Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the saga of a half man, half god, all killing machine has returned. Spawning into a live action & anime series, the adventures of B (aka Unute) continue to draw attention on a greater scale.

Heading back into the comic shops is a brand new story. It is even more special due to the fact that the original creative team have returned for this project. This is the first time since the conclusion of the original series in March of 2023.

BRZRKR: The Lost Book of B #1 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins (BOOM! Studios) focuses on a lost chapter in B's legacy.

Let’s take a deeper look at how this chapter fares.

BRZRKR: The Lost Book of B #1 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins (BOOM! Studios)


Kindt and Reeves blend the historic aspects of Genghis Khan into the unruly violence that follows B wherever he goes. Seeing the strategy used to recruit B plays well into the lore of the conquering dictator.

Readers watch as the offer of power is great for some but what is it ultimately to a half god? It's a question that applies some ethics in-between the many stages of brutality displayed.

There are some very creative devices planted firmly into this chapter. One that comes to mind involves a catapult. It ushers in a defining moment for B while mixing up the familiar formula of attack, destroy, repeat. Once events shift gears, pacing does move very rapidly.

In a sense, the shift fully showcases how even power isn't the most valuable asset to someone. The fallout from the closing act is as expected. It leaves things as mysterious as the lead character is. There is no doubt there are more chapters to be written on an already impactful legacy in the making.

Garney and Crabtree return with the intense imagery this series is known for. The story doesn't wait long to unleash B's fury. A near half panel announces an angry Unute into action. Panels becomes consumed with the violence on hand. It is not one for the weak of heart. The views effect the savagery of barbaric times. This feels like a familiar realm for B with his untamed association with violence.

The "calmer" times let readers in on Khan's over-confidence. The expressions being made show a man who thinks he's in full control. As events unfold further, the blind confidence becomes oblivious to what's on its way. Once the closing act kicks in, the art team goes bold to usher in the closing.

From a close-up on B's eyes to the pain he soon after inflicts, nothing escapes the reader as his pain is dished out on the masses. The closing pages set a more tame tone as this chapter closes. It's a fitting end with a bird flying with a message. Readers will have much to divulge and enjoy with this return to form.


The latest trip into Unute's trail of violence is flooded with familiar themes of redemption through pain. Kindt and Reeves construct a layered insight into the man behind the constant mayhem. Garney's fierce visuals expose Unute at his purest nature. It's a strong read that is a welcomed addition into the ever-growing legacy of a conflicted half man and half god.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on BRZRKR: The Lost Book Of B #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we are returning to the BRZRKR universe from BOOM! Studios for an all new adventure. The story of B aka Unute just wrapped up its’ debut run but that was far from the conclusion of the character. With projects tagged to Netflix still in the works (pre SGA strike), there is much for fans to look forward to.

Leading the way is BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES (“John Wick”, “The Matrix”), Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire. Where do the adventures of Unute take readers this time? Let’s take a closer look and see how this Kickstarter project to LCS staple shapes up!

Editor Note: If you are new to the series, BRZRKR is an ultra-violent series and some panels aren’t suitable for a younger audience. Discretion is advised.

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)


The story begins in Atlantis. A narrator explains for the mystique of Atlantis’ riches have brought out some unsavory characters trying to claim the resources for their own. Zubatai (The Narrator) greets the army storming the gates. She gives them a warning if they proceeed. The savages laugh it off. Zubatai responds with unleashing the King’s Guard: the half Man, half Mortal, All Killing force of nature known as Unute, the Berserker!

One man verses thousands doesn’t sound like fair odds. However, it’s not fair odds for the thousands. The violence is unleashed as Unute takes the fight to the invaders in graphic fashion. When the conflict finally ends, it is Unute as the last man standing.

As he is paraded around the city to a hero’s welcome, Unute is greeted by King Azaes, whom they share a pivotal moment with the readers. Lurking in the background is Visane, a priest who Unute sense danger around.

Later in the evening, Unute stumbles upon a robbery of highly important objects. With the preist looks as the prime suspect, unute makes his way to confront him.

Once he arrives, Unute walks into a surprise situation that leads to nothing but trouble. What dangers have been unlocked? Can Unute stop them? What will be the future of the Kingdom now? Readers get set for another does of drama and ultra violence as Unute does what he does best. The conclusion brings a definite close to what should be a pleasing tale for fans from this series.

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)

BREAKDOWN: Reeves doesn’t stray too far from the formula of previous issues of the brutal saga. If anything, this story has more moments of light-hearted dialogue than in recent memory. There is a bit of random swearing mixed in that works for some scenes but feels awkward in other stages.

Unute still connects as a troubled force of nature. Reeves scatters in more “human” elements with the flashback sequences of him filling in as a “father-Figure” to King Azaes. This plays heavy into the closing act, which ties up all loose ends before its’ conclusion. Readers who want the big action will not be let down as Reeves delivers on those larger-than-life times for a good majority of this issue. There’s absolutely nothing wrong as any long time reader of the series knows. If you want action, look no further.

Skroce steps in for art duties and spares no expense with the sheer brutality of Unute. The initial onslaught is a graphic two-page spread that readers witness limbs torn and cut off. Normally, this might be a bit much, but this fits Unute’s world to the letter. Skroce focus on the details of Unute’s regeneration as he heals up from the viciousness of battle. The gradual progression gives readers a sense of how things work concerning Unute.

They are gifted a wild scenario for the final battle. Unute’s big opponent gives the box office sense of epic once it enters the story. Even with the noticable difference in structure, the battle brings the same energy as only a BRZRKER story can. Great final one page panel to wrap things up with until we see Unute appear again.

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)

BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest - Art Credit: Boom! Studios)


Unute’s return after the debut series conclusion sends the title character into a familiar realm. Reeves pens the story with a sense of action leading its way. Skroce and the team bring the vividly imaginative tale to life with unforgiving fight scenes fitting for the half-man, half god. If you’re a fan of BRZRKR, you won’t be disappointed with this issue.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts of BRZRKR: Poetry Of Madness. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of one of the most high-profile Kickstarter books in recent memory which has been released to the local comic shops via Boom! Studios. Considering who is the mastermind behind it, there’s no question why it’s getting the (rightfully deserved) attention it is. BRZRKR #12 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree for Boom Studios brings to close (in this format) the saga of B, half man, half god, all 100% walking violence. The story has been a brutal journey thru the eyes of an immortal who’s seen enough and looking for a way out. With the events of last issue, all bets are off as to where B’s story concludes for now.

Before we get started with the review, the images featured here may be too violent and graphic for younger readers. Viewing discretion is advised. That said, if you’re still good to go, let’s get the review started, shall we?


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


The story of B (aka Unute) has been drenched in mystery and violence for decades. In present day, B has aligned himself with the US Government as a human demolition derby for some of their most highly dangerous missions. B’s payment has been assistance in finding a way to end his immortal life. Dr. Caudwell has been supervising B’s missions in a way to cover up his own devious interest in B. Meanwhile Dr. Diana Ahuja has been B’s only ally throughout this period.

At last we witnessed B, Caudwell was going to a possible location with secrets to possibl end B’s life. Meanwhile, B had just traveled thru his own existence, making a connection with Diana in the form of a massive blast of energy. Witnessing this latest action, Caudwell finally enacts his master scheme of stealing B’s power. Caudwell siphons the energy from a magical bird impaling B for his energy. If not for Diana, B would truly be dead. Instead, an apparently mortal B and Diana now need to face a powered Caudwell, who has emgered from a chamber crackling with energy. The final battle appears to be at hand.

This issue kicks off with Caudwell and his cult followers facing off with the government forces. B and Diana head into battle with Diana being the super-powered being of the pair now. When B is injured in the fight, Diana steps up and brutally handles Caudwell in a scene that isn’t meant for the squeamish. With Caudwell handled, the pair escape with Keever, a soldier who has been partners with B for many missions. Tying up loose ends, Keever gives the order to wipe everything away. The escaped is shadwoed by bomber jets unloading an arsenal on everything in the battle location.

The lives and B and Diana is changed forever in a way that readers will be intrigued to see play out. Life doesn’t return to normal as B and Diana are considered loose ends that need to be wrapped up in the same way of wiping Caudwell’s secrets off the map. Their manner of handling that aspect leads them to a new status quo but not one without problems.

The conclusion of the story is one that has many layers to it. There is a definite answer to questions that have lingered since the start of the series. There are also some new directions left open to travel down with a few plot points kept open-ended by the final page. Readers will have much to talk about following this finale as it’s a safe bet they haven’t seen the last of this franchise in comic form.


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios

BREAKDOWN: Reeves and Kindt deliver on a big action finale to the present story while leaving the door open to return should they decide to return. The issue opens up big with tremendous action. The battle with Diana and Caudwell serves its purpose and drops a thunderous close to that plot-line. Post fight is where they move things into uncharted territory. Both B and Diana have to face an unclear future with a huge change in plans for both. It is a huge game-changer that needs to be unspoiled, but once created, takes the story into a very poignant direction moving forward. The writing adds many levels to the final moments which tie certain plots together nicely. Certain elements become full circle. They also pace things out to where the issue feels as a “so long for now” instead of a full “good bye”. It’s not a bad thing but one that will keep readers guessing as to where events move from here.

Garney brings the same intensity to the fighting that this series has become known for. The panels with Diana facing off against Caudwell are as in your face as they come. The damage inflicted holds little back to readers. It sets an early tone that is revisted later when more fighting ensues. B’s life has been centered around conflict and fighting since its’ beginning. The imagery wastes no time in reflecting that, even in more individual standoffs (one especially noteworthy with Keever). Garney levels this off with more emotional moments with Diana and B’s new direction. Without revealing too much, their lives become more complicated after Caudwell’s apparent demise. The reactions to the domino-like effect shines thru leading to a lasting parting shot with many questions coming from it.


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree (Cover: Alex Maleev)

Credit: Boom Studios

FINAL POINT: BRZRKR has always been a complex tale that delves into the man behind the rage. It has been anything but your average comic story. Not surprising, Reeves, Kindt, Garney and the team present a compelling ending mixed with solid writing and excellent art. The saga of B finally reaches its’ final destination with a closing chapter that will please longtime readers of the series. Make sure to keep an eye out for this book on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #12. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re at the pen-ultimate issue of a series that has created some big hype heading into 2023. BRZRKR #11 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree for Boom Studios has been a violent voyage alongside B, the half man, half god, all destructive force. B’s quest to end his existence has taken many twists and turns since the book was announced on Kickstarter a few years ago, With more projects spawning out from this series over the next few years, there are quite a few eyes watching this book. Let’s take a deeper dive and see what is going on before next issue’s finale, shall we?

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios


The story centers around B and his quest to end his immortal existence after decades of fighting. B sides with the government. Over the course of the series, B (aka Unute) has been handling dangerous missions under the eye of Dr. Caudwell and his only ally Diana who are trying to solve his mystery. After taking a trip through his own existence, Diana has now become connected to B via an energy blast. There’s little time to process this as B has been set up by Caudwell for his own nefarious ways. Caudwell is trying to take B’s powers for his own gains. B has now been led to a location where secrets of how to end his life may be held. After uncovering a bird that can take away his power, B faces his fate.

This issue opens up with Caudwell’s forces watching in awe of what is unfolding with B. Unexpectedly, they have some party crashes who make their way to the site. All the while, B is being tore apart by the bird, which is growing in size due to the energy it’s absorbing. Diana is talking with B telepathically trying to make some sense of all this but B is insistent on seeing this thru. Caudwell watches and locks himself in a chamber to avoid the situation and make his next move.

What unfolds next will be absolute chaos. Cult members square off with the military unit with B and Diana in the crossfire dealing with the bird draining the power. Readers bare witness to Caudwell making a play that changes everything. What does he do and how does B and Diana react? Is B still a faction after dealing with the leaching bird? There are many thoughts readers will be trying to process as the last panel sets up for what is sure to be a memorable ending.

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios

Reeves and Kindt set up the finale with a fast moving plot. Seeing the buildup for B’s possible demise was presented well. The emphasis driving the panels was very clear. The moment felt huge and it reflected in the artwork. Seeing Caudwell’s plan unfold paid off as well. His defiance in the face of the attacks unfolding will stand out to readers. Pacing sped up at this stage as the first half of the issue was driven by the attention to B’s struggles. The repercussions from his plan looks to have all the makings for a noteworthy conclusion.

Garney creates brilliant imagery to exemplify B’s ordeal. There were a few full page panels showing the power running thru B as the bird was drawing the energy away. Diana and B crashing back to the ground from this also stood out. These moments felt huge as it carried the weight of the major plot point. Caudwell’s repercussions will also jump out to readers. Those panels feel manic and connect readers to the unstable environment now created. The final image will have readers amped up for what’s about to unfold in the final chapter.

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #11 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney and Bill Crabtree

Credit: Boom Studios

FINAL POINT: The stage is set to close out B’s violent journey with an issue that conveys the enormous burden B has and what unfolds when tampered with. Reeves, Kindt, Garney and the team welcome readers to the end with strong storytelling and impactful artwork. Don’t miss this book at the local comic shop this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Brzrkr #11. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re heading towards the conclusion of one of the most buzzworthy comics at the LCS! BRZRKR #10 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins for Boom Studios continues to forge its’ violent saga of B, half man, half god. The story has definitely gone into some shocking directions and continues to impress. With three issues left, let’s see how this book prepares to conclude their comic chapter (as they have some spinoff projects in the works), shall we?

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios


Where we start, B (or Unute) is healing up from the experiences over the last few issues. His only friend/doctor Diana now has developed powers due to exposure from the radiation explosion from B’s situation. They are talking telepathically now and coming to term on all the changes and where they’re heading to next. This concerns and fascinates Dr. Caudwell, who’s been using B since the beginning of the story. Seeing that Diana now has abilites is an X factor he wasn’t expecting.

While allowing B to heal up, all the major players are setting up plans for what will be the final mission in uncovering B’s secret. With a venture to the location of where B thinks his secrets are buried. Will B be able to handle what is uncovered. What is Caudwell planning now that the end appears to be near? Plus just wait till you see the final page! Readers are NOT ready to see how this issue sets things up moving forward.

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Reeves and Kindt are setting thins in motion for the final trek. B’s story continues to move where readers are constantly guessing what’s next (which is not a bad thing). This issue keeps up that tradition with some misdirection. The biggest mystery has now shifted towards Diana. It appears she might be playing both sides against each other at one stage, but seems like she’s already chosen her ally. The main point of this issue will have readers buzzing as where it leads, I’m not sure anyone saw coming. That’s one thing to note about the writing with this book: Nothing is out of the question when it comes to the mystery of B.

Garney extends the strong work with another great issue. Right from the start, readers can sense the psychic conversation between B and Diana without tipping too much off to Caudwell. It’s great visual storytelling. Walkign the readers thru Caudwell’s planning while B was recovering also stood out. He was never tipping off too much to anyone, especially to the readers. That said, all will more than likely be overshadowed by this issue’s conclusion. It’s a huge exclamation point to put on the issue and sets the countdown to the end fully in motion.

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, BRZRKR #10 moves the story along with a chapter that feels like the calm before the storm. The creative team puts the key players into position where once the final moment begins, it will be a non stop run to the finish. Check this book out when you’re at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #10. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this edition, we’re nearing the end of a very intriguing series from Boom Studios. BRZRKR #9 by Keanu Reeves (yes, THAT Keanu Reeves), Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins has been an exciting read into the life of B, a half man/half god and his search to find an end to his immortal life. The story has gone in a few different directions than one would expect but it’s been a solid read each time out. Let’s check out where the latest chapter is taking us this time, shall we?

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios


Last issue showed how B went missing from the experiments of Dr. Caudwell, who revealed his evil mater plan. Where readers jump in, it appears as B has finally connected with his father on a whole other realm. However that reunion is cut short as B is pulled back to Earth without a ton of answers he was looking for. Is anyone really prepared for how B handles this moment? Meanwhile, Diana, B’s only “friend” in the government agency working with him is in a containment tank after being exposed to energy radiating from an explosion involving B.

Once B returns, readers get a very blunt, brutal, in your face look at what B is capable of. How do you stop an unstoppable force? That is the question to ask during these moments. This pleases Caudwell, who is watching all these events and enjoying what he’s seeing. However, an X factor is thrown into the mix that might derail everything. Readers are left with a very puzzling last panel to ponder over.

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

There’s much to talk about with this issue. Reeves & Kindt unleash B in one of the most primal and violent ways readers will ever see in a fight. To drive the point of how intensely important learning B’s secret to clone/adapt was well played. Readers fully get why Caudwell is happy to see the “progress” unfold in this issue. The short family reunion served its’ purpose to light the match known as B’s rage. Once B thinks he will finally get some answers, they are denied once again and he takes that out on anyone in sight. The biggest question is Diana’s involvement in this issue which readers will see that unfold next time.

Garney delivers some of the most violent action you will read in a comic within these pages. B unleashed is a terrifying image to witness and readers get a front row seat for that. There is nothing held back about it. An immortal killing machine unleashed. period. The conversation with ‘dad” worked well here as well, as it drove home B’s anger when he returned to Earth. That last sequence of events does raise some questions and Garney crafts those moments to really have readers talking.

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, BRZRKR #9 sets the final arc off with an intense kick in the teeth. The creative team show B is at his most brutal withan ending that draws up more questions than answers (and that’s not a bad thing). Make sure to check this series out at the LCS this week. Big things are happening towards the conclusion.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #9. As always, Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, it's the return of Valiant Entertainment most legendary besties! Archer and Armstrong Forever #1 by Steve Foxe, Marcio Fiorito, Alex Guimareas and Hassan Otsmane-Elhauo brings back the pair in an all new adventure. It wouldn't be the Year if Valiant without them! Let's check out what the first issue is bringing, shall we?

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 - On sale MAY 4th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+
Written by
Cover A by BERNARD CHANG (featured here)
Cover C by DAN HIPP
Pre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT

Credit: Valiant Entertainment


In case you’re reading Archer & Armstrong for the first time, they have been around the Valiant Universe since it’s inception in 1992. There are some classic stories in that initial run to their reboot in 2012 that are worth checking out from your LCS. Valiant also has a recap 101 page explaining the current basics to new readers in this issue as well.

Archer is a highly skilled martial artist & marksman who’s sole purpose in life was to kill “The Devil” aka Armstrong, an immortal with a knack for drinking and adventures. Once that situation was cleared up when Archer finds out the truth behind the people who raised him, these two became best friends and thus their escapades become the word of legend in Valiant lore.

For this story, Archer has to bail out Armstrong of another situation where SHOCKER Armstrong is dealing with an altercation with people “with some rakes and hoes” who steal his magical satchel while having a few beverages. During this incident, Armstrong’s ear is cut off.

Normally this would be bad, but Armstrong is immortal so it will grow back, right? Apparently not so much. With Armstrong’s immortality in question, the ever noble Archer sets out to find the truth behind this problem. Thus the adventure begins……

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 - On sale MAY 4th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+
Written by
Cover C by DAN HIPP
Pre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 - On sale MAY 4th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+
Written by
Cover C by DAN HIPP
Pre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS ISSUE! Now keep in mind, I’’m an old school Valiant reader & the best friends was one of my favorite books. Seeing how Foxe has brought them back, this issue couldn’t be any more perfect. It has great usage of word bubbles to explain both main characters (see panels below) so throughout the issue, when they’re doing anything noteworthy, there is an explanation or clarification for. The story gives a new twist to “Can an immortal die?” There are some exciting twists to this tale that readers can look forward to with this series.

Fiorito does an excellent job on art duties for this issue. Readers see first hand what Archer is capable of when you mess with his bestie. The description of each fighting move is a nice touch. Seeing the banter between our heroes was another great point of this issue. From Archer’s frustration to Armstrong’s devil may care reactions, this issue had stand-out visuals that really made this a truly fun read.

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 - On sale MAY 4th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+
Written by
Cover C by DAN HIPP
Pre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 - On sale MAY 4th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+
Written by
Cover C by DAN HIPP
Pre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 - On sale MAY 4th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+
Written by
Cover C by DAN HIPP
Pre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Overall, Valiant’s most legendary duo returns to the LCS with a can’t miss issue that will become your favorite book on your pull list. The creative team knocks it out of the park with this issue. For older readers, it captures everything you love about A&A. If you’re new to these characters, it gives you a fun and exciting adventure to jump on board with. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS BOOK!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Archer & Armstrong Forever #1. As always, Thanks for reading Parlay Points!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition, we’re checking out the latest installment of one of the most unique series at the shops.

BRZRKR #8 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins for Boom Studios has been a wild story of B, an immortal half man and half god who doesn’t want to exist anymore. As this series hits the final stretch, where do readers find our lead character now? Let’s check this issue out and see, shall we?

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios


As B has been working for the government in exchange for finding a way to end his existence. The relationship has become very strained due to the actions of Dr. Caudwell, who has ulterior motives for working with B.

As this issue kicks off, there is an explosion of energy where B had been stationed underground. The blast kills some soldiers working the assignment and the energy taps into Diana, B’s only real “friend” in this arrangement and knocks her out. B is also missing from his chamber. Where this should be considered an absolute disaster is spun as a win by Caudwell. B’s saga during this issue is one readers need to check out for themselves cause… wow, it goes places!

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

Reeves and Kindt continue to take this story in some interesting directions. Caudwell finally unveiling his master plan was a cool twist to the story. It’s one that wasn’t unexpected but it also hits some strong notes on what levels this character will go to achieve his plan. B’s story is also very well set up here. There are many layers to this final arc that will have readers hooked till the end.

Garney delivers on some fantastic art in this issue. The big 2 page explosion scene really jumps off the pages. The panel set-up for B’s story this issue was very creative as well. Using a blank page to build up a moment works well for this issue. Great cliffhanger ending page to cap this issue of as well.

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, BRZRKR #8 answers some outstanding questions while raising more in the process. The saga of B takes some unique paths this issue but readers are guided with ease by the creative team. The book has been a fascinating read while building towards a memorable conclusion. Make sure to pick this book up at your LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #8. As always, thanks for reading.