

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have finally arrived at the conclusion of the last ride of Marshall Holt via Comixology Originals & Best Jackett Press. Since its’ debut in the second wave of Scott Snyder’s line of BJP comics, the horror-western tale has grabbed readers’ imagination and never loosened its’ grip. Now, all best are off for the final showdown of good and evil in the wild, wild west.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis brings down the curtain on the mystery of the terrors of a small town. Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Marshall Holt is on the verge of retirement. He’s recruited to investigate a murder in 1891. The case leads him to the town of Canary. Holt knows this town all too well. It is the location of his most disturbing case: Hyrum Tell.

While searching the case, Holt is joined by Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren. The trio’s journey leads them from an abandoned cave to “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. The “Canary Evolution” theory looms heavy as they can’t escape the danger. All the while, Holt is trying to hold it together with the memories of his past begin to creep into the present.

After a monstrous figure reveals itself from the grave surroundings below, Holt leads the charge to head to the bottom of the cave and address whatever evil lies there once and for all.

The issue begins with Holt returning to his family’s home. The mood is dark and looming with an evil hiss. As Holt walks in the house, he finds his wife and baby dead as canary eggs lie on the floor.

Suddenly, Holt is back with Mabel as they prepare to descend to the bottom of the cave. Knowing time is not on their side, the pair lowers the elevator. Once they begin to head downward, Mabel notices that things are not normal.

The road to Hell is paved with dark intentions as Holt and Mabel finally land at the deep bottom. Once they walk out of the elevator, readers see the insanity they set into. Answers are revealed and more burden is put on Holt’s soul as he now finds himself in a place he never expected.

The closing act floods the pages with excitement and rising uncertainty. Can Holt save the day one last time? Readers will walk away with a few parting images before a surprising one to conclude this epic tale with.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Snyder sends Holt off into the sunset with an unforgettable issue. The challenges he has faced have not been an ordinary case. Tull’s impact on his life never strays too far from this story. Holt battles the ghosts of his past to find a possible future. Snyder focuses in on this element during the key points of this finale.

Once the big revelation appears, Snyder presents our lead with the challenge of being vigilant for the greater good, no matter the cost. The conflict is one that will not easily escape reader’s minds as they read the tale. It pushes Holt to his breaking point. Knowing what lies ahead, his actions re-assure any doubt of his nobility in the face of overwhelming odds.

The final moments move briskly to end this saga on a very strong note. The parting images will have readers talking as the “Canary Evolution” theory leaves a lasting impression for an immediate re-read for years to come.

Panosian delivers on looming horror and crushing drama art to conclude the last ride. The heart-wrenching images of Holt struggling to deal with his family’s state instantly sets a devious overtone to the story. Once the decent inside the cave begins, readers brace for the impact of Holt’s valiant efforts.

The cave is filled with brooding images of terror and anxiety. There are a run of two-page spreads that scream volumes of the breaking of Holt’s spirit right before the evil’s reveal. Panosian welcomes that element to the main story with a devilish hello via its’ body language. Showing Holt’s reaction to all of this further cements the cost he must decide to pay to end things. The conflict concludes with another fantastic double page action shot before bringing the curtain down. The mastery of horror and western styles is truly remarkable with the artistry.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


When the dust settles and smoke clears, Snyder and Panosian conclude Marshall Holt’s last case with a spectacular conclusion! Superb writing lays the foundation for mind-blowing visuals to guide readers into a gritty showdown of good verses evil.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on Canary #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the latest chapter of a second wave “Scottober” comic from the team over at Best Jackett Press for Comixology Originals. The line has been such a big success that there was an announcement at New York Comic Con that the deal with Comixology has been extended! This is huge news for comic fans because in the short span of about a year, this line has hit on all marks with fantastic stories like The “Last Ride” Of Marshall Holt in 1891 Utah.

Canary #3 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis continues one of the best horror western stories you’re ever going to read. With the tension built from last issue, let’s not waste another second and jump right into this book, shall we?

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals


Marshall Holt’s last ride has been one to captures fan’s attention from the start and never let go. When a seemingly good boy commits a horrific murder, Holt’s investigation leads him to a haunting familiar place. It also leads him back to one of his most terrifying adversaries in Hyrum Tell. Tell’s actions have chilled Holt to the bone and no matter the time away, that encounter still frightens. This issue kicks off with a reminder of how dangerous and maniacal Tell’s actions were. The bodies of the children Tull has killed have been found. The scene pulls no punches. Holt’s reaction is one that someone with his character should have. Struggling to find the right thing to do has been something Holt has been challenging himself with. The resolution is one that plays a factor later in this story.

From here, Holt joins Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), a rock doctor & Mabel Warren, daughter of the founder of Canary to search for the mystery at the cave. For this trip, Edwards has brought a Sonotron with him to decipher the water levels in the mines. Once arriving at the cave’s entrance, our trio finds that they are not alone. When members of the Paiute Tribe approach & try destroying the Sonotron, Holt engages in an intense stand-off with a warning issued to him and his team. The message is loud and clear with an object presented that will catch readers attention for sure. One would think this is the biggest shock in the issue, but no one is ready for what they uncover after leaving the mine. That final image is going to haunt readers with fear and anticipation for the next chapter.

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Talk about a game changing moment in the series! Snyder perfectly executes a fantastic exclamation point to this issue with that final shot! Before that moment, the conversation with Mabel explaining her father’s theory of “Forms” stands out. It’s am interesting idea that has lingered around this series since the beginning. Holt’s character evolution on this final case features the various forms he’s gone thru. The banter between Mabel and Holt is executed well as hearing Holt come to terms with how he’ being perceived was a solid add to his character. This issue’s pacing was worked in magnificently. Between the dialogue and getting inside Holt’s mind-frame, the big moments never lost its’ emotional pull. I can’t stress enough: Just WAIT for that final panel shot! Excellent work.

Panosian’s art continues to shine thru the pages of this story. With much dialogue being said between Holt, Mabel and Edwards, the reactions made by those characters will catch the reader’s attention. Going back to the conversation between Mabel and Holt while Edwards is off with his machine, Panosian dives right into Holt’s energy of a Marshall on his last case while Mabel pushing his buttons on what is really going on: He’s at the end of the line. The introduction of the Paiute Tribe to their arrival at the cave gave for another strong point of drama for this chapter. The creative team balances Holt’s world to his legacy without missing a beat.

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Final Point: Snyder, Panosian & the creative team ramp up the tension and fear with another incredible issue. The saga of Holt’s last ride transforms with new elements in play that have only scratched the surface of what evil he looks to be facing before riding off into the sunset. This book is always a must-read so make sure you don’t miss it when it debuts on Comixology Originals this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Canary #3. Thanks for reading!