

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, a whole new world awaits. After a murder of royalty takes place, a group is exiled from the community. They are now tasked to survive the unknown. Will this group survive or take each other out in the process?

Mistland #3 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) looks to provide those answers in its’ latest installment.

Let’s take a closer look at what transpires now.

Mistland #3 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho gives readers some insight into clues surrounding the prince’s death. Knowing that this group of “usual suspects” all have connections to the case, it allows readers to start making assumptions on who was involved. One character in particular gets ample time explaining her backstory. Form here, the story shifts forward.

There is a fair balance of action and drama for the group. Being in a hostile and unforgiving landscape, dangers are abound. One causes some of the group to be separated. This might be a bit of disappointment as the two separated are the breakout characters thus far. The rest of the book focuses on the remaining survivors. In heading to the close, there are some solid surprises being unveiled. This leads to an intriguing ending point with many questions to be asked.

Watanabe and Marques craft some excellent fantasy creatures roaming in the mist land. This amplifies the dangers at hand. Seeing the group being challenged draws out some shocking reactions. Along with this, the art team mixes in great flashback points. This builds possible clues to the greater puzzle at hand.

That said, the strongest visuals are in the latter portion of the book. With a few full page splashes, the fantasy aspect rises a few levels. It is capped off with an engaging full final piece that is sure to have readers guessing what’s next.


The world of the Mistland expands further with a steady mid-chapter. The writing dips into its fair share of secrets revealed and fantasy action. With some exceptional pages, the art team keeps readers engaged with an ever-changing new world. If you’re looking for a fantasy story to check out, keep Mistland on the radar.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the latest series from the Scott Snyder led Best Jackett Press comes to a conclusion. The nightmarish landscape of the 1950s continues to challenge Del Reeves and his friends. Now on the run and options limited, measures need to be taken to survive.

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB) looks to provide more clues on Del’s plans to outlast the dangers of the new world

Let's not wait any longer and dive in!

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)


Going off a tip left by Willow Glanville’s parents, Del and the group of survivors make the trek to shelter. Following a flashback with De; narrating about Westerns, the group finds a code box and looks to enter the shelter. Once inside, it turns into more than they could imagine.

The scene feels as if the group walked onto a Hollywood set. Shelter looked as a return to normalcy. Some kids break away to have some fun. With supplies they can live off of for quite some time, things might be looking up for a change. This favors Del especially. Inside the complex, he finds a movie theater.

Inside, it has any movie he wants. There is one that is given to him by Junior. It literally makes all the difference in the world. The film is the one Del, Oliver Ozawa and Junior were making that caused all the trouble in issue #1. The conversation shifts to Junior and Del having a long-overdue talk.

From here, the group sits to watch the film. Unfortunately for them, a guest has crashed their party. It has an axe to grind. The battle takes a few twists before its conclusion. Just when one obstacle is handled, there is one piece of business left to be sewed up.

Readers watch as Del and company have become battle tested. With one obstacle down, they make a play to stop the major threat once and for all. The action picks up as the stake their claim. It literally has everything you want in a finale. Thrills, Chills and a showdown that brings everything to a thunderous close. The closing pages will leave readers with some thoughts as they exit from a truly imaginative saga.

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)

DUCK AND COVER #4 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)

Snyder takes readers through many phases before bringing a stop to the ride. Del’s journey has ranged from tragic soul to reluctant hero. In the closing phase, Del addresses some of the looming ghosts that have haunted him. The talk with Junior is heavy in its weight on both characters. The resolution will hit readers very hard.

From here, the story shifts gears into a sense of normalcy. It is a perfect break moment feeling like a calm before the storm. The closing act feels much like a movie from Del’s collection. Resiliency and hope carries the characters into their conflict. Once the smoke clears, Del makes a stance that sets a course for if and when we see this version of the 1950’s again.

Albuquerque and Maiolo construct some memorable moments for this finale. The reveal of the shelter’s inside proves for a solid break from the drama. The emotions of the teenagers shine after the drama of the outside world. Del and Junior’s conversation is filled with regret and healing. The initial threat makes a huge entrance with a near full page panel, fighting the survivors.

Once the story shifts to its’ closing act, the survivors make their stand with a strong full page shot. The action takes big swings to convey the danger. Del comes across as a confident leader during the closing arc. The panels reflect his growth and where he has leveled up to. This leads to a short final image that speaks volumes for the future of Del and his friends.


The world of Del Reeves shines in the bleak post apocalypse in its thrilling conclusion. Snyder constructs heart-stopping action with heart-warming moments with hi superb writing. Albuquerque, Maiolo and Brice mix in danger and drama with the stunning artwork. It’s a magnificent finale that cannot be missed!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Duck and Cover #4. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are returning to a brand new series from Comixology Originals and Stout Club Entertainment. A royal murder has taken place inside a mountain community. With building tensions amongst the clans inhabiting the land, there is no telling how devasting the explosion of personalities will be.

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) dives further into the chaotic fallout.

Let’s take a closer look at the next chapter!

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho juggles around many characters in this issue. The King casts out Thrud, Har of the Dagar, Lodar, Liv, Embla and Gymir. There is a wide range of reactions to the exile. Har and Gymir stand out as moments readers will focus on. The six now must face the brutal elements of the Mistland.

Seeing how they survive in the frozen tundra proves for a new dynamic to emerge. Har and Gymir continue to break from the rest as the characters to watch. Their banter proves to reflect the lives they have now left behind. This leads to a unique finish with much for fans to ponder in this new landscape.

Watanabe and Marques give ample time for the original exiles to say their goodbyes. The panels capture the heartbreak and frustration of their sentences. Once the six exiles are outside the mountain, the art gives a broad picture of what they’re up against.

The new environment causes more tensions to rise. The brief argument between Har and Gymir jumps out from the pages. This rolls into a striking closing image. Knowing that the group is in new territory, readers will have to make their guesses as to what lies ahead.


Mystery abounds for six exiles as a new stat quo unfolds. Castilho’s writing switches themes to farewells and survival fighting. The imagery of Watanabe, Marques and Manes fills the pages with growing mysteries. Get ready as the biggest dangers to this group might not just be their newfound home, but their own personalities as well.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are heading into the second fall of a championship story. The mysterious death of Rey Castro has shaken his sister. The levels Mona is willing to go looking for answers is huge. The question now becomes what will she do when she unlocks the truth?

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals) dives further into the complex world of the Castros.

Let’s get ringside and see how things shape up now.

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)


Ramonita “Mona” Castro is on a mission. Her brother Rey dies in an accident inside the squared circle. Mona knows this is no accident and seeks out to find the truth.

Mona tracks down “Burly Bill”, who was last in the ring with Rey. In the interrogation, Bill becomes unresponsive. Mona becomes frustrated and touches her forehead. It is no coincidence of the place of contact.

The story flashes back to when Mona was in school. At lunch, other students are gossiping about her and her brother. They claim how wrestling is fake. They also say her brother really isn’t dead. Mona snaps the tab of her soda can and blades her forehead. She winds up covering the rude students in her blade job.

Being suspended for her actions, Mona confronts her father. “King” Castro is happy she defended her brother but advises her to be better. When Rey’s “accident” is mentioned, Mona echoes it was no accident.

The tone shifts to a more downward note as a “Past Due” notice is discovered. It is revealed after Rey’s death, KCPW is struggling to survive. An idea is thrown out to try saving it but one not without a great weight.

Readers watch as a new star appears to enter the world of professional wrestling. The story time jumps a bit but not without great cause. Mona’s quest for the truth takes another turn as a suspect emerges. The closing act features Mona taking matters into her own hands once again. This time, the final image sets the stage for a very different style of investigating. “Business has just picked up.”

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

McCormick never let the family aspect stray too far as the main point of the story. Mona’s new persona is given a proper origin. Knowing how fiercely she will defend her family is arguably her strongest attribute. The initial banter with her and her dad ranges from overbearing to loving. Seeing the sacrifices Mona makes will instantly make her a face in front of the readers.

The time jump is ideal for where the story needs to go next. Mona’s growth in character benefits from the move. She is shown to be tougher emotionally while retaining her anger over Rey. This leads into a great closing act. Mona’s parting words carry that same fire heading into the next chapter. Strong work.

López-Ortiz and Moore never shy away from the “realness” of the Castro family profession. The sequence of blading works on a few levels. Non wrestling fans won’t get it and arguably will be squeamish. Ones who know will appreciate the details put into the scene.

The in-ring action later is electric yet again. The imagery locks in the intensity of the in-ring work. Paired with the post-match fallout, the panels give a vivid picture of the workings of the business. Prime example is when two wrestlers are talking their match out via Full page with staged panels. This all leads to a solid ending page where the lettering of Hopkins steals the show. This will be a huge win for fans.


Mona’s quest for justice leads into a new direction with the latest chapter of HSJ. McCormick’s writing leans directly into the family dynamic. López-Ortiz balances the insides and outs of the business with exceptional artistry. Make sure to tag yourself into this series on NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Hard Style Juice #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the saga of Jody and Jeanie is slithering out of control. From a tragic accident to uncomfortable situations, Jeanie is doing everything she can to hold her family and sanity together. With last issue’s reveal, is their light at the end of the tunnel?

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #4 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology originals) looks to answer if there’s a way or or is the family sinking deeper into despair.

Let’s break down what’s going on in the latest.

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #4 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology originals)

Hopeless never shies away from showing the strength of Jeanie throughout this entire story. Even when things look dire, the writing shows how she’s pushing through. The grocery store scene is a prime example of the wear on Jeanie’s soul. It makes a loud statement to readers. As things fall apart, Jeanie must release her rage.

Jody continues to be a wild card within the pages. His actions are frantic and unpredictable. Even as the “business” gets brought to home, his demeanor sways often. This leads to an awkward closing. The final page screams what all readers are thinking: How much does Jeanie have left?

The art spotlights Jeanie’s frustration. From the two page splash concerning “plumbing”, a sense of emotional fatigue lingers. this carries into said Grocery store moment. The team unleash Jeanie’s anger with no restrictions. Her outburst is one readers can relate to with her situation.

The closing arc captures the moodiness of Jody. In each panel, there is a sense of uneasiness. This escalates into his brash action. Imagery of what he’s doing makes it very difficult to root for him in any circumstance. This only solidifies what we already know: Even on fumes, Jeanie is finding a way to outlast everyone.


Even with fading hope, the weight of Jody’s world doesn’t break Jeanie in the latest chapter of SROF. Hopeless constructs a tumultuous landscape with Jody’s behavior. Jenkins locks in the visuals of a devious world with a broken but not defeated protagonist still standing.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on She’s Running On Fumes #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, we are checking out a new series from Stout Club Entertainment via Comixology Originals. If the name of Stout Club sounds familiar, they are the group created by Rafael Albuquerque, Eduardo Medeiros, Mateus Santolouco, and Rafael Scavone. Under the banner, fans have been treated to such hits as Hailstone, Funny Creek and the incredible Red Tag.

The brand looks to make another huge run in 2024. First out of the gate is a mysterious world of fantasy and intrigue.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes kicks things off with a show stealing debut.

Let’s take a closer look at how things shape up here.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


The story begins in a frozen landscape. Inside a mountain hides a secret colony. The inhabitants are rationing water. Soldiers of the Tyr house are clashing with the Dagur representatives over the amount of water being given. Tensions run very high as both sides don’t back down.

Fighting ensues. The young residents watch in awe. Some don’t agree with the method of “conversation”. Once Loder throws his apple at one of the Tyr, emotions run even higher. It is only interrupted when the Mistress of the King grabs the kids for a history lesson.

Readers watch as the story of Erik the last Explorer. the story breaks down the Mistland and some of its’ secrets. From here, the story picks its pace up as time moves forward. Just when the story looks to head in one direction, the closing image throws everything off. Brace for a mystery that looks to uncover more than just a suspect.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals)

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals)

Castilho juggles with many characters in this opening charge. The inhabitants of the Mistland range in many different emotions. Fighting for control establishes the power struggle. As the different groups begin to emerge, readers have to start cyphering where the motivations come from. This mirrors the themes one would see in a “Game Of Thrones” esque story. This is a big win for readers as the true intentions remain hidden for now. Judging by the final page, there will be much to dive into this new world more than the shocking conclusion.

Watanabe, Marques and Manes combine many elements to craft the world of the Mistland. With the rivaling parties, their conflicts sets the tone for the book. The story of Erik The Last explorer gets a full page guide walking the readers through his journey. The final trek of the chapter depicts the many residents of the land in more peaceful times. It is a stark contrast to the final image, which will have fans guessing until the next chapter drops.


Through the wonderment of a fantasy land lies a dark secret. Castilho’s writing walks readers into the tensions of the new landscape. The imagery of Watanabe and Marques depicts elements brewing that hits a new gear when the last page debuts. This will be a book you’ll want to keep an eye out for on NCBD.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mistland #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new title on Comixology Originals. The world of Pro-Wrestling has always had a place in comics. The WWE dipping in here and there. Do A Powerbomb by Daniel Warren Johnson. Benjamin J Grimm actually wrestling in the Marvel Universe. The relationship between the two mediums are closer than some might think. Now entering the ring is a story that hides a deeper mystery in-between the action.

HARD STYLE JUICE #1 by Clay McCormack (Batman White Knight Presents: Red Hood), Ricardo López-Ortiz (Black Panther vs Deadpool), Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals) welcomes readers into the dangerous and thrilling world of KCPW.

Let’s not wait for the hot tag and get in the ring to check this out!

HARD STYLE JUICE #1 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)


It’s Fight Night! There’s a conversation in the back while the action unfolds in the ring. The promotor is pulling a “The House is Light, brutha” on a performer. With money being an issue, the promoter offers a way to make more money. He wants the wrestler to handle a problem due to his reputation.

As he goes to his car, readers quickly sees it’s been vandalized and robbed. Suddenly, the wrestler is struck down with a barbed-wire baseball bat. Wielding it is someone claiming to be a ghost.

The story jumps to the past. A packed arena is at a fever pitch. Working a merch table is Ramonita "Mona" Castro. Standing in the ring is "King" Castro. Castro is announcing the KCPW World Champion: REY CASTRO!

Post match, it’s revealed Rey is on the verge of getting a major federation contract. With one more match left, The tensions are raised in KCPW.

What happens next spirals the story into a completely new direction. Readers see a moment that turns everything on its axis. The closing moments ties everything back leaving fans with a question that will haunt them until the next chapter. Get ready as this saga has a few more falls to go before declaring a finish.

HARD STYLE JUICE #1 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

HARD STYLE JUICE #1 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

McCormack sets the early stages of a mystery that shows no holds barred. The dynamic of the Castro family is complex at its’ core. Mona and Rey’s bond is a connecting point to the audience. It carries the story into the latter portion of the book to its shocking ending.

As someone who’s been around the behind the scenes of an indie fed, the writing captures the good and bad reality. It gives more weight to the deeper mystery at the core of this drama. Once readers arrive at the close, McCormack bookends events with a solid ending point. It will catch readers with a hold that they won’t be able to escape from until the overall finale.

López-Ortiz, Moore, and Hopkins give fans electric pro-wrestling images in-between the drama. Right from the opening page, the art establishes the fast paced in-ring work. It also catches “the Ghost” fighting “Burly Bill” later. The lettering for “SUPER KICK” mixed with the bright coloring pops the panel.

The near full page introduction of Rey Castro comes off like a monster event. It plays into the pro-wrestling theme perfectly as being larger than life. The ensuing drama gives a balance to Rey’s “day job”. The moments with Mona only add to the tragic closing act. With a show-stopping final image, the art will have readers talking after the final bell hits.


The family drama of the Castro family jumps off the top rope and connects for a huge win. With fine writing calling the action on the page, the art team brings exceptional imagery fitting for the pro-wrestling landscape. After the closing page, readers will want this series to be their new fight forever.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on HARD STYLE JUICE #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points! It’s the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, the story of Jody and Jeanie continues to rebuild itself in the pages of She’s Running On Fumes. Last readers watches, Jody was home and still recovering from a terrible car accident. With money issues growing, Jeanie must take over her husband’s “business” to keep things afloat.

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #3 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology originals) spotlights Jeanie’s struggles as the pressue mounts.

Let’s take a closer look at how things fare now.

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #3 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology originals)


The story begins at a junkyard. Jeanie is working with Corn Dog and Boodie. Pickign up the slack of her injured husband, the daily routine for Jeanie has drastically changed.

From here, the story shifts to a party for Alisa. The setting is a kids restaurant. Jeanie talks with her mother. A surprise comes across her way. Jeanie is presented tickets to Hawaii! The pleasant gesture causes a flashback to her younger years. Unfortunately, the happy moment is spoiled as Jody’s injuries. Jody thinks the costumes animals are robots. Sadly for him, they are not….

Once the family is escorted outside, Corn Dog is waiting for payment. Jeanie’s happy day takes a detour due to the “family Business”.

Readers watch as other factors start coming into play. Even a simple family getaway can’t outrun trouble. What can Jeanie do now? The closing act gives some clarity as things might be turning a corner. Will it be short lived or a reality? Time will only tell. The final image bookends the beginning as there appears to be more to Jody’s visions that meet the eye.

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #3 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology originals)

The life and times of Jeanie never cease to demonstrate her strengths. The simple task of giving her kids a happy birthday doesn’t allow her to escape the drama surrounding her. Hopeless doesn’t shy away from her challenges. Seeing her deal with a rude camper is prime example.

Hopeless crafts the scene with excellent back and forth commentary with Jody. Their relationship is far from perfect, but its’ Jeanie’s will that pushes it forward. The closing act shows a drastic change in events. Where it ends up will be anyone’s guess.

Jenkins captures Jeanie’s frustration and doesn’t let readers forget about it. The moments with Corn Dog reflects the strain her new “assignment” is taking. Even when the family breaks away for a fun day, the range of emotions pour off the page. This is very evident in the latter half of the book. Once the turning point happens, Jenkins gives the moment a dramatic flare before closing with an ominous panel.


The looming danger of Jody’s past haunts Jeanie’s present with another strong chapter of SROF. Hopeless dabbles between dire straits and defiant will with the writing. Jenkins constructs strong visuals to mirror the possible break Jeanie needs through the emotional rollercoaster she’s unfortunately on. There’s much unfolding within these pages.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on She’s Running On Fumes #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points! It’s the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are heading back to the 1950’s with Del Reeves. The young aspiring filmmaker has big dreams. It’s quite doubtful Reeves ever thought in his wildest fantasies that he would be living in the insanity he currently is in. How else can you describe a post nuclear world with robots and mutated creatures during this time?

DUCK AND COVER #3 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB) heads back into the fray with another wild chapter!

Let’s take a closer look at what unfold here now!

DUCK AND COVER #3 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)


The issue begins with Oliver Ozawa reading some sci-fi magazines. The narration leads readers through the thought process of sci-fi. This also connects with Jack Ramirez. Jack is speeding away in her supped up car. Having some Nitrous Oxide could be helpful in times like this.

The story shifts back to happier times. Willow Glanville returns home. Her father (the school principle) has left the house. Willow is now home alone for a month, maybe longer. In her travels, she goes near the bookcase. She grabs a book. With a loud click, the case opens. All the while, the narration of Sci-Fi continues to grow.

The next story phase lands in their present time of 1955. Del Reeves and the remaining survivors thought they found refuge at Wilmer aka Popsicle’s radio station. Pugg Lansky is standing in his new alien body. Lansky makes an ultimatum for Glanville (his “girlfriend”) to join him in transforming. If she does, Del and the remaining survivors live. With one minute to decide, what does Willow choose?

Readers buckle in for a wild ride as Pugg closes in on Del and company. If they survive, where do they go? Once the smoke clears, major revelations come to light that the young group might not be able to handle. Think the kids have been through enough? The final page will definitely leave some jaws dropped as to what is next to come.

DUCK AND COVER #3 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)

DUCK AND COVER #3 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and STOUT CLUB)

Snyder keeps the fast pacing forward and never looks back. The transformation of Pugg comes across menacing. It leads to where the issue takes off with some intense action moments. Willow gets the majority of the spotlight for this latest chapter. The writing breaks down her “perfectly normal” life into one surrounded by secrets. The fallout from these events catapults Del and his group into their next journey. The elements of mystery and paranoia roam free taking the story into a dangerous reality.

Albuquerque and Maiolo give Pugg a dramatic entrance with a full page image in his new form. This leads into some great action panels with Brice’s lettering adding more commotion into a frantic scenario of events. Willow’s secrets are exposed with solid black and white imagery. The reactions to the secrets weight the impact on the young people’s shoulders. It' leads into a powerful parting image that will only have readers on more edge to how Del and Company survive!


Mixing in fantasy elements to hide emotionally impactful secrets, the saga of Del Reeves continues to raise its stock. With Snyder’s excellent writing leading the way, the art from Albuquerque, Maiolo and Brice makes the sci-fi world feel like just another day with strong imagery. The series continuously rises to new heights!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Duck and Cover #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along a brand new series from Comixology Originals. The story of Jeannie and Jody has taken a dramatic turn. One moment in time has shattered everything. How does Jeannie now rise to the occasion to help her family?

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #2 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos looks to answer that question and much more.

Let’s take a deeper dive on where things are heading now.

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #2 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology originals)


Jody had been the family’s main source of income. After moving to Deepwater, Missouri, Jeanie questioned how they could afford the move. Jody brushed it off and said it was handled. Little did she know it was handled via drug running.

Everything came to a halt when Jody was involved in a terrible car accident. With mounting bills and pressure, its’ now up to Jeanie to fill in the role whether she wants to or not.

This chapter opens up with a flashback to the couple’s first encounter. At a Tom Petty show, Jody nearly causes the show to shut down with an altercation with another concertgoer. After being scolded by Petty, Jody tones it down and everyone resumes enjoying the show.

In current time, Jeanie watches Jody is attended to in the hospital. She crunches up the hospital bill in hand. Jeanie takes the kids back to the laundromat. Once they arrive, some clothes have been stolen.

This adds on further to the downward spiral for the family. With more mounting bills, there appears to be no hope in sight.

Readers watch as Jeanie tries her best to keep things afloat. Jody’s absence isn’t only affecting the family. it’s also affecting his business partners. How is she going to handle all of the weight of the problems?

The closing act provides a time jump that leaves an emotional punch. It’s an intense moment that reflects the dire times which the family finds themselves in. Get ready for an impactful close to this chapter.

SHE’S RUNNING ON FUMES #2 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology originals)

Hopeless holds nothing back as the problems keep mounting for Jeanie. The writing slowly builds up the pressure she is facing. When one problem is started. another one comes along even greater. Readers have to applaud Jeanie’s strength to carry these burdens.

The flashback sequence gives a small reprieve from the overwhelming trouble of the present. It’s never a bad thing to see Tom Petty appear on page. This gets bookend with a powerful flash forward. The closing act is intense as the drama finally boils over. It leaves a deflating image for readers to end events with.

Jenkins juggles a few timelines with this latest chapter. The Tom Petty sequence reflects happier times. Once in the present, the emotions are worn on Jeanie’s sleeves with every panels. Readers can only watch as she tries everything to keep the family moving forward. The close brings out many feeling. It’s final image is a strong gut-punch as to where things land with this story.


The emotions run high as Jeanie’s struggles to stay one step ahead slip out of grasp. Hopeless crafts a depression glimpse into Jeanie’s overpowering will to keep the family intact. Jenkins provides the heart-breaking visuals leading into the next phase of an unlikely path.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on She’s Running On Fumes #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of a fantastic story via ComiXology Originals. Debuting in October of 2021, the saga of Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Andrea has led into some incredible places and fantastic characters. It is no surprise when the creative team behind it is an Eisner winning pair (AFTERLIFT) that is known for the imaginative storytelling.

Readers have followed along as the vampire crew behind an all-night diner have challenged villains, mythology, and the high cost of immortality. Heading into their final chapter, the family risks it all for one of their own. Who will survive the final showdown with the Takers?

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sets course for an unforgettable finale.

Let’s take a closer look and see how the series concludes.

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Alex, the vampire/“super-hero” who began this journey in issue #1, has been taken away by the Takers. The remaining members of the family track down his whereabouts to the Bermuda Triangle. With Francis (Frankenstein) and GOD by their side, the group ventures to free their family member.

Upon arrival, they are confronted by The Boogeyman. Behind the scenes lurking is Lucifer. He is waiting to have a chat with God about current affairs. Once the family conquers their fears, its full speed ahead into a confrontation with the Boogeyman and his forces.

This issue begins with God and Lucifer discussing the forthcoming battle between them. God has cyphered Lucifer is building his forces via the Supernatural. God challenges him on the plans. God also questions whether they’re on the right path as well.

Meanwhile, the action kicks off with the family (in full superhero costumes) taking it to the Boogeyman. With a lack of fear, the evil forces begin to fade. During this moment, Cynthia and Joy break away to find Alex and Francis, who are still captured.

The captured pair have found a friend in the form of the Yeti. Unfortunately for the trio, their path to escape has come upon a road block. Lazaruk and his “Justice Angels” stand in their way.

Readers watch the magic unfold as the final stand plays out. The tension never slows down building to a fever pitch with time slipping away. An unlikely voice becomes the catalyst for the strongest part of the final act. The emotions run high with one paying an ultimate price. The epilogue provides a superb ending to what has been a phenomenal read since day one. There is much to enjoy with this final chapter.

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky combines multiple theme for this finale. Questioning fate is one of the bigger elements of the story. The conversation of God, Lucifer and their destiny raise many questions about the paths they’ve chosen. This ties in perfectly with the family’s original challenges. Defying the Takers, the writing has mirrored the defiance of what is considered to be certain fate. It leads to great character moments for Ian, Andrea and Cynthia.

It’s closing pages complete the journey of self-discovery with a quiet moment between two characters. Zdarsky closes out the story with a strong ending fitting of the characters that have stepped out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

Loo and Alleyne shift focus to the conversations with the imagery of this book. The use of the white background for God and Lucifer’s talk gave the moment a completely different feel than the other stories going on. It’s a contrast to Alex and Francis being stick in their darkness surroundings. Where the talk bring hope, Alex’s situation has been shrouded with darkness. Readers can connect with the hopelessness of the capture.

Once all the stories start coming together in the latter half, the mood is leveled up with the coloring and lettering. The final stand for one character reflects the noble sacrifice being made. It is also complemented with strong emotional reactions amongst the family. The pain and sorrow in certain characters faces speak volumes. With a parting full page visual to the world of the diner, the story concludes with an enjoyable image. There is no other way the series could part way with readers with other than this shot. The team delivered on some incredible storytelling.

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The supernatural saga of comic’s favorite diner concludes with a strong finale. Zdarsky orchestrates a layered conclusion with superb writing. Loo, Alleyne, and Cvetkovic provide a bittersweet farewell with dramatic visuals. It’s closing time for this wildly imaginative tale and a true disservice to your collection not to add this chapter.

Hit me up on ODPHpod Social Media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #15. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series from Comixology Originals! The line keeps dropping hit series after hit series with their latest revving to drop. Based on the source material, readers better buckle up and brace for impact!

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos dives into Hopeless’ secrets of his family that absolutely needs to be read to be believed!

Let’s take a closer look and see what unfolds here.

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)


The story beings in the winter of 1983. Jody, Jeannie and their family are holiday shopping. During this time, shopping malls were the rage. Rage can also describe driving the parking lots during this time. Jody isn’t ken on waiting and decides to drive his own road out.

The actions don’t sit well with Jeannie. As they talk, Jody mentions a stolen car that is delayed from selling. A mention of a man named “Boodie” emerges. It is also met with a threat next time Jody sees him behind it. As luck would have it, who’s driving next to them? Boodie.

Readers watch as a high speed pursuit follows. Once the chase ends at Boodie’s trailer home, the action revs up. Suffice to say, the holidays begin with a bang.

The time jumps to six months later. The family has moved to Deepwater, Missouri. The new move seems to be doing well for Jody. When money comes into question, Jody reveals that it really isn’t an issue. When Jeannie asks, why, the subject is dodged.

However, what transpires next sets everything in flux. Readers see there is an accident. The fallout sends a ripple effect through the family as more clues are revealed to Jody’s financial status. When tragedy strikes, a choice is made that sets a whole new path for the family. The final image leaves no doubt that desperate times call for desperate measures. This means nothing but excitement for readers as they lock in for the long haul.

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)

Hopeless showcases an unique story that never lets the foot off the gas. The dynamic between Jody and Jeannie clashes enough to hide clues of the overall arc. The hiding is filled by a fast-paced sequence of events that set a strong tone. Once the major turning point happens, all bets are off.

The shifting of gears sets forth an unlikely scenario. The writing doesn’t pull back from the sense of distress now swarming the family. This can be shown in some private moments between the couple as the repercussions of Jody’s life have now come back tenfold. The parting act leaves no doubt about the drive to survive now challenging the family.

The art adds into the high emotions fueling this book. The facial expressions Jody goes through in the opening act dictates the outrageous path readers begin. The tamer moments with the couple range from anger to doubt as their world drastically changes.

Once the turning point debuts, readers are gifted a two-page spread to exemplify the shocking event. It leads the following panels into a dive of uncertainty, The closing act presents how many parties are now involved. It is capped off by the unlikely player entering the game on the parting panel. There will be much to discuss from this issue moving forward.

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)


Family business enters a dangerous road with an engaging opening chapter. Hopeless brings the personal tale to readers with unapologetic honesty. Jenkins provides the emotional art to set readers on a course they won’t want to hit the brakes on.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on She’s Running On Fumes #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODOH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at a conclusion of an excellent story from Comixology Originals. The saga of Alex Greer and a fateful night out in Amsterdam has spiraled into a chilling psychological escapade. With last readers saw Alex, there was a glimmer of hope of freedom. Has it burnt out already?

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano gives readers an insight to Alex’s next moves. Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the final chapter.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)


After waking up to a dead body after a night out, Alex Greer’s life has been put through Hell. Greer claims innocence. Under investigation, Greer has been put into a mental hospital. Under the watch of Doctor Kincaid, Greer has been trying to process what is happening. The images flooding her mind elude to more happening here. After long times under the watch, Greer has broken away from Kincaid but the question is for how long.

The chapter opens with her recapping the actions of Kincaid to another doctor. Kincaid is handcuffed to a gurney. The doctor questions her claims and breaks down reasons for her actions. He leaves her with the idea that everything is going to be ok. Greer isn’t buying that and escapes from her restraints. Once she leaves her room, the truth is finally revealed.

Readers watch along as Greer discovers others in captivity. As the lead scientist catches up with Greer, the true horror shines through. The true identity of Kincaid’s plans paint a darker picture than Alex had ever dreamed of. What has Alex become a part of? Is there any way out? Not if Kincaid has any say.

The results are shocking as Alex is thrusted into making a dangerous choice. The closing act leaves no doubt of what consequences come from Greer’s actions. Does she find her way out of Kincaid’s grasp? The closing page answers all with a shocking end that will leave readers floored as to the story’s conclusion.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Phillips pens a haunting finale as Alex’s story comes to a screeching halt. The conversation with the first doctor is a play to the readers, recapping her tale. It gives clarity to previous events without a full recap section. Once she escapes her holding room, the drama and horror elevates.

The history behind what Greer has been kidnapped into is intense. Readers can only feel for Greer as her involvement can only lead to danger. The stand-off with Kincaid invokes many reactions. The emotional and psychological attacks have been building towards this moment. Phillips sets this up perfectly to when Greer finally reacts, the moment is extremely impactful. The parting act brings the story to a proper end and leaves a frightening impression on its’ way.

Boyle continues to bring in the visions of torture through Alex’s eyes. The opening flashback is brief but speaks volumes over the past four issues. This leads into the shocking history of Kincaid’s master plans.

Boyle ushers in the final act with some very mind-bending images. These pages get taken to a whole other level through Napolitano’s work. The mix of torturing voices and world-splitting visuals makes Alex’s breakdown even more impactful. The lasting shot is simpler but leaves readers with images sealing any doubts of Alex’s fate.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Through Phillips’ chilling depiction, the story of Alex Greer comes to a magnificent and horrifying end. Boyle & Napolitano construct the hellish reality in which hope of surviving dwindles with each page. Highest possible recommendation.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the pen-ultimate issue of a supernatural saga from Comixology Originals. Since its’ inception, the hardest working diner family have always had their fair share of difficulties. What happens when they are literally thrown face first into the darkest fears?

THE ALL-NIGHTER #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic is poised to find out what Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Andrea are made of. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening here.

The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Ian, Cynthia, Joy, Andrea, Frank and GOD himself have embarked on a mission to rescue Alex from the Takers. Alex is a member of the All-Nighter family who became lost in the fight with Lazaruk. With Frank sacrificing himself to get the location of the Takers, the group has followed his tracker to the Bermuda Triangle.

Once they arrive, they confront the BOGEYMAN. Their rescue mission is derailed when the entity used his powers to make each member confront their fears.

This issue kicks off with God meeting with the Bogeyman on an astral level. Thinking he has the upper hand, the evil soul tries claiming he is the only God now.

The story shifts gears to Joy at her mother’s grave. Joy’s sister is blaming her for the death. Cynthia is on the streets, begging and disheveled. Andrea is running form her fellow officers. Ian is isolated and alone in a desert area.

Meanwhile Frank has been put into a prison limbo all his own. Coming across the Yeti, Frank starts figuring out the Takers plans. Will this lead to finding Alex?

The family continues a grueling onslaught of their worst nightmares. What follows next is a true test of how this family have come together over time. The strength shown is the same that allows them to take the risks they do. Readers sit back and see how the endgame is set. The final image letting everyone know the end is near.

The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky puts the family into the most uncomfortable scenarios in this issue. Knowing Joy’s family issues, readers can easily sense her pain as she feels the burden she’s accused of. Cynthia having a fall from grace reflects how her character has been more flawed than previously thought. The other members have their time as well, but all share the same themes.

The panels with Frank lead readers into a great sub-plot with the end drawing closer. Throughout this series, the writing has been about solving the riddle of their strengths. This issue caps it off with a resounding answer before the last call is made.

Loo gives ample time to focus on the doubt and anxiousness of each member. The facial reactions speak loudly as the torment is taking place. The fallout resonates with fans as the high emotions shine in each panel. The panels with God and the Bogeyman pop off the page with the excellent coloring by Alleyne. The closing image is perfect as it bookends the original series themes. Loo presents an excellent full page panel bringing everything together before tearing it apart in the next chapter.

The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


With a fateful trip into confronting their fears, the family of the All-Nighter gives readers a memorable chapter before its’ finale. Zdarsky’s superb writing brings the fear front and center. Loo’s impressive art captures the essence of the family’s drive so special. It’s a bittersweet lead into what will be an instant classic finale.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #14. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re heading back into a world of danger and mystery via Comixology Originals. When “The Shroud” starts conquering the Earth, life as we know it has been changed forever. Jo and Canon have adapted to this new world years later. When a sign of hope appears in the form of a black diamond, a world of possibilities opens up. Where does it all lead?

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price heads further into adventure and intrigue. Let’s take a closer look, but watch out for the Shroud.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The chapter begins at an earlier time of Jo and “The Shroud”. Readers watch the youthful actions of a game of “Spin The Bottle”. In a post-apocalyptic world, it’s a fleeting moment of normalcy. Jo spins and it lands on Charlie, who isn’t there.

Jo finds her contemplating her future as she’s got a chance to join the Mechanic’s guild. Jo offers words of encouragement. When Charlie slips, she falls towards a catching Jo. In between laughing about the slip, a startling revelation appears. Jo’s arm lands in some of the Shroud. With it quickly moving up Jo’s arm, Charlie makes a choice to save Jo. The cost is high as she takes an axe to his arm.

In the present time, the older group of friends have followed Rowan on this journey. Rowan is the stranger who showed up with the black diamond. With bright hope behind his selling point, the group camps out twenty miles from their location at a drive-in theatre.

With the break int he action, the conversation goes back to their pre-shroud days. Happiness is short lived as something crashes the party and its’ not happy.

Readers see the party-crasher with action unfolding. The pace picks up as the group fights to survive. he fallout sends the story into uncharted areas as a few revelations appear. The closing moments enter a new dynamic into Jo and his friends’ quest that leaves many questions for next time.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

The writing keeps the focus centered on the longing of the pre-shroud days with this latest edition. The moments of “Spin The Bottle” reflect how trying to retain being normal isn’t in the cards. Jumping to present time, the group’s conversation keeps their time light-hearted until the threat shows up.

At this stage, the pace shifts gears to the threat at hand. The action picks up the issue but leads to a strong closing act. The writing spaced out Rowan’s secrets enough to give the finale a bigger feel before concluding events.

Favoccia does another fantastic job with bringing this fantasy world to life. The innocence of the kids right after the Shroud wins over readers. This pays into the striking panel of Jo losing his arm to survive. The threat at hand has very intense visuals stemming from it’ near full page panel debut.

The fallout mirrors the reaction of Rowan’s reveals. Readers instantly can sense the change of the group’s feelings. This plays into a great closing page which makes a big impact on the way out of this latest chapter.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The journey for the truth is paved with dark intentions in the latest chapter of jo and his friends journey. The team of Scott and Jack Snyder pen a tale of innocence defying danger with solid writing. Favoccia’s artwork continues to shine through the dark landscape of the Shroud. Combined, it’s a winning formula you can’t afford to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me ow your thoughts on By A Thread #3 Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, readers are returning to the world of Astonishing Times. The story of Noah Sans and superheroes continues to win readers over since it’s debut in 2021. For the return, the spotlight is thrown on one of Sans’ most respected heroes and thier own origin tale.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd dives into the complexity of this impact player. Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)


The story begins with a man readers know as Kokin runs from armed individuals. The narration leads readers to follow along with his idea of evading demons. Little did anyone know where they were running. It’s not an average street. It’s running downhill on a side of a building!

Chasing the man are demon masked assailants. As Kokin evades the action, he now faces a skull-masked warrior running right at him! As his next challenger moves forward, Kokin starts remembering his childhood.

Growing up on an army base, A young Kokin draws the ire of a sergeant on the base for disobeying the rules. After some slick banter to the officer, Kokin gets hit in the face. It is at this moment, Kokin’s father walks in and ends the confrontation. Kokin doesn’t walk away unscathed as his father tears into him about his attitude. He leaves the young boy with a statement that lights a fire inside: Clean up or just go already.

Readers see quickly that the choice is relatively easy. The young boy packs up and leaves the base. It is at this moment his life changes forever.

What sends the young boy on his new path? The drama builds as a chance encounter leads into the start of new-found purpose. It also builds the drama towards a final act shrouded in mystery. The final moments eluded to a start of new beginnings reads won’t want to miss.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)

Barbiere and Quinones sets the foundation for a multi-layered breakdown of what makes up Kokin. The initial start is an intense kickoff with an insane fight set-up.

Breaking away to focus on the younger years gives a sense of how much Kokin has changed since readers first saw him in the original volume. The searching for belonging is a major take-away. the rest of the book dives into his “new life’ and sets the stage for a deeper adventure waiting in the shadows.

Coleman and Cramer deliver on kinetic fight panels. The building side images are instant excitement. The near full page panel is prime example of this. They contrast the time at the military base. The emotional conflict between father and son pours off the pages.

Once Kokin embarks on his new path, the art balances the action with slowly adding to the drama unfolding. The closing panels pose a new challenge added to the mix of an already engaging tale. There’s lots for fans to invest in with this story.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)


Diving into the clouded past of the Kokin, the creative team of Barbiere, Quinones, Coleman don’t delay in setting a strong pace to follow. Solid writing and explosive art will lock readers in for a journey they can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we’re following the decent into crime by Jake Levin via his long-time friend Chaim Davidovits. Since its’ debut from Comixology Originals, the story of the down and out writer’s new “job” has gone through many twists and turns. With the personal betrayal by his best friend, Jake has been reeling. Now, he’s getting pulled into another direction with no easy way out.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt sinks Jake further into danger with another close friend now brought into the mix. Let’s take a closer look and see how things fare now.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The issue begins with Jake narrating the history of Lenny Klein. Klein is another high school friend with a sorted story. In its’ current state, Klein is working with the FBI to take down Davidovits’ illegal crime business (which Jake was unfortunately brought into).

Jake walks readers through the early stages of Lenny’s adult life. Things seem perfect until the unfortunate events of September 11th, 2001. From that moment, Lenny’s lie took on some financial hardships which led to crime. The tough times kept pilling up until Lenny was disconnected from his two high school friends. Lenny became a ghost…..until recently.

With the activates of Davidovits drawing legal attention, Jake came across the radar of Agent Hamlin. Two weeks ago, the mood is tense as Hamlin applies pressure on Jake. A surprise reveal is given to readers which makes Jake’s current situation even more complex.

This carries the present as Davidovits & the Avodah have plans for a town parade. With the event being a highly emotional one, Jake struggles to follow the plans of his friend and business. What will he do?

Readers see the internal struggle Jake deals with. The pressure keeps mounting until a shocking climax. The final act reminds Jake that the business he currently is in is not for the weak of heart. The final panels leave no doubt Jake is caught in the middle of a conflict that has no possible winner.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Kleid gives readers a deep dive into the wear and tear events have taken on his soul. The recap of Lenny works to connect readers into an understanding of his character. It amplifies Agent Hamlin’s role in the tale. The writing never lets the tense atmosphere slip as the pages move forward.

The parade portion is filled with high emotions and takes events into a personal light. Jake’s conflicting view leads to a place where he never dreamed of. The life that has chosen him never lets him escape with the notion of personal peace. This draws into the closing moments which leave readers with a solid picture of how dire things have truly become.

Broglia and Wright show varing levels of feelings as the story progresses. The opening full page panel shows a happier side to Lenny before the remaining images show the slow breakdown of his happiness. This is met equally with Jake’s struggle about the parade plans. The art depicts his prehension and the following ramifications.

The closing panels bring a more grounded perspective to where things stand. The viewpoint of the character involved makes the moments a close connection to the readers. Once their work is done, the stunning image of the aftermath carries into a small panel that speaks volumes. Without question, the art leaves Jake’s stat quo in serious doubt before leaving for the next chapter.

Nice Jewish Boys #3 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The struggle within Jake Levin continues to lure in readers with another solid chapter. Kleid dives into the emotional tug of war on Jake’s soul with exceptional writing. Broglia and Wright bring the personal wounds to life with imagery that leaves no question of how deep Jake is sinking. With so many parties involved, one has to wonder if and how he will possibly survive.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Nice Jewish Boys #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have finally arrived at the conclusion of the last ride of Marshall Holt via Comixology Originals & Best Jackett Press. Since its’ debut in the second wave of Scott Snyder’s line of BJP comics, the horror-western tale has grabbed readers’ imagination and never loosened its’ grip. Now, all best are off for the final showdown of good and evil in the wild, wild west.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis brings down the curtain on the mystery of the terrors of a small town. Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Marshall Holt is on the verge of retirement. He’s recruited to investigate a murder in 1891. The case leads him to the town of Canary. Holt knows this town all too well. It is the location of his most disturbing case: Hyrum Tell.

While searching the case, Holt is joined by Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren. The trio’s journey leads them from an abandoned cave to “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. The “Canary Evolution” theory looms heavy as they can’t escape the danger. All the while, Holt is trying to hold it together with the memories of his past begin to creep into the present.

After a monstrous figure reveals itself from the grave surroundings below, Holt leads the charge to head to the bottom of the cave and address whatever evil lies there once and for all.

The issue begins with Holt returning to his family’s home. The mood is dark and looming with an evil hiss. As Holt walks in the house, he finds his wife and baby dead as canary eggs lie on the floor.

Suddenly, Holt is back with Mabel as they prepare to descend to the bottom of the cave. Knowing time is not on their side, the pair lowers the elevator. Once they begin to head downward, Mabel notices that things are not normal.

The road to Hell is paved with dark intentions as Holt and Mabel finally land at the deep bottom. Once they walk out of the elevator, readers see the insanity they set into. Answers are revealed and more burden is put on Holt’s soul as he now finds himself in a place he never expected.

The closing act floods the pages with excitement and rising uncertainty. Can Holt save the day one last time? Readers will walk away with a few parting images before a surprising one to conclude this epic tale with.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Snyder sends Holt off into the sunset with an unforgettable issue. The challenges he has faced have not been an ordinary case. Tull’s impact on his life never strays too far from this story. Holt battles the ghosts of his past to find a possible future. Snyder focuses in on this element during the key points of this finale.

Once the big revelation appears, Snyder presents our lead with the challenge of being vigilant for the greater good, no matter the cost. The conflict is one that will not easily escape reader’s minds as they read the tale. It pushes Holt to his breaking point. Knowing what lies ahead, his actions re-assure any doubt of his nobility in the face of overwhelming odds.

The final moments move briskly to end this saga on a very strong note. The parting images will have readers talking as the “Canary Evolution” theory leaves a lasting impression for an immediate re-read for years to come.

Panosian delivers on looming horror and crushing drama art to conclude the last ride. The heart-wrenching images of Holt struggling to deal with his family’s state instantly sets a devious overtone to the story. Once the decent inside the cave begins, readers brace for the impact of Holt’s valiant efforts.

The cave is filled with brooding images of terror and anxiety. There are a run of two-page spreads that scream volumes of the breaking of Holt’s spirit right before the evil’s reveal. Panosian welcomes that element to the main story with a devilish hello via its’ body language. Showing Holt’s reaction to all of this further cements the cost he must decide to pay to end things. The conflict concludes with another fantastic double page action shot before bringing the curtain down. The mastery of horror and western styles is truly remarkable with the artistry.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


When the dust settles and smoke clears, Snyder and Panosian conclude Marshall Holt’s last case with a spectacular conclusion! Superb writing lays the foundation for mind-blowing visuals to guide readers into a gritty showdown of good verses evil.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on Canary #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the end is drawing closer for a fan-favorite series on Comixology Originals! With a devastating sacrifice last issue, the supernatural family sets course to the root of their woes. Will they be able to save their fallen member or be added to the casualty count?

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sends fans on an unforgettable voyage into the unknown. Let’s not wait another minute and dive right in!

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


With Alex being taken away by the Takers during their battle with Lazaruk, the remaining members of The All-Nighter Cafe embark on a quest to get him back. Ian, Cynthia, and Joy are joined by Andrea (their recently turned human to vampire ally) and an individual claiming to be GOD.

Finding their location would be a challenge. Francis (aka Frankenstein’s Monster) sacrificed himself to be bait. Once the opportunity was there, time has now become a factor to succeed or die trying in the process.

This issue begins with Cynthia scolding Igor and the rest of the family. Knowing her personal relationship with Francis, she is not taking his actions well. The sacrifice was not in vein. The tracker Francis had on him starts showing the Taker’s possible location. Readers find out that it is the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

Meanwhile Francis is being held captive by two mysterious figures. The one leads the conversation into questioning Francis’ actions. Once he is not answering with truth, the figure hits Francis with force, claiming to be waiting or the others to come.

At sea, what does the family come across? Readers see what is lurking in the Triangle and it is not happy to see the visitors. From here, the triangle conflict leads into new revelations and challenges. Is this what will finally stop Ian and company? Once the final act begins to play out, readers know the final endgame has started with a bleak outlook.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky sets forth the final voyage for the diner crew with a strong tale of challenging fears. The emotions range from anger to worry amongst the crew after Francis’ choice. The creativity pours out from this issue as well. With the issue’s antagonist, Zdarsky challenges each character to face their darkest fears.

Taking the conflict to such a level keeps readers a new perspective heading into the closing issues. The final moments kick events into high gear coming to a screeching halt on the last panel. The story has been an excellent read thus far and shows no signs of letting up now.

Loo and Alleyne focus on the emotional reactions of what is happening for this chapter. From Cynthia’s rage to God’s “even keel” calmness, the variations of reactions provides the readers an insight into the conflict. The secret of the Triangle is given half page panels which amplifies its moment. Its’ resolution is another great half page panel that closes solidly.

The major antagonist makes a grand entrance to the group late in the issue. The panels add a haunting element to his attack. The smaller panels (like the 9 panel page) connects the dark overtones of what is happening as the initial strike is made. The closing image caps off the beginning of the end on a high note. It’s another example of great storytelling that this series is known for.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The end begins here for the supernatural family with their final voyage into unknown danger. Zdarsky pens a superb build into the chilling attack by a dark presence. Paired with the captivating visuals brought to life by Loo and the art team and you have a winning combination of storytelling that can’t be missed.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #13. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are following along the interesting times of Jake Levin via Comixology Originals. What started out as a job opportunity for a struggling writer has evolved into something else. Now deeper into the mess he’s apart of, Jake needs to act fast before sinking further int danger.

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt presents readers a picture of organized chaos through crime. Let’s take a closer peek at what’s happening now.

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Jake Levin thought his long-time friend Chaim Davidovits, was helping him out when Chaim offered him a job writing promotions for his kosher appetizing stores. However, as the saying goes, if its too good to be true, it is.

One night, Jake went back to the office for his cell phone. When he walked in, he became an accessory to murder! At this moment, Jake became entangled in Chaim’s organized crime business. Making matters worse is Lenny Klein. Klein is another childhood friend who now is working with the FBI to take down the business at Chaim’s shops. Where does Jake go from here?

This issue begins with Shloime Garbstein, Chaim’s mashgiach (one who oversees the Kashruth condition of food in a restaurant), and associates going through stolen property and money laundered. Jake is shown as going through the books and making sure the “Avodah” (work). Readers see how this isn’t something that jak had even planned to happen. They also start seeing the slow seduction of wealth beginning in Jake.

This is a far cry from a previous chat with Jake and Lenny. Lenny lays out his plan to go after Netanel Stern (business associate of Chaim). With Jake’s head spinning, readers see how further divided he has become with his childhood friends.

How does he react when he sees Chaim after this? The next sop at the shop leads Jake into an assignment he might not be ready for. With tension filling the air, will Jake rise to the occasion or get crushed by its’ weight? Readers quickly see how Jake adapts to the world he’s now in but is he ready for what’s next? If the final page is any indication, Jake’s world just got even more complicated…

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Kleid continues to put Jake through the rising challenges of his new world. Being an unlikely “gangster”, Kleid showcases Jake’s awkwardness to his fellow “teammates”.

Blending in the fear and anxiousness forces Jake into near breakdowns. Once he understands the assignment, Jake shifts gears into leaning a certain direction as Chaim plays more as a “devil on his shoulder” with what the life of crime can offer. The closing moments adds a huge factor into Jake’s life. It also adds a deeper cut into Jake’s life as he tries to stop his world from spinning further out of control.

Broglia and Wright teeter Jake’s reactions from surprise wonderment to growing anxiousness. This begins right after the full page panel of Shloime addressing not only his crew, but the audience with “I Believe In God”. After that moment, Jake tries fighting the appeal of his new stat-quo.

Once the assignment is completed, Jake and Chaim’s conversation proves to be reflective of the uncertainty of their business. This leads to a solid parting image further complicating things for the lead who’s in way over his head already.

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The balancing act of Jake Levin continues to impress in Comixology Originals’ latest crime drama. Kleid’s strong writing takes readers deeper into the challenges of being a criminal and caring family man. Brolia, Wright and Litt elevates the scenarios unfolding making this a story you won’t want to pass up on New Comic Book day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Nice Jewish Boys #2. Thanks for reading!