Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, a classic series is making a triumphant return! The Science Ninja Team Gatchaman series ran from 1972-1974. It left a lasting impression on many fans for its’ unique team and style. It was announced in February of 2024 that Mad Cave Studios would be re-launching the characters with new series!

GATCHAMAN #1 by Cullen Bunn (Shadowman), Chris Batista (Justice League), Carlos Lopez and Buddy Beaudoin looks to forge a new chapter in the Tatsunoko Productions property

Let’s take a closer look at the debut chapter!

GATCHAMAN #1 by Cullen Bunn, Chris Batista, Carlos Lopez and Buddy Beaudoin (Mad Cave Studios)


The issue does a great job of introducing these classic characters to a new audience. Bunn sets up the conflict early before shifting gears into the group dynamic. Knowing there are heroes waiting in the wings, it gives a sense of uncertainty moving to address the city disturbance. Ken, Joe, Jun, Jinpei, and Ryu debut with some action moments then head right into the main course. The story dabbles in the classic superhero themes.

It is everything fans have known and loved about this fandom. The pacing keeps up a high pace once the big showdown commences. Fans are gifted a solid closing cliffhanger. There is much revealed but not anything spoiled to defer readers from flying back for more.

The art carries a strong presence throughout the issue. Science Ninja Team soars into the picture via a two page spread. The introductory page explaining who and what is a great touch that gets right down to business. This builds towards a solid spilt page kicking off the mission at hand.

Once arriving at the disturbance, the art hits the gas pedal, speeding through action panels. Lopez’s coloring brings out the best of Bastisa’s art. There is a certain electricity through the conflict. This builds towards the final pages. With a sense of doubt, the story concludes after a strong superhero tale.


Some may say “G-Force.” Others might go with “Battle of The Planets.” After concluding this first chapter, Gatachman will be the one on readers minds at the comic shops. Bunn sets up a vintage inspired hero story with the writing. Batista and Lopez craft a fantastic visual presence that is sure to win over new and seasoned fans alike. Don’t miss your chance to jump on board for the brand new adventure!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on GATCHAMAN #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the Gatchaman return from Mad Cave Studios continues onward! Following a Free Comic Book Day appearance, the Tatsunoko Productions characters look to invade comic shops in a big way! Along with a new volume dropping this week (Gatchaman #1), there is a one-shot companion book for fans of the classic series.

GATCHAMAN - KEN: DEATHMATCH #1 by Tommy Lee Edwards, Mindy Lee, Giada Marhiso and John Workman gives readers an insight to the franchise member of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman!

Let’s take a deeper dive into this solo story!

GATCHAMAN - KEN: DEATHMATCH #1 by Tommy Lee Edwards, Mindy Lee, Giada Marhiso and John Workman (Mad Cave Studios)


Edwards gives fans a thrilling tale with action and intrigue. Ken’s undercover mission carries high stakes. Fighting his way through, the readers can sense the danger at hand. Once the tale shifts with Galactor’s move, the issue finds its groove.

The issue serves as a great introduction for a great villain: Berg Katse. The writing creates a feel of arrogance and defiance in Katse’s dialogue. Once his plan moves into place, readers get locked in quick. There is plenty of action moments to keep the pacing moving. It never seems to slow down which helps. Once the final act starts, things wind down just enough to realize there is more to this saga after this issue.

Lee and Marhiso give action fans much to look forward to. The initial deathmatch is capped off with a great two page splash. Ken brings the fight with fast moving panels. This gets taken up a few notches once Katse makes his actions known.

The transition with a full page shot of his ship connects with readers as a change is transpiring. Katse’s reactions to his gloating will stand out. It is contrasted by Ken’s disdain. Business picks up once Ken switches into his traditional garb. At this stage, the action is furiously moving. The art doesn’t pause to brake. It dips into quieter moments only to level up more until the close. The parting pages are an excellent walk-off moment for now, but definitely for good.


The franchise of the Gatchaman team steps into the spotlight with a thrilling mission. Edwards keeps the danger moving forward with the writing. Lee, Marhiso and Workman bring the best out of the conflicts with the kinetic art. This is a great introduction for anyone diving into the legendary fandom.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on GATCHAMAN - KEN: DEATHMATCH #1. Thanks for reading!