Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re continuing to follow the latest installment of the spin-off series from BOOM! Studios’ hugely successful comic: Something is Killing The Children. HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #13 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) continues onward the story of Jace Boucher aka The Butcher. With more eyes swinging over to the SIKTC franchise due to the Netflix adaptation announcement, this series is heating up at the right time. Let’s take a deeper dive about the latest chapter, shall we?

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios


House of Slaughter is an anthology series, having self-contained stories involving characters set in the SIKTC Universe. In this recent arc, Jace Boucher’s life post monster hunting hasn’t gone exactly the way he envisioned. As seen in the first HoS arc, Jace’s doomed love with Aaron Slaughter still weighs heavy on him (even without knowing Aaron’s fate). Jace has assumed the role of protector for orphans and is laying low off the radar, hoping to escape his past. This proves to be a lost cause Sunny, one of the orphans, wants to follow in the hunter footsteps of Jace. When he’s told not to, Sunny becomes rebellious and leaves the camp set up for Jace and the orphans. When a monster comes across Sunny, he is rescues by a person with history with Jace: Jolie Boucher.

During the rescue, Jolie is trying to sell Sunny the dream of being a hunter. Jolie mentions that the monster they encountered has more baby creatures lying around and she takes Sunny under her wing and brings him along for a hunt with her house. Sunny becomes mesmerized by what he sees and is invited for dinner at her mansion home, “The Butcher Shop”. All the while, Jace is tying to track Sunny down while dealing with some unsettling visions and dreams. Once he sees Sunny leave with Jolie, Jace realizes the stakes have become even higher.

This issue kicks off with a flashback sequence as Jace prepares to return to New Orleans in search of Jolie and Sunny. The moment switches to when Sunny walks into the mansion (due to Jolie manipulating the young boy). Once inside, Sunny sees some of the house residents such as Rene and Vionette Boucher. SIKTC readers will recognize a certain hunter roaming the halls as well Maxine Slaughter! The last time readers had seen Maxine, she was making a big move in the pages of the “Book Of Slaughter” one-shot, which is a great reference point for new readers to the SIKTC world. With Sunny invested in meeting the people of the house, Jolie convinces him that she will take him back to Jace’s camp in the morning.

Meanwhile, Jace is making his way through New Orleans when he has a flashback to a childhood moment with Jolie. This has been an ongoing plot point since the story arc began. This recent memory is interrupted by a raven, which Jace recognizes and quickly runs toward. The bird leads him to a mysterious character named Maven, who warns Jace of what’s ahead. Will the warning be enough? Is Jace ready for what he is about to encounter? Readers will get some clarity with those questions but will have to brace for what is in store for Sunny living in a house full of hunters with a strong final act in this issue to conclude this issue on.

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Brombal keeps readers guessing as to what Jolie’s overall plan is for Sunny. Considering their history, it makes perfect sense to hurt Jace by stealing away one of his children and having them join the life he has been so desperate to escape. The influence of giving the young boy his dream is easy for Jolie to use to her advantage. Jace knows this and risks everything to try stopping it. Seeing Maven and their conversation adds more drama to the upcoming moves. It’s low-key but readers can sense the doubt in Jace’s voice heading into the inevitable confrontation. Pacing worked well in giving enough time to set up the stage for the final act. The flashback/dream sequences were used less than the previous issues but this method helped keeping things moving without taking away from Jolie and Sunny’s spotlight. The final moments will be interesting to see the fallout next issue, but left a satisfying conclusion for this chapter.

Fuso focused on displaying “The Butcher Shop” as a warm and friendly place while hiding most of its secrets. This plays well int Jolie’s schemes as her subtle smirks conceal what she has in store for Sunny. Seeing the interactions with the other residents especially with the cameo from Maxine helps break up some tension before shifting back to Jolie and Jace. Jace’s flashbacks and ultimate interruption set things up nicely for his portion of the issue. Excellent full page panel to cap off the Maven sequence. The final act moved fast with Sunny but illustrated the situation he’s in and what lies ahead. It concluded the scheming of Jolie, giving fans much to be excited to see where the story goes next issue.

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini
Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: House Of Slaughter #13 sets Jolie’s plans into full motion while keeping the Butcher on the defense with time slipping away. Brombal, Fuso and the team progress the slow burn drama with solid art and writing to please fans waiting to see how this story moves onward.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #13. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new debut on the Comixology Originals line that flips the traditional ghost story blueprint into a whole different direction. What happens when someone can not only see ghosts BUT fight them back? Grammaton Punch #1 by Miles Gunter (NYC Mech, Terminator, BPRD), Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire introduces readers to Van Nguyen and his unique ability. Get settled in as we’re about to take a closer look at where one boy’s fight against the paranormal goes in this introductory issue. Let’s begin, shall we?

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals


The issue opens up with Van Nguyen narrating his backstory. Readers witness a solar eclipse which Van states being born during isn’t all that great. As Van is in his mother (a power lifter) ’s stroller, a one-eyed ghost appears and makes a connection with him. Van tells the audience that being an “eclipse baby”, he can now see ghosts and vice versa. Van became a power source for the ghost as it ate off his life energy for five years.

During that time, Van was in and out of the hospital, left very weakened from the feedings. Doctors ran many tests but the only result that they could find was an anomaly with Van’s eyes. The ghost’s attacks also turned Van’s hair white. Being only Five years old, Van looked as he was going to be facing this problem for the rest of his life. Everything changed when Van unlocked a key factor involving the ghost: If it could physically touch him, Van could physically fight it back!

At this moment, Readers see him defend himself for the first time. Van hits the ghost with a right hand that Mike Tyson would be proud of. With the ghost seemingly gone, Van finally began had a chance at a healthy life and with prescription sunglasses hiding his gifts. It seemed short lived as “Eye Face” returned, but Van was ready and disposed of his foe again…and again…and again. Each time, “Eye face” took longer to return but Van was waiting and stronger than the last encounter.

Things seemed to becoming normal as Van accompanies his mother to a power-lift competition, until something happens that changes everything. What went down at the lift? Is Van ready to face what lies ahead? Readers bare witness to a growing child’s dilemma of trying to live a “normal” life with unique gifts. Things move pretty fast with some more obstacles piling up before the final image throws a big question mark on the debut issue heading into the next chapter.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

BREAKDOWN: Gunter sets up the foundation for a very imaginative story. Van’s saga catches readers off the start with presenting the toll “eye Face” is taking on him and his mother. The pacing builds to such a point that readers can feel the moment when he first punches “Eye Face” out of town. It’s an enjoyable section that takes the story into a new direction. Van is a whimsical lead that grows up fast with the challenges thrown his way. The latter half of the issue demonstrates how Van’s journey isn’t so cut and dry. Van’s impulsiveness makes complete sense considering his age at this placement in story. Heading into the concluding moments, Gunter does a great surprise setting the stage for the next installment.

Andan brings a high energy to the panels artwork. There is a My Hero Academia-esque feel to when Van starts fighting back. Those panels convey the changing of story tempo. No page illustrates that more than when Van realizes he can hit “Eye Face” back. Speaking of “Eye Face”, Andan envisions the ghost as a true imposing figure, especially one that is tormenting a five-year old. It’s counter balanced when Van grows confidence in battling back. The issue never feels like there is a lull in-between panels. Van’s world is one to easily hit with readers a the series moves onward.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: “With Great Power, One must have a Great Punch!” Gunter, Andan and the team establish a young hero with solid storytelling and electric imagery. Grammaton Punch #1 will be a hit with readers looking for something that stands on its own with many themes mixed in the overall narrative. Make sure to keep an eye out for this series on Comixology this week.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know what you thought of Grammaton Punch #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, an Eisner nominated creative team reunite for Image Comics with a brand new series that will have fans talking on New Comic Book Day! PHANTOM ROAD #1 by Jeff Lemire and Gabriel H. Walta, the team behind Sentient, link up with Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands hits the open road with a driver who’s life spins out of control after helping someone on the side of a highway. Let’s take a closer look at this debut issue, shall we?


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics


The story begins with a driver named Dom screaming at someone in his tractor-trailer to let him in, fearing for his life! With the door locked, Dom looks right at the reader with sheer terror in his eyes.

From here, the story shifts gears to an earlier time where Dom is driving down the highway at night. Things seem to be a routine drive. Dome pulls in to a rest stop diner for a quick meal and coffee. Dom sparks a conversation with the waitress about how he’s almost at his destination of North Dakota and they both close with “We’ll get there.”

Hitting the road again, Dom starts flashing back to his childhood and a rough moment between his parents fighting. His mother is angry at what his dad (a truck driver as well…like Father, like Son) has been doing while driving and neglecting his son. The dad counters with questions about the mother before leaving for a new job, promising Dom a new toy when he comes home.

When Dom focuses back on the road, he swerves out of the way of a car accident. With a body lying in the road, he finds Birdie sitting against the car with an object that caused Birdie to swerve in the road. With Birdie talking frantically, Dom goes to see the object. When he touches it, a green flash happens and they’re now in daylight with a mysterious figure in the distance.

Who is this figure? What was the object and what effect does it have Dom and Birdie? Are the pair even where they think they are? Things escalate quickly as the pair is thrown into a situation neither is ready for. The final panel will have readers waiting to see what happens next for the pair as their story has just begun.


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Lemire lays the foundation of a very engaging story. From the offset, Dom’s life is very routine in the sense of his job. The flashback moment with his parents is significant as it gives readers a glimpse of how Dom became set on this profession much like his father. Whether there is a connection to recent events or not remains to be seen as the story just shifted locations. The dynamic with Birdie was a strong point of the issue as well. Both are now connected and need each other to survive. The mystery of the artifact set the tempo for the final act with a great horror element before closing this chapter out.

Walta and Bellaire do a superb job bringing the (literal) day and night difference in Dom’s life to readers throughout these pages. The beginning of the issue is very relatable to readers and hits the emotional points when dealing with the family flashback. The panels where Dom sees himself and his dad at separate times while driving also jumps out. Great use of colors (Red lighting for the accident, Green for the crossover) to seq-way the story’s changes. Strong build throughout the final portion to capture the horror energy before closing with the near full page final panel.


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics


Creative: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Credit: Image Comics

FINAL POINT: Phantom Road #1 wastes no time delivering a mesmerizing tale combining the worlds of fantasy horror and realistic drama to give readers an excellent must-read addition to their comic collection. Lemire, Walta, and the team have something special in the making here, so jump on-board now and see what everyone’s gonna be talking about at the local comic shops!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we are near the end of the first arc of one of BOOM! Studios’ most imaginative series. DAMN THEM ALL #5 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell takes readers to the penultimate closing of its’ initial debut with an issue that will have fans talking.

Editor warning: this book has some panels that might be too mature for younger readers. That said, let’s jump into the latest chapter and see where Ellie and company take readers now, shall we?


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Ellie Hawthorne has now been challenged to step in and stop the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia in replacement for her Uncle Alfie, who died mysteriously. Her purpose is very easy: send all of the 72 devils back to Hell. With help from Dora, an officer with a complicated past with her uncle Alfie, and some more “allies”, Ellie sets out to complete the mission or die trying. Last we saw Ellie and co, they were dealing with Theo Bolster and the 500 Club. After an impromptu exorcism, Theo seems defeated but is far from it. Ellie is back on her mission and wastes no time hitting the ground running.

This issue opens up with Ellie, Dora and Frankie Wax (Ellie’s “boss”) raid the home of Ninebob Barry and his devil Vine. The scenes are intense and waste no time in setting a frightening tone. Ellie makes her way into Barry’s room and finds him waiting with an old friend sent by Theo: Glasya-Labolas, a demon who’s already impacted Ellie and her circle of associates. The resolution to this conflict is one that readers won’t see coming! Its’ repercussions send Ellie on a wild path that ultimately ends up with an ending that will stun faithful fans of this series!


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BREAKDOWN: Heading into the arc finale, Spurrier wastes no panels in bringing some closure to Ellie while opening up a whole new chapter. The story with Ninebob Barry is one that plays into Ellie’s strengths. Never at any point is Ellie defined as a “hero” or plays everything in heroic fashion. This portion of the issue Spurrier brings out the full grey complexity of the character to a solid resolution. Things move fairly quickly here but once that final moment hits, it is a perfect mic drop moment that readers are not ready for.

Adlard doesn’t shy away from the intense imagery with this chapter. The fighting is brutal and bloody. The conclusion of the Ninebob Barry tale holds nothing back. Dealing with the supernatural, the demons look menacing and work to play off of Ellie’s brashness. Even with Ellie’s interactions with Frankie Wax and Carlin, her more “normal” moments and reactions connect as someone who isn’t good or evil, they just are who they are. That said, no other image will get as much buzz as the final one for this issue. Brace for it.


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Damn Them All makes a run towards its’ initial conclusion tying up some hanging threads before giving readers a jaw-dropping moment to ponder till next issue. Spurrier, Adlard and the team bring that winning energy in their writing and art that has made this series such a fantastic read since it’s beginning. Don’t miss this on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #5. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have finally arrived at the conclusion of one of BOOM! Studios best series. SPECS by David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell has been a roller-coaster ride of emotions since its debut issue. The throwback horror tale has been must-read material building towards a big finale. Specs #4 is hitting comic shops this week (Feb.22nd). How does it fare? Let’s take a closer look and find out, shall we?


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Kenny and Ted are two teens growing up in the small town of Summerton in the 1980’s. The awkward friends are trying to survive the high-school social landscape but neither are expecting their lives to be transformed by a mysterious pair of glasses. That’s exactly what happens after they discover some old comics and an ad for “magic specs”. The following day, a pair of specs shows up at Kenny’s doorstep mysteriously. The friends start making “wishes” that come true but fate deals them a bad hand as a wish to stop Bernard Slyman aka Skunk from fighting them causes his disappearance.

It was at this moment their luck ran out. Ted was framed for Skunk’s disappearance/murder and Kenny’s quest to find out the secret behind the glasses was more than he bargained for. The glasses are a part of a vicious cycle that preys on desperate people, leaving nothing good in its’ wake. Now in a race against time and the law, the boys look to destroy the glasses and hopefully fix things.

The finale kicks off with Kenny and Ted hiding in the woods after escaping the police station. They’re trying everything that they can to break the glasses. With no luck in breaking the specs, Detective Kingsley from the Summerton Police arrives to where the boys are. In a heart-wrenching move, Ted tells Kenny to take everything and run, then turns himself over to Kingsley.

The next day, Ted’s preliminary hearing was set. It’s resolution is a surprise but one without a happy ending as readers witness the fallout. However, one lingering plot point that gets resolved before closing the story out on a very pleasing epilogue.


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Breakdown: Booher closes the series out with a very pleasing ending. The series has focused on the bond between Kenny and Ted and remained the driving force during the finale. Seeing what Ted was willing to do for his best friend in sacrificing himself to answer for the charges is a huge moment. Seeing Kenny’s guilt pour out on the page only made the ending that much more impactful. The specs were a secondary character that didn’t get nor need a ton of panel time to make its mark, especially here. Booher throws the question of “Is a wish really worth it if is’ not real” right at the audience and gives them a perfect answer in the final act. This story has been an excellent read and fingers crossed it gets made into a streaming series/movie.

Shehan brings to life the moving reactions to all the events unfolding. Kenny’s reactions to everything Ted does for him leading to the eventual arrest showcased how their friendship was so important to both. This is magnified tenfold during the final act (which is fantastic storytelling right down to the full page panel moonlight walk-off image that needs to be seen & read without spoilers). The closing moments were a strong finish with an even more peculiar ending shot.


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Specs by Booher, Shehan, Stevens and Campbell has been a captivating saga along two best friends whose friendship and bond are challenged with the ability to change their lives, but not without consequences. The series has been the definition of incredible storytelling and art since the start. The finale has no disappointment (other than the series is over). Highest Possible Recommendation this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Specs #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, There is no escape from the danger engulfing Erica Slaughter in the hit series from BOOM! STUDIOS. Something is Killing the Children by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design is one on of the most consistent quality reads on New Comic Book Day. The latest story has pushed Erica into dangerous territory with a true rival hellbent on taking her down. What started as a simple case has spiraled out of control. After last issue, the anticipation has been HUGE for this chapter.

Before we dive into this issue, some of the imagery for this blog may not be suitable for younger readers. Viewer discretion is advised. If all good after that, shall we get started?

Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design



An evil creature known as “the Duplicate” is on the loose in Tribulation, New Mexico. Gabi is a teenager who watched her family be slaughtered by this monster. Riqui, a local bartender who is her “guardian” now is trying to keep her safe. Erica Slaughter has come to town after staying off the grid to help. However, the Order of St. George isn’t ready to let Erica be a loose end running away from them. They have acquired the services of Cutter to take her out. In a blink of an eye, Cutter has repeatedly attacked Erica on various levels, to the point of killing her longtime ally, Big Gary Slaughter. Cutter has also just arrived to Tribulation and immediately framed Erica for the murder of Tribulation police officers while assisting the Duplicate into turning into a clone of Erica! Now a wounded target inside the police station, Erica’s world is about to become more dangerous.

This issue opens up with am officer making a coffee run before walking into a horrific scene of dead fellow officers. Erica emerges and disarms the officer, telling him Cutter is behind this and she is leaving. Erica frees Gabi and Riqui from their barricaded room. Before they leave, Erica takes an object left behind by Cutter that might hold some information about stopping her. From here, the story switches gears to the Order of St. George where there is a funeral and burial service for Big Gary. Many notable characters from the SIKTC lore stand and pay respect. One troubled by the actions of Cutter’s killing of Gary is Cecilia, who talks with the Dragon, the head of the order, about Cutter’s services. What transpires with their talk gives a unique insight to the dragon’s methods. What exactly is his endgame involving Cutter and Erica? What depths is he willing to go in the name of the Order? Readers don’t wait too long to see the fallout of this chat might be bigger than most realize to close this issue out.

Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


BREAKDOWN: One of the biggest elements of SIKTC is Tynion’s ability to play the long game (aka Slow Burn) better than anyone. Erica’s time in the book is very brief but does enough to move her story along. Readers also see Erica trying to regain her calm after being on the defensive side of Cutter’s attack. It was a noteworthy nod to feature Gary since he was killed four issues previously to show how its’ impacting the characters of the Order. The conversation between the Dragon and Cecilia illustrates how dangerous Cutter is without showing her at all during this issue. To see the reaction of someone as high up in the Order as Cecilia questioning if bringing Cutter in was a right choice is very telling. The fallout of this talk seems like this could be the match to light a bigger fire for the story moving forward after this arc.

Dell’edera holds nothing back from readers in showing Cutter’s trail of bodies from the police station. The imagery speaks volumes and seeing “Officer Bill” walk in to the carnage was frightening. Like previously stated, the issue gave a majority spotlight to the talk between the Dragon and Cecilia and Dell’edera explained this talk by using the character’s eyes and demeanor to tip readers off on the feelings of doubt and anger involving Cutter. Even without his signature mask on, The Dragon conveyed a great deal through his body language. This reflected his reference of emotion in the talk. The final scene will rise some questions in how the talk fallout will play a role but it made a solid statement to close on.

Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


Something is Killing the Children #29

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design


FINAL POINT: Tynion, Dell’edera and the team take a pause from the latest challenge of Erica Slaughter to pay respect to a fallen member of the Order of St. George. The slow burn method of solid writing and art wins again for an issue you won’t want to miss on New Comic Book Day this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of SIKTC #29. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest entry from the fantastic series of comics on Comixology Originals line via Best Jackett Press! CANARY by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis has been one of the lead books in phase two (along with Barnstormers & Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine) with bringing the horror-western adventure of Marshall Holt’s last ride to readers with much acclaim and excitement. Canary #5 sets up events for the finale next issue but there is much to break down within the latest installment. Let’s take a closer look to see where we are heading for the frightening conclusion, shall we?


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


A disturbing murder in Utah in 1891 has brought legendary lawman Marshall Holt into its’ investigation before he retires. When the case starts revealing itself, all roads lead Holt back to the town of one of his most chilling investigations: Canary. On that assignment, Holt was introduced to Hyrum Tell, a psychopath who’s heinous activities have scared the bravest of lawmen. The flashback sequences for Tell’s actions speaks LOUD volumes for what kind of evil is inside him.

Upon his return to Canary, Holt crosses paths with Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren. The trio set out investigate a cave that has a sinister history that may hold the key to solving the case. With the use of Edward’s Sonotron, the trio investigate the cave’s water levels. When the results are voices saying “WE’RE STILL DOWN HERE!!!”, Holt and company are not prepared for what’s next.

The trio continue to look for clues at an abandoned house for “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. The “Canary Evolution” theory becomes a theme as they search the house with discovering a picture of Hyrum Tell connecting to the group. Before they can process what they’ve found, someone has trapped them inside the house and lit it on fire! Meanwhile, Mayor Gem pulls out one of the though dead miners from the cave using Edward’s Sonotron’s. What appeared to be a miracle turns into a nightmare quickly as the minor transforms into a horrific creature!

This issue opens up with a flashback to Holt returning home from the initial Tell encounter and gives some insight on this character but it’s quickly interrupted with the escape from the burning house! Once everyone leaves the house, the smoke from Canary fills the skies and the danger is in the streets. Tommy, the transformed miner is wreaking havoc slashing his sister Nellie and fighting off the town’s people. Holt makes the save but readers witness first hand it might not be enough as he’s attacked by Tommy. When that moment is resolved, Holt wakes to see he’s now in a race against time to stop this evil with more unforeseen factors in play. Can Holt stop what is coming before it’s too late? How does the flashback scenes tie into this? Readers see the beginning of the end as Holt makes his moves setting the pieces in place to bring this story to a heart-stopping finish.


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

BREAKDOWN: Snyder does a masterful job at bringing this mystery to a boiling point. Once Holt returns from the burning house, his will is challenged by a threat he is nowhere near ready for. The reaction Holt has when Tommy “speaks” to him is terrifying and shows how rattled Holt is knowing what is coming next. Being put on the pedestal of a hero from the first encounter has now been taken away as he is struggling to stop what’s unfolding. Seeing the interaction with the new players is a perfectly placed moment to drive home that Holt is in over his head with very little signs of hope to win. Even when Holt tries giving a rallying speech, it feels flat due to his character being broken down by what has happened. Readers can’ help but see how Holt refuses to quit and get fully invested into his final attempt to thwart this situation. The flashback sequences are mixed in well to give an added layer of fear and uncertainty to connect it with this issue’s conclusion. This is excellent storytelling and dialogue at its best.

The way Holt reacts with his eyes to what is happening is crafted so well by Panosian. Tommy in his new form showcased what danger Holt and the town are facing and held nothing back presenting the terror. Since he wears his bandana during the encounter with Tommy, the only way to “see” his reaction is through his eyes and how he’s shattered by what’s unraveling around him. Even the panel showcasing him talking with Mabel about how they’re going to win doesn’t feel true as his facial expression shows nothing but defeat. Panosian’s attention to this area is incredible. The flashbacks are excellent telling readers on how traumatizing the initial run-in with Tell. It elevated the final moment even more as both parts will be reflecting each other in the closing chapter.


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Final Point: Snyder and Panosian bring sheer terror to Marshall Holt and readers with this penultimate issue. The chilling dialogue is paired with equally disturbing imagery to create the sense of doubt in the fabled lawman of this era. The whole series has been a must-read and this issue is no exception. Make sure to check this out on Comixology when it drops (and grab a physical copy when it hits the LCS after its conclusion). This is a book you can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Canary #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re returning to the spin-off series of one of comics’ best books: Something Is Killing The Children by BOOM! Studios! HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) has just kicked off its’ third arc with a popular character talking the lead: Jace Boucher aka The Butcher. Let’s take a deeper look at how this story is unfolding, shall we?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) - Cover: Mateus Manhanini

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


If you’re new to this series, House of Slaughter is an anthology style series showcasing members of the SIKTC universe. The first arc featured Aaron Slaughter and Jace Boucher, showing their tragic love story & Jace’s fallout with the Order of St. George. That story is currently out in Trade Paperback and is well worth the purchase. This arc spotlights Jace’s return as he has left the hunting life and has become a protector of young orphans, waiting for Aaron to return. Sadly, he does know Aaron’s fate when he returned to the Order and how that day will never come.

Last issue saw Jace trying to protect a young boy named Sunny from getting into trouble trying to emulate the hunter lifestyle. Sunny’s curiosity almost gets him killed as he strays away and encounters a monster head on. Luckily, he’s saved by an old friend of Jace’s who readers saw in a flashback scene: Jolie and her group of hunters.

This issue jumps in with Sunny waking up in a car, recovering from the monster encounter. In the passenger seat is Jolie Boucher, as she introduces herself. Sunny panics and wants to go home, but Jolie calms him down to address his bleeding wounds. As Sunny asks more questions, Jolie informs him that there are more monsters spawned from the one they killed and they’re going after them and Sunny can tag along and watch.

Meanwhile, Jace is leading the young orphans on a search for Sunny. Along the way, Jace is having more flashbacks as the forest area they are walking through is very familiar to both Jace and Jolie. What visions does Jace see now? What happens when Jolie and her family make their way through the woods? Readers get more answers to the mysterious hunter and see first had that there’s more to her than it seems. The mystery deeps with a final page that will have fans talking with anticipation for the next issue.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Brombal puts the spotlight on Jolie this issue and allows readers to gain some insight to her plans. Jolie comes off as friendly to Sunny as she has a relatable story growing up. This feels as a bait and switch is coming with events later in the book, but that moment will be bigger due to the great build. Seeing Sunny mesmerized by the hunter lifestyle with Jolie is a noteworthy point as well. Sunny’s role in this story feels as it will become more pivotal with the latter events of this book. This chapter was solid storybuilding with Jace’s moments being smaller but impactful never the less.

Fuso does a very cool visual with panel breaks later in the issue. Fuso uses tree branches to break up the images instead of the traditional boxes. The monster moments later in this issue also jump out as readers seem Sunny’s reaction to the moment he’s in and it carries an eerie feel. Jace’s nightmare flashback sequence will jump out to readers as well. Nothing is held back and plays up the horror element of the series. Great final panel to close this book out on.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #12 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: House of Slaughter #12 gives readers an insight on the latest challenge to the “Butcher” while slow-burning the danger coming. Brombal, Fuso and the team continue to build on the foundation of their story with solid art and writing. The story has just begun and there’s no time to wait to jump on-board to see where it goes. Make sure to check this out on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on House Of Slaughter #12. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we’re returning to the pages of the dead (so to speak) and seeing what kind of trouble comics’ favorite reaper has gotten into now via one of the big breakout hits of 2022! The series has been required reading since its’ debut and shows no signs of falling off. Grim #8 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano for Boom! Studios takes readers on a wild ride with our lead character trying to figure out what has caused the latest danger she needs to face. Let’s take a deeper dive on the latest escapade, shall we?

Editor note: Some of the images here might be tough for younger readers so discretion is advised. Still all good? Ok, let’s check this book out!

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios


After being banished from the afterlife by her aunt Adira, Jessica Harrow’s life as a reaper has become more complicated. From the initial moment where she crossed over into the land of the living chasing a runaway soul to learning her father is the being known as Death, Jessica’s (after)life has become complicated with reveal after reveal. After Death and The End, a being who makes sure life and death are balanced, destroy each other, there’s a big power vacuum in the afterlife.

Now stationed in Las Vegas, Jessica (along with fellow banished reapers/friends Eddie and Marcel), something strange is happening with people having a red marking appear on their foreheads and no one can die now, no matter how badly they are sick or hurt. Outside forces are plotting to make moves but it appears all signs point to Jessica being responsible. Oh yeah, Did we forget Lilah, her human mother in prison now knows?

This issue kicks off seeing Jessica’s mother in the middle of a prison riot. The inmates and guards have the mysterious red markings on them, but Lilah is fighting her way thru all while narrating a letter sent from Death before his demise. With a clue pointing to New Mexico, Lilah escapes and leaves a burning jail in her wake. Meanwhile in the afterlife, Adira is trying to calm the masses of reapers who see no dead souls. Adira gives them a name “responsible”: Jessica Harrow!

As for Jessica, she’s been confronted by the sisters of Fate, who explain the situation at hand to her. Jessica is not exactly on board with their information, but it appears there might be one way out of this and it means nothing good! What is the new situation presented to her? Is she willing to accept what has been proposed to her? Does she have a choice? Readers find out quick as the closing panel shows that more parties are interested in Jessica and her friends than they thought!

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Phillips is starting to put some of the mystery pieces together while keeping readers guessing at what’s happening here. Taking a small break from the red markings epidemic other than the riot worked well. Seeing how Jessica’ mother is now involved adds a new dynamic to the current story. Phillips instantly makes her debut feel huge with having her fight thru a prison riot unscathed. The cutthroat actions of Adira are always a great counter to Jessica’s character. Seeing how she handles being made Afterlife enemy #1 will be fun to watch. The situation with the sisters of Fate is an intriguing one as it was one readers won’t see coming. Solid final page to close out on. Readers will be curious to see where that leads moving forward.

How cool is Flaviano’s art? Seriously. From the architecture of Adira’s throne room to the astral plane of the Sisters of Fate, Flaviano and Renzi gives this book such a different and energetic feel. There truly isn’t anything like it on the market in my opinion. The panel set up with the “dream” borders was a great touch. The only thing missing was the usual music lyrics factored in by Napolitano, but this issue had much to enjoy regardless of that.

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

Grim #8 - On Sale February 15th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Justine Florentino)

Credit: Boom! Studios

FINAL POINT: Grim #8 delivers a very solid issue to move its’ second arc forward. Phillips, Flaviano and the team bring their winning mash-up of incredible writing and art to give readers an issue they can’t miss this week at the LCS. Make sure you have this in your pull list for NCBD.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Grim #8. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a debut issue of a limited series from BOOM! Studios that horror fans will want to have on their radars. HARROWER #1 by Justin Jordan (Spread), Brahm Revel (Guerillas), and Pat Brosseau welcomes readers to Barlowe, New York and it’s mysterious figure. BOOM! has been on quite a roll with its’ horror books with such hits as Basilisk and Specs (to name a few). Let’s jump into this issue and see how things fare for the residents of Barlowe, shall we?

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios


The story kicks off in the small town of Barlowe, New York. The sheriff of the small town returns home to find a marking on the inside of his walls. Knowing there is danger nearby, he draws his gun waiting but is attacked from behind. His gun is lost in the struggle. When he goes to reach for his gun, a foot stands over it. At this moment, readers witness an intimidating figure standing over the sheriff. With a defiant look and last words, the sheriff is killed by the frightening figure.

The story then shifts to high school where a teacher is explaining the mark on the sheriff’s wall. It is referred to as the “sinner’s mark”. The teacher explains to the class that the mark sends a call out to the Harrower, an avenger that “keeps Barlowe pure”. One student in this class listening is Jessa Brink. Class is dismissed with an eerie warning. Jessa meets up with some friends, her boyfriend and Carter Creed, a trouble soul who gets into an altercation with Jessa’s boyfriend. It’s revealed when Creed storms off that his sister was killed in the same accident as Jenna’s brother.

Readers are taken thru a meeting with Jessa’s parents as they head out into a town gala. Jessa questions their decision but ultimately they have made up their mind. When they leave Jessa takes off for a party with her friends, no one is ready for what unfolds next. What starts out with fun intentions takes a side track that immediately will impact the small town. What happened on the way to the party? Who is the sheriff related to and where does that story now lead? Readers will get those answers plus a final moment that will have some conversation started until next issue.

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Jordan sets up the pieces for an entertaining horror tale. The story had a very retro feel to me (which isn’t a bad thing) as it captures some classic horror themes. The Harrower is only shown a few times within the issue giving plenty of page time to the residents of Barlowe. There are many introductions to the town’s residents but the standout moments are with Jessa and her parents. There is an event that affected their family and Carter’s which gives a vibe that there is much more to dig into with that sub-plot. The final moments speed a few things up and gives a twist ending that will be interesting to see if it holds up moving forward.

Revel illustrates the brutality of the Harrower right from the opening moments. The altercation with the sheriff is brief but effective in showing the danger surrounding the title character. The emotional points with Jessa and her family started to connect why that moment looks to be more impactful than anyone realizes now. Th set-up from the drive to the party to the conclusion was perfect for giving a vintage horror sense to the drama unfolding. The final panel was a bit of a surprise as I feel it could in two very different ways when the next issue opens, but did enough to cap off the suspense from the debut.

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HARROWER #1 - On Sale February 8th, 2023

Creative: Justin Jordan, Brahm Revel, and Pat Brosseau

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Harrower #1 gives readers a vintage horror feel with a mystery just starting to unfold. Jordan, Revel, and Brosseau craft the suspense of the small town’s supernatural figure with solid storytelling and art. If you’re looking for a new horror story at the LCS, Harrower #1 is one to check out.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Harrower #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a special edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have a special interview with a creator whose latest project is currently in the midst of another monster campaign on Kickstarter! Based out of the Philippines, BRIAN BALONDO has been the visual architect to the Top Hat Studios team since its’ debut issue of Pocus Hocus in 2021. Since that point, Brian and the rest of the team has gained more fan buzz and followers thru their DIY approach to comics. With a huge hit on their hands with Pocus, Balondo teamed up again with Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz for 2022’s GRANDMA CHAINSAW. With his busy schedule, Brian managed to sneak in some time with the ODPH to talk about his life in comics. Here we go!



ODPH Ken: Hey Brian, thanks for taking the time out to chat and congrats on the new campaign

BRIAN : Thank you and yeah, the team and I are very excited about the latest Pocus Hocus Chapter.

ODPH Ken: Definitely an exciting time, but let’s go back to the beginning and just how did you get started into comics

BRIAN : The very first comics project I did was from an independent group here in the Philippines. It was only released in a Comic Con here. After that, I get to do another independent book titled Starburn and it all started from there.

ODPH Ken: What artists would you say have influenced you the most and why?

BRIAN : Hmm… probably Olivier Coipel and Dike Ruan are my biggest influences in art style. They’re incredible. However, Junji Ito is my main influence when it comes to everything horror.

ODPH Ken: And after that start, how did you connect with the Top Hat Studios team?

BRIAN : Allen Dunford was the one who contacted me and asked if I was willing to work on Pocus. I wasn’t able to accept at first as I was currently working on a project but I was really glad that they have waited for me. It has been a blast since I've started working on every Top Hat project.



ODPH Ken: What are the biggest challenges of communication with the team since you live world's away?

BRIAN : Actually, there's no challenge at all. I can easily talk to them through messenger and email. Sending files is a no hassle either. You would think there would be some kind of issue, but we’ve made it work (looking for something to knock on).

ODPH Ken: Over the past few years, Kickstarter is become such a huge movement in the land of comics. What is your feelings towards the entire process and now with another book heading that way?

BRIAN : I’m always excited and scared on every Kickstarter project we have. That feeling of being not knowing on the outcome of every project, but it’s good motivation to make the best book possible.

ODPH Ken: Pocus Hocus is such a unique book. What was your first reaction to reading its’ pitch to join?

BRIAN : Actually, I was amazed and curious at the same time. I was excited to know what could happen next as the scenes plays in my mind.



ODPH Ken: Pocus Hocus was a huge success, what was the feeling of going into Grandma Chainsaw?

BRIAN : I think excitement first comes to mind. I've always wanted to do a project like Grandma Chainsaw. Just everything horror with mystery always keeps me intrigued.

ODPH Ken: Now doing two back-to-back horror books, what do you think the biggest difference between the books?

BRIAN : Hmmm… the biggest difference maybe is the theme. In Grandma Chainsaw, we see a lot of horror and gore while in Pocus Hocus we have a really fun adventure with a touch of horror. So, yeah… I’d say the themes really separate the two, but I enjoy doing both of them.

ODPH Ken: With all the buzz around these characters, is there any other characters you’d really want to work on if given the opportunity?

BRIAN : This is a no-brainer for me. My dream projects are Batman and Hellboy.

ODPH Ken: Before we let you go, can you say any future plans for you and the team?

BRIAN : Well, we are currently working on new issues of Pocus Hocus and Grandma Chainsaw. After that, We also have some plans for future projects but I really can’t speak about those today. All in good time though.

ODPH Ken: Brian, thanks for chatting with us and all the best with the future projects.

Brian : Thanks Ken! This has been a blast!


Pocus Hocus Kickstarter is now live until February 16th, 2023. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new series from Image Comics that has an interesting twist to the whole True Crime/Murder Mystery genre. Blood Tree #1 by Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin), Maxim Simic (Escape From New York), John Kalisz and Rob Leigh welcomes readers to ride along with two police detectives on one of the most bizarre and intense cases of their careers. Let’s not wait any longer and see what’s unfolding in the pages of its’ debut chapter, shall we?

Blood Tree #1 - On Sale February 1st, 2023

Creative: Peter J. Tomasi, Maxim Simic, John Kalisz and Rob Leigh (Cover: Christian Alamy and Brad Anderson)

Credit: Image Comics


Our story starts out in Warwick, New York (about 60 miles outside of NYC). NYPD detective Dario Azzaro wakes up to find his young son trying to dispose of his “dead” goldfish, which apparently he’s previously had some bad luck in that department. After sending “Nemo” on his way, Azzaro heads into the city for work. The story jumps to New York City for the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. What should be a joyous occasion quickly shifts to shock and fear.

Azzaro meets up with his partner, Maria Diaz, to work the parade. A normal conversation is interrupted when a figure overshadows the crowd before crashing to the pavement. The figure is a naked “angel.” Azzaro shoves some politicians out of the fall’s path . With a public crime scene marked off, the detectives get to work. Heading to the rooftops, they find where the “angel” started his decent. A clue is left behind in a gargoyle looming over an edge. It’s a note that simply says “Blood begets Blood.”

After the coroner informs them of the lengths to cover up his identity, the detectives get a lead off a photo ID to talk with his parents. the conversation leads nowhere, but readers are shown a glimpse of who is behind this with another victim used as part of the twisted plan later.

With another “angel” falling in a public place again (this time Yankee Stadium) with the same cryptic message left behind, Azzaro and Diaz now start racing against the clock to try stopping this killer and solve the connection between the two victims. Readers will have much to break down as this tale is just getting started with many pieces yet to be shown.

Tomasi delivers on a solid introduction to this dark drama. There is just enough revealed concerning the killer and his actions that will lock readers in without tipping his hand to where this story goes. Pacing was outlined great to give each segment ample time to plant its foundation. The dynamic between Azzaro and Diaz counters the drama with well placed banter to break some scenes up. Perfect example of this is when Diaz gets done holding Azzaro while he checks the gargoyle. It’s a few quick one-liners but bridges their working relationship to the reader. The book end segments involving his son prove to raise some interesting theories that will be further revealed as this series progresses.

Simic’s art brought out the key elements of the debut. The initial “fallen angel” makes an immediate statement. From the small amount of blood to grace Azzaro’s face to the reaction of the parade goers, them moments’ frightening reality sets in fast to change the story’s direction. The facial expressions between the detective’s banter also stand out. It’s an easy tell to see how these partners play off each other mixed in with the subtle dialogue. The final image gives readers more foreshadowing of possible themes to come, but closes out the chapter with an haunting feel.

FINAL POINT: Tomasi, Simic and the team hit the ground running setting up the infrastructure to grow a very intriguing multi-layered mystery. Azzaro and Diaz’s latest case is a terrifying one that only has begun to reveal itself thru marvelous dialogue and art. The series has only unveiled a few clues which will have readers talking at the LCS this week. Make sure to check this out for New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Blood Tree #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out the first release of 2023 from Valiant Entertainment. Last year, Valiant re-shifted schedules and Book Of Shadows went on an early hiatus after releasing their first 2 issues. Slated now for a 4 issue run, the latest issue hits the local comic shops this week. Book Of Shadows #3 by CULLEN BUNN, VICENTE CIFUENTES, NICK FILARDI, and DAVE SHARPE picks right up with an eclectic line-up of familiar faces of Valiant as they work together to stop an ancient evil. Let’s not waste another second and jump into this issue, shall we?

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment


When a supernatural threat emerges so strong that it draws in the likes of Shadowman, Persephone, Dr. Mirage, PUNK MAMBO, and the Eternal Warrior, readers know there’s a huge deal unraveling within this story. Exarch Fane has unleashed Hell on Earth with “The Dark Feast.” The Feast presents sacrifices to the Book Of Shadows, a dark an powerful weapon in the wrong hands. The team has split up to take the fight to Fane, but he is preparing for the next phase of the feast.

This issue opens up with Fane conversing with the literal figure of the Book of Shadows, the Taleteller. Fane and Taleteller speak of the sacrifice needed to grow their power. Meanwhile Dr. Mirage and The Eternal Warrior make their way to the Veil of Death in pursuit of ending the book once and for all. Their destination: Fane’s castle. The rest of the team has been tasked with stopping Fane’s army on the ground level.

How does the team fare this go-around? Mirage and Warrior make their way inside the castle but what they find throws the initial plan out the window. A rash decision to end Fane’s plan turns out just making things worse. There is little improvement for the other members as they are greeted head-on by Fane and his army.

What causes the change in plans at the Veil? Can Mirage and the Warrior handle the new threat? Plus, Fane has his sights set on a certain member of the team. What could he possibly be up to? Readers get those answers plus a shocking moment to cap off this issue moving to the finale.

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Bunn paces things out well, giving the team enough panel time to tell their stories. The Veil portion features the conflicting personalities of Mirage and the warrior, which makes for some noteworthy moments. Gilad’s irrationality for waiting plays out well to Mirage’s cautiousness. There are also great moments between Mambo and Persephone tying back to Bunn’s Shadowman series, which adds another level o drama to the group. However, the bigger plot point is Fane’s plans for the one member of the team. Without spoiling, there are some questions to be had and Fane’s manipulations work well to progress the story forward.

Cifuentes’ art captures the horror aspect of the story, primarily with the Veil portion. the sights seen when the pair of heroes make their way thru the castle jump out. They push the story forward with the darkness surrounding the Book. Some panels hold nothign back and elevate how twisted Fane’s intentions are. There are some great action sequences thrown in for Shadowman’s team with a cool final image tap things off for this chapter.

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Book Of Shadows #3 - On sale January 28th, 2023


Credit: Valiant Entertainment

FINAL POINT: Book of Shadows #3 sets in motions an endgame that will test this eclectic team of heroes of their personalities don’t get the best of them first. Bunn, Cifuentes and the team pair solid writing and art to showcase true evil in the Valiant Universe with a master plan unfolding that will have readers engaged from page one. Don’t miss this issue at the local comic shops this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Book Of Shadows #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the supernatural world of Ellie Hawthorne never ceases to shock and awe in the pages of a hit series from BOOM! Studios! DAMN THEM ALL #4 by Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell has Ellie facing off with the mysterious Theo Bolster, a man who’s organization may be more than even she is capable of stopping their true agenda. After last issue’s conclusion, Ellie and her ally Dora are in enemy territory with no easy way out. How do the pair fend now with Theo and the secrets of the 500 club?

Editor warning: this book has some panels that might be too mature for younger readers. That said, let’s jump into the latest chapter and see where Ellie and company take readers now, shall we?

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


First and foremost, check out that DAN MORA cover!!!

In case you are new to the story, Ellie has now been tasked to fill in the vacancy caused by her Uncle Alfie’s mysterious death as the only one to stop the 72 devils of the Ars Goetia from running wild over this world. The mission is so simple on paper: send them all back to Hell by any means possible. Execution? well, that’s another story. Luckily, Ellie has an ally in Dora, an officer with a complicated past with her uncle Alfie. Now accepting the duties of her uncle, Ellie sets forth to complete her mission.

Since she started in the role, Ellie has come across many unique characters such as Pruflas, who provides some much needed information about what is happening. Demons are now running amongst the earth via coins in the possession of various humans. Some with more noble intentions than others. Last issue saw what happens when the wrong person has a magical coin in their grasp. Ellie and Dora (along with Carlin, who’s there cause “reasons”) investigate Theo and the 500 club’s headquarters. Walking inside, the trio is shocked to see bodies, and that Theo is in possession of many coins like easy candy.

This issue opens up with a recap of Theo’s origin. Readers witness the 500 club conjuring Andras, a huge owl-headed demon who takes care of a few members before removing Theo’s eyes which much pleasure. The story then shifts to the fallout from there and a sub-plot involving Abshir, a man who fell from grace as London’s mayor. From that break, Ellie and Theo start debating about the ”big picture” involving the coins and Theo’s involvement in her uncle’s death. The result is Ellie taking a swing and busting Theo’s nose. The action is countered with Theo showing off what power he has at his disposal, healing from the attack. With Ellie not joining Theo’s vision, he dismisses her and Dora only to provoke a demon attack outside the headquarters.

With Theo waiting to make a scene, he causes a demon battle outside by forcing Frankie Wax (mob boss who Ellie now works for) to use his coin in battle. The visuals are insane, but what’s even more wild is ho this encounter ends. Nobody sees what is about to unfold coming but readers are in for a crazy conclusion of this first arc and a sense of direction for the book moving onward from here.

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Spurrier drops major moments throughout this issue. Seeing the game he’s trying to play with Ellie has a great dynamic to watch. Being in the position of power he’s in, Theo isn’t feeling any true threat from Ellie. His ego drives him to start the spectacle outside the headquarters. It’s equally matched by Ellie’s counter attack to his move. The mental chess game played out well for readers to sit back and watch. Theo not realizing what Ellie was setting up heading into the closing moments sets them on an inevitable rematch.The closing panels solidifies Ellie has taken the legacy of her uncle as her own, for better or for worse and that’s a big win for readers of this series.

Adlard brings this supernatural world to life with vivid imagery. Andras’s debut felt like the big moment it was. How he initially attacks Theo played out as a driving point of Theo’s character later in the story. The strongest art was the demon battle outside the 500 estate. Seeing the “Legion Of Inferior Spirits” play out on panel worked for crafting a big time frame in this story. One additional component of this book is the note breakdown of demons thrown in to explain to readers. It gives an added piece to an ever growing cast. This worked magnificently in explaining the huge figures involved in said battle. The final image in closing is one that is defining of the character and where Ellie looks to be taking her mission moving forward from this experience.

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

DAMN THEM ALL #4 - On Sale January 25th, 2023

Creative: Simon Spurrier, Charlie Adlard, Sofie Dodgson, Shayne Hannah Cui, and Jim Campbell (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: Damn Them All #4 pushes Ellie Hawthorne to her limits with a protagonist with much sinister motivation behind him and his organization. Spurrier, Adlard and the team delve into this dangerous world with compelling writing and artwork to end this first arc and set the pace for the further escapades of Ellie’s quest to fulfill her legacy. Make sure to check this out at the comic book shops this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Damn Them All #4.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, a brand new arc is set to kick off from the hit spin-off series from Something is Killing the Children. HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design (Series Development: James Tynion and Deisgns and Development: Werther Dell’edera) for BOOM! Studios showcases a character readers last saw in the first arc of the series: Jace Boucher. That story is now out in trade paperback form and well worth the investment. The whole SIKTC universe is poised for a big 2023 and “The Butcher”’s return is one fans have been eagerly anticipating.

Side Note: Some of the images featured in this blog post may be too graphic for some so be forewarned for younger readers. That said, Let's take a closer look & see where Jace's story goes from here, shall we?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Last we say Jace, he was making a power play against the Order of St. George. His lover, Aaron Slaughter, was caught in the middle. It was a tragic tale that resulted in Jace losing his hand and it’s resolution has now lead readers to this point. Trust me when I say, go get the first trade paperback and read that incredible story. Now living away from the hunter life and watching over young orphans, Jace is trying to become accustomed to his new life and waiting for Aaron to return. Unfortunately, Jace does not know Aaron’s fate when he returned to the Order….

This issue kicks off with a crashed school bus of children near a swamp. With blood dripping out of the bus, readers find out quickly of a monster on the bus violently killing its’ passengers. A young boy named Sunny is watching this all unfold. When he makes a run for the exit, the monster grabs him. With tension mounting, a figure emerges to kill the monster and save the child. That figure is Jace Boucher. The story shifts forward to a campfire where the survivor of the attack is telling the other children about the story. When they question the legitimacy, Jace emerges and ends the conversation, much to Sunny’s disappointment.

The next day, Sunny apologizes for his actions to Jace. The camp seems to resume business as usual but Jace is still thinking about his past as a hunter. Readers are taken on a flashback sequence of a young Jace coming across a new friend, only to have Aaron Slaughter appear with a message that shakes up Jace. What was the message? There is little time to process as Sunny’s infatuation with the hunter lifestyle takes center stage. What transpires next will raise quite a few questions with a final panel only adds to the mystery.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

This arc kicks off in a very interesting direction. Seeing the direction Jace has now gone in post hunter life adds some depth to his character. Now watching over a group of young kids proves to be quite the challenge especially one with as much hero worship as Sunny demonstrates. Balancing this out is Jace’ flashback moments. Obviously, Aaron Slaughter is on his mind and it will make for quite the emotional punch once he finds the truth out. Seeing Aaron show up in the nightmare vision works as his life being a hunter doesn’t let go even though he has. Interesting final moment to close the chapter out on but it makes complete sense as no one ever really escapes the life that Jace has lived.

The art doesn’t shy away from the horror in which these characters live in. From the initial monster’s attack on the school bus, Fuso sets an early tempo of frightening drama. The monsters live up to the build of terrifying creatures and help to heighten the drama of the writing. The dream/flashback moments gave a nice break to the story. Seeing Jace’s self guilt play out was a huge add to the story. Dealing with his demons while trying to stop Sunny from falling into danger made for some great visuals. The final panel will raise some questions but like with every great beginning, readers don’t want to have all the answers right then and there. The whole SIKTC/House of Slaughter line does a slow burn build better than most comics. This issue is no exception.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #11 - On Sale January 18th, 2023

Creative: Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miguel Muerto and Andworld Design

(Series development: James Tynion)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: House of Slaughter #11 returns to the comic shops with an issue that guarantees to peak reader interest. Brombal, Fuso and the team bring back “the Butcher” with strong storytelling and art to set up the latest story arc. The groundwork is laid for a great storyline so comic fans will definitely not want to miss this at the local comic shops this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media & let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #11. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following the throwback horror tale coming out of BOOM! Studios that is winning fans over more and more with each issue. SPECS #3 by David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell pulls out all the stops in the mystery of a pair of magical sunglasses and how a small town is affect by a wish of two young men. After last issue’s finale, let’s not waste another moment diving into where the story goes from here, shall we?

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


If you’re just jumping in this book, the story centers around a pair of friends named Kenny and Ted. The awkward teens try finding their way thru high school and stumble upon some old comics. One of which had an ad for “magic specs”. The next day, the glasses wind up at the doorstep of Kenny mysteriously. The pair starts testing it out and find out the glasses work. It’s a gift and a curse as they use the powers. The pair starts using them to benefit themselves. However, things take an unexpected turn as they use the glasses to deal with a bully, who they cause to disappear. Now being blamed for his death, Ted has been arrested and Kenny is trying to find out the secret to these glasses and hopes to fix things.

This issue opens up where a mob is standing outside the police station where Ted is being held for the murder of Bernard Slyman aka Skunk. Skunk hasn’t been seen or heard of since he was wished away by the boys. Kenny leaves the crowd and rushes home to try finding out anything about the glasses that can fix this. Trying to call the number on the comic add leads to nowhere but there’s an address in Hobart, Ohio. While Ted sits in the police station, Kenny takes off fo Hobart. When he arrives there, the warehouse is empty. A wish for help is made, but readers won’t be expecting what “help” opens up for Kenny.

What does he find in the old warehouse? Is anyone prepared for the big reveal? And what about Ted’s future with hope fading fast? Readers will not be disappointed in what unfolds this issue.

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Take about a huge reveal. Booher gives readers much information about the glasses and no one is ready for the origin behind them. It’s a big moment and one Kenny struggles to understand and accept. It’s also a great twist and plays into the throwback feel of this book exceptionally. Specs never fails to disappoint in this manner. Booher keeps taking these characters on such an emotional trip. Kenny’s frantic search for clues and what can he do to save his best friend pushes this story forward. All the drama build-up has a huge payoff and the final moment of this chapter will leave readers excited and nervous all the same.

Shehan pushes the desperation and fear factor of Kenny’s story right off the bat this issue. Seeing his best friend got to jail for a crime he didn’t really commit* (well kinda of) pushes Kenny into a defeated state grasping for any signs to fix things. The reveal about the glasses was a huge surprise and the art depicted the evil behind it. The imagery fit right into the dark story. seeing how Kenny reacted was another strong visual moment. The final page drives home to readers we are entering the final stage and it’s anyone’s guess how this book concludes when it does.

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

SPECS #3 - on sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell (Cover: David Talaski)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

FINAL POINT: The drama inside Specs #3 takes a sudden and shocking twist to drive this story to a frightening peak. Booher, Shehan and the team press forward with the retro horror feel with excellent storytelling and haunting imagery. Specs has been such a epic ride thus far so you don’t want to miss this book when it drops at the LCS for new comic book day this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Specs #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Erica Slaughter has never been challenged on this level by a threat that is poised to eliminate her once and for all in the pages of one of the best comics on the market. Something is Killing the Children #28 by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design for BOOM! STUDIOS sees the walls closing in on Erica while trying to save a small town. Let’s not delay any longer and dove into this issue, shall we?

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


Tribulation, New Mexico has a monster problem, literally. An evil creature is on the loose. Erica has re-emerged from hiding to protect the lone survivor of its’ initial attack and stop the creature from killing more. Erica has become a reluctant ally to Riqui, a bartender who is the “guardian” of Gabi, a teenager who watched her family be slaughtered.

All the while, the Order of St. George looks to tie up the loose end known as Erica Slaughter by having Cutter take her out. In a short time, Cutter has been systematically striking Erica with personal blows and precise planning. At the end of last issue, she helps the creature turn into a “duplicate” of Erica, framing her for more killings. Now on the move, Erica is a wounded target trying to figure out what’s next.

This issue kicks off with Erica, Riqui and Gabi driving to the police station. Gabi has a conversation with Erica about her “companion” which reveals how Erica making a stand might get everyone killed. As they arrive at the station, Erica is arrested on sight for “murders across the country” due to the manipulations of a “federal agent” on the Sheriff. Erica tries warning of the set-up but the sheriff won’t listen and takes all three into the station.

With Gabi and Riqui kept inside a locked office at the station and Erica handcuffed to the interrogation table, the agent appears. Cutter has now arrived at the front door ready to confront Erica.

What unfolds next is a frightening scenario of events. Readers will not be ready for Cutter’s next moves. Has Cutter committed checkmate on Erica? is there any hope to survive what’s coming next? The final moments of this book will shake readers up and you won’t be able to wait for the next issue to see how everything plays out.

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Absolutely fantastic issue. The issue is constructed perfectly in its pacing. Tynion takes his time setting up events for the dramatic closing moments. The build works as Erica knows what’s about to unfold and can do nothing about it. This sense of despair will hit with readers and only adds more impact when Cutter arrives. In only a few pages, the plan of attack Cutter demonstrates sinks in and will haunt readers for what’s next. It’s brutal, unforgiving and gives the sense that Erica won’t survive this time, which is what every great antagonist should be presenting.

The artwork by Dell’edera & Muerto brings Cutter’s twisted plans to life without holding anything back. From the moment Cutter arrives at the station, the feel of the book shifts with such tension. Seeing how psychotic Cutter is with her plans’ execution was an intense visual to play out. It’s only matched by the frustration of Erica who slips further into doubt of finding a way out of this. One of the final images solidifies that frustration carrying readers into the next issue.

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #28 - on Sale January 11th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

FINAL POINT: One of the great strengths of SIKTC is when they play a slow build, the payoff never disappoints. This rings true again with this issue. Tynion, Dell’edera, Muerto & the team ramp up the drama with incredible storytelling and art to push Erica into a dire situation with very little signs of hope. Do not miss this issue at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of SIKTC #28. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, things are picking up steam for the second arc of one of the hottest series of 2022! Last issue took everyone’s favorite reaper into her new status quo with a fantastic “welcome back” issue. Grim #7 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano for Boom! Studios continues to take readers along on one hell of a wild adventure. Let’s not wait any longer and jump into where the multi CHEERSIES award winning series goes next, shall we?

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios


In case you’re just checking in, Jessica Harrow is no ordinary reaper. Her aunt Adira has banished her (along with her friends Eddie and Marcel) to the land of the living after a routine assignment goes awry and the domino effect it causes. Factor in who her father is and Jessica’s life as she knew it becomes forever changed. Now in Las Vegas, Jessica and her friends try enjoying a music festival until a girl approaches Jessica with a weird marking on her forehead. Tha girl tries throwing herself into a fire….but somehow survives. Suddenly, more people at the festival start appearing with the mark. What happens now no one can have expected.

This issue opens up with a priest administering Last Rites to a dying patient. The patient has the red marking on his forehead like those at the concert. After he passes away, the patient somehow comes back to life! From this moment, more and more people dying in the ICU suddenly cannot die! Readers bare witness to a horrible wounded patient begging for death but the priest cannot explain what is going on. More patients become unraveled in madness and the priest escapes into the hospital chapel. Once inside there, he comes across a familiar face to readers: Jessica Harrow!

Jessica and the priest start a conversation about what is happening. Jessica feels she is somehow responsible for what’s happening. The priest is puzzled as to why but before the conversation becomes deeper in discussion of faith and believing, Eddie and Marcel show up with a terrifying update. How can things have gone from bad to worse now? Is Jessica really responsible for all of this? Readers will have much to process as Jessica’s story only becomes more tangle up from here.

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios

The mystery behind the markings continues to be one to watch. Phillips shows how terrifying the situation is becoming thru the priest’s eyes. Seeing his faith being contested, the priest never wavers from still believing and throws an interesting question about faith back at Jessica. It’s a moving conversation while all the chaos is closing in on them. The closing act continues a great point that readers have seen throughout this series: the use of music lyrics. When placed in the story, it adds a bigger feel to the event connected to it. The final portion of Jessica’s story adds a nice cliffhanger for next issue with an epilogue that presents even more possibilities of what’s next.

How wild was the hospital scenes by Flaviano?! The patient with the intestines dangling out was a very in-your-face image to exhibit how the “red plague” was taking over. The priest’s struggle comprehending these events was impactful for where they were exhibited. The emotion poured out when he was talking with Jessica really will hit readers hard. Seeing the frantic scene after Eddie and Marcel arrive only added more backing to how crazy things have now become. The final act mixed with the music lyrics tied up the loose ends of the issue with a solid final panel to close this portion of the story out on.

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #7 - On Sale January 11th, 2023

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Cover: Dan Panosian)

Credit: Boom Studios

FINAL POINT: Grim #7 dips more into the horror aspect of the series with an issue that builds off some terrifying imagery to elevate the incredible story being told. Phillips, Flaviano and the team press on with a book that deserves all the hype and praise it gets. You will most definitely want to check this book out on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Grim #7. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, 2022 ushered in the next wave of books written by the man who brought you such hits as We Have Demons (w/art from Greg Capullo). Clear (w/ Francis Manupal), Night Of The Ghoul (w/ Francesco Francavilla), Barnstormers (w/ Tula Lotay), Canary (w/ Dan Panosian) and Dudley Datson & the Forever Machine (w/ Jamal Igle). We’ve waited since last October for the follow-up issue of this intense read coming out on the Comixology Originals line via Best Jackett Press (Printed copies TBA by Dark Horse Comics) and I can’t think of a better issue to kick off the 2023 BJP year off with.

BOOK OF EVIL #2 by Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price picks up where we last saw Homer and his friends dealing with the “new world” as they know it. The first issue was exceptional. Let’s not waste another second and dive into this latest chapter, but remember stay between the “yolk lines"! LET’S GO!

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)


In case you’re jumping in now or need a refresher: The majority of children in the 1960’s started to experience a radical change when they hit adolescence age (14-15 yrs old). They started demonstrating psychopathic behavior with no apparent origin for the swing. As this issue spread across the entire population, some didn’t get affected. For said group that didn’t (only 8%), they are classified as “animals” or less than Human. Their daily lives in present time are a struggle and one in particular has been an absolute nightmare. His name is Homer, a 12yr old whole lives with his friends Blake, Elliot and Milton. No parents and no hope. The closest person he has to family is his brother Poe, who has gone missing. There’s a rumor saying he’s changed like other humans. Homer isn’t willing to believe that. After coming across a possible clue to end this madness, Homer prepares for his next move.

This issue opens up with a flashback to a memory of Homer and Poe. After witnessing a beating, Poe tries getting Homer’s mind onto something else. the brothers have a game they play and Poe keeps pushing Homer to think where they were going next. Homer is thinking about solving the book of evil and ending all of this. The memory shifts to a thought of going to Coney Island and having a “good day”. The memory is ended with a parting statement by Poe pronouncing he will never leave his brother’s side.

The friends are now looking at the box left in Poe’s room and come across what they feel might be clues to solving this mess. Looking at the letters circled from the cartoon written by E. C. Happ (the author of the book), the kids determine that the location of Happ is actually nearby them. Getting to that location is way easier said than done. The group discusses a group known as “Shepards” led by a man named John Crook. Their reputation for “disliking” non-humans is well known. Crook and co. would be directly in the way of escaping for Happ’s location. With this knowledge, the young group makes plans to escape.

Can these kids pull off the impossible dream? Will they escape the nightmare they live in? Readers tag along for an adventure and test of will. Is it possible for the foursome to defy the odds or will luck run out? High risk, high reward is the motto here. Readers will be excited to tag along for their move but will NOT be ready for an emotion final moment that will leave all invested in the story shaken.

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Snyder pushes the young group into uncharted water while delivering impactful emotional shots within these pages. Seeing Homer’s determination to find his brother, no matter what the cost, connects with readers so much you can’t help but think “can they really do this?” There’s a moment in the book where Homer is internalizing the choice to go escape and breaks down why he’s more afraid of life without his friends than one with him having an easier life changed. It’s a powerful statement and completely explains his drive to see their plan play out. With everything they have seen in this world at such a young age, their plan demonstrates how dire the times are and what they’re will to do to fix things, if they can.

The rest of this chapter carries more “action” per-say but never loses sight of hope in a hopeless place. Their odyssey has exciting and dire moments paced out well. Readers won’t be expecting some of the more shocking parts to happen but nothing will top the final pages of this chapter. Snyder ties everything back full circle and the parting words and image never let go of the tragedy playing out here.

As how this series is crafted, there are no traditional panels. it is all journal entries with images mixed in when needed. Jock and Price make the most of these moments. Seeing Homer’s vision of Poe and Coney Island in the beginning of the book shows how Homer is envisioning the better times with this story. Seeing Blake’s blank and cold stares connects with how dire and hopeless this plan actually is. The use of red (for discarded terms/feelings) was subtle but hit their marks when used.

It’s countered with the yellow imagery (used for “Animals”/Yolk references) of the “pre-planning” of the escape and how Homer is seemingly talking himself up to be brave enough to do this with just a simple picture of a pen just in case an “old friend” returns. However, nothing will hit harder than the final image of this book. No spoilers, but prepare for that. It’s a simple image but one that resonates volumes.

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

FINAL POINT: Is there still hope when the world feels so hopeless? Homer and his friends’ Odyssey answers that question with a thrilling but tragic tale within the pages of Book Of Evil #2. Snyder, Jock and Price paint their disturbing “new normal” world with an Excellent story and art to compliment the vision. Don't miss out on this issue on ComiXology this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Book Of Evil #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a one-shot from one of the best comic series currently being published. Something Is Killing the Children from Boom! Studios never falters on delivering quality each issue. It’s spin-off, House of Slaughter, has been a great companion book highlighting certain characters from the Order of St. George.

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto, AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd) is a separate tale highlighting a notable character in the Order while unveiling some secrets along the way. Let’s take a closer look at this very important issue in the SIKTC universe, shall we?

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd (Cover by Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

Before we get started, How absolutely AMAZING is this cover by Francis Manapul?!

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd (cover featured here by Francis Manapul)

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue kicks off with a closer look at Maxine Slaughter. Maxine is in possession of a bloodied Black Mask along with her own White Mask. In the lore of The Order of St. George, the monster hunters are classified by their garb. Black Masks are solo hunters while White Mass roam in a pack. Maxine is confronted by Paris and Tybalt, a pair of White Mask twins who see Maxine is contemplating a major decision.

The story then flashes back to one of the darkest moments in SIKTC lore: The day Aaron Slaughter was killed. Maxine and fellow White masks are standing around his body. Maxine is told to get in a car by the alpha of her pack, Cecilia who presents her with a unique circumstance. With Aaron deceased and Erica Slaughter now separated from the House, there is a huge need for Black Masks.

Readers now see a shift in the tale as Maxine starts investigating Erica Slaughter. The revaltions falling out from this leads to Maxine diving into the lore of the Order of St. George. What does Maxine discover about the Order? Is she ready for what’s unfolding? Get ready for an exclamation point ending that will have the SIKTC fandom talking about after this conclusion.

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

The story unraveling in this issue proves to be a solid companion to the other series while standing on its’ own. Maxine’s tale kicks off with an interesting challenge that (to my knowledge) hasn’t been brought up before. Switching Masks isn’t as simple as grabbing a new veil. Seeing how impactful this can be add more weight to what readers expect from each group.

The writing fully breaks down everything involved with the order and is a great reference point to characters in these books. The breakdowns do not take anything away from Maxine’s quest for knowledge. The finale lives up to the build. It will make for some interesting stories following the end of this chapter.

The artwork stands on its own as well. At this book’s core, it’s all about Maxine’s choice more that the background of the order. Take nothing away from that presentation. It stood out and presents much clarity behind this mysterious place. What readers will take away more is the emotional toll Maxine is hit with during her decisions.

The impact of Aaron Slaughter affected more than anyone (including) the Order realized. The conversations between Cecilia and Maxine convey those feelings with the panel breakdown of the car ride right after seeing Aaron’s body. The final image leaves no doubt about how things are changing for the Order. Readers should be expecting big repercussions from this issue moving forward.

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios

BOOK OF SLAUGHTER #1 - On Sale December 28th, 2022

Creative: James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (with Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Chris Shehan, Antonio Fuso and Dylan Todd

Credit: Boom Studios


Book of Slaughter #1 gives sensational insight to readers about the inner workings of the Order of St. George. However, it is one member’s looming proposition and answer that will be the lasting impression felt by fans, all due to a well-crafted story matched with stunning art. This is a must-have for any fan of SIKTC lore and anyone looking to check this world out.

Hit me up on ODPH socials and let me know what you thought of Book of Slaughter #1. Thanks for reading.