Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we’re returning to the pages of the dead (so to speak) and seeing what kind of trouble comics’ favorite reaper has gotten into now via one of the big breakout hits of 2022! The series has been required reading since its’ debut and shows no signs of falling off. Grim #8 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano for Boom! Studios takes readers on a wild ride with our lead character trying to figure out what has caused the latest danger she needs to face. Let’s take a deeper dive on the latest escapade, shall we?

Editor note: Some of the images here might be tough for younger readers so discretion is advised. Still all good? Ok, let’s check this book out!

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios


After being banished from the afterlife by her aunt Adira, Jessica Harrow’s life as a reaper has become more complicated. From the initial moment where she crossed over into the land of the living chasing a runaway soul to learning her father is the being known as Death, Jessica’s (after)life has become complicated with reveal after reveal. After Death and The End, a being who makes sure life and death are balanced, destroy each other, there’s a big power vacuum in the afterlife.

Now stationed in Las Vegas, Jessica (along with fellow banished reapers/friends Eddie and Marcel), something strange is happening with people having a red marking appear on their foreheads and no one can die now, no matter how badly they are sick or hurt. Outside forces are plotting to make moves but it appears all signs point to Jessica being responsible. Oh yeah, Did we forget Lilah, her human mother in prison now knows?

This issue kicks off seeing Jessica’s mother in the middle of a prison riot. The inmates and guards have the mysterious red markings on them, but Lilah is fighting her way thru all while narrating a letter sent from Death before his demise. With a clue pointing to New Mexico, Lilah escapes and leaves a burning jail in her wake. Meanwhile in the afterlife, Adira is trying to calm the masses of reapers who see no dead souls. Adira gives them a name “responsible”: Jessica Harrow!

As for Jessica, she’s been confronted by the sisters of Fate, who explain the situation at hand to her. Jessica is not exactly on board with their information, but it appears there might be one way out of this and it means nothing good! What is the new situation presented to her? Is she willing to accept what has been proposed to her? Does she have a choice? Readers find out quick as the closing panel shows that more parties are interested in Jessica and her friends than they thought!

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Phillips is starting to put some of the mystery pieces together while keeping readers guessing at what’s happening here. Taking a small break from the red markings epidemic other than the riot worked well. Seeing how Jessica’ mother is now involved adds a new dynamic to the current story. Phillips instantly makes her debut feel huge with having her fight thru a prison riot unscathed. The cutthroat actions of Adira are always a great counter to Jessica’s character. Seeing how she handles being made Afterlife enemy #1 will be fun to watch. The situation with the sisters of Fate is an intriguing one as it was one readers won’t see coming. Solid final page to close out on. Readers will be curious to see where that leads moving forward.

How cool is Flaviano’s art? Seriously. From the architecture of Adira’s throne room to the astral plane of the Sisters of Fate, Flaviano and Renzi gives this book such a different and energetic feel. There truly isn’t anything like it on the market in my opinion. The panel set up with the “dream” borders was a great touch. The only thing missing was the usual music lyrics factored in by Napolitano, but this issue had much to enjoy regardless of that.

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

FINAL POINT: Grim #8 delivers a very solid issue to move its’ second arc forward. Phillips, Flaviano and the team bring their winning mash-up of incredible writing and art to give readers an issue they can’t miss this week at the LCS. Make sure you have this in your pull list for NCBD.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Grim #8. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the battle for San Francisco heads toward a conclusion in the pages of one of the stars in comics’ hottest line of books: The Massive-verse (home to ROGUE SUN, INFERNO GIRL READ AND RADIANT BLACK to name a few)! Since its’ debut on August 3rd, 2022 (aka #DEADLUCKYDAY), readers have been taken on quite the journey with an excellent first arc. THE DEAD LUCKY is set to take a hiatus after this issue with a return after one of the biggest events in comics for 2023: SUPER-MASSIVE 2! Until then, THE DEAD LUCKY #6 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) for Image Comics looks to wrap up loose ends before taking a pause in the action and drama.

Before jumping into a deeper dive, check out the song by AL1CE for the series! That said… here we go!

THE DEAD LUCKY #6 - On Sale February 15th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics


Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi returned home after being honorably discharged from service to a drastically changed San Francisco. The city and its’ people are now caught in-between an ongoing conflict between the Salvation Gang, who claim to be fighting for the interest of the people, but are they really?, and Morrow, a corporation who looks to control with its’ tech influence. While this conflict is unfolding, Bibi is addressing her own mental health issues (PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt) and the event from Afghanistan that gave her ever growing electrical based powers and killed her platoon as well.

When escalating fighting happening, Bibi gets involved, much to Morrow’s displeasure. When they try luring Bibi out in the open, her parents’ restaurant, Chi-Mexi-Q, is destroyed and her father is nearly killed. From this action, Bibi makes an uneasy alliance with the Salvation Gang but that doesn’t go exactly as planned.

Bibi meets with Gust (the head of the Salvation Gang) Shift (a notable figure last seen in Radiant Black, who’s loyalty is there for the paycheck (or is it in this case?) and the gang to make a plan to strike Morrow. With a plan in place, Bibi says her final goodbyes before returning to the Gang headquarters. However, Gust cuts a deal to sell out Bibi to Morrow, who attacks them at their home base! The battle rages on with Shift warning Bibi of what’s unfolding before her. With Morrow surrounding her, Bibi prepares to make a stand and with her platoon of Ghost, Spaceman and Tanky controlling Morrow Bots, she might be lucky enough to make it out alive.

This issue opens up with a flashback sequence of Bibi in 2017 with her breakup with Eddie, who readers know as her ex-boyfriend/ally. The story time-jumps to the present where Bibi and remaining members of the Salvation Gang make their stand against Morrow. In the battlefield is Reporter Mack Sands who Bibi is trying to save. Needing any help she can get, Bibi asks Shift for an assist but in typical Shift fashion, there’s no money involved and its’ not part of his contract so he leaves her stranded. Bibi rounds up Torrid, Factor, Shorty and Winston from the Salvation Gang along with Sands, who’s taping everything to make a final play. As they go back inside the warehouse, Morrow’s forces grow outside, even with the Bots standing guard protecting Bibi and company.

Bibi knows she’s the one they want and plans to fight. Morrow unveils a new Air Guardian droid to attack. Bibi tells everyone to run and heads right into the direction of Kane, a Morrow fighter who’s leading point on this mission. At this point, I’m giving fair warning now: BRACE YOURSELF FOR WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

Readers bare witness to an unforeseen player making their way into the conflict. An action is taken that changes everything. The ramifications are HUGE to Bibi and hit very hard in the emotions. The fallout sets up a very unique moment that fans will be talking about until its return, but trust me when I say, the story of Bibiana Lopez-Yang has just begun…

Flores caps off one hell of an arc with a brilliant ending issue. The conclusion is going to blow readers away. Through this first arc, readers have seen Bibi thrusted into the role of reluctant hero and push forward against insurmountable odds. Not everything has gone perfect but Bibi refuses to quit on the people she cares about and the city itself. It’s a character trait that shines thru this issue. The banter between her and Shift is brief but a big win (side note: Fans really need a covert ops-esque series with those two as the leads at some point).

Seeing Bibi step up to lead the remaining Salvation Gang was a noteworthy moment as well. However, the emotional roller-coaster of the “new Player” that jumps in will hit readers very strongly. The conclusion is a great swerve as well and one that will excite fans until Bibi’s return later this year. I really don’t want to spoil anything but readers really need to see it for themselves. There’s a tremendous amount of win for this issue.

Carlomagno’s art crafts the emotional panels extremely well for this issue. Seeing these dramatic moments balance the high-paced action out worked on many levels. From the coldness of Shift denying to help Bibi to her directing traffic with the Gang and Sands, there are many emotions displayed through this issue. Take nothing away from the action as Carlomagno & Iacono make certain moments pop right off the page with an energetic feel. If you think those are great (and you should), just wait till you witness the heartbreaking moments in the concluding pages of this story. The final panel drops a huge exclamation point on this chapter. Readers have much to enjoy visually.

FINAL POINT: Since the first issue, Flores, Carlomagno and the team have welcomed readers to San Francisco and introduced them to a great new story that consistently reestablishes itself as a must-read series with its’ incredible writing and art. The conclusion of The Dead Lucky’s first arc doesn’t falter at the finish. It delivers on big action and bigger moments which has become a staple of this series. Highest possible recommendation.

The Dead Lucky vol 1 TPB is due out in May but don’t wait until then to check this series out. Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of The Dead Lucky #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re jumping back into a very unique story coming out on the Comixology Originals line. If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, this next statement is going to sound very familiar. If you’re a new reader to Parlay Points (or checking this blog out via Nerd Initiative), the Comixology Originals line of books is one of the best on the comic market today. New Comic Book Day also means hitting the digital shelves to see what’s new from this line, and if you’re a die-hard for physical copies, there are quite a few titles that are released in print form via Dark Horse Comics at a later date.

That said, one of the latest series on the CO line is a sci-fi horror epic that is really catching readers attention heading to the halfway point. RETROVERSE #3 by Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson kicks off peeling back the layers of the mystery surrounding a teenager lost in time and losing hope quickly. Let’s check out what’s unfolding in this chapter, shall we?

RETROVERSE #3 - On sale February 14th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson

Credit: Comixology Originals

RETROVERSE #3 - On sale February 14th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson

Credit: Comixology Originals


The story of Retroverse centers around Kacy Martin, a 19-year old woman who wakes up after a long night of partying to find the world she knew has changed. A great deal of time has passed. Her boyfriend T.J. and best friend Krissy don’t recognize her. The home she knew is gone. Fear starts growing as Kacy returns to school where she’s attacked by some type of monster, and has now turned herself into a type of creature as well to fight back. Once the monster is dealt with, Kacy escapes to find Krissy, only to have an emotional bombshell dropped on her: Kacy died when she was six years old and has been dead for 13 years!

With more monsters coming, Kacy continues to fight in an unknown world. After briefly running into a strange figure with a cryptic message, another monster appears with some answers to what is going on here.

This issue opens up with Kacy and Krissy asking questions to the crab-esque creature. Unfortunately, there is a language issue until Kacy changes into her bone creature mutant form. Only in this state does she start getting answers. The creature divulges that Kacy was only meant to be an experiment when they fund her at the party. It explains how they are being hunted by the “Patchwork Man” and Kacy was selected to be a weapon to defend them if she survived. However, when they were attacked, Kacy was sent to the wrong reality to survive.

From here, Kacy demands to be returned home and wants nothing to do with the creatures and their war. She returns with the crab monster to its’ spaceship and soon finds out the world she once knew has changed forever! Readers sit back and watch how Kacy’s return trip proves to be more than she bargained for. From here, the question becomes what does Kacy do now? A choice is made that sets the course for more danger to come but does Kacy have another option? The final act holds nothing back as Kacy comes to grips with what her life has now become and readers get ready for the next phase in this evolving tale.

RETROVERSE #3 - On sale February 14th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson

Credit: Comixology Originals

RETROVERSE #3 - On sale February 14th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson

Credit: Comixology Originals

RETROVERSE #3 - On sale February 14th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson

Credit: Comixology Originals

Bunn keeps readers guessing with the reveal behind Kacy’s transformation this issue. Kacy has always had an outsider approach to her pre-transformation but after the reveal, her emotions just pour out as she’s truly lost without a cause. Kacy’ anger towards the situation s completely understandable and only gets worse as she tries figuring out what’s next. Seeing ho cold (for lack of a better term) the creatures were concerning Kacy was another factor that jumped out. This issue moved pretty quickly and didn’t dwell too long on its’ big moments. The final portion of this book sets a solid direction heading towards its’ conclusion with much uncertainty hovering around the main character.

Bivens establishes how Kacy is processing the news behind her “new life”. Her reactions drive home the anger and frustration of how things have played out. Seeing the “Patchwork Man” on the full page panel connects with readers on how different this character is, more so than what we saw in issue #2. The time/reality traveling Kacy and the creature did also jumps out. When she returns “home”, the panels involved illustrate just how much has changed in what feels to Kacy as a short amount of time. The parting visuals cap off the new “stat quo” heading into the story’s next phase.

RETROVERSE #3 - On sale February 14th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson

Credit: Comixology Originals

RETROVERSE #3 - On sale February 14th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, John Bivens and Anna Peterson

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: Retroverse #3 slowly peels back the mystery surrounding Kacy’s disappearance while keeping readers guessing at what’s next. Bunn, Bivens, and Peterson keep a steady pace with first-rate writing and illustrations. The mystery is still unfolding so if you haven’t checked this book out yet on Comixology, don’t wait any longer.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Retroverse #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest installment of a sci-fi western series which just returned to Comixology Originals for its’ second arc. Vol. 1 is currently out in print form via Dark Horse Comics with an animated series currently in development from Amazon Studios, so the expectations of EDGEWORLD’s second arc have been extremely high. Edgeworld #7 by Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne picks up where the dysfunctional relationship between two characters explodes to a dire situation. Let’s not waste another second and jump right into this chapter, shall we?

Edgeworld #7 - On Sale February 14th, 2023

Creative: Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne

Credit: Comixology Originals

Edgeworld #7 - On Sale February 14th, 2023

Creative: Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne

Credit: Comixology Originals


Edgeworld centers around Killian Jess, a magistrate on the planet Pala. Jess is also a former solider for the United Authority and is now the “guardian/parent” of Cheela. Their relationship is the definition of “complicated” as to how Cheela became under the supervision of Jess. Last issue saw the pair in a tight situation on a stage coach which spilled over to the Moonlight, an establishment ran by an ally: Shay. The person responsible was a slaver who was trying to move some aliens against their will. The resolution was Shay shooting the trader’s face off. The moment was photographed and became part of a bigger mystery yet to be solved in the future.

However for this issue, it starts off with a literal BANG! Jess has been shot in the right arm. The shooter is….CHEELA?! From here, readers witness Jess fading in and out of consciousness. Flasback sequences of happier times are displayed as Jess is reliving a moment with Mia Sashessa presenting her (and her daughter Callista) with necklaces followed by a marriage proposal. It’s counter balanced with a moment from his time in the United Authority. All the while, Shay, Doc and Jasper are doing what they can to keep Jess alive. When Doc starts asking Cheela what happened, the conversation shifts back to present day and how Jess was mentioning how sentimental those necklaces were and why they weren’t buried with Sashessa and Callista.

At this stage, readers witness Jess walking away from Cheela after a fight about the necklaces. With anger flowing through her, Cheela vents how mad she was at Jess’s actions. Doc gives some clarity to who Jess acted in such a manner and how it might not have had anything to do with her, but with his past. What secrets are unveiled about Jess and his time in service? How does this play out to the situation now? Readers will get some answers to these questions with more raised as a new threat arrives which makes an immediate impact on the final page! In a short amount of time, Jess and company look to be facing a challenge none of which are ready for.

Edgeworld #7 - On Sale February 14th, 2023

Creative: Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne

Credit: Comixology Originals

Edgeworld #7 - On Sale February 14th, 2023

Creative: Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne

Credit: Comixology Originals

Edgeworld #7 - On Sale February 14th, 2023

Creative: Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne

Credit: Comixology Originals

Austen hits the ground running with the tension this issue. From the opening event, the mystery behind it was a great journey to ride shotgun with (and it’s not as one and done as some might think). Seeing Cheela recant the events leading to the shooting was telling as it showed how unbalanced her relationship is to Jess. Granted, as I feel we will see next issue, her anger might not have been enough to cause the attack. As for the victim here, Jess’s story was fleshed out with great insight to his time with the United Authority. Seeing what he has gone through with them played a big factor into what lead him into the events following. Austen paints an interesting thought onto Jess’s character that readers can make a connection with. The final moments of the book are structured well to give the latest threat a big impression without full disclosure of what’s the endgame.

Olliffe presents some fantastic images to see the story unfolding within these pages. The facial expressions of both Jess and Cheela with the opening event were telling of how intense the action was. Cheela’s reaction to the shooting was telling as it felt as she even didn’t believe she was behind the shooting. With her reaction of shock, it alludes to more going on here than readers see right now. The flashback sequences of Jess fading in and out of life helped present the layers of his character. The portion involving the United Authority will be the moment that hits readers the strongest. the new threat is amde known through very simple panels that pack a huge punch. The final moments of the book capped off a great read, building towards what happens next.

Edgeworld #7 - On Sale February 14th, 2023

Creative: Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne

Credit: Comixology Originals

Edgeworld #7 - On Sale February 14th, 2023

Creative: Chuck Austen, Patrick Olliffe, Lee Loughridge, and Jodi Wynne

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: Edgeworld #7 continues to ramp up the drama with the most unlikely father-daughter duo in comics. Austen, Olliffe and the team take readers on a ride with solid writing and art to set the tone for a dynamic tale. Make sure you check this out on NCBD for Comixology.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Edgeworld #7. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a debut issue of a limited series from BOOM! Studios that horror fans will want to have on their radars. HARROWER #1 by Justin Jordan (Spread), Brahm Revel (Guerillas), and Pat Brosseau welcomes readers to Barlowe, New York and it’s mysterious figure. BOOM! has been on quite a roll with its’ horror books with such hits as Basilisk and Specs (to name a few). Let’s jump into this issue and see how things fare for the residents of Barlowe, shall we?

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios


The story kicks off in the small town of Barlowe, New York. The sheriff of the small town returns home to find a marking on the inside of his walls. Knowing there is danger nearby, he draws his gun waiting but is attacked from behind. His gun is lost in the struggle. When he goes to reach for his gun, a foot stands over it. At this moment, readers witness an intimidating figure standing over the sheriff. With a defiant look and last words, the sheriff is killed by the frightening figure.

The story then shifts to high school where a teacher is explaining the mark on the sheriff’s wall. It is referred to as the “sinner’s mark”. The teacher explains to the class that the mark sends a call out to the Harrower, an avenger that “keeps Barlowe pure”. One student in this class listening is Jessa Brink. Class is dismissed with an eerie warning. Jessa meets up with some friends, her boyfriend and Carter Creed, a trouble soul who gets into an altercation with Jessa’s boyfriend. It’s revealed when Creed storms off that his sister was killed in the same accident as Jenna’s brother.

Readers are taken thru a meeting with Jessa’s parents as they head out into a town gala. Jessa questions their decision but ultimately they have made up their mind. When they leave Jessa takes off for a party with her friends, no one is ready for what unfolds next. What starts out with fun intentions takes a side track that immediately will impact the small town. What happened on the way to the party? Who is the sheriff related to and where does that story now lead? Readers will get those answers plus a final moment that will have some conversation started until next issue.

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Jordan sets up the pieces for an entertaining horror tale. The story had a very retro feel to me (which isn’t a bad thing) as it captures some classic horror themes. The Harrower is only shown a few times within the issue giving plenty of page time to the residents of Barlowe. There are many introductions to the town’s residents but the standout moments are with Jessa and her parents. There is an event that affected their family and Carter’s which gives a vibe that there is much more to dig into with that sub-plot. The final moments speed a few things up and gives a twist ending that will be interesting to see if it holds up moving forward.

Revel illustrates the brutality of the Harrower right from the opening moments. The altercation with the sheriff is brief but effective in showing the danger surrounding the title character. The emotional points with Jessa and her family started to connect why that moment looks to be more impactful than anyone realizes now. Th set-up from the drive to the party to the conclusion was perfect for giving a vintage horror sense to the drama unfolding. The final panel was a bit of a surprise as I feel it could in two very different ways when the next issue opens, but did enough to cap off the suspense from the debut.

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Harrower #1 gives readers a vintage horror feel with a mystery just starting to unfold. Jordan, Revel, and Brosseau craft the suspense of the small town’s supernatural figure with solid storytelling and art. If you’re looking for a new horror story at the LCS, Harrower #1 is one to check out.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Harrower #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new title from Image Comics that has been making a tremendous buzz around comic fans. After seeing who’s creating this story, there’s no question on why the buzz is as big as it is! MONARCH #1 by Rodney Barnes (KILLADELPHIA, BLACULA, HBO's “Winning Time”), Alex Lins (NEW MUTANTS), and Luis Nct (SLEEPERS FABLE) presents a very captivating sci-fi story that challenges a young boy to face insurmountable odds head on. Let’s not delay and jump right into a deeper dive of this debut issue, shall we?

MONARCH #1 - On sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Rodney Barnes, Alex Lins, and Luis Nct

Credit: Image Comics


This issue opens up with a narrator explaining this scene from ten hours prior. The narrator here is a young girl named Daysha. who’s running through what looks like a warzone, but it’s actually a schoolyard. With energy blasts being fired around her, Daysha is waved into shelter by a teacher until he is hit in the face with an energy blast and dies instantly. Daysha goes thru the hallway where more people are standing. She shifts her eyes to Todd, a young boy on the staircase. When she reaches for him, it appears a beam has hit the building, eluding to the worst. Readers see an energy force heading to Earth. The scene shifts to the City of Compton as a pink cloud looms overhead with the residents watching and waiting to see what happens next.

The story shifts to a young boy named Travon waking up for school. He looks out the window to see the pink cloud looking overhead. As he gets ready for school, he talks with his god-sister, Marli and his foster mother Miss Wilamae, who gives a concerned warning to watch out for danger in the form of Zion. Readers soon learn of that danger as Travon has to escape Zion’s anger on the way to school. With an assist from Daysha, Travon eludes Zion, but not without a promise to get him by day’s end.

After meeting with Todd, Daysha and Travon have a conversation on the school roof. At this point, readers find out why Zion hates Travon so much and with this looming, Travon is optimistic with his time with Daysha. However that moment is short lived as Zion jumps Travon later in the day. While Zion is punching away, the cloud in the sky makes its’ secret revealed. Their fighting stops but another battle begins as readers see what (or who) caused the opening moments of the book.

The story then jumps to three weeks later. Who survived what happened on that fateful day? With a future this bleak, Travon’s options are limited. What actions does he take now? Travon’s bravery in these times has shined but is it enough? The final moments of the book will throw readers for a curve and ends the book on a very unique moment, guaranteeing to bring people back for more.

Incredible first issue. Barnes sets the tone early with the opening scene. Showing Daysha running thru the schoolyard while energy blasts gave great foreshadowing for the danger coming without playing its’ full hand. Having the story shift to Travon’s normal life made connecting with him as a character to root for very easy. The conflict with him and Zion grounds this story as well. The time jumps didn’t take away anything from the overall story. The final act really ramps up the drama with a huge surprise that is only adding to the mystery of this book.

Another thing to note is the letter monologue colors. Seeing the events unfold thru Daysha (Red), Travon (Green) and Zion (Blue)’s eyes was an excellent add. There’s a lot to enjoy from the storytelling here.

Lins and Nct make every panel count as they balance out both stories here. The first one is the sci-fi element. In its’ introduction, the damage is huge and nothing is held back showing the effect its’ having on the people inside the school. The other story is Travon’s normal life. Showing the emotions and reactions of the first time readers see Travon with Marti and Miss Miss Wilamae made for a bigger reaction when Zion makes his appearance. Once the initial attack starts, the art makes a big factor in showing how dangerous the cloud’s reveal truly is. Excellent final arc demonstrating the high emotion tension and shocking close to this chapter.

FINAL POINT: Monarch #1 is a fantastic tale mixing in the worlds of science-fiction and grounded reality drama that you simply can’t miss out on. Barnes, Lins and Nct invite readers in with exceptional writing and artwork to see how a young boy steps up to face challenges beyond anyone’s understanding. If this book isn’t in your hands on New Comic Book Day, fix it quick.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Monarch #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a special edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have a special interview with a creator whose latest project is currently in the midst of another monster campaign on Kickstarter! Based out of the Philippines, BRIAN BALONDO has been the visual architect to the Top Hat Studios team since its’ debut issue of Pocus Hocus in 2021. Since that point, Brian and the rest of the team has gained more fan buzz and followers thru their DIY approach to comics. With a huge hit on their hands with Pocus, Balondo teamed up again with Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz for 2022’s GRANDMA CHAINSAW. With his busy schedule, Brian managed to sneak in some time with the ODPH to talk about his life in comics. Here we go!



ODPH Ken: Hey Brian, thanks for taking the time out to chat and congrats on the new campaign

BRIAN : Thank you and yeah, the team and I are very excited about the latest Pocus Hocus Chapter.

ODPH Ken: Definitely an exciting time, but let’s go back to the beginning and just how did you get started into comics

BRIAN : The very first comics project I did was from an independent group here in the Philippines. It was only released in a Comic Con here. After that, I get to do another independent book titled Starburn and it all started from there.

ODPH Ken: What artists would you say have influenced you the most and why?

BRIAN : Hmm… probably Olivier Coipel and Dike Ruan are my biggest influences in art style. They’re incredible. However, Junji Ito is my main influence when it comes to everything horror.

ODPH Ken: And after that start, how did you connect with the Top Hat Studios team?

BRIAN : Allen Dunford was the one who contacted me and asked if I was willing to work on Pocus. I wasn’t able to accept at first as I was currently working on a project but I was really glad that they have waited for me. It has been a blast since I've started working on every Top Hat project.



ODPH Ken: What are the biggest challenges of communication with the team since you live world's away?

BRIAN : Actually, there's no challenge at all. I can easily talk to them through messenger and email. Sending files is a no hassle either. You would think there would be some kind of issue, but we’ve made it work (looking for something to knock on).

ODPH Ken: Over the past few years, Kickstarter is become such a huge movement in the land of comics. What is your feelings towards the entire process and now with another book heading that way?

BRIAN : I’m always excited and scared on every Kickstarter project we have. That feeling of being not knowing on the outcome of every project, but it’s good motivation to make the best book possible.

ODPH Ken: Pocus Hocus is such a unique book. What was your first reaction to reading its’ pitch to join?

BRIAN : Actually, I was amazed and curious at the same time. I was excited to know what could happen next as the scenes plays in my mind.



ODPH Ken: Pocus Hocus was a huge success, what was the feeling of going into Grandma Chainsaw?

BRIAN : I think excitement first comes to mind. I've always wanted to do a project like Grandma Chainsaw. Just everything horror with mystery always keeps me intrigued.

ODPH Ken: Now doing two back-to-back horror books, what do you think the biggest difference between the books?

BRIAN : Hmmm… the biggest difference maybe is the theme. In Grandma Chainsaw, we see a lot of horror and gore while in Pocus Hocus we have a really fun adventure with a touch of horror. So, yeah… I’d say the themes really separate the two, but I enjoy doing both of them.

ODPH Ken: With all the buzz around these characters, is there any other characters you’d really want to work on if given the opportunity?

BRIAN : This is a no-brainer for me. My dream projects are Batman and Hellboy.

ODPH Ken: Before we let you go, can you say any future plans for you and the team?

BRIAN : Well, we are currently working on new issues of Pocus Hocus and Grandma Chainsaw. After that, We also have some plans for future projects but I really can’t speak about those today. All in good time though.

ODPH Ken: Brian, thanks for chatting with us and all the best with the future projects.

Brian : Thanks Ken! This has been a blast!


Pocus Hocus Kickstarter is now live until February 16th, 2023. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re jumping back in on one of the best series to come out of 2022! Spiraling out of the pages of “Supermassive”, ROGUE SUN has been a breakout hit for Image Comics & the Massive-verse, the Radiant Black led universe which is poised for a HUGE 2023! ROGUE SUN #10 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna (filling in again for series regular Abel), Natalia Marques and Becca Carey picks up where a new villain made an immediate impact while no one was ready to see a drastic action unfold like it did to conclude issue #9. Let’s not wait any longer and see how things play out here, shall we?

ROGUE SUN #10 - On Sale February 1st, 2023

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Natalia Marques and Becca Carey (Cover: Luana Vecchio)

Credit: Image Comics


Dylan Siegal leads a very interesting life. After inheriting the mantle of Rogue Sun after his father’s murder, Dylan is thrusted into the world of the Supernatural as Earth’s protector. Dylan might be the best candidate for the job but he’s making it happen, albeit never without its’ struggles. Dylan now lives with a family he knew nothing about while trying to navigate one of the scariest places on Earth: high School.

Where we last saw Dylan, he was left nearly for dead by a new antagonist known as Hellbent. Meanwhile, his step-siblings tried conjuring their (and Dylan’s) deceased father for help. What they got instead was Caleb Hawthorne, the KNIGHT SUN! As this issue opens up, readers see a quick introduction to Caleb as he fends off a creature. Dylan, who’s recovered from his injures meets Caleb and it goes as well as one could expect from Dylan. Due to her actions, His step-sister Aurie has been sent away from the house in fear of more reckless actions. All the while, the latest danger to Dylan starts making more moves.

Hellbent checks on the condition of his father who was hurt in a confrontation with Rogue Sun. While a the hospital, Hellbent re-connects with an old friend eluding there’s money and power to be theirs for the taking. After a brief stop thru school, Dylan meets up with Dotty Perrine, the shop owner who’s an ally to Rogue Sun. While at the shop, Dylan gets some much needed information on Hellbent and the mysterious hand-print that has been featured on some of his rogues. Readers find out the mark is referred to as “The Favor”, and Rogue Suns have battled them for quite a long time. With more information about the mark, Dylan makes a plan which screams uncertainty for what’s to unfold.

What is his play? Can Dylan stop Hellbent? And what about Caleb? Can he be trusted to help or is there more to him than what we’ve seen thus far? Lots of questions heading into the final act of this book. Readers had better buckle up as the journey into the closing moments are going to get a bit bumpy and wild, which is never a bad way to close out a strong book on.

Dylan Siegal is a unique character to follow. Parrott presents him in this issue with his brash, standoff attitude but seeing the interactions with Caleb shows Dylan might soften his stance. Considering how Marcus and Dylan never had a good relationship, it will be interesting to see Caleb in that “mentor” role. There’s a line that Caleb says that readers will know in that moment, he has won over Dylan. On the other hand, Hunter aka Hellbent trying to save his father and losing himself in the process made for another strong piece of storytelling. In a very short time, Hellbent has established himself as an antagonist with a tragic story of great power corrupting the purest intentions. How close this could have been (and still could be) Dylan’s life made for an excellent read.

Renna sticks around for fill-in duty again and that is such a big win for readers! The introduction of the Knight Sun was a great opener for this issue. Renna wastes no time establishing Caleb’s skills and this plays out greater further in this issue. The emotions and expressions of Dylan’s normal life” jump out as well. With all the supernatural elements with this book, the “human” scenes give a solid break and demonstrates to readers fun (even if a bit harsh) moments of trying to grow up while still being a hero. However, the final act is where fans will be praising the art (as they should). When Dylan and Caleb start to execute Dylan’s plan, the destination pops right off the panel with a great deal of energy and wonder. Excellent final shot to set up next issue.

FINAL POINT: The Hellbent storyline continues to heat up with an issue you simply do not want to miss. Parrott, Renna and the team mix together fantastic storytelling and high-energy art to bring the latest adventure of Dylan Siegal into uncharted territory. The book keeps getting better and better & you don’t want to leave the comic shops with a copy this week.

Hit me up on ODPH podcast social media and let me know what you thought of Rogue Sun #10. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, After dealing with “One Giant Robot”, the flagship title from “The Massive-Verse”, comic’s hottest line of books via Image Comics & Black Market Narrative, has arguably its’ biggest challenge to date with the fallout from that encounter. RADIANT BLACK #21 by Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Eduardo Ferigato, Raul Angulo and Becca Carey pushes our pair of power-shared heroes to the limit with the fate of the world hanging in the balance…no big deal, right? Let’s not wait any longer and see what’s happening here, shall we?

RADIANT BLACK #21 - On Sale February 1st, 2023

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Eduardo Ferigato, Raul Angulo and Becca Carey (Cover: Federico Sabbatini)

Credit: Image Comics


If you’re jumping into this series and universe for the first time, Nathan Burnett and his best friend Marshall are the pair of heroes known as Radiant Black. The path to being superheroes has been a journey to say the least. Gifted with a range of powers from super strength, flight and more, the pair both have proved themselves worthy of the mantle.

When we last saw them, Marshall (along with Radiant Pink) head to Brazil to investigate the appearance of ONE GIANT ROBOT! When the robot hits the US, it’s a combined multiple Radiant effort to take it down. Now left with its’ head in the garage, Marshall and Nathan try figuring out their next move.

This issue opens up a government agency in Arlington Virginia watching the robot news unfold. A plan is set in place to grasp what is happening around Radiant Black. Meanwhile, back in Illinois , Marshall and Nathan talk about their next moves when the police pull up on them asking questions. The word is out: the Government would like to have a word with Radiant Black. Nathan agrees to set it up.

When he arrives at the meeting, a gentleman names Kieran greets him with the excitement of a fan. Nathan goes along with the conversation and is thrown a curve ball when Kieran’s branch of government is revealed. If readers think that’s a big surprise, just wait till they see who Kieran’s prime target is.

Who is the big target of the government inquiry? How does the pair see this all going down? Who is the fan-favorite who reappears when the guys need help the most? Readers don’t wait long as Nathan and Marshall set forth on a mission that doesn’t seem so earth-shattering but failure results in the end of the world!

Higgins weaves a few different plots throughout this issue. The first being that the government now has Radiant Black on their radar. Nathan’s interactions with Kieran sets up the bigger play later but has its’ touches of humor mixed in. Speaking of humor, Higgins nails the banter between Nathan and Marshall. World possibly ending? Readers wouldn’t get that vibe while the pair flies to St. Louis, where those moments readers will be most buzzing about. When the pair runs into their target, Higgins sets up the conflict with a strong case presented against the pair and how (even if the methods are questionable) he has a method to his madness. All of these elements combined continues to make Radiant Black a must-read each issue.

The art team of Costa and Ferigato brought a great balance of action and emotion for this issue. Seeing the pair’s reactions to the stakes of their mission was a big moment as they didn’t put that piece of the puzzle in place before. The flight to St. Louis showcased the friendship of Marshall and Nathan with more light-hearted panels beofre the action kicks off. Speaking of the action, the fight between the target and the Radiant pair was fast paced with a very cool 2 panel shot involving teleportation. The art elevate the key sequences and capped of a great issue superbly.

FINAL POINT: After dealing with ONE GIANT ROBOT, Radiant Black’s world shows no signs of slowing down with an issue packed with excellent storytelling and energetic action panels. Higgins, Costa, Ferigato and the team pack these pages with so many great moments, it is no question why this book sets a high bar with each release. Don’t miss this on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Radiant Black #21. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series from Image Comics that has an interesting twist to the whole True Crime/Murder Mystery genre. Blood Tree #1 by Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin), Maxim Simic (Escape From New York), John Kalisz and Rob Leigh welcomes readers to ride along with two police detectives on one of the most bizarre and intense cases of their careers. Let’s not wait any longer and see what’s unfolding in the pages of its’ debut chapter, shall we?

Blood Tree #1 - On Sale February 1st, 2023

Creative: Peter J. Tomasi, Maxim Simic, John Kalisz and Rob Leigh (Cover: Christian Alamy and Brad Anderson)

Credit: Image Comics


Our story starts out in Warwick, New York (about 60 miles outside of NYC). NYPD detective Dario Azzaro wakes up to find his young son trying to dispose of his “dead” goldfish, which apparently he’s previously had some bad luck in that department. After sending “Nemo” on his way, Azzaro heads into the city for work. The story jumps to New York City for the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. What should be a joyous occasion quickly shifts to shock and fear.

Azzaro meets up with his partner, Maria Diaz, to work the parade. A normal conversation is interrupted when a figure overshadows the crowd before crashing to the pavement. The figure is a naked “angel.” Azzaro shoves some politicians out of the fall’s path . With a public crime scene marked off, the detectives get to work. Heading to the rooftops, they find where the “angel” started his decent. A clue is left behind in a gargoyle looming over an edge. It’s a note that simply says “Blood begets Blood.”

After the coroner informs them of the lengths to cover up his identity, the detectives get a lead off a photo ID to talk with his parents. the conversation leads nowhere, but readers are shown a glimpse of who is behind this with another victim used as part of the twisted plan later.

With another “angel” falling in a public place again (this time Yankee Stadium) with the same cryptic message left behind, Azzaro and Diaz now start racing against the clock to try stopping this killer and solve the connection between the two victims. Readers will have much to break down as this tale is just getting started with many pieces yet to be shown.

Tomasi delivers on a solid introduction to this dark drama. There is just enough revealed concerning the killer and his actions that will lock readers in without tipping his hand to where this story goes. Pacing was outlined great to give each segment ample time to plant its foundation. The dynamic between Azzaro and Diaz counters the drama with well placed banter to break some scenes up. Perfect example of this is when Diaz gets done holding Azzaro while he checks the gargoyle. It’s a few quick one-liners but bridges their working relationship to the reader. The book end segments involving his son prove to raise some interesting theories that will be further revealed as this series progresses.

Simic’s art brought out the key elements of the debut. The initial “fallen angel” makes an immediate statement. From the small amount of blood to grace Azzaro’s face to the reaction of the parade goers, them moments’ frightening reality sets in fast to change the story’s direction. The facial expressions between the detective’s banter also stand out. It’s an easy tell to see how these partners play off each other mixed in with the subtle dialogue. The final image gives readers more foreshadowing of possible themes to come, but closes out the chapter with an haunting feel.

FINAL POINT: Tomasi, Simic and the team hit the ground running setting up the infrastructure to grow a very intriguing multi-layered mystery. Azzaro and Diaz’s latest case is a terrifying one that only has begun to reveal itself thru marvelous dialogue and art. The series has only unveiled a few clues which will have readers talking at the LCS this week. Make sure to check this out for New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Blood Tree #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry: One of the most anticipated books of 2023 is finally set to land in the comic shops on January 25th! Ever since making her Image Comics debut in the pages of 2022’s SUPERMASSIVE one-shot event which kicked off the genesis of comics’ most exciting universe: The Massive-Verse (with its’ flagship book RADIANT BLACK), fans have been eagerly waiting for the solo adventures of Cássia Costa to begin. Rogue Sun and The Dead Lucky were the first books following this epic event but one character has been long awaited to follow in those footsteps outside of its’ Kickstarter campaign.

INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK #1 by MAT GROOM (Power Rangers, Ultraman), ERICA D’URSO (The Mighty Valkyries), IGOR MONTI & BECCA CAREY kicks off the story of Cássia and her emergence as a beacon of hope when her home of Apex City is in its’ darkest hour. If you have heard the reaction from fans who signed up for the Kickstarter, you know the buzz for this book has been tremendous. Fans, get ready for something special with this one!  Let us not wait another second and see what the hype is all about, shall we?

INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK ONE #1 - On sale January 25th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics


The story kicks off with Cássia Costa heading to the Helix Campus, a prestigious high school in Apex City with her mother. Driving along, Cássia questions her mother’s story about being on a monorail. She mentions how she was there meeting a source for a story about museum artifacts. Suddenly, they were attacked by a frightening creature. Luckily, a figure bursts through the train car for the save. That figure is…. INFERNO GIRL RED! readers get treated to a great action sequence with foreshadowing into a greater threat looming.

During the car ride, Cassia’s mother gets a phone call about a reporting job but is turned down due to her IGR stories being considered untrue. This worries Cassia as she arrives at the campus. her mother reassures her she will be fine and to take full advantage of this opportunity. That said, Cassia make her way into a class, where she meets her future roommate Harriette and Doctor Janine Caro, a famous engineer, physicist and owner of the campus. With a brief class discussion and syllabus of expectations, Cassia settles in to school life with a trip to the library.

Along this trip, an unexpected event happens: Apex City is removed from its’ foundation?! A cloaked figure stands in amusement watching the move unfold as it appears the staff wielded is the catalyst. Cassia watches from inside the library as a red object meteors into her path and attaches an armband to her. From this moment on, her life will never be the same.

What direction does Cassia’s life go now? What is the grave situation unfolding? While catching up with her mother, Cassia knows what she is going to have to do. The question now becomes: Is she ready for her destiny? Readers sit ringside as a new hero rises to the challenge while questioning this new direction with a perfect final panel to close events off with.

INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK ONE #1 - On sale January 25th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK ONE #1 - On sale January 25th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

Groom plays heavy into the themes of hope versus hopeless with this debut. Cassia comes across as a character still trying to find her way while picking up a responsibility she doesn’t think or want to handle. Yet, readers witness how she rises to the challenge at hand because of the confidence instilled in her by her mother. Their dynamic is the backbone of this series as Cassia tries improving their situation by the opportunity given at the school. Her mother puts her setbacks aside to build Cassia up which instantly connects with readers about how important their bond is. The pacing works well to allow the major players of this story to establish themselves early. Dr. Caro and Harriette provide a solid balance for Cassia from the heroic world she’s about to embark in. The action sequences move fast but don’t overtake Cassia’s trail by fire in her new persona. Seeing the original IGR in action gave readers enough to form an idea of what to expect with the powers that there wasn’t a huge need to have Cassia re-tell it through her eyes. This issue had action, drama and intrigue, a wining formula to hook readers in for the long haul.

D’urso and Monti’s art meshes up perfectly with the writing of the story. The world of Apex City feels vibrant and full of possibilities right from the two page panel when Cassia and her mom are driving into the city. The campus had a distinct vibe going on as well. It never felt like “just another school”. The bonding moments between Cassia and her mom also jump off the panels as seeing how supportive they are of each other is such a driving plot point. With all the world building going on,nothing takes away from the moment readers see Cassia in full IGR costume. There is no way the full page panel isn’t made into a poster as it drops a clear exclamation point that a hero has arrived! The action panels move swiftly and readers can sense the tension unfolding as both IGR’s showcase their powers in various manners. Excellent final image to close this chapter out of, leaving much possibilities for where the story goes from here.

INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK ONE #1 - On sale January 25th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK ONE #1 - On sale January 25th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: The hype is real! The latest edition into the Massive-verse (officially) plants their foundation for a must-have story of hope versus darkness. Groom, D’Urso and the team deliver excellent writing and eye-catching art to solidify the next big hero in comics is ready to light up the local comic shops for NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Inferno Girl Red: Book One #1.

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out the first release of 2023 from Valiant Entertainment. Last year, Valiant re-shifted schedules and Book Of Shadows went on an early hiatus after releasing their first 2 issues. Slated now for a 4 issue run, the latest issue hits the local comic shops this week. Book Of Shadows #3 by CULLEN BUNN, VICENTE CIFUENTES, NICK FILARDI, and DAVE SHARPE picks right up with an eclectic line-up of familiar faces of Valiant as they work together to stop an ancient evil. Let’s not waste another second and jump into this issue, shall we?

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment


When a supernatural threat emerges so strong that it draws in the likes of Shadowman, Persephone, Dr. Mirage, PUNK MAMBO, and the Eternal Warrior, readers know there’s a huge deal unraveling within this story. Exarch Fane has unleashed Hell on Earth with “The Dark Feast.” The Feast presents sacrifices to the Book Of Shadows, a dark an powerful weapon in the wrong hands. The team has split up to take the fight to Fane, but he is preparing for the next phase of the feast.

This issue opens up with Fane conversing with the literal figure of the Book of Shadows, the Taleteller. Fane and Taleteller speak of the sacrifice needed to grow their power. Meanwhile Dr. Mirage and The Eternal Warrior make their way to the Veil of Death in pursuit of ending the book once and for all. Their destination: Fane’s castle. The rest of the team has been tasked with stopping Fane’s army on the ground level.

How does the team fare this go-around? Mirage and Warrior make their way inside the castle but what they find throws the initial plan out the window. A rash decision to end Fane’s plan turns out just making things worse. There is little improvement for the other members as they are greeted head-on by Fane and his army.

What causes the change in plans at the Veil? Can Mirage and the Warrior handle the new threat? Plus, Fane has his sights set on a certain member of the team. What could he possibly be up to? Readers get those answers plus a shocking moment to cap off this issue moving to the finale.

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Bunn paces things out well, giving the team enough panel time to tell their stories. The Veil portion features the conflicting personalities of Mirage and the warrior, which makes for some noteworthy moments. Gilad’s irrationality for waiting plays out well to Mirage’s cautiousness. There are also great moments between Mambo and Persephone tying back to Bunn’s Shadowman series, which adds another level o drama to the group. However, the bigger plot point is Fane’s plans for the one member of the team. Without spoiling, there are some questions to be had and Fane’s manipulations work well to progress the story forward.

Cifuentes’ art captures the horror aspect of the story, primarily with the Veil portion. the sights seen when the pair of heroes make their way thru the castle jump out. They push the story forward with the darkness surrounding the Book. Some panels hold nothign back and elevate how twisted Fane’s intentions are. There are some great action sequences thrown in for Shadowman’s team with a cool final image tap things off for this chapter.

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

FINAL POINT: Book of Shadows #3 sets in motions an endgame that will test this eclectic team of heroes of their personalities don’t get the best of them first. Bunn, Cifuentes and the team pair solid writing and art to showcase true evil in the Valiant Universe with a master plan unfolding that will have readers engaged from page one. Don’t miss this issue at the local comic shops this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Book Of Shadows #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the supernatural world of Ellie Hawthorne never ceases to shock and awe in the pages of a hit series from BOOM! Studios! DAMN THEM ALL #4 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell has Ellie facing off with the mysterious Theo Bolster, a man who’s organization may be more than even she is capable of stopping their true agenda. After last issue’s conclusion, Ellie and her ally Dora are in enemy territory with no easy way out. How do the pair fend now with Theo and the secrets of the 500 club?

Editor warning: this book has some panels that might be too mature for younger readers. That said, let’s jump into the latest chapter and see where Ellie and company take readers now, shall we?

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


First and foremost, check out that DAN MORA cover!!!

In case you are new to the story, Ellie has now been tasked to fill in the vacancy caused by her Uncle Alfie’s mysterious death as the only one to stop the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia from running wild over this world. The mission is so simple on paper: send them all back to Hell by any means possible. Execution? well, that’s another story. Luckily, Ellie has an ally in Dora, an officer with a complicated past with her uncle Alfie. Now accepting the duties of her uncle, Ellie sets forth to complete her mission.

Since she started in the role, Ellie has come across many unique characters such as Pruflas, who provides some much needed information about what is happening. Demons are now running amongst the earth via coins in the possession of various humans. Some with more noble intentions than others. Last issue saw what happens when the wrong person has a magical coin in their grasp. Ellie and Dora (along with Carlin, who’s there cause “reasons”) investigate Theo and the 500 club’s headquarters. Walking inside, the trio is shocked to see bodies, and that Theo is in possession of many coins like easy candy.

This issue opens up with a recap of Theo’s origin. Readers witness the 500 club conjuring Andras, a huge owl-headed demon who takes care of a few members before removing Theo’s eyes which much pleasure. The story then shifts to the fallout from there and a sub-plot involving Abshir, a man who fell from grace as London’s mayor. From that break, Ellie and Theo start debating about the ”big picture” involving the coins and Theo’s involvement in her uncle’s death. The result is Ellie taking a swing and busting Theo’s nose. The action is countered with Theo showing off what power he has at his disposal, healing from the attack. With Ellie not joining Theo’s vision, he dismisses her and Dora only to provoke a demon attack outside the headquarters.

With Theo waiting to make a scene, he causes a demon battle outside by forcing Frankie Wax (mob boss who Ellie now works for) to use his coin in battle. The visuals are insane, but what’s even more wild is ho this encounter ends. Nobody sees what is about to unfold coming but readers are in for a crazy conclusion of this first arc and a sense of direction for the book moving onward from here.

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Spurrier drops major moments throughout this issue. Seeing the game he’s trying to play with Ellie has a great dynamic to watch. Being in the position of power he’s in, Theo isn’t feeling any true threat from Ellie. His ego drives him to start the spectacle outside the headquarters. It’s equally matched by Ellie’s counter attack to his move. The mental chess game played out well for readers to sit back and watch. Theo not realizing what Ellie was setting up heading into the closing moments sets them on an inevitable rematch.The closing panels solidifies Ellie has taken the legacy of her uncle as her own, for better or for worse and that’s a big win for readers of this series.

Adlard brings this supernatural world to life with vivid imagery. Andras’s debut felt like the big moment it was. How he initially attacks Theo played out as a driving point of Theo’s character later in the story. The strongest art was the demon battle outside the 500 estate. Seeing the “Legion Of Inferior Spirits” play out on panel worked for crafting a big time frame in this story. One additional component of this book is the note breakdown of demons thrown in to explain to readers. It gives an added piece to an ever growing cast. This worked magnificently in explaining the huge figures involved in said battle. The final image in closing is one that is defining of the character and where Ellie looks to be taking her mission moving forward from this experience.

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Damn Them All #4 pushes Ellie Hawthorne to her limits with a protagonist with much sinister motivation behind him and his organization. Spurrier, Adlard and the team delve into this dangerous world with compelling writing and artwork to end this first arc and set the pace for the further escapades of Ellie’s quest to fulfill her legacy. Make sure to check this out at the comic book shops this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #4.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the next installment of a crossover event sequel involving two of the biggest fandoms in pop culture! The first crossover in 2019 was a smash hit and it looks like more of the same from this series! MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 2 #2 by Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios & IDW Publishing picks up from a shocking ending that both groups never saw coming. What happens now that a close ally has appeared to switch sides? Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening here, shall we?


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Six months have gone by since the combined forces of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles defeated Rita Repulsa and Shredder. The turtles have taken a trip to Angel Grove to catch up with their friends while Casey Jones has been looming in New York City looking for leads on the whereabouts of Shredder. During his investigating, Jones is attacked by Karai, the protege of Shreddar and an off panel figure with a sinister warning. Time passes but when news breaks of Jones going missing, Tommy (the Green Ranger) and Raphael start looking. All the while, there is a prison break for Baxter Stockman from forces connected to Shreddar and Rita. The comibined TMNT and MMPR teams arrive along with a returning Casey to intervene. That is until Casey reveals himself to be an evil Ranger helping Stockman escape!

This issue jumps in with the villain team along with Stockman appearing before the throne of an old Rangers foe: Mistress Vile! She lays out a decree of plans to take over the earth shortly. Meanwhile back in New York City, the MMPR and TMNT teams start forming a plan of their own to get Casey back. It is also revealed that someone has been kidnapping rogues of both teams for a time now. The clash of personalities starts bubbling up but ultimately cooler heads prevail. Zordon and Master Splinter converse while the teams focus on some training.

Meanwhile back in Dimension X, Krang confornts Casey or “Ranger X” in this case, questioning his motives. Rita appears and it’s revealed how she has him under her control. It also appears Krang might have been the assailant to capture Casey with Karai. During their talk, it appears Shreddar is still a person of interest lurking in the shadows. Rita doesn’t take long to wait to attack as a giant portal is opened over Angel Grove with a super army of rogues walking thru behind Rita.

The teams have been waiting or this moment but need something extra to step up for this fight. Fans will be super excited to see what happens with the heroes. Meanwhile Scorpina, Baxter, Rock Steady and Casey/Ranger X make their way to the command center , home of Zordon! Luckily for him, they’re greeted by a few heroes ready to fight. The action kicks into high gear with a few key plot moments fused in. With all the high-paced moving parts here, no one is ready for the final image to cap off what a thrilling take this issue was.


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW

Parrott excels at getting all these characters equal time to add to the overall story. Even when all hell breaks loose when Rita leads her army to Angel Grove, nothing ever felt rushed or forced. Pacing worked to build Rita’s overall plans while giving a small break to move Casey’s story forward without overshadowing. The same can be said when the teams meet to discuss what has happened with Casey and Raphael’s emotions of frustration pouring then later the conversation between Zordon and Master Splinter. Each moment is key for various reasons, yet nothing oversteps. Structuring these events only makes the battle scenes connect every harder with the readers. The action delivers on showcasing the various parings and made for great breaks from the drama. The final moments builds to its’ shocking reveal masterfully to close out on a major point heading into the next chapter.

Mora + action scenes = Money! the later half of this chapter is all full throttle panels with both teams letting loose on the ensuing battles. There’s a great full page shot of both teams “assembling” after a two page spread officially announces Rita’s army into the battlefield. Right form these moments, readers can feel the anticipation for whats about to go down! Mora’s panels carry that excitement straight thru the conclusion of this issue. The emotions are there especially when it deals with Raphael and Casey/Ranger X. Seeing Raphael’s eyes after hearing a line come from Casey said more than any word bubble could. This high-level art never slowed downed, even with all the building towards the final moments. Excellent closing image to carry readers onward to the next chapter.


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW


Creative: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire 

Credit: Boom Studios & IDW

FINAL POINT: Parrott, Mora and the team continue their fantastic work within the pages of the latest issue. The merged worlds of MMPR and TMNT speed along to give readers high level excitement mixed with enough emotional punches to let the audience know they’re in attendance for an event. The series has lived up to its’ predecessor and shows no sights of a sophomore slump. Don’t miss your chance to pick up this comic on new Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of MMPR/TMNT 2 #2

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review bog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, One of the best books on the Comixology Originals line drops its pen-ultimate issue. All of the Best Jackett Press releases have been hit after hit and this book is no exception! If you haven’t checked out this all-ages epic yet, you’re going to want to asap! Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4 by Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano sets up our young inventor protagonist with a dilemma with no end in sight! Let’s take a closer look at this issue and see where the story leads us now, shall we?

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Trying to be a student at the Brooklyn Academy of Engineering is tough enough. Being the inventor of “Duds” an L.C.D. integrated fiber clothing is tougher, but being the only person to stop the Prometheans with only Daedalus, a dog that is the member of the Athenian Family, as your only ally, takes the cake. With the mystery behind the Chymical Society to the mysterious figure Perdix hunting them down, Datson’s life has now spiraled into ways he never could imagine. Last issue, a daring escape was made when the Promethean impersonated his best friend in an attempt to get his powerful watch, which is more than meets the eye. Once activated, the pair is transported away to a landscape that screams danger and wonder all at the same time.

This issue opens with a flashback to 1945 with a narration depicting the testing of the nuclear explosion. The imagery shows the reaction and the repercussions of a creation. The story shifts to where Datson and Daedalus landed after eluding the danger from Perdix and the Prometheans: a maze planet?! The pair comes to terms with how they arrived there but before processing the next move, a minataur figure runs by them into a wall, saying how it can’t stop running. A statement is left behind: “Hope is lost.” This shakes Daedalus to the core. The maze was his vision but what it is now is a corrupted thought that serves a much larger purpose in the wrong hands. Daedalus gives a narration before it’s interrupted by some protectors of the maze!

How does the pair deal with the maze planet? Can they escape? Readers find out what Datson is truly made of as he’s pushed harder and further than he’s ever been tasked before. That said, is it enough for what unfolds in the final moments here? Readers will have much to break down as the nightmare is unveiled an a final image will haunt readers heading into the finale!

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

The question posed from this issue is: Was the dream worth it when it becomes a nightmare? Snyder presents this problem to readers seeing it thru Daedulas' eyes. The origin of the maze was meant with good intentions but how it becomes corrupted proved for a very strong moment. Daedulas has been one character who seemed a step ahead. Seeing him now on the defense makes for a great challenge heading into the finale. Datson's emergence of confidence will be the moment that stands out to readers. It literally is the turning point of this chapter. Snyder sets this growth up perfectly. The scenes give the shift of momentum needed for what the pair walks into the final act. The final moment of the book is a true surprise and one that fans will not be ready for heading to next issue.

Igle keeps the fantasy intrigue up for the origin of the maze. The imagery represents hope and possibility. This connects with readers due to the work of Castro and Sotomayor, who added the vibrant feel with each panel. In contrast, the panels post corruption are dark and gloomy, reflecting the loss of hope. It plays off Snyder’s writing flawlessly. There’s also a small panel sequence where readers see Datson show some anger with a side-by-side shot of the Prometheans bracing for the fallou of his actions. Time and time again, Datson has been thrown into danger but seeing him stand up and run towards his strengths was excellent storytelling. Readers will also have a final page reveal that is sure to blow them away as the road to the final issue begins.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

FINAL POINT: The saga of Dudley Datson continues its’ fantastic journey into the unknown with an issue that is a must read! Snyder, Igle and the team deliver on incredible writing and artwork in challenging the unlikely pairing of Daedulas and Datson at their very cores. With a strong final visual, you simply cannot miss what is unfolding in this series. Make sure you have this book in your collection asap!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine #4.

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, Season Four of the wildly imaginative story mixing fantasy, sci-fi and many other influences has really made an impact over at the Comixology Originals line. Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4 by Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding showcases the saga of Mercy and the fascinating directions her story takes her in the battle against the evil Kroach. After last issue, readers were left with quite the cliffhanger. Let’s jump into this latest chapter & see where the adventure takes us now, shall we?

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals


If new to this series, a group of monster hunters have recruited Mercy’s services in the fight against evil. The previous seasons have taken mercy on quite the ride. Season Four began with a stop in Rumania, before time jumping to 1997 where a young “Becky,” who is revealed to be a younger version of Mercy (along with allies Ratmir and Jill Anderson) are waiting at the home of Becky’s Grandmother. Unfortunately, the group is looking a a twenty year wait. However, readers don’t wait as the story shifts to the planet Tertiarus and its’ protector Alizarine.

During that time, Tertiarus hasn’t fallen yet. Alizarine and (adult) Mercy are captured by sky pirates led by Absolm Mooncrow. Mooncrow knows what kind of price Mercy would command and how the the Pantheon of Tertiarus would read his actions. Like all good plans, they are not easy as his ship becomes under attack. Mooncrow, Mercy and Alizarine form an uneasy alliance to handle the attack but not before long, the double crosses begin.

This issue jumps in with Mercy drawing a blade to Mooncrow as Alizarine is in danger after helping the pirates deal with their threat. Only when cooler heads prevail, everyone is freed from their immediate dangers on the ship. That said, there is no time to celebrate their win. Mooncrow’s ship flies in the direction of what is the biggest Kroach thus far. Mooncrow announces that the creature is the Harvester, the end all-be all of the Kroach.

From here, readers get a quick tutorial of the impact this creature has. During this talk, a revelation is made and one no one will see coming! What character is connected to the Deathless of the Kroach the most? It’s a great reveal and one that drives the majority of this issue. The flashback sequence features many levels to how determined one is about defeating this evil and at what cost? From that points’ conclusion, someone makes a move that changes the dynamic between these characters forever. It’s a drastic move, but then again, these are drastic times. Excellent final moment to end this issue on.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Starkings sets up a great origin story for the threat of the Harvester. One the connection is made to readers of the major character to the deathless, the book’s mood changes accordingly. That character’s motivation to save Tertiarus has never been in question, but the methods shown in their plan provides a sense of desperation and guilt more than brave heroics. The tragic tale of the Deathless was balanced out very well by the reaction to this reveal. The Pantheon of Tertiarus keeps getting shown in different lights, which Starkings does a masterful job in presenting.

Hardings keeps the fantasy imagery rolling with this issue. The full-blown page shot of the Harvester gave readers a direct message of how serious this threat is. The moment when the Deathless’s connection is to one major character played out perfectly. From the shock on that character’s face to the travel back to a more prosperous time in Tertiarus, Harding delivers on the emotion of the moment and the ultimate despair of accepting failure. The final act pulls no punches as the desperation spreads even more to the ending visual to carry thru to next issue.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: Ask For Mercy #4 takes a small detour into the past but the future pay-off hits big! Starkings and Harding keep readers on the edge of their seats as the strong storytelling and incredible features an unveiling of a best thought plan’s failure spiraling into a reckless move to write a wrong. You definitely want to check this issue out on new Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH socials and let me know what you thought of Ask For Mercy: the Circle of Time #4.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re taking a look at a book coming from Image Comics that has the pair of award winning creators from I KILL GIANTS teaming up again to present a mini-series that should be one to watch. IMMORTAL SERGEANT #1 by JOE KELLY and KEN NIIMURA presents the story of James Sargent aka Sarge, a police detective and his journey battling father time to solve one last case before his retirement. Let’s take a closer look at the series and see how everything kicks off, shall we?

IMMORTAL SERGEANT #1 - On Sale January 18th, 2023 Creative: JOE KELLY and KEN NIIMURA Credit: Image Comics

IMMORTAL SERGEANT #1 - On Sale January 18th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics


The issue kicks off with a ‘72 Caddilac Coupe speeding around the Shady Glen Golf Club. When the car finally stops, a man jumps out and throws his pocket watch into the air and starts shooting at it. The watch is engraved to “Deputy Sgt. James P Sargent upon his retirement of 45 years of Honorable service to the N.C.P.D”. What would cause Sarge to start firing at his watch on the middle of a green at the golf course?

The story time jumps one week prior. A few officers walk into Sarge’s office trying to make small talk about his retirement. Sarge’s answer is on they’re not expecting as he makes it pretty clear, hes not happy to go. As Sarge starts scoping out the police station, he stumbles upon an item in his desk that shakes him up a bit. The item is a shoe that readers find out belong to a body found in a grassy area. Sarge speeds off to Coppers, a police officers bar. Sarge even has a seat engraved with his permanent reservation. He makes some small talk with the bartender before leaving for his car.

Once outside, there’s a few young punks hanging around his car. Sarge makes a statement in how he handles the punks by hocking them when they’re leaning on the car! Once inside, he looks at the passenger seat of the car where he’s taken the shoe of evidence with him! What is Sarge going to do with this shoe? Is it a clue to a bigger case? Readers tag along for the ride to one more stop before ending Sarge’s night with a message that might change everything heading into next issue.

IMMORTAL SERGEANT #1 - On Sale January 18th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

Kelly sets up the foundation for a very intriguing story. Sarge doesn’t reveal too many details out this case other than a reaction for the shoe found in the evidence bag. Readers can speculate this is for a case unsolved by his actions. Kelly depicts Sarge as a gruff officer not ready to hang it up just yet. The social encounters he has verifies that. Sarge makes it clear he’s not going anywhere and lives that motto with some reckless driving. The final moments will throw an interesting dynamic into Sarge’s last ride and that will make readers keep a close eye out for the next chapter.

Niimura’s art seizes the frantic energy of Sarge’s life. The driving panels will really stand out as they feel loud and fast. There’s one full page panel that exemplifies how fast the Cadillac is moving much like Sarge is moving to outrun Father Time. The driving is only matched by the shooting at the golf course. The two-page spread pops right off the panels into readers’ faces. Sarge’s unique grinning in certain panels lets readers know he’s not going quietly into the gentle night of retirement. The final images are crafty enough to let readers know Sarge’s feelings with what is now getting added into his final week on the force.

IMMORTAL SERGEANT #1 - On Sale January 18th, 2023


Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Immortal Sergeant #1 greets readers to a retiring sergeant’s last week that is anything but oridinary. Kelly and Niimura bestow Sarge’s world with crafty storytelling and art to plant the early groundwork for a story that will only grow stronger and bigger from here. Get on board now! Make sure to check this book out on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Immortal Sergeant #1.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, a brand new arc is set to kick off from the hit spin-off series from Something is Killing the Children. HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) for BOOM! Studios showcases a character readers last saw in the first arc of the series: Jace Boucher. That story is now out in trade paperback form and well worth the investment. The whole SIKTC universe is poised for a big 2023 and “The Butcher”’s return is one fans have been eagerly anticipating.

Side Note: Some of the images featured in this blog post may be too graphic for some so be forewarned for younger readers. That said, Let's take a closer look & see where Jace's story goes from here, shall we?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Last we say Jace, he was making a power play against the Order of St. George. His lover, Aaron Slaughter, was caught in the middle. It was a tragic tale that resulted in Jace losing his hand and it’s resolution has now lead readers to this point. Trust me when I say, go get the first trade paperback and read that incredible story. Now living away from the hunter life and watching over young orphans, Jace is trying to become accustomed to his new life and waiting for Aaron to return. Unfortunately, Jace does not know Aaron’s fate when he returned to the Order….

This issue kicks off with a crashed school bus of children near a swamp. With blood dripping out of the bus, readers find out quickly of a monster on the bus violently killing its’ passengers. A young boy named Sunny is watching this all unfold. When he makes a run for the exit, the monster grabs him. With tension mounting, a figure emerges to kill the monster and save the child. That figure is Jace Boucher. The story shifts forward to a campfire where the survivor of the attack is telling the other children about the story. When they question the legitimacy, Jace emerges and ends the conversation, much to Sunny’s disappointment.

The next day, Sunny apologizes for his actions to Jace. The camp seems to resume business as usual but Jace is still thinking about his past as a hunter. Readers are taken on a flashback sequence of a young Jace coming across a new friend, only to have Aaron Slaughter appear with a message that shakes up Jace. What was the message? There is little time to process as Sunny’s infatuation with the hunter lifestyle takes center stage. What transpires next will raise quite a few questions with a final panel only adds to the mystery.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

This arc kicks off in a very interesting direction. Seeing the direction Jace has now gone in post hunter life adds some depth to his character. Now watching over a group of young kids proves to be quite the challenge especially one with as much hero worship as Sunny demonstrates. Balancing this out is Jace’ flashback moments. Obviously, Aaron Slaughter is on his mind and it will make for quite the emotional punch once he finds the truth out. Seeing Aaron show up in the nightmare vision works as his life being a hunter doesn’t let go even though he has. Interesting final moment to close the chapter out on but it makes complete sense as no one ever really escapes the life that Jace has lived.

The art doesn’t shy away from the horror in which these characters live in. From the initial monster’s attack on the school bus, Fuso sets an early tempo of frightening drama. The monsters live up to the build of terrifying creatures and help to heighten the drama of the writing. The dream/flashback moments gave a nice break to the story. Seeing Jace’s self guilt play out was a huge add to the story. Dealing with his demons while trying to stop Sunny from falling into danger made for some great visuals. The final panel will raise some questions but like with every great beginning, readers don’t want to have all the answers right then and there. The whole SIKTC/House of Slaughter line does a slow burn build better than most comics. This issue is no exception.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: House of Slaughter #11 returns to the comic shops with an issue that guarantees to peak reader interest. Brombal, Fuso and the team bring back “the Butcher” with strong storytelling and art to set up the latest story arc. The groundwork is laid for a great storyline so comic fans will definitely not want to miss this at the local comic shops this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media & let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #11. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, the buzz surrounding the new creative team on the Power Rangers franchise at Boom! Studios has been crushing it ever since they debuted in #101. With vivid re-introductions of fan favorites and new story-lines brewing, there is no better time to jump into the line. After last issue’s shocking final panel, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 by Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire became an instant must-read amongst MMPR fandom. Let’s not wait another minute and dive into what is unfolding here, shall we?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


The Power Rangers have been thru so much since the epic saga of “Charge To 100.” With an investigation of a disturbance on the moon, the young heroes had no idea what they were going to see unfold! Lord Zedd, their infamous adversary is lying at the feet of a returning, yet new figure in the Power Rangers Universe. Rita Repulsa has emerged with a new identity of Mistress Vile and taking care of Zedd sent shockwaves thru the Rangers. However, her next actions drive a deeper wound into the team. Vile captures Matt, the green ranger and is on the run! With desperation and frustration setting in for finding Matt, the team gets a signal that the red omegazord is on the planet Casentine. Once they arrive, they don’t find Matt or the Omega Rangers, but find Alpha-1 waiting for them at the downed zord.

This issue kicks off with an update for the readers about Matt. Along with torture, Vile is also trying to break Matt mentally and starts going into how similar they both are. From here, readers settle in for the origin of how Rita has become Mistress Vile. Dated a few months back (along with a two-page recap of Rita’s notable moments), Rita has been banished into space from Lord Zedd for failing to conquer Earth. Drifting away, she is discovered by space pirates led by Divatox, who say there is quite the bounty for Rita’s return to her home of Gamma Vile and her father, Master Vile. Once the family reunion starts, it’s the beginning of the end of Rita and the era of Mistress Vile starts.

The reunion is overshadowed by Master Vile’s ultimate goal coming to possible fruition. What plan does Master Vile have in store here? Who is he trying to connect with? How does Alpha-1 tie into those plans? How does Rita’s return impact everything? Readers witness how love of family is trumped by love of power. The final act carries a great build-up and pay-off explaining most lingering questions. However, readers will need to brace for the impact of Vile’s master plan with the final panels here.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The story behind Rita’s evolution was an excellent read. Flores sets things up to display how ruthless Rita can be and how her new status quo hasn’t even begun to plateau. The relationship with her father proved to be a double-edged sword in the sense of how Rita being back meant a great deal, only to be pushed aside by his own master plans and self accolades. Once established, readers watched along as she went to work assessing and ultimately manipulating control of the situation. Reintroducing a character with such notable history can be difficult, but Flores pulls this off masterfully with giving Rita a layered origin into her new persona. With that said, Take nothing away from the impact of the final page, as those few panels will have fans reacting strongly as the endgame is revealed very quietly. Incredible issue.

The artists on this issue (Simona Di Gianfelice & Kath Lobo) present Rita’s rebirth with some excellent panels. The two page spread showing her “this is your life” timeline jumps out. It’s a great piece for new readers to get caught up quick on what the character is all about and a great refresher for older fans. The panels with Master Vile “reuniting” with his daughter also stand out as Rita’s reaction to hearing her father’s plan spun into scheming and planning which gave a bigger pay-off when the plan unfolded. Rita’s constant evil smile carries through this issue and gives readers the visual que that she’s been in control this entire time, whether others knew or not. While this issue focuses all on Vile’s origin, the final panels will connect with readers as they see what Vile’s current manipulation is about to cause. It’s not a huge moment persay but once readers see what’s unfolding, it will hit BIG.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Kath Lobo, Raul Angulo, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The evolution of one on the most infamous rogues in Power Rangers lore is delivered to fans with an issue that can’t be missed! Flores, Di Gianfelice, Lobo and the creative team deliver on superb writing matched with excellent art to bring forth the backstory of Mistress Vile. With the endgame now in sight, readers can’t afford to miss this issue. Make it a priority grab at the local comic shops this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media & let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #104! Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Vault Comics is touting 2023 as “the Year Of Axe” with one of its most popular franchises poised to have a monster year. The first two volumes have been huge hits and volume 3 is set to drop at the local comic shops on January 18th! Barbaric: Hell To Pay #1 by Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden, Addison Duke & Jim Campbell continues the adventures of Owen, Soren, Steel and Axe with many eyes in the comic community chomping at the bit to check this book out. Let’s not wait any longer and see what kind of action and trouble the group has gotten into now, shall we?

vBarbaric: Hell To Pay #1 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden, Addison Duke, Jim Campbell

Credit: Vault Comics


In case you’re new to the franchise, Barbaric centers around Owen, a a cursed barbarian with a partner in violence, his animated Axe! In their travels, Soren, a witch who’s a force pf nature in her own right and Steel, Owen’s old friend who’s a vampire warrior with a performance complex have come along for the thrills, chills and blood spills. Volume 1: Murderable Offenses and Volume 2: Axe to Grind are highly recommended and are very accessible to new readers.

Volume 3 opens up with Soren being used as a bargaining chip by Dalquist, a mysterious figure, to win over a creature known as Graavoth. Graavoth is willing to take the sacrifice until it realizes Soren is full of evil magic, and isn’t happy with the double-cross. Readers quickly see that Soren isn’t in this situation alone as Steel and Axe are lurking in the wings and strike! With Axe in hand, Soren takes the fight to Graavoth. This moment plays right into Barbaric’s strengths. It’s time to fight and who better than Soren. The action is very in-your-face and even Steel adds something to the fight, going full vampire on Graavoth’s “little helpers.”

Once the threat is dealt with, the revelation is unveiled with Soren demanding information from Dalquist on a lead for the whereabouts of Owen. The information (after some strong persuasion) puts them on a path to a lair of Orcs. The trio is met with some opposition until the Irikian army shows up and forces the Orcs to retreat. Soren isn’t scared of the odds and is ready to fight until the Irikian army captain leads a capture of the three once she recognizes Axe.

What is the mysterious connection between the Captain and Owen? Readers don’t wait long to find out this answer. What will shake them up more is the proposal for more information. Is Soren and company ready for what’s next? Plus, where is Owen?! Get ready for that answer to have fans excitied heading into the closing moments of this issue!

Moreci ushers in this latest volume with the great mix of humor and brutal action that has become this book’s trademark. Even without Owen being the focal character of this issue, the book doesn’t stray from what works. Where it taps into some great storytelling is shifting the focus on Soren and how she’s leading the group. Soren’s fearlessness in the challenges they come across shines through each panel. The interaction with the Irikian general is prime example of this. Without blinking an eye, Soren is ready to step up to any obstacles and win, even with Steel’s dreadful doubt looming. There’s another portion of the story where Soren and Steel chat about Soren being “evil” and without any pause, Soren lets loose on Steel of how strong she is handling it. Owen’s page time might have been small due to the story, but it didn’t lack in bringing the energy and fun to this series before closing this issue out.

Gooden and Duke bring the intense action right from the start and never let up when it’s showcased. The initial battle with Graavoth establishes this point. Mixing in Campbell’s lettering of the “little helpers” GURPs gave the scenes an interesting feel while all the carnage is breaking out. The panels where Axe attacks Graavoth stand out as well. Axe’s facial expressions after biting in before cutting thru illustrated that moment perfectly. The Barbaric world features many unique characters and readers meet each debut with their own distinct look and presence. It’s always a fun trip to see what visuals this team presents creating such a wild fantasy world.

FINAL POINT: The Year of Axe comes in swinging with an action packed debut from Barbaric: Hell to Pay #1 that will set a high bar for others to follow. Moreci, Gooden and the team pick right up with the action, humor and drama that can only be found in this book. Make no mistake about it, Barbaric is back and that’s a huge win for all comic fans. Don’t miss this book at your local comic shops for New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Barbaric: Hell To Pay #1.

Thanks for reading.