Stout Club


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, a whole new world awaits. After a murder of royalty takes place, a group is exiled from the community. They are now tasked to survive the unknown. Will this group survive or take each other out in the process?

Mistland #3 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) looks to provide those answers in its’ latest installment.

Let’s take a closer look at what transpires now.

Mistland #3 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho gives readers some insight into clues surrounding the prince’s death. Knowing that this group of “usual suspects” all have connections to the case, it allows readers to start making assumptions on who was involved. One character in particular gets ample time explaining her backstory. Form here, the story shifts forward.

There is a fair balance of action and drama for the group. Being in a hostile and unforgiving landscape, dangers are abound. One causes some of the group to be separated. This might be a bit of disappointment as the two separated are the breakout characters thus far. The rest of the book focuses on the remaining survivors. In heading to the close, there are some solid surprises being unveiled. This leads to an intriguing ending point with many questions to be asked.

Watanabe and Marques craft some excellent fantasy creatures roaming in the mist land. This amplifies the dangers at hand. Seeing the group being challenged draws out some shocking reactions. Along with this, the art team mixes in great flashback points. This builds possible clues to the greater puzzle at hand.

That said, the strongest visuals are in the latter portion of the book. With a few full page splashes, the fantasy aspect rises a few levels. It is capped off with an engaging full final piece that is sure to have readers guessing what’s next.


The world of the Mistland expands further with a steady mid-chapter. The writing dips into its fair share of secrets revealed and fantasy action. With some exceptional pages, the art team keeps readers engaged with an ever-changing new world. If you’re looking for a fantasy story to check out, keep Mistland on the radar.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, Stout Club has recently returned to Comixology originals in a big way. After giving fans such hits as Red Tag and Hailstone, the imprint just released Mistland. Coming off that series debut is a fantasy adventure that has a style all its’ own.

RODERICK AND THE CITY OF MORHIL #1 by Eduardo Medeiros, Bruno Freire and Deyvison Manes (STOUT CLUB/COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS) prepares to take the audience on a wild ride.

Let’s see how the debut issue stacks up.

RODERICK AND THE CITY OF MORHIL #1 by Eduardo Medeiros, Bruno Freire and Deyvison Manes (STOUT CLUB/COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS)


Medeiros delves into a few scenarios for this debut. Roderick is an easy character for fans to cheer for. The writing plays him off as blindly optimistic. This leads to his dilemma later. In the meantime, the city of MORHIL takes center stage.

The city is a mixture of fantasy and trouble. Roderick’s naive ways lead him into a sense of false trust. His “friendship” with Dritho fills up the majority of the chapter. Like any new story, there is much world-building happening. This chapter doesn’t escape that theme. The writing leads into a sharp turn heading into the close. With a surprising stat quo change, Roderick’s adventure has enough for readers to swing back through to see what happens next.

The art depicts the overload of Roderick’s faulty perceptions. Panels featuring his reading of Arnold, the Gentle Postman cements his happy attitude. There is a great page panel welcoming readers into Morhil. It comes across as impressive and imposing.

Dritro’s reactions telegraph the eventual twist. There is a sense of distrust looming around him from the beginning. This reflects some of the other residents of the city. Once the art heads into the close, it picks up on Roderick’s troubles. The closing panel is a full page simple splash that makes waves. It’s a great parting shot leading to where things head from here.


Bright Eyes, Big City sums up Roderick’s venture into mystery with his debut chapter. The writing welcomes readers into the world of Morhil with ease. It is matched by the solid and subtle images leading to a twisting close. There is more brewing beneath the scenes than a simple delivery.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on RODERICK AND THE CITY OF MORHIL #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the latest series from the Scott Snyder led Best Jackett Press comes to a conclusion. The nightmarish landscape of the 1950s continues to challenge Del Reeves and his friends. Now on the run and options limited, measures need to be taken to survive.

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB) looks to provide more clues on Del’s plans to outlast the dangers of the new world

Let's not wait any longer and dive in!

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)


Going off a tip left by Willow Glanville’s parents, Del and the group of survivors make the trek to shelter. Following a flashback with De; narrating about Westerns, the group finds a code box and looks to enter the shelter. Once inside, it turns into more than they could imagine.

The scene feels as if the group walked onto a Hollywood set. Shelter looked as a return to normalcy. Some kids break away to have some fun. With supplies they can live off of for quite some time, things might be looking up for a change. This favors Del especially. Inside the complex, he finds a movie theater.

Inside, it has any movie he wants. There is one that is given to him by Junior. It literally makes all the difference in the world. The film is the one Del, Oliver Ozawa and Junior were making that caused all the trouble in issue #1. The conversation shifts to Junior and Del having a long-overdue talk.

From here, the group sits to watch the film. Unfortunately for them, a guest has crashed their party. It has an axe to grind. The battle takes a few twists before its conclusion. Just when one obstacle is handled, there is one piece of business left to be sewed up.

Readers watch as Del and company have become battle tested. With one obstacle down, they make a play to stop the major threat once and for all. The action picks up as the stake their claim. It literally has everything you want in a finale. Thrills, Chills and a showdown that brings everything to a thunderous close. The closing pages will leave readers with some thoughts as they exit from a truly imaginative saga.

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)

Snyder takes readers through many phases before bringing a stop to the ride. Del’s journey has ranged from tragic soul to reluctant hero. In the closing phase, Del addresses some of the looming ghosts that have haunted him. The talk with Junior is heavy in its weight on both characters. The resolution will hit readers very hard.

From here, the story shifts gears into a sense of normalcy. It is a perfect break moment feeling like a calm before the storm. The closing act feels much like a movie from Del’s collection. Resiliency and hope carries the characters into their conflict. Once the smoke clears, Del makes a stance that sets a course for if and when we see this version of the 1950’s again.

Albuquerque and Maiolo construct some memorable moments for this finale. The reveal of the shelter’s inside proves for a solid break from the drama. The emotions of the teenagers shine after the drama of the outside world. Del and Junior’s conversation is filled with regret and healing. The initial threat makes a huge entrance with a near full page panel, fighting the survivors.

Once the story shifts to its’ closing act, the survivors make their stand with a strong full page shot. The action takes big swings to convey the danger. Del comes across as a confident leader during the closing arc. The panels reflect his growth and where he has leveled up to. This leads to a short final image that speaks volumes for the future of Del and his friends.


The world of Del Reeves shines in the bleak post apocalypse in its thrilling conclusion. Snyder constructs heart-stopping action with heart-warming moments with hi superb writing. Albuquerque, Maiolo and Brice mix in danger and drama with the stunning artwork. It’s a magnificent finale that cannot be missed!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Duck and Cover #4. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are returning to a brand new series from Comixology Originals and Stout Club Entertainment. A royal murder has taken place inside a mountain community. With building tensions amongst the clans inhabiting the land, there is no telling how devasting the explosion of personalities will be.

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) dives further into the chaotic fallout.

Let’s take a closer look at the next chapter!

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho juggles around many characters in this issue. The King casts out Thrud, Har of the Dagar, Lodar, Liv, Embla and Gymir. There is a wide range of reactions to the exile. Har and Gymir stand out as moments readers will focus on. The six now must face the brutal elements of the Mistland.

Seeing how they survive in the frozen tundra proves for a new dynamic to emerge. Har and Gymir continue to break from the rest as the characters to watch. Their banter proves to reflect the lives they have now left behind. This leads to a unique finish with much for fans to ponder in this new landscape.

Watanabe and Marques give ample time for the original exiles to say their goodbyes. The panels capture the heartbreak and frustration of their sentences. Once the six exiles are outside the mountain, the art gives a broad picture of what they’re up against.

The new environment causes more tensions to rise. The brief argument between Har and Gymir jumps out from the pages. This rolls into a striking closing image. Knowing that the group is in new territory, readers will have to make their guesses as to what lies ahead.


Mystery abounds for six exiles as a new stat quo unfolds. Castilho’s writing switches themes to farewells and survival fighting. The imagery of Watanabe, Marques and Manes fills the pages with growing mysteries. Get ready as the biggest dangers to this group might not just be their newfound home, but their own personalities as well.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, we are checking out a new series from Stout Club Entertainment via Comixology Originals. If the name of Stout Club sounds familiar, they are the group created by Rafael Albuquerque, Eduardo Medeiros, Mateus Santolouco, and Rafael Scavone. Under the banner, fans have been treated to such hits as Hailstone, Funny Creek and the incredible Red Tag.

The brand looks to make another huge run in 2024. First out of the gate is a mysterious world of fantasy and intrigue.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes kicks things off with a show stealing debut.

Let’s take a closer look at how things shape up here.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


The story begins in a frozen landscape. Inside a mountain hides a secret colony. The inhabitants are rationing water. Soldiers of the Tyr house are clashing with the Dagur representatives over the amount of water being given. Tensions run very high as both sides don’t back down.

Fighting ensues. The young residents watch in awe. Some don’t agree with the method of “conversation”. Once Loder throws his apple at one of the Tyr, emotions run even higher. It is only interrupted when the Mistress of the King grabs the kids for a history lesson.

Readers watch as the story of Erik the last Explorer. the story breaks down the Mistland and some of its’ secrets. From here, the story picks its pace up as time moves forward. Just when the story looks to head in one direction, the closing image throws everything off. Brace for a mystery that looks to uncover more than just a suspect.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals)

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals)

Castilho juggles with many characters in this opening charge. The inhabitants of the Mistland range in many different emotions. Fighting for control establishes the power struggle. As the different groups begin to emerge, readers have to start cyphering where the motivations come from. This mirrors the themes one would see in a “Game Of Thrones” esque story. This is a big win for readers as the true intentions remain hidden for now. Judging by the final page, there will be much to dive into this new world more than the shocking conclusion.

Watanabe, Marques and Manes combine many elements to craft the world of the Mistland. With the rivaling parties, their conflicts sets the tone for the book. The story of Erik The Last explorer gets a full page guide walking the readers through his journey. The final trek of the chapter depicts the many residents of the land in more peaceful times. It is a stark contrast to the final image, which will have fans guessing until the next chapter drops.


Through the wonderment of a fantasy land lies a dark secret. Castilho’s writing walks readers into the tensions of the new landscape. The imagery of Watanabe and Marques depicts elements brewing that hits a new gear when the last page debuts. This will be a book you’ll want to keep an eye out for on NCBD.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mistland #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Scott Snyder and Best Jackett Press returns with an all new series on Comixology Originals. Snyder’s line of comics has been winning over fans since its’ first wave of books: We Have Demons (w/art from Greg Capullo). Clear (w/ Francis Manupal), and Night Of The Ghoul (w/ Francesco Francavilla).

Barnstormers (w/ Tula Lotay), Canary (w/ Dan Panosian) and Dudley Datson & the Forever Machine (w/ Jamal Igle) led the second wave charge. October 2022 witnessed the debut of phase 3 with Book Of Evil (w/JOCK).

With the majority of those stories concludes (and now in print form via Dark Horse Comics), fans have been waiting to see what’s next.

The answer is DUCK AND COVER #1. Snyder is reunited with Rafael Albuquerque (STOUT CLUB), who fans know from their incredible run on American Vampire. The pair is united with Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice and what a story they have lined up!

Let’s not wait any longer and jump right in, shall we?

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

Set in the 1950’s, a young teen named Del Reeves is aspiring to be a film maker. His father, the high school janitor, bought him a Modackchrome 330 camera on a month’s salary. With the dangers of heightened Cold War tension and The N.O’s (a local Gang) looming, the boys escape in their film world. While out with his “crew” filming, Fate decided to intervene and say “cut” on the production.

When a stray Doberman attacks Del, he loses his eye in the ordeal. At the hospital, an apology is given but not the one anyone would expect. The police are “blaming” Del for the incident and the dog’s owner will let things drop if Del apologies. Reluctantly he does.

The story then jumps several years ahead. Reeves is planning on heading to Hollywood. Working at a drive-in theatre, Reeves and his friend Oliver Ozawa come across a rough crowd. With the current climate of possible nuclear warfare, readers can understand the frustration. However, when Pugg Lansky’s radio speaker “doesn’t work”, it leads into a hostile confrontation with Reeves, Ozawa, Lansky and a few others.

After all hell breaks loose, Reeves visits the involved parties at “Daytention” at the school to confront Lansky. At this stage, an unexpected event happens. The event changes the course for everyone in the classroom.

What is the event? Readers quickly witness the world as Reeves and company knew is gone. What stands in its’ place is a landscape no one will see coming. It is one of the most creative flips involving history I’ve seen in a while. The final moments leave nothing to chance as to where things are heading now. Get ready for another can’t miss story from this line!

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

BREAKDOWN: Snyder brings in many different elements to this debut issue. Del Reeves instantly wins over readers with his drive and strength thru uncomfortable times. The social tensions challenge his character and he never falters rising above it. Reeves and Ozawa’s friendship is organic and their conversations pop up as a break from the anxiousness of the world around them. Lansky reflects the complete opposite and plays a solid foil to Reeves.

Just when readers think they know where the story is going, Snyder pulls one of the most brilliant changes with the path of the final act. The themes carries heavy in a reflection of the times but mixes in sci-fi elements to give it a unique edge. Pacing kept things moving and brought everything to a superb close with the final page. Excellent debut.

Albuquerque and Maiolo construct a detailed vision of America in the 1950’s. From the opening moments, the panels reflect a sense of optimism as the boys start their film. Through the tense emotions, the art showcases how the youthfulness is oblivious to the dangers. Fantastic two-page spread bringing the feel of the drive-in movies. This brings the introduction to most of the major players. The versatile mannerisms feature how everyone feels during this era. Perfect set-up to kick off the fight between Reeves, Lansky and all around.

The final act is where the art shines. Bringing in a completely new imagery to this time was a joy to witness. Events moves quickly and panels never missed a step translating that to the audience. The final page is a lasting impression that this is no ordinary story. That’s also a huge win for readers moving forward.

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)


Snyder and Albuquerque usher in an imaginative take on the combustible social climate of the 1950’s. Outstanding writing and flawless artwork set the stage for what is sure to be an instant classic. Fans will not be able to forgive themselves if they don’t pick up this issue. Highest possible recommendation.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know what you thought of Duck and Cover #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re checking out the conclusion of an excellent series on the Comixology Originals line. Red Tag #5 by Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice has showcased the adventures of a trio of friends who become involved in a political scheme that has drastic effects on an upcoming election in Brazil. The book has taken some great twists but it’s time for this chapter to end. Let’s see how this final chapter of the story plays out, shall we?

Red Tag #5 (of 5) - On Sale June 5th

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #5 (of 5) - On Sale June 5th

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club


The story of Lis, Lu and Leco has been an exciting one to read. Based in the streets of San Paulo, While standing up for a simple vendor on the street, the trio takes the phone of a corrupt policeman named Noronha. Unknown to them is that phone has secrets of plans to influence an upcoming election, including taking out an opposing candidate in Neto. With that information now open to the people, the powers that be are doing all they can to stop the three and keep their plans in place. A big factor to fixing this mess has been bringing in Zé Fofinho, a dangerous man who will do anything to clean up this mess. From killing Noronha to torturing Leco, Zé Fofinho will stop at nothing to end this. The three are now on the run and time is running out. Can they get the information to the right people and stop the election from being tampered with?

The final chapter begins with a flashback of Zé Fofinho in 1979. It’s another showcase of how evil this man truly is. Once sped up to present time (2018), Zé Fofinho is hot on pursuit of the three after the daring rescue of Leco last issue. Meanwhile, the three are working with a reporter by the name of Roque Alves to find out Zé Fofinho’s identity. From here, the pace really speeds up into a frantic action sequence as the walls close in on the 3 when trouble arrives at their front door….literally. When it’s settled, readers get the big showdown between Zé Fofinho and our heroes that has been building since the beginning. How does all this play out? trust me when I say this: readers will have a decisive conclusion to this story and one that they will want to immediately read again.

Red Tag #5 (of 5) - On Sale June 5th

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #5 (of 5) - On Sale June 5th

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #5 (of 5) - On Sale June 5th

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Scavone puts a well placed conclusion in place with this issue. The character of Zé Fofinho has been one that’s commanded the panels that he’s been in with his presence. The chess match that has been going on these past issues has been exciting to read. Lis has been the voice of the voiceless for this series and showed that never-back-down attitude even in the face of certain danger. Never more so does this come t the fore front than during the standoff. Readers will be excited to see how this plays out. The ending is very fitting for where the story was heading. In a world that could always use some courage, this story showed that courage can come from unexpected places and still pack a much needed impact when needed.

Cruz’s art was spectacular for this finale. The action sequences when the fight came to the front door was fun and creative to witness. During this story, it’s easy to forget that the heroes are not trained or having any super powers. They’re ordinary people with a will to help make change. The fights make perfect sense and the standoff proves to deliver the intensity of the moment. It’s fluid to the pacing. Nothing feels rushed and plays out very natural to the story. Great final panel to close this chapter out on.

Red Tag #5 (of 5) - On Sale June 5th

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #5 (of 5) - On Sale June 5th

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Roger Cruz, Chris Peter & Bernardo Brice

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Overall, Red Tag #5 delivers a satisfying conclusion to a very engaging story. Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz & the team present the power of courage in the face of insurmountable odds with excellent storytelling and art. The book is a great read and should be on your radar when looking thru Comixology this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Red Tag #5. As always, thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re checking out the latest installment of one of the great books you can find on Comixology Originals line. I can’t stress this enough: If you’re a comic book fan, you need to sign up for the Unlimited deal.

Red Tag #3 by Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice for Comixology Originals via Stout Club has been a roller coaster ride seen thru the eyes of Lu, Lis and Leco as they navigate an ever evolving landscape in their attempt to fight the good fight. Let’s not waste anymore time and jump into this latest chapter, shall we?

Red Tag #3 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice

Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #3 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice

Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club


The story of these three individuals who proves no good deed goes unpunished has gone into some intriguing directions. After acquiring a cell phone for with some sensitive information on it, the trio of Lu, Lis and Leco have become involved with a political conspiracy involving an upcoming election. Using this info, they have tipped off Neto, a candidate in that election about what is planned against him. By taking that shot, there are individuals involved now that want to end this “problem” once and for all.

This issue kicks off with Neto addressing the public about this information. Zé Fofinho has been assigned to silence the problem and starts tracking down the cell phone holders. After last issue, Zé Fofinho’s presence is even more menacing. Our heroes now have to evade and escape Zé Fofinho but that’s easier said than done. All the while Lis makes a big move of her own. Will she be able to succeed? And there’s a cliffhanger ending that will change the direction of the story nearing its’ conclusion.

Red Tag #3 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice

Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #3 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice

Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Scavone speeds up the drama with this issue. With Zé Fofinho now on the trail of our trio, readers are witnessing first hand the gravity of their actions. How Zé Fofinho goes about his work is another layer to what steps he’s willing to take to eliminate the problem. The side story with Lis is one to keep eyes on as it could be the key to getting Neto elected. Pacing was very well as all the major players had big moments in this book. Now hitting the home stretch, the final page is going to set the tone for the remainder of the book.

Cruz continues strong work on this book. The majority of the issue is focused on Zé Fofinho but it works to really show how dedicated he is to complete his mission. Great work on showing his emotions with the twists and turns that happen here. There was some excellent chase scenes here as well. Very good last page for a cliffhanger ending.

Red Tag #3 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice

Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #3 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice

Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Red Tag #3 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, Roger Cruz, Cris Peter and Bernardo Brice

Credit: Comixology Originals/Stout Club

Overall, Red Tag #3 really speeds up the drama as all the major players have made their moves in this issue. With Zé Fofinho taking the lead for this issue, our trio of heroes need to somehow find a way to stay alive with a dangerous foe making his first moves. Make sure to check this series out for NCBD on Comixology!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Red Tag #3. As always, thanks for reading!