Rogue Sun


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

In January of 2022, an event debuted spiraling out of the pages of the hit Image Comics series (via Black market Narrative): Radiant Black by Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa. The event welcomed comic readers to new heroes such as Rogue Sun, Inferno Girl Red and The Dead Lucky (via cameo). From that book, an exciting universe was born that has energized fans with its creativity and characters. The event was SuperMassive. The universe was The MassiveVerse!

The fallout from the book kicked off solo series for both Rogue Sun (by Ryan Parrott & Abel) and the Dead Lucky (by Melissa Flores and French Carlomagno). Inferno Girl Red by Mat Groom and Erica D’urso made its’ transition from Kickstarter to Image in January of 2023. With the success of those series alone, fans have been clamoring for the heroes to reunite in another crossover. Their wishes have been granted with another Massiveverse event hitting the local comic shops on May 24th, 2023!

SUPERMASSIVE by KYLE HIGGINS, RYAN PARROTT, MELISSA FLORES, MAT GROOM, DANIELE DI NICUOLO and WALTER BAIAMONTE (editor: Michael Busuttil) brings together the heroes of the MassiveVerse for an epic adventure. Let’s not delay any longer and take a closer look at what’s happening here, shall we?


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


For anyone needing a quick refresher on each character and what they do: Here’s MassiveVerse 101

The story begins Enfield, England in 1412, A battle is taking place between the Rogue Sun of that era and a mysterious figure known as Thomasin. In Rogue Sun’s possession is an obelisk that he is going to great lengths to keep. It is in a losing effort as Rogue Sun is defeated by Thomasin. She takes the obelisk and uses it to open a portal, leading to an unknown location. As she walks thru, she leaves the obelisk behind.

Fast forwarding to present time, Rogue Sun is sneaking into a museum in New York looking for the obelisk which has a personal connection to Caleb Hawthorne. With the object in hand, Rogue Sun flies to Lockport, Illinois to recruit Radiant Black on his latest mission. Readers see an awkward moment with Marshall, Nathan, Caleb and Dylan “meeting” for the first time. All the while, the actions of Rogue Sun have garnered the attention of Morrow and its’ latest security addition: Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka The Dead Lucky.

What is so special about this obelisk? Readers quickly find out it is the key to opening the door to the Holy Grail! With the power that could come from finding it, it is no wonder why all parties have varied vested interest in acquiring it. “With Great power comes great responislbilty” takes a whole new meaning as this story progresses. Once all parties finally meet in Enfield, the heroes open the door into an adventure they (and readers) won’t soon forget.

Readers will be glued to the pages seeing how these individuals survive the challenges in their way of acquiring the grail. The action is box-office as they progress thru on their quest. There is no shortage of drama with all the personalities involved. They make for some of the best moments in this issue when the clashes arise. However, no one is ready for the surprises mixed in for the latter portion of the book. The closing act will catch readers off-guard, but the payoff is sure to please. If that wasn’t enough, just wait for the final pages. I can’t stress this enough, when you hear “Massive-Verse Event” that means AN EVENT! Readers get a total picture that all ties together for a satisfying conclusion and why when all these heroes come together, readers can only describe it as “Super Massive”!


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023

BREAKDOWN: The Massiveverse writing team plays to the strengths of their characters to make for a very enjoyable read. Marshall’s comedic timing is spot-on in breaking up the more dramatic moments. Bibiana also sneaks in a well timed “Indiana Jones” line that works perfectly as well. The story itself is an intriguing one as each hero is tested on how far would they go to get everything. The emotional toll the mission takes is easy to connect with as there are deep personal roots behind each motivation. The action scenes are well paced, giving the characters enough time to properly interact in-between, making for the best scenes. Not everything goes smoothly and that makes for added tension. It comes off very organic and not just “another super-hero team-up”. Each character gets an ample amount of panel time to move their own stories along with the main plot. The final act has great surprises that raises a few questions along the way, but that’s for another time. No spoilers on those moments, but rest assured, the readers will be excited to see them transpire. The fallout ends things with complete closure before sending everyone onto their next paths. The epilogue is something special that fans won’t be expecting but this goes into how creative the teams are behind this event. Get ready!

Di Nicuolo and Baiamonte add such energy to the pages of this event. The action panels waste no time in setting a frenetic pace. There are a few 2 full page panels that are absolutely incredible with one being a game-changer later in the issue. The art team also presents Thomasin as a compelling character through the various panels. Her story comes across as one of redemption moreso than sheer searching for power. The interactions she has with Bibiana come across as if they both share some common themes between them and why they are invested in the Grail. The comedic expressions Marshall shows in more serious moments work with giving the readers a solid break before diving back into the drama enfolding. The closing moments ramp up the action before slowly bringing everyone down to say goodbye for now. Excellent epilogue to close out the event with an image that will have readers talking without question.


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative - On Sale May 24th, 2023


When a book has the billing “Super Massive”, it gives itself a high benchmark to hit. Without question, The Massive-Verse team accepts and exceeds the challenge mixing in superb writing and energetic artwork in an adventure fitting for the title. There’s a reason why this universe is comics’ most exciting one. The event is an absolute must have on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Supermassive 2023! Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we're taking a trip back to one of comics' most creative universes: The Massiveverse and one of the best new series of 2022. ROGUE SUN by Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey has been nothing short of incredible issue after incredible issue (including the clever CYOA style of #7). Issue 8 set up the origin of a brand new threat to the young hero. Let's check out the latest chapter (ROGUE SUN #9 with guest artist Marco Renna) and see how the story is evolving, shall we?

ROGUE SUN #9 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (Cover: Luana Vecchio)

Credit: Image Comics


Rogue Sun is the story of Dylan Siegal, the son of the supernatural defender Marcus Siegel aka Rogue Sun. Their relationship has never been easy. After his father's death, Dylan has inherited the mantle and is trying to become a hero no matter what obstacles are thrown his way. From Cataclysm to Suave to Ornate among more, Dylan’s life has been tested in ways that he never thought would happen. Factor in trying to balance a normal life in high school and a step-family whose feelings toward him can only be described as “complicated” and it spells for quite the captivating tale.

Last issue, readers witnessed the beginnings of a new enemy for Dylan: Hellbent. After Dylan intervenes on Suave’s latest plans, he unknowingly seriously injures one of the henchmen. At the hospital, The henchman’s son Hunter, finds his dad in very grim condition. While outside the hospital, Hunter comes across a creature and a weapon which can extract the revenge on Rogue Sun for hurting his dad.

This issue kicks off with Dylan looking for the lost Sun Stone (which gives him his powers as Rogue Sun). It’s discovered by Brock, who seems to have some ulterior motives with his sister Aurel concerning the stone. The story then shifts to Dylan in high school and preparing for the upcoming Homecoming Dance. His “friend” Bryon has secured a date via Dylan’s teachings but the same cannot be said for Dylan. After a creative way to ask, Dylan finds out his former girlfriend Vanessa has moved on with someone else. Left heartbroken, Dylan is looking for a distraction.

Readers see this distraction up close and personal as Hellbent makes a play on robbing the bank. Rogue Sun arrives looking for a fight. Readers get quite the first impression of Hellbent and what he’s capable of. How does this encounter go? How powerful is Hellbent? The answers come pretty fast for readers with a final act that is going to bring forth some questions heading to next issue.

ROGUE SUN #9 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (Cover: Luana Vecchio)

Credit: Image Comics

ROGUE SUN #9 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (Cover: Luana Vecchio)

Credit: Image Comics

Parrott balances out this issue with the high school moments and big action in the latter half. Fun segment with how Dylan asked Vanessa out for homecoming. With all the supernatural elements surrounding Rogue Sun, the high school stories play as a great counter to the more serious panels in the series. “High School” Dylan isn’t winning most over compared to his alter ego. Dylan has shown off more bully behavior than hero at school, but outside is a different story. Hellbent’s true introduction was pulled off superbly. Great fight sequence and post conversation to connect him with the audience. Hellbent’s not just a “bad guy” as the motivations jump out and really build this character upward. The sub-plot with Brock and Aurie will be one to watch in future issues. Great issue.

This book couldn’t have picked a better fill-in artist for Abel than Renna. The synergy with Parrott (who worked with him for Mighty Morphin by Boom Studios) never was lost. Seeing Dylan lay the elaborate way to ask Vanessa out to its fallout made for solid character work. Renna illustrates some great noteworthy panels such as Aurie and Brock’s Sun Stone tale. The fight with Hellbent jumps out at readers for its’ continuous action pace. Post fight made for some complementary reassurance to what levels Hellbent are willing to go on. The final image to close out the book on will definitely cause some buzz

ROGUE SUN #9 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (Cover: Luana Vecchio)

Credit: Image Comics

ROGUE SUN #9 - On Sale December 21st, 2022

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (Cover: Luana Vecchio)

Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Rogue Sun #9 makes a grand entrance for the latest rogue in the Massive-Verse while breaking away from the heroics to showcase the balance with “normal” direction. Parrott and Renna re-unite and drive home the issue was phenomenal writing and art. This series is never short of surprises and should be a staple of your LCS pull list each month.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Rogue Sun #9. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the newest chapter of one of the biggest players in the “Massive-verse” by Image Comics. ROGUE SUN #8 by Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil) kicks off a brand new tale after last issue’s creative triumph using the”Choose Your On Adventure” format. Re-inventing the comic experience is a staple of the Radiant Black-led universe, which continuously does this each time out. It’s no wonder why many feel this line of comics is the hottest one currently on the shelves at the local comic shops. How does DYLAN SIEGEL fare in his latest outing? Let’s not wait any longer and dive into this latest issue, shall we?

ROGUE SUN #8 - On sale November 30th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil)

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


In case you’re checking out Rogue Sun for the first time, when his father is killed, DYLAN SIEGEL becomes the heir to the mantle of Rogue Sun, who is the last line of defense against the supernatural facing the world. Dylan gets a rude awakening into his father’s world with surprises and enemies challenging him at every turn. After surviving his battle with Cataclysm, Dylan was thrusted into a confrontation with Ornate, who pushed the hero to his limits. Now recovering from that fight, Dylan tries returning to a normal life.

This issue kicks off with a man returning home to find a mysterious stranger waiting in the wings for him. The man, referred to as Suave, recruits the gentleman to help him with a mission. After initially being turned down, Suave applies some pressure and reveals a hand marking on the man which aligns with the markings on Suave’s face.

Meanwhile, Dylan returns home to his step-family’s estate which plans are in motion for him to change. One said plan is for Dylan to return to school after taking time off. All the while, Suave and his group are on a roof top trying to access a forbidden door. Who are they trying to contact? When Rogue Sun shows up, what happens next changes the course of someone forever. Is it Rogue Sun? A member of his family? Readers will be locked in to find out and see who was bent and broken and who has hell to pay for the actions seen in this issue?

ROGUE SUN #8 - On sale November 30th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil)

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #8 - On sale November 30th  Creative: Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil)  Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #8 - On sale November 30th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil)

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

Parrott comes back from the CYOA break-away to usher Dylan into his new arc with a solid foundation. The introduction into who appears to be the next foil to Dylan was set up wonderfully. Very few writers can capture the youthful brash voice of a character quite like Parrott. MMPR readers know how great he is at this, but now with a creator-owned character, Parrott is really letting loose and it shines thru. Dylan isn’t necessarily your typical hero. Dylan is tough to be around, much due to the anger he’s felt at home. Channeling that into a hero has been difficult but Dylan is learning on the fly. It appears he’s going to learn about great power and responsibility the hard way. The final act is going to leave readers amped up to see what’s next.

Abel returns after a hiatus from last issue with another great issue. seeing the dynamic play out with Dylan and his “family” makes for some entertaining panels. Other great moments involve the reaction of many when Dylan returns to school. There are plenty of notable responses to such a polarizing person. It gives solid balance to the Suave story and how dark that gets in a hurry. The action moves very fast and picks up steam as it heads towards the final act. Fantastic final page to conclude the latest chapter on.

ROGUE SUN #8 - On sale November 30th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil)

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #8 - On sale November 30th  Creative: Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil)  Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #8 - On sale November 30th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (editor Michael Busittil)

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

FINAL POINT: The next arc for Dylan Siegal starts off with an excellent issue to read. Parrott, Abel and company keep the young hero balancing his normal and hero life with sensational storytelling and art. The groundwork for something big is being set with this issue so don’t miss this book at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on the ODPHpod socials and let me know what yo thought of Rogue Sun #8. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this entry, we’re returning to the “Massive-Verse”, home of some of the most imaginative storytelling in all of comics right now! From RADIANT BLACK to THE DEAD LUCKY and the upcoming INFERNO GIRL RED, what the team over at Black Market Narrative is doing is nothing short of fantastic. This book we’re about to talk about is no exception and should be in your pull list every month. ROGUE SUN by Ryan Parrott & Abel has been one of the best new series of 2022, and with good reason. The story of Dylan Siegal continues to be a non-stop thrill ride with many excellent surprises along the way.

If you’ve read Ryan’s work on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers over at Boom Studios, this should come as no shock. Parrott’s one of the best writers in comics and now with a creator-owned character, Rogue Sun has brought that creative freedom out and then some. ROGUE SUN #7 by Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil is one of the best creative storytelling methods you’ll see all year. Let’s not waste any more time and start this latest adventure, shall we?

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative


Rolling out from the pages of the “Super Massive” epic, Rogue Son hit the ground running with fans with the excitement. Dylan Siegal’s life has been anything but normal since the death of this father Marcus aka Rogue Sun in the very first issue! There has been nothing short of surprise after surprise for our young “hero” since. Issue #4’s reveal is one of the best of the year if you’ve been with this story since Issue #1. With the first arc wrapping up last issue (Now out on Trade Paperback) and a major change in place , one might think that Dylan would have a minute to catch a break. That’s definitely not the case and it’s a big win for the readers.

After playing a board game with his half-brother Brock, What starts out as a routine mission for Dylan fighting a monster in the Gulf of Mexico turns out to be more than meets the eye. Dylan is confronted by a mysterious figure named Ornate, who has a vested interest in him. The events of issue #6 have left an opening that Ornate is looking to fill: mentor-ship. Not willing to go back into having someone tell him orders (again), Dylan declines. Not willing to let go, Ornate sends Dylan on an adventure….one that Ornate lets Dylan choose his own paths without his guidance. From here, readers are treated to a fantastic idea that I’m super excited to see in these pages. What choices does Dylan make? Will he agree to Ornate’s offer? Get ready for a fantastic read and you’ll see how Dylan’s choices affect his future.

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

When I first heard the “Choose Your Own Adventure” idea being mentioned with his issue, was super excited. For anyone who doesn’t know, CYOA is a book series that let YOU, the reader dictate where the story went. One minor choice could have grave consequences. Others lead to happy endings. Leave it to Parrott (with Nick Cotton assisting this issue) to bring it into the comic scene and make it work on so many different levels. After the events of the past few issues with Marcus and his family, Dylan is in a weird place for the first time: On his own. Seeing how he handles his first threat solo was a great read. The conclusion plays into Dylan’s character perfectly. Dylan is anything but perfect, but he’s growing in learning how to adapt to his father’s world. Ornate is a great addition to the rogues of the Massive-Verse. Challenging Dylan to force his own paths was a solid touch to an ever-evolving character.

Carlos fills in for Abel on art duties and gives this issue a unique feel. The panels are high-paced action when Dylan is off forging his way. When the battle shifts to Ornate vs. Dylan, the imagery of Ornate’s powers impresses. Between the energy blasts, there’s great detailed work thrown in the possibilities shown to Dylan for his actions. The moments feel big and when readers see Dylan’s eyes through the broken Rogue Sun suit, it connects to what Dylan is now dealing with: growing as a hero on his own. Very cool sequence spread for pages 20-21 but you’ll have to read the issue to see those images.

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

Overall, the most creative line in comics hits another home run. Rogue Sun #7 delivers readers on a fun filled journey where THEY become the hero. Parrott, Cotton, Carlos and the team kick off the next phase of Dylan’s superhero legacy with a story that showcases why he was chosen for the Rogue Sun mantle, and proves he might actually be able to do it on his own. Incredible job by the creative team. Highly recommended. Don’t miss this book when it drops at the Local Comic Shop!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Rogue Sun #7. Thanks for reading!