Tom Taylor


Wayward teenagers are targets of Asema. Their blood appears to be the key to extended youth. Bruce Wayne has been offered this gift. Batman is still digging into the murders. Which persona will find what they’re looking for first?

DETECTIVE COMICS #1094 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott continues to follow Asema’s reign of terror in Gotham!

Let’s take a deeper dive into this mysterious case!

DETECTIVE COMICS #1094 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott (DC COMICS)


Taylor keeps peeling the layers back on the Dark Knight’s guard. The opening pages of trying to save Spencer Robertson hit their marks. On display is an (almost) emotional moment when Spencer sings Batman’s praises. The writing has allowed for timeframes like this to sneak through. It is refreshing to see this as it’s not overbearing. This causes the writing to shift gears back into detective business. The result is well worth the set-up.

Damian Wayne’s portion of the story is a perfect mix of humorous and heart-warming. Protecting a young inmate from abuse puts the mission in danger. The writing shows that even in this chaotic moment, a hero still shines. This opens up more possibilities as Asema’s schemes come to light. The closing pages shed more light onto the Dynamic Duo. It’s a great family break from the story. What follows returns everything full circle. The closing page leaves a solid cliffhanger to tide readers over. You can’t ask much more for a better set-up.

Janin brings out the emotional side of Batman in the opening pages. The close ups of Batman and Spencer tell their own reflective tale. Pacing pushes Batman’s rescue attempt. His small reactions to Spencer’s omissions make a big splash. This rolls into the next few pages before a different course is taken.

The juvenile prison takes on a life of its’ own with the art. A dangerous and shadowy feel takes over panels. This doesn’t let up until a moment changes everything. Panel set-up works to showcase the various reactions to Damian’s fight. It results in a half page crazy image with a Batman smile to send it home. Damian’s back and forth with his father never loses steam. The images convey that point clear to the readers. Events close with an intriguing final page. Another visually stellar issue to check out.


The fight against Asema takes a personal turn with its’ latest chapter. Taylor’s writing brings out the fatherly aspect of Batman as the case heats up. Janin and Abbott craft phenomenal images that not only elevate the story but Damian Wayne’s heroic side. This story keeps getting better and better.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know what you think of Detective Comics #1094. Thanks for reading!


The price of Immortality? An experimental procedure is offered to Bruce Wayne. With talk of how to fend off Father Time a little longer, who wouldn’t say yes? This can help the Dark Knight as he searches for a killer. The victims: wayward teens. Can Batman solve the case before another dead body appears?

DETECTIVE COMICS #1092 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott sends Batman on a dark path in search for answers.

Let’s diver further into Gotham’s latest crime case!

DETECTIVE COMICS #1092 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott (DC Comics)


Taylor puts Batman through the moral complexity surrounding this case. Another another victim is found. This strikes a chord with Damian Wayne. Robin put the victim in hiding. Once on the scene, the case becomes more complex. With a possible clue found, readers think there’s a break. It gets pushed onto the back burner with another matter at hand.

Scarlett’s connection with Bruce takes center stage. Taylor writes her character with much mystery. It keeps the audience guessing to what she is really about. As Batman furthers his investigation, it leads him into a blurred path. Taylor find a way to bring some emotion out of the stoic knight. The results lead into a desperate search for truth. Knowing their connection, readers watch as the final pages throw a new wrinkle into play. It leaves Batman in a state rarely seen. How this goes now is anyone’s guess.

Janin unleashes the dynamic duo onto the case with style. The full page image flies them into the uneasy scene. Their moods swing to anger when their search is interrupted. Readers watch as the facial reactions grow darker before the fists fly. The fight concludes with an equally impressive half panel.

From here, Bruce Wayne takes center stage. Following his fascination with Scarlett’s offer, he’s taken the plunge. The questioning that follows throws Scarlett off. It can be easily seen that she is covering something up. The post restaurant sequences prove more that meets the eye. Janin throws in a surprise fight scene. This leads to Bruce losing himself to the moment. Rarely do readers see Batman act “human”. This steamrolls into the close. With a strong final panel, the case is turned upside down. Where everything falls is sure to keep fans guessing till next issue.


The high price of extending youth takes another toll on Bruce Wayne. Taylor’s writing pushes the Dark Knight into a question of fact vs. heart. Janin’s impressive art continues to steal scenes as the case heats up. It’s one that pushes Wayne into new areas that prove there might be a Man behind the Bat after all.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on DETECTIVE COMICS #1092. Thanks for reading!


The sins of the past haunt the present. Thomas Wayne made a choice years ago that impacts creating a Dark Knight. A killer is on the loose. The gift of renewed youth is at Bruce Wayne’s fingertips. Where does this mystery take Batman now?

DETECTIVE COMICS #1091 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott pulls readers further into a dark corner of Gotham City.

Let’s take a closer look at the latest chapter.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1091 by Tom Taylor, Mikel Janin, and Wes Abbott (DC COMICS)


Taylor takes Batman into a fear he constantly struggles with. Anytime life is lost on his watch, he carries the burden. The murder of a teen he stopped is extremely impacting. Taylor’s writing spotlights the guilt Batman feels and how its’ fueling his search for justice.

This leads him into another attempt to save a possible victim. Action reminds Batman of how human he truly is. It also brings up another lingering theme of this current arc.

The question of rejuvenation gets a surprising conversation out of his best friend. Seeing Taylor tackle a Batman/Superman debate leads into a new direction with big ramifications. Readers might be a touch shocked at Superman’s response but it fits in place here. This kicks off a new stat quo (so to speak). Seeing how the fallout leads Batman into his investigation provides another classic confrontation. This gets upstaged by the close. The chapter ends with a definitive statement as to how human Batman has truly become.

Janin opens the issue with a few nightmare panels. It reflects the guilt Batman carries. This leads into a fast paced chase involving Robin. The coloring makes each panel pop as the Dynamic Duo go to work. Readers can sense how swiftly each strike is thrown. It ultimately leads to a more calm interaction that hits like an overhand right.

Superman discussing rejuvenation with Batman exposes a few things about the pair. Superman’s optimism is easily seen when thinking over the dilemma. Even with Batman’s traditional brooding, the thought of living long to fight the good fight shines with the rising skyline. Even with Batman falling more into the tough choice, the panels reflect his investigative wants. From here, the art displays the dark corners of Gotham. A conversation between enemies foreshadows the closing page. Once here, readers see a near full page panel send events into a new light. Only time will tell where this all goes from here.


A question of extending the fight leads the Dark Knight into a different light. Taylor sets the stage for a question of ethics with the writing. Janin and Abbott construct the fallout of the choices with impressive art. This story keeps readers guessing as the true danger stays lurking.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Detective Comics #1091. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of DC Comics’ premier super-hero team’s first leading event. Coming out of the “Dawn Of DC”, the Titans have stepped into the void left with no Justice League. With an alien attack heading to Earth, the team went to intercept and stop. In the process, one of their own became a pawn of something sinister lurking in the shadows.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #6 by Tom Taylor, Lucas Meyer, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Wes Abbott (DC Comics) picks up the pieces from last issue’s shocking ending. Let’s take a deeper dive as to how the heroes might overcome the odds with the world watching.


The chapter begins with Peacemaker coming to from his encounter with Nightwing. Amanda Waller tells him to stay still as there is a battle in front of them. The combatants? Raven and her evil self, who was the masked Doctor Hate!

Raven teleports Nightwing away before the fight begins. Knowing Waller’s plans, the Titans put forth a plan to save the infected population. The spores from Beast Boy have caused humans to turn into savage beasts. Drawing the spores out is the only way to save people. Knowing that the spores gravitate towards powerful beings, Superman (Jon Kent) is the go-to for the test run. Who is their test subject? An infected Bruce Wayne aka BATMAN!

Readers see how Nightwing’s plan plays out. Batman reverts back to human and reconnects in an emotional moment. From here, the Titans lead the charge in preventing Waller and the Bureau of Sovereignty from taking their plans to action. Will they pull it off?

The answers are provided in a conclusion that lives up to its’ hype. The moments feel huge with consistent pressure mounting on the heroes. Just when readers think all is going to be ok, a few swerves are thrown in that will play into more stories. The time of Beast World might be over but fans will be talking about this conclusion for quite some time.

With Taylor mixing in many surprises, readers have a great deal to look forward to with this finale. Seeing the emergence of Dick Grayson as the leader of the DCU heroes, his biggest challenge is met with patience and flaws. It’s not a perfect run with what he is attempting. Taylor’s writing reflects the heroic nature of what he represents. The moment with Batman sets forth a strong chain of events that pushes the charge forward.

The sheer defiance of Waller is another big element of this book. Knowing she is the mastermind behind the public attack, there is a sense of danger whenever she is on he page. Her conclusion in this story sends shockwaves throughout the DCU. The overall conclusion takes readers on a wild ride of excitement and drama. This leads to the epilogue which guarantees the new movement of evil in the DCU is far from over.

The art teams (three in total) shine in the finale. The fight sequence with Raven and Doctor Hate gave readers a sinister feel as the battle prolonged. The reconnection of Batman and Nightwing gave a brief break of the drama for a more sympathetic element with the Bat-Family.

The panels where Nightwing presents his plan to the government also hit the marks. The showcase of Grayson’s confidence leads into the heroes attempt to thwart Waller’s advances. These lead into some outstanding images of the heroes rising to the occasion. The final image is a fitting one for the conclusion but is upstaged by the epilogue. Knowing this is Reis’s final DC series before heading to Ghost Machine, the parting shot sends readers off in style and shock before its’ next phase.


The finale of DC’s latest event pulls no punches with shocking twists and dramatic hits. Taylor pens a thrilling Titans tale with Reis and company delivering strong imagery fitting for a ending and starting a new beginning.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #6. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the DC Universe is reeling from an attack no one was coming. When an alien threat is unleashed from its prison, the premier superhero squad in the “Dawn Of DC” era stepped up to the challenge. They are The Titans. One titan in particular pushed himself to unknown limits.

No good deed goes unpunished as a surprise attack thrusts Gar Logan aka Beast Boy into a spotlight unwelcomed. His powers manipulated. They have now caused a global attack onto the people of Earth. With last issue’s shocking move, the battle has taken a deadly toll on the hero community. How will the rest of DC’s finest recover?

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott explores the ramifications of a fallen hero. Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest chapter.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics)


Amanda Waller always has a plan. With the rise of the Titans in the Justice League’s place, Waller sets forth a movement which spells nothing good for the DCU heroes.

Using Doctor Hate to manipulate Beast Boy’s form as Starro, Waller has unleashed a public attack on Earth. People are turning into animal hybrids. Even with the efforts of the heroes to try stopping the mayhem, they are only having small success. As the public watches, Waller works in the shadows to push her own agenda.

Using a hesitant Chester Runk (aka Chunk), who can unleash a “black hole” opening to another dimension, Waller teleports him inside Logan’s unconscious gigantic husk. The use of his powers kills him and Logan.

As this chapter opens, the heroes trying to stop Logan pay their respects to their fallen ally. One hero isn’t in the mood to grieve. Raven, fellow Titan and Gar’s girlfriend notes that someone else was pulling some strings and she intends to give them some payback.

On Earth, a press conference is taking place in Washington. The president is acknowledging the actions of the Bureau of Sovereignty for taking out Logan. He also brings the mastermind behind the attack into the public eye. Waller addresses the public and sells the story of protection from the superheroes.

Readers see her paint the picture of Runk as a noble citizen risking it all for their safety. With the ploy of swaying public opinion to her cause, Waller drops another bombshell with her next plan of attack.

How desperate is Waller willing to go? Readers find out quickly that there is a reason Waller is one of the most feared forces in the entire DC Universe. How will the heroes react?

As the playing field is now set, it’s race against time for the Titans as Waller’s plans are in full motion. The closing act gives more clarity onto where things head now, but the final image sets forth an unseen dynamic. With the stakes being raised higher, all bets are off to the fate of the DCU after this event.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Bjorn Barends)

If readers weren’t sure why Amanda Waller is such an imposing force in DC Comics, Taylor devotes an ample amount of page time to drive that point home. The writing reflects how driven she is without a shred of emotion affecting her. Once readers realize what she’s planning on doing, it brings a sense of fear and shock to the levels to secure victory.

There is a conversation involving Nightwing and Waller that sets up an ultimate chess match of good and evil. The dialogue involved hits multiple points with one verbal jab that goes for a knockout. The rest of the issue focuses on reacting to Waller’s moves. This builds into an emotionally charged closing pages. The final panel sets up many questions as Taylor is pulling out more shocks to usher this event into its’ next phase.

The art duties are spilt for this tale. Reis brings the coldness of Waller’s address to the pages with a intimidating feel. the mannerisms in which she drives her points will send a clear message to the audience about the way she is willing to conduct business. This counters Raven’ reflections of losing her boyfriend due to Waller.

There are a few action sequences to break up the heavy dialogue. It adds more to the confrontation in the latter portion of the book. Once that moment kicks off, readers begin to see the start of a true test of wills. This all leads to a shocking parting image which leaves many questions. With the new dynamic involved, it is anyone’s guess where Waller’s plans take readers next.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Javier Fernández)


The reveal of Amanda Waller’s plans drives home the sense of danger surrounding “Beast World”. With Taylor’s unapologetic approach to Waller’s vision leading the way, readers will get caught up in the creative team’s positioning of key players with their strong artwork. With the fate of the DCU now in the crossfire, readers can’t afford to miss this story.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest chapter in DC Comics’ huge crossover event: BEAST WORLD. With the Tians stepping into the role of the premier superhero team, they have been tested like never before. What happens when one of their own becomes the problem behind a global catastrophe? Nightwing and company are finding out first hand.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott continues the chaos as the heroes scramble to stop it. Let’s take a closer look and see how things are going now.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics)


When the Necrostar is released from its’ planet prison via Brother Eternity, the Titans lead the charge to stop the oncoming threat. Beast Boy takes a huge gamble and makes himself into the one being that might be capable of stopping the threat. He turns himself into a Starro.

After the space altercation, an unforeseen presence makes their move. Amanda Waller has sent Doctor Hate to intervene. Beast Boy is now infected and attacking the earth with spore-like creature. The people of Earth are transforming into beast of their own.

The story picks up with Cyborg and Raven floating in space. Both are reeling from the initial encounter of the Necrostar. As they start gathering their surroundings, they see a number of the DC Universe’s most powerful heroes trying to stop Beast Boy’s attack.

Meanwhile back on Earth, ANIMAL MAN is being overwhelmed by the surge of animal-humans taking over. In Bludhaven, Nightwing and Batman are doing all they can to help the innocent survive the ordeal. When a young boy becomes trapped in a car, Batman flies in for the save. During the rescue, Batman is wounded via a bite that nearly rips his arm off.

Nightwing swoops in for help but the next moments switch everything on its’ axis. What transpires pushes Dick Grayson to his limits. In the process, he (along with readers) find more clues about the spread of the animal infection. Will it be enough to turn the tide or will another force factor in to delay their cause? If the final image is any indication, the battle has only just begun for the heroes of the DC Universe.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Björn Barends)

Taylor keep things centered around the face of the Titans for this chapter. The struggle Nightwing shows to the conflict shows many sides. Not only is the world around him becoming unglued, but he is forced to confront a threat he never wants to face. The moments before that fight occurs, Taylor shows Grayson’s fears pouring out as he knows what is coming. The emotional gut-punches with Batman and Nightwing play into how readers can sense the conflict is weighing on them.

The other main characters of the story gets their times to shine. None Moreso than the main culprit behind the escalation of events. With a power struggle looming behind the scenes of a global crisis, Taylor paces each level out to keep a fair balance of drama and action.

Reis, Miki, Anderson and Abbott bring stunning visuals to this issue. The full page image of the DCU heroes fighting Gar-Starro makes an immediate statement. The more low-key moments center around Batman and Nightwing. The reaction Batman gives the young boy after a question is asked shows a different side to the Dark Knight.

This leads into some fantastic action, building towards a monstrous full page image that amplifies events. Mixed with other heroes emotions, the closing panels cap off the feeling that the tide might start turning or be lost forever. There is much to enjoy with the art displayed here.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #2 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Kendrick Lim)


The chaos spirals more out of control in the next chapter of DC’s monster crossover. Led by Taylor’s emotional writing, the battle waged by the heroes comes to life through the vivid imagery of Reis, Miki, Anderson and Abbott. Don’t miss what unfolds here on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #2. Thanks for reading.