Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. For this entry, Boom Studios has been on a huge roll to close out 2022 on with great new comics series such as Behold, Behemoth (#2 also out this week), Specs and Once Upon a Time at The End of The World and all signs point to another hit addition to their line-up. KNOW YOUR STATION #1 by Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae brings an exciting tale of sci-fi murder and mystery to the local comic shop that you don’t want to miss. The book has already sold out at the distribution level and 2nd printing is on the way. That said, let’s take a deeper dive into what is unfolding in this issue, shall we?

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios


The story centers around a haven in space for the “elite upper class” to flourish away with innovation from the rest of society fades away with a failing Earth. Readers are introduced to some of the team behind making this space haven run and be a utopia. The story then shifts to a character named Elise, who is the ships’ security liaison. Elise looks worse for wear from a rough night before. After being assisted by an AI named St Brigid to get ready, Elise is summoned to meet with the Raulssons to help solve an alleged robbery. using the AI at hand, Elise cracks the case and finds the missing property.

From here, Elise meets with Detective Sergeant Leona Pritchard who has been brought to the station to investigate a grizzly murder. The feeling being portrayed is that Elise is not qualified to solve this case and needed help. The victim is CFO Alberto Fairmilk, which there appears to be a cover-up going on not to alarm the other residents on the ship. Elise and Leona search the crime scene and readers witness how violent this murder was. Elise breaks away to recompose her thoughts. What happens next will catch readers off guard! Another murder has happened! Who is the victim? How did it happen? With a rising body count, how does Elise progress from here? There is much to break down from the final act that readers will be locked in for waiting for the next chapter.

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios

Gailey sets up a strong debut issue keeping readers on edge from start to finish. Elise comes across as a character in over her head but making the most of the situation she’s in. The banter between her and Leona worked to show that even with the inexperience, Elise is showing she can figure this case out as well. St Brigid’s commentary played off well as a small dose of comedic relief but giving more mystery to what’s starting to unfold. The mystique of the ship is one readers is one with so many possibilities that readers can’t escape from. Pacing kept everything moving so when the big closing act hit, readers were hit with the shocking moments perfectly. Excellent introduction issue.

Kangas delivers on presenting a futuristic mystery with many layers involved with it. Seeing how Elise is coping with working on the ship gave a bigger understanding to her character. This played well into the final series of events of the issue. Kangag didn’t hold back on the gruesomeness of the crimes unfolding. Those visuals established how dangerous those threats are and how this is taking a toll on Elise. The rest of the characters introduced have their moments to stand out and gives readers a solid foundation to where this story is going from here. The final moments of the book put a huge exclamation point on the issue with a full page vision to drive home the danger which lies upon the ship.

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios

KNOW YOUR STATION #1 - on sale December 7th

Creative: Sarah Gailey, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty and Cardinal Rae

Credit: Boom Studios

FINAL POINT: Know Your Station #1 sets up the board for a murder mystery that fans will be anchored in for the long haul. Gailey, Kangas, and the team present the enigmatic futuristic landscape with incredible writing and art to complement it. You don’t want to miss this book at the local comic shop this week!

Hit me up on ODPH socials and let me know what you thought of Know Your Station #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this entry, we’re tagging along with Ellie Hawthorne on the next chapter in the brand new smash series from Boom Studios! Issue #1 just went to second printing selling out almost instantly and with good reason. DAMN THEM ALL #2 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell picks up right where readers last saw Ellie in her new role and trying to solve the supernatural mystery from last issue. Before we get into a deeper dive about this issue, how AMAZING is this alternate cover created by Tula Lotay (Barnstormers)?! That said, let’s check out what’s happening in issue two, shall we?

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios


In case you’re jumping in now, Ellie Hawthorne’s life has become way more complicated following the death of her uncle Alfie. With his death, the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia have now been freed from their damnation. It’s up to Ellie to send them back to where they came from by any means necessary. The first issue was an in your face welcome to Ellie’s world with magic in the air and questions galore to solve.

This issue opens up with a flashback to Dora, the New Orleans officer who is working with Ellie on figuring out what happened to Alfie. During her time on the force, she’s shown handling a school shooter and her direct way of defusing the situation. Dora’s tactics lead the shooter to kill himself and Dora is removed from the force. From this, Dora meets a stranger in a bar whom she connects with: Alfie Hawthorne. From here, Dora and Ellie start breaking down the recent events and covering the tracks of the massacre they survived in the first issue.

The story now shifts to Dora confronting mobster Frankie Wax, whom Ellie is now working with to stop the devils. After a brief meeting, Ellie and Dora meet up again to start putting pieces together bout what is going on. Unfortunately there’s no rest for the wicked as the magical element shifts again, prompting Ellie to get some help in dealing with this latest move. Who is now drawn into the field? What possible impact can they make? Does Ellie get more information about Alfie? There might not be time to process all the moving parts as the final panel will have readers guessing what is going to happen now!

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios

Spurrier delivers on another strong issue of writing. Dora’s introduction was well-crafted to explain her character and seeing the dynamic play out with Ellie moving forward should be a treat for readers. The journal pages left by Alfie explaining the new characters in the issue is a great add. With so many new players being introduced, the quick one page read helps tremendously in getting an idea of what they’re about. Ellie continues to be an interesting character to watch as she’s written with varying flaws but still trying to make sense of whats happening here.

Adlard balances out the supernatural with the real world with impeccable skill. Dealing with the magical entities popping up throughout the story, Adlard keeps things grounded to where they don’t stand out for wrong reasons. They all fit right in for creating a unique vision of Ellie’s world. Seeing the emotional tale of Dora’s background play out was another intense chapter in this story. There truly is something special happening within this story.

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #2 - On Sale November 30th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Boom Studios

Final Point: Excellent continuation from the explosive first issue. Spurrier, Adlard and the creative team start breaking down the world of Ellie Hawthorne with strong character moments mixed in with supernatural elements. The story is just getting started but DAMN THEM ALL has been checking all the boxes for what makes a must read comic. Don’t miss this issue on New Comic Book Day at the LCS.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out a debut from Boom Studios that is guaranteed to generate some headlines on New Comic Book Day. Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 by Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design brings forth a tale for the ages. The concept is very unique as there are a plethora of themes all unfolding with this book….and we’re only one issue in. With so much to break down with this issue, let’s not wait anymore and dive right in, shall we?

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design (Cover: Mike Del Mundo)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design (Cover: Mike Del Mundo)

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue opens up with a young girl named Mezzy paddling her way thru an apocalyptic wasteland. The scene is dark and depressing. The water is overrun with wreckage and metal. How can one survive in this world? Mezzy appears to have run out of food and is barely hanging on with the rough environment she’s trying to survive in. After sailing thru the flooded streets, Mezzy’s boat springs a leak and starts to sink, forcing an abrupt run into a bulding. However, Mezzy will find out very soon that the building is not abandoned as she thought.

An alarm is triggered and it awakens Maceo, a young boy whos watching Mezzy, which Maceo refers to as a “Acid Swamper.” fight a sea creature. This doesn’t appear to be the first time Mezzy has encountered such a being but handles the situation as best she can. Mezzy fights it off but not without Maceo shooting at the creature with a makeshift “boom” weapon of bowling balls. From here, the pair finally meet with Maceo and his homemade “armor” which Mezzy quickly dismembers. Mezzy starts shaking down Maceo for information. Readers witness that Maceo has been alone but is thriving on his own in the abysmal landscape. It’s almost a perfect utopia to what’s has happened to the world. However, when something seems too good to be true, it most likely is in a catastrophic world.

What is the truth behind Maceo’s situation? How will Mezzy move forward from this encounter? Readers get these answers plus more questions raised with a final sequence of events that will have fans clamoring for the next chapter asap!

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 – On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design

Credit: Boom Studio

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 – On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design

Credit: Boom Studio

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 – On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design

Credit: Boom Studio

Phenomenal first issue. Aaron introduces readers to a whole new world with two very different leads as their guides. Mezzy’s story comes from a view point of someone who simply survives no matter what. The world she lives in has made her cold and ultimately brash to anyone she encounters. On the flip side, Maceo carries true optimism of meeting someone new and being ready to move on from his ordeal. Aaron slides in a great twist on Maceo’s story once the layers are peeled back with will surprise. The pair are complete opposites in every way but their pairing creates a fascinating dynamic. It balances off the world they live in. The scenes that will most surprise are the final moments of the book. Seeing how the story progresses there will be a fun journey to follow along.

Tefenkgi shows off a very disturbing world plagued from something that devastated it. The imagery is very bleak and brings the struggle to make it day to day to the forefront. Mezzy’s encounter with the sea creature demonstrates how unraveled this world is. Seeing how standoff-ish Mezzy is to Maceo from their initial encounter reflects the world they live in. The biggest variable to this world is how Maceo comes across on panel. He appears to be kept away from the worst of this world while being home in the tower. This idea gets taken down a few notches when a reveal happens later in the issue that shows how he had been coping with the environment. Once readers hit the final pages of this chapter, they will be locked in on the adventure that lies ahead.

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 – On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design

Credit: Boom Studio

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 – On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design

Credit: Boom Studio

Once Upon A Time At the End Of The World #1 – On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Rico Renzi and AndWorld Design

Credit: Boom Studio

Final Point: Aaron, Tefenkgi, and the creative team usher in a story that takes readers on a trip ranging from hopelessness to blind optimism while two people try finding a way to prosper in an unforgiving place. Maceo and Mezzy are a reluctant pairing but one of huge potential to carry this incredible story. OUATATEOFW is one book to keep an eye out for when you hit the local comic shops this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of ONCE UPON A TIME AT THE END OF THE WORLD #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. For this entry, the new creative team taking over the MMPR Universe at Boom Studios kicked things off with a huge debut issue. MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire keep the momentum rolling with an issue that fans have been ecstatic about since the final panel of the last issue. Let’s not waste another second and start a deeper look into what’s happening in the land of the Power Rangers Universe by Boom Studios, shall we?

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue opens up with a flashback of three years prior with a simple night out with Matt feeling like the odd person out of the group. Fast forward to present time and the Rangers are on the moon seeing Lord Zedd has been taken out by a shadowy figure (who I guessed last issue was “Dark Zordon” clone) and the returning Rita Repulsa now known is Mistress Vile! Readers get quite the visual with a decimated Lord Zedd laying defeated on the ground! The heroes now find themselves in an awkward situation: they are the only thing standing in the way of Vile killing Lord Zedd?!

The rangers jump right into action! Tommy (White Ranger) block’s Vile’s attack with his blade while Kimberly (Pink Ranger) follows suit and Matt (Green Ranger) takes a strike to Vile from behind. This is answered with “Dark Zordon” slamming him face first into a wall. Meanwhile Rocky (Red Ranger) and Aisha (Yellow Ranger) are dealing with the Royal Throney. All the while Adam (Black Ranger) and Billy (Blue Ranger) are dealing with Vile’s minions outside Zedd’s castle. When the battle sways into an unfavorable direction, a proposition is made that throws everything in flux. What deal is made? Will the team make it out as a unit or does someone get left behind? Plus what about that final panel? Readers will have much to discuss after checking this issue out.

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

Flores continues the fast paced action with this latest issue. Once the team jumps into the newly established threat, the book doesn’t slow down and allows everyone to get a fair share of panel time. This is easier said than done, but Flores pulls this off with ease. This issue spends a good portion of time focusing on Matt, who plays a big role in the issue. The remaining team gets thrown into uncharted territory with the proposition that is made. That dynamic will be extremely fun to see play out.

Di Gianfelice introduces Mistress Vile to the readers in a big way. Seeing first hand how Vile stands triumphant over Zedd made for a big impact moment. The use of “Dark Zordon” as I refer to him as was excellent as well. Not much was tipped off as the true nature of the character but lurking in the shadows until he struck was solid. Seeing the rest of the Rangers in action made for a energetic read but also never lost focus with all the characters involved. The closing moments of the book will stand out as the final parting shot drives home how high the stakes are here.

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #102 - On Sale November 23rd, 2022

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

Final Point: Two issues in and there’s something special going on within this story. MMPR #102 doesn’t slow down on delivering the next chapter of the opening arc. Flores, Di Gianfelice and the team present an incredible read with excellent storytelling and art to complement the events unfolding. Don’t miss this on new comic book day at the Local Comic Shop.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102.

Thanks for reading.

Edit Note: As I’m typing this blog entry, the unfortunate news about the passing of Jason David Frank, who played Tommy on the live action Mighty Morphin Power Rangers show, just broke. On behalf of everyone here at the ODPH podcast and 607 Podcasts, we extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends and fans all around the world.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re picking up the pieces of the latest tale of Erica Slaughter in the pages of one of the best comics on the market! Something is Killing the Children #26 by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design from Boom Studios ushers in a brand new status quo after last issue’s heartbreaking moment. It’s one I’m still not over after reading the issue a few times!

Before we deep dive into this issue, there’s only a few hours left to back James Tynion’s (along with PK Colinet, and Elsa Charretier)’s Kickstarter movie, “Room Service.” This should be a big hit when t’s released so don’t miss out on your chance to get on board now! That said, let’s start the review, shall we?

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


Erica Slaughter’s re-emergence hasn’t gone without its fair share of problems. After re-surfacing in Tribulation, New Mexico hunting down a killing monster, Erica has been being hunted by The Order of St. George, who have sent the sadistic Cutter after her. The case hasn’t gone smoothly as the lone witness Gabi, hasn’t been very cooperative and brought Erica into the direct line of the creature. Erica barely escapes but is wounded in the process. All the while, Cutter makes the first big blow to Erica, killing her friend and confident Big Gary. The scene from last issue hit readers in all the emotions and leaves Erica in a broken state.

This issue picks up with Erica recuperating from her injuries in Riqui’s (a bartender and reluctant “guardian” of Gabi) parents place. She’s bruised and not opening up about what she encountered with the monster. While this is happening, Gabi is bonding with Riqui’s brother Johnny. The siblings clearly have issues with each other. Gabi is left by herself and is asked not to see Erica. Gabi doesn’t listen to this advice and sees more than she bargains for. Gabi overhears Erica’s assessment of current events. The future doesn’t sound so good for anyone.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Carter Thomas calls Riqui about the scene Erica and the monster left behind. While this is going on, a certain figure has made their way to Tribulation: Cutter! What she does next will set the tempo for the next round of her hunt of Erica Slaughter. Will Erica survive all the forces surrounding her now? Readers will have much to process with the new playing field set.

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Tynion hits the ground running with building up the story after last issue’s epic goodbye of Big Gary. Erica is broken and latching on to whatever she can. This doesn’t come off as a good plan but Tynion showcases her dealing with grief by going head first into completing the plan. It makes for a natural emotional response to what has happened. The rest of the cast does their part to elude to more things to come but nothing outshines Erica’s dealing what’s transpired. Cutter makes a big entrance and tightening the hold she’s forming on Erica. Cutter comes off as making this job more personable that it has to be and this will work wonders for the eventual pay-off.

Dell’edera paints the picture of Erica’s pain splendidly as this new story takes over. Erica’s tough demeanor covers up the pain she’s feeling. Dell’edera’s stone-faced expressions for Erica drive that element home for readers. Cutter’s tale stands strong on its’ own as well. The encounter with Sheriff Carter made for a unique dynamic to where her story is heading. Cutter’s demeanor reflects how vicious she is about her assignment. The art portrays how much she enjoys what she’s doing and that’s a scary notion to comprehend. The other role players make their marks too but this issue belongs to Erica and the next phase of her life.

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #26 - on sale November 16th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Final Point: Erica Slaughter’s road forward starts with a strong issue laying the new groundwork out. Tynion, Dell’edera, and Muerto blaze the new trail with excelling character moments along with convincing art to sell the point that Erica’s journey back is only just beginning. make sure to check this issue out at the local comic shops this week and sign up for the “Room Service” kickstarter before its too late.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Something is Killing The Children #26.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this entry, we’re checking out a supernatural thriller debuting from Boom Studios. David M. Booher (CANTO), Chris Shehan (HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER), Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell are the creators behind Specs #1 which is hitting comic shops on November 9th. Let’s take a deeper dive into the first issue and see what’s going on here, shall we?

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios


The story begins with a frame showcasing a missing person names Bernard Slyman aka Skunk on the back of a milk carton. Skunk has been apparently missing since 1987. The frames shift to a man holding the carton and feeling some remorse. He takes the carton back to a box in the attic entitled “Zach’s Comics.” Inside this box is an old comic advertising “The Phenomenal Gamma Ray”’s magic specs which “grant wishes”.

From here, the story shifts back to 1987 where two teen friends, Kenny and Ted are just trying to talk about some old comics that Kenny’s brother had left behind. The conversation halts when they are bullied by Skunk and some of his friends. A fight breaks out and Ted takes the blame for it when Kenny said he did it. Later, the boys meet up and start talking about the old comics again. The questions became “What would you wish for?” Both boys had different wishes that they would like to see come true. The next morning, a package is left at Kenny’s door: The magic specs from the comic.

Neither Kenny or Ted ordered the glasses but decided to test out if they work. The answer surprises all involved. As the saying goes “With Great Power comes Great responsibility".” For this tale, the boys find out not every wish should be answered. What does this mean in relation to the milk carton? What did the boys wish for? Readers will get some answers but more questions raised with a final image to talk about.

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

Booher sets up an intriguing mystery that fans will not want to miss. Tying the story back into the 1980’s, the writing reflects that time-frame well. The boys are the nerdy outsiders trying to find their way in the social settings. The bullies are what you would expect from that period. Booher showcases how fast things can go off the tracks as the boys start playing around with the specs. Their stories are only just beginning but readers will have a strong sense of how their friendship will be tested as this story unfolds.

Shehan captures the 1980’s vibe throughout this issue. From the Nintendo Entertainment System in Kenny’s room to the “fashion” of the bullies, Shehan nails that time period with an assist from Roman Stevens’ coloring. The book had a distinct retro feel which worked to give readers a true sense of how long the disappearance has been. The opening scenes felt very gritty and dark in comparison. There’s lots to enjoy from the first chapter.

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

SPECS #1 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

Final Point: Specs #1 builds the foundation to a darker mystery that readers won’t be able to escape. Booher, Shehan and the team throw it back to the 1980’s with an engaging opening start to a darker and scarier road ahead for the two teens trying to see the truth of the new glasses. Don’t miss this book at the LCS this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Specs #1 Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series from Boom Studios that is starting to generate a bit of buzz amongst comic fans. BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 is presented by Tate Brombal (of “Something Is Killing The Children” fame), Nick Robles (from “The Dreaming: Waking Hours”), and Andworld Design (nuff said). With this lineup assembled, this is sure to be a book to have on the radar at the comic shops. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening here, shall we?

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue opens up with a funeral for a fallen officer named Liam. His brother, Grayson, is standing over his grave. During this moment, Grayson has a flashback to when he and his brother were young kids. From hiding out in a tent, the boys talk about a better future. Thier talk is interrupted by someone. Grayson is apologizing but Liam doesn’t seem too phased by what’s to come. As he opens the door to the outside, Readers are shown that things are drastically different than the simple campout. There are creatures and figures of mystery walking about in a whole new world. Grayson is snapped back to reality by Liam’s former partner Kavita.

Their conversation eludes to more going on here (at least from Grayson’s POV). Kavita brushes it off and orders Grayson to get some sleep and get right. Shortly after this, Grayson is back to work as a social worker. While checking in on the Wyatt Family, Grayson meets a young girl by the name of Wren. What should have been a routine check spirals into something more as later that night, the Wyatt Family are all found dead except Wren. What happened to the family? How does this connect (if at all) to Grayson? What is Wren’s secret and what does the final act represent? Readers are left with questions that they will be very invested with finding out the answers to.

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Brombal doesn’t delay in throwing in the horror aspect with this story. Right from the funeral, readers start delving into the world of Grayson’s visions. Nothing is tipped off right away so there’s a sense of mystery to what is happening. Is it real or all in Grayson’s head? Brombal scatters clues throughout the issue that will leave readers guessing. The mystery of Wren is another dynamic that stuck out. Her story just started to unfold but there is a connection with Grayson and her. How that will play out is anyone’s guess at this stage. The closing act won’t bring closure but brings more intrigue to an already imaginative tale.

Very impressed by Robles work with this issue. Breaking down the worlds Grayson sees & giving each a different feel played out well. With the use of Red as the color scheme of Grayson’s visions, readers could feel that these were not welcomed places to be in. The facial expressions for Grayson and Wren added weight to the scenes taking place. They were already set up perfectly by Brombal, but with Robles art, they really drew more emotions of the reader to the story at hand. It’s a strong connection to feel what these characters are going thru (and this is only issue #1?!). The ending shot will have fans talking. There’s much to be excited about with this series.

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

BEHOLD, BEHEMOTH #1 - On Sale November 2nd

Creative: Tate Brombal, Nick Robles, and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Final Point: Brombal and Robles usher in the horror and mystery with a impressive debut issue. Grayson’s world has only begun to peel back the layers of the story but with the high stakes of the end of the world mixed in with his own sanity, it makes for a compelling tale not to miss! Make sure to check this out at the Local Comic Shops this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Behold, Behemoth #1! Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this entry, We’re checking out a brand new series by Boom Studios that has a great deal of hype behind it! DAMN THEM ALL #1 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell welcomes comic readers to the world of Ellie "Bloody El" Hawthorne. What is all the hype about this issue you ask? Considering Adlard was the longtime artist on a book you might have heard of called “The Walking Dead”, that’s gonna make some noise. Factor in the rest of the creative team & there’s something big happening here. Let’s take a deeper dive into the debut and see, shall we?

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios


The book opens up with a moment between Ellie and her uncle Alfie. The scenes (from Ellie’s point of view) shows how she is being taught magic. Obviously, this never comes easy and readers see how her early supernatural struggles play out. It closes on a fun scene as something is conjured up. However, that’s when the good times appear to end.

After a stop in the book, readers are taken into present day as they are now witnessing Alfie’s Funeral. An eclectic group of characters show up to pay their respects. It’s not exactly who you would think would attend but it gives the readers some insight into how respected and powerful Alfie really was. There is an exchange between a mobster (“Frankie Wax”) and a mysterious female during the ceremony. This transfers over to the post gathering. The female in question shifts from Frankie to look for Ellie. When they finally meet, their time is interrupted by thugs looking for Frankie.

At this stage, the situation goes completely off the rails. Readers won’t expect what comes next. The events take Ellie on a crazy path where she will have to fill in for her Uncle and become a problem solver. Can she step up to the task? What was unleashed in the results of her uncle’s passing? There’s a lot happening within these pages and is capped off by a solid final parting shot to raise more questions.

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

Very good first issue.In case anyone isn’t familiar with Spurrier’s work, he’s done Hellblazer in the past. That is a big plus when you have to write involving the supernatural. Ellie Hawthorne hits the ground running being an interesting character to watch. Spurrier writes her as someone finding the way out of her uncle’s shadow and into her own path. There’s many new characters that just scratched the surface of this story. That said, it will take another issue or two to see who plays a serious role in this tale. Nothing bad with that as this issue primarily focused on Ellie, Frankie Wax and a mysterious officer from New Orleans. Pacing was fine and the story covered a lot of ground. Cliffhanger ending will keep many readers engaged for next issue

Adlard brings a unique style to this book. Balancing the supernatural to the normal life can be difficult but with these pages, it works well. There’s no bigger moment of this than the Wake after the burial of Alfie. The events mesh well. The actions scenes jump out and the effects of the “supernatural party crashers” stand out with the difference in coloring (credit to Dodgson and Cui). Even with the book grounded in normacy, Adlard and company present Hawthorne’s daily life with a symmetry all its own.

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #1 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: Boom Studios

Final Point: Damn Them All #1 welcomes readers into the crossroads of the supernatural and routine life. Ellie Hawthrone brings readers along for her entry into the family business as Spurrier, Adlard and the team set her up for quite the journey moving forward. Don’t miss this book when it drops at the local comic shop this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, ot is time to start a new era of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics from Boom Studios. ICYMI: Ryan Parrott left the franchise after six years of a legendary run after dropping the instant classic #100. In its’ aftermath, both Mighty Morphin & Power Rangers series have been merged into one legacy numbered book with a new creative team! Trust me when I say: The Power Rangers Franchise couldn’t have been left in better hands! MMPR #101 by Melissa Flores (THE DEAD LUCKY), Simona Di Gianfelice (ALL-NEW FIREFLY), Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire kicks off the new era with an issue you can’t miss. Let’s take a closer look and see how this plays out, shall we?

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue opens up ten thousand years ago with an encounter with Zordon, longtime mentor of the MMPR and Rita Repulsa, their legendary nemesis. It feels as a final goodbye with Zordon finally imprisoning Rita for her crimes until something drastically goes wrong. It appears Rita is leeching the energy or essence of Zordon away, claiming hos body “would be lost in time and space”! Luckily it was all a dream, or nightmare for Zordon within the confines of the new Command Center. The moment shook him up enough to have Alpha continuing to search the space where the moon is located as a precaution (It’s been off radar for a while). Meanwhile, the Rangers are staying sharp training at the Promethea facility, while it appears sparks are flying between two rangers as well. Unfortunately, there is little time to enjoy the normal moments as the moon reappears! The team regroups with Zordon to figure out what’s going on. Once together, they (along with the readers) hear about a distress signal coming from there and no one is ready for who sent it!

The rangers fly to the moon and discover that not everything is what it seems. They see a group running towards them led by an old friend. Thinking they’re walking into a trap, the Power Rangers brace for battle. Once the group gets closer, not everything that they thought is real. One of this issue’s stronger points is flipping some established characters and themes. Seeing this character “out of character” was a great switch. Pushing through to the palace on the Moon, there are swerves galore (which isn’t a bad thing by any means). The action sequences are well timed and keep readers guessing at who is behind all of this. However the moment that will have people talking is the final page of this issue. Another big figure in the Power Rangers lore is back, and they’re not alone as a shadowy figure lurks behind them! My theory: Remember that quote during Zordon’s nightmare about “Body lost in time and space?” What if that body wound up in someone’s possession and is a dark, empty version of the MMPR legend? IS it someone completely new? Either way, Get ready! The new era of MMPR has arrived in a BIG way!

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

Talk about making a first impression! When it as announced Flores was taking over the book, fans should have been immediately pumped! Reders of “The Dead Lucky” know what kind of excitement to expect here. Flores wastes no time amping up the issue with nostalgia of past characters while balancing it out with a solid mix of action & character moments. The issue has many moving parts going on but Flores balances them with fair amounts of panel time. From the quick moments between Matt and Kimberly talking as friends to the team hitting the moon running head-on into the dangerous palace, Flores keeps the readers glued to the story. The pace is fast moving but nothing felt missed. There are so many great moments with this book that you need to read for yourself to not be spoiled. There's much win happening within this debut.

Di Gianfelice brings this story to life with great moments fans will connect with. Seeing the rangers interact after all they’ve been thru lately was a nice break. This shines with Matt and Kimberly’s small convo about his interaction earlier wit Aisha. The action sequences were excellent. The battle when they first hit the moon is a great example. It set a great tone for the other action happening with this issue. As the rangers are fighting the bad guys off, readers can feel how energetic these scenes comes across. Seeing how the Rangers react to all the reveals in the story builds the tension for the big ending was fantastic. Speaking of the ending shot, it couldn't have been done more perfect to welcome fans to the new era of MMPR!

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHTY MORPHIN’ POWER RANGERS #101 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Mateus Manhanini)

Credit: Boom Studios

Final point: Coming into a franchise after a legendary run is no easy feat. Flores & Di Gianfelice absolutely make their debut one fans will be buzzing about. MMPR #101 Has everything you would want as a comic fan, let alone a Power Rangers fan. Excellent story matched by phenomenal art makes this a book you simply cannot pass up on NCBD!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of MMPR #101. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re at the conclusion of Edwin Slaughter’s story in the pages of the Something Is Killing The Children spinoff by Boom Studios. House of Slaughter # 10 by James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera has been quite the journey of a scarlet mask and their view of a horrible crime. Coming off the heels of an incredible first story, this latest story arc has gone into a very different direction. Let’s not wait one more minute and see how this captivating story concludes, shall we?

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios


The story of Edwin Slaughter has been a fascinating tale to say the least. Edwin isn’t a hunter for the Order of St. George, but he has a unique skill set that he’s been challenged to examine a situation of dead bodies washing up to shore on a camping site in Lake Michigan. After combing the area, Edwin has been perceiving this case with a new way of thinking. His actions have led him to sea with his brush, Hermes. On this quest, the memories of his mother’s passing come back to the forefront. There is much he (along with the readers) have had to process. Unfortunately, time is not on their side as the true reason for the mystery has been revealed.

This issue opens up with some of the boys camp telling “Ghost Stories” when one brings up Edwin’s tale. Their depiction of Edwin is that he was a weird loner that stood out. Edwin’s tale goes to the boat with Hermes now with a new form. The children are recapping the stories they have with Edwin on the boat and now seeing that it’s a DRAGON that has been behind these bodies washing up to shore. How does Edwin handle this situation. The manner is something that isn’t completely out of character. Edwin does things differently than anyone else. The overall resolution will leave readers very satisfied as the story plays into its strengths. Plus , NO ONE is ready for the final image to wrap up this tale.

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Tynion and Johns close this chapter with a vision that I wasn’t expecting them to go with. telling Edwin’s stories through the eyes of the cap-goers was a great trick to use. Edwin Slaughter has been a complicated character to say the least. The closing chapter doesn’t disappoint with Edwin’s uncanny traits being what solves this mystery. The pacing builds towards the big moments exceptionally well. Tying up all the loose ends worked with leaving some things open for interpretation. The story overall was something and really popped out from just a normal mystery. There’s one scene that I can imagine will be getting questioned for all the right reasons, but the team closed the story out on a high note.

Cadonici closes out this chapter with some fantastic visuals. seeing the monsters brought to life had the big impact needed to blow off the tension built. The kids sitting around the campfire and their mannerisms was a great take. Their interpretation of events came across strong and even took the high drama closing to another level. The third act of this issue concluded things properly. The emotional told taken on all involved was there. The final image will have people talking and ends things as the way it needed to: a different perspective that hasn’t been shown thru anyone else’s eyes quite like Edwin’s.

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter # 10 - On Sale October 26th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Final Point: House Of Slaughter’s second story hits the finish line with a satisfying conclusion. Tynion, Johns, Cadonici and the team take some chances with how the issue is set up but pays off big. The creativity shown here caps off a different look and feel to a story that was anything but ordinary. Don’t miss picking up this book from the local comic shop this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of House Of Slaughter #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of one of the best and most imaginative series in all of comics. Once And Future #30 by Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios. The saga of “retired” monster hunter Bridgette McGuire, her grandson Duncan and Rose’s battle against a resurrected King Arthur has been such an exciting read. Seriously, 30 issues seem to have flow by. That’s how good this story has been since the first issue. Never once has this comic not delivered on an epic read. With how things were left at the end of last issue, let’s not delay getting into this monumental finale, shall we?

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


The battle of England is at hand. With Arthur’s forces slowly dwindling due to Rose’s surprise emergence as the true Queen, there is only final play that could have major ramifications. Bridgette’s estranged daughter Mary has made a deal with the evil Merlin in return for her dead son Galahad to be revived. With a quick visit to the Grail Castle, the ending of the story appear to be at hand. Merlin has transformed into a dragon with his deal in sight: Duncan’s life (believing he’s Beowulf) for Galahads. The opening salvo is as intense as one would expect. Duncan is fighting to stay alive from a dragon and when things look it’s bleakest, Queen Rose comes flying on on a dragon all her own to save him.

All the while, Mary has a gun drawn on Bridgette ready to shoot. With the chance to bring Galahad back, nothing is left to chance. Readers are left to a very intense stand-off between Bridgette and Mary until a decision is made. The ramifications of this event are felt immediately. With the fate of Merlin now in sight, readers see how a noble sacrifice turns things upside down. The emotional pull don’t stop there as another major character says their goodbyes in an extremely dramatic way.

The epilogue is a fitting send-off to this series. After reading it, I don’t think this story could have truly ended any other way. Who gets a happy ending in this Arthurian fairy-tale? What happens once all the action is finally dealt? Readers will have their questions completely answered with a final parting image that can only be found withing this magical world.

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

All good things must come to an end. This is a bittersweet moment has Gillen sends Bridgette McGuire’s tale off with an excellent issue. McGuire has been one of comics most interesting characters. Sharply written, Gillen portrays Bridgette in many emotional places throughout this issue. The most noteworthy moments are her interactions with her daughter. Their dynamic has been one of the strongest pieces of storytelling. Both characters have similar personality traits but yet show differences in the final chapter. Where Bridgette is so committed to stopping the threat, she also shows a more emotional side in dealing with Mary a few times in this closing. Duncan and Rose also have standout moments as their connection remained a focal point thru this series. It’s been such a great read with characters that, even with the Arthurian element, can connect with the audience on a relatable level. Excellent work.

What can you say about Dan Mora’s art in this series that hasn’t been said? Mora IS the best artist in comics today. The action sequences with the dragons was exceptional. The moments felt huge watching Duncan and Rose battle the dragon Merlin. Take nothing away form the tension standoff between Bridgette and Mary. The sheer moving conversations will capture reader’s attention and not let go. The final one will be a lasting image fans will be chatting out for a while. Balancing all the vivid characters and battles is extremely difficult, but you wouldn’t know it because of how incredible Mora is at putting these all together. Factor in Bonvillain on coloring the book and how pages pop right off the paper, the imagery has never missed during this entire run. There was never a wasted panel in this entire run. A true testament to the art team on this book. An absolute pleasure to witness each time out.

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #30 - On Sale October 12th

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Gillen, Mora and the team give readers a highly satisfying ending to this beautiful fable. With a lead like Bridgette McGuire stealing scenes with excellent dialogue in between the high adrenaline fight scenes, Once and Future never stopped pushing forward on where they could go with the story. It has been a hell of a ride and thanks for the memories. Do not miss this finale when it drops at the Local Comic Shop this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Once and Future #30. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we are at the end of the line for one of Boom Studios’s most intense reads and no one is ready for what is about to unfold. Basilisk #12 by Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire has been a brutal, unapologetic tale of the Chimera’s violent trail with one person hellbent on revenge to stop them once and for all. The story has built up to a fever pitch so let’s not delay one more moment and see how this story concludes, shall we?

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios


The saga of the Chimera has been quite the horrifying tale. Five individuals with powers based off the five senses road free leaving death and destruction in their wake. In one certain case, Hannah is left behind after the Chimera kills her family on one of their ventures. Fueled by revenge, she embarks on a crash course to stop them by any means, if if she dies in the process. Thru the course of this story Hannah has held her own and been assisted by Regan, one of the Chimera who defects from the group to help Hannah in a form of forgiveness for her actions. With the endgame forming, Vanessa emerges as the lone member left of the Chimera waiting in the wings. Lurking around these characters is Barret and the Faithful, the worshipers of the Chimera who are playing their own game along the way.

Last issue was the calm before the storm. Hannah has now made a deal with Barret to get to Vanessa. Regan has been cut off from Hannah and sits back watching the final stand unfold. Barret leads Hannah to the campsite of the faithful where Vanessa is waiting. After decimating the faithful, Vanessa is primed and ready to go. The battle is everything you would expect it to be, with Regan and Barret watching in the wings waiting for the winner. Readers will get their money’s worth with this fight. All is answered with a conclusion fitting for where this story has gone.

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Bunn finishes this tale with a resounding knockout punch. The pacing of this series has been one of its strong features. With last issue being focused on the build, the finale wastes no time ramping up the tension with the opening battle. Vanessa is back to her most ruthless while Hannah emerges as the vengeful protagonist leaving it all on the field of battle. The other side story carrys weight but feels as a complement to the overall main event. The issue closes with an ending that felt organic and fits into the mold of this series. Nothing came across as over-the-top. It’s an emotional close but one that will leave readers very pleased.

Scharf holds nothing back form the violence the series has been known for. Hannah versus Vanessa IS the fight fans have waited for. Scharf creates a legendary face-off that keeps readers locked and loaded on the story. Even the side tale going on has a “big fight feel” to it. The drama pours off the panels inserted in this comic. There isn’t just “Violence for shock value.” The tough moments mesh with Bunn’s set-up right to the letter. The action will leave fans with huge moments but the final image makes complete sense to how this story should be concluded on. Strong work by all.

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Basilisk #12- On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Basilisk #12 - On Sale October 5th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit Boom Studios

Overall, Bunn, Scharf and the team end the world of the Chimera with an unforgettable issue. The story has been an intense read and the finale lives up to the preceding issue’s bar. The action is blunt and in your face. The story showcases a reluctant lead with nothing else to lose verse an unstoppable foe. Basilisk #12 concludes this tale with a can’t miss issue at the LCS this week. Don’t miss it!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Basilisk #12. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re continuing the adventure of Edwin Slaughter in the pages of the “Something Is Killing The Children” spin-off, House of Slaughter. House of Slaughter #9 by James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera for Boom Studios has been a fascinating thriller as a reluctant choice from the Order of St. George has been tasked to solve a mystery. Edwin’s story has taken some great twists and turns thus far with this issue set to offer some clarity on our lead character. Let’s check out this latest issue and see what’s going on, shall we?

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios


Last issue, readers witnessed Edwin start unlocking something hidden in his memory. It has been the latest hurdle in his mission to unlock a series of bodies washing up on a campsite in Lake Michigan. Now stranded at sea with his brush, Hermes, a memory comes into play that will impact Edwin moving forward. This issue kicks off with Edwin talking to a revealed Hermes about what he’s seeing. The memory shifts into the first days where the Order caught wind of a boy who was discovered by his dead mother. The scenes are dark and saddening as Edwin’s life is discussed by the people who find the body.

From here, the memories go further as Edwin starts to recall the monster who killed his mother. How this all unfolds will hit readers very suddenly as many secrets are revealed. By the time this issue is completed, Edwin’s origin story has been unfolded. Will it be one Edwin can handle or one that breaks him completely? Will he have time to handle the reveals before the true threat makes its appearance? The status quo of this story changes forever with this issue.

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Edwin’s story doesn’t fall short of impressing. The tragic tale connects readers to how Edwin sees the world while explaining why his memories were blocked out for so long. It’s a clever story that Tynion and Johns compose. The dynamic of Hermes and Edwin has been an odd one to say the least but with the reveals here, things come into focus. The pacing never faults as readers take the dive into Edwin’s past. The issue feels as readers are seeing the final goodbyes to its lead character as he prepares for the inevitable encounter with the cause of his mission. It’s excellent storytelling as the fans have come to expect from this book. Expect no let down here.

Cadonici presents Edwin’s story with some stunning visuals. Setting up the flashbacks, Cadonici sets up the flashbacks with great assistance from Segala on coloring, giving each section a different feel. This comes across noticeably well when Edwin is confronted by a monster. The usage of black and red escalate the danger at hand. Another compliment to the story was the 12-cube panels when Edwin processes what Hermes is telling him involving the story. It feels like a big moment and doesn’t let down. Edwin’s tale closes out with a final image that looks to close out this story on a very solid note.

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House of Slaughter #9

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, The story of Edwin Slaughter continues to be a story you can’t put down. Tynion, Johns and the team deliver on a highly revealing issue that gives major insight to our lead character. It feels as one chapter closes before an even bigger event is about to begin. There’s no let down in the quality of content within these pages. Make sure to check this book out when it drops at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #9. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the final story chapter of the initial arc of Boom Studios’ smash hit new series! GRIM #5 by by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano for Boom Studios has been nothing but a runaway success. Multiple printings right out the gate and Jessica Harrow is in top contention for best new character of 2022 without question. Let’s not waste any more time and jump into the latest installment, shall we?

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios


Jessica Harrow’s (after)life as been nothing short of an adventure. Being a reaper and guiding a stray soul into the ever-after, the soul escapes and Jessica follows suit into the land of the living. Once there, she crosses over where she can be seen as a human. With the mystery of how this happened looming overhead, Jessica has been on the run from Adira, her boss who doesn’t want her searching any more. She’s not he only one invested in Jessica as The End, a force of nature who is looking to restore balance. The journey has led Jessica and her friends to Las Vegas in search of Death, who has been lurking in Sin City for quite some time.

This issue kicks off with Death explaining to Jessica his connection to Adira. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as the twisted history unfolds. However, that’s not the only reveal as Jessica finally finds out the big secret about her: she is Death’s daughter!

With that feel-good moment, it becomes an after thought when The End crashes the party. What happens from here will shock everyone! Does Jessica survive this encounter? What factor does Adira play in this? And are readers ready for that final page?! You simply can’t pass on this issue!

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Phillips continues the excellent work with this story. Just when you think you have everything figured out, Phillps throws everything out the window and hits you with something you weren’t expecting. This issue had many reveals, none arguably bigger than the reveal of Death being Jessica’s father. The fallout from that delivers on all points. This series never misses on perfect timing and placement for huge moments. The final parting points of this issue will have fans clamoring for the next issue. Jessica’s story is far from over and that’s a win for everyone.

Flaviano forges another visually impressive issue. The entire conversation with Death and Jessica easily connects with readers. The full page reveal drives home the importance of the moment. The battle with The End felt epic and it’s resolution couldn’t have been depicted better than what Flaviano presented. Even the subtle song lyrics for “My Father’s House” by Bruce Springsteen (which music has become a staple of this series) capped off a phenomenal read.

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

GRIM #5 - On sale September 28th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Grim #5 closes one chapter and will have fans begging for more after reading this issue. Phillips, Flaviano and company keep their hot streak rolling with another fantastic issue of one of the best series at the LCS! Highly recommended!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Grim #5! As Always, thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry….the time has finally come. In the pages of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Universe books by BOOM STUDIOS, fans have been on the “Charge To 100” under the writing helm of Ryan Parrott for the past six years. Parrott’s work has delivered some of the biggest moments in the MMPR fandom. If for some reason you haven’t checked out his runs on “Mighty Morphin” & “Power Rangers”. do yourself a favor and give those issues a read. “The Eltarian War” might be my current favorite story in all of MMPR history. This will be Parrott’s last issue with the series. For anyone worried about the series future, it’s in very good hands with Melissa Flores (The Dead Lucky) and Simona Di Gianfelice on art duties coming on board with issue #101. That said, Parrott’s run might be concluding but he’s not leaving without a well-deserved star-studded send-off!

Parott is joined by Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino for the legacy numbering, series merging MIGHY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #100! Let us not waste another second and break this special event down, shall we?


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

MIGHY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #100 - ON SALE SEPTEMBER 28TH  Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Pras


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


From the events of the “Power Rangers” series, The inhabitants of Planet KO-35 have been getting brought back to life by the Death Ranger, who used Andros , a lone survivor looking for revenge, to accomplish this feat. Originally possessing the vessel of Andros’s friend Zhane, The Death Ranger has now taken control of the Omega Rangers (Jason, Yale, Zach and Trini) by tapping into the Morphin Grid! With an army of the undead forming, our heroes look to be in very dire times.

All the while in the pages of “Mighy Morphin” (written by Mat Groom), the earth-stationed team (Aisha - Yellow Ranger, Adam - Black Ranger, Rocky - Red Ranger, Billy - Blue Ranger, Kimberly - Pink Ranger, Matt - Green Ranger and Tommy - White Ranger) lost their command center during the Eltarian War and have been pulling an “Oceans’ 11” -esque heist to acquire a new home. During this mix, some of the team have been doing some self reflections on their futures and supporting Jason, who has been grieving the sudden loss of his mother. With no time to take a breath, Andros, along with Xi, Journey and Keron Vrin appear in the new command center to seek help against this threat.

The team comes up with a plan to stop the Death Ranger, but some are weary to trust Andros. Readers can’t blame some for acting this way. It is his actions that led to the Omega Rangers to be taken under the Death Ranger’s influence). Andros gives them a strong reassurance that he is committed to helping them, even if it means sacrificing himself to do it. Once the team fully buys in, IT’S MORPHIN TIME!!!!

The team teleports to the planet of KO-35 and know that there’s immanent danger ahead. It doesn’t take long before they are greeted by the Death Ranger’s forces. Once all the major players arrive, the battle kicks off with a fantastic one-page panel to kick things off! Rangers vs. Possessed Rangers and the undead…get your popcorn ready! There are a lot of great match-ups that will have readers on the edge of their seats reading. Don’t doubt that there is some big-time Zord action thrown in as well.

However, the main event will be the one fans will be most impacted by. Without going into heavy spoiler territory, One ranger’s journey is changed dramatically in an attempt to stop the Death Ranger once and for all. It’s a play that was needed to be made to try stopping the threat at hand and showcases what makes this hero one of the most noteworthy in all of MMPR lore. Get ready for that conclusion’s scene! Is that enough to stop the Death Ranger though? Read and find out!

The conclusion of this comic will be one to pull at the emotions of readers who have been with this franchises since day 1 or just jumping on board at the recent arcs. Some stories close for good, some stop for now, but the one thing that will always remain true is there will always be Power Rangers stepping up to fight the good fight. Very strong final image to close out on.


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Give the man his flowers asap! Parrott leaves the world of MMPR (for now) with an incredible ending for all fans. This issue has many moving parts going on but Parrott balances out all the actions with some strong emotional work. At no point did anything feel rushed or forced due to the large cast of characters involved. The battle sequences flowed with great backstories behind them. Possessed Trini squaring off with “adopted” alien daughter Journey and Possessed Jason vs. Tommy are the two battles that hit all their points. However it’s when Andros gets involved with the fight versus Jason that this book picks things up tenfold. Parrott built everything to a fever pitch that when the resolution moment hits, readers will have a resounding “YES!” reaction. That said, it’s the closing act of this book that shows why Parrott’s run has all the well-deserved praise behind it. The narrator’s words hit very hard with how the MMPR world is now changed. Readers will go thru a wide range of emotions during this chapter but that’s why Parrott has earned the notoriety of being such a strong storyteller. Amazing Job!

As for the art, there are many people involved with this issue, but the majority of page time (and rightfully so) went to series regulars Moises Hidalgo (“Mighty Morphin”) and Marco Renna (“Power Rangers”). The art delivered on making this an event. From the initial one-page kickoff battle panel thru the fight scenes, Hidalgo set an early pace for the book that never fell off. The action felt big. This was crucial to establish how significant this battle was. Handing off the battle scenes to Renna never took anything away frm the overall story. Action was moving fast but always stayed on track. Even when the zords came into play, both artists had great moments to work with. The guest artists listed played an important role in dealing with that one Ranger’s final battle and resolution. It gave that moment a unique feel to illustrated what was happening. Renna’s work closing out a character’s story he’s worked with was fitting and added another level of gravity to the scene’s impact. The art teams really outdid themselves on this issue to close his chapter over MMPR on a definitive high note.


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


Creavite: Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Marco Renna, Raul Angulo, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Ed Dukeshire, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Miguel Mercado, Eleonora Carlini, Hendry Prasetya and Francesco Mortarino (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, the Ryan Parrott era of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ends with everything you would expect from someone who’s taken the Rangers to new heights and legacy adventures. Parrott and the all-star art teams gift fans with an issue they won’t be able to put down or stop talking about. As for the future of Parrott and the Rangers, it won’t be long before we see them together again as he will be teaming with Dan Mora on a new MMPR/TMNT crossover book coming in December 2022! Until then, Ryan - thanks for the memories and the incredible books along the way! Don’t miss this issue at the LCS this week!

There will be a special ODPHpod episode dropping Thursday night EST where Tom Craven from Off The Cuff Gmes and That Hashtag Show stops by to talk about this book! Don’t miss it.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of MMPR #100. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re heading towards the conclusion of one of the most buzzworthy comics at the LCS! BRZRKR #10 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins for Boom Studios continues to forge its’ violent saga of B, half man, half god. The story has definitely gone into some shocking directions and continues to impress. With three issues left, let’s see how this book prepares to conclude their comic chapter (as they have some spinoff projects in the works), shall we?

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios


Where we start, B (or Unute) is healing up from the experiences over the last few issues. His only friend/doctor Diana now has developed powers due to exposure from the radiation explosion from B’s situation. They are talking telepathically now and coming to term on all the changes and where they’re heading to next. This concerns and fascinates Dr. Caudwell, who’s been using B since the beginning of the story. Seeing that Diana now has abilites is an X factor he wasn’t expecting.

While allowing B to heal up, all the major players are setting up plans for what will be the final mission in uncovering B’s secret. With a venture to the location of where B thinks his secrets are buried. Will B be able to handle what is uncovered. What is Caudwell planning now that the end appears to be near? Plus just wait till you see the final page! Readers are NOT ready to see how this issue sets things up moving forward.

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Reeves and Kindt are setting thins in motion for the final trek. B’s story continues to move where readers are constantly guessing what’s next (which is not a bad thing). This issue keeps up that tradition with some misdirection. The biggest mystery has now shifted towards Diana. It appears she might be playing both sides against each other at one stage, but seems like she’s already chosen her ally. The main point of this issue will have readers buzzing as where it leads, I’m not sure anyone saw coming. That’s one thing to note about the writing with this book: Nothing is out of the question when it comes to the mystery of B.

Garney extends the strong work with another great issue. Right from the start, readers can sense the psychic conversation between B and Diana without tipping too much off to Caudwell. It’s great visual storytelling. Walkign the readers thru Caudwell’s planning while B was recovering also stood out. He was never tipping off too much to anyone, especially to the readers. That said, all will more than likely be overshadowed by this issue’s conclusion. It’s a huge exclamation point to put on the issue and sets the countdown to the end fully in motion.

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #10 - On Sale September 21st

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, BRZRKR #10 moves the story along with a chapter that feels like the calm before the storm. The creative team puts the key players into position where once the final moment begins, it will be a non stop run to the finish. Check this book out when you’re at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #10. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, We’re nearing the conclusion of Boom Studios’ violent horror saga of the fearsome supernatural five. Basilisk #11 by Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire sets up the major players for the apocalyptic conclusion forthcoming. Let’s jump into this issue and see how this story prepares for its’ final confrontation, shall we?

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


The story has dwindled down to a few major players as readers head to the finish line:

Hannah, who is the lone survivor of a Chimera attack, as made a deal with devil after barely surviving her last run-in with the sinister group.

Vanessa, who has become the last true member of the Chimera but hasn’t been able to stop Hannah yet.

Regan, who defected from the Chimera to help Hannah, but fell out of her graces and is lost in direction at the moment.

This issue opens up with a flashback sequence of Vanessa’s upbringing and more reveals of how this incarnation of the Chimera came to be. Vanessa is talking with Regan in the present. The conversation feels like the final goodbye as they go over her sorted history. All the while Hannah has now partnered with Barret, a disciple of the Chimera, who wants to see Vanessa eliminated once and for all and will sacrifice Hannah to do it.

The rest of the story plays out with the hidden tale of how the Chimera came into contact with the cult that has found Vanessa. It is some frightening imagery but readers will get some long awaited answers to how the violent reign began. They also see how one of the last characters left is preparing for whats to come. As always, no punches are pulled here. The build is done well as it now appears that the final confrontation is ready to be told.

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Bunn sets the pace for is sure to be a memorable final farewell to this horrific tale. The road of Vanessa has been a very interesting story to follow as she has gone thru some dramatic changes sine the early days of this book. With this issue, it appears that she is fully aware of what is coming with the conversation she has with Regan. The majority of the issue is centered here as new information about the Chimera is brought to light. Hannah’s big moment form last issue feels almost as an after thought but when put into context, her story is just about told so no need to add more to close. Regan will be one to watch as she seems to be the odd one out in the shuffle. Solid build towards what’s coming.

Even with the conclusion forthcoming, Scharf doesn’t slow down with the disturbing imagery. Vanessa’s flashback tale shows of how brutal her story truly is. This book doesn’t break away from what it’s known for. It is not one for the weak at heart. The art delivers on setting the mood for what’s about to go down. The final sequences with Vanessa are prime examples with the big “exclamation points” put on with the final full page shot.

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #11 - On Sale September 7th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Basilisk #11 felt like the last hurrah between two characters going into the last confrontation. Bunn, Scharf and company tie up some loose ends while creating the landscape for one hell of a finale. Don’t miss this book when it drops at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Basilisk #11. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the penultimate issue of one of Boom Studios’s most creative titles ever. Once and Future #29 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire begins to wrap up its epic fantasy saga of magic and mayhem. After last issue, let’s not waste another moment and jump right in to see where Bridgette, Duncan and Rose stand now, shall we?

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


Bridgette McGuire, her grandson Duncan & his friend Rose have been thru some dire situations in 28 past issues, but nothing like what is coming now. They have suffered a time slip that has caused an issue with their plan to stop the battle with an evil “King Arthur.” Meanwhile, Bridgette’s daughter Mary lost her son Galahad recently and has started to work with her estranged mother to end this madness. Throw in the fact that Rose was apparently killed last issue by the Green Knight.

This issue opens up with a remembrance at Galahad’s grave. Mary is nowhere to be found, but Rose’s mother is attending the grave. It has an eerie backdrop as Rose lays dead at the blade of the Green Knight. From this moment, The Knight challenges The evil King and is killed instantly. However all is not what it seems. Rose survives as she is in possession of the King’s Scabbard. At this moment, there is a HUGE GAME CHANGER MOMENT that I won’t spoil but WOW! The rest of the issue literally throws a brick on the gas petal and never looks back. The final moments are set up for Bridgette, Duncan, Mary and Rose! If you’ve ever read this series before, these final issues are must haves!

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Gillen wastes no time in delivering some epic moments with this issue. None will be bigger than Rose’s survival from the Green Knight. Readers will have much to process here. The pacing works and even when the book feels faster in storytelling, nothing feels forced or lost. The major reveal has a lasting impact and sets forth a domino effect for the other characters. Everyone is getting their screen time to finish out their journeys . All the cards are on the table here. Absolutely a must read (Grade 10/10).

There is no better artist in comics at this moment than Dan Mora. Superstar work being done with the highly imaginative tale being presented here. There is an epic battle within these pages and Mora delivers on a “big fight feel” with so much emotion, you can’t help but feel it as a reader. The visuals never cease to impress. One of the biggest downers of seeing this comic conclude is not seeing Mora push the creative limits with this vastly changing retelling of characters. Phenomenal work 10/10

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #29 - On sale September 7th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Once and Future #29 is a comic that simply put: can NOT be missed this week! Gillen, Mora and company set the stage for what should be an intense closing of one of comics’ best books. Make this a priority to pick up this week at the LCS!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Once and Future #29. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this entry, we’re checking out a companion piece for the “Charge To 100” in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Universe by Boom Studios. Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 by Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire shows a spotlight on The Death ranger, who’s playing a big role in the monumental Might Morphin Power Rangers #100 coming in September. With so much story line involving this character, getting a deeper story on this mysterious figure will help compliment the future anniversary issue coming in late September. Let’s take a deeper look at this issue and see what’s happening here, shall we?

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios


The issue opens up with Maavi telling Young Andros and Young Zhane, who are both heavily featured in the Power Rangers book by Ryan Parrott and Marco Renna, a bedtime story. She is telling them the story of Spa’ark, the Gold Omega ranger. That story begins with the Omega Rangers taking care of Sister Supernova, a figure that poes a far greater danger than they realize. After neutralizing the threat, they bring Supernova back to Safehaven. During the down time, Spa’ark has a conversation with Haza, another ranger on the team. Haza brings up Spa’ark’s isolation and possible reasons why. Unfortunately, they don’t get to finish that conversation as Supernova escapes and does the unthinkable: kills Haza in the escape.

Feeling responsible for what happened, Spa’ak embarks on a dangerous path trying to fix this wrong. With another threat arising, Spa’ark does some questionable acts, including working with the Galactic Maw, who is up to no good. . How does this play into the creation of the Death Ranger? Can Spa’ark fix things or will he only make them worse? What will his teammates do about these actions? How does this tie into current times? Readers will have all those answers and a great final page to tie everything up before returning to the “Charge To 100” run.

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

This issue is a great companion piece to what’s going on in the present time of Power Rangers. Allor gives a nice spin on telling the Death ranger’s origin. Having this told to the kid versions of Andros and Zhane is a great touch to explain what is happening here. The story flows with a steady pace with giving the readers enough time to figure out what’s happening. This works well for new readers to the lore as there’s enough of a guide to steer them into who is who and what is happening. The overall story caps everything up and leaves readers with a final parting shot that echos in previous books to tie things together.

The art teams did solid work here as well. Bringing the range of emotions out of Spa’ark helped draw readers to his point of view and desperate actions. Once the tragedy strikes, the issue hits its’ high notes as it shifts gears in bringing Spa’ark’s plans front and center. The panels show a great deal of emotions with what is happening in the latter half of the book. There’s a lot to break down with how we see the Death Ranger emerge but it’s brought to the readers’ attention without being distracting to where a new reader could become confused easily.

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: Paul Allor, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Fabi Marques, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 provides noteworthy details to enhance the story in the overall books leading to the “Charge To 100” anniversary issue. The creative team make this very enjoyable for new and old readers alike. Make sure to check it out at the local comic shop this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1!

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re continuing to follow the spin-off stories from the world of Something Is Killing The Children. House of Slaughter #8 by James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera for Boom Studios has been building up the suspense following Edwin Slaughter. This second story’s journey has been very good as Edwin has been using his skills to cypher what is going on. What is really happening with this case? Let’s check out what the latest issue and see what is uncovered now, shall we?

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios


Edwin Slaughter has been sent to investigate a series of bodies washing up to a camp site in Lake Michigan. Edwin has been sent by the Order of St. George due to his unique perspective for looking at things. So far, his journey hasn’t yielded too many wins thus far, but he appears to have a plan to finally figure out what is going on here. Now stuck adrift at sea with Hermes, his brush companion, Edwin plots his next move in searching out the mystery at the campsite.

This issue kicks off with Edwin and Hermes still lost at sea. They’re talking next possible moves. Edwin feels that the House isn’t looking to rescue them but banking on that they will send someone in to solve the case and clean things up without a trace. However, during this monologue, Edwin starts to break down what is happening here. Readers see a great insight to what he’s envisioning. It’s quite the theory but it’s right on the money for what’s happening.

From this stage, Edwin makes a play to finally solve this once and for all. The move is a bit riskier than we’ve seen thus far. However, that’s not the biggest shock readers will see in this issue. Using his artwork as a guide, Edwin begins to unlock something that might have been buried fr a reason. What is the big secret that might becoming unlocked? Will the pair survive at sea? Readers will need to get this issue quickly to get those answers.

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Edwin’s story really takes some surprise twists with this issue. His journey into solving this mystery has been something very intriguing to watch unfold. The writing has been showcasing how he perceives the world around him as a focal point and it still feels fresh and new reading. Once Edwin figures out what he thinks is behind all this, readers get a very catching explanation. However, what will get the most buzz from this issue is the final chapter of Edwin cyphering what is happening. The flashback trip explains much that has been building over the course of this arc. This book never ceases to bring readers new perspectives and it’s been a win thus far with no signs of slowing down.

The art stands out for another strong performance. Seeing the world thru Edwin’s eyes continues to complement the story being told. The use of how Edwin looks at his artwork to having the flashback moments really added some gravity to what has been his assignment all along. Even the subtle look of Edwin’s purple eyes adds to how he looks at the world differently. This book hits all the major points to building towards the climax of what Edwin is looking for. Impressive work as ever.

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, House of Slaughter #8 continues to build a new world thru Edwin Slaughter’s eyes. Strong storytelling and art progress the story into a new direction. This book has a vibe all its’ own and is one to be on the radar when you hit the local comic shop this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of House Of Slaughter #8. Thanks for reading.