Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast.

For this edition, we are checking out the debut issue from a well known horror universe from Image Comics that has an extremely popular creative team welcoming readers back. Whenever fans see JEFF LEMIRE and ANDREA SORRENTINO paired up on a book, they know they are in for something special. With a resume touting Green Arrow, Old Man Logan and Gideon Falls to name a few, a new title involving those two is going to create some excitement.

BONE ORCHARD: TENEMENT #1 is the latest tale from THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS, which has already gifted fans with another incredible story: BONE ORCHARD: TEN THOUSAND BLACK FEATHERS. What are Lemire, Sorrentino and Dave Stewart planning for this new saga? Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening here.



This issue begins with an ominous voice mentioning seven people who seem intertwined together by fate. Readers meet Issac, his mother Amamda, Justin, Felix, Tanya, Bob and Gary. All have a different story to tell. With a haunting narration, the story focuses on Issac, a young boy staring into a horrifying image. With bodies hanging from a tree bathed in a red sky, Issac stands frozen looking into a faceless stranger.

Before he can say anything, Issac is snapped back to reality. The sky changes back to a normal color. The tree he stared at has no bodies around it. The faceless stranger has turned into Justin, who’s trying to enjoy his cigarette in peace. Their common bond is revealed to be a Tenement. But as readers soon find out, this place has more than one sees on the outside.

The story shifts thru various interactions of the tenants of the building. Each one has an issue they deal with. Each relationship varies from pleasant to confrontational with all signs leading back to Issac. After the young boy has a conversation with another resident, what seems like a meaningless talk looks to bring something sinister in its wake. As Issac stares out into the sky, a book is nearby that is all too familiar readers of the Bone Orchard.

What could be transpiring in this building? Things begin to ramp up in the late hours of the night with a few restless neighbors. In an instant, an event happens that proves to be the match to the emotional timebomb ready to explode. The repercussions of this are felt with each tenant but one now appears to be heading towards a dark path with the closing image feeding readers worst suspicions. Get ready for something wicked on the horizon.



BREAKDOWN: Lemire gives readers a wide range of characters bound together with a sinister mystery looming. Each tenant of the building has their own tales but Issac quietly became the lead of this story. Lemire writes him as a normal child troubled by disturbing visions. His interactions with the other residents seems normal at first but one seems to know what Issac is truly capable of and ushers him in that path of destiny. Even with Issac getting a good majority of panel time, pacing allowed fair time for readers to meet the group involved with this series. The other neighbors each have problems they’re dealing with but none seem to know what is next. The book’s tone is troubling and grounded. The character’s own dramas might be blinding them but their roads seem to cross together with the event of the final act. Where things lead now is unknown but rest assured, there is much to be invested with this series.

Sorrentino and Stewart capture the grittiness of daily life with a supernatural shadow on the horizon. The initial introduction brings readers in with giving each major character a three panel mini story to clarify a piece of their daily activities. This method varies later int he book but smaller panel usage give a more personal feel to each sub-plot. When the first supernatural visual hits, it’s a direct, blunt two page spread filled with the brooding sky and mysterious figure Issac is looking at. The intensity of this is mimicked later in the book as the late night hours portion builds readers’ anxiousness up to a big payoff. The full-page lightbulb panel kicks off the final act with some emotional outbursts leading to a calmer stage sending this book into its’ next chapter.




The Bone Orchard universe crashes back into comic shops with a defiant new story that readers won’t be able to escape. Lemire and Sorrentino orchestrate a brooding tale with superb writing and haunting art, reflecting the danger slowly revealing itself to readers with every page. You won’t want to miss this issue on New Comic Book day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of BONE ORCHARD: TENEMENT #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, a legendary series returns to the comic shops this week for the first time since 2001! In the early 1990’s after the big Seven (Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen, Jim Valentino, and X-Men line artists Rob Liefeld (X-Force), Whilce Portacio (Uncanny X-Men), Marc Silvestri (Wolverine) and Jim Lee (X-Men) left Marvel Comics formed Image Comics, many fans wondered who would be the next big superstar to emerge from the top line of comics at the time. They didn’t have to wait too long as an artist made an immediate impact and gave the flagship title a whole new look. His name was Joe Madureira.

Madureira was named the artist on Uncanny X-Men in 1994. His work led to the success of the “Age Of Apocalypse” storyline as well as “The Trial Of Gambit” just to name a few. With a style all his own, Madureira quickly became one of the biggest artists in all of comics. In 1997, Madureira left Marvel to join up with an offshoot imprint of Jim Lee’s Wildstorm line known as Cliffhanger. Madureira joined Humberto Ramos (Crimson) and J. Scott Campbell (Danger Girl) with a creator owned title “Battle Chasers” in 1998.

The fantasy-adventure book had much hype behind it but constant release issues with the series led to the last issue being published by Image in 2001! In that time, Madureira has gone on to different non-comic projects with a few returns to Marvel with “Ultimates 3” in 2007, “Avenging Spider-Man” in 2011 and “Inhuman” in 2014. However, fans have never stopped clamoring for more Battle Chasers. Image released The Battle Chasers Anthology in 2019 to huge reactions. With a fanbase still clamoring for more, an announcment was made that shocked and electrified fans…

Early in 2023, Image and Madureira announced that they were bringing the series back with the long-awaited Battle Chasers #10 (by Madureira and LUDO LULLABI). The wait is finally over! The book is in stores! Let’s take a deeper look at how the story fares after debuting 25 years ago, shall we!

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)


This issue kicks off with a great recap of characters for readers jumping in for the first time:

Garrison - A former Paladin coming to terms with his past involving Aramus

Red Monika - An infamous figure who plays by her own rules

Gully - The daughter of the legendary Aramus, Gully possess gauntlets once wore by her father that have immense power

Calibretto aka Bretto - A war machine that has a mind of its’ own and is a force to be reckoned with

Knolan - A wizard of great mystery and capabilites

The story as it stands is the world of Gaia is in danger. Mana, a prime resource is dying out. Sides are being taken and conflict is rising. King Vaneer has played a role in the power balance, helping Gully and Bretto in the search for Aramus. The same cannot be said for Garrison who defies an order to captrue red Monika and now becomes a fugitive himself!

Red Monika wakes up in Garrison’s house after escaping Lord August. Garrison is waiting at the house and informs her that she was followed. Outside the house is Mastreo, leading the Martial Paladins on their bounty mission. Readers get a quick introduction into what they are capable of after they dispose of Akiman, Monika’s partner. Mastreo and his team bicker about what to do when Garrison and Monika make a break from the house. However, they don’t get too far before the Paladins make another play.

All the while, Gully is confronting her alleged brother Sebastian Nefar, who is rotting in a cell with no hands after trying to put on Gully’s gauntlets. Their conversation is brief but sets Gully on a quest to fin answers. What happens when she goes searching? What of Garrison and Monika’s fate? How does Bretto play into the mix? Readers are taken on quite the adventure as events are set in motion, kicking the saga of Battle Chasers into high gear.

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

BREAKDOWN: Madureira plays into the strengths of what makes this series such a beloved one with fans. The relationship between Garrison and Monika has always been combustible. Madureira focuses in on this for some great back and forth moments. The latest threats of the Martial Paladins are an interesting one. They come across to the reader as highly dangerous and ones that have a separate agenda all their own. Gully’s story didn’t get as much time in comparison (only 6 pages)but hit its’ key points. The dynamic with her and Sebastian works flawlessly to set up the forthcoming drama. As a “welcome back” issue, it does a great job for connecting with new and older readers of the series.

LULLABI steps in the art duties and delivers on fast moving, BIG action panels. The short sequence with them taking out Akiman delved into that frenetic pace. The moments with the Paladins hunting Garrison and Monkia establish the stakes very quickly.This leads into an amazing 2 page full panel spread closing out Garrison’s portion of the issue. Lullabi does a spectactular job catching Gully’s reactions to Sebastion’s manipulations. Ranging from anger to puzzled to defiant, the emotions display sold that time in the book and made up for the lack of pages. Great final panel to send things off into the next issue.

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)


The saga of Battle Chasers resumes without missing a beat. Madureira and Lullabi greet new and faithful readers with great storytelling and incredible visuals that encompasses why this series still connects with fans after 25 years! With the action and drama building back up, it is a perfect time to add this series to your comic book collection.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Battle Chasers #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we are jumping into a new series from Image Comics that reunites a team readers know from The Ride: Burning Desire. This series is sure to be one talked about on New Comic Book Day. Klik Klik Boom #1 by Doug Wagner, Doug Dabbs, Matt Wilson and Ed Dukeshire brings the mystery of Sprout and her unique vision of the world for a story that can’t be missed. Let’s take a deeper dive and peel back the layers of this intriguing tale, shall we?

Klik Klik Boom #1 by Doug Wagner, Doug Dabbs, Matt Wilson and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Image Comics)


The story begins in New York City. Someone is leaving polaroid pictures in various spots throughout the city. One picture is that of a family celebrating a birthday with some cake at a restaurant. Readers see that there is a mysterious woman (known later as Sprout) taking pictures of the family outside the venue. It appears as she is trying to use the photos to communicate with the family but the photos are clearly not welcomed by the celebrating party. After being threatened, Sprout leaves but not before leaving a picture of the cake on the window.

From here, readers see Sprout walking down the street when she’s harassed by two men. The one smacks Sprout on her backside. She responds by staring at them followed by taking a picture. Leaving the pair, she walks by a man walking down the street and smacks him on his behind. If this wasn’t puzzling enough, the next action leaves many questions.

Sprout goes into her bag and draws a gun from a sea of Polaroids of a man readers find out later is her grandfather. With gun in hand, Sprout walks into a bank. With no vision inside, readers see shots fired and someone screaming. Suddenly Sprout walks out unscathed, picking up a dropped picture of her grandfather. This leads to a flashback where readers get a little insight into Sprout’s past 12 years prior.

In the present, a reporter named Serena Biggs is on the phone piecing together the mystery of Sprout. Readers find out what happened in the bank and how that is the tip of the iceberg behind a bigger conspiracy yet to be revealed.

What is found during Serena’s investigating? Who is a vested party of interest? How does Sprout figure into all of this? Readers don’t wait too long to bare witness to paths crossing and more questions raised. Just when the answers seem to appear, they get lost in the rising danger of Sprout’s world leading into a closing act that proves the enigmatic story of Sprout hasn’t even begun to be unveiled.

Klik Klik Boom #1 by Doug Wagner, Doug Dabbs, Matt Wilson and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Image Comics)

Klik Klik Boom #1 by Doug Wagner, Doug Dabbs, Matt Wilson and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Image Comics)

BREAKDOWN: This mystery is one that will capture readers attention and not let go easily. Wagner presents Sprout as a lost soul in a big world. The initial interactions with the people of New York City comes across as awkward and curious. Keeping the bank scene hidden elevates the reveal of events later in the issue perfectly. The addition of Serena plays as a dual role for the readers. Serena is asking the questions they are thinking while trying to process what world she has now stepped into. The conversation when it is revealed why Sprout takes pictures is one of the noteworthy points of the issue. Wagner does a great job of keeping Sprout’s true motives elusive with mixing in surprise locations throughout the journey. There never is a loss of tension and wonder for the duration, leading into a strong final moment.

Dabbs and Wilson bring a certain mystique to the artwork for the book. The use of 5-6 panel pages gives a feel of the reader themselves are looking at the polaroids while moving thru the story. The bank sequence is a strong moment in the book. Using only a few wide panels, readers can sense the action taking place and the surprising fallout when Sprout leaves. The flashback time with Sprout and her grandfather gives the readers a solid idea of their quirky relationship without fully playing all the cards to what has transpired. This formula is shown against when Sprout is involved in an altercation. The use of small panels and bright colors tell just enough before switching gears. Superb closing visuals to lead into the next issue of what is sure to be a monster hit.

Klik Klik Boom #1 by Doug Wagner, Doug Dabbs, Matt Wilson and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Image Comics)

Klik Klik Boom #1 by Doug Wagner, Doug Dabbs, Matt Wilson and Ed Dukeshire (Credit: Image Comics)


From the opening page, there is a certain enigmatic feel that captures readers and never lets go. Wagner orchestrates a slow burn thriller brought to life by Dabbs and Wilson’s amazing visuals reflecting the gritty and mysterious world of Sprout. This is a must-have on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Klik Klik Boom #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re taking a closer look at a brand new series/event on the Comixology Originals line that showcases a writing debut from someone who fans may know from another form of pop culture. From the band Scissor Sisters, Scott Hoffman (aka Babydaddy) kicks off his comic beginnings with a very eye-catching tale. NOSTALGIA #1 by Hoffman, Danijel Žeželj, Lee Loughridge, and Steve Wands, presents a futuristic mystery that is going to make waves on New Comic Book Day. Let’s have a closer look, shall we?

NOSTALGIA #1 by Scott Hoffman, Danijel Žeželj, Lee Loughridge, and Steve Wands (On sale June 13th - Credit: Comixology originals)


The story beings with a cover of “Musocity”, a music zine featuring Craig Mancini aka NOSTALGIA on the front page. The article breaks down his stage presence and the experience of watching him play. Things shift to NOSTALGIA on stage and the euphoric trance he keeps the crowd in while playing. In a flash, the crowd disappears and Craig is overlooking the city from his lavish apartment. Craig’s mood is that of despair and exhaustion looking at used to have been.

Craig’s roadie Lexi comes in the room and makes the impression Craig has fallen into a difficult time. Craig dismisses her and turns his attention elsewhere. The visuals readers see is a collage of the world Craig lives in. Much like today’s world, there is an assault of all forms of medias and opinions. Needing a break, Craig escapes into the dark city needing to clear his head.

Craig returns back to the Ziquara building and is passed along a package. From the deminer of the doorman, this isn’t the first time a package like this has arrived. Craig decides this time to accept it. Upon opening it, Craig finds an image of a shell, which sends Craig on a path to a life changing moment.

What is the symbolism of the package? Is Craig ready to find out what is behind these deliveries? Readers ride along as Craig maneuvers through the volatile landscape to reach a meeting place and a surprise he is not ready for. The final panel will raise some questions until the next chapter hits the digital shelf, so get ready.

NOSTALGIA #1 by Scott Hoffman, Danijel Žeželj, Lee Loughridge, and Steve Wands (On sale June 13th - Credit: Comixology originals)

NOSTALGIA #1 by Scott Hoffman, Danijel Žeželj, Lee Loughridge, and Steve Wands (On sale June 13th - Credit: Comixology originals)

BREAKDOWN: Hoffman presents a unique vision of life after music with the current issue. Craig comes across as a multi-layered character. Hoffman’s connection with being a musician brings a distinct approach when conveying Craig’s emotions after the spotlight is gone. Craig ranges from self-loathing to reluctantly bored with how things have now become. The small interaction with Lexi brings that right to the readers’ attention early. Even when he ventures out into the public, his attitude is one of loss. Only when he decided to take a chance with the package does it appear a spark got underneath Craig to do more. The current social climate plays a strong part in guiding the story. With the emotions of the public loud and aggressive, the toll it takes on Craig is evident. However, with the surprise at the end shifting gears, it will add a new dynamic to Craig that should be catching to see play out.

Žeželj kicks off the issue with a stunning portrait of how music has encompassed Craig and the crowd when he is on stage. The coloring done by Loughridge gives those panels an original feel that’s all its’ own. Craig’s venture into the city pops off the pages as the city itself has its’ own story to tell. The mannerisms of Craig feature how much he has fallen on a rough patch and the curiosity of the package actually gives him a weird speak. The journey to the meeting spot builds to a solid closing act, topped with a loud statement caping off a notable flashback time period. Great closing panel to send readers home and having them want to return for the next issue on.

NOSTALGIA #1 by Scott Hoffman, Danijel Žeželj, Lee Loughridge, and Steve Wands (On sale June 13th - Credit: Comixology originals)

NOSTALGIA #1 by Scott Hoffman, Danijel Žeželj, Lee Loughridge, and Steve Wands (On sale June 13th - Credit: Comixology originals)

FINAL POINT: 8 out of 10

After the music stops, when does life begin again? That is the question posed in the world of Craig Mancini. Hoffman, Žeželj and the team bring a powerful vision of a lost soul trying to find himself through solid writing and fantastic imagery. This is a book you don’t want to pass up checking out.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on NOSTALGIA #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we’re diving further into the mystery surrounding Dom and Birdie’s highway to Hell in the pages of Image Comics’ hit new series. PHANTOM ROAD #4 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands picks up where the reluctant pair are heading now and the latest addition to the mix ended up after last issue’s shocking ending. Let’s not delay any longer and take a closer look, shall we?

PHANTOM ROAD #4 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands


Dom and Birdie’s paths crossed on a fateful night when a mysterious object turned their worlds upside down. Crossing over into a mirrored dimension with faceless figures coming for the powerful object, the pair is trying to make some kind of sense of everything. Last time readers saw them, they were running from the law after killing a faceless figure, who turned human shortly after.

The case is drawing more attention with the addition of FBI agent Theresa Weaver into the mix. Weaver starts putting things together and it appears there is a personal connection to the case. Unfortunately, Weaver is kidnapped from her hotel room by a masked assailant.

This issue picks up with Dom and Birdie still on the run (editor note: The pair wasn’t featured in issue #3). The conversation is small talk but reassures the readers that they still have a plan on what to do with the object.

The story shifts to the alternate dimension with a young girl standing in the path of the faceless. With a reassuring voice telling her to remain calm, she looks back at the pack before snapping back to our reality. The girl is actually FBI agent Theresa Weaver. Weaver is detained in an empty room. A masked man comes in and starts interrogating her.

What secrets are revealed during this conversation? What is “Project Jackknife”? Readers get more insight on the personal connection of the case to Agent Weaver, with information that even she doesn’t know. The final moments present more tension and uneasiness as the closing moments showcase all actions come with a grave cost.

PHANTOM ROAD #4 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

PHANTOM ROAD #4 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

BREAKDOWN: Lemire gives more balance to all the major players with the events of this issue. Dom and Birdie’s “partnership” is one that continues to be uneasy. Both have secrets in their pasts that block them from fully trusting the other. This plays well building towards one’s actions and the repercussions following it. The Agent Weaver portion of the book will be the one fans are most talking about. The interrogation levels new insight on the agent while giving the whole case a much bigger feel. Pacing worked well to give each story time to grow for a big impact before ending the issue.

Walta’s art doesn’t shy away from the fatigue wearing on both Dom and Birdie. Their expressions during their conversation paints a bigger picture of how they’re truly feeling in the moment. Agent Weaver’s portion of the book comes across blunt and to the point, much like the scene plays out. The panels demonstrate a solid back and forth with the questioning with well placed jumps to the past mixed in. There’s a gritty, dark feel throughout the pages which adds more layers to the deeper story at hand. Excellent closing panels to send readers on to the next issue.

PHANTOM ROAD #4 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

PHANTOM ROAD #4 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands


The mystery grows deeper with secrets revealed and actions taken with grave consequences. Lemire, Walta and the team take readers down the supernatural road with excellent writing and art. You won’t want to miss this series at the local comic shops!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this edition, we have arrived at the conclusion of Boom! Studios’ latest horror series. If you haven’t been checking this series out, HARROWER by Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau has been bringing scares with the vintage style of horror slasher films to much approval. With issue #4 now upon us, how does Jessa survive long enough to process the reveals of last issue?

Before we start the review, the images featured reflect the horror story going on and some pictures might be too intense for some readers. Reader discretion is advised. That said and if still good to go, let’s take a closer look at the final chapter, shall we?

HARROWER #4 - On Sale May 24th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios


HARROWER #4 - On Sale May 24th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Jessa thought nothing more of the Harrower as a myth in her small town of Barlowe, New York. Ignoring the haunting warnings of a teacher, Jessa and her friends went out for a party not knowing what lied ahead. The avenger of Barlowe had already struck with the brutal murder of the sheriff before turning its’ attention towards the party.

Once it arrives at the party, the body count starts rising. If not for the attempts to stop it by Carter Creed, the sheriff’s son, Jessa might have been the next victim. With the house burning around them, the remaining survivors make their way into the basement, which has many tunnels to every house in Barlowe. That is not the only reveal as Jessa’s boyfriend Reed has been leading the Harrower on its’ quest to “make Barlowe Pure”. With Carter and Reed fighting, Jessa makes a break for an exit to escape the Harrower. She finds a doorway into a gala where her parents and much of the residents of Barlowe are attending.

HARROWER #4 - On Sale May 24th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The final starts with Jessa processing what she just walked into. She is being thanked by the parents of those murdered for keeping their kids “pure and innocent”. Jessa is in pure shock of what is going on, but miraculously Carter is still standing and explains what is transpiring. Readers will witness the true secret of evil as the origin of the Harrower is revealed. It plays into the dark and disturbing nature of the small little town’s façade. That admission is only followed up by the true identity of the Harrower, which Jessa and readers will be reeling from. With all the cards on the table, it’s a nearly dead Carter and Jessa versus the unstoppable avenger of Barlowe.

From that confrontation, the fallout sets up one last confrontation that casts an eerie but bittersweet feel on an already frightening read. The closing moments end thing as all good horror stories with one last secret before resting this story until the Harrower should strike again…

HARROWER #4 - On Sale May 24th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: There is no shortages of shocks and awes that Jordan brings with this ending. Like any great horror story, it is always centered around good vs. evil. Jessa’s character becomes a reluctant hero during this (with a huge assist from Carter). The confrontation with her parents is chilling and plays into the fright factor of the tale. The introduction piece of the parents “thanking her” set the tone for the issue.

Beneath the surface, there are far more issues with this town than meets the eye. Jordan covers them up until unveiling all the answers to the questions. The final confrontation plays out as perfect as it should. It mixes in heart-break with one side winning but at what cost? The ending is one that will catch some readers off-guard but like any great horror story, an ending never means it’s truly over.

Revel captures the shocking moments to raise up the fear and anxiousness of this ending chapter. The cult-iesque tone of the residents of Barlowe hightens the danger Jessa walked into. The depiction of the Harrower’s origin is chilling as it progresses the connection with the town. The final sequence of events pop off the page as the emotional toll it is taking on Jessa is undeniable. The last confrontation will easily hit with readers as they watch the ultimate last stand play out.

The closing moments play into the horror genre excellently as the story winds down. The closing panels will excite fans while also make no mistake about how this story is ending.

HARROWER #4 - On Sale May 24th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Since it’s debut, Harrower by Jordan and Revel has brought the classic elements of the horror slasher genre to life within these pages in a series that continues to win fans over. The closing chapter ties everything together with a disturbing and rewarding conclusion that can’t be ignored on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Harrower #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re following the clues surrounding the biggest mystery in comics: WHO IS NO ONE? The Image Comics series via Black Market Narrative has been an absolute smash hit with readers as both #1 and #2 have gone into 2nd and 3rd printings. The way that this series has branched outside traditional comics promotion is incredible with its companion podcast and viral shorts. “No/One” feels more like an event rather than a series. Note, this is only after two issues of the series. To cause that strong of a reaction after only two issues is a testament to the amazing work being done with this series.

NO/ONE #3 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou dives back into the story after last issue’s shocking ending. All bets are off where the fallout goes from here, but let’s not wait any longer. Shall we resume the mystery of “Who Is No One”?

NO/ONE #3 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou for Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


Louis Capel. Michael Kern. Coach Nathan Cade. All dead with a possible common thread connecting them. That common denominator is the mysterious vigilante known as “No/One”. However, it is more complicated that it seems. “Richard Roe” aka “the accountability Killer” or No/One is publicly known as Aaron Kern. Kern has been in Allegheny County Jail after being caught and confessing to being the killer. So if he’s behind bars, who is the copycat attacking under the mask? This is on top of Assistant chief Ben Kern (Aaron’s father) being attacked and saved by No/One?!

No/One also has caught the eyes of Pittsburgh Ledger Editor Teddy Barlow and reporter Julia Paige who are covering the case via podcast. Detectives Singh and Harper are on the case, trying to make sense of it all. The City of Pittsburgh is on edge. Senator Noah Kemp (who survived a No/One attack) arrives and makes a public plea to bring swift legal change to protect the people from No/One. Tate looks to Kern for support and is answered with a public resignation instead.

This issue opens Police Sergeant Vince Harmon sitting with Ben Kern setting up an exit interview to tie up loose ends. This is interrupted by Lieutenant McGarrity, who barges in with questions of his own for Kern. The conversation is heated as the frustration of the case is boiling over. Once cooler heads prevail, the case file is given to Kern for one last attempt to find a clue to solve the case.

Meanwhile, Julia and Teddy are discussing Aaron Kern’s timeline when she receives a call from her mother, FOC News host Alanna Page, who is going on-air to talk about the case. When declined, Alanna’s attention shifts to another case. That case involves a man by the name of Kenneth Chbosky. Shortly after the show, Chbosky reaches out to Julia for an interview due to her No/One coverage.

How does things fare with another profile case? How does this fit in with the No/One case? Readers witness what transpires and what dangers follow. With the spotlight burning hotter on all the major players, the case shifts into new directions. With so many vested parties searching for answers, there is no shortage of enjoyment for readers to have with this series.

NO/ONE #3 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou for Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

BREAKDOWN: Higgins and Buccellato focuses heavy on the tension the No/One case is having on the citizens of Pittsburgh. Right from the opening segment, they set the tone of anger and bitterness directed at Ben Kern. It’s countered with his own tormented feelings with how his family is attached to the case. The story with Julia this issue presents an interesting dynamic with her mother that has only begun to scratch the surface. It is overshadowed by the events involving her and Chbosky, which the writing team shows how dangerous her line of work can be. The fallout changes some preconceived notions surrounding her investigation and raises more questions heading further into the mystery. Even with the focus being on Julia for the majority of this issue, the main supporting characters get enough panel time to advance their parts. The conclusion brings one character full circle as anyone involved with this case simply just can’t walk away from it.

First off, how fantastic is the main cover by Borges and Mark Englert! It’s subtle but makes a statement. Heading into the issue, the emotional outbursts pour out of the panels when it involves Ben Kern and Lieutenant McGarrity, Readers can easily connect the pent-up frustration that explodes when Kern tries answering the questioning. Julia and Chbosky’s portion of the story comes off brooding and tense, which pairs perfectly with the blunt writing of Chbosky’s character, The fallout is swift and impactful as no panel goes wasted in redefining Julia’s opinions concerning the story she is diving into. There’s a great near fill page panel that readers can fully see the change unfolding surrounding Julia’s case. Panel structure is also giving this series a more powerful feel to how No/One’s actions have grabbed the city’s attention. There’s a certain energy that this book brings that gets amplified by the amazing art.

NO/ONE #3 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou for Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

NO/ONE #3 by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou for Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


The Massive-Verse’s biggest mystery heads into uncharted territory with its’ latest entry. Shifting the focus away from the main case to highlight a smaller one is a risky gamble, but Higgins, Buccellato, Borges, and the team tie it all together with compelling writing and phenomenal art. The mystery has only just begun but there is a reason why this series gets all the praise it does: It’s simply THAT Good! Don’t miss this series and the companion podcast when it drops!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on No/One #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving into the fantasy murder mystery unfolding in the pages of Image Comics’ latest hit series. BLACK CLOAK #5 by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey brings the investigation into the death of Kiros’ royal family into uncharted territory. How will Phaedra Essex and Pax handle their latest obstacle in uncovering the truth? Let’s not wait another minute and jump into the brand-new chapter, shall we?

BLACK CLOAK #5 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics (On Sale May 10th, 2023)


Black Cloaks (Kiros Law Enforcement) Phaedra Essex and Pax have been assigned to solve the murder case involving Freyal III of Sidra, the heir apparent to the royal family of Kiros. Like any high-profile case, the pressure is on the law-enforcement team to find answers. This case hits close to Essex because at one point, she was connected to Freyall. Readers saw their past play out last issue connecting the emotional impact this case is having on Essex. With the city on the verge of a public meltdown, time is running out on the pair to provide closure. Other factors have come into play such as the Kiros Three (the most powerful humans on Kiros), who have a vested interest in how things play off. Even after last issue’s revelation that Freyall’s death appears to have been a suicide, there still is more to uncover with this case. Their latest lead puts them on a path to meet an unexpected figure: PHINNEAS II OF THANE, Essex’s father!

This issue opens up with the Black Cloaks sitting inside the home of Phinneas. The tension is palpable was Essex is none too happy to see her dad. In contrast, Phinneas is disregarding Essex’s warning of how the Kiros Three are appearing to pin the crime on him. Essex lays out her theory that the queen is involved in Freyal’s death but it falls on deaf ears. Phinneas laughes at what is proposed and throws something back right in Essex’s face to counter. When the cloaks are ready to leave, Phinneas offers a name that might be of more service.

In the meantime, Essex is showed major revelations by her brother Devaki that further widens the gap between her and her estranged father. There’s little time to process what’s happening as Phinneas’ name turns out to be someone neither Essex or Pax want to see. The tension ramps up for readers as more clues are given that lead to more options being brought to the forefront. What will Essex do with this new information? A course of direction is set that puts the Black Cloaks closer to the truth but at what cost? Can Essex and Pax find a way to the truth? What do they find when journeying on this new plan of attack? More questions are formed as the pair (and readers) stumble onto a vision within the final panel that adds more fuel to an already mysterious fire.

BLACK CLOAK #5 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics (On Sale May 10th, 2023)

BLACK CLOAK #5 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics (On Sale May 10th, 2023)

BREAKDOWN: Thompson keeps taking readers deeper into the drama with this latest chapter. The family dynamic between Essex and Phinneas stood out as it showed Essex in a new light. The strain on her relationship played out making Essex face a wide variety of emotions. There is a scene involving a painting that readers can instantly see Essex demonstrate this point. The build-up to Phinneas’s person of interest comes off big due to his non-chalant ways when getting questioned. It is at that moment, the story shifts into high gear, sending the pair into a risky situation, Pacing moves things right along while allowing the characters to shine when the spotlight is on them. The latter half of the book doesn’t slow down as Essex and Pax make a move that could be the break they so desperately need. The closing moments throw more questions into their case and that’s never a bad thing for the reader.

McClaren and Carey keep the panels more grounded than in recent issues to drive home the emotional pull on Essex and her father. The reactions to her father’s answers added more weight to her own dealing with the case. The scene involving the painting is another example of how visually creative this series is with every issue. The world of Kiros pops off every panel. The painting plays into showing a different side of Essex that readers will get a more complete idea of what she is feeling in dealing with this very personal case. The actions following Phinneas’s “help” swing the story into a more shadowing feel which pays off on the final moments. The final full page panel closes up events, leaving much to process as the case deepens going into its’ next phase.

BLACK CLOAK #5 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics (On Sale May 10th, 2023)

BLACK CLOAK #5 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics (On Sale May 10th, 2023)


The crime drama of Kiros takes a small detour to address Essex’s family relationships before ramping back up into what has become an unescapable series. Thompson, McClaren and Carey continue to expose the wildly imaginative world of the Black Cloaks with superb writing and art. The series generates the high praise its’ getting for a reason. Don’t miss this issue on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Black Cloak #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out a brand new series from Image Comics that is generating a huge buzz heading into New Comic Book Day. Something Epic #1 from SZYMON KUDRAŃSKI (Spawn, Punisher) has a very unique concept behind it with some fantastic visuals to match. Readers will be challenged with “Is Perception really Reality’? What is so special about fourteen-year-old Danny Dillon? Let’s take a closer look at what all the hype is about, shall we?

Something Epic #1 from SZYMON KUDRAŃSKI

Credit: Image Comics


The issue opens up with a woman giving birth to a young boy she names Danny Dillon. Danny is inter-monologuing about imagination is the first thing created prior to when we are born. The story speeds up to when he is a young boy. As Danny is walking in a wooded area, he looks to the sky. Flying about him is a superhero that echoes the outline of a very familiar hero. Danny gives a great insight on the concept of imagination, perceiving it as a “gift”. Danny goes to a doctor’s office to be checked out but he is diagnosed as “normal.” The doctor claimed Dany has an “overactive imagination” due to his elevated nervous system. No matter how it is defined, Danny is a special child with a “gift”. His drawings weren’t fake, they were his depictions of real life.

Another day, Danny and his mom are having a conversation about his schooling amongst other topics. During the talk, something grabs her keys. When looking around, Danny’s mom is confused on where they are. Danny senses where they might be as he looks through a mouse hole to find them. The story shifts as Danny moves through the house to the basement. On this trip, he comes across two figures that he knows all too well: an animated cat named Drill and a vampire named Marcus. Danny brushes by them and even at one point (via flashback), shows them to his mother who can’t see them. Only Danny can see the characters

This leads to Danny further breaking down his world. He can see things few others can. In his words, Energy that is Imagination is transformed into something else. Readers are walked thru a guide of Danny’s life as the things he have seen can not be comprehended as real. As he progresses forward, the worlds start blending a bit more as the figures are appearing more and more in the “real world”. This comes to a dramatic halt has the final act brings Danny’s life back to a grounded place with a ominous feel taking readers into the next chapter with a looming shadow lurking on the young boy’s future.

BREAKDOWN: KUDRAŃSKI provides a unique tale that poses many questions of what is real vs. what is imagination. Danny’s tale starts out as any young child’s would. Believing in “make believe” characters isn’t that outlandish. However, the theme of Perception vs. Reality never leaves readers minds. Danny is well educated in this area as the writing portrays him in touch with the aspects of his reality. For being so young, Danny never appears scared or rattled at what he comes across. It is a “new normal” that he has become comfortable living in. The closing of the issue brings up some theories of what is unfolding that will challenge Danny’s world. Readers will have much to decipher heading to the next chapter.

The art is stunning throughout. The use of 12 panel pages jumps out right from the start, right down to the placement of credits mixed in within said pages. The full page panels exemplify big moments when they appear. Nothing feels overused or forced to amp up a segment. Danny’s definition of his world via 2-page full panels is what fans will resonate with the most. It is a clear picture of what Danny sees and adds more to the argument of is his perception really reality. Danny’s reactions are different than hat readers might be expecting to see. There is never a sense that there is danger or fear when these characters pop up. Danny is portrayed as completely comfortable in this world. The only time there is a sense of doubt is the final pages, which challenges readers on what they see vs. what they think they know.


The world of Danny Dillon is an eye-popping experience that will question what readers see vs. what they think. KUDRAŃSKI brings this to page with stellar artwork balanced out with a story growing by each page. The concept has only begun to step into focus, making this a book you want to keep an eye out for at the Local Comic Shops.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you think of Something Epic #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are riding shotgun along the horror on the highway as Image Comics’ latest hit keeps rolling along! PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands furthers the mystery behind the supernatural sci-fi road Dom and Birdie now travel on. Let’s take a deeper dive on the latest chapter, shall we?

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023


Fate has taken a truck driver named Dom and a crash survivor named Birdie & made them an unlikely duo connected to a mysterious object. This object appears to have crossed them into a mirrored dimension with faceless figures trying to acquire what they possess. Last issue sent the pair to a truck stop with a mysterious figure being very cryptic about what the truth is. The truck stop itself seemed suspicious as well, with the pair leaving and appearing to be back to their rightful time. However, things have changed with the pair being in pain when separated form the object and a killed faceless being turning into a human form. Now law enforcement are closing in to investigate, Dom and Birdie are searching for answers and dodging the law.

This issue opens up with FBI agent Theresa Weaver arriving on the scene. She immediately takes over the case from the local officers, who appear to be in way over their heads. Weaver takes some pictures of the scene and breaks down the victim’s remains. Leaving the scene, Weaver is in contact with her supervisor going over notes. Readers clearly see that the FBI knows more about what is going on than they’re letting on. At her hotel room, she is visited by Deputy Dunn, who informs her of the initial accident involving Birdie.

Once at the scene, Weaver starts adding things up. Readers start getting more pieces of the puzzle revealed as Weaver furthers her investigation. The final act shows Weaver’s connection to the case might not be as cut and dry as is let on. That said, no one is expecting what unfolds in the closing moments. The mystery surrounding the object has just begun.

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023

BREAKDOWN: Lemire takes the lead characters out for this issue and devotes the time to establishing Agent Weaver to the audience. Weaver comes across as a no-nonsense agent but as things move on, Lemire sets up the slow reveal attaching her to what is going on with Dom and Birdie. The overall story had some clues revealed but still has fans guessing at what the true nature of things are. Pacing was fine as the “day in the life” model for Weaver worked to connect her to the readers. The closing sequence was a solid surprise and throws more mystery onto an already growing tale.

Walta and Bellaire keep the gritty and dark feel of the story going even without Dom or Birdie involved. The mannerisms of Agent Weaver play into her familiarity with the case at hand without tipping off too much. The interactions with the locals establish this quickly carrying through to the panels with Deputy Dunn. The closing sequence gave this issue a kick of excitement with a strong simple panel to put a closing on the transpiring events.

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023

PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit : Image Comics - on sale May 10th, 2023


Lemire, Walta and the team put the spotlight on a character adding a new element to an already combustible situation. Solid storytelling and artwork keep things rolling as the highway to horror shifts gears into a new lane for readers to follow.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #3. Thanks for reading


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are following the ever changing adventures of Van Nguyen in the pages of Comixology Originals’ latest hit series. Grammaton Punch #3 by Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire catches readers up after a time jump last issue to further explore his abilities and the evolving challenges arising. The series has been a wild ride thus far and shows no signs of slowing down. Let’s take a closer look at where things are heading now, shall we?

Grammaton Punch #3 - On Sale May 2nd, 2023

Creative: Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #3 - On Sale May 2nd, 2023

Creative: Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals


Van Nguyen is no ordinary person. Being born during a solar eclipse, Van has developed abilities. Van can see ghosts. They could see him and fed off his energy for many years in his young life. That was the stat quo until Van realized not only could he see ghosts, but he could have physical contact with them as well. No longer helpless to fight back, Van could punch away any attacking spirits. As he has grown older, the spirits have changed as well. Luckily, he has a mentor in Rick Walker, who is very familiar with Van’s situation to provide much needed guidance. However, with a nine year time job, Van might not be ready for his biggest threat yet: High School.

Last issue, Van walked into school and witnessed the biggest ghost he has ever encountered. Dodging that obstacle, Van walks the hallways and sees another spirit draining energy off the student body. How can this be? is the thought running thru Van’s head. Unfortunately, he has another challenge in front of him. The school’s vice principal confronts Van for his special sunglasses (which helps him deal with his abilities). Van has medical clearance but the vice isn’t believing him. Van winds up winning this round but also breaking down how the school is a feeding ground for ghosts. In one class in particular, a punk ghost sets their eyes on Van. They learn in a short amount of time that Van isn’t the student to try that with.

During that encounter, Van draws the attention of another ghost, who isn’t exactly happy with someone fighting ghosts back. While dodging that ghost, Van runs into someone who might be a game-changer in his life. Will he get the chance to see where this new-found friendship goes? Not if the ghosts have anything to say about it! Readers witness Van dodging dangers behind every hallway on top of maneuvering through high school. Can he manage? And what of Rick’s idea to handle some ghost business? Will the plan work? There is much to process as the story hits’ the midway mark before taking readers into the final arc.

Grammaton Punch #3 - On Sale May 2nd, 2023

Creative: Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #3 - On Sale May 2nd, 2023

Creative: Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

BREAKDOWN: With the timejump in effect, Gunter has broadened Van’s challenges much to the readers delight. Seeing Van face the social awkwardness of high school is difficult enough, but being the only one to see the dangers lurking is a whole other factor. Gunter plays into Van’s naïve personality when he encounters a fellow student that provides a break from the ghost conflict. Their conversation comes off genuine and throws readers a different look for the lead character. The story doesn’t stray too far away from the overall themes from the previous issue. The dangers still affects Van’s supporting cast. Even though not featured heavily, they make the most of their panel time. It brings the attention back to Van’s never-ending battle. The final act demonstrates a huge turn in direction and looks to set the seeds for the overall conclusion.

Andan’s art is fluid and energetic as ever for this issue. The ghosts of “high School” have distinct looks to them and instantly stand out to the readers. However, this issue features more personal moments which Andan plays up for a solid break in the overall story. Seeing Van’s reaction to someone not caught up in his ghost world shines with capturing Van’s nervousness and gives the story some “normal” breaks before amping back up into the ghost battles. Speaking of which, the final act comes to life with Andan interjecting some strong emotional panels with Rick advising Van on his current situation and the plan he is compiling heading into next issue.

Grammaton Punch #3 - On Sale May 2nd, 2023

Creative: Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #3 - On Sale May 2nd, 2023

Creative: Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #3 - On Sale May 2nd, 2023

Creative: Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: 8 out of 10

The latest issue of Grammaton Punch presents Van with his greatest challenge to date: High School. The book never ceases to keep readers guessing by taking this story into a personal break before speeding up into the drama. Gunter, Andan and the team present this chapter with solid storytelling and vibrant art, making it an issue you don’t want to miss on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you think of Grammaton Punch #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of PARLAY POINTS, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are following the latest chapter in the saga that is simply defined as “Who Is No/One?” but is so much more than simple. The ground breaking event coming out of comic’s most exciting line: The Massive-verse (from Black Market Narrative) has taken readers by storm with its’ multi-media approach. Issue #1 sold out on first day release of distribution forcing an immediate second printing. The companion podcast “Who Is No One” starring Patton Oswalt and Rachael Leigh Cook has been a runaway hit and the additional social accounts like “The Drop” have elevated this comic into a whole other level. One month later, it’s time to check out the latest chapter!

NO/ONE #2 by Kyle Higgins (RADIANT BLACK), Brian Buccellato (Detective Comics), Geraldo Borges & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou for Image Comics via Black Market Narrative sets forth to dive deeper into the enigma that is Richard Roe and the shadow looming over the city of Pittsburgh. Let’s not wait any longer and dive right in, shall we?


Creative: by Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


Pittsburgh has been dealing with “The Accountability Killer” mystery since May of 2022. In a little over a year, the city has dealt with a rising body count, copycat killers and a public broken down from the actions of “Richard Roe” aka Aaron Kern. Kern is behind bars but another victim has been killed with all signs pointing to No/One.

Louis Capel was found dead at an art exhibit. Capel was on No/One’s radar previously. Detectives August Singh and Kate Harper are on the case per Chief Mixon. Assistant chief Ben Kern (Aaron’s father) has his own reasons for investigating. Pittsburgh Ledger Editor Teddy Barlow and reporter Julia Paige are reporting on the case & using a podcast to get their findings out to the masses. The common thread connecting them all is a vigilante running across the rooftops. The question has become “Who is No/One” as Aaron Kern is residing at the Allegheny County Jail. Ben Kern meets with him after Capel’s death and after running into his estranged son Michael. Post meeting Ben is attacked by a mysterious figure and is saved by No/One himself! However, shortly there after, Michael is murdered in the street and more questions are raised.

The story now shifts to April 2023. Chief Mixon arrives at the home of Ben Kern, who is returning to work. During the car ride, Mixon holds nothing back as he asks Ben to step down. The recent events with Michael adds more fuel to the public fire. Ben is hesitant to listen to the Chief, but the conversation is interrupted by the police dispatch. Another body has been found in the form of Three Rivers University head football coach Nathan Cade. Four shots to the chest. Note left behind. The same calling card of No/One.

As the players take their place in the story, readers attention is directed back to the crime scene where Detectives Singh and Harper are asking possible witnesses questions. The interrogation is stopped when an officer sees a figure looming around: NO/ONE! The police are in hot pursuit! Can No/One outrun the law yet again? Readers are in for a treat as they see the vigilante have a formal confrontation with the police. The outcome sets up another series of events as Ben Kern pays someone another visit looking for more answers. This all builds towards a surprise final series of event that closes out this chapter. A shocking action hits the last page, leaving readers astounded to what they’ve just witnessed.

BREAKDOWN: Higgins and Buccellato delves deeper into the “Accountability Killer” with a very well-paced issue. Readers get a personal insight into what Ben Kern is going thru after the loss of his son Michael. Seeing him weather the public outcry about what his family is connected to has been one thing, but adding the weight of losing a child has pushed Ben to his boiling point. This is reflected later in the book with a conversation that fully illustrates the anger he’s going thru. The writers keep readers guessing with the overall picture but never let up on the suspense of the story. The Segway into showing the latest victim finally gives readers the first physical encounter between No/One and the police which doesn’t disappoint. It gives a solid break to the drama encompassing Ben while building up the latest event surrounding the city on edge.

Borges brings the stoic brave face of Ben Kern to readers multiple times during this issue The initial conversation with Chief Mixon gives a glimpse of how Ben is reacting and driven to ending this mystery once and for all. The emotional toll comes into play in the later part of the issue as Borges lets loose on Ben’s reaction to the events transpiring. This issue does have more action than readers have seen thus far in the series. There is a fantastic chase sequence involving No/One and the police that delivers nothing but a shot of adrenaline to the story. With how strong tensions have been, the scene plays out superbly to connect readers to how dangerous the police feel about No/One. There is much to enjoy with this issue.

FINAL POINT: The saga of the “Accountability Killer” swings focus onto one character’s reaction to events that keeping testing his patience and will. Higgins, Buccellato, Borges and the rest of the team do not let a panel go to waste with excellent writing and art. The story constructs to a jaw-dropping close making this an issue you simply can’t pass up on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of No/One #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re following the fantastic murder-mystery unfolding in the world of Kiros via the pages of the smash hit new series from Image Comics! Black Cloak #4 by Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey has been giving readers much excitement as they follow Black Cloaks Phaedra Essex and Pax trying to crack the case surrounding a death involving a member of Kiros’ royal family. With recent events, the case is heating up so why wait any longer! Let’s see what’s unfolding in the latest chapter, shall we?

Black Cloak #4

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics


Freyal III of Sidra is found dead in a seedy part of Kiros. The heir to the royal throne is one of three deaths that appear to be connected. Black Cloaks (Kiros Law Enforcement) Phaedra Essex and Pax have been assigned on the case, but their investigation has drawn a lot of unwanted attention, even resulting in attempts on Essex’s life (due to her past history with Freyal). Due to the fallout the death has caused, Kiros is on the edge of a meltdown. It has also led to a possible shift in power from Elves to Humans. Once the Kiros Three (the most influential humans on Kiros) pay Essex a visit, they send her in a direction of a new lead in solving the case.

Black Cloak #4

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

The cloaks make their way from “The Trees”, (a section of Kiros) to a hidden location that Freyal and Essex knew about. It is at this moment that Essex is hit with the information that the murder might have actually been a suicide, covering something else. From this fallout, Essex and Pax head back to “The Lagoon”, where two other bodies were found to dive deeper into what really happened.

This chapter opens up with Essex and Pax underwater with the mermaids who reside there as well as Sash, who is trying to guide them thru this new area of Kiros. The cloaks start hearing and seeing things that are not there. Sash has to break them out of their trances, warning that the sounds and sights they see are not real. Sash pleads with Sabri to help Essex and Pax but she is none too pleased the pair is searching. With a sonic scream, the pair is broken from their trance. With a last ditch plea, Sabri reveals who dumped the body filled with poison into the Lagoon. Both Essex and Pax are not happy with that result.

Black Cloak #4

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

Piecing together the information they recovered, Essex and Pax try coming up with a plan to expose the guilty party. However, fate doesn’t seem to be on their side as a move is made to silence their actions. While laying low, Essex dives into her past and reveals some secrets that have been looming around her since the beginning. Readers’ patience in waiting will be rewarded with an eye-opening disclosure to one of the biggest plot threads of the series thus far! From this stage, drastic times call for drastic actions as Essex and Pax’s investigation leads them down a path that won’t be expected to conclude this excellent issue on.

Black Cloak #4

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Thompson delivers an impactful reveal to the readers that was well worth the wait. Essex’s connection to the case has been the biggest driving factor behind her motivations. Getting clarification about that moment of time gives a whole new perspective about what is unfolding now. Readers can easily connect with that moment and empathize with what is transpiring. The before and after this sequence stands out as well. Seeing the cloaks in a new environment that they’re not comfortable with made for a solid break from the “normal” placement we’ve seen previously. With their latest situation sending Essex and Pax into a new setting, Thompson never lets up on keeping the story fresh and unpredictable. There are so many moving parts to the overall picture but nothing feels forgotten or missed. Going into the conclusion, all the major points are hit to drop a moving final point to end things on here.

McClearn brings the underwater world of The Lagoon to an incredible visual experience. The coloring used in this portion of the story pops off the page, especially diving into when the mermaids were influencing the cloaks. The imagery gives that moment a distinct feel that doesn’t appear on previous trips through Kiros. The flashback sequence reveal connects and gives readers a well-placed section of story that will only amplify where things head involving Essex. In a short-term payoff, the mannerisms Essex displays in the final act become that more impactful heading into the final page. This book doesn’t miss on giving readers an exceptional trip through such a mysterious and amazing world.

Black Cloak #4

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Black Cloak #4 keeps their untouchable combination of fantastic writing and exceptional artwork rolling onward with another can’t miss issue. The saga behind a royal family member’s death and the impact it has on the officer trying to solve the case continues to be a must have on New Comic Book Day. Thompson, McClarean and Carey have created something truly sensational here and there’s no reason you shouldn’t have this book in your collection.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Black Cloak #4. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, it’s time to say goodbye to a pair of high-flying fugitives in the pages of one of Comixology Originals best series (via the Best Jackett Press line). BARNSTORMERS by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings has introduced readers into the world of Bix and Tillie, who’s been dodging danger since their initial introduction. The pair of unlikely partners turned lovers has taken fans on a dramatic roller-coaster bringing everything to a fever pitch with last issue’s game-changing moment. Now at issue #5, Can the pair out make it out of this situation to fly another day? Let’s not delay any longer and dive into the series finale, shall we?

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 


Post World War 1, Hawk E. Baron aka Bix has taken up being an aeriel showman as a way to make ends meat. On one fateful flight, little did he know how fast his life would change. Bix becomes an unlikely wedding crasher as he inadvertently disrupts the wedding of Peyton Carlyle and Tillie. Considering his family is very wealthy, Peyton shows he is not one to take kindly to this type of accident and imprisons Bix on the family’s property.

However, Bix has an unlikely ally in this mess: Tillie, who winds up freeing him and join him on the escape from the Carlyle estate! With the pair now on the run, there is no escape from the consequences of their actions in Peyton’s eyes. Peyton hires Zeke West to bring Tillie back, but little does he realize that she doesn’t want to. Tillie and Bix become a pair of thieves as they steal from the wealthy while falling in love along the way. With the emotions building, a fateful encounter at a mansion party in Florida causes the situation to spiral further out of control.

When Peyton runs into the pair, his rage takes over as he begins firing a gun at them inside the mansion. One missed shot causes a deadly fire that the high-flying pair is blamed for. In a moment of panic, Tillie knocks Bix out and turns herself back over to Peyton and Zeke thinking this will solve all the problems.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case as Peyton isn’t going to forgive and forget. Bix makes a heroic attempt to rescue Tillie but it doesn’t go exactly as planned. After hitting Tillie in a fit of rage, Peyton starts fighting and gaining the upper hand on Bix. However, during the fight, Peyton loses his gun and is killed by Tillie!

This issue picks right up in the aftermath of Peyton’s death. Zeke is at the morgue preparing on what his next move is going to be. With reporters asking questions surrounding a wealthy socialite’s death, Zeke gives no answers as he mentally prepares for the showdown with Bix and Tillie.

Meanwhile, Bix and Tillie resume their flying ways and have to make a stop by an airshow to refuel. Bix has a belief about fellow Barnstormers watching out for each other. Being spotted as public fugitives is a risk they take when they land. Readers find out if Bix’s theory is true as the pair prepares for their greatest spectacle yet.

There is no shortage of drama as the pair makes their latest escape from a growing past while trying to fly away into a better tomorrow. Without question, when all is said and done, readers will have a satisfying conclusion for this epic tale.

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

BREAKDOWN: The story of Bix and Tillie has been centered around the theme of rebirth. Both have come from pasts that they keep closed off but once together, they become new people. Snyder presents them a pair finding optimism in each other, even though both know it’s on borrowed time ala a dream. Throughout this series, readers have seen how hard they’ve fought to hang on to what they have together. The finale never loses sight of that idea. Even with mounting pressure and danger out of their hands, the pair fights to the bitter end to hang on to what they have. Even Zeke West has a moment of rebirth with this issue as he finds himself rededicated to finishing the job that has worn on him. Snyder sets a steady pace with excellent character moments sprinkled in heading towards its’ final act. Once there, the series concludes in a way that is fitting to its’ overall themes. There is nothing left on the table as the final panel is read. Excellent conclusion.

Every issue has been breathtaking to look at due to the phenomenal job by Lotay and Cunniffe. Capturing the feel of a historic period and giving it an energy all its’ own has been such a strength to the series. The coloring of the panels reflected the emotions of the characters involved with this issue. From Zeke’s darker tones reflecting on what is evitable to finishing his job, to the fleeting moments of savoring the dream in the sky between Bix and Tillie before making an attempt for a final push, Lotay locks in readers to basking in those panels. The push toward the final act jumps out with a great full page aerial shot that needs to be seen! It sets the tempo for the final run to the concluding portion of the book. The drama never sits in coach for this creative flight. Sensational final panels to close out the story on.

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

FINAL POINT: Barnstormers by Snyder, Lotay, Cunniffe and Starkings presents a story based around a pair of unlikely lovers who risk everything for an impossible new life. The story kept soaring to new heights with incredible writing paired with fantastic artwork. The complexity of Bix and Tillie’s characters engaged readers as they found themselves caught up in the spiraling drama unfolding around them. Heading into this final flight, readers will be left with a compelling adjournment to a must-have series for any comic book reader.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know what you thought of Barnstormers by Snyder and Lotay. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the final issue of the first arc of BOOM! Studios breakout supernatural series. Right before this issue’s release, it was announced by BOOM! that this series has been officially certified into ongoing status! This is a huge win for fans of the adventures of Ellie Hawthorne, who has bursted onto the shelves at the local comic shop with one hell of a story to tell. DAMN THEM ALL #6 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell looks to finally answer one of the biggest mysteries of the series thus far! Let’s not wait any longer and take a closer look at everything bringing a close to this initial debut tale.

Editor warning: this book has some panels that might be too mature for younger readers. That said, if you’re still good to go, let’s begin!


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


In case you’re just learning about this series now, Ellie Hawthorne has been tasked with the mission her late uncle Alfie had: stop the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia and send them back to Hell by any means possible.

During this mission, Ellie has had a group of allies to help her quest, let by Dora, a former officer with a connection to Alfie. Having some back-up to fight some devilish foes never hurts, especially when they are like Theo Bolster and the 500 Club. Ellie defeated Theo in their initial face-to-face encounter via an impromptu exorcism. From there, Ellie and Co. have hit the ground running dealing with threats like Ninebob Barry and Theo’s personal devil: Glasya-Labolas in a fashion that’s all Ellie’s.

The biggest moment to date was at the end of last issue, where Ellie and Dora make contact with the spirit of Alfie Hawthorne and how he died. It has been one of the biggest mysteries of the season and gets answered in a manner that no one sees coming. Alfie wasn’t murdered as guessed. It appears at first glance, it was by suicide.

This issue picks up right in the middle of Alfie talking with Ellie and Dora. Alfie narrates how he was told he had only a year left and lived two. Alfie sought whatever and whoever he could to help his situation out. This meant mending fences with Theo and seeing what he could do to help. There wasn’t much as Alfie decided to end his life. Ellie sees some holes in Alfie’s story and begins to question it. Readers sit back and see Ellie rip into Alfie’s claims.

The resolution to this is one for the ages as Ellie demonstrates how much she has grown in the time of taking Alfie’s spot. It also shows that she has much left to do before her story ends. When another familiar face returns to hit Ellie on a personal level, readers will need to prepare for the worst. This causes a series of events to domino until there are a few characters in the final act walking out unscathed.

The first arc wraps up with a few surprises to end things on a high note. The Ars Goetia will still be a threat going into the next arc, but moves are being done on both sides cementing that this series has a lot more to finish. Excellent final act to tie everything together and set the stage for the next arc to come.


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Spurrier delivers on a solid reveal of the mystery of Alfie Hawthorne. It is one that most readers never saw coming but follows the blueprint set up with issue #1. Ellie Hawthorne comes across as every bit as stubborn and jaded as her uncle was. Their dynamic pays off huge as Alfie’s death has been a huge puzzle that had many levels to it. The fallout from the reveal carries into another emotional sequence involving a returning character that Ellie has had an awkward dealing with. The payoff from all of these moments hits readers with a simple panel showing the toll this has all taken on Ellie. Spurrier captures this moment perfectly and gives readers a small glimpse at the true Ellie. The pacing allows each major character to get their time in before saying good-bye for now. All that remains is building anticipation to the next chapter with a final panel that raises a few thoughts.

Adlard doesn’t miss in the delivery of the Ellie/Alfie confrontation. Very solid technique in keeping Alfie’s face in the shadows where readers never see his eyes. Ellie’s reactions featured her range of feelings that have been building since his passing. The imagery used in these moments convey a direct implication at how the usually unemotional lead character lets her guard down. This gets highlighted even more when Ellie’s next conflict transpires with a major surprise twist. The images never hold back from being brutal and bold. Adlard builds upon the writing capping everything with a final panel that is sure to have fans talking.


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The saga of Ellie Hawthorne has only just begun but has given readers enough memorable moments, one would think it’s been around for years instead of only six issues. This is all due to the fantastic work of Spurrier, Adlard and the team creating a supernatural experience unlike anything else at the local comic shops out now. Damn Them All might be done for now, but like any great story, it’s not getting banished away fro long. Till then, don’t miss picking up this and any previous issue on New Comic Book Day and see what all they hype is about!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #6. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re heading back to the afterlife with one of the biggest indie comics on the market today. The second story arc featuring Boom! Studios’ fan-favorite reaper continues to capture fans attention with more surprises and secrets looming on the horizon. Grim #9 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano jumps right into last issue’s cliffhanger ending and welcome readers to a new threat entering the fray. Let’s not wait another minute and jump right in to the latest chapter, shall we?


Living in Las Vegas should be an amazing time. Sadly, this is not the case for Jessica Harrow, a former reaper of the afterlife. After a routine soul guide mission goes wrong, Jessica finds herself crossing over into the land of the living and becoming the center of a bigger mystery that anyone realizes. This action leads Jessica and her friends Eddie and Marcel into a downward spiral pitting them in the line of fire of her aunt, Adira, who has her own reasons to keep Jessica away from finding the truth. Ultimately, Adira banishes Jessica and her friends into the land of the living in the aftermath of a battle between The End and Death himself (Jessica’s father).

Getting used to her new surroundings, Jessica tries enjoying a music festival but when people no longer can die and have a unique red marking on their foreheads, all signs point to Jessica being responsible. With Adira making moves to deal with Jessica, shes approached by the Sisters of Fate who have their own plan to fix things, none of which Jessica is on board with. When Jessica emerges from her meeting, she sees Marcel on his knees with a man and his ghost-esque giant Tiger behind him. Throw in the story of Jessica’s mother breaking of jail to find her daughter now and it’s a safe guess to whatever happens in Vegas isn’t staying in Vegas.

This issue opens up with Lilah, Jessica’s mother visiting a grave-site in Arizona. While there, she sees a hand emerge from the ground. Readers see that there is a possible connection to a red necklace she’s wearing, with a sense that it may have some powers radiating from it. The story then switches to Vegas where the city is filled with chaos and destruction. It is also noteworthy that the events here take place BEFORE the ending of issue #8. Eddie and Marcel are looking for Jessica when Annabel, a reaper approaches them. She questions the pair about Jessica’s involvement in Death’s demise and breaks down Adira’s plan to trap Jessica in Hell for eternity.

The pair are guided by Annabel into the first of eight gateways into Hell and encounter the being at the end of issue #8, with his giant tiger! Who is this mysterious figure? Why does he have a vested interest in Marcel? Readers don’t wait long to find out the secrets of Marcel and lead right into the ending of issue #8. Once Jessica arrives to meet them, the story of Marcel plays out. What won’t be expected is the ending point of this story. An action takes place that will impact Jessica moving forward while shaking things up before heading to this issue’s epilogue.

Phillips takes a small break from focusing on Jessica to showcase some of the other role players involved in this story. It’s an excellent way to see how dangerous of a foe the man with the tiger appears to be using Marcel’s story in such a unique fashion. Phillips also uses a creative method with the time jumps to not only establish Eddie and Marcel’s story but add an additional layer to last issue, giving readers a sense of how long she was gone with the Sisters of Fate. Pacing was great with structuring the stories of Lilah and Marcel with enough time to expand both with. Considering how many characters are featured, nothing felt lost in the shuffle and their stories never felt forced or out of place.

Flaviano’s depiction of a rioting Vegas immediately pops off the panels. The visuals play into the overall story of the second arc while not making it the center of attention. The introduction of the man and his tiger stands out as well, especially with the use of the coloring by Renzi. This shines with a panel having that person pop in and out of the shadows tormenting Marcel. The imagery is brooding and tragic and compliments the haunting writing. Flaviano gives readers an impactful punch in the feelings bringing the sad tale to the forefront. There is a great two page spread that perfectly sets up a full page visual to end that portion of the story. Lilah’s story also stands out being a change of pace to Jessica’s and adding more to her mysterious tale.

FINAL POINT: Grim #9 moves forward by showing readers how dangerous Jessica Harrow’s next obstacle is going to be thru the eyes of one of her friends. Excellent writing and artwork from Phillips, Flaviano and the team keeps the intrigue rising as new elements are mixed in with the overall themes lingering over the latest arc. It continues to be required reading on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Grim #9. Thanks for reading!

Grim #9

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

All images Credit: Boom! Studios


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the mystery grows deeper for Detective Phaedra Essex in the pages of Image Comics’ new hit series. Black Cloak by Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey has been an excellent read thus far combing elements of true crime and fantasy. It immediately went back to print due to overwhelming fan support. The layers behind the death of the heir apparent to the throne of Kiros have slowly started their reveal. After last issue’s conclusion, tensions are running high, putting the city on edge. Let’s see where the latest chapter takes us, shall we?

Black Cloak #3

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics


The mystery surrounding Black Cloak centers around the death of Freyal III of Sidra. He was found dead inside an apartment in a questionable part of Kiros known as the Narrows. Being part of Kiros’s Elf royal family, this death has garnered wide-spread attention. If that wasn’t enough, there are two other deaths possibly connected to this case. Now tasked to solve this case are Black Cloaks (Kiros Law Enforcement) Phaedra Essex and Pax. Their journey to solve this case and keep Kiros (the last city in the known world) from the brink of chaos has been challenging to say the least. Factor in Phaedra’s personal connection to Freyal and things have become dangerous. From interviewing potential suspects to meeting with the Queen herself, Phaedra has become a target. There have been multiple attempts to kill Phaedra but that hasn’t slowed her and Pax down from trying to solve the case.

Last we saw Phaedra, she returned to her apartment with the Kiros Three waiting for her. They are considered the most powerful Humans in Kiros. Knowing that Freyal’s death now could cause an enormous power shift from Elves to Humans, Phaedra’s guard is up for their true motives. They give Phaedra a possible break in the case which sends her rushing out to meet up with Pax on figuring out their next move with the new information.

his issue kicks off with Phaedra making her way through “The Trees”, a section of Kiros. The residents all cower away seeing a Black Cloak wandering the streets. She makes her way to meet Pax at a local establishment to form their plans. Phaedra talks about a place where Freyal might have left a message. Pax begins pleading with Phaedra to open up about what she knows since she has been keeping things from him. When Phaedra finally mentions a few clues, Pax is shocked to hear who gave the latest lead, realizing what that could mean. Pax and Phaedra discuss the Kiros Three’s plea of innocence and how they’re shifting blame to the Dracona, whose unique blades have been used in attacks on Phaedra.

The pair take off to check out a hidden location of Phaedra and Freyal’s past. What they find there is a message left that no one will be suspecting. What is left at the magical hiding spot? How is the case impacted moving forward? Readers witness how this sequence sends the pair into the path of someone whose words impact Phaedra to gamble on the future of the case heading into the issue’s final moments.

Black Cloak #3

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Thompson presents a strong pull on Phaedra’s relationships in this issue. The first time involves the distance Pax notices in revolving around the case. It plays in presenting how distracted Phaedra might be with her heavily emotional tie to Freyal. The second and arguably biggest one is her reaction to what she finds in the magical hiding spot. Thompson crafts that sequence where it doesn’t only impact Phaedra but leaves readers with a somber reaction. The final one is the latest person of interest. The conversation becomes a driver for the next stage in the case but gives perspective that the world of Krios isn’t as cut and dry as it seems. All three of these sequences tie together brilliantly to move the story forward.

McClaren and Carey bring the fantasy world to life with vivid imagery. The initial opening pages showcases the various residents of the Trees and gives this section of Kiros its’ on unqiue feel. It’s a strength to the art team on giving each area a distinct energy which plays perfectly off the writing. The back and forth between Phaedra and Pax demonstrates the partner’s longtime connection while featuring how this case is ultimately wearing on them. The best example is after they hear what’s left for them at the hiding spot. Phaedra and Pax don’t hide their feeling in a brief panel, but one that stands out for their facial reactions. The final moments are capped off by an excellent one page ending panel to take readers on the next stage of the mystery.

Black Cloak #3

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Black Cloak continues to push forward with its’ detailed fantasy mystery that needs to be a main-stay on all comic readers pull lists. Thompson, McClaren and Carry shift focus onto Phaedra Essex’s mounting challenges with superb writing and imagery. Don’t miss this latest chapter when you’re at the local comic shop this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Black Cloak #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a very special edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out one of the biggest events/series to debut in 2023. “The Massive-Verse”, the home of comic’s most exciting universe, has been setting an extremely high standard in creativity and storytelling since expanding its’ roster following 2022’s “SuperMassive” crossover. With successful debuts for characters such as Rogue Sun, The Dead Lucky and Inferno Girl Red (to name a few), fans have waiting with heightened anticipation to see how this growing roster would shape up in the new year. With announcements such as “The Catalyst War” coming in RADIANT BLACK & “SuperMassive 2” dropping in May, the buzz around this line has grown to a fever pitch. Before we get to those events, there’s one series/event leading the way that is going to set the pace for those events. How they’re presenting this is such a breath of innovative fresh air that simply can’t be ignored or passed on.

NO/ONE #1 by Kyle Higgins (RADIANT BLACK), Brian Buccellato (Detective Comics), Geraldo Borges & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou welcomes a new character into the ranks of the Massive-verse with an explosive debut that doesn’t stay just in the pages of the comic. The 10 issue maxi-series continues the story via the companion podcast “Who Is No/One” starring Rachael Leigh Cook & Patton Oswalt as the reporters trying to solve the mystery behind the vigilante running around Pittsburgh. This is such an imaginative idea to accompany the comic, but considering what Higgins and company have done with QR codes leading to animated shorts, gatefold issues (see Radiant Black #18) and so forth, it is another reason that the Massive-Verse stands out from the rest on the comic shelves each time out.

The wait is finally over! No/One hits comic shops this week (March 15th)! Let’s see what this Image Comics/Black Market Narrative debut issue is all about, shall we?


Creative: Kyle Higgins (RADIANT BLACK), Brian Buccellato (Detective Comics), Geraldo Borges & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


The book opens up in the Cultural District of Pittsburgh for an art exhibit. A couple is conversing about the pieces along with referencing murders running rampant through the city. They end the conversation to get some alone time on a rooftop balcony but are interrupted with the discovery of a dead man named Louis Capel with four bullet holes in his chest. Meanwhile standing across the building on a rooftop looking down is the mysterious vigilante No/One.

At the crime scene, Detectives August Singh and Kate Harper are investigating the scene. They are two detectives assigned to the case of Richard Roe aka “The Accountability Killer” and his copycats. The mystery of Roe has been hunting Pittsburgh since his first known video comments in May of 2022. Now nearly a year later, the toll its taken on the detectives is clearly visible to the readers. Singh is venting openly how done he is with everything Roe, this being the allegedly third copycat killing. Singh’s rant in interrupted by Pittsburgh assistant chief Ben Kern, who’s got a vested interest in the case. Kern is handed a note found on the victim. Before he can react, Chief Mixon calls in to have Kern removed from the scene.

Outside the building, a mob of frightened and angry citizens have arrived to find out what has happened. One of which being Pittsburgh Ledger reporter Julia Paige, who’s digging into the case herself. Readers don’t wait long to find a clue of who Assistant Chief Kern has a deeper investment in this case as the mob starts shouting at him about his son.

The following Day, Singh and Harper are talking with Capel’s family concerning the murder. The conversation is very emotionally charged (as expected) but readers find out that Capel was a digital target of No/One previously. However, there is someone watching the events unfold from a distance. Meanwhile, at the Pittsburgh Ledger, Editor Teddy Barlow has made the call to put Julia on a podcast breaking down the Richard Roe case since the public is visiting the main webpage in record numbers.

No/One’s shadow weighs heavy on the public but arguably Ben Kern carries the full baggage. Readers see two very important conversations: One involving his son Michael (who’s battling his own personal demons) at Neomi Kern’s grave. The other is at the Allegheny County Jail to see Aaron Kern, who is also known as Richard Roe, the accountability killer!

What is said during these conversations that pulls Kern into a new direction trying to solve the case? After leaving the jail, an action happens that raises more questions to an already complex case! Readers will not be ready for what transpires there, but just wait for the final few pages. Within those moments, the drama has been turned up anther notch building towards a shattering final image that will leave readers shocked and excited to get the next issue in their hands immediately.

BREAKDOWN: Higgins and Buccellato weave a multi-layered mystery within the initial debut. Richard Roe’s impact has been felt for almost a full calendar year (the timeline of events is featured at the end of the book with a great character index & details about Aaron Kern) and the writing reflects the frustration of the citizens of Pittsburgh while slowly unveiling the man behind the mask. The pacing breaks down the large cast into three focused areas. Singh and Harper’s panel time reflects the citizens with the anger and anxiety Roe’s actions have caused. Paige’s story feels as it will be told thru the eyes of the reader as she sets forth to present the details of the case with a “reasonable voice.”

Their stories take a step back in comparison to the tale of the Kern family. Higgins and Buccellato portray Ben Kern as a conflicted character balancing his fatherly duties to his civic duties as an officer. Kern’s struggles shine with the conversations with his son. Both have a different tempo and distinct endings. It makes for what follows that much more greater. The final set-up of the last pages are exceptionally placed to add a building tension to its’ jaw-dropping conclusion.

Borges wastes no time in bringing the strong reactions of “No/One’s” actions to the readers. There is a full page panel showing Capel’s demise that pulls no punches (including the couples reaction). It’s matched with a fantastic two-page spread with No/One standing over the rooftop watching. Borges captures the strain and wear Roe’s actions have taken on the detectives and the people of Pittsburgh. This comes right to the forefront when Singh & Harper talk with Capel’s family. There is a great action moment sprinkled in the story which is incredible and sets up a great twist but this issues emotional builds are what will have people talking. Borges uses a multi-panel format (7-9) which echos a “Watchmen” feel in bringing Ben Kern’s drama with his sons to the readers. The perfect example is this technique is the final pages of the book which concludes with an exclamation point final image.

FINAL POINT: The latest entry into the Massive-Verse establishes itself as a must-read mystery that simply can not be missed. Higgins, Buccellato, Borges & the team present a city on edge with an enigmatic figure at the center of it’s breaking point. Phenomenal writing and imagery set the stage for not just a book, but an event that comic fans can’t afford to miss and the local comic shops and in podcast form with “Who is No/One.”

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of No/One #1 and the companion podcast “Who is No/One.” Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new debut on the Comixology Originals line that flips the traditional ghost story blueprint into a whole different direction. What happens when someone can not only see ghosts BUT fight them back? Grammaton Punch #1 by Miles Gunter (NYC Mech, Terminator, BPRD), Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire introduces readers to Van Nguyen and his unique ability. Get settled in as we’re about to take a closer look at where one boy’s fight against the paranormal goes in this introductory issue. Let’s begin, shall we?

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals


The issue opens up with Van Nguyen narrating his backstory. Readers witness a solar eclipse which Van states being born during isn’t all that great. As Van is in his mother (a power lifter) ’s stroller, a one-eyed ghost appears and makes a connection with him. Van tells the audience that being an “eclipse baby”, he can now see ghosts and vice versa. Van became a power source for the ghost as it ate off his life energy for five years.

During that time, Van was in and out of the hospital, left very weakened from the feedings. Doctors ran many tests but the only result that they could find was an anomaly with Van’s eyes. The ghost’s attacks also turned Van’s hair white. Being only Five years old, Van looked as he was going to be facing this problem for the rest of his life. Everything changed when Van unlocked a key factor involving the ghost: If it could physically touch him, Van could physically fight it back!

At this moment, Readers see him defend himself for the first time. Van hits the ghost with a right hand that Mike Tyson would be proud of. With the ghost seemingly gone, Van finally began had a chance at a healthy life and with prescription sunglasses hiding his gifts. It seemed short lived as “Eye Face” returned, but Van was ready and disposed of his foe again…and again…and again. Each time, “Eye face” took longer to return but Van was waiting and stronger than the last encounter.

Things seemed to becoming normal as Van accompanies his mother to a power-lift competition, until something happens that changes everything. What went down at the lift? Is Van ready to face what lies ahead? Readers bare witness to a growing child’s dilemma of trying to live a “normal” life with unique gifts. Things move pretty fast with some more obstacles piling up before the final image throws a big question mark on the debut issue heading into the next chapter.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

BREAKDOWN: Gunter sets up the foundation for a very imaginative story. Van’s saga catches readers off the start with presenting the toll “eye Face” is taking on him and his mother. The pacing builds to such a point that readers can feel the moment when he first punches “Eye Face” out of town. It’s an enjoyable section that takes the story into a new direction. Van is a whimsical lead that grows up fast with the challenges thrown his way. The latter half of the issue demonstrates how Van’s journey isn’t so cut and dry. Van’s impulsiveness makes complete sense considering his age at this placement in story. Heading into the concluding moments, Gunter does a great surprise setting the stage for the next installment.

Andan brings a high energy to the panels artwork. There is a My Hero Academia-esque feel to when Van starts fighting back. Those panels convey the changing of story tempo. No page illustrates that more than when Van realizes he can hit “Eye Face” back. Speaking of “Eye Face”, Andan envisions the ghost as a true imposing figure, especially one that is tormenting a five-year old. It’s counter balanced when Van grows confidence in battling back. The issue never feels like there is a lull in-between panels. Van’s world is one to easily hit with readers a the series moves onward.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: “With Great Power, One must have a Great Punch!” Gunter, Andan and the team establish a young hero with solid storytelling and electric imagery. Grammaton Punch #1 will be a hit with readers looking for something that stands on its own with many themes mixed in the overall narrative. Make sure to keep an eye out for this series on Comixology this week.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know what you thought of Grammaton Punch #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the next chapter in a sci-fi murder mystery from Image Comics. The debut issue was an impressive read which earned the highest possible recommendation from yours truly. That statement was echoed by a great deal of fans who have created a huge buzz surrounding this story heading into the second installment. Black Cloak #2 by Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and BeccaCarey welcomes readers back into the world of Kiros & Detective Phaedra Essex. Let’s not wait another second and jump back into the fallout from the debut’s cliffhanger ending, shall we?

Black Cloak #2

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics


Freyal III of Sidra, the heir apparent to the throne of Kiros (the last city of the known world) is discovered dead. This passing captures the attention of Detective Phaedra Essex and her fellow black cloak Pax, who are now tasked to solve the mystery of one of Kiros’ royal family’s death. There is nothing ordinary about Freyal’s death as there is a connection to a pair of dead bodies discovered near the Lagoon, one of many noteworthy locations throughout Kiros. The pair begins to dig deeper into this situation resulting in an uncomfortable visit with the Queen and Phaedra. Word of Freyal’s death spreads fast and by the time Phaedra and Pax return to the station, there’s a huge list of suspects claiming involvement with the death. However, one person of interest is there for another reason as they stab Phaedra with a special blade!

This issue opens up with Phaedra waking up in the Kiros police morgue after last issues’ assassination attempt. Shaken, Phaedra is trying to put together the pieces of what happened with Nida. The conversation gets heated after wings appear to be growing out of her back. Nida says Phaedra should reveal her truth: She’s half Dracona which she feels would put her family in certain danger. Phaedra brushes this off and tries going back to work examining Freyal’s autopsy. This prompts a flashback to happier times between the two. Once Phaedra returns to the station, she and Pax start interviewing witnesses for information on the case. Most lead to dead ends but one conversation emerges with a possible break in the case. However, that isn’t the biggest reveal in this issue. What happens when Phaedra returns to her apartment? Who is waiting for her and what information is talked about that sends Phaedra and Pax into the next chapter? Readers will have much to talk about following this issue.

Black Cloak #2

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics

Black Cloak #2

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics

Black Cloak #2

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Thompson keeps the mystery and intrigue front and center with this issue. The world of Kiros is still opening up to readers but nothing is tipped off too much. Phaedra and Nida’s conversation is a big moment as the secret behind Phaedra slowly comes to light in just a few panels. The flashbacks with Freyal is a solid break from the sleuthing to showcase Phaedra’s secret while trying to be normal in this unique world. The new characters introduced in the final act prove to add more possibilities of where things can be heading. It’s the great thing about presenting a whole new civilization with a debut series. Thompson plays into the open playbook and readers will begin speculating about what factors they are involved with in this unraveling tale. Excellent swerve with the final act forging a new direction in the case to close on.

McClaren and Carey make the flashback panels pop off the pages with a great switch in color schemes. The emotions pour out which readers will encompass how much Phaedra is motivated to solve this murder. The envisioning of the witnesses statement follows the same formula with the uses of light and dark. The residents of Kiros stand out as well during the interrogation moments. This landscape keeps expanding and the visuals are a big factor of why fans are getting hooked on this tale more and more each day. Great final moment to end things on.

Black Cloak #2

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics

Black Cloak #2

Creative: Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Beccy Carey

Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: The mystery continues to be a must read in the pages of Image Comics’ next big thing. Thompson, McClaren and Carey’s combination of fantastic writing and amazing art brings the world of Kiros to the masses without losing any of the mystique of the saga at hand. Make sure you pick this issue up at the local Comic Shop this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Black Cloak #2. Thanks for reading!