, Emma has one with Gleason, Lawrence and The Paragon. Will the legacy live on through “Masterpiece” and her team?

This chapter begins with Emma visiting Skottie in Juvenile Jail. The recruitment process begins. The conversation comes off as awkward as one might think. How to sell a life-altering heist to teenagers. Surprisingly, Skottie accept. Ema has now added “The Brains” to her operation.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team is back at their location getting accustomed to each other. Emma brings Skottie into the fold but Skottie’s not the only new face to enter the room. Katie Roots arrives head on for a conversation.

Readers follow along with the narrative Roots paints for Emma and company. Is it a ruse or is it the Truth? The fallout leads Emma take a dangerous risk. Is she prepared for what “reward” she finds? If the last act is any indication, Emma’s journey into mystery looks to have found a new path.

MASTERPIECE #3 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (DARK HORSE COMICS - COVER: Steve Skroce)

Bendis gives readers much to enjoy with this chapter. Emma’s recruiting process comes across relatable as the conversation with Skottie plays out. This is also matched by the Paragon and Lawrence. The age difference provides a touch of comic relief in the mix of the drama.

Root’s entry into the story throws a few wrinkles into Emma’s plans. The issue really finds its’ steam following that encounter. Seeing Emma process the elements involved gives readers an insight to why she commands the attention of the key players. The writing features her picking up on the clues. What she is going to do with this information is enough to have readers locked in for the ride.

Maleev, Herring and Reed focus on the reactions of characters more so in this chapter than previous ones. The range from uncertainty to anxiousness elevated the drama at hand.

The use of coloring during Emma’s deciphering steals this issue. It makes the panels pop while putting the information in motion. This is paired perfectly with Emma’s close-ups. Seeing the mind starting to put the puzzle pieces together leads to a solid ending to another outstanding chapter.


Bendis and Maleev take readers through twists and turns before putting Emma’s latest discoveries into focus with this chapter. Sharp writing and detailed imagery set the stage for a sudden change in direction that fans won’t want to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODOH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at a conclusion of an excellent story from Comixology Originals. The saga of Alex Greer and a fateful night out in Amsterdam has spiraled into a chilling psychological escapade. With last readers saw Alex, there was a glimmer of hope of freedom. Has it burnt out already?

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano gives readers an insight to Alex’s next moves. Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the final chapter.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)


After waking up to a dead body after a night out, Alex Greer’s life has been put through Hell. Greer claims innocence. Under investigation, Greer has been put into a mental hospital. Under the watch of Doctor Kincaid, Greer has been trying to process what is happening. The images flooding her mind elude to more happening here. After long times under the watch, Greer has broken away from Kincaid but the question is for how long.

The chapter opens with her recapping the actions of Kincaid to another doctor. Kincaid is handcuffed to a gurney. The doctor questions her claims and breaks down reasons for her actions. He leaves her with the idea that everything is going to be ok. Greer isn’t buying that and escapes from her restraints. Once she leaves her room, the truth is finally revealed.

Readers watch along as Greer discovers others in captivity. As the lead scientist catches up with Greer, the true horror shines through. The true identity of Kincaid’s plans paint a darker picture than Alex had ever dreamed of. What has Alex become a part of? Is there any way out? Not if Kincaid has any say.

The results are shocking as Alex is thrusted into making a dangerous choice. The closing act leaves no doubt of what consequences come from Greer’s actions. Does she find her way out of Kincaid’s grasp? The closing page answers all with a shocking end that will leave readers floored as to the story’s conclusion.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Phillips pens a haunting finale as Alex’s story comes to a screeching halt. The conversation with the first doctor is a play to the readers, recapping her tale. It gives clarity to previous events without a full recap section. Once she escapes her holding room, the drama and horror elevates.

The history behind what Greer has been kidnapped into is intense. Readers can only feel for Greer as her involvement can only lead to danger. The stand-off with Kincaid invokes many reactions. The emotional and psychological attacks have been building towards this moment. Phillips sets this up perfectly to when Greer finally reacts, the moment is extremely impactful. The parting act brings the story to a proper end and leaves a frightening impression on its’ way.

Boyle continues to bring in the visions of torture through Alex’s eyes. The opening flashback is brief but speaks volumes over the past four issues. This leads into the shocking history of Kincaid’s master plans.

Boyle ushers in the final act with some very mind-bending images. These pages get taken to a whole other level through Napolitano’s work. The mix of torturing voices and world-splitting visuals makes Alex’s breakdown even more impactful. The lasting shot is simpler but leaves readers with images sealing any doubts of Alex’s fate.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Through Phillips’ chilling depiction, the story of Alex Greer comes to a magnificent and horrifying end. Boyle & Napolitano construct the hellish reality in which hope of surviving dwindles with each page. Highest possible recommendation.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are checking back in a young girl who has become involved in the family business …so to speak. Coming from one of comics’ most creative duos, a new crime mystery has overtaken fans with it’s style and charm. Now heading into the second chapter, all bets are off to where things lead now.

MASTERPIECE #2 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed picks up where a billionaire’s vendetta has drawn the attention of a shocking figure. Let’s take a closer look at where things line up now.

MASTERPIECE #2 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics)


Emma aka “Masterpiece Lawford” was a normal teenager trying to survive high school. The daily student life took a back seat to the actions of Zero Preston. Preston has an axe to grind against Emma’s parents who stole a hefty sum from him. Unknown to Emma herself, her parents were legendary criminals. Legendary is the only way to describe their legacy of heists.

Emma is now being used by Preston as a pawn in another plan of revenge. However, she might have help in surviving this ordeal with a mysterious stranger crossing her path.

The issue begins with a “retelling” of Emma’s parents story. The version comes from a movie created by Zero Preston. Emma and her friend Lawrence watch the film. Emma has difficulty processing what she’s seen. This is even more complicated with the stranger who saved them last issue.

The young kids were saved by THE PARAGON. Readers find out his connection to Emma’s parents which is more complex than meets the eye. How does this tie into Preston’s plans? And who is “Katie Roots”? An idea spawns direction but not without opposition. The closing images suggest Emma’s world is about to get much bigger, whether she likes it or not.

MASTERPIECE #2 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics - cover: Patric Reynolds)

Bendis takes readers on quite the ride within these pages. The introduction of Emma’s Parents works to develop the ideas of how they truly were to the reader. Emma’s contradiction only helps make that theme clear. Seeing her as one who’s quickly trying to figure a mystery out incorporates fear and anxiousness into her character flawlessly.

The Paragon makes an excellent dynamic into the story. Seeing his story play out through Gleason’s eyes elevates the looming reputation he exudes. The moments with Lawrence and The Paragon provide a splash of comic relief into the seriousness of Emma’s search for answers. The closing moments usher in an altered stat quo but not without leaving more questions in its’ wake.

Maleev and Herring develop an aura of intrigue on each page. The opening “movie” sequence has a vintage feel until the closing moments reveal its’ true form. The Paragon’s origin is also presented in a 70’s-esque format. It works on connecting the audience to the imposing legacy he carries.

Another exceptional image is Emma’s breakdown of a “team”. The art positions the cast into a set-up that made me think “Mission: impossible” at first read. Combine this with the anguish and uneasiness of actions and readers will leave knowing that they are in for something extraordinary.


Who is Emma Lawford? That question haunts the pages of comics’ next big thing. Bendis orchestrates the ultimate heist of readership with brilliant writing. Paired with Maleev’s electric art and its’ another winning combination fans can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we’re following the decent into crime by Jake Levin via his long-time friend Chaim Davidovits. Since its’ debut from Comixology Originals, the story of the down and out writer’s new “job” has gone through many twists and turns. With the personal betrayal by his best friend, Jake has been reeling. Now, he’s getting pulled into another direction with no easy way out.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt sinks Jake further into danger with another close friend now brought into the mix. Let’s take a closer look and see how things fare now.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The issue begins with Jake narrating the history of Lenny Klein. Klein is another high school friend with a sorted story. In its’ current state, Klein is working with the FBI to take down Davidovits’ illegal crime business (which Jake was unfortunately brought into).

Jake walks readers through the early stages of Lenny’s adult life. Things seem perfect until the unfortunate events of September 11th, 2001. From that moment, Lenny’s lie took on some financial hardships which led to crime. The tough times kept pilling up until Lenny was disconnected from his two high school friends. Lenny became a ghost…..until recently.

With the activates of Davidovits drawing legal attention, Jake came across the radar of Agent Hamlin. Two weeks ago, the mood is tense as Hamlin applies pressure on Jake. A surprise reveal is given to readers which makes Jake’s current situation even more complex.

This carries the present as Davidovits & the Avodah have plans for a town parade. With the event being a highly emotional one, Jake struggles to follow the plans of his friend and business. What will he do?

Readers see the internal struggle Jake deals with. The pressure keeps mounting until a shocking climax. The final act reminds Jake that the business he currently is in is not for the weak of heart. The final panels leave no doubt Jake is caught in the middle of a conflict that has no possible winner.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Kleid gives readers a deep dive into the wear and tear events have taken on his soul. The recap of Lenny works to connect readers into an understanding of his character. It amplifies Agent Hamlin’s role in the tale. The writing never lets the tense atmosphere slip as the pages move forward.

The parade portion is filled with high emotions and takes events into a personal light. Jake’s conflicting view leads to a place where he never dreamed of. The life that has chosen him never lets him escape with the notion of personal peace. This draws into the closing moments which leave readers with a solid picture of how dire things have truly become.

Broglia and Wright show varing levels of feelings as the story progresses. The opening full page panel shows a happier side to Lenny before the remaining images show the slow breakdown of his happiness. This is met equally with Jake’s struggle about the parade plans. The art depicts his prehension and the following ramifications.

The closing panels bring a more grounded perspective to where things stand. The viewpoint of the character involved makes the moments a close connection to the readers. Once their work is done, the stunning image of the aftermath carries into a small panel that speaks volumes. Without question, the art leaves Jake’s stat quo in serious doubt before leaving for the next chapter.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The struggle within Jake Levin continues to lure in readers with another solid chapter. Kleid dives into the emotional tug of war on Jake’s soul with exceptional writing. Broglia and Wright bring the personal wounds to life with imagery that leaves no question of how deep Jake is sinking. With so many parties involved, one has to wonder if and how he will possibly survive.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Nice Jewish Boys #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog of the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out a brand new series from BOOM! Studios. In 2023, BOOM! had a monster year with such debuts as Mosley, Ghostlore and Harrower hitting the comic shops. They’re kicking off 2024 in a huge way with a mystery tale with an excellent creative team behind it.

Pine and Merrimac #1 by Kyle Starks (I Hate This Place), Fran Galán (Amazing Spider-Man) and Pat Brosseau welcomes readers to the world of a private investigating couple and their latest case. Let’s hit the ground running and see how things fare for the debut chapter.

Pine and Merrimac #1 by Kyle Starks, Fran Galán, and Pat Brosseau (Credit: BOOM! Studios)


The story begins with Linnea Kent waking up to some coffee brought to her by her husband, Parker. They reside in the quiet town of Jamesport. Readers get a look into Linnea’s past. Her sister Alma was kidnapped and murdered. This led Linnea into a life as a homicide detective.

On one case, she met Parker aka “Pitbull”. While investigating the death of his sparring partner, they fell in love. After solving the case (the coach did it), the couple marries and moves back to Jamesport to open a small investigation practice. It’s located on the corner of Pine and Merrimac.

However, a new case looks to re-kindle some old emotions. A couple approaches Linnea and Parker about their missing daughter. She bears an eerie resemblance to Linnea’s sister. Normally, the pair wouldn’t take the case, but Linnea accepts the offer.

Where the story leads readers into a start of a deeper mystery hiding in a small town. What secrets lurk in the shadows? Is Linnea and Parker in over their heads? Judging by the final pages, readers have much to be excited for as a new mystery awaits.

Pine and Merrimac #1 by Kyle Starks, Fran Galán, and Pat Brosseau (Credit: BOOM! Studios) Cover: Erica Henderson

Right from the opening pages, Starks locks readers in to deeply invest in these characters. The story of Linnea hits a few emotional notes. The love story between her and Parker is caring while showing their true strength is their adoration for the other. This comes into play with the minor cases they work on. Parker’s protective nature plays off Linnea’s confidence perfectly.

Once the missing girls’ case comes across their path, Starks shifts gears without losing this mystique. The initial start to the case leads to displaying what they do best. The banter is enjoyable and breaks the seriousness of the surround drama. The closing moments tease just enough that readers can’t help but become hypnotized in what is unfolding here.

Galán lays out the landscape for quite the impressive debut. The flashback page is a full page image that flows easily to convey the past of Linnea. This is equally met with Parker’s backstory visuals. The expressions displayed from the couple never stray away from their devotion for the other. Even with the drama unfolding, it all comes back to the pair and the mission they have now signed up for completing.

Pine and Merrimac #1 by Kyle Starks, Fran Galán, and Pat Brosseau (Credit: BOOM! Studios) Cover: Jae Lee


The secrets of Jamesport are about to surface with a story you simply can’t miss picking up. With Starks crafting the unbreakable bond of love of Linnea and Parker, Galán’s magnificent imagery excels the mystery to new heights. Get ready for the start of something comic fans will talking about through 2024 and beyond.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Pine and Merrimac #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, BOOM! Studios spin-off series from “Something Is Killing The Children” has showcased certain characters of the Slaughter-verse. The anthology style book has featured such characters as Jace Boucher and Edwin Slaughter in solo adventures. In its’ current arc, the spotlight is on Bait, a white mask who doesn’t speak and has no arms. Now arriving at his story’s end, Bait sees no easy way out of the misfortune he has found.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera brings a conclusion to the White Mask’s saga in “Alabaster”. Let’s see how the conclusion shapes up.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Javier Rodriguez)


Bait was sent by the Order of St. George to investigate a string of murders in Erie, Pennsylvania. While there, he posed as a foster child and quickly became distracted by Nannette. Nannette bears a striking resemblance to his sister Ashley, who was murdered. With his judgement clouded, Bait slips up some secrets he shouldn’t.

This causes the Order to act swiftly. An order is given but Bait struggles with this. Knowing that Nan is sick and the cause behind these monsters, Bait tries to succeed where failure is the only option. When making a stand at the foster home, things do not side in his favor. During this moment, Bait is impaled by a monster!

The closing chapter begins with Bait watching the chaos ensue around him. A group of White Masks have arrived to confront the monsters. The battle is violent and unrelenting. Wounded, Bait can only watch as the Order steps up to finish the order given once and for all.

Readers get a blunt picture of the Order’s way of business. The imagery is graphic but reflects the cold-hearted ways of the mysterious group. Between the scolding of his fellow members, Bait is left only to watch his worst fears come true.

The fallout leads Bait back home. Readers see that a hero’s welcome might not be in his cards. The scenes are tough and hold nothing back. As the final act approaches, Bait’s world as he knows it will be forever changed from the murders in Pennsylvania. The ending sequence poses some surprises as one chapter has closed…for now, but it will only be a matter of tie before readers see the Order strike again.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Werther Dell'Edera)

Johns ties up loose ends with a solid finale to Bait’s latest mission. The struggle for following his heart vs. following the Order proved to be a heavy weight for the lead character. Johns pours in the emotional attacks as events unfold that greatly impact Bait. Right to the very end, Bait’s choices play out with make readers sit up and take notice.

One area that will jump out is how the Order takes care of “loose Ends”. Johns doesn’t glamorize the ruthless nature of the organization. Their actions truly speak louder than words. However, there are a few “good” members of the Order that make their way into the story. The ending makes readers think about what has transpired and leaves hope for what’s next. It brings the curtain down on this great performance until next time.

Cadonici and Segala paint the chilling picture of events throughout this issue. Opening with a two-page spread of mayhem works to create the tense mood of this chapter. The book’s statement panels come from how the Order ties up the remaining factors of the mission at hand.

The art team holds nothing back at the horrific methods in place. It connects with readers about how dire things look for Bait. These themes flows into the closing act as Bait comes to deal with the consequences of his actions. The final moments give a solid curveball to where things go from here. Another great arc is over for now, but not for long in the pages of this series.

House Of Slaughter #20 by Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (Credit: BOOM! Studios - cover: Erica Henderson)


Bait’s valiant attempts to win seem a losing cause in the pages of the SIKTC breakout series. Johns sets closes the door on this chapter with emotional writing while Cadonici and Segala echo the looming fear of repercussions for good intentions with excellent art. This will be one not to miss on New Comic Book Day this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on House Of Slaughter #20. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out a brand new series from a legendary creative team. When fans see the names “Bendis” and “Maleev” in the same creators listing, most instantly think of their run on Marvel’s Daredevil. Others may think Scarlet. This time, they’re reuniting for a brand new crime mystery series for Dark Horse Comics.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed welcomes readers to the mystery of Emma and the debt of her family’s sins. Let’s take a closer look and see how this story begins.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics)


A teacher introduces Emma to fellow students in her new classroom. The moment is awkward as Emma’s speech doesn’t exactly connect. Making things even worse is the FBI crashing the welcome party. They’re looking for a “Masterpiece Lawford”. Emma is very confused as to what is happening. Emma is led away into a car with her next stop an unknown location.

After having her mask removed, Emma is in the presence of Zero Preston. Preston is a billionaire who surprises not only Emma but readers with his knowledge. Preston knows Emma is not her real name. Preston also explains how her parents stole money from him and disappeared without a trace. The grudge has grown over time leading to this moment.

Readers witness the master plan Preston has for Emma. It is a risky gamble, but with all the anger fueling him, Preston is locked in. Emma starts to try figuring out what is happening as she now faces a real problem. The fallout from this leads into a new direction.

The closing moments add danger and anxiety to the young 16 year old’s path of discovery. Rest assured by the final page, Emma’s world as she knew it becomes forever changed. Get ready for a story that fits its’ title billing.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics - Cover: Tula Lotay)

Bendis crafts a new vision in what we define “criminal” as. Emma is presented as an outsider to a world she knew nothing about. The dialogue with Preston is filled with themes of intrigue and wonder. His drive of “villainy” is an easy play for readers to see. The story behind her parents is a great surprise.

The latter half of the book dives further into the revelations bestowed onto Emma. The dynamic in seeing how she is processing all of this is keeps the audience locked in. Pacing never allows for this to get lost in the shuffle. Emma’s closing arc throws more mystery into the plot which peels more layers away to her new stat quo. It leaves much for readers to think about as they process what is sure to be the start of something truly special.

Maleev, Herring and Reed kick things ff with a frantic scene of Emma and the classroom. Once the FBI makes their appearance, the art team captures the fast moving moments with excellent usage of the word bubbles to match her reactions of doubt.

Readers are gifted a fantastic two-page image with a further dive into Emma’s parents history. It has a vintage feel like the Jim Steranko covers of Nick Fury to hook readers into their history. The “Unicorn Pow” images provide a solid break to the tone of the book. However, the closing moment ramps up some action and mystique before bowing out the story (for now).

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics - Cover: Peach Momoko)


The team of Bendis and Maleev strike another huge score with their latest mystery crime tale. Through fantastic writing and impressive imagery, the saga of Emma Lawford lives up to its’ apply titled name. The sins of the family come to light with an issue you can’t afford to miss at the local comic shop!

Hit me u on ODPH social media a let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the showdown fans of Erica Slaughter have been waiting for is finally here! After an excellent slow-burn build, “The Showdown at the Easy Creek Corral” pits BOOM! Studios legendary monster hunter against her greatest rival to date! Considering last issue’s cliffhanger ending with a character’s life hanging in the balance, losing is not an option.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design gives readers the “big fight aura” with its’ story arc conclusion. Let’s not delay any longer and jump right into the action, shall we?

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: Boom! Studios)


Erica Slaughter’s current investigation has led her to Tribulation, New Mexico. When a monster known as the Duplicitype (who now has taken the form of Erica) violently murders a family, a lone survivor named Gabi is on borrowed time.

Gabi is now under the custody of Riqui, a bartender doing all she can to help her. Even with Sheriff Carter’s involvement, the danger hasn’t left Tribulation. It’s only grown more terrifying. This is all because of an insane force of nature: Charlotte Cutter.

Cutter has been hired by the Order of St. George to eliminate Erica as she is considered a loose end to business. Knowing that re-emerging would put her life in danger, Erica took the chance to help Gabi anyway. Unfortunately, death and destruction has been left in Evil’s wake.

Erica, Riqui and Gabi make a final stand to draw out the Duplicitype but Cutter has crashed the party. Once Gabi is captured by Cutter, Erica makes a tough call to shoot the poisoned arrow meant for the monster at Cutter. Unfortunately, Cutter grabs it in mid air and stabs Gabi with the poison!

This issue wastes no time as Erica makes a direct line to attack Cutter. Gabi is screaming in pain as the poison starts taking hold. Riqui is helpless to stop it. Their words provide the soundtrack for an all-out violent throwdown between Erica and Cutter.

Nothing is held back as the two fight to the death. Readers get their money’s worth and then some as the rivals deliver on the emotional tension that’s been building. All the while, the monster is still walking towards their location.

The drama never stops escalating as the chaos swirls around Erica like a hurricane. Once the smoke clears, the resolution leaves scars that won’t fade away for Erica and the readers. Get ready for an intense payoff as one chapter closes but another one prepares to begin within these epic pages.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: Boom! Studios - Cover: Cliff Chiang)

Being the champion of Slow-Burn drama, Tynion delivers a highly emotional conclusion to this arc. Erica’s struggle to find a win has been a major driver for this arc. Cutter has been one step ahead of her at every phase. With their final confrontation here, Tynion unleashes Cutter at her most deadliest. With stabbing words while hurting Erica, the dialogue uses words as weapons. It plays completely into how unhinged Cutter is. It also pushes Erica to go into another level to win.

The second confrontation nails the impactful build-up for the case as well. Gabi’s story has been the backbone of the entire arc and receives an magnificent send-off. Tynion mixes in elements of tragedy and triumph in an even blend to close out this tale. The ending issue arc reminds readers of how even in victory, there is much defeat. It further defines how incredible this series is

Dell’edera and Muerto bring the action at a fast pace throughout this issue. They mix in only a few moments to let readers catch their breathes. Those moments still jump out as you see Cutter’s insanity go toe-to-toe with Erica’s unbreakable will. It’s a great compliment to the fighting. Readers are gifted a full page panel that kicks off the conclusion of their altercation. It’s also a visual that will arguably cause a vocal “YES!’ reaction as well. That’s how much the art will lock you into the drama.

There are also a few other full-page images that will connect with readers in other ways. The story ranges with extreme highs and lows involving those panels. closing moments bring the story back down to set forth a solid overall conclusion. The parting image couldn’t be crafted any more perfect to conclude this chapter of Erica Slaughter.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #35 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (Credit: Boom! Studios - Cover: Declan Shalvey)


The latest challenge in Erica Slaughter’s life comes to a chaotic and explosive conclusion with an amazing issue. Tynion’s superb writing orchestrates the thrilling showdowns fans have been waiting for. Dell’edera, Muerto & Andworld Design showcase through incredible imagery the brutality and heart-breaking reactions to another SIKTC classic! Absolutley DO NOT LEAVER THE LCS WITHOUT THIS ISSUE!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Something Is Killing The Children #35. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving further into the madness and mystery of Alex Greer. Since its’ debut on Comixology Originals, the psychological thriller set in the 1960’s has kept readers on the edge of their seats. Now approaching the midway point, all bets are off on what levels of danger awaits the lost American in Amsterdam.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano continues to peel back the layers of the haunting story. Let’s take a closer look to see where things head now, shall we?

Editor Note: This is a MATURE READERS story. Some of the images might be difficult for younger readers. Discression is advised.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)


Alex Greer has been through quite the ordeal. After waking up next to a dead woman, Alex has been placed under psychiatric watch. With a vested party watching her every move, Alex tries to find a way out. This is easier said then done. After seeing the alleged victim working as a nurse, Alex is convinced more is going on. Will she get the chance to prove her innocence?

This chapter opens up with Alex waking up in the middle of a residential street. With kids poking her with a stick, Alex comes to and knows something is wrong. When she looks at a house, readers find out that Greer is “home”.

As she walks in, Greer sees her mother riving in pain. Readers see the relationship between the two is fragile at best (if at all). As the moments progress, it ends with a chilling message of blaming Alex.

Once it ends, Alex is back at the hospital. Restrained and confused, Dr. Kincaid is standing over her. The drama intensifies as Alex and the doctor have a conversation that doesn’t bode well for his patient. What over evils are lurking? Can Alex survive another night? More questions arise as Dr. Kinciad is just starting to impose his plan with Alex. Once the final image is revealed, any hope of survival sees further and further out of reach.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

Phillips kicks this chapter off pushing Alex’s psyche into an uncomfortable state. Dealing with her relationship with her mother, Alex experiences a truly terrifying experience. Once it concludes, the reality of the situation might be worse than the dream itself.

The verbal chess match between Kincaid and Alex is a strong point to this issue. With everything falling around her, readers see Alex is sill holding onto hope that she will be free soon. Phillips takes this moment of hope and throws readers a curveball with the parting panels. Just when readers think they have an idea, Phillips changes the questions.

Boyle and Napolitano being with a nightmare that will shake readers to their core. The imagery of Alex’s mother reflects their broken state. The lettering only amplifies the fear being felt by Alex. For anyone who’s seen Napolitano’s work, this is no surprise as he is one of the best in the field. Its a connection easy for the readers to make.

This leads into another strong use of Yellow to establish where the story leads now. It’s complimented by a four panel page exemplifying the terror. As Alex descends further into the dangerous world of Kincaid, the art mirrors the hellish landscape. This builds towards the closing act with captures a facial expression that perfectly closes out another excellent chapter.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)


The slow-burn breakdown of Alex Greer sinks into a dangerous low with another thrilling chapter. Phillps’ strong writing tears away another layer of Alex’s psyche with Boyle and Napolitano delivering magnificent imagery to ensnare readers throughout the pages. You don’t want to miss this one on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Comixology Originals has a brand new series debuting with a very familiar creator returning to the line. Since 2018, Abigail Jill Harding has been gifting fans with the stunning imagery of the “Ask For Mercy” series with Richard Starkings. With this new series, Harding is making her writing debut with a tremendous amount of buzz behind it.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and
Richard Starkings looks to have fans attention with a magnetic story playing out behind its’ concept. Let’s see how this debut fares, shall we?

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)


The story begins with birds known as rooks flying around a graveyard. Behind guarding stone angels guarding a room, the sky has a red moon. A monstrous figure walks from the doorway with the angles weeping. As it approaches a gateway, the creature shapeshifts and flies away into the night sky.

The scenery moves to a castle on a hill. Inside lies a woman appearing on her deathbed. As she looks out the window, the creature shifts into a human form. Known as Darius Ravenscar, he kneels at her side. Readers sense there is a strong connection to the pair with the woman asking to relive their past. The stranger obliges and the story kicks into gear.

With imagery of a woman casting a spell into a fire deep in the forest, Ravenscar awakes inside his bed. Franticly running late, he makes his way into the city of Eborvik, towards the castle. Inside, he sees a woman named Princess Seraphina playing her harp.

The noticable admiration fills the scenes but there is one person not happy with what is unfolding. King Sitric, Lord of the Four Vales, orders Ravenscar to leave.

While leaving the castle, events start to unfold that drastically change the path of the story. What happens to Darius when he leaves? How does his life change? Readers see there is more than the King interfering with what Darius cares for. Fate has intervened in an unlikely way. The closing act covers a range of emotions before charging into its’ final moments. Once seen, the ending of the chapter foreshadows a deeper story lurking that has only just begun to come to the surface.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Harding paints a dark and complex story with her writing debut. Ravenscar instantly comes across as a tortured soul when he debuts. The elements of horror and hope dance through the dialogue as both he and Seraphina play into a world they hoped to have found together but never did.

The backstory of the pair dives into the brooding conflict with the King. Emotions run high as his majesty is determined not to allow events to grow further. The direction of the book shifts after the castle into unlikely places. This is where Harding’s writing goes up another level, connecting the doomed couple into fleeting moments of happiness. It’s these events that feel even further away once the closing moments happen. Once the chapter close, there is much left for readers to return and see how things play out.

The art reflects the moods and themes portrayed from the beginning. The full-page introduction image of Darius creates a bold debut locking readers in. This is also matched buy another full page panel of Darius after events have changed his future.

The use of coloring adds another layer to the saga at hand. Being a black and white book, once the red coloring is used, it signifies a change. It also announces the Rooks hovering overhead and where they connect to the shift in moments. The book is detailed with emotion and striking visuals. It has a great deal going on but paced enough where nothing feels out of place. The final panel brings the book to a screeching halt but leaves no doubt for things to come.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)


Powerful imagery bolsters the strong writing debut of Harding for a love story unlike any other. Blending the worlds of horror and hope, the story of Ravenscar and Seraphina takes readers into many directions before leaving a terrifying note as to what the future holds.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Parliament of Rooks #1. Thanks for reading!