Geoff Johns


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, Ghost Machine’s favorite immortal continues to stumble towards trouble. Simon Pure is unique to say the least. Granted immortality in 1776, he has made more enemies than friends since then. Now in 1892, Simon has a sidekick in the form of a 13yr old Albert Einstein.

He’s going to need all the help he can get with his latest crisis.

REDCOAT #3 by Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Brad Anderson, Andrew Currie and Rob Leigh shows how time is not really on Simon’s side.

Let’s take a closer look at what transpires now.

REDCOAT #3 by Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Brad Anderson, Andrew Currie, and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS)


At first glance, how can a book work with Benedict Arnold, a young Albert Einstein and “an immortal tool”? That’s what makes Redcoat stand out from everything else on NCBD! Johns, Hitch and the team constructs a world of humor and fantasy like no other here. The banter with Arnold informing the pair of Pure’s problem is fun and insightful about the bigger forces at play.

This leads into the action with Pure’s past literally catching up with him. Pacing ramp up for the conflict. Readers will be locked in as Einstein and Pure race against the clock to stop Pure’s fate. This leads into a few curve balls added into the mix. Fallout from the chase of Pure’s attackers spiral events towards an interesting finish. Once the last page is read, there is no possible way readers are not immediately counting down the days till the next issue release.

The art shines as always with this latest chapter. A fantastic two-page spread ushers in the dilemma at hand. The reactions of Arnold and Einstein are priceless as their brooding conflict advances. Speaking of two page spreads, readers’ jaws will drop seeing the detail Hitch puts in on the “secret entrance”.

The action sequences flow with ease from page to page. Never escaping the readers eyes are Einstein’s youthful wonder and Pure’s struggle as time is slipping away. This all leads to a closing page that speaks volumes for the unpredictability of this story and character.


The life and decades of Simon Pure never cease to amuse and amaze in the latest chapter. Johns pens an exciting tale with flawless writing. Hitch and the team gift readers many incredible pages, making this an absolute must-read series! Don’t miss it when it drops!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Redcoat #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we are returning to the world of the Unnamed Universe. After exploding back into comic shops on “Ghost Machine Day”, Tariq Geiger continues his quest to find purpose in a lost world.

GEIGER #2 by Geoff JohnsGary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS) continues his journey with an exceptional issue.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s unfolding here.

GEIGER #2 by Geoff JohnsGary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS)


Johns brings out the multi-layers of Tariq Geiger to the fans' delight. The unlikely pairing of Nate the Nuclear Knight and Geiger gave a fun break from the darkness of the world around them. Seeing Nate try continuously to win over Geiger made for some entertaining moments. With the post-apocalypse comes new rules to live by. The adaptation of the pair to get by provides a very engaging tale with this chapter.

The conflict is everything a reader would want from a great story. It has action. It has Drama. Factor in a great twist and how can it go wrong? Johns pulls this off flawlessly. Seeing Geiger doing his best to avoid being a hero and failing never disappoints. The ending throws everything in motion for a new player to step into the light. It serves as a reminder that not every tale gets a happy ending. Excellent work!

Frank, Anderson and Leigh bring out the best in the new world of the Unnamed. Opening with a full page shot of Nate trying to secure food starts events off in a delightful manner. The outcome combines elements of fun and brooding to lead readers into the heart of the chapter. The odd couple's reactions to the events range from frustration to shame. It quickly establishes how different Nate and Geiger are, making their panel time more impactful.

The chase after the "criminal" is filled with bold action sequences. Images move swiftly with Geiger and Nate on the chase. It leads to an impressive two-page splash that signals Geiger is ready for action. There is no escaping this moment leading a new phase in the book. The glow of Geiger radiating off a mask makes for a great visual. Once readers head into the final panels, the art team leaves them in startling place as a new factor enters the world of Tariq Geiger.


The Unnamed's odd couple makes an impact with their latest adventure for Ghost Machine's founding character. Johns blends the darkness of the dreary landscape with slivers of heroic themes. Frank, Anderson and Leigh compose the thrilling and versatile imagery that continues to impact readers jumping into this series. There is no sophomore slump with this series!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Geiger #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a special edition of Parlay Points. It’s the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

In a short amount of time, an upstart company has taken the comic book and pop culture world by storm. With a roster of creators that reads like an all-star team, fans have been dialed in on every move. From New York Comic Con in 2023 to their giant sized debut one-shot in January 2024, the buzz has been undeniable.

The company is GHOST MACHINE

In a bold and daring move, Ghost Machine is unleashing their first wave of books all on the same day ("Ghost Machine Day" - April 3rd, 2024).

Along with Rook:Exodus (art by Jason Fabok) and Redcoat (art by Bryan Hitch), a character that first debuted in 2021 returns in an ongoing series with its' original creative team back for the ride.

GEIGER #1 by Geoff JohnsGary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS) blazes its' path into the unnamed universe.

Let’s not wait another moment and check this issue out!

GEIGER #1 by Geoff JohnsGary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS)

Johns hits the ground running right where the one-shot left off. Tariq Geiger is a conflicted soul. Finding purpose after losing his family in the events of the Unknown War, Geiger is on the move.

In a small town, Geiger wastes no time handling injustice in a very violent way. Johns crafts him as "a good guy but not a nice guy". His methods are vicious and cold. His reasons have good intentions behind them. They are a reflection of the emptiness felt in the new world.

The dynamic with his unlikely "sidekick"? Nate provides a break from the normal brooding periods readers have witnesses. Nate is a lost soul in his own right. Looking for purpose in a man with no clear direction, Nate is written as a sad soul but ultimately has some signs of a possible better future.

Geiger never escapes his past with flashback sequences that remind fans what this whole line is based on: Characters first. Factor in a building final act and the debut hits all the marks ushering in this new line with style and substance.

GEIGER #1 by Geoff JohnsGary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (GHOST MACHINE/IMAGE COMICS) Cover: Ivan Reis

Frank , Anderson and Leigh display the future (25 years from now) as a lawless and brutal landscape. Geiger exemplifies this point with a gorgeous two page full spread handling the problems in the town he is passing by. There is no shortage of extreme justice with these images. It sets a strong pace for the remainder of the chapter.

Nate and Geiger's encounter is filled with uneasiness and confusion. The reactions on both faces clearly connect to readers on where the personalities will be clashing. Leigh's lettering brings in the next conflict with a half page panel. The action is well times with Anderson's coloring elevating the mere Prescence of Geiger on his attackers. A near full page panel is perfectly quoted with "He's absolutely glorious" as Geiger ascends down to fight.

The flashback moments with Tariq and his family continue to ground the hero. It never lets him (or the reader) lose sight of the human behind the force of nature. The parting images tease what's next like what great storytellers do. Geiger #1 is no exception to that.


With all eyes of the comic world waiting with baited breath, the Ghost Machine's walking weapon returns in a monster way. Johns' superb writing ties in the conflict internally as well as the unnamed universe's latest onslaught. Frank, Anderson and Leigh gift readers with intense visuals that leave nothing to chance. There's no way anyone reads this and doesn't immediately go "THIS is what storytelling is all about"!


Welcome to a very special edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

The wait is FINALLY over! Ever since New York comic Con, fans have been waiting to see the debut of a media company with top line creators leading the charge. With word of mouth hype carrying a buzz through the past few months, GHOST MACHINE has been the talk in comics. Their message is a simple, but important one. “Characters First”.

Geiger. Junkyard Joe. Redcoat. Names that have already made an impact on NCBD. Names that are opening more doors as a slate of books are ready to be unleashed onto fans looking for something new at the shops to invest in.

GHOST MACHINE #1 by Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Peter J. Tomasi, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Lamont Magee, Maytal Zchut, Ivan Reis, Peter Snejbjerg, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh welcomes readers to the start of history in the making. Let's take a closer look and assess their first impressions.


This issue is staged as an introduction into all the Ghost Machine titles. The opening page is a statement defining what this company is all about. This is perfect for new readers to fully grasp what will make this imprint stand out from others.

From here, the book heads back into the world of GEIGER (by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank). As a family sits around a campfire, a man is telling the story of a man whose contact with a nuclear blast has changed him forever. In this same time period, Tariq Geiger is facing off against a group of strangers. One makes an offer that stops him cold in his tracks. Geiger is toyed with the idea of becoming fully human again.

During the ordeal, others are mentioned as possible adversaries to the radioactive anti-hero. That person is REDCOAT (by Johns and Bryan Hitch). Simon Pure narrates his tale of fighting for the British in the Revolutionary War. After he is shot in the head, his journey begins as an immortal.

The journey ties into the Unknown War taking place inside the shared universe of the Unnamed Universe. Readers are gifted a timeline to follow events as many moving parts comprise an ever-winding tale that is certain to grab readers attention.

The next phase of Ghost Machine is ROOK: EXODUS by Johns and Jason Fabok. Readers witness a fascinating new world where Humans with unique helmets of power affect the animals species they are patterned after. One such human known as Rook has control over certain aviary creatures. His journey has him on the trail of the mysterious Direwolf. How will this tie into the “War Of Wardens”? Readers look to receive that answer in April.

Readers next stop is the all-ages line of FAMILY ODYSSEYS. Peter Tomasi and Francis Manupal are the creative team behind THE ROCKETFELLERS. A family from the future has been sent into witness relocation. Where better to send a family of the future than the past? Their adventures into normalcy look to entertain while their future’s past catches up with them.

Set in the same all-ages line is HORNSBY & HALO (by Tomasi and Peter Snejbjerg). What happens when Angel and Devil families swap children? That’s what readers find out with the stories of Rose Hornsby and Zack Halo. Warwick, New York will never be the same as the young leads explore their lives while outside forces have a vested interest.

Last but not least is HYDE STREET. The horror-led line features the works of Johns and Ivan Reis. In Dallas, Georgia, a man is being unruly towards a young boy. After the encounter, the boy appears to put something mischievous into work. This is presented after a vintage Hyde Street Amusement pages by JOHNS, REIS,DANNY MIKI & LAMONT MAGEE.

Mixed in the middle is “Devour” (by MAYTAL ZCHUT & Reis). A woman’s dream of transforming her body appears to become a nightmare with an item called “Devour”. Once the final image hits here, readers will have no questions concerning the chilling tales created via Comics’ next big thing.

Right from the start, the one-shot makes every story VERY reader friendly. Keeping stories to the bare minimum presses creators to simplify introductions. This is a great formula as each story has enough to tease where things go after here. Plus, the addition of character bios (ala DC’s “Who’s Who”) is so invaluable to make the connections of “Characters First”.

This really hits its’ mark with the Unnamed Universe characters as Geiger and Redcoat have been featured more than most others. As the prelude for Geiger’s new direction leads, Johns balances Geiger’s panel time while building up Redcoat. It leads to a solid open-ended conclusion for the regular series to start in April.

ROOK: EXODUS, looks to be the wild-card of the current slate of books. Combining sci-fi fantasy with a looming mystery, Fabok’s art depicts a landscape of endless possibilities. This seems like an adventure that isn’t going to be like anything else out on the market.

The FAMILY ODYSSEYS line makes an excellent debut as well. The ROCKETFELLERS has a unique concept behind it with Tomasi’s blending in the traditional family dynamic with catching drama. Manupal’s art shines bringing in great action moments. This is led in with a full page introduction that kicks things off for readers of their new favorite family.

HORNSBY and HALO lures fans in with a deceptive tale. Tomasi’s set up brings a tale wrapped with divine intervention. Paired with Snejbjerg’s art, the story of Rose and Zach has much more than meets the eye going on.

The horror feel of HYDE STREET & its’ related books blend vintage themes with excellent artwork. The classic “amusements” by Johns and Magee along with Devour by Zchut have such a throwback feel that readers can’t help but become invested in these tales.

Reis builds up the presence of Mr. X-Ray by leading the unlucky soul through the town till the final moments. The closing panel fits perfectly in not only introducing the readers to this story and the terror forthcoming.


Have you ever wanted to be at the starting point of “the next big thing”? Led by a creative line-up second to none, Ghost Machine ushers in a fan accessible era with glimpses of characters with bigger futures ahead. There is no way after reading this issue that you are not fully invested in a movement defined by “Characters First”.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Ghost Machine #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the latest from a company who made a HUGE splash at NYCC this year! GHOST MACHINE, who’s roster of creators reads like an all-star lineup, is poised for a monster 2024 with a giant sized one-shot kicking off in January.

Luckily for fans, their wait isn’t so bad as one of the most notable Ghost Machine characters returns in a two part story that needs to be on fans’ radars at the shop.

GEIGER: GROUND ZERO #1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh spotlights the powerful force of nature in the Unnamed Universe. What secrets lie beneath the surface of the mysterious figure? Let’s take a deeper dive into this untold story, shall we?

GEIGER: GROUND ZERO #1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh (Credit: Image Comics via Ghost Machine)


Tariq Geiger is a survivor of a nuclear bombing that has transformed him into a walking weapon. While keeping his family inside a bunker, Geiger was caught outside when the bomb exploded. Unknown how he lived, Geiger has become a figure of legend.

When an overload exposed the bunker to be housing corpses of his family, Geiger unleashed his rage and set off on a loner’s path. Geiger became a surprise caretaker of two children who crossed his path. After that journey came to its’ conclusion, readers knew that the story was only just beginning.

For this story, the time is six months after the bombing began. The military has set up camp at what appears to be an amusement park. A man is monologuing themes of guilt and concern for his wife and what he as done. Readers see that he is Dr. Molotov. Molotov might be the man behind the bombs that destroyed the country.

The unit is in pursuit of Geiger. In exchange for helping, Molotov will be reunited with his wife. Can he succeed in this mission?

The action is mixed with more details on Tariq’s life before the bomb. The flashbacks show a different side to the radioactive drifter that leaves a huge impact with fans. The closing act ramps up the drama before bowing out with a parting visual that raises more questions on the already enigmatic lead protagonist. There’s no way anyone will be able to pass on seeing where things go from here!

One element of Ghost Machine that still rings rue in this issue is the focus on “Characters First”. Johns dives into the compelling drama with Molotov’s guilt for what he caused. The drive to see his wife counters the negative weight he carries, keeping readers locked. in.

However, the biggest moments come via the flashback sequences with Gieger. The heart-breaking tale of life before the bomb will level readers with the emotional pull. The conversations with his family showcases the deep love and drive he has for them. With dealing with his Cancer battle, Johns handles the moments perfectly with the interactions of those that matter most. The love for his family is the main driver for his ultimate choice when the bombs start going off. This all combines for a great read that stands out for the characters first.

Frank’s art features the various emotions of the two lead characters in this story. Molotov’s reactions to the army unit and Geiger vary with a sobering feeling of what he’s caused. Geiger’s time with his family and neighbors range from happiness to patience with a unfriendly resident. The time with the family hit the deepest connection as the art reflects the deep rooted love they possess even with the surrounding factors in play.

Once the story shifts back to present time, Frank (with Anderson’s fantastic coloring) makes the Geiger confrontation jump. The full page panel featuring Geiger at his most dangerous sets a high bar for the following action. This all leads to a stunning closing image which sets the stage for more revelations to follow.


The early days of Ghost Machine’s radioactive powerhouse comes to light with a strong debut chapter into his past. Johns drives home superb character writing while Frank, Anderson and Leigh elevate the words with magnificent imagery capturing the moments at hand. There’s no way to can’t be caught up in the story unfolding here. Make sure to pick it up on NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Geiger: Ground Zero #1. Thanks for reading!