super heroes


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, The Bat and the Cat are back at it again. Gotham’s most star-crossed couple is on the run. Amanda Waller’s forces are closing in. Batman thinks he might have found a break needed to turn the tide. It won’t come without a cost. Can he cash in or cash out?

BATMAN #152 by Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Clayton Cowles (Back-Up: Kelly Thompson, Mattia De Iulis and Cowles) follows along as the couple makes a play for a key piece to the Amanda Waller puzzle.

Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

BATMAN #152 by Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Clayton Cowles (Back-Up: Kelly Thompson, Mattia De Iulis and Cowles) - DC Comics


Zdarsky gives readers a very straight forward story in this chapter. With the stakes high, Batman searches for a way to win. The writing puts things on a very clear path to that win. Readers get a solid delivery of superhero theatrics along the way. It plays its part well in the overall picture of “Absolute Power”, but nothing too shocking or out of the ordinary.

There is one overall theme that will jump out to longtime readers of this run. The Bat/Cat relationship seems back in its normal stat quo. Zdarsky pens a few key moments showcasing the pair at their strongest. This comes to life when a familiar villain makes a guest appearance. Its’ fallout leads to a well earned reset for the fabled pair as they head back into the battle with Waller.

Hawthorne and the art team deliver on steady action sequences throughout the issue. The standoff with Bizarro jumps out from most of the other action. With Cowles lettering, these panels jump more than others.

Readers will very excited with the big guest star debuting here. With a near full page panel, the moment seems monstrous. Batman’s reactions scream of shock once its’ revealed who has entered the story. It leads to a solid closing panels. None stand out more than the full page image that brings this latest chapter to a satisfying close.

The back-up throws the spotlight on Black Canary and the Birds of Prey. It serves as a good companion piece to a few other notable branches of the big crossover at hand.


The “Absolute Power” tie-in ends on a steady, but predictable outcome. Through the writing and art, Batman and Catwoman face challenges from every angle. It leads to a satisfying end before both re-enter the major DCU conflict once again.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #152. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the origin of Amanda Waller continues! In present time, Waller is the driving force of the Trinity Of Evil. Her impact can be felt throughout the DCU. Seeing what made her into the dangerous figure she is today has been quite the journey. Turning tragedy into triumph, Waller’s rise to the top has been one to watch.

ABSOLUTE POWER: ORIGINS #2 by John Ridley, Alitha Martinez, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse and Steve Wands takes readers into the next phase with a familiar team along for the ride.

Let’s see how the latest chapter shapes up.

ABSOLUTE POWER: ORIGINS #2 by John Ridley, Alitha Martinez, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse and Steve Wands (DC Comics)


Ridley walks readers through a historic moment in DC history. Waller’s vision for a super powered solution starts off with some stumbling blocks. Her conversation with Clarence shows off her iron will. The writing reflects how her past has forged her into the cold presences readers see today. This leads to an introduction of a very unique first Task Force X.

One member stands out above the others in the lineup. Waller’s dialogue with this individual is a highlight of this chapter. Once a problem arises with their mission, the writing shifts back to what makes Task Force X’s leader the boss. Readers witness the ruthless measures taken. It leads to a layered fallout that plays into her powerful status taking an even great leap forward.

Martinez gives Waller’s sales pitch quite the introduction. There are a few full page panels leading to a group page visual of the Justice League in action. Form here, the art displays Waller’s business persona as she converses with Clarence. Her reactions are calm and drives home the emotional connections she attempts. Once readers witness the first line-up of Task Force X, the mood shifts swiftly.

As Waller addresses the change in plan, events speed up on page. The sequence of action builds towards a shocking end. Waller’s facial expression in post indicates the remorseless demeanor readers know of her. The only time that appears to change is the sub plot with her daughter. Their time is very short but similar themes run parallel with the art. As the last panel drops, there is no question of where Waller goes from this point.


The latest chapter of Amanda Waller’s origin presents a steady yet entertaining glimpse into the past. Ridley exposes readers to the true nature of Waller with the writing. Martinez and the art team focus heavily on the emotionless state of a force to be reckoned with. Knowing where things lead from here, it adds more context to an already complex character.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and give me your thoughts on Absolute Power: Origins #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, a new universe is expanding. Combining the world of Lucha Libre wrestling and superheroes, the “Luchaverse” kicked in the door at the LCS. Rey Mysterio and Tinieblas Jr. led the first charge. Their stories gave readers a dose of adventure and horror.

Now it’s time for the next wave of luchadores to move the universe forward! Readers will be excited to see a certain pair of brothers jump into the fray for this next go around.

LUCHAVERSE: CATALYST #2 by Marco Lopez, Ivan Plaza, Javier Caba, Alessandro Micelli, Bryan Arfel Magnaye, and Micah Myers welcome the Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta Zero M - Currently wrestling in AEW), Solar and Super Astro into the heroic ring.

Let’s see how the latest heroes weather the storm!

LUCHAVERSE: CATALYST #2 by Marco Lopez, Ivan Plaza, Javier Caba, Alessandro Micelli, Bryan Arfel Magnaye, and Micah Myers (Masked Republic/Massive Publishing)


The Lucha Bros. story kicks off events in this chapter. It gives readers a fair mix of action and supernatural elements. Penta and Fenix’s relationship is defined b their distinct personalities. Penta is more aggressive and cunning. Fenix leans into the more heroic aspect. Readers are given a solid backstory before the main event starts.

In this portion, Lopez and Plaza set up great action while dabbling in the mystic realm. This builds up the closing act where readers get more than they bargained for. Pacing goes move briskly through this section. Ultimately it leads to a few key moments before the conclusion. Once at the final stop, the writing indicates the layers haven’t been pulled back enough to decipher where these two are heading next.

Solar and Super Astro’s story stretches into many different areas. The writing dabbles into various time areas to off a more global feel to their tale. Adding in the time jumps helped to make this stand out more. Events are spaced out for a good duration to lock in with readers. The closing act throws a solid curve into the mix. With the last page surprise, this story is anything but over and done with.

The art mixes in a fair amount of wrestling into each story. Caba brings forth the conflicting personalities of Fenix and Penta to show off their differing opinions. There’s a great full page splash of the brothers standing off with Heaven and Hell that plays out more as things progress. This is also complemented once the brothers come in contact with its’ mystic ending.

Micelli mixes in reactions with the building chaos for some entertaining visuals. Seeing Solar and Astro in heroic fashion suits well for the latter conflict. The Roswell scenes are overflowing with disdain for their capture. Art moves into their new adventures with ease. Stepping into the closing moments, the main adversary is given a big full intro page spread, This can also be said for the final page. Both art teams handled the challenge presented for an easy win here.


The next wave of luchadores pick right up with a sense of the dramatic blended with action. Penta and Fenix’s quest brings out the tense nature with the writing. Solar and Astro carried a more traditional superhero feel built by the art. Factor both together and fans won’t want to kick out at 3 for this fast rising universe and line.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Luchaverse : Catalyst #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, Clark Kent is on the run! The Man of Steel is being hunted by Amanda Waller. Luckily, he has some help to keep Waller at bay. Zatanna is guiding Superman to a possible solution to their troubles. Can they survive long enough to discover a way? And if they do, how much will it cost them both?

SUPERMAN #17 by Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell and Ariana Maher takes he Man of Steel on a journey through darkness. What waits at the other side?

Let’s take a deeper dive and see what unfolds now!

SUPERMAN #17 by Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS)


With the walls closing in, Williamson continues to push Superman into uncharted territory. The toll of Waller’s actions are staring to seep in. With an emotional outburst, readers can identify the pain Kent is going through. It’s a sight that isn’t shown often. With this moment in story, the emotional release hits.

It drives Superman and Zatanna to a quicker pace for the remainder of the chapter. Willaimson sprinkles in times of challenge before the main event. The sense of anger and (to a certain degree) fear start taking over the pages. This theme is very prevalent during the close. It ultimately leaves readers with a jaw dropping ending that fits the broken persona of DC’s biggest hero.

Campbell wastes no time on presenting spectacular images. The opening flashback element bottles up a more light hearted time before ushering into the murky present. Zatanna and Supers are given a full splash page to start their escapades. It starts a bold display of frustration in Clark that won’t escape readers’ thoughts.

The closing act starts off with a well-detailed two page splash. Right before the action begins, the art team mix in some more calmer panels. This quickly fades away as Superman’s impatient behavior takes center stage. Imagery raises the stakes to an all time high. The art team presents a full page closing figure that readers will have thoughts on. It plays into leaving the audience wanting more. This issue shows no signs of misfiring in that aspect.


The lengths and desperation start seeping in on DC’s flagship character with this chapter. Williamson pens a defeated yet driven Superman with the writing. Campbell continues providing fantastic images that easily hook readers in. Considering where the closing page lands, all bets are off as events play out.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #17. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, Batman is on the run! Amanda Waller has unleashed her attack on the DCU. Heroes are depowered. Resistance has been futile. The Dark Knight is down. However, he is not out.

With the fate of the world at stake, Batman needs help. There’s only one person who can help him steal victory.

BATMAN #151 by Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Clayton Cowles (Bonus Harley Quinn story from Tini Howard, Marianna Ignazzi, Giovanna Niro and Cowles) sees the Bat and Cat go undercover to find a way to stop Waller’s evil plans.

Let’s take a closer look at how things are playing out.

BATMAN #151 by Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)


Throughout the chaos, a very classic tale is being woven. Zdarsky plays into the unique relationship of Bruce and Selina for its’ foundation. Knowing the past year (post Knight Terrors), to say “its’ complicated” is an understatement. The intro glosses over that area to get to the business at hand. Once the situation is explained, it’s a quick start to the mission.

Seeing the seasoned pros go to work undercover, readers watch as the ruse comes to an abrupt head. The addition of The Suicide Squad gives a fresh challenge for the Bat and The Cat. Bizarro steals scenes with Batman as things progress. However, the star of the book is the union of the Cat and the Bat. Zdarsky charges into the final act with a personal moment between the two. It leads into a more surprising location for their heist. How this will play out is any guess but a solid beginning never the less.

Hawthorne, Di Benedetto, and Fajardo Jr. lock in on the emotional pull between Bruce and Selina often with the art. The opening sequence feels very familiar as the long time lovers reunite over the heist at hand. Bizzaro watching the Squad get off the plane via full page panel adds raises tension of the story.

Once the Squad comes face to face with the pair, the action ramps up. Panels move at a high pace. Bizarro makes another big splash with a huge one page shot. This leads into the closing moments that bring events full circle. Seeing Batman show emotion was a familiar break in the action.

Considering recent events, it is a return to basics. Heading into the final page, readers watch as the pair’s luck runs out. The art team gives a strong final image before concluding for next time.


The Bat and The Cat are back with a traditional mission at hand. Zdarsky’s writing sets the stage for an enjoyable saga. Hawthorne and company balance the action with some conventional interacts that play right into the drama. Where we go from here in anyone’s guess.

Hit me on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #151. Thanks for reading!


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For this entry, we are checking out the latest from a company on the rise: Magma Comix! In the past year, they have launched a very solid line of books. With such hits as The Principles Of Necromancy and The Scale Trade, Magma looks to keep their hit streak going with its’ latest title. It also might be one of the most unique superhero stories in recent memory.

THE PEDESTRIAN #1 by Joey Esposito, Sean Von Gorman, Josh Jensen and Shawn Lee says “Justice always has the right of way”!

Let’s take a closer look and see if you need to run or walk to the comic shops for this one!

THE PEDESTRIAN #1 by Joey Esposito, Sean Von Gorman, Josh Jensen and Shawn Lee (Magma Comix)


With the premise centered around a speed walking savior, there were some questions as to how this works. Esposito mixes in the heroics with deadpan humor to craft an entertaining read. The title character makes an early splash rescuing a pawn shop employee. Instead of stopping the attacker, the hero follows the crosswalk rules and lets him escape. This type of quirky set-up only scratches the surface of what’s really going on.

From here, the story dips into a few other avenues. Readers are introduced to some new players in Summer City that foreshadow a bigger saga looming. Pacing keeps the mystery moving along with the laughs. The Pedestrian’s “fish out of water” reactions work to keep readers off the true tale. Esposito builds off of this with the closing act. A “simple” rescue teases more that meets the eye. It’s a great reflection of what this issue and series has to offer.

The series reunites Esposito with his “Pawn Shop” co-creator Sean Von Gorman. The art brings out a deceptive feel to a small town of secrets. Von Gorman (along with Jansen) crafts The Pedestrian’s “first” rescue with a full page image of him…obeying the traffic light. The reactions of Kira (the employee) are priceless as it copies the audience.

This balances out the more serious tone of his rogue’s panels. Readers can sense the danger building until the full page reveal. The final pages tie up another adventure while leaving a small present. One small panel will have readers formulating theories on what is really going on in this small down. The art kept things very simple which can only slow roll the true nature of the story from here.


In this day and age, trying to reinvent the superhero wheel is very difficult. Esposito and Von Gorman find a way to take a hero out of the crosswalks and into the cosmos of creativity. The writing and art carry an enjoyable story while laying the ground work for something bigger in due time. This will be one to watch as it evolves.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Pedestrian #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, we are heading back to Farmington! Jack Xaver’s transition into post heroics isn’t going well. Publicly disgraced. Legally banned from resuming his hero identity. This is the new norm for hero once known as Crossjack.

With more sinister elements at hand, Xaver plays with fire trying to help. The Faceless Horde must be stopped at all costs. The question is will Xaver be able to say the day or crumble to the pressure.

Local Man #12 by Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, Brad Simpson and Felipe Sobrerio takes readers into the drama, danger and dueling with a former Vice President? Only in this Eisner nominated book does it work!

Let’s not delay any longer and jump into the chapter!

Local Man #12 by Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, Brad Simpson and Felipe Sobrerio (Image Comics)


Xaver continues to be the flawed hero you can’t help but root for. His current situation pushes him to the edge. Fleecs and Seeley challenge Xaver with Igna’s true intentions. Readers watch as he attempts to process the new information. This isn’t met without challenge. The breakout character is Slick 2.0.

With each panel, she steals the moment from Jack. One of this books’ biggest strengths is the humor. The conversation between the three is comedic gold.

Once the story shifts gears, the drama builds at a slow pace. With the personal loss he took, Xaver is shown to be still reeling. The closing act elevates that even higher with key information revealed. Readers won’t be shocked at Xaver’s reaction to the news. Before that can be even processed, just wait for the final page. This series just keeps getting better and better.

The art showcase Xaver’s heavy toll of loss. The opening encounter with Inga and Slick varies with humor and surprise. Suffice to say, there is a LOT going on with the opening act. The reveal of the Horde’s leader is presented with a full page image. This exemplifies who’s behind the mask as a true threat.

Xaver and Inga’s team-up carries a tense feel. Once it transitions to their talk with a “prisoner”, the art accelerates. There’s a few great fighting sequences to set up a main event shot. The two page spread unveils much to the audience (especially with a cameo).

Readers will have much to discuss concerning the final pages. One is the release of Xaver’s pent up emotions. This is given a full page panel to drive home his anger. The ending page leaves readers with some questions before leaving on a high note. The art team delivers another strong issue.


“F*** Crossjack”! Jack Xaver is dealt with emotional blow after blow in this chapter. Seeley and Fleecs construct the tension with excellent writing. The art mirrors the mounting anger of the fallen hero splendidly. It’s another fantastic read that you simply don’t want to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know what you think of Local Man #12. Thanks for reading!


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For this entry, it is time for a massive(verse) event! Since 2022, the world of Black Market Narrative has created a special event properly titled “SUPER-MASSIVE”. The event brings together members of Comics most exciting line in a one-shot adventure. However, this year, things are very different.

The Radiant Black game-changing event know as “The Catalyst War” has taken center stage. With the War’s conclusion poised for Radiant Black #30 and #30.5 respectively, many fans wondered how the rest of the universe would become involved. Their wait has been answered.

SUPERMASSIVE 2024 by Kyle Higgins, Ryan Parrott, Mat Groom, Melissa Flores, Joe Clark, Stefano Simeone and Becca Carey brings in the Massive-Verse family frotn and center into The Catalyst War!

How does this year’s event stack up? Let’s find out!

SUPERMASSIVE 2024 by Kyle Higgins, Ryan Parrott, Mat Groom, Melissa Flores, Joe Clark, Stefano Simeone and Becca Carey (Black Market Narrative/Image Comics)


Juggling the events of the Catalyst War, the writing team doesn’t miss a beat with the adventure at hand. Seeing the dynamics of certain players match up proves for some great moments. Post-SM, readers will need a Rogue Sun-Shift extended team-up. One area which does not get overlooked is when characters “meet” for the first time. This makes for some poignant interactions as events move forward.

Having Shift step into the spotlight levees how uncertain things have become. His role takes the conflict into a dangerous territory. Seeing the conflict play out, the writing presents the big action moments that are accustomed to this line. The resolution plays into the uncertain elements of Catalyst. It leaves readers off on a high note as the Massive-Verse world faces its’ gravest challenge.

Simeone gives readers much to savor with the art. THE AERIAL SCENE! Capital letters is the only proper way to describe the full page insanity on display. This event feels larger than life. It sets a high pace for the rest of the book. Each character gets stand out panels that don’t get lost in the shuffle.

That said, the group shots elevate the story when presented. Once they come across the big “villain”, the catch phrase stand off will have readers amped to see what unfolds from here. Simeone crafts a sense of danger. heroics and tragedy with the big fight. Its’ fallout feels bittersweet as it sinks in what lies ahead. The closing image caps off what readers are expecting from the start: A Supermassive event that delivers. Mission accomplished.


With the Catalyst War unfolding, the Massive-Verse pillars enter the fray with an excellent adventure fitting of the title. Superb writing balances the personalities and pending fate magnificently. Simeone and Carey envision the electric feel of the devasting conflict with amazing artwork. If there is ever a question of why this IS Comics’ most exciting line, this story will silence critics quickly.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Supermassive 2024. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the Man of Steel has fallen! Amanda Waller dealt a shocking blow. Absolute Power kicked off in a monster way. Superman’s powers are no more. After being shot, Clark Kent is currently fighting for his life. It’s an unfathomable thought come to life. Is the DCU about to lose Superman again?

SUPERMAN #16 by Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell and Ariana Maher jumps in the fallout of that fateful moment!

Let’s not waste another second and dive into the story!

SUPERMAN #16 by Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell and Ariana Maher (DC Comics)


Williamson takes readers down a few paths for this issue. Seeing a rare glimpse of Young Clark sets the stage for the shocking reality of events. The writing creates the desperate attempt to save Superman perfectly. Once at this stage, the spotlight is thrown on Zatanna to take the baton and run.

Her portion of the book is one that fans will become fully invested with. In this “new” powerless era, Zatanna adapts to the new stat quo with some unlikely help. Tying back to the beginning of this series, it solidifies how far one character has changed working with Big Blue. Even with the seriousness of Waller’s onslaught, there’s a great sequence involving well timed humor.

The break balances out the chapter heading into the final act. Once there, the story mixes in some surprises. None will stand out more than the final page. This is largely due to the artwork of Campbell.

It has been a while since readers have seen him on a full Superman book. Readers received a quick reminder of how great his vision of Superman’s world is. The young Clark moments creates the wholesome era of Smallville. The transition to present day is pulled off with dramatic ease.

Zatanna steals scenes with her fighting skills. There are a few half page panels that signify her impact on the current state. Mixed in with the heavy weight of knowing of Jon Kent’s status, the imagery makes for a strong portion of the book. It fully conveys how much of this war has been Hell already.

The final page is a great reveal. Campbell sets the wheels in motion for the next chapter with a full page action shot. It caps off a visually impressive chapter that fans will have much to rave about.


Waller’s biggest blow in her attack was mortally wounding DC’s symbol of hope. Superman begins his redemption story with a solid opening chapter. Williamson juggles multiple characters with excellent writing and pacing. Campbell constructs great action along with emotionally driven moments for a chapter that shouldn’t be missed.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #16. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, Absolute Power has taken over the DCU. Superman has been caught up in Amanda Waller’s big plan to eliminate metahumans. This comes right off the heels of the House of Brainiac storyline which last left a lasting impression on the Man Of Steel.

With all that going on, the lates issue of DCs longest running series takes a trip back in time. Readers can settle in for a classic era Superman story. Considering the creative team behind it, we are in for a fantastic ride.

ACTION COMICS #1067 by Gail Simone, Eddy Barrows, Danny Miki, Rex Lokus and Dave Sharpe (Back-up by Rainbow Rowell, Cian Tormey, and Romulo Fajardo jr.) throws it back for vintage time period tale.

Let’s take a deeper dive at what transpires now.

ACTION COMICS #1067 by Gail Simone, Eddy Barrows, Danny Miki, Rex Lokus and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


Welcome back to a timeless era. Simone checks off all the boxes with this issue. Drama, action, suspense…this one has it all! Readers start with the timeless Clark-Lois reporting competition front and center. This is pushed aside with a surprising Alien invasion. Tensions mount until a dramatic entrance from Big Blue swings everything into a new plateau.

Where a fight could break out, Superman tries talking and understanding the situation. It is one of Clark’s strongest qualities: being a diplomat when needed. The conflict becomes clear but not without strings attached. Simone weaves in a fun twist in before the action commences. There are iconic Superman moments all through the aliens’ challenge. Its’ resolution leaves a great cliffhanger (or should I say “shiphanger”) ending that locks in readers for the long haul.

Barrows, Miki and Lokus go heavy into the full (or near-full) page images for this issue. IMO, this is what works best with Superman stories. The introduction with Mr. Pierce connects with the audience of the impact of losing the youth center. This is followed up with a superb introduction of Superman into the building conflict. The mix of full page with sparce panels conveys the larger-than-life aura the Man of Steel carries.

This never escapes readers sight. Once his “challenger” appears, the moment feels gigantic to match. The following action images could have been taken form a movie. It is vintage Superman. It’s fallout is a more subtle build but the last panel is one that has a few exclamation points on it before concluding! Excellent work by the team for this chapter.

The back-up story by Rowell and Tormey dives into the present struggle of Lois as the Daily Planet EIC. Rowell’s writing sets up the strong ethical conflict of interest perfectly. Tormey and the team mix in some action to soften the jabs thrown by the new boss. Great ending to carry into Lois’ next moves being in charge.


Taking the Man Of Tomorrow back in time proves to be a winning play for Superman fans. Simone brings out the best of Clark Kent with fantastic storytelling. Barrows, Miki, Lokus and Sharpe elevate the high stakes to new levels with epic imagery. This story doesn’t miss bringing back the superhero themes we all know and love. Don’t miss it.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Action Comics #1067. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, we are checking out a sequel to a very polarizing series. Spider-Man: Reign (2006) is a gritty, dark story set in the far future. Peter Parker has retired after Mary Jane died. Superheroes were replaced by Mayor Waters’ REIGN force. Certain familiar Spidey characters are vastly re-imagined.

Marvel has touted that this is “The most notorious Spider-Man story ever told” and with good reason. This is unlike any Spidey story you have ever read. Now nearly twenty years later, it’s sequel is hitting the comic shops.

SPIDER-MAN: REIGN 2 #1 by Kaare Andrews, Brian Reber and Joe Caramanga picks up where a King has returned to New York City’s throne.

Let’s see how the sequel shapes up.

SPIDER-MAN: REIGN 2 #1 by Kaare Andrews, Brian Reber and Joe Caramanga (Marvel Comics)


Andrews doesn’t delay in bringing this unique look of Spider-Man’s world to the forefront. The Kingpin has escaped his prison due to Spidey’s actions to stop Venom. Fisk’s opening sequence is brutal and unforgiving on the corrupt Mayor. This pushes the pacing as to where things are currently set.

As for Peter, the writing shows how far and broken he has become. The virtual hell he resides in will bluntly hit readers. This is far from the Spider-Man many know and love. Even when there are some vintage Spidey moments, they come across as jaded and grim. This is heavily influenced by the wasteland he resides in.

The injection of a new Black Cat offers a very different dynamic to the tale. With her opening sequence, fans will have a reaction one way or another. Whom she has allied with will throw more off. It is an intriguing yet fitting partnership. The writing offers up a brooding glimpse of fleeting hope. These are drastic times. Seeing how NYC was devolved pushes Parker’s mission into a new landing spot. The final page will give readers much to ponder as Fisk is prepared to hold his newly claimed crown at any cost.

The art leaves nothing off limits as to the cold and brutal landscape of the story. Fisk handling Waters is violent and unforgiving scattered over panels. The full image of Fisk in the aftermath will stand out t readers. This is paired well with the residents and those who didn’t survive. The Webb panels drive home the dwindling hope of the once vibrant city.

Once Peter gets up and moving, there are some excellent Spidey visuals. A full page escape image kicks things into some classic web-slinging. This might be the only bright spot in the dark environment until the very end. Andrews pays a slight homage to McFarlane with a full page image that re-starts Spidey’s efforts to fight back. It launches the book into the next chapter and wherever that may leave.


The world of a broken Peter Parker comes back to life with a tale that drives home how far Spider-Man has fallen. Andrews takes creative chances with the writing sinks further into the chaotic grasp of a new King of New York. The art fits the mood with little glimpse of a return to form for the Wall-Crawler. It isn’t your average story and will be an acquired taste for some readers. If looking for an edgier Spidey tale, this should be on the radar.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Spider-Man: Reign 2 #1. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry….F*CK Crossjack!

One of the best books at the LCS continues its’ throwback influenced saga of a hero’s fall from grace. Jack Xaver’s future is still anchored down by his past sins. Public opinion has turned against him. Xaver technically can’t be a super hero legally. Even with these factors, the disgraced hero is still trying to do the right thing.

Local Man #11 BY Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, Brad Simpson and Felipe Sobrerio sees Xaver take drastic measures to take down the Faceless Horde. Will he prevail?

Let’s take a closer look and see how he fares now.

Local Man #11 BY Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, Brad Simpson and Felipe Sobrerio (IMAGE COMICS)


Fleecs and Seeley masterfully balance the sharp humor and drama at hand. Xaver is a flawed character. Even with the odds stacked, he shows there is a hero somewhere inside him. The conversation with Naveen is a prime example of how little he is regarded by his “peers”. This serves to amplify the last resort play for help in Officer Kopecki.

The mood is uneasy but the writing injects some well timed breaks in that makes the confrontation stand out (and who knew about the officer’s “powers”). The Slide 2.0 steals scenes throughout the issue. The odd-couple pairing of Rudy and Xaver works to lock readers in for the unlikely villain of this chapter. Its’ resolution nails the landing. From here, the closing pages throw some interesting directions at the readers for where we go next.

Paired with the throwback story, there’s no doubt about why this series gets the praise and hype it deserves!

The art captures the frustration of Xaver’s plans extremely well. His expressions while dealing with Naveen and Officer Kopecki are an easy win with readers. Capturing the comedic timing of The Slide breaks up the drama perfectly. How the villain here is taken out are panels fans won’t want to miss.

There are some more serious images that keep things very grounded as well. The Fright being unleashed are panels that set a striking tone leading to its’ unlikely conclusion. Along with the final pages, the issue has something for everyone to be invested in.


The life and times of Jack Xaver never cease to amaze and please. Fleecs, Seeley and the team gift readers with an entertaining trip through the struggles of a fractured hero. This book always sets a high bar for storytelling and comic fans simply can’t miss it.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Local Man #11. Thanks for reading!


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For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of a monster Superman event! One of his deadliest foes has created a great evil. When Lex Luthor is even scared of what has been unleashed, it speaks volumes. It also calls for drastic measures to try stopping a Queen from ascending to her violent throne!

SUPERMAN #15 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS) is the final stop before ABSOLUTLE POWER!

Let’s see if what they say is true…Does the house always win? Especially if it’s the HOUSE OF BRAINIAC?


Williamson wastes no time in jumping right into the action. During his run, Superman and Lex Luthor have had a unique “frienemy-ship” to say the least. In this closing chapter, both go above and beyond in their efforts to stop Brainiac. The writing shows one making an extreme gamble. This serves as a solid back-drop to the overall cinema-esque style battle raging on.

The conclusion of conflict is one that hits the mark. Brainiac is displayed with some very key reactions to the action at hand. Once the fallout begins, scenes become chaotic with the pacing. It reflects the time sensitive challenge the heroes are up against. In the aftermath, there are some feel-god moments to close with. However, the final few pages with have readers buzzing to what is down the road (pending Absolute Power).

Sandoval and Sánchez construct a pair of two page splashes that readers won’t want to turn the pages from. It instantly builds the rising action. The art showcases the wide ranges of Brainiac’s emotions. Events take place that disrupt the cold, imposing figure. In its wake lies a broken and unsure figure. The art captures the rage of Superman while gifting Brainiac some knowledge he can’t comprehend.

The conclusion plays out as expected. There’s a few images that will jump out to readers. None might be bigger than a Luthor panel and the final page. Both spell disaster for the Man of Steel. They both will have fans attention in the upcoming months as well.


“House Of Brainiac” closes in an explosive finale. Williamson gifts fans with big action and stronger heroics with the writing. Sandoval, Sánchez and Maher construct a electric and chaotic showdown with the art. As impactful as that is, just wait for the final page!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #15. Thanks for reading!


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For this entry, the stat quo of Gotham City has changed. The battle of “Batmen” is over. Bruce Wayne has defeated his android version of himself. Now comes the hard part.

Since “Knight Terrors”, Batman’s actions have divided his family and the trust of the people. Bruce has a lot of healing and reflection in his future. Plus, there are a few leftover issues to deal with. One of which is a young clone of himself.

BATMAN #149 by Chip Zdarsky, Michele Bandini, Steve Lieber, Nick Filardi, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) brings forth a challenge Bruce Wayne may not be ready to handle (even with prep time).

Let’s take a closer look at the fallout.

BATMAN #149 by Chip Zdarsky, Michele Bandini, Steve Lieber, Nick Filardi, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) Cover: Jorge Jiménez


Coming off the heels of major events, Zdarsky walks readers through a reflective stage. With his greatest creation leaving behind a clone, the writing takes he audience into the re-emergence of Bruce Wayne. There is no ultimate vengeance machine. No great detective with an easy fix. In this story, a simple human trying to do the right thing against all odds. Welcome back Bruce.

Once the final thread is completed, Zdarsky sets up a new phase of the Bat-Family. The chapter almost feels like a final issue with how the closing act is written. Time has passed. Healing has begun. Most importantly, Zdarsky brings back Batman’s biggest strength. Batman gets back to basics as Gotham’s protector with a new mission at hand. It is one readers have been waiting for , even with dark times ahead.

The art teams close the “clone saga” off with displays of emotion from the Dark Knight. Seeing himself pass before his eyes haunts Wayne’s actions through the issue. There is a strong full page conclusion to that portion of the book. What follows next is a return to basics. A near full page splash of the Dark Knight back in action will excite readers.

A final visitor will leave an impression on the readers with the panels. The conversation is one that comes across genuine and honest considering the recent few sagas. With a simple panel image, the story ends with much inspiration that, at last, the long road to redemption has come to its destination.


With the life and times of Bruce Wayne being in flux with the Failsafe fallout, this issue gives readers a much needed reset. Zdarsky weaves endings for lingering themes with the writing. The art teams project the return of the Bruce Wayne with a fair share of drama and hope. As dark times are coming, the Caped Crusader is finally in a place to properly handle them.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #149. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, the first family of Gotham are down but not out. Man-Bat has emerged as the mastermind of a new “revolution” in Batman’s city. Robin has had ghosts from his past re-emerge. A lost love with an agenda. Another with a score to settle.

Suffice to say, the dynamic duo has their hands full!

BATMAN AND ROBIN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Simone Di Meo, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro and Steve Wands (DC Comics) sees both heroes poised to the brink.

Let’s not delay any longer and dive into the action.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Simone Di Meo, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro and Steve Wands (DC Comics)


The chapter opens with Man-Bat gloating about his perceived victory. Flying through the Gotham skyline, he has a prisoner in tow. Batman is shackled and along for the ride. This is ended by a flying “R” which hits the chains.

Now freed, The Dynamic Duo is back! Man-Bat’s cult leads an attack but is easily thwarted. In it aftermath, a call is made. Batman continues to go after Man-Bat. Robin is in chase to stop the hundreds of toxic-infected bats flying into the city. Can they save the day yet again?

Readers ride-along as the pair heads right into danger. Pacing ushers the excitement to a steady confrontation. In its’ wake, some loose ends are tied up. More importantly, some other avenues of adventure are left open. None will be more important than the final page reveal. A dark moment in the Wayne family is about to be revisited. Get Ready!

Williamson presents a steady finale to the current arc. Since it's beginning, the series has been anchored by the rebuilding family bond. With this chapter, the pair make great strides forward. Seeing the dialogue with Robin calling the shots was a strong point of change.

The conclusion of conflict was also another highlight. The writing kept things progressing with ease as the pair took the upper hand. It's fallout circles back to their struggles of rebuilding. The moment is poignant as to letting much needed healing starts (however short lived). It's another factor of why this series stands out from the other Bat books.

Art duties are split again which both teams leaving memorable images. De Meo and Niro kicks the story into gear with a gorgeous two page splash. Man-Bat’s depiction here carries a distinct horror feel. This leads into another two page spread that kicks off the final stand in style.

The family gets a quiet moment to regroup after everything via Čižmešija and Locus. Readers see the slow repair of the family’s broken bond via the emotions. It is a fleeting moment due to the set-up for the close, but hits its’ mark. The full page shot to conclude the issue with will most certainly have fans talking after witnessing it.


With not a moment to spare, Gotham’s most famous father and son aim to end Man-Bat’s schemes once and for all. Williamson stacks the deck with a balance of family drama and fast paced action. The art teams craft a solid finale with more clues to where the pair’s journey to healing and heroics lead. There’s much to enjoy with this series!

Hit me up on ODPHpod socials and let me know your thoughts on Batman And Robin #10. Thanks for reading!


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For this entry, it's a showdown of Dark Knights! In one corner is Bruce Wayne. Standing across from his is his worst nightmare come to life. Failsafe is a robotic figure uploaded with Zur-En-Arh. The remorseless backup personality of Batman has ousted Wayne from his role as Gotham’s protector.

With Gotham City slipping further in Failsafe 's control, Batman takes one last attempt to stop his greatest creation.

BATMAN #148 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) sets out to determine who will be the Dark Knight once and for all!

Let's not wait any longer and check out this main event showdown!

BATMAN #148 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS)


The chapter opens up with a flashback sequence. A young Bruce Wayne is getting taught by Daniel Captio. The lesson delves into the creation of back up personalities. Bruce is very against this. Captio explains how this can only help in his quest for vengeance.

Fast forward to the present and Bruce’s reservations prove to be true. With Failsafe running loose in Gotham, Batman prepares to make his stand. Tim Drake lowers into a cave. Bruce gives the signal to contact “The Family”.

Meanwhile, Damian Wayne has become a prisoner to Failsafe and his new “Robin.” Damian gives fair warning about what he is going to do. Failsafe ends his attempt for help with a pre-set trap. The new Dynamic Dup is poised to “Cure” Gotham.

Readers see the key players set in place as the roads lead to one stop. Before that gets there, a LONG overdue plot point is addressed. Before battle, Bruce does something which many fans have been waiting to see since “Knight Terrors” ended.

From that moment, it is game on! Blackgate Prison becomes center stage. Batman vs. Failsafe! Winner take all! The action speeds things at a high pace. Multiple characters are featured in between the action. Its’ resolution is a surprise one but pays off big. This leads into another confrontation that cements the winner’s status as Gotham’s protector. The final page is a perfect send-off to where this chapter closes.

Zdarsky gives readers a massive payoff for a few threads he has been placing in his run. Captio lurking throughout this saga finally has a good purpose with the conclusion. There is a solid sequence in the closing act where the teacher becomes the student in their dialogue.

The writings’ strength is the long overdue conversation between Bruce and the Bat-Family. In Zdarsky’s run, their relationship has been continuously fractured. Before combat, Bruce does the one thing that many have been waiting for. This leads into a grounded moment that can only go upward. The resolution is very smart and gives a fitting end to this story for now. There’s a lot for superhero fans to enjoy with this one.

Jiménez and Morey feature Bruce in a rotating emotional state. The meeting with the Bat Family ranges from disappointment to new found confidence. This rolls into the final showdown flawlessly. The full page image of Batman at Blackgate changes the mood instantly. Action spirals out of organized chaos with the multiple battles taking place. There is absolutely no way to be let down by the panels featured. The chapter is closed off with an iconic shot that ushers in the next phase of the first family of Gotham. Nothing but win.


The Fall and Rise of Bruce Wayne comes to a fever pitch with this strong finale. Zdarsky dives into a few themes that hit their marks with a bullseye. Jiménez, Morey and Cowles hold nothing back when it comes to the action and danger in a face-off fans won’t want to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #148. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, a combustible duo finally explodes. Superman and Lobo became unlikely allies in pursuit of Brainiac. The Collector of Worlds has a Czarnian army at his disposal. He also has some members of the Super Family as prisoners.

With common interest in Brainiac’s plans, the “Main Men Of Steel” begin their chase. The partnership seemed to be working well until an offer was made that one couldn’t say no to.

SUPERMAN #14 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS) sees the fallout of the proposal and how that spells doom for defeating Brainiac.

Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

SUPERMAN #14 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS)


In space, everyone can hear a punch. Lobo and Superman are throwing down at the Hardcore station. General Chacal offered Lobo to be the new leader of his army of Czarnians. To lock up the “House of Lobo”, The Main Man must take out Superman. Let the fight begin!

During their brawl, Supes tries reasoning with Lobo. He brings up how Chacal is using him. Lobo denies the claims. In this moment, Chacal captures Superman. Chacal gives Superman some fire as a slip of the tongue proves Superman was right. The group brings Superman right to Brainiac’s ship.

On board, Lex Luthor and Supergirl are on the run in Colu, the home city of Brainiac (long thought destroyed). While evading detection, Luthor answers a question looming: Why was he working with Brainiac. The answer isn’t cut and dry, but it’s a Lex answer. An unlikely hero jumps into their path to help save them for now, but is it too late?

The closing moments packs quite the impact. Readers will be in shock and awe of what Brainiac has done. A new factor has entered this equation. It makes an immediate impact, leaving any witnesses knowing that their end is near. Once fans see that final page, there is no doubt events went from bad to worse for Superman.

SUPERMAN #14 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS) - Cover: Salvador Larroca

The true emergence of Evil. Williamson does an excellent build towards Brainiac’s reveal. The throwdown with Lobo and Superman plays right into the manipulations theme of this event. Chacal’s scheming his its mark. The result becomes more than is bargained for. This is amplified by the conversation with Luthor and Supergirl.

Seeing Lex appear to be concerned for Brainiac’s plans speaks volumes. It all combines for a shocking final act. Once the new entity makes their presence known, the writing leaves no pause for their arrival. It is a brutal conclusion mixed with shocking reactions. Fans will be on edge until the next chapter drops.

The art team gifts readers with gigantic images throughout this issue. Explosive two page splashes back to back sets the Superman and Lobo fight into high gear. It is balanced with the facial reactions of Luthor. While running from Brainiac’s forces, the emotions range from worried to concerned.

Arguably the issue’s stongest work is the closing act. Another two page full splash starts Brainiac’s final plans. The result is treated with a dynamic two page spread. It clearly delivers on the danger and carnage Brainiac has just unleashed. The chapter is perfectly capped off with a full page visual that leaves a bold statement until the “House of Brainiac” resumes.


With deceptions abound, Superman finds himself in front of a new evil that he might not be able to stop. Williamson constructs an incredible read with action and answers filling the bill. The art team elevates the conflicts and challenges to new levels. A new threat to the DCU has arrived and fans might not be ready for what’s next!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #14. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of the Original Emerald Crusader. During this story, Alan Scott has taken on all challenges. A former lover. A closed minded society. A destiny that cannot be denied. Now with the odds stacked against him, it appears that maybe there will be a light of hope at the end of the dark tunnel.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #6 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Matt Herms, Jordi Tarragona and Lucas Gattoni (DC COMICS) brings the action before closing out this chapter in Alan Scott’s legendary career.

Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the finale.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #6 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Matt Herms, Jordi Tarragona and Lucas Gattoni (DC COMICS) - Cover: David Talaski


The chapter begins in present time with Scott narrating this story to a mysterious figure.

In the past, the relationship between Alan Scott and Vladimir Sokov aka John Ladd is extremely complex. Sokov had been working as a spy. Infused with the powers of a Red Lantern, Sokov has turned his attention to eliminate his former lover.

Plans have not gone as expected. Scott has bested Sokov through all the personal attacks. Unfortunately, this has not won victory. The Crimson Host has arrived to take care of Sokov and Scott. Luckily, Scott has some powerful friends watching his back: the JSA!

The action starts fast as both group throw down. Sokov’s powers are fading fast without a recharge. Scott is doing all he can to fend off the threat. However, Major Blaze halts his progress. Sokov jumps in for the safe but it’s not enough. The powerful figure starts unloading on Sokov and kills him in the process!

Readers watch as the emotions pour out of Scott. The rage is unleashed. Is it enough? A shocking event occurs that enters the battlefield. Its’ result is one that will catch readers off-guard. This sends the story into a more personal reaction as Scott comes to grips with what just transpired. It closes one area but leads to a very strong final act.

After the events that Scott has had to endure, there is still one enemy that he must face alone. The closing pages set that last conflict up with a defiant Scott refusing to back down. Its’ epilogue completes a soul’s journey into becoming what many have seen all along: Scott as a hero and a symbol of strength.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #6 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Matt Herms, Jordi Tarragona and Lucas Gattoni (DC COMICS) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Sheridan leaves this point of Scott’s life with validation and grace. The conflict with Sokov has had many layers involved. With their last stand, the writing leans into Scott’s feelings and pits them against his duties. The results leave Scott in a much stronger place heading into the close.

The issue’s most powerful moment is one addressing Scott’s conflict with society. Scott handles this issue with powerful words. The dialogue reinforces the emergence of Scott as more than just a hero. Standing up for who is without fear is the most heroic action he can ever take. This leads to a revelation of who’s listening to the story that will please fans. It is a moment that will connect with many. As this unfolds, the closing dialogue solidifies what everyone has seen in this entire series: the emergence of unbreakable will through adversity.

Tormey, Herms, Tarragona and Gattoni waste no pages gifting the action to readers. There’s an incredible two page splash to open up events. The battle with Sokov and Blaze screams of intensity and anger. This is reflected in Scott’s powers unleashed in a half page set-up. Its’ ending is mixed with shorter panels and the former lovers understand the end has arrived.

Panels are also gifted with the pure emotional reactions of Scott’s heart breaking and rebuilding itself. Once the reveal of the figure in present time is completed, the images shine with the release of the building drama. The closing pages tie up loose ends very well. This is all topped off with a full page visual that caps off the epic saga in solid fashion.


What makes a hero? That question is definitively answered in this final chapter. Sheridan’s superb writing invokes the grit and determination of Scott’s unbreakable will. Tormey, Herms, Tarragona and Gattoni flood the pages with exciting imagery. Readers will leave knowing no power is greater than love.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #6. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, “House Of Brainiac” has been on the minds of many comic fans. Brainiac has orchestrated Czarnians coming to Earth. The ruthless aliens made an immediate impact. Some of the “Super Family” are taken off the board during the encounter. This has led many to ask: “How does Superman fight back?”

He enlists an unlikely “partner” who knows a thing or two about Czarnians. The Main Man has now teamed up with The Man Of Steel. Lobo and Superman are in pursuit. Will it be enough to thwart Brainiac and … Lex Luthor?

ACTION COMICS #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) provides the next stop on the road to “Absolute Power”.

Let’s take a closer look at how things look now.

ACTION COMICS #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


Lex Luthor and Brainiac converse over Brainiac’s true plans. The conversation is tense with Brainiac not divulging a great deal. Luthor switches topics to the Czarnian role in this scheme. Brainiac stays tight lipped as he knows a fight is about to happen.

The story switches to Superman and Lobo. The unlikely duo is in hot pursuit of the missing Super family members. In their way is the army of Czarnians Brainiac has unleashed. General Chacal seems to have under-estimated the Man of Steel as the fighing unfolds. Destroying their space hogs, the pair escapes.

Meanwhile, Supergirl and Conner Kent have escaped from Brainiac’s holding cell. Being miniature size doesn’t help their cause. Getting some unlikely help, the pair returns to normal size after dodging danger. With a small team in place, they make a run to take over the ship. This fails to succeed as Brainiac confronts them. With prisoners back in control, the unthinkable is revealed.

Readers watch as Brainiac reveals a secret that sends shockwaves. What has the collector of worlds been working on? As for our heroes, the unlikely duo is halted in their travels. A proposal is made that might be the breaking point of Superman and Lobo’s team-up. With a definitive final panel, the direction of events has drastically changed.

There is also a back-up story by Williamson, Mirko Colak, Mike Spicer, and Sharpe that dives into a forgotten Brainiac: Vril Dox of L.E.G.I.ON. Fame.

ACTION COMICS #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) - Cover: Jorge Jimenez

Williamson plays into the uneasiness between the Main Man and Man Of Steel. At the first exposure, they are working in unison. Lobo’s influence is starting to grow on Superman with his actions. This carries through on their trek to find Brainiac. Once readers think there is a level of loyalty, the writing reflects how this pair is a ticking timebomb from exploding. Once the new offer is made, the match becomes lit.

Brainiac’s time is centered around his goal. The reveal is a monster one knowing the character. Williamson almost makes it a sympathetic gesture by the collector of Worlds. This becomes quickly dismayed as the heroes ignore the reason and continue their fight. The dialogue shows Brainiac back to full form and this spells nothing but a win for readers.

Sandoval and Mendonca welcome in the action with a fantastic two page full splash. Lobo’s reaction to Superman calling the shots makes for a fun break in the story. Readers see this is short lived later in the book. The art captures the Czarnians deviousness as they confront the pair. The closing page tips off how fast things have broken down. It’s a great parting moment to usher in the next chapter.

Supergirl’s mission also delivers on strong panels. The face off with the Doomsday Wolves exemplifies the danger she and Connor wind up in. The return to form is given a solid near full page moment. Its’ following imagery spotlights Brainiac’s reveal. The exposed secret feels like a big event due to the art. It’s a great compliment to the story as it causes a new direction to be taken.


DC’s current Odd Couple walks in thin ice as Brainiac reveals his master scheme in this chapter. Williamson brings out the humor and harsh reality with the writing. Sandoval, Mendonca and Sharpe balance out the big events with fantastic art. This crossover is heading into different routes so hop on board before it’s too late.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Action Comics #1065. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, the landscape of Gotham City has changed. Bruce Wayne is on the run. In his place is his own worst nightmare. A new Batman has taken over. Its’ methods are extreme. How is Gotham City handling all of this change? Can Bruce find a way to stop something that knows his moves like no other?

BATMAN #147 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (backup story: Zdarsky, Cowles, Miguel Mendonca and Eren Angiolini) seeks to answer those questions as a major force has now gotten involved.

Let’s not delay and take a closer look at what’s happening.

BATMAN #147 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (backup story: Zdarsky, Cowles, Miguel Mendonca and Eren Angiolini) - DC COMICS


The chapter begins with Damian Wayne checking in on his “father”. However, readers know all too well this is not Bruce Wayne. This is FAILSAFE, an unstoppable version of Batman with Zur-En-Arh as its’ personality.

Batman has cracked into every electronic device in Gotham City. This serves as fuel to his twisted version of protecting the citizens. Damian is all too excited to be reconnecting with his dad on their missons. The feelings aren’t mutual as Failsafe brushes them off. Something has drawn the machines attention away….

Readers find out that the reason is Gotham’s new Police Commissioner. His name is VANDAL SAVAGE! Savage addresses the city. A protester takes aim and fires a gunshot. Batman jumps in front and subdues the attacker. Savage and Batman have a public stand-off with the world watching.

One of those people: Amanda Waller. Waller sees the big picture. How does this Batman fit into her plans? And what of Bruce Wayne? On the run and outmatched by his own creation, Wayne takes things back to basics as he tries reclaiming his identity.

Wayne gets a familiar assistant to help on his new plan. Timing couldn’t be better. Waller is making moves that only spell disaster for Batman. With Failsafe growing its’ strength every day, the final image gives some hope that all might not be lost. Buckle in as things are about to get moving very, very fast.

BATMAN #147 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (backup story: Zdarsky, Cowles, Miguel Mendonca and Eren Angiolini) - DC COMICS

Zdarsky juggles around many multiple personalities in this chapter. The addition of Amanda Waller elevates Failsafe’s impact on Gotham. Knowing that “Absolute Power” is a short time away, their conversation comes off as a moment that lights the match for a bigger explosion. Failsafe’s reactions to their talk reflects Batman’s demeanor which is no stranger to Waller. How this ultimately plays out should be exciting.

Bruce’s portion of the story tells a few themes. The overall isolation he puts himself through carries a heavy weight. Seeing the reluctance for help ties back into how Bats feels he is the only option to save the day. Zdarsky provides a needed reset with who joins Bat’s cause. Their interactions prove to be the catalyst for the road to redemption.

Jiménez and Morey give Damian Wayne fans much to rave about. Damian’s big fight moment is started with a near full page image. This leads into a big revelation later in the book. Once that information sinks in, the art team instantly switches his emotions from happy to rageful. Failsafe provides an introduction to a new character via a bold full page debut.

Bruce is also displaying his emotions of doubt with a much-needed talk. The panels mirror the realization of what he has done. It also gives readers a sense that he Can’t win this fight. However, their fears are put to ease with the closing page. The full image sets the tone for what’s coming next with a strong mic drop moment.


With Gotham and his confidence slipping further away, Bruce Wayne gets some much needed help to reclaim his city and identity. Zdarsky sets up some unique pairings with the writing. Jiménez, Morey and Cowles grant fans a vivid picture of the new era of justice along with a glimmer of hope. A showdown is brewing that cannot be missed!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #147. Thanks for reading.