Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have finally arrived at the conclusion of the last ride of Marshall Holt via Comixology Originals & Best Jackett Press. Since its’ debut in the second wave of Scott Snyder’s line of BJP comics, the horror-western tale has grabbed readers’ imagination and never loosened its’ grip. Now, all best are off for the final showdown of good and evil in the wild, wild west.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis brings down the curtain on the mystery of the terrors of a small town. Let’s take a closer look and see how things play out.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Marshall Holt is on the verge of retirement. He’s recruited to investigate a murder in 1891. The case leads him to the town of Canary. Holt knows this town all too well. It is the location of his most disturbing case: Hyrum Tell.

While searching the case, Holt is joined by Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren. The trio’s journey leads them from an abandoned cave to “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. The “Canary Evolution” theory looms heavy as they can’t escape the danger. All the while, Holt is trying to hold it together with the memories of his past begin to creep into the present.

After a monstrous figure reveals itself from the grave surroundings below, Holt leads the charge to head to the bottom of the cave and address whatever evil lies there once and for all.

The issue begins with Holt returning to his family’s home. The mood is dark and looming with an evil hiss. As Holt walks in the house, he finds his wife and baby dead as canary eggs lie on the floor.

Suddenly, Holt is back with Mabel as they prepare to descend to the bottom of the cave. Knowing time is not on their side, the pair lowers the elevator. Once they begin to head downward, Mabel notices that things are not normal.

The road to Hell is paved with dark intentions as Holt and Mabel finally land at the deep bottom. Once they walk out of the elevator, readers see the insanity they set into. Answers are revealed and more burden is put on Holt’s soul as he now finds himself in a place he never expected.

The closing act floods the pages with excitement and rising uncertainty. Can Holt save the day one last time? Readers will walk away with a few parting images before a surprising one to conclude this epic tale with.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Snyder sends Holt off into the sunset with an unforgettable issue. The challenges he has faced have not been an ordinary case. Tull’s impact on his life never strays too far from this story. Holt battles the ghosts of his past to find a possible future. Snyder focuses in on this element during the key points of this finale.

Once the big revelation appears, Snyder presents our lead with the challenge of being vigilant for the greater good, no matter the cost. The conflict is one that will not easily escape reader’s minds as they read the tale. It pushes Holt to his breaking point. Knowing what lies ahead, his actions re-assure any doubt of his nobility in the face of overwhelming odds.

The final moments move briskly to end this saga on a very strong note. The parting images will have readers talking as the “Canary Evolution” theory leaves a lasting impression for an immediate re-read for years to come.

Panosian delivers on looming horror and crushing drama art to conclude the last ride. The heart-wrenching images of Holt struggling to deal with his family’s state instantly sets a devious overtone to the story. Once the decent inside the cave begins, readers brace for the impact of Holt’s valiant efforts.

The cave is filled with brooding images of terror and anxiety. There are a run of two-page spreads that scream volumes of the breaking of Holt’s spirit right before the evil’s reveal. Panosian welcomes that element to the main story with a devilish hello via its’ body language. Showing Holt’s reaction to all of this further cements the cost he must decide to pay to end things. The conflict concludes with another fantastic double page action shot before bringing the curtain down. The mastery of horror and western styles is truly remarkable with the artistry.

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #6 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


When the dust settles and smoke clears, Snyder and Panosian conclude Marshall Holt’s last case with a spectacular conclusion! Superb writing lays the foundation for mind-blowing visuals to guide readers into a gritty showdown of good verses evil.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on Canary #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the end is drawing closer for a fan-favorite series on Comixology Originals! With a devastating sacrifice last issue, the supernatural family sets course to the root of their woes. Will they be able to save their fallen member or be added to the casualty count?

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sends fans on an unforgettable voyage into the unknown. Let’s not wait another minute and dive right in!

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


With Alex being taken away by the Takers during their battle with Lazaruk, the remaining members of The All-Nighter Cafe embark on a quest to get him back. Ian, Cynthia, and Joy are joined by Andrea (their recently turned human to vampire ally) and an individual claiming to be GOD.

Finding their location would be a challenge. Francis (aka Frankenstein’s Monster) sacrificed himself to be bait. Once the opportunity was there, time has now become a factor to succeed or die trying in the process.

This issue begins with Cynthia scolding Igor and the rest of the family. Knowing her personal relationship with Francis, she is not taking his actions well. The sacrifice was not in vein. The tracker Francis had on him starts showing the Taker’s possible location. Readers find out that it is the legendary Bermuda Triangle.

Meanwhile Francis is being held captive by two mysterious figures. The one leads the conversation into questioning Francis’ actions. Once he is not answering with truth, the figure hits Francis with force, claiming to be waiting or the others to come.

At sea, what does the family come across? Readers see what is lurking in the Triangle and it is not happy to see the visitors. From here, the triangle conflict leads into new revelations and challenges. Is this what will finally stop Ian and company? Once the final act begins to play out, readers know the final endgame has started with a bleak outlook.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Zdarsky sets forth the final voyage for the diner crew with a strong tale of challenging fears. The emotions range from anger to worry amongst the crew after Francis’ choice. The creativity pours out from this issue as well. With the issue’s antagonist, Zdarsky challenges each character to face their darkest fears.

Taking the conflict to such a level keeps readers a new perspective heading into the closing issues. The final moments kick events into high gear coming to a screeching halt on the last panel. The story has been an excellent read thus far and shows no signs of letting up now.

Loo and Alleyne focus on the emotional reactions of what is happening for this chapter. From Cynthia’s rage to God’s “even keel” calmness, the variations of reactions provides the readers an insight into the conflict. The secret of the Triangle is given half page panels which amplifies its moment. Its’ resolution is another great half page panel that closes solidly.

The major antagonist makes a grand entrance to the group late in the issue. The panels add a haunting element to his attack. The smaller panels (like the 9 panel page) connects the dark overtones of what is happening as the initial strike is made. The closing image caps off the beginning of the end on a high note. It’s another example of great storytelling that this series is known for.

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)

The All-Nighter #13 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The end begins here for the supernatural family with their final voyage into unknown danger. Zdarsky pens a superb build into the chilling attack by a dark presence. Paired with the captivating visuals brought to life by Loo and the art team and you have a winning combination of storytelling that can’t be missed.

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #13. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out a brand new series from a legendary creative team. When fans see the names “Bendis” and “Maleev” in the same creators listing, most instantly think of their run on Marvel’s Daredevil. Others may think Scarlet. This time, they’re reuniting for a brand new crime mystery series for Dark Horse Comics.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed welcomes readers to the mystery of Emma and the debt of her family’s sins. Let’s take a closer look and see how this story begins.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics)


A teacher introduces Emma to fellow students in her new classroom. The moment is awkward as Emma’s speech doesn’t exactly connect. Making things even worse is the FBI crashing the welcome party. They’re looking for a “Masterpiece Lawford”. Emma is very confused as to what is happening. Emma is led away into a car with her next stop an unknown location.

After having her mask removed, Emma is in the presence of Zero Preston. Preston is a billionaire who surprises not only Emma but readers with his knowledge. Preston knows Emma is not her real name. Preston also explains how her parents stole money from him and disappeared without a trace. The grudge has grown over time leading to this moment.

Readers witness the master plan Preston has for Emma. It is a risky gamble, but with all the anger fueling him, Preston is locked in. Emma starts to try figuring out what is happening as she now faces a real problem. The fallout from this leads into a new direction.

The closing moments add danger and anxiety to the young 16 year old’s path of discovery. Rest assured by the final page, Emma’s world as she knew it becomes forever changed. Get ready for a story that fits its’ title billing.

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics - Cover: Tula Lotay)

Bendis crafts a new vision in what we define “criminal” as. Emma is presented as an outsider to a world she knew nothing about. The dialogue with Preston is filled with themes of intrigue and wonder. His drive of “villainy” is an easy play for readers to see. The story behind her parents is a great surprise.

The latter half of the book dives further into the revelations bestowed onto Emma. The dynamic in seeing how she is processing all of this is keeps the audience locked in. Pacing never allows for this to get lost in the shuffle. Emma’s closing arc throws more mystery into the plot which peels more layers away to her new stat quo. It leaves much for readers to think about as they process what is sure to be the start of something truly special.

Maleev, Herring and Reed kick things ff with a frantic scene of Emma and the classroom. Once the FBI makes their appearance, the art team captures the fast moving moments with excellent usage of the word bubbles to match her reactions of doubt.

Readers are gifted a fantastic two-page image with a further dive into Emma’s parents history. It has a vintage feel like the Jim Steranko covers of Nick Fury to hook readers into their history. The “Unicorn Pow” images provide a solid break to the tone of the book. However, the closing moment ramps up some action and mystique before bowing out the story (for now).

MASTERPIECE #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (Credit: Dark Horse Comics - Cover: Peach Momoko)


The team of Bendis and Maleev strike another huge score with their latest mystery crime tale. Through fantastic writing and impressive imagery, the saga of Emma Lawford lives up to its’ apply titled name. The sins of the family come to light with an issue you can’t afford to miss at the local comic shop!

Hit me u on ODPH social media a let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are following along the interesting times of Jake Levin via Comixology Originals. What started out as a job opportunity for a struggling writer has evolved into something else. Now deeper into the mess he’s apart of, Jake needs to act fast before sinking further int danger.

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt presents readers a picture of organized chaos through crime. Let’s take a closer peek at what’s happening now.

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


Jake Levin thought his long-time friend Chaim Davidovits, was helping him out when Chaim offered him a job writing promotions for his kosher appetizing stores. However, as the saying goes, if its too good to be true, it is.

One night, Jake went back to the office for his cell phone. When he walked in, he became an accessory to murder! At this moment, Jake became entangled in Chaim’s organized crime business. Making matters worse is Lenny Klein. Klein is another childhood friend who now is working with the FBI to take down the business at Chaim’s shops. Where does Jake go from here?

This issue begins with Shloime Garbstein, Chaim’s mashgiach (one who oversees the Kashruth condition of food in a restaurant), and associates going through stolen property and money laundered. Jake is shown as going through the books and making sure the “Avodah” (work). Readers see how this isn’t something that jak had even planned to happen. They also start seeing the slow seduction of wealth beginning in Jake.

This is a far cry from a previous chat with Jake and Lenny. Lenny lays out his plan to go after Netanel Stern (business associate of Chaim). With Jake’s head spinning, readers see how further divided he has become with his childhood friends.

How does he react when he sees Chaim after this? The next sop at the shop leads Jake into an assignment he might not be ready for. With tension filling the air, will Jake rise to the occasion or get crushed by its’ weight? Readers quickly see how Jake adapts to the world he’s now in but is he ready for what’s next? If the final page is any indication, Jake’s world just got even more complicated…

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Kleid continues to put Jake through the rising challenges of his new world. Being an unlikely “gangster”, Kleid showcases Jake’s awkwardness to his fellow “teammates”.

Blending in the fear and anxiousness forces Jake into near breakdowns. Once he understands the assignment, Jake shifts gears into leaning a certain direction as Chaim plays more as a “devil on his shoulder” with what the life of crime can offer. The closing moments adds a huge factor into Jake’s life. It also adds a deeper cut into Jake’s life as he tries to stop his world from spinning further out of control.

Broglia and Wright teeter Jake’s reactions from surprise wonderment to growing anxiousness. This begins right after the full page panel of Shloime addressing not only his crew, but the audience with “I Believe In God”. After that moment, Jake tries fighting the appeal of his new stat-quo.

Once the assignment is completed, Jake and Chaim’s conversation proves to be reflective of the uncertainty of their business. This leads to a solid parting image further complicating things for the lead who’s in way over his head already.

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)


The balancing act of Jake Levin continues to impress in Comixology Originals’ latest crime drama. Kleid’s strong writing takes readers deeper into the challenges of being a criminal and caring family man. Brolia, Wright and Litt elevates the scenarios unfolding making this a story you won’t want to pass up on New Comic Book day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Nice Jewish Boys #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are following along the supernatural family serving the daily specials via Comixology Originals. Returning for their final arc, Ian, Cynthia, and Joy begin their plan to rescue their missing family member. However, after the ending of last issue, they might have some divine intervention on their side.

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sets events in motion for the final showdown. Let’s take a closer look and see where things stand now, shall we?

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


GOD has entered the playing field.

As Ian, Joy and Andrea converse in the diner, they quickly realize they are not alone. GOD is inside and making milkshakes? Ian is not believing the stranger is how he claims to be. Readers see a subtle way of proving the claim via Blood Milkshakes.

Ian still denies the claims. He thinks this figure might have more to do with The Takers. God tries explaining more in detail. A new thought is posed where not one being but rather all Humanity is God now. Ian isn’t exactly on board (still) but the rest of the group clearly has warmed up to the notion. From this conversation, a new member looks ready to join the group in their rescue attempt.

The conversation is interrupted by figures representing the Takers. With the action escalating, does the mysterious stranger sway fate in their favor?

With a hasty escape, the group reunites with Francis and Cynthia. It is at this moment, the dynamic changes forever. What course does the family now walk towards? As one’s past comes to light, the rescue mission appears to begin, but not without a hefty cost. The emotional pull begins on readers leading into a closing page that won’t be soon forgotten as the end appears to be closer than anyone wants to fathom.

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

Zdarsky throws readers off their game with the introduction of a major player. Bringing in GOD to assist the team demonstrates a new look at the set-up of the story. The explanation of reasons and motives are an easy follow to readers. It also allows new directions into where things lead. God’s story provides a huge set-up for when the group escapes the diner.

Featuring a stand-out character in the spotlight, Zdarsky elevates their story tremendously. The effects form this raise the stakes of the final act many notches. Zdarsky taps into the emotional connections these characters have to completely bring the small wins crashing down. The final moments of this chapter drop a huge blow to all parties involved, lighting the match for an explosive final run.

Loo and Alleyne feature a few different looks to God’s introduction. From Ian’s disbelief to Joy and Andrea’s amazement of his “creation”, it provides a few light-hearted moments before cranking up on the emotions. Once the group arrives back at the forest retreat, the tone shifts and focuses on the actions and feelings of a notable character.

The personal panels showcase a different side before ushering in an action that kicks off the conclusion. The imagery perfectly covers what each connecting character is feeling once the end begins. It exemplifies how there is more to this story than just supernatural beings. It’s about the caring each major character has shown for their small group and how important the final act is to sacrifice so much.

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #12 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


The road to Hell is paved with good intentions as a heavenly figure makes their presence known in another fantastic issue. Zdarsky’s emotionally layered writing raises the stakes with Loo, Alleyne and Cvetkovic crafting the calm before the upcoming final play. There’s no reason this series shouldn’t be in your collection by the end of New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #12. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving further into the madness and mystery of Alex Greer. Since its’ debut on Comixology Originals, the psychological thriller set in the 1960’s has kept readers on the edge of their seats. Now approaching the midway point, all bets are off on what levels of danger awaits the lost American in Amsterdam.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano continues to peel back the layers of the haunting story. Let’s take a closer look to see where things head now, shall we?

Editor Note: This is a MATURE READERS story. Some of the images might be difficult for younger readers. Discression is advised.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)


Alex Greer has been through quite the ordeal. After waking up next to a dead woman, Alex has been placed under psychiatric watch. With a vested party watching her every move, Alex tries to find a way out. This is easier said then done. After seeing the alleged victim working as a nurse, Alex is convinced more is going on. Will she get the chance to prove her innocence?

This chapter opens up with Alex waking up in the middle of a residential street. With kids poking her with a stick, Alex comes to and knows something is wrong. When she looks at a house, readers find out that Greer is “home”.

As she walks in, Greer sees her mother riving in pain. Readers see the relationship between the two is fragile at best (if at all). As the moments progress, it ends with a chilling message of blaming Alex.

Once it ends, Alex is back at the hospital. Restrained and confused, Dr. Kincaid is standing over her. The drama intensifies as Alex and the doctor have a conversation that doesn’t bode well for his patient. What over evils are lurking? Can Alex survive another night? More questions arise as Dr. Kinciad is just starting to impose his plan with Alex. Once the final image is revealed, any hope of survival sees further and further out of reach.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

Phillips kicks this chapter off pushing Alex’s psyche into an uncomfortable state. Dealing with her relationship with her mother, Alex experiences a truly terrifying experience. Once it concludes, the reality of the situation might be worse than the dream itself.

The verbal chess match between Kincaid and Alex is a strong point to this issue. With everything falling around her, readers see Alex is sill holding onto hope that she will be free soon. Phillips takes this moment of hope and throws readers a curveball with the parting panels. Just when readers think they have an idea, Phillips changes the questions.

Boyle and Napolitano being with a nightmare that will shake readers to their core. The imagery of Alex’s mother reflects their broken state. The lettering only amplifies the fear being felt by Alex. For anyone who’s seen Napolitano’s work, this is no surprise as he is one of the best in the field. Its a connection easy for the readers to make.

This leads into another strong use of Yellow to establish where the story leads now. It’s complimented by a four panel page exemplifying the terror. As Alex descends further into the dangerous world of Kincaid, the art mirrors the hellish landscape. This builds towards the closing act with captures a facial expression that perfectly closes out another excellent chapter.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)


The slow-burn breakdown of Alex Greer sinks into a dangerous low with another thrilling chapter. Phillps’ strong writing tears away another layer of Alex’s psyche with Boyle and Napolitano delivering magnificent imagery to ensnare readers throughout the pages. You don’t want to miss this one on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #3. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along with a brand new adventure on Comixology Originals (via Best Jackett Press). With the hype surrounding its’ debut, the initial entry from a father-son writing team made a huge impression with comic fans. Now poised to drop its’ follow-up chapter, the fantasy-adventure tale kicks into high gear with secrets ready to be told.

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price returns to New Comic Boom Day with an idea of hope shinning through the Shroud. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening now!

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


When a mysterious black substance coined “The Shroud” starts taking over the Earth, it leaves a trail of destruction and death. Years later, survivors have formed towers known as “Needles” to live on, hoping for a better tomorrow.

Jo and Canon are trying to find ways to survive in this dangerous new world. They come into contact with Pindle, who promises relief for a price. Readers see quickly all those promises disappear quickly. This is all due to Charon, a warlord in search of a stranger lurking around the Needle. Jo comes into contact with this stranger later and finds out he might hold a key to safety in this shroud era.

This chapter opens with a flashback to eighty days after the Shroud first emerged. Readers see the breakdown in society starting through a young Jo’s eyes. His parents killed. His world shattered. The chaos is everywhere.

As he prepares for the worst, he is rescued by Canon. The pair flies away to a new home. The moment impacts Jo greatly. It also influences him in the present time. With a black diamond in the possession of Rowan (the stranger Charon is seeking), Jo and his friends see this as a sign of hope. Can this be the break they have been searching for?

Readers see a valiant move as Jo and company dig further into the hidden agenda of Rowan. Can they stay out of Charon’s reach long enough to find out. The pages fill with wonder and excitement as a path is ventures with grave consequences for failure. As the final act unfolds, events lead to a parting image that can only mean this story is far from over.

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

The writing dives into the past, present and future of the world of the Shroud. The opening sequence gives readers insight to how quickly the world fell apart . Choosing to tell it through Jo’s eyes made for a solid connection to readers. The “present” of the book brings a deeper insight into the events unfolding.

Scott and Jack showcase the groups emotions as to what Rowan represents to their situation. The Snyders combine fantasy elements in with adventure flawlessly for where things lead. Pacing sets up for a fantastic finish. This story just keeps getting better and better.

Favoccia and Cogar continue to blow readers away with the impresssive visuals in this series. The flashback sequence fully brings to life the harsh new world young Jo now finds himself in. This concludes with a full page panel introducing readers right into the second act. The conversations reflect the the possibilities of Rowan’s cargo.

Readers can’t help but be caught up in the thrill of the adventure at hand. This is put on display with an exceptional two-page full spread. Just when readers think the bar can’t be raised higher, the parting image leaves no doubt of how incredible the journey is currently as its’ only just started.

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)

By A Thread #2 by SCOTT SNYDER, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (Credit: Comixology originals)


The mystery of By A Thread draws readers further into danger with another excellent chapter. Scott and Jack Snyder’s superb writing is taken to another level through the mind-blowing visuals of Favoccia and Cogar. The journey continues to level up with each page. You simply can’t miss what’s happening here if you’re a fan of great storytelling.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know your thoughts on By A Thread #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Comixology Originals has a brand new series debuting with a very familiar creator returning to the line. Since 2018, Abigail Jill Harding has been gifting fans with the stunning imagery of the “Ask For Mercy” series with Richard Starkings. With this new series, Harding is making her writing debut with a tremendous amount of buzz behind it.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and
Richard Starkings looks to have fans attention with a magnetic story playing out behind its’ concept. Let’s see how this debut fares, shall we?

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)


The story begins with birds known as rooks flying around a graveyard. Behind guarding stone angels guarding a room, the sky has a red moon. A monstrous figure walks from the doorway with the angles weeping. As it approaches a gateway, the creature shapeshifts and flies away into the night sky.

The scenery moves to a castle on a hill. Inside lies a woman appearing on her deathbed. As she looks out the window, the creature shifts into a human form. Known as Darius Ravenscar, he kneels at her side. Readers sense there is a strong connection to the pair with the woman asking to relive their past. The stranger obliges and the story kicks into gear.

With imagery of a woman casting a spell into a fire deep in the forest, Ravenscar awakes inside his bed. Franticly running late, he makes his way into the city of Eborvik, towards the castle. Inside, he sees a woman named Princess Seraphina playing her harp.

The noticable admiration fills the scenes but there is one person not happy with what is unfolding. King Sitric, Lord of the Four Vales, orders Ravenscar to leave.

While leaving the castle, events start to unfold that drastically change the path of the story. What happens to Darius when he leaves? How does his life change? Readers see there is more than the King interfering with what Darius cares for. Fate has intervened in an unlikely way. The closing act covers a range of emotions before charging into its’ final moments. Once seen, the ending of the chapter foreshadows a deeper story lurking that has only just begun to come to the surface.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Harding paints a dark and complex story with her writing debut. Ravenscar instantly comes across as a tortured soul when he debuts. The elements of horror and hope dance through the dialogue as both he and Seraphina play into a world they hoped to have found together but never did.

The backstory of the pair dives into the brooding conflict with the King. Emotions run high as his majesty is determined not to allow events to grow further. The direction of the book shifts after the castle into unlikely places. This is where Harding’s writing goes up another level, connecting the doomed couple into fleeting moments of happiness. It’s these events that feel even further away once the closing moments happen. Once the chapter close, there is much left for readers to return and see how things play out.

The art reflects the moods and themes portrayed from the beginning. The full-page introduction image of Darius creates a bold debut locking readers in. This is also matched buy another full page panel of Darius after events have changed his future.

The use of coloring adds another layer to the saga at hand. Being a black and white book, once the red coloring is used, it signifies a change. It also announces the Rooks hovering overhead and where they connect to the shift in moments. The book is detailed with emotion and striking visuals. It has a great deal going on but paced enough where nothing feels out of place. The final panel brings the book to a screeching halt but leaves no doubt for things to come.

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)

Parliament of Rooks #1 by Abigail Jill Harding and Richard Starkings (Credit: Comixology originals)


Powerful imagery bolsters the strong writing debut of Harding for a love story unlike any other. Blending the worlds of horror and hope, the story of Ravenscar and Seraphina takes readers into many directions before leaving a terrifying note as to what the future holds.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Parliament of Rooks #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out a brand new series hitting Comixology Originals! Comic fans might recognize the creative team from the Dark Horse Comic Savor but this time around, there’s no food fighting going down. Neil Kleid (The Panic) and John Broglia have something more grounded and felonious brewing within these pages.

Nice Jewish Boys #1 by Kleid, Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt delivers a tale of bonds broken and dangerous choices. Let’s take a deeper dive into what is unfolding here, shall we?

EDITOR NOTE: The story is a crime drama. Some of the imagery might be graphic in nature for younger readers. Discression is advised before moving forward.

NICE JEWISH BOYS #1 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (credit: Comixology originals)


The story begins with a narration from Jake Levin. Levin is a a Modern Orthodox Jewish man who is breaking down a stereotype involving money. Readers see a man getting stabbed with money falling from his hands. Once the dialogue stops, Levin is standing with blood on his hands and a dead body at his feet.

Events shift back in time to a bar mitzvah. With everyone celebrating, there is one man sitting and breaking down the cost of the event: Levin. Knowing that his son was having a bar mitzvah fast approaching, Levin feared how much the financial burden would be. Levin’s train of thought is broken when an old friend sits down next to him: Chaim Davidovits.

Davidovits is a very successful businessman. Readers see a flashback of how he, Levin and Lenny Klein have grown up over the years. After the party, Davidovits catches up with Levin and the money issue is brought up. Trying to help his old friend out, Davidovits makes Levin a job offer he can’t refuse writing promotions for his kosher appetizing stores. However, as the saying goes…. if its’ too good to be true, it most likely is.

What happens next throws Levin’s world upside down. An unexpected event transpires that starts a domino effect with Levin. Just when he thinks he’s a step ahead, it quickly turns out to be the farthest from the truth. Even with the downward spiral, no one will see the final image coming throwing more gas on an already raging inferno of drama and emotion.

NICE JEWISH BOYS #1 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (credit: Comixology originals)

NICE JEWISH BOYS #1 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (credit: Comixology originals)

Kleid makes a strong, pyramided debut with the debut issue. The first arc gives a detailed insight into Levin’s mounting pressures of providing. Readers can empathize with how he is pridefully trying his best but knows he’s failing. The break to establish the friendship with Davidovits builds off the beginning to show where Levin feels his status is in comparison. Once the job offer is made, they story begins its transition. It levels the status of Levin to where things feel stable.

This theme doesn’t last too long as the event takes place to start the third act and sink hope quickly. The pace speeds up showing how fast things are falling apart. Levin’s reactions shows the fear of knowing what has just happened. Klied sprinkles in some great twists before ending on a major one, capping off an impressive opening issue.

Broglia and Wright provide the backdrop of normal suburbia while hiding the true themes at play. The opening sequence makes a loud statement. This is capped off with a blunt full page panel that sets the stage for bigger events to come. Levin’s expressions while at the bar mitzvah grows the sense of overwhelming doubt in his current status.

The interactions with Davidovits mirrors the old friends we grow up with in a timeless moment. Once that event is re-created, it symbolizes the end of childhood hope and the new wave of grown up responsibility. This gets amplified with the events later in the book. The reveals later in the issue hit their marks with Levin’s body language telling a greater story. With all those strong panels, nothing will prepare readers for when the last page hits and the last panel represents. It’s a great way to cap off the strong debut chapter.

NICE JEWISH BOYS #1 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (credit: Comixology originals)

NICE JEWISH BOYS #1 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (credit: Comixology originals)


Under the veil of friendship and family, Kleid, Broglia and Wright establish a devious tale that tests pushing a man to his breaking point. Fantastic writing fills the vivid imagery to construct a story that would be criminal to pass on reading. Make sure to check this out on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Nice Jewish Boys #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving further into the mystery surrounding a fantastic new series on Comixology Originals! Last we saw Alex Greer, the line between reality and fantasy was severely blurred. Now posed with a murder charge, Alex needs to survive long enough to uncover a dark truth. Is she ready for what happens next?

BLACK SIGHT #2 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano poses that question as the mystery behind her situation begins to peel back some layers. Let’s take a closer look at how things shape up now.

BLACK SIGHT #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)


Alex Greer is an American exploring Amsterdam in 1964. After leaving a club with a stranger, the next morning Alex finds herself waking up to a dead woman. Being taken away by the authorities , communication issues are halting her from proving her innocence. This is much to the liking of someone with a vested interest.

This issue begins with a man in a cell. He says his name is “John”. The orderlies attending to him are telling him his name is “Gary”. After a struggle, “John” is subdued. He is forced to endure electro-shock treatment until he says his name is “Gary”.

Meanwhile, Alex is being examined before being processed in a mental institution. Readers witness the new surroundings for Alex as a bleak place of hope. A fellow resident leaves her with haunting words of advice before the final act begins. Once that starts, the spiral into madness takes a great hold. The last image of this story will leave readers with no doubt Alex’s nightmare is only just beginning.

BLACK SIGHT #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

Phillips dives into the terrifying truth of what Alex is about to endure. The “John” portion of the issue exposes the inhumane way of breaking down the patients in the mental hospital. It is a cold, hard truth to the greater mystery Alex is now involved with. Phillips sets this up with no punches pulled, making a strong statement right off the bat.

Once Alex enters the story here, the pace is slowed down to let the mood encompass the reader. Each action Alex takes is given enough time to slowly build for a greater moment later. This gives a contrast to the remainder of “John”’s story, which speeds up enough to set the final act in motion. Once the story swings back to Alex, it doesn’t slow down until the story’s conclusion. The stage is set for both Alex and “John”s key players to cross paths soon which will make for quite the memorable encounter down the road.

Boyle’s vision of events mirror the hellish landscape of Alex’s tortuous saga. The cruel treatment of “John” connects with readers about how unforgiving the plans for him and Alex are. The anxiousness and uncertainty of Alex pops off the pages with Boyle leaving nothing held back.

The interactions with fellow residents vary but unite under the sense of small hope things will be alright. That feeling carries through until the final act. Boyle’s art constructs the big surprise heading into an lasting final image to close this chapter out with.

BLACK SIGHT #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)


The world of Alex Greer descends further into chaos with an impactful chapter. Fear and deception loom overhead with Phillips’ superb writing being complimented by Boyle and Napolitano’s moving visuals and lettering. Readers will be locked in from the opening page and won’t want the story to end.

Black Sight is a series that needs to be in your collection every time it drops!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are returning to a supernatural tale from Comixology Originals that simply can’t be missed. Since its’ debut, the story of Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Alex, a group running an all-night diner which has more to it than a daily special, has been a major hit with comic readers. The final image of where tings were left immediately created a buzz for when the series would be back.

At the Comixology Originals panel at New York Comic Con 2023, the final arc was announced. Since then, fans have been catching up in digital (and print via Dark Horse Comics) form. It is an amazing read filled with imaginative takes, pushing the creative limits. Heading into the close, the creative team is not ending their shift on a sour note.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic returns with an issue you can’t miss! Let’s take a closer look and see how the road to the end begins.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


After surviving their encounter with Lazaruk and the “Justice Angels”, The remaining members of the vampire group look to figure their future out. With Alex lost during an encounter with the Takers (the governing body of the supernatural), Ian and Joy looked to take the fight directly to their doorstep to get their family member back. As Ian put it, “After all….we’re super heroes” which Alex’s fascination with begin their wild adventures. Others haven’t played their cards just yet as the world they know has been turned upside down.

This issue picks up where Joy is continuing the vigilante ways patrolling the streets. Ian looks on from outside the closed Diner. Readers can tell he appears troubled with what’s unfolding.

Meanwhile back in the Forrest colony, Cynthia and Frank are discussing the fallout of events. They break away for a quiet moment of normalcy. It’s a change of pace that both are enjoying considering what has transpired.

The story shifts to Joy on patrol. She jumps into a fight over a woman between two men. Joy’s interference isn’t welcomed and a scuffle breaks out. Joy handles events but some of the women watching events play out are also not happy with Joy.

Readers quickly see a surprise as they are not whom they seem to be. Luckily, Andrea, the former human ally of Alex and the group appears. What transpires next catch some off guard as more clarity about what is the groups’ next step comes into focus. That said, once the closing pages begin, everything readers thought they knew changes course as the last panel solidifies what everyone knew going in: The story here is far from over.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

Zdarsky brings readers back with a well-paced return for Ian and company. Having Cynthia act as a narrator of sorts reflects the mood of everyone since the last issue concluded. The tone is one of being worn down and wondering what’s next. The moments with Frank give this story a “normal” break before diving back into the supernatural. The ramifications of losing Alex weigh heavy on the rest of the group.

Seeing how everyone is dealing with that loss demonstrates a wide range of emotions. Seeing where Ian is leaning towards solving their problem is something readers can sense the consequences of those actions. It all ties together with the final panels, setting events in motion for a memorable farewell.

Loo and Alleyne bring the human emotions out of Cynthia and Frank right from the beginning. Their panels are a nice transition in comparison to what follows after. The fight between Joy and her combatants lead readers into a bigger payout later when Andrea joins the party. The art mirrors the mood of coping with loss as the issue progresses.

Ian’s frustrations stand out as he lets readers in onto where his thinking is leading to. The concluding pages give a great surprise to what has been an excellent return for the team of the All-Nighter Diner.

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)

The All-Nighter #11 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (credit: Comixology originals)


The supernatural heroes helmed by Zdarsky and Loo return for a fantastic start to the final arc. The loss of Alex haunts the team with with sharp writing and excellent visuals to set the stages for an unforgettable finale. Don’t miss the beginning of the end this week for New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #11. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are following along one of the latest Scott Snyder stories on the Comixology Originals line! In case anyone has been missing out on the Best Jackett Press imprint, the next wave of books are hitting the digital shop with By a Threadand the next chapter in a story based in the 1950’s.

DUCK AND COVER #2 by Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice leads readers on an epic journey into sci-fi and mystery. Let’s not wait another second and head into breaking down this chapter!

DUCK AND COVER #2 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)


Del Reeves never thought in his wildest dreams the world around him would change so much. After the fallout at a drive-in theatre fight, Del and others involved with the fight get caught in a bomb blast at “Daytension”. Once they come to, the kids witness first hand how much has changed!

This chapter begins with Pugg Lansky having a flashback to an incident with his father. Lansky is the person responsible for the fight at Del’s Drive-In Movie. Snapping back to the present storyline and Pugg’s head is reattached to a new body. It is a gripping scene that reminds all that not everything will have a happy ending.

Meanwhile the remaining survivors assess what has happened to their world. However, they don’t have time as they’re ambushed but some mutated creatures. Del quickly sees that the radio station is near by. A plan is made and the group braves the harsh environment. The group arrives but not with ease. Luckily, the DJ known as Popscile blares loud music to be a distraction.

Readers quickly learn that more has happened to this world than anyone knows. What secrets are found? What dangers lie ahead. The New World Status dives into the unknown as the closing moments build towards a shocking final page. After witnessing the visual, it will be difficult to patiently wait for the next chapter. There’s many things to like with this story.

Snyder keeps readers guessing with where the story heads now. The group of survivors have an uneasiness to their actions as they process what has happened. Being caught up in a letteral unstable environment pushes their limits. Snyder showcases how they are not ready for what lies ahead. The sense of fear and doubt haunt this group/ That said, a quick easter egg is dropped later in this issue that can only add to more distrust. This builds to the final page where the story bookends perfectly from where it started here.

Albuquerque and Maiolo waste no time blending in various elements to this story. From the opening flashback to the current state of Pugg, the art team leaves no doubt on the beginning of the story. There’s a subtle but excellent panel of how the survivors drive forward through a clear night sky via the coloring of panels. It gives readers a sense of calm before the script ramps up the speed. The latter half of the book may catch some off-guard but it plays into the essence of this thrilling sci-fi tale.


The sharp writing of Snyder blends with Albuquerque’s creative visuals to give readers an engaging chapter to an already impressive story. The elements of mystery and horror challenge Del and the survivors to new levels. This leads readers to be clamoring for the next chapter whenever its’ hitting the digital shop next.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Duck and Cover #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out one of the most anticipated debuts of the year. Entering into another year, the Best Jackett Press line written by SCOTT SNYDER has been a smash success digitally for Comixology Originals and in print form (via Dark Horse Comics).

With the latest phase kicking off with DUCK AND COVER #1 with Rafael Albuquerque (STOUT CLUB), the next book announced brings forth an additional co-writer making his debut in the world of comics. What better way to start “Scottober 2023” off with another fantastic series written by not one, but two Snyders!

By A Thread #1 by Scott Snyder, his son Jack Snyder (making his comics debut), Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, and Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price present an engaging tale of adventure and excitement fans won’t be able to escape. Let’s check it out!

By A Thread by Scott Snyder, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, and Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (credit: Comixology Originals)


The story begins in La Grange, Kentucky. It seems like a normal day at first. Kids playing in a backyard on a sunny day. Not a care in the world. How little did they know how fast things would change in a blink of an eye.

A mysterious black square appears in the yard. A cardinal flies by it and gets tangled up in its’ expanding tentacles. It is at this moment, readers begin to sense what terror is about to unfold.

Within a week, the black substance (now known as “The Shroud”) has spread rapidly, leaving much death and destruction in its’ wake. The future looks very bleak as it appears that little might be able to stop its’ spreading. Scientists discover that diamonds affect the substance but is it too little too late?

The story jumps 13 years ahead as readers get introduced to Canon and Jo. They are awaiting someone named Pindle to arrive. They scramble to make preparations with the farm animals they have to barter. Once the plan is in place, they peel the curtain back to the new world!

What visions do readers see? As the pages turn, the landscape is filled with characters all trying to find their place in this dangerous landscape. Allies, Enemies and Hope carry Canon and Jo on their business dealing. However one big move is made that changes everything. The fallout sets the stage for a greater mystery at hand and leaves readers with a lasting impression that will only grow as the story goes forward.

By A Thread #1 by Scott Snyder, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (credit: Comixology Originals)

By A Thread #1 by Scott Snyder, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (credit: Comixology Originals)

Talk about an impressive debut! There are many themes surrounding this story. From the opening, the tempo is set with a fast-paced opening act. The danger is presented loudly with featuring how fast the Shroud has spread. The time jump hits the ground running introducing the two main characters with a great jump-on point for readers. However, it is when the curtain is pulled back (literally) that the story shifts gears into an adventurous course.

The tone reflects an RPG-esque influence as Canon and Jo try to barter for supplies. Once that situation is “resolved”, the story takes a distinct turn in a dangerous course. The father and son duo place some clues for later in the journey to pay off concerning Jo and his connections to some of the supporting cast. The ending portion of the chapter throws in a few more surprises in the mix. There isn’t a point where anything felt overshadowed The story is very well written and detailed that readers will start generating theories right after the last page is read. It’s an entrapping story that you won’t want to put down.

Favoccia (along with Cogar and Napolitano) deliver an amazing post-apocalyptic world within these pages. There is an incredible two-page full shot of the “View from the Needles” that will make readers jaws’ drop. The action sequences pop off the page with the swift pacing of character movements. Favoccia gives the major antagonists dramatic entrances as well, giving readers a sense of the dangers looming ahead.

Introducing so many characters in one issue can be difficult, but Favoccia gives everyone their own unique looks and mannerisms. The interactions Jo leads with them prove to be a solid break from the action. The closing moments mix in flashbacks along with the mystery under Cogar’s coloring. The final panel mirrors what readers will be thinking as this adventure is only just beginning.

By A Thread #1 by Scott Snyder, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (credit: Comixology Originals)

By A Thread #1 by Scott Snyder, Jack Snyder, Valeria Favoccia, Whitney Cogar, Tom Napolitano, and Emma Price (credit: Comixology Originals)


The father and son writing team of Scott and Jack Snyder make a thunderous debut with this tale of adventure and mystery. Backed by the stunning visuals of Favoccia, Cogar and Napolitano, the escapades of Jo and Canon’s survival in this dangerous new world is presented on a grand scale that will only be more impressive with each issue.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of By A Thread #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this edition, we are checking out a brand new series from one of Comic’s biggest writers. With hit series such as Rogue & Gambit (Marvel), Eight Limbs (Humanoids) and THE coolest book at the LCS, GRIM (by BOOM! Studios), the hype is completely justified. Factor in such great series on Comixology Originals alone such stories as We Only Kill Each Other and Mark Dawson’s Beatrix Rose: Vigilante and there is no question with this latest entry is generating so much buzz.

BLACK SIGHT #1 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, along with Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano brings forth an intense story of loss and mystery. Let’s not wait another minute and dive in, shall we?

BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals - Cover: Dave Johnson)


The story begins with a haunting narration. There is a hand reaching through the yellow shading. Its’ intended target is a woman strapped and gagged to a gurney. Her name is Alex Greer.

Things change to what appears to be happier times. Alex is in a club in 1964 Amsterdam. Alex is dancing and enjoying the nightlife. A mysterious man tries to make time with Alex. She vaguely remembers him other than a big watch and bad hygiene. As the night takes over, Alex starts feeling the effects of the good time out.

Outside of the club, Alex vomits. The man tries to help her but Alex refuses. The man seems very focused on taking Alex somewhere for assistance until a stranger walks in and saves Alex from him.

Readers see how Alex’s night takes a different turn then expected. Heading into the final act, no one is prepared for where the story goes from here. Forget what you know and prepare for the unknown. If the final page is any indication, there is much to come to light other than a hangover from the night before.

There’s also a companion short story by Daleyna Abril and Marco Fodera that will be key to unraveling the mystery at hand.

BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals - Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals - Cover: Dave Johnson)

Phillips scatters the pieces of the enigmatic puzzle being told here, you can’t help but be hooked for the long haul. Alex’s story starts out questionable from the openings page. However, it doesn’t take long for things to go sideways.

The build to the turning point almost feels like smoke and mirrors once the moment happens. It shows why Phillips is one of the best storytellers right now. From that moment, the story flips into a freefall which leaves many questions heading into the concluding pages, ensuring fans can’t afford to miss the next chapter.

Boyle’s art perfectly combines the feel of the 60’s with a haunting edge around it. The use of Yellow coloring plays such a big part in the visuals. There is no better case than the middle act. The usage builds around Alex’s new “friend”, building to a unique full page visual that tips readers off where things head next.

The switch of coloring brings the story back to a cold reality that readers will question especially after the final page. Get ready for a monster hit with this creative team only just starting.

BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals - Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals - Cover: Dave Johnson)


Phillips, Boyle and Napolitano make a big debut with a enrapturing thriller that no one can escape. Superb writing builds for a dramatic twist with stunning visuals solidifying the story you think you see is definitely not all that it seems. Highest possible recommendation for New Comic Book Day this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this edition, we are checking out the latest installment from an award-winning franchise via Dark Horse Comics. The Black Hammer story by Jeff Lemire debuted in 2016 and has garnered multiple awards including some Eisner’s in its’ time of publication.

In 2023, it appears as the series is heading to a conclusion with Black Hammer: the End #1 by Lemire, Malachi Ward, Bryce Davidson and Nate Piekos. Let’s take a closer look and see how things are setting up, shall we?

Black Hammer: the End #1 by Lemire, Malachi Ward, Bryce Davidson and Nate Piekos (credit: Dark Horse Comics)


In case anyone is new to the series, “Black Hammer” centers around a group of heroes stranded in the past in the town of Rockwood after an epic battle against the Anti-God. Rockwood is no ordinary place has has a distinct aura to its’ energy. Since that time period, the series has splinted into various spin-offs and crossovers throughout the years. One notable one was with DC Comics’ Justice League.

Now in 2023, thinks look very bleak for these heroes. The issue begins in Spiral City of Earth 312. Golden Guinevere and Zafram are fighting a losing battle against some creatures. When Zafram is disintegrated, Guinevere reverts back to being a child. However, hope for her might not be lost. A figure known as Spacedigger has appeared and teleports her away. Their destination is a space ship helmed by TLKE-WLKE and Colonel Weird. They all watch as the world they were just on explodes!

Meanwhile back in Rockwood, the police are pulling up looking for a missing child. Inspector Insector needs to hide as the sheriff starts asking questions. Once the mystery has been solved with the introduction of Lucy Weber, the small group makes its way to a farm long time readers know all too well.

What does Lucy talk with the group about? After witnessing a world die, What is Colonel Weird’s plan? Who or what is causing this? Readers get some clues as to where things are heading. Rest assured, after the final page, they will need to buckle in for one hell of an adventure.

Black Hammer: the End #1 by Lemire, Malachi Ward, Bryce Davidson and Nate Piekos (credit: Dark Horse Comics)

Lemire sets the prime players in motion for what should be an unforgettable final(?) series. The introduction is a big statement at how dangerous the stakes are. Lemire ties in the game planning of Colonel Weird as a solid backdrop during the opening segments. This builds a brisk pace at where things are heading. The Rockwood portion gives a great balance as Lucy comes back into the fold with a grave warning ahead. Knowing this will be the presumed end, the tone of the book reflects the severity of conflict. This carries thru to the closing image, which lets readers know to get ready for a strong finish.

Ward and Davidson come out of the gate swinging with this issue. The two page spread (featured above) is absolutely eye-catching. Reflecting Weird’s demeanor as events play out makes another big statement. Even new readers (such as myself) will immediately connect with what is involving and how grave the outlook is. The Rockwood portion plays into that groups reactions to what lies ahead. The panels range from shock to determination. It added to the overall tale nicely. The final sequence will catch some off-guard but leaves no doubt of how things are shaping up.

Black Hammer: the End #1 by Lemire, Malachi Ward, Bryce Davidson and Nate Piekos (credit: Dark Horse Comics)


What may be the final installment of the hit franchise builds the foundations for what can only be a monumental finale. Lemire, Ward and the team balance the excellent writing with dazzling visuals to kick things off in style. Don’t miss out on this for New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Hammer: the End #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have reached the conclusion of a mesmerizing story from Best Jackett Press, home of the Scott Snyder line of books for Comixology Originals. Since it’s debut with We Have Demons (w/art from Greg Capullo), the line has been a fan favorite for both digital and print readers.

Debuting for Comixology then transitioning to the local comic shops via Dark Horse Comics, The line has produced hit series such as Clear (w/ Francis Manupal), Night Of The Ghoul (w/ Francesco Francavilla), Canary (w/ Dan Panosian) and the Eisner winning Barnstormers (w/ Tula Lotay) to name a few. With a new phase of series about to start, the second wave of books near completion of their current runs,

One of those finales is Book Of Evil from Synder, Jock and Emma Price. The nightmare landscape prepares to unveil Homer and his friends’ fate with issue #4. Let’s see how the coming of age story completes its’ run, shall we?

Book Of Evil #4 from Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price (credit: Comixology originals via Best Jackett Press)


A 12 yr old boy named Homer is an “animal”. At least that is what society has defined him as. In the 1960’s, children were demonstrating behavior cyphered as “psychopathic” once they reached 14-16 yrs old. Only 8% have not changed and are deemed “animals” or less than human.

Homer doesn’t have the easiest life. “Humans” are making his days miserable. When his brother Poe goes missing, Homer takes action. With his friends Blake, Milton and Elliot, Homer sets out to find out where his brother is and fearing the worst. Finding his brother isn’t Homer’s only goal. A cartoon written by E. C. Happ known as “The Book Of Evil” might hold the clues on how to find Happ and possibly end this hellish period of humanity once and for all.

Their journey has led them right into danger’s doorway. From a group known as “Shepards”, with a human Poe in tow to a new colony of “ghosts”, Homer has encountered terrors no one his age should ever cross. With the Shepards in pursuit, it looks like Homer and company might catch a break. It appears they have finally tracked down the location of E.C. Happ!

The finale begins with Homer narrating the history of “The Book Of Evil”. Readers find out about the 610 chapters/installments of the cartoon. The chapters center around the Goode Brothers as they embark on trying to fix the crisis of “humans”. The words paint a bleak picture of what they are enduring with a cartoonish feel.

From this point, the story jumps to Homer and his friends breaking a latch to enter an area that they have only dreamt of. The group has made it to Fort Goode. As they walk into the refuge of their hope, they see a fireplace lit with food on a table. The group is scared to think who is here. The fears are put to ease as a voice makes their Prescence known. The voice belongs to E.C. Happ!

The conversation Homer has been waiting to have finally arrives! Is there hope in the hopeless world? Readers find out that the answer is not so easy. The complexity of the situation brings out many emotions from the group. Happ’s breakdown of the world is one that will catch some off-guard. Will Homer accept the information or fight back?

The closing arc will provide a fitting and satisfying end to a story that keeps tugging at emotional heartstrings. Events speed up long enough to catch readers not expecting certain outcomes. A well-crafted final page ties up what has been an excellent read to dive into.

Book Of Evil #4 from Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price (credit: Comixology originals via Best Jackett Press)

Book Of Evil #4 from Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price (credit: Comixology originals via Best Jackett Press)

Snyder poses a great question in this finale issue: Is a dream worth it if it was only a dream? The differing views of Happ and Homer bring this to light as their interactions play off as strong segments. The viewpoints of an “animal” will clash with someone who sees the world through different eyes. Snyder challenges the readers with whose argument is stronger. There are great surprises brought out for the finale which readers can’t help but feel. This builds into a fast-moving final act as time becomes a factor for all involved. The closing moments will hit their marks and leave a lasting impression. The series has been an intense read and the finale never falters driving that home in the closing moments. Another excellent story from Snyder and this line of books!

The look and panel structure of this series has been very different than other comics at the local comic shops. That said, when Jock drops a visual in this series, it is not to be missed. The initial introduction to Fort Goode jumps out with the use of coloring showing the fireplace and table of food. This is matched with a full page shot late in the book to hit readers with a strong emotional visual before bringing the story to an end.

The usage of colors makes another prime case of creativity later in the issue. When red and yellow hits the pages here, it represents more than the usual danger at hand. Emma Price deserves to be acknowledged for her format presentation in this series as well. This is not your average comic. Book Of Evil comes across as a journal into growing up more than what some might expect. It stands on its’ own and won’t be soon forgotten.

Book Of Evil #4 from Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price (credit: Comixology originals via Best Jackett Press)

Book Of Evil #4 from Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price (credit: Comixology originals via Best Jackett Press)


Homer’s odyssey comes to a thrilling and heart-breaking end within the pages of Best Jackett Press’s latest hit. Snyder, Jock and Price give readers superb writing with haunting visuals to bring the curtain down on what has been a chilling tale of hope and hurt. Make a point to pick this up digitally or in print when it drops in at the local comic shops.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Book Of Evil #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the Heroes In A Half Shells enter into a new crossover with one of pop culture’s biggest fandoms for an all-new series! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are no strangers to huge crossovers. Earlier this year, they were featured in a sequel series with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. For this adventure, Turple Power alone might not be enough to handle the threats from the Upside Down.

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES/STRANGER THINGS #1 by Cameron Chittock, Fero Pe, Sofie Dodgson and Rus Wooton (Credit: IDW Publishing and Dark Horse Comics) pairs the heroes with Eleven and the gang from Hawkins, Indiana for a monumental event! Let’s take a closer look and see how things unfold, shall we?

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES/STRANGER THINGS #1 (IDW PUBLISHING/DARK HORSE COMICS) - Creative: Cameron Chittock, Fero Pe, Sofie Dodgson and Rus Wooton (Credit: IDW publishing/Netflix/Nickelodeon/Dark Horse Comics)

The story begins in New York City circa 1985. Some passengers on the subway line notice a “Rat” moving along the car. Little do they know, this is no ordinary rat. One passenger puts it best: “The Whole City Is Going to Hell”. This becomes very evident with a noticeable marking underneath the seats.

Above ground, tourists flood the streets of the Big Apple. One such group is definitely far from home. Readers see the familiar faces of Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield and Dustin Henderson sight-seeing with a class trip. When Eleven meets up with them, they find themselves seperated from their group.

Heading into the subway to catch up, the group hears a frightening but familiar sound. Miles away, it appears the supernatural followed them from Hawkins. Looking to investigate, the kids head deeper into the subway. What they find is more than they bargained for. Luckily, they get some much needed back-up from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

What could be the common cause for these two groups to cross paths? Readers find out quickly that this is no random occurrence. Events are in motion that start peeling back the layers to the suspicion. The final moments build for a surprise that will have readers locked in for next issue and the rest of the series! Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

BREAKDOWN: Chittock balances the supernatural and super-heroics with a fine balance in this opening issue. The banter of the kids from Hawkins fits right in line with what won over millions from the hit Netflix show. Even with the big change of scenery, nothing felt out of place. Even when the kids meet up with the ‘Turtles, the reaction of the kids is priceless. The moment plays into both fandoms extremely well. Even when the final act starts ramping up, readers can easily get caught up in the story. Solid surprise ending to lock readers in for the long haul.

Pe and Dodgson bring out the best of NYC with the panels of sight-seeing. Incredible shot of the Empire State Building with the kids’ reactions in the surrounding panels. Once the action begins, the art team sets the pace early with a huge visual of what was in the subway. As great as that was, it’s topped by a two full page spread of the Turtles entering the fray. The kids’ reactions reflect the same type of moments on the show. This plays into connecting with readers about the mystery looming ahead. There’s also a great display page of Eleven using her powers that fans will be excited to see. Solid final visual to send readers into the next phase of a very entertaining saga.


Chittock, Pe, Dodgson and the team unite the heroes of Hawkins with the legendary TMNT squad for an impressive debut issue. Fans of both franchises will discover quickly how well this pairing gels with the stellar writing and attention-grabbing visuals. The story is just beginning and you won’t want to miss this!

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know your thoughts about TMNT/Stranger Things #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Scott Snyder and Best Jackett Press returns with an all new series on Comixology Originals. Snyder’s line of comics has been winning over fans since its’ first wave of books: We Have Demons (w/art from Greg Capullo). Clear (w/ Francis Manupal), and Night Of The Ghoul (w/ Francesco Francavilla).

Barnstormers (w/ Tula Lotay), Canary (w/ Dan Panosian) and Dudley Datson & the Forever Machine (w/ Jamal Igle) led the second wave charge. October 2022 witnessed the debut of phase 3 with Book Of Evil (w/JOCK).

With the majority of those stories concludes (and now in print form via Dark Horse Comics), fans have been waiting to see what’s next.

The answer is DUCK AND COVER #1. Snyder is reunited with Rafael Albuquerque (STOUT CLUB), who fans know from their incredible run on American Vampire. The pair is united with Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice and what a story they have lined up!

Let’s not wait any longer and jump right in, shall we?

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

Set in the 1950’s, a young teen named Del Reeves is aspiring to be a film maker. His father, the high school janitor, bought him a Modackchrome 330 camera on a month’s salary. With the dangers of heightened Cold War tension and The N.O’s (a local Gang) looming, the boys escape in their film world. While out with his “crew” filming, Fate decided to intervene and say “cut” on the production.

When a stray Doberman attacks Del, he loses his eye in the ordeal. At the hospital, an apology is given but not the one anyone would expect. The police are “blaming” Del for the incident and the dog’s owner will let things drop if Del apologies. Reluctantly he does.

The story then jumps several years ahead. Reeves is planning on heading to Hollywood. Working at a drive-in theatre, Reeves and his friend Oliver Ozawa come across a rough crowd. With the current climate of possible nuclear warfare, readers can understand the frustration. However, when Pugg Lansky’s radio speaker “doesn’t work”, it leads into a hostile confrontation with Reeves, Ozawa, Lansky and a few others.

After all hell breaks loose, Reeves visits the involved parties at “Daytention” at the school to confront Lansky. At this stage, an unexpected event happens. The event changes the course for everyone in the classroom.

What is the event? Readers quickly witness the world as Reeves and company knew is gone. What stands in its’ place is a landscape no one will see coming. It is one of the most creative flips involving history I’ve seen in a while. The final moments leave nothing to chance as to where things are heading now. Get ready for another can’t miss story from this line!

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

BREAKDOWN: Snyder brings in many different elements to this debut issue. Del Reeves instantly wins over readers with his drive and strength thru uncomfortable times. The social tensions challenge his character and he never falters rising above it. Reeves and Ozawa’s friendship is organic and their conversations pop up as a break from the anxiousness of the world around them. Lansky reflects the complete opposite and plays a solid foil to Reeves.

Just when readers think they know where the story is going, Snyder pulls one of the most brilliant changes with the path of the final act. The themes carries heavy in a reflection of the times but mixes in sci-fi elements to give it a unique edge. Pacing kept things moving and brought everything to a superb close with the final page. Excellent debut.

Albuquerque and Maiolo construct a detailed vision of America in the 1950’s. From the opening moments, the panels reflect a sense of optimism as the boys start their film. Through the tense emotions, the art showcases how the youthfulness is oblivious to the dangers. Fantastic two-page spread bringing the feel of the drive-in movies. This brings the introduction to most of the major players. The versatile mannerisms feature how everyone feels during this era. Perfect set-up to kick off the fight between Reeves, Lansky and all around.

The final act is where the art shines. Bringing in a completely new imagery to this time was a joy to witness. Events moves quickly and panels never missed a step translating that to the audience. The final page is a lasting impression that this is no ordinary story. That’s also a huge win for readers moving forward.

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)

DUCK AND COVER #1 - SCOTT SNYDER, Rafael Albuquerque, Marcelo Maiolo and Bernardo Brice (CREDIT: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press and Stout Club)


Snyder and Albuquerque usher in an imaginative take on the combustible social climate of the 1950’s. Outstanding writing and flawless artwork set the stage for what is sure to be an instant classic. Fans will not be able to forgive themselves if they don’t pick up this issue. Highest possible recommendation.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know what you thought of Duck and Cover #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this edition, we are returning to one of the best imprints in comics today: Best Jackett Press, home of the Scott Snyder led imprint. With a roster of books such as We Have Demons (w/art from Greg Capullo). Clear (w/ Francis Manupal), Night Of The Ghoul (w/ Francesco Francavilla), Barnstormers (w/ Tula Lotay), Canary (w/ Dan Panosian) and Dudley Datson & the Forever Machine (w/ Jamal Igle), fans have been treated to amazing story after amazing story. The issues have debuted digitally via Comixology Originals, following after in print form via Dark Horse Comics. The latest addition to the line-up debuted in October of 2022 and made an immediate impact on readers. Now at the pen-ultimate issue, the dangers have ramped up on the young adventure and his quest to find hope in a hopeless world.

BOOK OF EVIL #3 by Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price picks right up after last issue’s shocking conclusion with another intense read. Stay between the “yolk lines" as we take a closer look at the latest in Homer’s odyssey. Let’s get started, shall we?

Book Of Evil #3 - on sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)


In the 1960’s, the majority of children experience significant and disturbing changes when they hit their teenage years (range: 14-16 yrs old). The behavior being displayed can only be summed up as psychopathic. There is no way to describe way, just the insanity spread like wildfire across the entire population, with only roughly 8% dodging the change. The 8% were reclassified as “animals” of less than human. One such “animal” is a 12 yr old boy named Homer.

Along with his brother Poe, Homer and his friends Blake, Milton and Elliot try surviving the world gone mad. When Poe goes missing and rumors of him turning start growing, Homer sets out to discover the truth.

A clue is found in Poe’s room: E. C. Happ (the author of a cartoon known as “The Book Of Evil”) clippings which Homer thinks is the hidden location of Happ. With a belief that finding Happ will solve this nightmare, Homer and his friends set out to find Happ. During their journey, the young adventures can’t elude danger as they cross “shepards” until a bigger threat saves them for himself: a newly turned “Human” Poe!

This issue starts with Homer giving more background on the conditions he and his “family” have lived in. Readers can visualize the sheer hell the young boy grew up in with his brother doing all he can to keep him safe. It led into the importance of staying who they were and how hope represented the home they wanted. This ties into the importance of the color Yellow as that was the color of the door in the Yolk.

From here, the mood shifts to the frantic escape from Poe and the humans. The group is on a make-shift raft heading down a river, trying to stop Milton from bleeding to death (he lost his hand last issue). During the journey, Milton drops a food bag with gold-wrapped chocolate. Homer instantly jumps in to recover the food but is separated from his group. Once he swims to shore, another unknown group appears and makes an immediate impact on his journey.

What is this new group about? Homer meets with their leader and begins to process where things are now. Without his brother and his friends, what future does he have? Readers find out what this new group is about while sitting helplessly as a surprise blow is dealt to Homer that can only be classified as heart-breaking. The closing moments solidify why Homer’s convictions never waiver as the endgame appears to be approaching quickly.

Book Of Evil #3 - on sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #3 - on sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #3 - on sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

BREAKDOWN: The unwavering belief of Homer that things can change grows stronger heading into the final issue. Snyder composes Homer as a tragic character who presses forward no matter what transpires. This first comes to light when he dives into the water for the snack bag. It is a small footnote but Homer belief in what “normal” represents to him that he’s willing to risk everything to keep it. The meeting with the new group brings up a new dynamic for readers to process. Is everything they present real or is this nothing more than a ruse? However the biggest moment of the book is a small conversation where when reading the dialogue, readers can actually feel the hope drain out of Homer. The final moments bring events full circle as the question of what will break first becomes evident: Homer’s hope or Homer’s reality.

In case you are new to the series, the art structure is very non-traditional to other comics. Emma Price deserves a great deal of praise for its’ presentation. However, when Jock adds anything to the pages, it elevates every page. The perfect example is Homer reliving the image of Poe with his knife. The haunting visual adds greatly to the dire feeling. The introduction of the group’s leader makes a big statement with seeing how their path could be Homer’s. The use of colors still play a huge part to this story. The symbolism of yellow jumps out as the story heads into the final act. It is an interesting mix of colors in the heart-breaking conversation that may play into something bigger in the finale.

Book Of Evil #3 - on sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #3 - on sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #3 - on sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)


The Odyssey of Homer and his friends takes an unexpected turn, questioning all he has known within Book Of Evil #3. Snyder, Jock and Price construct a superb issue with moments and visuals filled with small glimpses of hope in a declining and maddening world. This series is an excellent read and one you shouldn’t miss out on for New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you think of Book Of Evil #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out the conclusion of a fantastic series on from one of the most impressive imprints on the Comixology Originals Line. When fans hear the name “Scott Snyder”, one of the genres most associated with his writing is horror. The term “All Ages story” hasn’t typically been associated with his work but man, can he ever write an amazing one! Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine by Snyder, with Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano has been such a fun read and a highlight of the second wave of books with the partnership between Best Jackett Press and Comixology (Digital)/Dark Horse (Print Version).

Now heading into the conclusion, it is literally anyone’s guess where this series ends its run at. Let’s not delay any longer and deep dive into issue #5, shall we?

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #5 - On Sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #5 - On Sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Dudley Datson is a young inventor whose life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles into a plot involving the Prometheans trying to acquire a powerful invention from his mentor, Dr. Shae. When Shae is killed, Datson now becomes involved in her battle to stop them and the mysterious Perdix from achieving their evil plans. Datson does have some help in the form of a talking dog who is anything but average. Daedalus is a member of the legendary Athenian Family, and is a creator of an invention known as the Forever Machine, a maze-like conductor of energy. During their latest escape from Perdix, the pair wind up in the Forever Machine, which has been taken over by Perdix and distorted to his means. Datson leads an impossible escape from the maze and when the pair arrive back on Earth, it is revealed Perdix is not who he says he is. Perdix is actually Icarus, Daedalus’ son!

This issue picks up with the theme of “Dreaming Big”. there is a montage (much like the previous issues) of inventors and breaking down their trains of thought. Things shift back to the reality of Icarus addressing the people of Earth, “offering” them the honor of powering the maze. Daedalus’s confidence is broken as realizing he is responsible for all this. Datson calms his nerves and in a role reversal, Datson assumes the role as mentor, motivating Daedalus to continue to fight. They defeat an incoming Promethean scout ship and commandeer it to find Datson’s father and best friend, Ohno.

From here, readers see the emergence of Datson ascending into the role he has always been meant for. His plan is risky and near impossible, but as the theme of this issue goes, Datson is dreaming Big! Will his plan really work? The closing act picks up the pace bringing the long-awaited showdown to the center stage. The ending may surprise but if there’s anything certain about this series, it’s except the unexpected.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #5 - On Sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #5 - On Sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #5 - On Sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

BREAKDOWN: Snyder pulls out all the stops for an outstanding conclusion. The story of Dudley Datson has been all about finding himself. Since the initial first appearance, Datson has evolved from naïve and awkward teenager to an established and confident inventor. The themes for each issue have tipped off the blueprint for his journey. Datson excels at the role reversal. Snyder pulling the switch helped elevate Daedalus with his character. The big plan of attack works because it harkens back to what gives Datson his strength: the love of his family. Seeing the confidence shine in him during the finale act was a natural extension of the growth. The closing act brought everything nicely full circle with leaving the readers on a positive note for what may lie ahead for the young inventor.

Igle and Castro set up the closing issue with some impressive visuals. Capturing the breaking of Daedalus was portrayed perfectly with reading his eyes when he felt the guilt sink in. The emotional reactions to events with Datson and his dad will connect with readers greatly as well. Seeing Datson beaming in front of him with such conviction during this crisis are panels that can’t be missed. The final standoff brings the action heading into the closing visuals which brings this incredible story to an end the only way it can: dreaming big.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #5 - On Sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #5 - On Sale May 23rd

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Snyder, Igle and the team welcome comic readers into the fantastic world of Dudley Datson. The series captures the imagination and constructs the magnification of the unlikely hero into the role he was born to be in. The combination of excellent writing and incredible visuals makes this dream idea into a must-have reality issue. Don’t miss this comic on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you think of Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine #5. Thanks for reading!