Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re heading back to Gotham City High School! Last time we saw the father and son duo of Bruce and Damian Wayne, they were closing in on leads involving the newest bat rogue: Shush. The search has led Damian to enroll in High school and Brice being a supportive parent. All the while, there appears to be another threat lurking in the shadows.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #6 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands jumps in to see about last issue’s shocking conclusion. Let’s tag along and see how things play out from here.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #6 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands (DC COMICS - Cover: Simone Di Meo)


The story opens up with Damian walking readers through their latest observations. A student named Zach has drawn their attention. Watching him be a normal kid in school is one thing. Watching him outside of work is a whole different story.

Zach has become connected to Victor Zsasz. Zsasz is a serial killer notorious for carving in dashes on his own body for his kills. Zach believes Zsasz is his father.

Batman and Robin have had their eyes on Zsasz as he is up for an appeal at the courts. As the pair watches Zsasz be led into the courthouse, an explosion happens. From the smoke emerges a surprise masked figure.

With an escape attempt in full swing, the dynamic duo crash the party. How does Zsasz and his ‘son” fare?

Readers see a great mix of action and “family” drama play out. Its’ fallout leads to their original case at hand. On the way, the pair share a moment that is long overdue. Considering how the past few months have been, it is a sight that has been sorely needed.

The final act shifts events into a new direction. Can the pair solve the latest roadblock? If the closing page is any indication, they look to have some unlikely help from Damian’s past. Get ready as the series drops another great chapter.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #6 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands (DC COMICS - Cover: Kael Ngu)

Williamson gives readers another fun mix of family drama and action. The story with Zach and Zsasz was a solid twist and companion piece to the Shush storyline. The interaction between “father and son” played out as predicted, but worked for a great segway.

Once the story heads back on its’ original path, Williamson ties in some excellent non-hero moments. With how strained Bruce and Damian have been, the writing shows the series’ strength with these segments. Readers will have their emotions pulled at with this break point. Following that, the final act presents a solid build for next issue and how THAT character will play into the case.

Čižmešija and Lokus finish out their stint on B&R with a high note. The full page visual of Zsasz makes a big first impression. This leads into some great action panels. The two page spread with Batman and Robin entering the escape attempt will be a huge win with readers.

The emotions run high for “both” father and sons during the chapter as well. The Wayne conversation is lead in with another great two page spread with an insight to Damian. The following panels pour out the honest reactions of Bruce. It’s these types of moments that make this series such a hit. The closing panel welcomes the returning character to the story in grand fashion. The full page image is upstaged by a smaller panel of Batman’s reaction. It’s a solid way to end this chapter and lead right into the next phase of “shush”.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #6 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands (DC COMICS - Cover: Nikola Čižmešija)


The mystery of Shush gets overtaken by the emotional family dynamic of Gotham’s most famous family. Superb writing by Williamson guides the pair through an unlikely confrontation. Čižmešija and Lokus construct the powerful bond of father and son with imagery that doesn’t miss. Make sure to check this one out on NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman and Robin #6. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, A conversation between enemies has unlocked a story that is shocking DC Comic fans! The first days of the clown price of crime have given new insight into the insanity. The initial chapter split between a dark past and even more deadlier future. With what happened last issue, there is no telling what the future holds now.

BATMAN #143 by Chip Zdarsky, Andrea Sorrentino, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Dave Stewart, Alejandro Sánchez, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) ushers in a further decent into evil

Let’s not wait any longer and dove into this tale.


Last issue, readers witness the Joker returning to Gotham after the A.C.E. Chemicals accident. Reclaiming his place in the underworld hasn’t been easy. With each turning page, Joker continues to lose himself to his growing madness. This builds to a surprise offer from someone wo sees something in the broken man.

Meanwhile, the future is very bleak. With Joker escaped from Arkham, Gotham City is dead. What lives in its’ place is a city infested with Jokerized residents.

This chapter begins with Batman facing off with the infected residents. The narration leads thoughts of fatigue and desperation. Batman saves someone with a sedative but its’ not enough. His road lead him back to where the nightmare began years ago. Batman is heading to A.C.E. Chemicals.

Back in the past, Batman and Alfred are performing an autopsy in the BatCave. The results explain the skin of the victim. It turned White instantly with the chemicals discovered inside him. These findings jolt Batman’s thoughts back to the Red Hood incident.

As for the Joker, he is mulling the offer from one of Bruce Wayne’s trainers (previously seen in Batman: The Knight). Time is not on his side as Joker’s re-appearance brings some unwanted attention.

Readers brace as both stories head into full speed with showcasing the madness behind the man. Both tales spin into dangerous territory as the past walks readers through the metamorphism of pure evil. This runs parallel wit a future dying of the light.

The final act brings a chilling end to one phase of Joker’s life and the birth of something even more sinister. Get ready for an issue that will definitely have fans talking!

There is much to process with this latest issue. Zdarsky takes readers n a deep dive into the creation of the levels of evil which make up the Joker. In the past, seeing the motives behind “breaking Joker” is a layered sees of events. There is a sense of a twisted reflection of Bruce Wayne’s early years. The results flood the final act. It’s a perfect ending as it redefines what fans already knew: There is much more to the Clown Prince of Crime than Jokes.

The future story sets up for the final face-off between the two enemies. Zdarsky paces this brilliantly. With noted cameos making their appearance, it ties back to the themes that make Joker so dangerous. It plays out at a more methodical pace. The pacing allows for the shocking panels to lave a huge impression while hiding the fear behind them.

The art teams stand out with bringing the fear to the pages. The Camuncoli past story captures the slow building of the Joker into his final form. There are a few noteworthy action panels which demonstrates how much the Joker has grown his skills. This ties into the emotional reaction of his learnings. It is all capped off by a solid final full page shot that prepares fans for what’s next.


There is a fine line between brilliance and madness. With this issue, readers walk along with the legendary villain’s journey to insanity. Zdarsky crafts two equally impactful stories with his strong writing. The art teams deliver on the haunting scenes that amplify the rise of evil. This will be one to watch for at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #143. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along the space odyssey hailing from the pages of DSTLRY. Since its’ launch, the upstart company has created quite the buzz for its’ creator owned series. The first fortay into comic shops was GONE by Jock.

With a 13 yr old stowing away on board a spaceship looking for food, readers became instantly locked in with the story. Now, time has flown by when we catch up to the lead character and the dangers that still loom.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs brings much to the table for its second issue. Lets take a closer look at how things fare now.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (credit: DSTLRY)


No good deed goes unpunished. This is what Abi learned the hard way. The 13yr old attempted to help her family by stealing food from luxury starships that stop by her planet. On one fateful run, Abi doesn’t escape in time. Now along for the ride and far from home, Abi must figure out what to do next.

This chapter picks up with a ship speeding through the galaxy. After the initial run, the narration paints the picture of despair as the Sabs failed attempt to take over the ship has forced them into hiding. The group, who’s taken Abi, in scrape to survive.

Meanwhile, the “upper class” passengers have embarked on a hyper sleep. In their slumber, guards watch over them and the ship. As the rebels embark on another scavenger run, they think they find a huge score. The only problems it’s heavily guarded. A voice speaks out saying they will handle it. Readers see it’s Abi, but no the same one they remember from issue #1.

Abi is much older and wears the years of survival on her shoulders. The latest task sets Abi into dangerous territory. What does she encounter on the latest run?

Readers see a shocking reveal as Abi makes a discovery. How does this new dynamic play into her future? The mystery of the ship dives further into wonder. The conversations will lead Abi into reliving a past thought to be lost. However, the final act will send the story into a shocking tailspin as to where things line up next.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (credit: DSTLRY)

Jock sets a few new paths in motion with this latest chapter. The time jump with Abi shows how much she’s adapted to her new environment. Her demeanor seems broken and battle-tested. This is evident in the mission shown in the first act. Once she makes her discovery, the story takes a huge twist in direction.

The writing latches back to her past, giving more layers to the debut. The conversations she has become emotional with the pain she’s felt. Jock does an excellent job hiding the true antagonist’s motives in this scenario. It helps to build up for the big surprise in the final pages. With the parting shot, it’s anyone’s guess where we go from here.

The art continues to bring the desolate times of Abi to a stark reality. The moments with the Sabs capture the rough way of life she’s been experiencing on the ship. Readers can easily see the anguish and wear of the everyday life. The mission at hand moves swiftly, building on a few ideas.

The fallout with her companions is brought to life with vivid coloring. It shadows the true dangers at hand. Abi’s confusion leaders readers into wondering what is truly happening here. Following this, the emotional expressions with her conversations make a solid impact on readers. It grounds the story just enough to see the true toll Abi has been enduring. This all get sent into a new route with the closing images. The parting pages are simple but tell such a terrifying moment.

It’s a true testament of how Jock masters storytelling in his work.

GONE #2 by JOCK, Lee Loughridge and Andworld Designs (credit: DSTLRY - Cover: Matt Taylor)


The winding road home takes another drastic turn in Jock’s sensational space odyssey. Abi’s latest chapter is filled with strong writing and exceptional imagery. Readers can’t help but be locked in for the stunning new developments. Don’t miss picking this story up.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Gone #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series from Comixology Originals! The line keeps dropping hit series after hit series with their latest revving to drop. Based on the source material, readers better buckle up and brace for impact!

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos dives into Hopeless’ secrets of his family that absolutely needs to be read to be believed!

Let’s take a closer look and see what unfolds here.

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)


The story beings in the winter of 1983. Jody, Jeannie and their family are holiday shopping. During this time, shopping malls were the rage. Rage can also describe driving the parking lots during this time. Jody isn’t ken on waiting and decides to drive his own road out.

The actions don’t sit well with Jeannie. As they talk, Jody mentions a stolen car that is delayed from selling. A mention of a man named “Boodie” emerges. It is also met with a threat next time Jody sees him behind it. As luck would have it, who’s driving next to them? Boodie.

Readers watch as a high speed pursuit follows. Once the chase ends at Boodie’s trailer home, the action revs up. Suffice to say, the holidays begin with a bang.

The time jumps to six months later. The family has moved to Deepwater, Missouri. The new move seems to be doing well for Jody. When money comes into question, Jody reveals that it really isn’t an issue. When Jeannie asks, why, the subject is dodged.

However, what transpires next sets everything in flux. Readers see there is an accident. The fallout sends a ripple effect through the family as more clues are revealed to Jody’s financial status. When tragedy strikes, a choice is made that sets a whole new path for the family. The final image leaves no doubt that desperate times call for desperate measures. This means nothing but excitement for readers as they lock in for the long haul.

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)

Hopeless showcases an unique story that never lets the foot off the gas. The dynamic between Jody and Jeannie clashes enough to hide clues of the overall arc. The hiding is filled by a fast-paced sequence of events that set a strong tone. Once the major turning point happens, all bets are off.

The shifting of gears sets forth an unlikely scenario. The writing doesn’t pull back from the sense of distress now swarming the family. This can be shown in some private moments between the couple as the repercussions of Jody’s life have now come back tenfold. The parting act leaves no doubt about the drive to survive now challenging the family.

The art adds into the high emotions fueling this book. The facial expressions Jody goes through in the opening act dictates the outrageous path readers begin. The tamer moments with the couple range from anger to doubt as their world drastically changes.

Once the turning point debuts, readers are gifted a two-page spread to exemplify the shocking event. It leads the following panels into a dive of uncertainty, The closing act presents how many parties are now involved. It is capped off by the unlikely player entering the game on the parting panel. There will be much to discuss from this issue moving forward.

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)

She’s Running On Fumes #1 by Dennis Hopeless, Tyler Jenkins, Hilary Jenkins, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Heather Antos (Comixology Originals)


Family business enters a dangerous road with an engaging opening chapter. Hopeless brings the personal tale to readers with unapologetic honesty. Jenkins provides the emotional art to set readers on a course they won’t want to hit the brakes on.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on She’s Running On Fumes #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the world of Batman has been flipped upside down. After the fallout of “Knight Terrors”, Zur-En-Arrh has become the dominant personality of Bruce Wayne. This has resulted in much turmoil. Along for the chaos is the clown prince of Crime: Joker!

When we last saw the “fight forever” adversaries, readers found the pair in a very uncomfortable situation. They’re both locked in a cell by Failsafe. How did Joker become involved in all of this Bat Drama?

BATMAN #142 by Chip Zdarsky, Andrea Sorrentino, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Dave Stewart, Alejandro Sánchez, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) looks to provide some answers as it doves into the origin of the Joker?!

Let’s not wait another second and dive into this story!


The story beings with the Joker on an operating table. The one overseeing the autopsy: Batman. the narration walks readers through Batman’s thoughts. The talk is frank as he tries figuring out the trick to his “immortality”. A pill made of the same substance of the original Red Hood Helmet is the key. Bats claims the Red Hood made the Three Jokers. The questions begin to build on what else lies behind the laughter.

The story shifts to Joker’s perspective falling into the pit of A.C.E. chemicals on that fateful night. The fallout creates the iconic shot fans know from the Killing Joke. However, in this instance, there are Three Jokers. The trio begins to start attacking each other. A voice is leading thoughts of trying to remain sane while the unimaginative reality is paying out.

Once the fighting ends, there is one Joker laughing.

From here, the chapter begins a true decent into madness. The early days of post chemical spill walk readers into a man loosing their grip on reality. The beginnings of Joker’s re-emergence shows readers a slow build into reclaiming his place on Gotham’s landscape. The ending at this brings up a shocking twist o this portion of the book.

Meanwhile, another story builds around Batman and Joker in a future Arkham setting. What transpires there screams true terror as a final image sets forth a fate that appears worse than death. This is the Joker’s world and we all are about to live it….

Zdarsky breaks up the origin into two strong segments. The first dives into the world of Zero Year. Seeing the slow fall into his fragile psyche, Joker gives an almost sympathetic aura as he tries figuring out his next moves. Once he settles into his routine, the story leads into a familiar realm. The unpredictable nature shines through as Joker tries finding his footing in a brand new world. It’s a very interesting ending for this portion.

The future story ties nicely into the origin as Joker’s future is bleak The writing here reflects a broken Batman who’s still struggling to find answers. The story heads into a hellish reality. This will eventually tie back into the initial conversation of cellmates. Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Art duties are split between two teams for this story. Camuncoli captains the early years half of the origin, while Sorrentino leads the future.

In the initial days, Camuncoli gives readers a lid homage to the classic Killing Joke laughing image. This leads into a full page emergence of the one true Joker. The following panels reflect Joker’s constant battle within, trying to hang on to any source of normalcy. The art continues this pacing very steadily. Fans are also gifted a full page shot of Batman in the night sky. They can see why Joker was enamored with fear during this sight.


Journey into a haunting past and future with Batman’s biggest foe pulling the strings. Zdarsky pens an absolutely engaging tale, blending tension and terror. The art teams shine showing the many faces of evil with its’ vivid imagery. This will be one Batman story fans won’t want to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #142. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along the explosive saga involving the face of G.I. Joe. Reeling out of the pages of Transformers #2, Conrad S. Hauser refuses to deny what he has seen. Searching for the truth, the real American hero has been made into a wanted man. With parties with vested interest in pursuit, readers can’t help but be locked in as a mystery is unfolding.

DUKE #2 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound entertainment/Image Comics) takes the audience om another trip through the Energon Universe. Let’s tag along and see what is happening now.

DUKE #2 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound entertainment/Image Comics)


Spiraling from the events of Transformers #2, a familiar face is now on the run. Conrad S. Hauser aka Duke has been framed for murders of Dr. Adele Burkhart and her “alien survivors” group. This all stems from Duke’s investigation into M.A.R.S. Industries.

Before her death, Burkhart gave Duke an item with her research. With this information, the hunter has become the hunted. Duke is looking for somewhere to hide and regroup. His journey has led him to the home of Lance J. Steinberg aka Clutch.

The old friends reunite and not a moment too soon. Duke is injured from his encounter with the “police” (M.A.R.S. military). When they start mending Duke, the information given from Burkhart was activated.

What is on the device? Readers see a map with notable locations on it. One spot stands out in the Midwest of the US. The activation tips off an all-too familiar character of the G.I. Joe universe. Unfortunately for Duke, that person isn’t the only one after him.

The fight is brought right to Duke’s forefront. Behind the bullets are General Hawk’s hand picked fighters on their search and “rescue” mission. Things move very fast as the action sets a high bar. Once the bullets stop flying, the final image will have readers buzzing as another legendary character now enters the field. Buckle in for a high-octane chapter!

DUKE #2 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: Ricardo López Ortiz)

Williamson puts the pedal to the metal with this latest chapter. The banter between Duke and Clutch plays well to be the “calm before the storm” forthcoming. It’s a great blend of humor and honesty with the recent events. Once the action starts up, the chapter goes into a whole different direction.

The new characters make a huge first impression in-between the bullets flying. Readers get caught up in the excellent action that Williamson slides in building them up under the radar. The conclusion of the fighting takes Duke into uncharted territory. Seeing what Duke is confronted with adds more to the mystery at large. This all ties into the latest character introduction on the final page. Where the story heads from here is anyone’s guess but the writing locks you in to leave all those cares behind until the next chapter.

Reilly and Bellaire dip into a few character moments before revving the action up. The initial encounter with Clutch fills the panels with the sense of their deep friendship. The panels speak volumes until the bullets start flying. This comes readers way via a full page panel introduction of a fan-favorite. From here, the pages are flooded with intense imagery reflecting the stakes at hand.

Once the battle is over, the art builds up where Duke and Clutch are stationed. The full page shot gives readers a greater sense of what the location is comprised with. It adds more to the final scene impact as the unlikely figure is poised to become a big part in an already impressive series.

DUKE #2 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: ACO)


The life of G.I. Joe’s franchise leader gets turned to 11 with an electrifying new chapter. Williamson pens a superb balance of action and drama while Reilly, Bellaire and Wooten bring the fight for the truth to the pages! When the smoke clears, readers are left with an issue that they can’t afford to leave the comic shops without.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Duke #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this edition, the battle rages on in the streets of San Francisco via The Massive-verse! Comics’ most exciting universe strikes again with Bibiana Lopez-Yang trying to fend off the mechs of Morrow from killing off an old friend turned enemy. As always, Bibi doesn’t need to be good. She just needs to be lucky.

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) showcases Bibi’s latest efforts into stopping Pyre and Morrow before the city is leveled in the process. Let’s take a closer look at where things head now.

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORESFRENCH CARLOMAGNOMATTIA IACONO , BECCA CAREY and Michael Busuttil – Credit: Image Comics via Black market Narrative)


With an A.I.D. (Artificial intelligence Destruction) Protocol in effect, the streets of San Francisco are caught in the crossfire of Pyre and dangerous Morrow Mechs. As the threat has leveled up, so has Bibi and her mechs. They have now executed the Squad formation into a powerful Mech! This is much needed as an A.I.D. Mech is poised to strike!

The battle steps up a few levels. Bibi is pushing her team to find a way to win. The intensity heightens as the two metal gladiators try to take the other one out. Just when readers think Bibi is on the cusp of winning, she’s distracted by a fallen civilian. The A.I.D. Mech delivers a blow that forces the team suit to fall. Bibi retaliates by electrocuting the Mech. This move has taken a toll on Bibi. She lies unconscious in the street. Where her story leads next will be a return of sorts that fans will be amped to check out.

The actions of Morrow haven’t gone unnoticed by the Mayor of San Francisco. A decision is made that impacts everyone in the city. The choice draws a reaction of Morrow’s Jimmi Moss. What happens next pushes the city to an unforeseen place. Can Bibi recover in time to save the city again or is it too late? Readers will have much to process as the final page sets up events for San Francisco’s last stand.

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORESFRENCH CARLOMAGNOMATTIA IACONO , BECCA CAREY and Michael Busuttil – Credit: Image Comics via Black market Narrative)

Flores gives readers a solid balance of action while setting up the major players for a face-off with epic repercussions. Bibi’s attempt to win pushes her to her limits. Its’ fallout leads to a much welcomed conversation. Fans will be very excited to see someone’s return in this segment. The writing showcases Bibi’s struggle with self-doubt and motivation to keep going.

The sub-plots with Pyre and Moss give enough of a set-up that once the Mayor’s action takes place, it sends the story into a strong path of possibilities. Readers will see this especially with Moss. There will no turning back from his actions. It’s very intriguing to see where his direction goes from here. Fans have much to look forward to for the Pyre story finale.

Carlomagno and Iacano construct a great opening fight pages right out of the gate. The two page spread is an easy win for readers with the intensity of the battle. This is balance with Bibi’s road to recovery and the conversation she has. The emotional impact is big with its’ fallout. The key moments where the players are put in position have gifted big panels. This all build towards the final full page image setting events in motion for the big face-off coming!

THE DEAD LUCKY #11 by MELISSA FLORESFRENCH CARLOMAGNOMATTIA IACONO , BECCA CAREY and Michael Busuttil – Credit: Image Comics via Black market Narrative)


The tension runs high as the fate of San Francisco shifts into dangerous territory with The Dead Lucky #11. Flores crafts a strong build for the eventual showdown with an emotional reunion to lift Bibi. Carlomagno, Iacono and Carey set the backdrop of the battlefield with excellent art leading into a showdown for the ages.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Dead Lucky #11. Thank for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODOH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at a conclusion of an excellent story from Comixology Originals. The saga of Alex Greer and a fateful night out in Amsterdam has spiraled into a chilling psychological escapade. With last readers saw Alex, there was a glimmer of hope of freedom. Has it burnt out already?

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano gives readers an insight to Alex’s next moves. Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the final chapter.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)


After waking up to a dead body after a night out, Alex Greer’s life has been put through Hell. Greer claims innocence. Under investigation, Greer has been put into a mental hospital. Under the watch of Doctor Kincaid, Greer has been trying to process what is happening. The images flooding her mind elude to more happening here. After long times under the watch, Greer has broken away from Kincaid but the question is for how long.

The chapter opens with her recapping the actions of Kincaid to another doctor. Kincaid is handcuffed to a gurney. The doctor questions her claims and breaks down reasons for her actions. He leaves her with the idea that everything is going to be ok. Greer isn’t buying that and escapes from her restraints. Once she leaves her room, the truth is finally revealed.

Readers watch along as Greer discovers others in captivity. As the lead scientist catches up with Greer, the true horror shines through. The true identity of Kincaid’s plans paint a darker picture than Alex had ever dreamed of. What has Alex become a part of? Is there any way out? Not if Kincaid has any say.

The results are shocking as Alex is thrusted into making a dangerous choice. The closing act leaves no doubt of what consequences come from Greer’s actions. Does she find her way out of Kincaid’s grasp? The closing page answers all with a shocking end that will leave readers floored as to the story’s conclusion.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Phillips pens a haunting finale as Alex’s story comes to a screeching halt. The conversation with the first doctor is a play to the readers, recapping her tale. It gives clarity to previous events without a full recap section. Once she escapes her holding room, the drama and horror elevates.

The history behind what Greer has been kidnapped into is intense. Readers can only feel for Greer as her involvement can only lead to danger. The stand-off with Kincaid invokes many reactions. The emotional and psychological attacks have been building towards this moment. Phillips sets this up perfectly to when Greer finally reacts, the moment is extremely impactful. The parting act brings the story to a proper end and leaves a frightening impression on its’ way.

Boyle continues to bring in the visions of torture through Alex’s eyes. The opening flashback is brief but speaks volumes over the past four issues. This leads into the shocking history of Kincaid’s master plans.

Boyle ushers in the final act with some very mind-bending images. These pages get taken to a whole other level through Napolitano’s work. The mix of torturing voices and world-splitting visuals makes Alex’s breakdown even more impactful. The lasting shot is simpler but leaves readers with images sealing any doubts of Alex’s fate.

BLACK SIGHT #5 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Through Phillips’ chilling depiction, the story of Alex Greer comes to a magnificent and horrifying end. Boyle & Napolitano construct the hellish reality in which hope of surviving dwindles with each page. Highest possible recommendation.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the pen-ultimate issue of a supernatural saga from Comixology Originals. Since its’ inception, the hardest working diner family have always had their fair share of difficulties. What happens when they are literally thrown face first into the darkest fears?

THE ALL-NIGHTER #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic is poised to find out what Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Andrea are made of. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening here.

The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Ian, Cynthia, Joy, Andrea, Frank and GOD himself have embarked on a mission to rescue Alex from the Takers. Alex is a member of the All-Nighter family who became lost in the fight with Lazaruk. With Frank sacrificing himself to get the location of the Takers, the group has followed his tracker to the Bermuda Triangle.

Once they arrive, they confront the BOGEYMAN. Their rescue mission is derailed when the entity used his powers to make each member confront their fears.

This issue kicks off with God meeting with the Bogeyman on an astral level. Thinking he has the upper hand, the evil soul tries claiming he is the only God now.

The story shifts gears to Joy at her mother’s grave. Joy’s sister is blaming her for the death. Cynthia is on the streets, begging and disheveled. Andrea is running form her fellow officers. Ian is isolated and alone in a desert area.

Meanwhile Frank has been put into a prison limbo all his own. Coming across the Yeti, Frank starts figuring out the Takers plans. Will this lead to finding Alex?

The family continues a grueling onslaught of their worst nightmares. What follows next is a true test of how this family have come together over time. The strength shown is the same that allows them to take the risks they do. Readers sit back and see how the endgame is set. The final image letting everyone know the end is near.

The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky puts the family into the most uncomfortable scenarios in this issue. Knowing Joy’s family issues, readers can easily sense her pain as she feels the burden she’s accused of. Cynthia having a fall from grace reflects how her character has been more flawed than previously thought. The other members have their time as well, but all share the same themes.

The panels with Frank lead readers into a great sub-plot with the end drawing closer. Throughout this series, the writing has been about solving the riddle of their strengths. This issue caps it off with a resounding answer before the last call is made.

Loo gives ample time to focus on the doubt and anxiousness of each member. The facial reactions speak loudly as the torment is taking place. The fallout resonates with fans as the high emotions shine in each panel. The panels with God and the Bogeyman pop off the page with the excellent coloring by Alleyne. The closing image is perfect as it bookends the original series themes. Loo presents an excellent full page panel bringing everything together before tearing it apart in the next chapter.

The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


With a fateful trip into confronting their fears, the family of the All-Nighter gives readers a memorable chapter before its’ finale. Zdarsky’s superb writing brings the fear front and center. Loo’s impressive art captures the essence of the family’s drive so special. It’s a bittersweet lead into what will be an instant classic finale.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #14. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re heading back into a world of danger and mystery via Comixology Originals. When “The Shroud” starts conquering the Earth, life as we know it has been changed forever. Jo and Canon have adapted to this new world years later. When a sign of hope appears in the form of a black diamond, a world of possibilities opens up. Where does it all lead?

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price heads further into adventure and intrigue. Let’s take a closer look, but watch out for the Shroud.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The chapter begins at an earlier time of Jo and “The Shroud”. Readers watch the youthful actions of a game of “Spin The Bottle”. In a post-apocalyptic world, it’s a fleeting moment of normalcy. Jo spins and it lands on Charlie, who isn’t there.

Jo finds her contemplating her future as she’s got a chance to join the Mechanic’s guild. Jo offers words of encouragement. When Charlie slips, she falls towards a catching Jo. In between laughing about the slip, a startling revelation appears. Jo’s arm lands in some of the Shroud. With it quickly moving up Jo’s arm, Charlie makes a choice to save Jo. The cost is high as she takes an axe to his arm.

In the present time, the older group of friends have followed Rowan on this journey. Rowan is the stranger who showed up with the black diamond. With bright hope behind his selling point, the group camps out twenty miles from their location at a drive-in theatre.

With the break int he action, the conversation goes back to their pre-shroud days. Happiness is short lived as something crashes the party and its’ not happy.

Readers see the party-crasher with action unfolding. The pace picks up as the group fights to survive. he fallout sends the story into uncharted areas as a few revelations appear. The closing moments enter a new dynamic into Jo and his friends’ quest that leaves many questions for next time.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

The writing keeps the focus centered on the longing of the pre-shroud days with this latest edition. The moments of “Spin The Bottle” reflect how trying to retain being normal isn’t in the cards. Jumping to present time, the group’s conversation keeps their time light-hearted until the threat shows up.

At this stage, the pace shifts gears to the threat at hand. The action picks up the issue but leads to a strong closing act. The writing spaced out Rowan’s secrets enough to give the finale a bigger feel before concluding events.

Favoccia does another fantastic job with bringing this fantasy world to life. The innocence of the kids right after the Shroud wins over readers. This pays into the striking panel of Jo losing his arm to survive. The threat at hand has very intense visuals stemming from it’ near full page panel debut.

The fallout mirrors the reaction of Rowan’s reveals. Readers instantly can sense the change of the group’s feelings. This plays into a great closing page which makes a big impact on the way out of this latest chapter.

BY A THREAD #3 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The journey for the truth is paved with dark intentions in the latest chapter of jo and his friends journey. The team of Scott and Jack Snyder pen a tale of innocence defying danger with solid writing. Favoccia’s artwork continues to shine through the dark landscape of the Shroud. Combined, it’s a winning formula you can’t afford to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me ow your thoughts on By A Thread #3 Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the ghosts of the original Green Lantern drives a personal attack right through his heart in one of the best series currently out. Based around doomed love and discovery of inner strength, the DC Comics mini-series continues to impress each time out. Now heading into the final stretch, fans wait to see how the title character deals with his latest blow.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni brings the antagonist of Alan’s problems into the spotlight. let’s take a closer look and see what unfolds now.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: David Talaski)


The chapter opens with a flashback towards the apparent death of Vladimir Sokov aka John Ladd. Ladd was Scott’s lover during their time on Project: Crimson. The narration follows as the red energy that pulled him underwater. This leads to the danger now standing as the Red Lantern.

The saga shifts to Bobruisk, Russia in 1923. A young Ladd is leaving his home. His father is yelling in the distance. The narration reflects feelings of resentment and determination. The determination is what drives Ladd to join the Russian army. After a general chooses him for spy training, his first assignment centers around a weapon.

This is no ordinary weapon. Readers find out its the myth of the “Crimson Flame Of Death”. With this in the possession of the U.S. Military, Ladd is assigned to infiltrate and steal the weapon. The unknowing accomplice to this goal: Alan Scott.

The story spirals through the lies weaved by Ladd. Using the affections of Scott as a decoy, readers see what levels Ladd went to for this mission. Its’ fallout is even more intense with the emotional wounds re-opened for Scott.

Get ready for a personal and highly combustible sequence to unfold as the Lanterns have laid out all their cards on the table. Or have they? The closing image proves all is fair in love and war with a shocking conclusion. Brace for impact with this one!

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Nick Robles)

The peaks and lows that Sheridan puts the title character through with Ladd’s origin hits strong with readers. The complexity of his character actions leads Ladd into a deception that comes close to breaking Scott completely. This pours into a reaction that jumps right of the page.

Following this moment is where readers see Scott start rebounding from Ladd’s tormenting barrage. There are quiet moments that reflect the love once shared between Scott and Ladd before leading back into the heroic play of Scott. Sheridan has kept tis story grounded around emotion and that is a theme the resonates with each panel, right to the last shot. Another great read.

Tormey and the art team guide readers through a focused look at the birth of a spy. The flsback panls break each important moment down for an easy connect with readers. The focus sways from Ladd’s mission to the blind deception played out under Scott’s caring soul.

This builds towards a full page shot of Scott’s rage boiling over. The flowing images dive the action into an intimate moment where Scott appears to get the upper hand. All this leads to a strong final full page panel indicating to where Scott’s heart lies now after the truth is revealed.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Skylar Patridge)


The heart-break and heroics burn bright with another fantastic issue. Sheridan gives readers a closer look into devious intentions with sharp writing. Tormey and the rest of the creative team deliver the soul-crushing repercussions into vivid imagery. Brace for the final moments and don’t dare miss this series.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of DC Comics’ premier super-hero team’s first leading event. Coming out of the “Dawn Of DC”, the Titans have stepped into the void left with no Justice League. With an alien attack heading to Earth, the team went to intercept and stop. In the process, one of their own became a pawn of something sinister lurking in the shadows.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #6 by Tom Taylor, Lucas Meyer, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Wes Abbott (DC Comics) picks up the pieces from last issue’s shocking ending. Let’s take a deeper dive as to how the heroes might overcome the odds with the world watching.


The chapter begins with Peacemaker coming to from his encounter with Nightwing. Amanda Waller tells him to stay still as there is a battle in front of them. The combatants? Raven and her evil self, who was the masked Doctor Hate!

Raven teleports Nightwing away before the fight begins. Knowing Waller’s plans, the Titans put forth a plan to save the infected population. The spores from Beast Boy have caused humans to turn into savage beasts. Drawing the spores out is the only way to save people. Knowing that the spores gravitate towards powerful beings, Superman (Jon Kent) is the go-to for the test run. Who is their test subject? An infected Bruce Wayne aka BATMAN!

Readers see how Nightwing’s plan plays out. Batman reverts back to human and reconnects in an emotional moment. From here, the Titans lead the charge in preventing Waller and the Bureau of Sovereignty from taking their plans to action. Will they pull it off?

The answers are provided in a conclusion that lives up to its’ hype. The moments feel huge with consistent pressure mounting on the heroes. Just when readers think all is going to be ok, a few swerves are thrown in that will play into more stories. The time of Beast World might be over but fans will be talking about this conclusion for quite some time.

With Taylor mixing in many surprises, readers have a great deal to look forward to with this finale. Seeing the emergence of Dick Grayson as the leader of the DCU heroes, his biggest challenge is met with patience and flaws. It’s not a perfect run with what he is attempting. Taylor’s writing reflects the heroic nature of what he represents. The moment with Batman sets forth a strong chain of events that pushes the charge forward.

The sheer defiance of Waller is another big element of this book. Knowing she is the mastermind behind the public attack, there is a sense of danger whenever she is on he page. Her conclusion in this story sends shockwaves throughout the DCU. The overall conclusion takes readers on a wild ride of excitement and drama. This leads to the epilogue which guarantees the new movement of evil in the DCU is far from over.

The art teams (three in total) shine in the finale. The fight sequence with Raven and Doctor Hate gave readers a sinister feel as the battle prolonged. The reconnection of Batman and Nightwing gave a brief break of the drama for a more sympathetic element with the Bat-Family.

The panels where Nightwing presents his plan to the government also hit the marks. The showcase of Grayson’s confidence leads into the heroes attempt to thwart Waller’s advances. These lead into some outstanding images of the heroes rising to the occasion. The final image is a fitting one for the conclusion but is upstaged by the epilogue. Knowing this is Reis’s final DC series before heading to Ghost Machine, the parting shot sends readers off in style and shock before its’ next phase.


The finale of DC’s latest event pulls no punches with shocking twists and dramatic hits. Taylor pens a thrilling Titans tale with Reis and company delivering strong imagery fitting for a ending and starting a new beginning.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #6. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, desperate times call for desperate measures. This reflects the state of affairs involving Marvel’s X-Men. As Orchis makes their big move, Xavier and the remaining members of Mutant-kind are pushed to their breaking point. The events cause a dangerous choice to be made to ensure victory. The choice is complex. Should the most dangerous X-Men villain be brought back from the dead to left save the living? Readers are about to find out.

RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher shows the uneasy mission and consequences of attempting to bring back the Master of Magnetism. Let’s take a closer look and see how the journey begins.

RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - cover: Stefano Caselli)


The chapter begins with Magneto standing away from the reader. His words haunt as Magento speaks “Ororo, I was wrong”. The events sift back to Storm as she wakes up from the nightmare. Her lover, Craig, tries to console her. Living on Arakko, Storm is off world but knows of the dire events of the attack of the Hellfire Gala.

Storm knows that Mutant-Kind needs more help. They need Magneto. Unfortunately, he isn’t alive. Magneto sacrificed himself in besting Uranos. Denying the resurrection process of Krakoa, pulling this task off will not be easy. It will be lose to impossible.

Storm crashes the Kadesh base and confronts Dr. Adam Brashear aka Blue Marvel and Taaia. Storm explains her plan. Surprisingly, there is no push-back. Marvel seems intrigued at defying the odds. He leads Storm into a portal room. While powering it up, Marvel is explaining how this is all going to play out into an area reated by the Scarlet Witch.

Knowing the costs, Storm jumps through the portal without waiting for approval. Readers find out the afterlife is a very unstable environment. An old friend appears to greet Ororo on the other side. The reception kickstarts a series of events that wind further into answering the lingering question of is this all worth it? The final image grants an insight to that answer leading readers into what lies ahead.

RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - cover: David Baldeón)

Ewing presents the weight of Ororo’s mission with great desperation and heroics. The first portion of the book moves very quickly to get right tote heart of the matter. Once Ororo makes the jump, the story speeds right into the frantic instability of the afterlife.

The initial conflict grants readers a break in the drama. It’s fallout reaffirms Storm’s determination and grit about achieving the impossible. The journey dive into a few uncharted spots. Once readers arrive in the final pages, it leads to a small Deja vu moment. It ties back into the overall consensus theme of this unstable world Storm now stands in. The closing moment delivers on giving more clues to the mission before bowing out. Rest assured, there’s more complexity to this story which can only lead t a bigger payoff.

Vecchio and Curiel drop a few stellar images of the afterlife on readers with this opening chapter. The full page shot of Magneto starting into the distance hits the mark on the reflection of his choices. The moments with Blue Marvel and Storm balance each other out with their different mannerisms. Storm is driven to get going, while Marvel is constantly assessing the situation.

The afterlife opens with a strong two-page image. This is followed by fight sequences that are bolt and impactful. The fractured full page image of Storm flying in this moment elevates the overall feel of the battle. The closing pages are ack to back full page image that bring the mission at hand right to the forefront. Very solid initial outing that will only become more wild with the evolving world Storm fights through now.

RESURRECTION OF MAGNETO #1 by Al Ewing, Luciano Vecchio, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher (Credit: Marvel Entertainment - cover: John Tyler Christopher)


The impossible is challenged with the future of Mutant-kind waiting in the wings in an ambitious first chapter. Ewing doesn’t delay in keeping a rapid pace to move Storm’s mission forward. Vecchio and Curiel providing lasting impressions with the images to give readers quite the tale to follow in the Krakoan Era’s downfall.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on the Resurrection of Magneto #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the Fall of the Krakoan Era has engulfed the entire X-Universe by Marvel. With a shift in directions, each book has been impacted by the events at the Hellfire Gala. One of those books in particular has been X-Force.

During the Krakoan Era, it has been of the best X Books on the market. For their current arc, the team has a familiar face return. The question now becomes: can they stop them with what they’re planning?

X-Force #48 by Benjamin Percy, Robert Gill, Guru-eFX, AND Joe Caramagna kicks off TARGET: BEAST! Let’s see how the latest story shapes up!

X-Force #48 by Benjamin Percy, Robert Gill, Guru-eFX, AND Joe Caramagna (Credit: marvel entertainment - Cover: Daniel Acuña)


Events here tale place before Wolverine: sabretooth War and the bookend series for the end of the Krakoan Era.

The issue opens up at X-Force’s hidden base at the north pole. A sniper is looking through an infra-red lens on his target. In the crossfire is Omega Red. The man behind the gun: Hank McCoy aka Beast!

Last readers had seen Beast, he was committing crimes with Mutantkind’s benefit as the method behind the madness. With one shot, Red is taken off the board. McCoy makes his way inside the covert team’s home. Sneaking around, Beast makes his way to the computers, looking for something unknown at the time.

Meanwhile, Sage and Black Tom Cassidy are conversing in another room. Alarms tip off Sage of their former director’s return. The rest of the unit run to find Beast is armored up with Krokoan Flora shielding. With an ominous warning, Beast leaves with what he wanted.

All the while, Sage is sitting in front of a sealed room. When Wolverine approaches her, the secrets behind the door are revealed. SAGE HAS WHAT BEHIND THE DOOR?!

This leads to a plan that if it fails, spells certain door. Readers sit back and watch Sage sell her idea. The fallout brings mixed reaction as it is a bold one. However, the closing moments prove the best intentions sometimes don’t bring the best results. Get ready for a wild ride as X-Force vs. Beast begins their battle!

X-Force #48 by Benjamin Percy, Robert Gill, Guru-eFX, AND Joe Caramagna (Credit: marvel entertainment - Cover: John Cassaday)

What a creative concept Percy brings to the masses with this story. Hank McCoy is a character of extremes. When he’s good, he is a jovial force of good. When he’s evil, he is downright dangerous. The writing for this issue shows readers both sides to his character. The opening pages show his ruthlessness as to getting what he wants. The good appears later with one classic line that is such a well-placed throwback.

This plays into what the team is dealing with for conflict. Knowing what McCoy has meant to the unit, Percy writes this as a personal attack on Wolverine and company. The counter thrown illustrates many sides to the polarizing mutant. McCoy’s dialogue plays into the unknown call of the mission. There really is no in-between to where things can go from here but it will have readers talking with much enjoyment.

The art sets a strong tempo with McCoy taking out Omega early. Gill talks readers through the break-in with wordless panels. McCoy’s body language speaks volumes here. The full page of Sage’s reveal hits readers with many reactions as to what this could all lead to. There’s a great two-page spread introducing the unit to the plan’s variable. At this stage, the pace picks up leading to an interesting final image to set this series in a whole new direction.

X-Force #48 by Benjamin Percy, Robert Gill, Guru-eFX, AND Joe Caramagna (Credit: marvel entertainment - Cover: Nick Bradshaw)


The X-Men’s most dangerous unit must find a way to stop their former director at all costs. Percy’s creative writing injects an unknown factor into a formal mission. Gill’s imagery shows the complexity of the choice made and the uncertainty of where it heads now. This will be one fans are going to be talking about.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on X-Force #48. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a very special edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

The wait is FINALLY over! Ever since New York comic Con, fans have been waiting to see the debut of a media company with top line creators leading the charge. With word of mouth hype carrying a buzz through the past few months, GHOST MACHINE has been the talk in comics. Their message is a simple, but important one. “Characters First”.

Geiger. Junkyard Joe. Redcoat. Names that have already made an impact on NCBD. Names that are opening more doors as a slate of books are ready to be unleashed onto fans looking for something new at the shops to invest in.

GHOST MACHINE #1 by Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Peter J. Tomasi, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Lamont Magee, Maytal Zchut, Ivan Reis, Peter Snejbjerg, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh welcomes readers to the start of history in the making. Let's take a closer look and assess their first impressions.


This issue is staged as an introduction into all the Ghost Machine titles. The opening page is a statement defining what this company is all about. This is perfect for new readers to fully grasp what will make this imprint stand out from others.

From here, the book heads back into the world of GEIGER (by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank). As a family sits around a campfire, a man is telling the story of a man whose contact with a nuclear blast has changed him forever. In this same time period, Tariq Geiger is facing off against a group of strangers. One makes an offer that stops him cold in his tracks. Geiger is toyed with the idea of becoming fully human again.

During the ordeal, others are mentioned as possible adversaries to the radioactive anti-hero. That person is REDCOAT (by Johns and Bryan Hitch). Simon Pure narrates his tale of fighting for the British in the Revolutionary War. After he is shot in the head, his journey begins as an immortal.

The journey ties into the Unknown War taking place inside the shared universe of the Unnamed Universe. Readers are gifted a timeline to follow events as many moving parts comprise an ever-winding tale that is certain to grab readers attention.

The next phase of Ghost Machine is ROOK: EXODUS by Johns and Jason Fabok. Readers witness a fascinating new world where Humans with unique helmets of power affect the animals species they are patterned after. One such human known as Rook has control over certain aviary creatures. His journey has him on the trail of the mysterious Direwolf. How will this tie into the “War Of Wardens”? Readers look to receive that answer in April.

Readers next stop is the all-ages line of FAMILY ODYSSEYS. Peter Tomasi and Francis Manupal are the creative team behind THE ROCKETFELLERS. A family from the future has been sent into witness relocation. Where better to send a family of the future than the past? Their adventures into normalcy look to entertain while their future’s past catches up with them.

Set in the same all-ages line is HORNSBY & HALO (by Tomasi and Peter Snejbjerg). What happens when Angel and Devil families swap children? That’s what readers find out with the stories of Rose Hornsby and Zack Halo. Warwick, New York will never be the same as the young leads explore their lives while outside forces have a vested interest.

Last but not least is HYDE STREET. The horror-led line features the works of Johns and Ivan Reis. In Dallas, Georgia, a man is being unruly towards a young boy. After the encounter, the boy appears to put something mischievous into work. This is presented after a vintage Hyde Street Amusement pages by JOHNS, REIS,DANNY MIKI & LAMONT MAGEE.

Mixed in the middle is “Devour” (by MAYTAL ZCHUT & Reis). A woman’s dream of transforming her body appears to become a nightmare with an item called “Devour”. Once the final image hits here, readers will have no questions concerning the chilling tales created via Comics’ next big thing.

Right from the start, the one-shot makes every story VERY reader friendly. Keeping stories to the bare minimum presses creators to simplify introductions. This is a great formula as each story has enough to tease where things go after here. Plus, the addition of character bios (ala DC’s “Who’s Who”) is so invaluable to make the connections of “Characters First”.

This really hits its’ mark with the Unnamed Universe characters as Geiger and Redcoat have been featured more than most others. As the prelude for Geiger’s new direction leads, Johns balances Geiger’s panel time while building up Redcoat. It leads to a solid open-ended conclusion for the regular series to start in April.

ROOK: EXODUS, looks to be the wild-card of the current slate of books. Combining sci-fi fantasy with a looming mystery, Fabok’s art depicts a landscape of endless possibilities. This seems like an adventure that isn’t going to be like anything else out on the market.

The FAMILY ODYSSEYS line makes an excellent debut as well. The ROCKETFELLERS has a unique concept behind it with Tomasi’s blending in the traditional family dynamic with catching drama. Manupal’s art shines bringing in great action moments. This is led in with a full page introduction that kicks things off for readers of their new favorite family.

HORNSBY and HALO lures fans in with a deceptive tale. Tomasi’s set up brings a tale wrapped with divine intervention. Paired with Snejbjerg’s art, the story of Rose and Zach has much more than meets the eye going on.

The horror feel of HYDE STREET & its’ related books blend vintage themes with excellent artwork. The classic “amusements” by Johns and Magee along with Devour by Zchut have such a throwback feel that readers can’t help but become invested in these tales.

Reis builds up the presence of Mr. X-Ray by leading the unlucky soul through the town till the final moments. The closing panel fits perfectly in not only introducing the readers to this story and the terror forthcoming.


Have you ever wanted to be at the starting point of “the next big thing”? Led by a creative line-up second to none, Ghost Machine ushers in a fan accessible era with glimpses of characters with bigger futures ahead. There is no way after reading this issue that you are not fully invested in a movement defined by “Characters First”.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Ghost Machine #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, readers are returning to the world of Astonishing Times. The story of Noah Sans and superheroes continues to win readers over since it’s debut in 2021. For the return, the spotlight is thrown on one of Sans’ most respected heroes and thier own origin tale.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd dives into the complexity of this impact player. Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)


The story begins with a man readers know as Kokin runs from armed individuals. The narration leads readers to follow along with his idea of evading demons. Little did anyone know where they were running. It’s not an average street. It’s running downhill on a side of a building!

Chasing the man are demon masked assailants. As Kokin evades the action, he now faces a skull-masked warrior running right at him! As his next challenger moves forward, Kokin starts remembering his childhood.

Growing up on an army base, A young Kokin draws the ire of a sergeant on the base for disobeying the rules. After some slick banter to the officer, Kokin gets hit in the face. It is at this moment, Kokin’s father walks in and ends the confrontation. Kokin doesn’t walk away unscathed as his father tears into him about his attitude. He leaves the young boy with a statement that lights a fire inside: Clean up or just go already.

Readers see quickly that the choice is relatively easy. The young boy packs up and leaves the base. It is at this moment his life changes forever.

What sends the young boy on his new path? The drama builds as a chance encounter leads into the start of new-found purpose. It also builds the drama towards a final act shrouded in mystery. The final moments eluded to a start of new beginnings reads won’t want to miss.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)

Barbiere and Quinones sets the foundation for a multi-layered breakdown of what makes up Kokin. The initial start is an intense kickoff with an insane fight set-up.

Breaking away to focus on the younger years gives a sense of how much Kokin has changed since readers first saw him in the original volume. The searching for belonging is a major take-away. the rest of the book dives into his “new life’ and sets the stage for a deeper adventure waiting in the shadows.

Coleman and Cramer deliver on kinetic fight panels. The building side images are instant excitement. The near full page panel is prime example of this. They contrast the time at the military base. The emotional conflict between father and son pours off the pages.

Once Kokin embarks on his new path, the art balances the action with slowly adding to the drama unfolding. The closing panels pose a new challenge added to the mix of an already engaging tale. There’s lots for fans to invest in with this story.

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)

Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1 by Frank J. Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairí Coleman, Andrew Cramer, Taylor Esposito and Dylan Todd (Comixology Originals)


Diving into the clouded past of the Kokin, the creative team of Barbiere, Quinones, Coleman don’t delay in setting a strong pace to follow. Solid writing and explosive art will lock readers in for a journey they can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Astonishing Times: Rise of the Kokin #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the DC Universe is reeling from an attack no one was coming. When an alien threat is unleashed from its prison, the premier superhero squad in the “Dawn Of DC” era stepped up to the challenge. They are The Titans. One titan in particular pushed himself to unknown limits.

No good deed goes unpunished as a surprise attack thrusts Gar Logan aka Beast Boy into a spotlight unwelcomed. His powers manipulated. They have now caused a global attack onto the people of Earth. With last issue’s shocking move, the battle has taken a deadly toll on the hero community. How will the rest of DC’s finest recover?

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott explores the ramifications of a fallen hero. Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest chapter.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics)


Amanda Waller always has a plan. With the rise of the Titans in the Justice League’s place, Waller sets forth a movement which spells nothing good for the DCU heroes.

Using Doctor Hate to manipulate Beast Boy’s form as Starro, Waller has unleashed a public attack on Earth. People are turning into animal hybrids. Even with the efforts of the heroes to try stopping the mayhem, they are only having small success. As the public watches, Waller works in the shadows to push her own agenda.

Using a hesitant Chester Runk (aka Chunk), who can unleash a “black hole” opening to another dimension, Waller teleports him inside Logan’s unconscious gigantic husk. The use of his powers kills him and Logan.

As this chapter opens, the heroes trying to stop Logan pay their respects to their fallen ally. One hero isn’t in the mood to grieve. Raven, fellow Titan and Gar’s girlfriend notes that someone else was pulling some strings and she intends to give them some payback.

On Earth, a press conference is taking place in Washington. The president is acknowledging the actions of the Bureau of Sovereignty for taking out Logan. He also brings the mastermind behind the attack into the public eye. Waller addresses the public and sells the story of protection from the superheroes.

Readers see her paint the picture of Runk as a noble citizen risking it all for their safety. With the ploy of swaying public opinion to her cause, Waller drops another bombshell with her next plan of attack.

How desperate is Waller willing to go? Readers find out quickly that there is a reason Waller is one of the most feared forces in the entire DC Universe. How will the heroes react?

As the playing field is now set, it’s race against time for the Titans as Waller’s plans are in full motion. The closing act gives more clarity onto where things head now, but the final image sets forth an unseen dynamic. With the stakes being raised higher, all bets are off to the fate of the DCU after this event.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Bjorn Barends)

If readers weren’t sure why Amanda Waller is such an imposing force in DC Comics, Taylor devotes an ample amount of page time to drive that point home. The writing reflects how driven she is without a shred of emotion affecting her. Once readers realize what she’s planning on doing, it brings a sense of fear and shock to the levels to secure victory.

There is a conversation involving Nightwing and Waller that sets up an ultimate chess match of good and evil. The dialogue involved hits multiple points with one verbal jab that goes for a knockout. The rest of the issue focuses on reacting to Waller’s moves. This builds into an emotionally charged closing pages. The final panel sets up many questions as Taylor is pulling out more shocks to usher this event into its’ next phase.

The art duties are spilt for this tale. Reis brings the coldness of Waller’s address to the pages with a intimidating feel. the mannerisms in which she drives her points will send a clear message to the audience about the way she is willing to conduct business. This counters Raven’ reflections of losing her boyfriend due to Waller.

There are a few action sequences to break up the heavy dialogue. It adds more to the confrontation in the latter portion of the book. Once that moment kicks off, readers begin to see the start of a true test of wills. This all leads to a shocking parting image which leaves many questions. With the new dynamic involved, it is anyone’s guess where Waller’s plans take readers next.

TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, Júlio Ferreira, Brad Anderson, and Wes Abbott (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Javier Fernández)


The reveal of Amanda Waller’s plans drives home the sense of danger surrounding “Beast World”. With Taylor’s unapologetic approach to Waller’s vision leading the way, readers will get caught up in the creative team’s positioning of key players with their strong artwork. With the fate of the DCU now in the crossfire, readers can’t afford to miss this story.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Titans: Beast World #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the battle for New York City is at a breaking point. With everyone staking their claim, the criminal underworld power play has now spilled into he streets. With innocent lives at risk, Spider-Man leads a charge of NYC’s heroes to stop the bloodshed.

Business is never supposed to be personal but with the families of Tombstone and the Kingpin involved, the battle just went to a whole other level.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #42 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna deals with the fallout of Wilson Fisk’s entrance into the war. Let’s see who’s still standing after last issue’s cliffhanger.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #42 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel entertainment)


Once Wilson Fisk arrived on the scene, The momentum the unlikely alliance of Spider-Man, She-Hulk & Tombstone had slowly started fading. Fisk’s son, The Rose made a power play against The Beetle, Tombstone’s daughter. During their confrontation, Fisk made it known he had won this round. This alluding to Beetle being taken off the board.

As the confusion mounts, readers see that Fisk’s plan wasn’t to kill the Beetle. It was to remove The Rose from the fight. With his outlook on these kinds of wars, Fisk knows what levels are needed to win and he has no intention of his family to venture further with this current situation.

Kingpin and his forces leave the scene, but no without dropping a key piece of information to Tombstone. He tells him the war isn’t for New York City. Fisk claims it was an attack on the Maggia by Madame Masque. Who says there is no honor amongst thieves?

Claiming victory, the Beetle makes plans to advance further. However, there is another party interested in talking about her moves: Madame Masque. What spirals from this moment puts an action in place that will be a defining moment in the conflict. As the final images are witnessed, the tension can’t get any higher leading into next issue.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #42 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel entertainment - Cover: Terry Dodson)

Wells sets up a nice bait and switch with Fisk’s actions in this chapter. Knowing the ramifications of a conflict like this, Fisk isn’t willing to lose his son. The change of heart is one that may catch readers off-guard. It’s also one to watch as Fisk could be waiting in the wings to dismiss whoever is left standing in the end.

The conversation between Masque and Beetle gives a greater insight to both. Their histories have forged their present. Both show an unwillingness to back down. Being so close to victory, readers can sense how desperate both will go to win. The final act brings everything to a fever pitch with a dramatic set-up for the next round. With the war soon ending, expect major fireworks next time.

Romita, Hanna and Menyz balnace out the drama with small dashes of humor in key moments. The subtle talk with Kingpin and Typhoid Mary adds to the new outlook Kingpin has. The reaction of Spider-man is priceless and honest. This leads into Fisk’s parting words impacting Tombstone with great uncertainty. The body language in these panels speak volumes.

The conversation between Beetle and Masque reflects the emotional tolls of their past. The facial expressions leave no doubt in the reader’s eyes of the intensity of their drives to win the fight. This all leads into a stunning two page spread to drop a big exclamation point on events heading into the next chapter.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #42 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel entertainment - Cover: Marcos Martín)


The drive to emerge from a father’s shadow leads this chapter into a showdown for the ages. Wells takes readers into the battle with an emotionally driven tale. Romita and the creative team bring out the determination and unbreakable will for victory that will push the war into a dangerous direction.

Hit me up at ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Amazing Spider-Man #42. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the Energon Universe grows again! With its’ debut in 2023’s Void Rivals, Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics have re-ignited the fandoms of both Transformers and G.I. Joe. Each series following has been diving further into the key players of this shared landscape.

With the events of Transformers #2 spiraling into Duke #1, it was only a matter of time until COBRA and their charismatic leader showed their evil heads into the picture.

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten re-introduce the main antagonist of G.I. Joe with a fresh new take. Let’s take a closer look at the early stages of COBRA’s ascent.

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten (Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics)


Under the fall of snow, a man walks into a bar. As the line might sound familiar, this scenario is anything but. At “No Man’s Land” rest stop/bar, a stranger walks in demanding a vehicle. A patron steps up and doesn’t respect the request. After brushing the stranger off, the patron walks outside. He is followed and informed his vehicle will work just fine. An altercation is alluded to with frightening imagery.

The bartender walks out to catch up with the patron. The following moments are filled with terror and shock. All that’s left is the patron’s dead body and a snake shaped emblem in the snow, forged in blood.

The story shifts to an enigmatic city. The people seem to be prospering while reptilian creatures roam free. The peace is quickly dashed as there’s an uprising started.

With “Cobra LALALALALALA” yelled as a battle cry, a mob attacks a building housing scientists. Someone screams about surrendering. He is shot dead by a man with an all too familiar face plate mask. The masked man’s words are defiant as he insists the research be protected at all costs.

As the fight rages on, another scientist doesn’t realize the explosive in their hands. The building explodes and the masked man is severely burnt. This begins a descent into evil and treachery with secrets revealed. Readers better brace for impact because there is a MONSTEROUS one right before the final act sends the masked man onto another course of plans of world conquering. Consider yourself warned now. You don’t want to miss this!

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten (Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: David Aja)

With a haunting feel dominating these pages, Williamson wastes no time in bringing the legendary villain’s story to life. The opening act keeps readers guessing as Commmander is vague with his words but speaks loud with actions. The ruthlessness shown on a few panels becomes the pace setter for the rest of the chapter.

The backstory gives a different look at Commander’s beginnings. Being a scientist defending his research, Williamson write him almost sympathetically. The key word there is almost. As the explosion fallout reveals more, the use of smoke and mirrors with Commander’s story perfectly sets up readers for BIG reveals later. The chapter’s hold on the audience never lets up and leaves them with an interesting final moment before ending a solid opening salvo.

Milana and Leoni never shy away from the cunning and devious side of Commander. The opening moment where the patron is killed is never shown. The panels paint enough of a picture (along with Wooten’s lettering) to leave readers a lasting impression of how things are going to go moving forward.

The flashback moments never tips their hand until after the explosion. The fallout is filled with unapologetic panels showing the consequences of Commander’s actions. There’s a fair share of big panels (including a face-off with another known Cobra character) but a two page spread will steal the show. Readers will be buzzing about this incredible image as the story here will have BIG ramifications. The closing act teases a few events while never letting readers question Commander’s drive and evil. This is definitively not a story of redemption, but unrelenting drive. Excellent work with the storytelling in this chapter.

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten (Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: Steve Epting)


Evil without a face. Through the superb writing of Williamson readers see the early scheming and debauchery of an iconic villain. The stellar imagery of Milana, Leoni and Wooten add a touch of terror within the unhinged drive of a person with bad intentions. This is going to be a story you simply can’t escape.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Cobra Commander #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, “Kingdom Come” has become a reality for a pair of iconic superheroes. With this current story arc, BATMAN and SUPERMAN embarked on a simple rescue mission. What they got instead is a nightmarish scenario that longtime DC Comics fans know all too well. Considering the events of last issue, time is running out on any chance to save this world from a fate no one deserves.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands leads into a showdown long overdue. Let’s take a closer look and see how things are developing now.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics)


On Earth-22, there is one ruler: COG! He has taken on an apprentice: David Sikela aka Thunderman. Cog gives him a new name: MAGOG. The name means “Gateway”. Magog is imperative to his plans of leading the heroes of Earth into a war on APOKOLIPS! Cog sells the dream of divine ascension following him into battle. Little does anyone know, this is all a ruse for something more evil.

With Sikela’s powers used to fuel this trip, Cog is on the brink of success. Luckily, his plans are interrupted by an unlikely group.

Batman and Superman are joined by their Earth-22 counterparts, who have been swayed to see through Cog’s lies. With the Batmen focusing their attack on Sikela, The Supermen take aim at Cog! The battles become intense as one refuses to see the truth while another is blind from his own delusions.

Readers bare witness to battles fitting of the stakes. Even with a major turning point, can the heroes find a way to win? Judging by the final page, there is a whole other level of danger that just entered the game of good vs. evil.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Sebastian Fiumara)

Even with all the action, Waid keeps things geared around Sikela’s destined path. The initial moments with Cog selling his plan creates a sense of uncertainty with the young follower blindly absorbing the lies. Once the heroes arrive, the shift in the story is undeniable.

The Supermen showcase the unending hope synonymous with the Man of Steel. Even in the face of danger, the unending hope never stalls. Meanwhile, Batman trying to reason with Sikela are moments that will stick with the readers. The end results provide an aura of excitement leading into the shocking final page. There’s always a high level of writing with this series and much for fans to enjoy.

Few come near the artistic heights of action like Dan Mora. The heroes make a dramatic entrance with a full page panel. From here, the pace never slows down. The art mirrors the rage and emotions with trying to stop Cog at all costs. In between all the fighting, the close up’s of “Magog” prove how Batman’s words are just as sharp as his strikes.

The fallout results one epic two page spread starting the next round of conflict. Mora and Bonvillain bring an end to a fight with a superb full page. The lettering of Wands ends events with a huge exclamation point. That said, the closing page will have readers talking and singing the praises of the creative team. It is no wonder why this series gets the accolades it does every time a new chapter drops.

BATMAN SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #23 by MARK WAID, DAN MORA, Tamra Bonvillain and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Michael Walsh)


With time slipping away, a final attack is launched. the World’s Finest are the only thing standing between life and death on Earth-22. The question is: will it be enough? Waid provides the foundation with emotional writing. Paired with the dynamic visuals of Mora, Bonvillian and Wands, and all shall be revealed in another excellent chapter.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman Superman: World’s Finest #23. Thanks for reading!