Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re continuing to follow the spin-off stories from the world of Something Is Killing The Children. House of Slaughter #8 by James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera for Boom Studios has been building up the suspense following Edwin Slaughter. This second story’s journey has been very good as Edwin has been using his skills to cypher what is going on. What is really happening with this case? Let’s check out what the latest issue and see what is uncovered now, shall we?

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios


Edwin Slaughter has been sent to investigate a series of bodies washing up to a camp site in Lake Michigan. Edwin has been sent by the Order of St. George due to his unique perspective for looking at things. So far, his journey hasn’t yielded too many wins thus far, but he appears to have a plan to finally figure out what is going on here. Now stuck adrift at sea with Hermes, his brush companion, Edwin plots his next move in searching out the mystery at the campsite.

This issue kicks off with Edwin and Hermes still lost at sea. They’re talking next possible moves. Edwin feels that the House isn’t looking to rescue them but banking on that they will send someone in to solve the case and clean things up without a trace. However, during this monologue, Edwin starts to break down what is happening here. Readers see a great insight to what he’s envisioning. It’s quite the theory but it’s right on the money for what’s happening.

From this stage, Edwin makes a play to finally solve this once and for all. The move is a bit riskier than we’ve seen thus far. However, that’s not the biggest shock readers will see in this issue. Using his artwork as a guide, Edwin begins to unlock something that might have been buried fr a reason. What is the big secret that might becoming unlocked? Will the pair survive at sea? Readers will need to get this issue quickly to get those answers.

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Edwin’s story really takes some surprise twists with this issue. His journey into solving this mystery has been something very intriguing to watch unfold. The writing has been showcasing how he perceives the world around him as a focal point and it still feels fresh and new reading. Once Edwin figures out what he thinks is behind all this, readers get a very catching explanation. However, what will get the most buzz from this issue is the final chapter of Edwin cyphering what is happening. The flashback trip explains much that has been building over the course of this arc. This book never ceases to bring readers new perspectives and it’s been a win thus far with no signs of slowing down.

The art stands out for another strong performance. Seeing the world thru Edwin’s eyes continues to complement the story being told. The use of how Edwin looks at his artwork to having the flashback moments really added some gravity to what has been his assignment all along. Even the subtle look of Edwin’s purple eyes adds to how he looks at the world differently. This book hits all the major points to building towards the climax of what Edwin is looking for. Impressive work as ever.

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #8 - On Sale August 31st

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, House of Slaughter #8 continues to build a new world thru Edwin Slaughter’s eyes. Strong storytelling and art progress the story into a new direction. This book has a vibe all its’ own and is one to be on the radar when you hit the local comic shop this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of House Of Slaughter #8. Thanks for reading.