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For this entry, the journey into Erica Slaughter’s past continues. SIKTC has returned with a spotlight on the “slaughterverse” hunter’s history. In the next few issues, the chapters are all stand alone stories. It’s a welcomed take as fans are still reeling from the Cutter showdown.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #37 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS) features an early Erica Slaughter in action.

Let’s not delay and take a closer look at events here.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN #37 by James Tynion lV, Werther Dell’edera Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design (BOOM! STUDIOS)


Tynion keeps things very simple with this chapter. Erica and a young child head into a Wal-Mart esque store. The clerks appear lost to what is happening. This series of events lean into Erica’s early days. Her banter with the young girl she’s trying to save plays out well. It helps to lighten up some of the darker elements at hand. Erica’s still growing her role.

The talk with Aaron shows her determination and unjaded nature. From here, the dialogue moves to the young girl. Her explaining Erica’s job provided a fine moment while Erica goes to work. The ending brims with anger and the cold demeanor that readers know from other Erica stories. Her journey feels like the long game payoff is coming, which is always a win for fans.

Dell’Edera and Muerto grant Erica a fun entrance into the story. The reactions of the employees range from doubtful to anxious. Erica’s reassurance into stopping the monster jumps off the page. It’s a subtle moment but fits the segment. This follows with a two page spread, leading into a vivid full page image of Erica and a chainsaw.

Pacing drives the fighting in this issue. Seeing Erica take on the monster felt huge. There’s little page time for the creature but using the supporting characters to describe the incident was solid. This works well with the action panels. The fallout comes across as cold and business per usual. Erica has a great walk-off panel that leads directly to where the early days continue onward. It’s fantastic storytelling!


The latest journey into Slaughter encompasses everything fans love about Erica Slaughter. Tynion’s writing delivers a classic Slaughter hunt. The art shines as the supporting cast steals attention for this chapter. With a strong walk off close, the past is a present issue that SIKTC fans will want to check out!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Something Is Killing the Children #37. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the 90’s are all the rage again! Fans have seen a resurgence of 90’s comic influence in comics and pop culture. From X-Men ‘97 to Local Man, the appeal of the decade is drawing attention. A new series from Image Comics looks to dive into that era, but with a twist.

BLOOD SQUAD SEVEN #1 by Joe Casey, Paul Fry, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Rus Wooton spinds out of the pages of Dutch. It throws a unique concept to readers. Is a team 30 years removed still relevant today?

Let’s take a closer look and see how this issue fares.

BLOOD SQUAD SEVEN #1 by Joe Casey, Paul Fry, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Rus Wooton (Image Comics)


Casey dives into the nostalgia of the era for a solid debut. Seeing how a former member is trying to recapture and rebuild the past makes for some interesting dynamics. Erica’s relationship with her daughter showcases the times have changed. “Heroes as Celebrites” with time passed leads to a theme of perception versus reality. The chapter builds towards blurring the lines. This becomes very evident with the closing moments. Seeing what unfolds there, the struggle to combat public opinion may be more challenging than it’s worth.

The art gives readers much of the throwback feel of early Image books. The full page splash of one “hero” flying through the violent destruction kicks off a sense of direction. Erica’s demeanor through pitching the team concept ranges from frustration to calm optimism. Ripcord’s violence is direct and blunt. The imagery holds nothing back when he is on page. The homages to Youngblood amongst other books adds a nice nostalgia break to the more serious tone of the series.


With the theme of Perception vs. Reality, Blood Squad Seven leaves an impression on fans with its’ throwback concept. Casey delves into the past era with solid writing. Fry and Segala present the ultra violence and mystique of the past with images that will have readers talking. This will be one to keep an eye out for on NCBD.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know our thoughts on Blood Squad Seven. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the Marvel Universe is in darkness. The sun is blacked out. Vampires are running loose. The Avengers are overwhelmed. The Bloodcoven have defeated Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Dr. Strange is taken off the board by a surprise assailant! Where do we head from here?

BLOOD HUNT #2 by Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Cory Petit (Marvel Entertainment) leads the Marvel Universe heroes through these violent times.

Let’s take a closer look at how events play out now.

BLOOD HUNT #2 by Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Cory Petit (Marvel Entertainment)


In the Impossible City, there is a sense of defeat. Thor and the Scarlet Witch are wounded. Black Panther is now a vampire. The Bloodcoven watch as their leader speaks with T’Challa. Readers watch as “the Lord of the Vampires” talks down to Wakanda’s King. The Lord in Question: BLADE, the Vampire Hunter!

With victory in hand, Blade sends the Bloodcoven after a new target. Readers quickly find out that it is Bloodline, daughter of Blade! She is fending off attacks on the innocent in New York City. It is revealed she was an unlikely ally at her side.

DRACULA (yes, THAT Dracula) is helping Bloodline. The pair is interrupted by the BloodCoven. It looks to become a very one sided fight. Elsewhere, Tigra and Hunter’s Moon are in search of one man who might be able to reverse all of this. However (even with the help of Miles Morales), it may be too little, too late. The astral form of Dr. Strange is still reeling from the attack from Blade. His human body? Another story.

Readers watch as the mood becomes darker. As Blade’s forces grow stronger, there appears to be some still wanting a fight. The action picks up as the Bloodcoven are challenged yet again. The outcome leads into a new avenue. Just when readers think they have an idea of the next phase, the closing image changes plans. Get ready for another wild chapter in Marvel’s bloodiest tale yet!

BLOOD HUNT #2 by Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Cory Petit (Marvel Entertainment) Cover: Kael Ngu

MacKay speeds up the pace to give fans a very heavy driven action chapter. The writing depicts Blade as over-confident as plans are moving. The pairing of Bloodline and Dracula provide a unique dynamic as the Bloodcoven arrives. From here, the action takes events up a few notches. Nothing is held back as the battle rages onward. The fallout leads into a natural direction. However, the closing moment is a genuine shock as readers will be guessing on what happens next.

Larraz and Gracia construct amazing action panels throughout this issue. The Bloodcoven battle kicks off with a full page splash of their opponents. Vision gets a near full page moment as he springs into action. This concludes with an iconic image declaring the true winners of this round. The fallout provides a feeling of tension and uncertainty. It caps off with a shocking total page picture that speaks many words before this chapter bows out.


The eternal darkness of the Marvel Comics Universe grows with another strong chapter. MacKay delves heavy into the action with the writing. Larraz, Gracia and Petit provide some high level battle panels before leaving readers with a huge parting moment. The story continues to impress as the violent night rages on.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Blood Hunt #2. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, the end of Krakoan Era is here. A final showdown has arrived. The Children of the Atom against the sinister Orchis! In their darkest hour, the X-Men look to stand their ground. Will it be enough? The fate of Mutantkind is the prize. Who takes home the win?

FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X #5 by Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck, Stefano Caselli, Bryan Valenza, and Travis Lanham presents a heavyweight bout for the ages!

Let’s not wait another second and jump into the action!

FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X #5 by Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck, Stefano Caselli, Bryan Valenza, and Travis Lanham (Marvel Entertainment)


Nimrod and Orchis are on the brink of victory. With Sentinel City poised to strike, there is little hope for mutantkind to survive. Times are so dire that Charles Xavier tries cutting a deal to work for Orchis to save the surviving mutants. Scott Summers and company don’t buy into this arrangement. The X-Men are prepared to fight to the end to stop Nimrod, even if it means they don’t survive the outcome.

They have bought some time as the S.W.O.R.D. space station was teleported into Sentinel City. It dealt a blow but wasn’t enough. Cyclops and Nightcrawler assess the situation. Unfortunately, Colossus is knocked into space. This leaves Cyclops alone to face off with a waiting Nimrod!

Meanwhile, Rogue and Kwannon make a play to stop Omega Sentinel. Their attack neutralizes the threat also known as Karima. Its resolution leaves one obstacle handled but victory is far from reachable.

Readers watch as Nimrod unleashes a full attack on the X-Men. For being a perfect sentinel, there is one variable it didn’t comprehend. In their darkest hour, a force enters the battle. It is a showdown that will have fans on their feet.

The outcome is pure box office excitement! It is one fans are sure to be pleased with. The following scenario sets forth a new path. As big of a battle this was, there might be a larger one at hand. The final image calls forth a return that may be the deciding factor of mutantkind’s fate! With two parts left, anything is possible from here!

FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X #5 by Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck, Stefano Caselli, Bryan Valenza, and Travis Lanham (Marvel Entertainment) cover: Carlos Gómez

Duggan delivers on an action packed conclusion to this series. From the initial onset, the stakes felt astronomical. Cyclops leading the charge was a perfect choice for the final battle with Nimrod. Even through the course of the battle, the writing reflected the will to survive in Scott Summers. The defiant confidence shined. These also carried through with the rest of the X-Men. It captured the themes of what makes this group so special.

One member steals the show in this chapter. After making a grand entrance, the conflict changes gears. It is a game changing moment that the others feed off of looking for strength. This builds towards a dramatic end of battle. The fallout shifts gears back to Cyclops. Knowing his legacy with the group, it is only fitting that he is the one standing in the end pushing to end this era once and for all.

Werneck and Caselli give fans much to rave about in the finale. The showdown with Omega Sentinel conveys big emotion in Rogue and Kwannon. The broken state of Karima sets the pace for what lies ahead with Nimrod. The anger of Cyclops plays off the arrogance of Nimrod very well.

Fans get a full page entrance for the game-changer in this conflict. The reactions from the other mutants resonates with fans. The images mirror the growing feeling of hope as their battle rages onward. Each panel speaks volumes of the impact of the battle. This leads into a strong ending panel of the victor. The art team ties up events with a full page montage that cements the key factor in bringing this all to an end.


Epic is the only proper way to describe the final showdown of Nimrod and the Children of the Atom. Duggan excels the pace to craft frantic excitement in the battle fans have been waiting for. The art team gift readers with big action and larger emotional impacts as the Krokoan Era winds down.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Fall Of The House of X #5. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, the coolest book at the LCS has returned with a vengeance. Hell has been unleashed on Earth. Everyone’s favorite reaper is rallying her allies to try stopping things from getting worse. However, the spotlight for this issue shifts from Jessica Harrow to one of the series most beloved characters.

GRIM #17 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS) walks readers into the story of the one and only Eddie!

Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the issue!

GRIM #17 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS)


The year is 1975. A young man is putting on some eye liner before heading to the school bus. As he leaves the house, his father draws his attention. Dad isn’t too keen with the eyeliner and barks orders to remove it. The young man hesitates and gets slapped for being disrespectful. The young man is Eddie.

The story jumps to 1985. Eddie is backstage at a show applying the eyeliner. A reporter is questioning Eddie about his family’s support. Eddie sells the “perfect” story. In the conversation, he slips up and mentions his solo project. Eddie’s drummer Saul hears this and is none too pleased. This causes some friction between the bandmates. Saul announces their friendship is taking a toll on his health. It’s agreed that Saul will play their current show but won’t after that. They head to the stage and begin their sold out show.

Readers watch as the high price of fame catches up with Eddie. It is an emotional toll that carries a heavy weight. The young boy from New Jersey bears some heavy scars. This builds towards a moment that changes everything. Its’ conclusion leads to a send-off that will hit in all the emotions. There is no way fans will see that final panel and not get a bit choked up before concluding the issue.

Phillips walks readers through the rock star life with an unforgettable issue. Eddie and his relationships with family and friends vary to extreme degrees. His father proves to be a source of pain and manipulation. Eddie shows him compassion through the years of abusive behavior.

It’s a stark contrast to his loyal best friend Saul. Eddie treats him as an after thought through the sacrifices Saul has made for him over the years. This all unfolds into the middle act where fate confronts Eddie head on. Heading into the final pages, Phillips leads readers into one direction but pulls a great swerve. it leads to a heart-wrenching moment that perfectly closes out a great read.

Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano bring out the best and worst of Eddie’s life with the art in this issue. The brooding disdain of Eddie’s dad pours out on each page. Saul’s reaction to Eddie’s non-caring attitude is one of desperate hope with no luck. Once they hit the stage, this dissolves into a bright two page splash.

Eddie’s demons don’t stay way for long. A post show party is filled with visions of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. The lyrics of “Boys Don’t Cry” come to life via Napolitao’s haunting lettering. It fills the air of a stunning full page image. What follows captures the shock and fear involved with rock n’ roll lifestyle. The closing image is an easy connect with readers. It packs an emotional toll that only this creative team can deliver.


With “Boys Don’t Cry”, the tragic tale of one of the series most beloved characters comes to the forefront. Phillps weaves in themes of loss, pain and redemption masterfully with the writing. Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano brings the bright lights and dark times of Rock N’ Roll to the masses with pin-point precision. After reading this issue, there’s no way anyone can dispute why this is comics’ coolest series each issue out.

Hit me up on ODPHpod and let me know your thoughts on GRIM #17. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, a combustible duo finally explodes. Superman and Lobo became unlikely allies in pursuit of Brainiac. The Collector of Worlds has a Czarnian army at his disposal. He also has some members of the Super Family as prisoners.

With common interest in Brainiac’s plans, the “Main Men Of Steel” begin their chase. The partnership seemed to be working well until an offer was made that one couldn’t say no to.

SUPERMAN #14 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS) sees the fallout of the proposal and how that spells doom for defeating Brainiac.

Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

SUPERMAN #14 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS)


In space, everyone can hear a punch. Lobo and Superman are throwing down at the Hardcore station. General Chacal offered Lobo to be the new leader of his army of Czarnians. To lock up the “House of Lobo”, The Main Man must take out Superman. Let the fight begin!

During their brawl, Supes tries reasoning with Lobo. He brings up how Chacal is using him. Lobo denies the claims. In this moment, Chacal captures Superman. Chacal gives Superman some fire as a slip of the tongue proves Superman was right. The group brings Superman right to Brainiac’s ship.

On board, Lex Luthor and Supergirl are on the run in Colu, the home city of Brainiac (long thought destroyed). While evading detection, Luthor answers a question looming: Why was he working with Brainiac. The answer isn’t cut and dry, but it’s a Lex answer. An unlikely hero jumps into their path to help save them for now, but is it too late?

The closing moments packs quite the impact. Readers will be in shock and awe of what Brainiac has done. A new factor has entered this equation. It makes an immediate impact, leaving any witnesses knowing that their end is near. Once fans see that final page, there is no doubt events went from bad to worse for Superman.

SUPERMAN #14 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, Alejandro Sánchez and Ariana Maher (DC COMICS) - Cover: Salvador Larroca

The true emergence of Evil. Williamson does an excellent build towards Brainiac’s reveal. The throwdown with Lobo and Superman plays right into the manipulations theme of this event. Chacal’s scheming his its mark. The result becomes more than is bargained for. This is amplified by the conversation with Luthor and Supergirl.

Seeing Lex appear to be concerned for Brainiac’s plans speaks volumes. It all combines for a shocking final act. Once the new entity makes their presence known, the writing leaves no pause for their arrival. It is a brutal conclusion mixed with shocking reactions. Fans will be on edge until the next chapter drops.

The art team gifts readers with gigantic images throughout this issue. Explosive two page splashes back to back sets the Superman and Lobo fight into high gear. It is balanced with the facial reactions of Luthor. While running from Brainiac’s forces, the emotions range from worried to concerned.

Arguably the issue’s stongest work is the closing act. Another two page full splash starts Brainiac’s final plans. The result is treated with a dynamic two page spread. It clearly delivers on the danger and carnage Brainiac has just unleashed. The chapter is perfectly capped off with a full page visual that leaves a bold statement until the “House of Brainiac” resumes.


With deceptions abound, Superman finds himself in front of a new evil that he might not be able to stop. Williamson constructs an incredible read with action and answers filling the bill. The art team elevates the conflicts and challenges to new levels. A new threat to the DCU has arrived and fans might not be ready for what’s next!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #14. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of the Original Emerald Crusader. During this story, Alan Scott has taken on all challenges. A former lover. A closed minded society. A destiny that cannot be denied. Now with the odds stacked against him, it appears that maybe there will be a light of hope at the end of the dark tunnel.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #6 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Matt Herms, Jordi Tarragona and Lucas Gattoni (DC COMICS) brings the action before closing out this chapter in Alan Scott’s legendary career.

Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the finale.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #6 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Matt Herms, Jordi Tarragona and Lucas Gattoni (DC COMICS) - Cover: David Talaski


The chapter begins in present time with Scott narrating this story to a mysterious figure.

In the past, the relationship between Alan Scott and Vladimir Sokov aka John Ladd is extremely complex. Sokov had been working as a spy. Infused with the powers of a Red Lantern, Sokov has turned his attention to eliminate his former lover.

Plans have not gone as expected. Scott has bested Sokov through all the personal attacks. Unfortunately, this has not won victory. The Crimson Host has arrived to take care of Sokov and Scott. Luckily, Scott has some powerful friends watching his back: the JSA!

The action starts fast as both group throw down. Sokov’s powers are fading fast without a recharge. Scott is doing all he can to fend off the threat. However, Major Blaze halts his progress. Sokov jumps in for the safe but it’s not enough. The powerful figure starts unloading on Sokov and kills him in the process!

Readers watch as the emotions pour out of Scott. The rage is unleashed. Is it enough? A shocking event occurs that enters the battlefield. Its’ result is one that will catch readers off-guard. This sends the story into a more personal reaction as Scott comes to grips with what just transpired. It closes one area but leads to a very strong final act.

After the events that Scott has had to endure, there is still one enemy that he must face alone. The closing pages set that last conflict up with a defiant Scott refusing to back down. Its’ epilogue completes a soul’s journey into becoming what many have seen all along: Scott as a hero and a symbol of strength.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #6 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Matt Herms, Jordi Tarragona and Lucas Gattoni (DC COMICS) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Sheridan leaves this point of Scott’s life with validation and grace. The conflict with Sokov has had many layers involved. With their last stand, the writing leans into Scott’s feelings and pits them against his duties. The results leave Scott in a much stronger place heading into the close.

The issue’s most powerful moment is one addressing Scott’s conflict with society. Scott handles this issue with powerful words. The dialogue reinforces the emergence of Scott as more than just a hero. Standing up for who is without fear is the most heroic action he can ever take. This leads to a revelation of who’s listening to the story that will please fans. It is a moment that will connect with many. As this unfolds, the closing dialogue solidifies what everyone has seen in this entire series: the emergence of unbreakable will through adversity.

Tormey, Herms, Tarragona and Gattoni waste no pages gifting the action to readers. There’s an incredible two page splash to open up events. The battle with Sokov and Blaze screams of intensity and anger. This is reflected in Scott’s powers unleashed in a half page set-up. Its’ ending is mixed with shorter panels and the former lovers understand the end has arrived.

Panels are also gifted with the pure emotional reactions of Scott’s heart breaking and rebuilding itself. Once the reveal of the figure in present time is completed, the images shine with the release of the building drama. The closing pages tie up loose ends very well. This is all topped off with a full page visual that caps off the epic saga in solid fashion.


What makes a hero? That question is definitively answered in this final chapter. Sheridan’s superb writing invokes the grit and determination of Scott’s unbreakable will. Tormey, Herms, Tarragona and Gattoni flood the pages with exciting imagery. Readers will leave knowing no power is greater than love.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are returning to a brand new series from Comixology Originals and Stout Club Entertainment. A royal murder has taken place inside a mountain community. With building tensions amongst the clans inhabiting the land, there is no telling how devasting the explosion of personalities will be.

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS/STOUT CLUB) dives further into the chaotic fallout.

Let’s take a closer look at the next chapter!

Mistland #2 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque


Castilho juggles around many characters in this issue. The King casts out Thrud, Har of the Dagar, Lodar, Liv, Embla and Gymir. There is a wide range of reactions to the exile. Har and Gymir stand out as moments readers will focus on. The six now must face the brutal elements of the Mistland.

Seeing how they survive in the frozen tundra proves for a new dynamic to emerge. Har and Gymir continue to break from the rest as the characters to watch. Their banter proves to reflect the lives they have now left behind. This leads to a unique finish with much for fans to ponder in this new landscape.

Watanabe and Marques give ample time for the original exiles to say their goodbyes. The panels capture the heartbreak and frustration of their sentences. Once the six exiles are outside the mountain, the art gives a broad picture of what they’re up against.

The new environment causes more tensions to rise. The brief argument between Har and Gymir jumps out from the pages. This rolls into a striking closing image. Knowing that the group is in new territory, readers will have to make their guesses as to what lies ahead.


Mystery abounds for six exiles as a new stat quo unfolds. Castilho’s writing switches themes to farewells and survival fighting. The imagery of Watanabe, Marques and Manes fills the pages with growing mysteries. Get ready as the biggest dangers to this group might not just be their newfound home, but their own personalities as well.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Mistland #2. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, we’re jumping into an adventure starring one of Marvel’s brightest new stars! Since her debut, Kamala Khan has been winning over fans in droves. The character has made the transition to live action flawlessly. Now poised to have a bigger role in the comics and MCU with her new “Mutant” origin, Ms. Marvel is making waves during the fall of the Krakoan Era.

MS. MARVEL: MUTANT MENACE #3 by Iman Vellani, Sabir Pirzada, Scott Godlewski, Erick Arciniega and Joe Caramagna (Marvel Entertainment) brings back an old friend as Kamala finds herself in uncharted water.

Let’s take a closer look at how things play out.

MS. MARVEL: MUTANT MENACE #3 by Iman Vellani, Sabir Pirzada, Scott Godlewski, Erick Arciniega and Joe Caramagna (Marvel Entertainment)


With the return of Red Dagger, Kamala’s life becomes more complicated. Throughout the seriousness of Orchis’ attack, the writing keeps things centered around young love and her dealing with her new status quo. The action comes into play quickly in the middle act. Vellani and Pirzada playing off the notion of the Five is a solid plot theme in describing the familiar faces that are popping up.

Seeing the true villain’s plans in motion is an easy connection for readers. With Kamala being involved in the Mutant issues of the current MCU, the notion of Orchis involvement helps. It brings Kamala in a closer connection to Mutant affairs. The closing page might have something to say about that as Kamala’s dream escape crashes back to reality.

The art by Godlewski and Arciniega reflects the ever optimistic title hero. Red Dagger’s introduction brings up images of youthful hope and romance. It serves to counter the heavier matter of the Mutant hunting going on. The introduction of “zombie” Cyclops is gifted a half page image. Seeing the X-Man in this state makes for a loud, positive visual. This builds up for more as the book progresses. Readers will have a big surprise waiting for them on the final page. it is one that should have more fans talking about what is unfolding here.


With an old friend stopping by, Kamala Khan’s world gets turned upside down. The writing brings out the best of Kamala’s personality. Paired with solid imagery depicting action and a blossoming romance, fans will have much to be invested in. The final page should have some readers buzzing with who stops by. Keep this one on the radar when at the shops this week.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #3. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, we are heading back into Marvel’s Ultimate line. HISAKO ICHIKI is not your average student. After the death of her friend Tsubasa, Ichiki is forever changed. A Shadow creature is haunting her.

The figure is attacking those who bullied Tsubasa. As the body count rises, so do Ichiki’s suspicious nature. With the dark being lurking, Ichiki may have found an ally in Mei Igarashi. Can the two stop the Shadow before another body is killed?

ULTIMATE X-MEN #3 by Peach Momoko, Zack Davisson and Travis Lanham looks to provide those answers and much more!

Let’s take a closer look at what’s unfolding now/

ULTIMATE X-MEN #3 by Peach Momoko, Zack Davisson and Travis Lanham (Marvel Entertainment)


The chapter presents a few new avenues in Ichiki’s story. The flashbacks to two years prior sets the tone for how long the Shadow has been creeping around. Readers get the sense of the long game being played here. The writing reflects the unknown factor and how that composes Ichiki’s character in the present. They also get a deep insight to the mysterious friend Mei.

Her story is that of pain and a shattered homelife. Once her story plays out, the themes circle back to the mutant aspect of her world. It makes the budding friendship with Ichiki more organic. This builds towards a strong closing moment as another change is heading into Ichiki’s way.

The art continues to crush this series. Flashback sequences elude to the sinister motives being planted. It is a counter to the more happier times of Ichiki and Mei. Both seem like they have made a much needed friend due to their backgrounds.

Readers are treated to a two page spread showcasing Mei’s powers. This comes on the heels of uneasy imagery of the Shadow in play. Momoko doves into the emotions of Mei to connect her more throughly with readers. The sense of wonder and failure crowd the young girl’s panel. This all changes in the closing moments. The parting image leaves readers off on more of a question than a shocking moment. It is solid storytelling all around with this book.


HISAKO ICHIKI and her world continues to provide a unique take on the X-Men mythos. Momoko shifts gears to Mei’s story which delivers on impactful writing and images. Once things come back to the present, there is a sense of wonder as a new player enters the game. This will be one to look out for on NCBD.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Ultimate X-Men #3. Thanks for reading.


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For this entry, time is ticking away on Jace Boucher. “The Butcher” of the “Slaughter-verse” has angered two very dangerous groups. Dealing with the House of Boucher is one thing. Trying to fight off them and their allies in the House of Slaughter spells certain death. How long can he survive for now?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #23 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) heads right into the fallout of last issue’s initial strike.

Let’s take a closer look at how things shape up now!

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #23 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) - BOOM! Studios


Brombal shows how this conflict is breaking down both sides. Jace is trying to fight his battle but shows his emotions are leaking his weakness. With each wund that has been done, it’s fueling Jace on his mission. The question becomes: will it be enough to win?

On he other hand, being embarrassed by a lowly hunter doesn’t go over well with each house. The alliance seems to start showing its’ fractures after the defeat. The Old Dragon steals the spotlight to show his plans to eliminate Jace are the only options now. This causes big tensions with the opposing house. The writing shows how much more is layered beneath the surface. Even in the final moments, there are secrets to be unlocked. This is all much to fans’ benefits.

Fuso and Muerto lean into Jace’s rage in the opening pages. His talk with Maven leaves no doubt of how personal this all has become. It’s capped off with a strong near full page visualizing why he is fighting this fight.

The breakdown between the Houses also jumps out at readers. The embarrassment of Jace winning drives the Dragon into full panic. His facial reactions speak of the last shot to reclaim his reputation. The fallout demonstrates the power play each parties are attempting on the other. Once the closing pages start, readers will have the inclination that the end is coming faster than expected.


Jace’s last stand builds towards an unimaginable showdown with the latest chapter. Brombal keeps the paranoia and rage high with the writing. Fuso, Muerto and the team magnify the breaking of spirits amongst the key players as Jace’s time ticks closer away.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on House of Slaughter #23. Thanks for reading.

The Principles of Necromancy #2 (MAGMA COMIX)

Hey everyone! This is Matt from Hops Geek News and I’ve got a new comic book review for you to check out:

The Principles of Necromancy #2 by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (Writers,) Eamon Winkle (Art,) Jay Fotos (Colors,) and Shawn Lee (Letters.) Cover by Eamon Winkle.

The Principles of Necromancy #2 by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (Writers,) Eamon Winkle (Art,) Jay Fotos (Colors,) and Shawn Lee (Letters.) Cover by Eamon Winkle. - Magma Comix

Eloise is a girl thirsty to learn as her mother lie dying from a mysterious tumor deep within her. Until Doctor Jakob Eyes appears on a house call to mysteriously cure her of all diseases. Eager to learn from the man himself, Eloise follows the haunting doctor to his house. Does Doctor Eyes take apprentices, and is Eloise prepared to view the grotesque lessons that await?

The Art:

Have you ever witnessed something so intriguing yet so vomit-inducing that you are unsure if you are to look away or watch in awe? That is the best way to sum up the pages within the confines of this glorious book of horrors. So many pages leave us looking at every inch of the panels, taking in the brains, skulls, and viles that all present themselves to us and Doctor Eyes. Eamon and Jay have done such a wonderful job creating Jakob, from the mask that he wears to the hollow, dark, void-of-life eyes with which he stares at Eloise.

The panels have a dull and grey back drop yet the characters and everything in the foreground burst with color which speaks to just how fascinating this story really is. The panel looking into the house from above as though it was taken from The Sims is perhaps one of the best in the issue. I cannot get enough.

The Principles of Necromancy #2 by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (Writers,) Eamon Winkle (Art,) Jay Fotos (Colors,) and Shawn Lee (Letters.) Cover by Eamon Winkle. - Magma Comix

The Writing:

The Hivemind continues to weave a mysterious tale. In this issue, Jakob gets some personality and showcases his sharp wit and zero tolerance for foolery. Eloise is one of the readers who have become enthralled by this book as we, too, want to know how he does it. Meanwhile, Shawn Lee stands out in the tone of the lettering. You feel the softness of Eloise and Jakob's voice and the thundering roar when needed.


This comic continues to solidify Magma Comix as a serious player in the world of comics. It's a slow-burning, horrifying mystery that plays to all of our senses. When you finish the issue, we are left begging for the next, as we need it immediately.



Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we’re following along with a return of one of pop culture’s biggest fandoms. When this series picked back up via Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics, fans were elated. The never ending battle of G.I. Joe and Cobra has been nothing short of action packed. The series sees a new art team step in for this issue. Their first go-around dives right into the fallout of an assassination attempt!

G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO #306 by LARRY HAMA, PAUL PELLETIER, TONY KORDOS, FRANCESCO SEGALA, SABRINA DEL GRASSO and PAT BROSSEAU (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics) raises the stakes as sides are being formed!

Let’s take a deeper look at how things shape up.



The issue picks right up with a missile coming right towards Zartan! The master of disguise escapes the explosion, but finds a clue. The missile has markings from M.A.R.S Industries. Readers know that to be the company owned by the one and only Destro!

However, he was not the one behind this attack. That “honor” belongs to Serpentor Khan. The mutated madman has plans to take out Cobra Commander and Destro! Readying a mounting attack, Serpentor has sent a decoy Zartan to meet with Destro.

In their meeting, Destro catches wind of the decoy. The Baroness wants to destroy the robot. Destro stops her. His reasoning? Destro is planning on using the robot to feed Serpentor false information.

Readers watch as events are set into motion for a grave Cobra showdown. The Joes are working events on their side. The good guys don’t go without a tragedy in their fight. There is a crushing moment that unfolds which won’t go unavenged. Judging by the final page, a X factor in this complicated puzzle might have made a choice. It very well may be the deciding addition to put one side over the top in the upcoming combat. Brace for a very fast paced issue.


Hama doesn’t delay in heading right to business in this chapter. The Zartan opening moves briskly into the Serpentor scheming. Seeming as the overall “big bad’, the unhinged plans of the mutated leader work to create a chaotic atmosphere. This also rolls into Springfield. Its’ the location for a heartbreaking moment. Hama sets up up flawlessly from last issue. It will hit readers in the emotions. From here, its’ back to business as events are in full swing for the road to showdown.

Pelletier and Kordos open up with a near full page image of Zartan escaping the oncoming missile. They also focus on the reactions to events playing out. Seeing the unhinged look of Serpentor and fear in Dr. Mindbender speaks volumes.

The action is also featured strongly in this chapter. The Snake-Eyes montage is filled with imagery of him doing what he does best. However, this is eclipsed by the tragic moments in Springfield. While only being a few panels, the art team drives him a dark moment of the series. If readers had any question of how dangerous this climate is, they need to look no further that these panels.


Sides are forming and the elite special forces unit is caught in the middle! Hama speeds through each key players set-up with the writing. Pelletier and Kordos hit readers with a multi-layered attack with the art building up for the forthcoming stand-off. There is much for fans to be excited for in this series.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on G.I. JOE: A REAL AMERICAN HERO #306. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are heading into the second fall of a championship story. The mysterious death of Rey Castro has shaken his sister. The levels Mona is willing to go looking for answers is huge. The question now becomes what will she do when she unlocks the truth?

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals) dives further into the complex world of the Castros.

Let’s get ringside and see how things shape up now.

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)


Ramonita “Mona” Castro is on a mission. Her brother Rey dies in an accident inside the squared circle. Mona knows this is no accident and seeks out to find the truth.

Mona tracks down “Burly Bill”, who was last in the ring with Rey. In the interrogation, Bill becomes unresponsive. Mona becomes frustrated and touches her forehead. It is no coincidence of the place of contact.

The story flashes back to when Mona was in school. At lunch, other students are gossiping about her and her brother. They claim how wrestling is fake. They also say her brother really isn’t dead. Mona snaps the tab of her soda can and blades her forehead. She winds up covering the rude students in her blade job.

Being suspended for her actions, Mona confronts her father. “King” Castro is happy she defended her brother but advises her to be better. When Rey’s “accident” is mentioned, Mona echoes it was no accident.

The tone shifts to a more downward note as a “Past Due” notice is discovered. It is revealed after Rey’s death, KCPW is struggling to survive. An idea is thrown out to try saving it but one not without a great weight.

Readers watch as a new star appears to enter the world of professional wrestling. The story time jumps a bit but not without great cause. Mona’s quest for the truth takes another turn as a suspect emerges. The closing act features Mona taking matters into her own hands once again. This time, the final image sets the stage for a very different style of investigating. “Business has just picked up.”

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

HARD STYLE JUICE #2 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

McCormick never let the family aspect stray too far as the main point of the story. Mona’s new persona is given a proper origin. Knowing how fiercely she will defend her family is arguably her strongest attribute. The initial banter with her and her dad ranges from overbearing to loving. Seeing the sacrifices Mona makes will instantly make her a face in front of the readers.

The time jump is ideal for where the story needs to go next. Mona’s growth in character benefits from the move. She is shown to be tougher emotionally while retaining her anger over Rey. This leads into a great closing act. Mona’s parting words carry that same fire heading into the next chapter. Strong work.

López-Ortiz and Moore never shy away from the “realness” of the Castro family profession. The sequence of blading works on a few levels. Non wrestling fans won’t get it and arguably will be squeamish. Ones who know will appreciate the details put into the scene.

The in-ring action later is electric yet again. The imagery locks in the intensity of the in-ring work. Paired with the post-match fallout, the panels give a vivid picture of the workings of the business. Prime example is when two wrestlers are talking their match out via Full page with staged panels. This all leads to a solid ending page where the lettering of Hopkins steals the show. This will be a huge win for fans.


Mona’s quest for justice leads into a new direction with the latest chapter of HSJ. McCormick’s writing leans directly into the family dynamic. López-Ortiz balances the insides and outs of the business with exceptional artistry. Make sure to tag yourself into this series on NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Hard Style Juice #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the life and times of the Wayne family these days can be easily described as “complicated.” Man-Bat is running around wrecking havoc. A mysterious figure has emerged known as Shush. Flatline has crashed back into Damian’s life. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Simone Di Meo, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro and Steve Wands dives further into mystery as the search for clues becomes even greater.

Let's not delay and jump into the latest chapter.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Simone Di Meo, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro and Steve Wands (DC COMICS)


The chapter begins with Batman being held prisoner in a uniquely familiar set-up. It’s a Bat cave, but not his cave. Dr. Kirk Langstrom is the landlord here. Man-Bat is taking his victory lap as Batman assesses the changes since Langstrom’s heroic times.

Meanwhile, Damian and Flatline have entered into a dangerous location: High School. Damian fully believes that Principal Stone is his old trainer from the League of Assassins. Options are limited to get Stone away from the other students. Drastic times call for drastic measures. A fight ensues but not one readers might immediately think.

This leads to a showdown building for a few issues now. Is Principal Stone Mistress Harsh? Shish? Or someone else? The answer starts a domino effect that draws out another big reveal. Readers will have much to break down as things come into focus.

Its’ fallout sends the young hero on a new path. The closing pages builds the danger as Damian closes in on his fathers whereabouts. Once arriving, it is clear to see he has more than he bargained for. The final image speaks volumes as readers brace for what’s coming next.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Simone Di Meo, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro and Steve Wands (DC COMICS) - Cover: Howard Porter

Williamson gifts a healthy portion of this issue to Damian’s story. The high school times have been a refreshing break from the other Bat books. Seeing Damian actually be a kid instead of Robin will win over readers. The showdowns unfolding clear up some lingering plot points. The pacing keeps events moving without lingering too long for the fallout. Once the final act being, writing hits its’ main points while bowing out on a sold end note for now.

Art duties are spilt with a returning Di Meo and Niro heading up the Batman areas. The introduction to the Bat-Cave 2.0 is presented with an excellent two-page splash. Man-Bat’s gloating comes off as both menacing and leveling up from where he’s been. This is complemented later in the book with another strong two-page spread.

Čižmešija and Lokus tackle the high school. Spotlighting Damian being young and foolish works to kick his story into high gear. The Shush segments get a two page splash that will answer a few points for fans. The art brings out the best of Damian’s reactions to news as he heads into the action. The spilt art teams brought much for fans to be amped up for heading into the promising next chapter.


With Man-Bat nearing completion of his plans, Damian Wayne’s luck appears to be turning with this latest chapter. Williamson gifts fans payoffs for certain plot points with the writing. The art teams split duties to give Batman and Robin their own distinct look before closing with a stand-of final page. This isn’t your average Bat book and that’s a big win for fans.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman and Robin #9. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, “House Of Brainiac” has been on the minds of many comic fans. Brainiac has orchestrated Czarnians coming to Earth. The ruthless aliens made an immediate impact. Some of the “Super Family” are taken off the board during the encounter. This has led many to ask: “How does Superman fight back?”

He enlists an unlikely “partner” who knows a thing or two about Czarnians. The Main Man has now teamed up with The Man Of Steel. Lobo and Superman are in pursuit. Will it be enough to thwart Brainiac and … Lex Luthor?

ACTION COMICS #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) provides the next stop on the road to “Absolute Power”.

Let’s take a closer look at how things look now.

ACTION COMICS #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


Lex Luthor and Brainiac converse over Brainiac’s true plans. The conversation is tense with Brainiac not divulging a great deal. Luthor switches topics to the Czarnian role in this scheme. Brainiac stays tight lipped as he knows a fight is about to happen.

The story switches to Superman and Lobo. The unlikely duo is in hot pursuit of the missing Super family members. In their way is the army of Czarnians Brainiac has unleashed. General Chacal seems to have under-estimated the Man of Steel as the fighing unfolds. Destroying their space hogs, the pair escapes.

Meanwhile, Supergirl and Conner Kent have escaped from Brainiac’s holding cell. Being miniature size doesn’t help their cause. Getting some unlikely help, the pair returns to normal size after dodging danger. With a small team in place, they make a run to take over the ship. This fails to succeed as Brainiac confronts them. With prisoners back in control, the unthinkable is revealed.

Readers watch as Brainiac reveals a secret that sends shockwaves. What has the collector of worlds been working on? As for our heroes, the unlikely duo is halted in their travels. A proposal is made that might be the breaking point of Superman and Lobo’s team-up. With a definitive final panel, the direction of events has drastically changed.

There is also a back-up story by Williamson, Mirko Colak, Mike Spicer, and Sharpe that dives into a forgotten Brainiac: Vril Dox of L.E.G.I.ON. Fame.

ACTION COMICS #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) - Cover: Jorge Jimenez

Williamson plays into the uneasiness between the Main Man and Man Of Steel. At the first exposure, they are working in unison. Lobo’s influence is starting to grow on Superman with his actions. This carries through on their trek to find Brainiac. Once readers think there is a level of loyalty, the writing reflects how this pair is a ticking timebomb from exploding. Once the new offer is made, the match becomes lit.

Brainiac’s time is centered around his goal. The reveal is a monster one knowing the character. Williamson almost makes it a sympathetic gesture by the collector of Worlds. This becomes quickly dismayed as the heroes ignore the reason and continue their fight. The dialogue shows Brainiac back to full form and this spells nothing but a win for readers.

Sandoval and Mendonca welcome in the action with a fantastic two page full splash. Lobo’s reaction to Superman calling the shots makes for a fun break in the story. Readers see this is short lived later in the book. The art captures the Czarnians deviousness as they confront the pair. The closing page tips off how fast things have broken down. It’s a great parting moment to usher in the next chapter.

Supergirl’s mission also delivers on strong panels. The face off with the Doomsday Wolves exemplifies the danger she and Connor wind up in. The return to form is given a solid near full page moment. Its’ following imagery spotlights Brainiac’s reveal. The exposed secret feels like a big event due to the art. It’s a great compliment to the story as it causes a new direction to be taken.


DC’s current Odd Couple walks in thin ice as Brainiac reveals his master scheme in this chapter. Williamson brings out the humor and harsh reality with the writing. Sandoval, Mendonca and Sharpe balance out the big events with fantastic art. This crossover is heading into different routes so hop on board before it’s too late.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Action Comics #1065. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series from BOOM! Studios. A bad direction is better than no direction. That is the motto that a young man seems to choose when a discovery that begins a road down a dark path. With an all-star team behind it, this has all the makings for another monster series for BOOM! and readers.

CROCODILE BLACK #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman, Incredible Hulk), Somnath Pal (Brigands), Patricio Delpeche and Becca Carey (BOOM! STUDIOS) welcomes readers into Danny’s world and the new path he’s chosen.

Let’s take a closer look at how this debut shapes up.

CROCODILE BLACK #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman, Incredible Hulk), Somnath Pal (Brigands), Patricio Delpeche and Becca Carey (BOOM! STUDIOS)


Grizzly murders have taken place. The killer is known for wearing crocodile skin shoes. He seems relaxed as he takes out his targets. A snake seems to be following his every move.

One month prior, Danny is a young delivery man. His past seems complex. There are themes of loss, isolation and mystery surrounding him. Danny is talking to what sounds like a therapist on the phone. Escapism becomes the main topic of their talk. Their conversation doesn’t go the way Danny likes when his little brother Matty is mentioned.

It’s interrupted when Danny arrives at the home of Leo Black. As he walks inside, he finds Leo dead in a chair. A call for help is made but never completed. Danny ends the call and takes Black’s tangling cigarette and leaves. As he leaves, he becomes fascinated with Black’s crocodile shoes…

What happens next will lock readers in for the long haul. Events move fast as more pieces slowly become revealed. It builds for a powerful final act. There are many questions formed as the final page leaves a few thoughts in readers’ minds until next time.

CROCODILE BLACK #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Superman, Incredible Hulk), Somnath Pal (Brigands), Patricio Delpeche and Becca Carey (BOOM! STUDIOS) - Cover: Christian Ward

Johnson crafts a complex tale as Danny’s life tries finding a source of purpose. On the outside, Danny is as normal as can be. Inside, he is conflicted and angry. Once the moment strikes finding Black’s body, things begin to shift into a frightening direction.

The dynamic with his family is fractured. His brother’s disappearance lingers heavily on what relationship (if any) they have. Once the fallout commences there, readers get an idea of where things are heading. The bookend technique works as to the multiple layers of Danny. The pacing allows readers to become caught up in his evolution. Where it leads from here can only grow readers’ interest in a story behind a troubled soul.

Pal, Delpeche and Carry provide an intense opening to Danny’s story. The beginning series of events hold nothing back. Its’ as graphic and violent as one would think. This becomes a stark contrast to where we see Danny in the middle of the chapter. His mannerisms leave no indication on where his journey goes.

The fascination of the shoes becomes a haunting element. It feels at that moment a switch is hit that should have been left dormant. Knowing where the moment leads, the art team showcases the rage and disillusion Danny tries to disappear in. This leads to a strong closing page. The final panel speaks volumes with just a look at the reader. Get prepared for a very unique journey.


The evolution of Evil shines as a young man welcomes readers into a complex scenario. Johnson boldly sends Danny into his next phase with superb writing. Pal Pal, Delpeche and Carry leave no panel to waste with the heavy imagery witnessed. This will be a series to have on your radars.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on CROCODILE BLACK #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are returning to the world of the Unnamed Universe. After exploding back into comic shops on “Ghost Machine Day”, Tariq Geiger continues his quest to find purpose in a lost world.

GEIGER #2 by Geoff JohnsGary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS) continues his journey with an exceptional issue.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s unfolding here.

GEIGER #2 by Geoff JohnsGary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS)


Johns brings out the multi-layers of Tariq Geiger to the fans' delight. The unlikely pairing of Nate the Nuclear Knight and Geiger gave a fun break from the darkness of the world around them. Seeing Nate try continuously to win over Geiger made for some entertaining moments. With the post-apocalypse comes new rules to live by. The adaptation of the pair to get by provides a very engaging tale with this chapter.

The conflict is everything a reader would want from a great story. It has action. It has Drama. Factor in a great twist and how can it go wrong? Johns pulls this off flawlessly. Seeing Geiger doing his best to avoid being a hero and failing never disappoints. The ending throws everything in motion for a new player to step into the light. It serves as a reminder that not every tale gets a happy ending. Excellent work!

Frank, Anderson and Leigh bring out the best in the new world of the Unnamed. Opening with a full page shot of Nate trying to secure food starts events off in a delightful manner. The outcome combines elements of fun and brooding to lead readers into the heart of the chapter. The odd couple's reactions to the events range from frustration to shame. It quickly establishes how different Nate and Geiger are, making their panel time more impactful.

The chase after the "criminal" is filled with bold action sequences. Images move swiftly with Geiger and Nate on the chase. It leads to an impressive two-page splash that signals Geiger is ready for action. There is no escaping this moment leading a new phase in the book. The glow of Geiger radiating off a mask makes for a great visual. Once readers head into the final panels, the art team leaves them in startling place as a new factor enters the world of Tariq Geiger.


The Unnamed's odd couple makes an impact with their latest adventure for Ghost Machine's founding character. Johns blends the darkness of the dreary landscape with slivers of heroic themes. Frank, Anderson and Leigh compose the thrilling and versatile imagery that continues to impact readers jumping into this series. There is no sophomore slump with this series!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Geiger #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, everyone’s favorite neighborhood wall crawler enters the hunt! With vampires running loos ein the Marvel Universe, no one is safe. Coming off the heels of “Gang War”, is Spider-Man ready for another epic event?

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #49 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna looks to answer that inquiry with NYC being overrun by creatures of the night!

Let’s not delay any longer and dive right in!

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #49 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Marvel Entertainment)


Wells thrusts Spidey into the fracas with a solid entry. Playing into his heroic ethics, the writing walks the line of his famous motto. In dealing with Kareem and Rabbit, Spidey plays the good guy for bad people. Events unfold as one would expect. Spidey teeters into the drama cautiously. This leads to a more traditional superhero story.

The action picks the story pace up. It’s not what readers will remember the most. The dialogue with Spidey and a casualty in the Hunt proves to be the issue’s strongest point. It reminds readers of the dire times and how Spidey has to be the beacon of hope. The fallout throws a nice surprise in to the mix before closing the show on this issue. Spidey’s troubles have only started which means a good win for the reader.

Romita, Hannam Menyz and Caramagna carry a dark tone to the atmosphere of this story. The beginning with Rabbit and Kareem sets the moody tone early. Action panels are as classic as you can imagine. JRJR knows how to get the most out of a fight. This is textbook storytelling for him and his team.

The climax point of the story bottles up the frightening aura of the Hunt. Panel structure walks readers through a breakdown. It leads to a surprise conclusion. The closing image is one fans will enjoy as Spidey heads further into Marvel’s bloodiest saga.


Power and Responsibility might not be enough as Spider-Man is thrown into the deep water of Blood Hunt. Wells crafts a steady tale pushing Spidey on his moral code. Romita and the team welcome readers into the dark and terrifying world of the vampires with strong imagery. Jump on board and see where things lead the wall-crawler now!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Amazing Spider-Man #49 Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we have arrived at the end of an initial voyage. Leading the charge from “The Devil’s Cut”, “GONE” by JOCK was the first series to roll out under the DSTLRY banner. It’s been almost a year to the birth of the company. There has been a surge of stories following such as Spectregraph and The Blood Brother’s Mother. However, Gone will be remembered as the one that blazed the trail.

GONE #3 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs brings The end of Abi’s space odyessy.

Let’s see how the final chapter fares.

GONE #3 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (CREDIT: DSTLRY)


Jock leaves no doubt of his level of storytelling with this series. Abi is a complex character that readers have seen literally grow up before their eyes. Abi is fearless and committed to her goals. The dynamic between her and Jay carries the story until an unexpected twist. it is perfectly timed to shift gears into the next half of the book.

Her relationship with the Captain has always be complicated to say the least. Jock’s writing times their showdown exceptionally. With everything Abi has gone through, the moment plays out to a well structured climax. Its’ fallout ties up loose ends while leaving fans with a gut-punching closing page. This chapter really takes things to new levels for an unforgettable finale.

As for the art….where to begin! From the start, Jock captures the drive and will of Abi and Jay’s mission. The intensity written on Abi’s face speaks volumes. There’s a great full splash page of the pair fighting infected passangers that pops off the page.

Jay’s reveal is given a full page image that haunts before starting that portion of the story. This sets the stage for the final encounter of Abi and The Captain. The imagery reflect the many reactions Abi has gone through on this ride. The conclusion will draw a vocal reaction out of the reader which is always a plus. The concluding pages hit on many levels with the last page giving a heart-breaking impact that ends the saga on a strong note.


The space odyssey of Abi concludes with a final issue that simply cannot be missed. Jock’s writing takes Abi into many directions before a final confrontation for the ages. The artwork is exceptional from cover to cover. It’s high level storytelling at its finest.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Gone #3. Thanks for reading!