Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, it’s time to say goodbye to a pair of high-flying fugitives in the pages of one of Comixology Originals best series (via the Best Jackett Press line). BARNSTORMERS by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings has introduced readers into the world of Bix and Tillie, who’s been dodging danger since their initial introduction. The pair of unlikely partners turned lovers has taken fans on a dramatic roller-coaster bringing everything to a fever pitch with last issue’s game-changing moment. Now at issue #5, Can the pair out make it out of this situation to fly another day? Let’s not delay any longer and dive into the series finale, shall we?

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 


Post World War 1, Hawk E. Baron aka Bix has taken up being an aeriel showman as a way to make ends meat. On one fateful flight, little did he know how fast his life would change. Bix becomes an unlikely wedding crasher as he inadvertently disrupts the wedding of Peyton Carlyle and Tillie. Considering his family is very wealthy, Peyton shows he is not one to take kindly to this type of accident and imprisons Bix on the family’s property.

However, Bix has an unlikely ally in this mess: Tillie, who winds up freeing him and join him on the escape from the Carlyle estate! With the pair now on the run, there is no escape from the consequences of their actions in Peyton’s eyes. Peyton hires Zeke West to bring Tillie back, but little does he realize that she doesn’t want to. Tillie and Bix become a pair of thieves as they steal from the wealthy while falling in love along the way. With the emotions building, a fateful encounter at a mansion party in Florida causes the situation to spiral further out of control.

When Peyton runs into the pair, his rage takes over as he begins firing a gun at them inside the mansion. One missed shot causes a deadly fire that the high-flying pair is blamed for. In a moment of panic, Tillie knocks Bix out and turns herself back over to Peyton and Zeke thinking this will solve all the problems.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case as Peyton isn’t going to forgive and forget. Bix makes a heroic attempt to rescue Tillie but it doesn’t go exactly as planned. After hitting Tillie in a fit of rage, Peyton starts fighting and gaining the upper hand on Bix. However, during the fight, Peyton loses his gun and is killed by Tillie!

This issue picks right up in the aftermath of Peyton’s death. Zeke is at the morgue preparing on what his next move is going to be. With reporters asking questions surrounding a wealthy socialite’s death, Zeke gives no answers as he mentally prepares for the showdown with Bix and Tillie.

Meanwhile, Bix and Tillie resume their flying ways and have to make a stop by an airshow to refuel. Bix has a belief about fellow Barnstormers watching out for each other. Being spotted as public fugitives is a risk they take when they land. Readers find out if Bix’s theory is true as the pair prepares for their greatest spectacle yet.

There is no shortage of drama as the pair makes their latest escape from a growing past while trying to fly away into a better tomorrow. Without question, when all is said and done, readers will have a satisfying conclusion for this epic tale.

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

BREAKDOWN: The story of Bix and Tillie has been centered around the theme of rebirth. Both have come from pasts that they keep closed off but once together, they become new people. Snyder presents them a pair finding optimism in each other, even though both know it’s on borrowed time ala a dream. Throughout this series, readers have seen how hard they’ve fought to hang on to what they have together. The finale never loses sight of that idea. Even with mounting pressure and danger out of their hands, the pair fights to the bitter end to hang on to what they have. Even Zeke West has a moment of rebirth with this issue as he finds himself rededicated to finishing the job that has worn on him. Snyder sets a steady pace with excellent character moments sprinkled in heading towards its’ final act. Once there, the series concludes in a way that is fitting to its’ overall themes. There is nothing left on the table as the final panel is read. Excellent conclusion.

Every issue has been breathtaking to look at due to the phenomenal job by Lotay and Cunniffe. Capturing the feel of a historic period and giving it an energy all its’ own has been such a strength to the series. The coloring of the panels reflected the emotions of the characters involved with this issue. From Zeke’s darker tones reflecting on what is evitable to finishing his job, to the fleeting moments of savoring the dream in the sky between Bix and Tillie before making an attempt for a final push, Lotay locks in readers to basking in those panels. The push toward the final act jumps out with a great full page aerial shot that needs to be seen! It sets the tempo for the final run to the concluding portion of the book. The drama never sits in coach for this creative flight. Sensational final panels to close out the story on.

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

Barnstormers #5

Creative by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Photo Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. 

FINAL POINT: Barnstormers by Snyder, Lotay, Cunniffe and Starkings presents a story based around a pair of unlikely lovers who risk everything for an impossible new life. The story kept soaring to new heights with incredible writing paired with fantastic artwork. The complexity of Bix and Tillie’s characters engaged readers as they found themselves caught up in the spiraling drama unfolding around them. Heading into this final flight, readers will be left with a compelling adjournment to a must-have series for any comic book reader.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know what you thought of Barnstormers by Snyder and Lotay. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, it's season finale time for one of ComiXology Originals's most imaginative series. Ask for Mercy: The Circle of Time #6 by by Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding brings a close to the (literally) time splitting tale that has taken readers on quite the ride. How do things fare for Mercy and Alizarine versus the evil Kroach? Let's take a deeper dive and see how things wrap up this season.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #6

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #6

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals


The story of Mercy is a complex one to say the least. Being selected to fight monsters spawned from pure evil isn't something that happens every day. Four seasons later and Mercy's life hasn't slowed down since. This season has been a story on two fronts. Mercy’s allies, Ratmir and Jill Anderson, have been making plans while having a young girl named “Becky” in their care. Becky’s big secret is she’s a younger version of Mercy! Unfortunately, when they made a time jump after escaping a tight situation, they missed the mark and landed 20 years late and off course in 2007. That said, Jill has taken it upon herself to start actions that should have big ramifications later.

Meanwhile on the planet Tertiarus (& 65 years prior), a grown up Mercy and Tertiarus protector Alizarine have become entangled with space pirate Absolm Mooncrow while facing off with the Kroach. Alizarine makes a revelation of his connection with the Deathless and powers up Mercy and Mooncrow”s crew with infusing them with dangerous enegry. In its aftermath with the Harvester, The misfit group of warriors make a call to take down the infected Pantheon of Tertiarus before they make way to Earth and invade!

This issue opens up in Banbury, England 2007, where Ratmir and Anderson landed. It is at this moment, Mercy (of this time) sees Budgie, a fan-favorite ally, lying beaten in the backyard of her grandmother’s house. Puzzled by what has happened, Becky asks Budgie what happened.

At this moment, the story shifts to the capital of Tertiarus as Alizarine is leading the heroes into battle. The looming battle weighs on Alizarine, as his meddling caused the Pantheon’s initial downfall and might provide forgiveness for his actions. With a thunderous cry, the battle has begun. The action is high paced and with stakes this high, readers will be locked in to who’s left standing at the end.

Once inside the capital, Quinacridona and the Pantheon await Alizarine and his forces. It is as epic of a battle as readers should expect. There are many moments within these panels that give clarity to the mystery of Mercy. It is a small break in the action but plays a big part elevating the emotions running thru the characters. Choices are made that have dramatic repercussions for everyone on Tertiarus and Earth.

When the smoke clears, the resolution will completely change the course of events. No spoilers here but trust me, there are some events that readers will need to brace for. The epilogue ties both season four stories together and caps off a series that leaves a new status quo in its wake.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #6

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #6

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #6

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

BREAKDOWN: Starkings delivers on a finale that lives up to the hype. The battle of Tertiarus never stops from having the energy of grave consequences for Mercy. Readers can instantly connect with the pressure to secure victory at all costs. How events play out is a great bonus to where the story moved. It’s not a happy ending in the traditional sense. The main characters involved on Tertiarus all make difficult choices for their causes. Starkings makes this finale a tragic tale in some sense but one wrapped in hope for the future in the franchise.

The visuals done by Harding gives the finale a strong aura for its conclusion. There are a few full panel pages that put a huge statement on the drama unfolding in those moments. Alizarine leading the charge into the Tertiarus capital is a defining example of this. Those moments stand out as key points of the story. These are balanced out by the emotional reactions to the events of the battle. At no point did the battle stray from delivering on its major points. The epilogue featured more reaction based images but played into capping things off for this stage of Mercy and her story.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #6

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #6

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: Stakings and Harding pull out all the stops for the finale of Ask For Mercy season four. The storytelling and imagery gives readers a legendary conclusion of the battle for Tertiarus with high-paced action and heartbreaking fallout. When it was all said and done, the Circle of Time made for an captivating story that comic readers need to check out.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Ask For Mercy: the Circle Of Time #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new debut on the Comixology Originals line that flips the traditional ghost story blueprint into a whole different direction. What happens when someone can not only see ghosts BUT fight them back? Grammaton Punch #1 by Miles Gunter (NYC Mech, Terminator, BPRD), Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire introduces readers to Van Nguyen and his unique ability. Get settled in as we’re about to take a closer look at where one boy’s fight against the paranormal goes in this introductory issue. Let’s begin, shall we?

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals


The issue opens up with Van Nguyen narrating his backstory. Readers witness a solar eclipse which Van states being born during isn’t all that great. As Van is in his mother (a power lifter) ’s stroller, a one-eyed ghost appears and makes a connection with him. Van tells the audience that being an “eclipse baby”, he can now see ghosts and vice versa. Van became a power source for the ghost as it ate off his life energy for five years.

During that time, Van was in and out of the hospital, left very weakened from the feedings. Doctors ran many tests but the only result that they could find was an anomaly with Van’s eyes. The ghost’s attacks also turned Van’s hair white. Being only Five years old, Van looked as he was going to be facing this problem for the rest of his life. Everything changed when Van unlocked a key factor involving the ghost: If it could physically touch him, Van could physically fight it back!

At this moment, Readers see him defend himself for the first time. Van hits the ghost with a right hand that Mike Tyson would be proud of. With the ghost seemingly gone, Van finally began had a chance at a healthy life and with prescription sunglasses hiding his gifts. It seemed short lived as “Eye Face” returned, but Van was ready and disposed of his foe again…and again…and again. Each time, “Eye face” took longer to return but Van was waiting and stronger than the last encounter.

Things seemed to becoming normal as Van accompanies his mother to a power-lift competition, until something happens that changes everything. What went down at the lift? Is Van ready to face what lies ahead? Readers bare witness to a growing child’s dilemma of trying to live a “normal” life with unique gifts. Things move pretty fast with some more obstacles piling up before the final image throws a big question mark on the debut issue heading into the next chapter.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

BREAKDOWN: Gunter sets up the foundation for a very imaginative story. Van’s saga catches readers off the start with presenting the toll “eye Face” is taking on him and his mother. The pacing builds to such a point that readers can feel the moment when he first punches “Eye Face” out of town. It’s an enjoyable section that takes the story into a new direction. Van is a whimsical lead that grows up fast with the challenges thrown his way. The latter half of the issue demonstrates how Van’s journey isn’t so cut and dry. Van’s impulsiveness makes complete sense considering his age at this placement in story. Heading into the concluding moments, Gunter does a great surprise setting the stage for the next installment.

Andan brings a high energy to the panels artwork. There is a My Hero Academia-esque feel to when Van starts fighting back. Those panels convey the changing of story tempo. No page illustrates that more than when Van realizes he can hit “Eye Face” back. Speaking of “Eye Face”, Andan envisions the ghost as a true imposing figure, especially one that is tormenting a five-year old. It’s counter balanced when Van grows confidence in battling back. The issue never feels like there is a lull in-between panels. Van’s world is one to easily hit with readers a the series moves onward.

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

Grammaton Punch #1

Creative:Miles Gunter, Briane Andan, Lee Loughridge, Taylor Esposito, Dee Cunniffe and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: “With Great Power, One must have a Great Punch!” Gunter, Andan and the team establish a young hero with solid storytelling and electric imagery. Grammaton Punch #1 will be a hit with readers looking for something that stands on its own with many themes mixed in the overall narrative. Make sure to keep an eye out for this series on Comixology this week.

Hit me up on ODPH Social Media and let me know what you thought of Grammaton Punch #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast.

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest entry from the fantastic series of comics on Comixology Originals line via Best Jackett Press! CANARY by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis has been one of the lead books in phase two (along with Barnstormers & Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine) with bringing the horror-western adventure of Marshall Holt’s last ride to readers with much acclaim and excitement. Canary #5 sets up events for the finale next issue but there is much to break down within the latest installment. Let’s take a closer look to see where we are heading for the frightening conclusion, shall we?


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


A disturbing murder in Utah in 1891 has brought legendary lawman Marshall Holt into its’ investigation before he retires. When the case starts revealing itself, all roads lead Holt back to the town of one of his most chilling investigations: Canary. On that assignment, Holt was introduced to Hyrum Tell, a psychopath who’s heinous activities have scared the bravest of lawmen. The flashback sequences for Tell’s actions speaks LOUD volumes for what kind of evil is inside him.

Upon his return to Canary, Holt crosses paths with Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren. The trio set out investigate a cave that has a sinister history that may hold the key to solving the case. With the use of Edward’s Sonotron, the trio investigate the cave’s water levels. When the results are voices saying “WE’RE STILL DOWN HERE!!!”, Holt and company are not prepared for what’s next.

The trio continue to look for clues at an abandoned house for “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. The “Canary Evolution” theory becomes a theme as they search the house with discovering a picture of Hyrum Tell connecting to the group. Before they can process what they’ve found, someone has trapped them inside the house and lit it on fire! Meanwhile, Mayor Gem pulls out one of the though dead miners from the cave using Edward’s Sonotron’s. What appeared to be a miracle turns into a nightmare quickly as the minor transforms into a horrific creature!

This issue opens up with a flashback to Holt returning home from the initial Tell encounter and gives some insight on this character but it’s quickly interrupted with the escape from the burning house! Once everyone leaves the house, the smoke from Canary fills the skies and the danger is in the streets. Tommy, the transformed miner is wreaking havoc slashing his sister Nellie and fighting off the town’s people. Holt makes the save but readers witness first hand it might not be enough as he’s attacked by Tommy. When that moment is resolved, Holt wakes to see he’s now in a race against time to stop this evil with more unforeseen factors in play. Can Holt stop what is coming before it’s too late? How does the flashback scenes tie into this? Readers see the beginning of the end as Holt makes his moves setting the pieces in place to bring this story to a heart-stopping finish.


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

BREAKDOWN: Snyder does a masterful job at bringing this mystery to a boiling point. Once Holt returns from the burning house, his will is challenged by a threat he is nowhere near ready for. The reaction Holt has when Tommy “speaks” to him is terrifying and shows how rattled Holt is knowing what is coming next. Being put on the pedestal of a hero from the first encounter has now been taken away as he is struggling to stop what’s unfolding. Seeing the interaction with the new players is a perfectly placed moment to drive home that Holt is in over his head with very little signs of hope to win. Even when Holt tries giving a rallying speech, it feels flat due to his character being broken down by what has happened. Readers can’ help but see how Holt refuses to quit and get fully invested into his final attempt to thwart this situation. The flashback sequences are mixed in well to give an added layer of fear and uncertainty to connect it with this issue’s conclusion. This is excellent storytelling and dialogue at its best.

The way Holt reacts with his eyes to what is happening is crafted so well by Panosian. Tommy in his new form showcased what danger Holt and the town are facing and held nothing back presenting the terror. Since he wears his bandana during the encounter with Tommy, the only way to “see” his reaction is through his eyes and how he’s shattered by what’s unraveling around him. Even the panel showcasing him talking with Mabel about how they’re going to win doesn’t feel true as his facial expression shows nothing but defeat. Panosian’s attention to this area is incredible. The flashbacks are excellent telling readers on how traumatizing the initial run-in with Tell. It elevated the final moment even more as both parts will be reflecting each other in the closing chapter.


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Final Point: Snyder and Panosian bring sheer terror to Marshall Holt and readers with this penultimate issue. The chilling dialogue is paired with equally disturbing imagery to create the sense of doubt in the fabled lawman of this era. The whole series has been a must-read and this issue is no exception. Make sure to check this out on Comixology when it drops (and grab a physical copy when it hits the LCS after its conclusion). This is a book you can’t afford to miss.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Canary #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re nearing the conclusion of Season Four from a a very popular series on Comixology Originals. If you are looking for a great mix of fantasy, sci-fi, and mystery, this story is one not to miss. Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5 by Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding takes the drama up another level as the fight versus the evil Kroach is battled in two fronts. Lets’ not delay any longer and see how things shape up here, shall we?

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals


If new to this series, Mercy has been recruited in the fight against the evil Kroach. The previous seasons have been quite the journey for Mercy. Season Four kicked off with a timejump surrounding a young girl named “Becky,” who is revealed to be a younger version of Mercy! Ratmir and Jill Anderson, allies to Mercy, are setting up camp at the home of Becky’s Grandmother after escaping a tough situation. Unfortunately for them, time jumping doesn’t always land right and they missed the time by about 20 years before meeting up with an older Mercy. That said, the planet Tertiarus and its’ protector Alizarine becomes the second part of this season’s focus.

Where things jump in, Tertiarus hasn’t fallen yet. Alizarine and Mercy (who’s all grown up) are captured by Absolm Mooncrow, a space pirate. Before deciding what to do with his prisoners, Mooncrow’s ship is attacked. Mooncrow, Mercy and Alizarine form an uneasy alliance to handle the threat but is there really any honor amongst thieves?

The crew is now heading into the direct line of the Harvester, the Kroach’s monstrous figure with an army of Deathless leaving a deadly trail in their wake. Knowing the stakes, Alizarine reveals his past encounters with the Deathless and how he has tampered in creating them via the Pantheon of Tertiarus! He then makes a play with the crew to fight back: Alizarine makes them Deathless as well. Now on an even playing field, the battle begins.

The issue is split between two fronts: Ratmir and Anderson are in 2007 waiting and watching over a young Becky. However, readers see Anderson dosn’t wait long and starts her mission to stop the Kroach on Earth. Meanwhile back on Tertiarus, Alizarine leads the Deathless crew of Mercy and Mooncrow. The action is big and high-paced, but is it enough? Has Alizarine ran out of tricks? Can Mercy survive against the insurmountable odds? A path is forged heading into the season finale that is sure to have fans of this series talking.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

BREAKDOWN: Starkings splits the story into two parts with equal vaule heading into he finale. Anderson’s story is brief but still impactful as her actions spoke volumes. However, the bigger takeaway readers will have is Alizarine’s methods for fighting the Harvester. Transforming the crew had its’ advantages but brings up questions about his true motives. There is a quiet moment between the fighting involving Mooncrow’s crew members Skully and Killsword that provides a great pause in the action to remind readers what the toll has been on the people of Tertiarus. Pacing isn’t an issue here as all signs point towards a huge season finale.

Harding’s art is electric for the fight with the Harvester. Alizarine unleashing he newly transformed Deathless into battle is a very poignant panel as it sets the tone for the fight ensuing. The full page panel of the Harvester speaks volumes for what the crew is up against. There are exceptional accommodating visuals to showcase how powerful the Deathless energy has made Mercy and Mooncrow. The fight’s conclusion is a great final shot to cap off what’s transpired before heading into the closing arc. There’s much to compliment about the artwork in this issue.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: The penultimate issue of Season Four doesn’t miss its’ mark with bringing the action and drama. Starkings and Harding bring Mercy’s battle to the forefront with great storytelling and art. The groundwork is set for what should be a memorable season finale.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review bog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, One of the best books on the Comixology Originals line drops its pen-ultimate issue. All of the Best Jackett Press releases have been hit after hit and this book is no exception! If you haven’t checked out this all-ages epic yet, you’re going to want to asap! Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4 by Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano sets up our young inventor protagonist with a dilemma with no end in sight! Let’s take a closer look at this issue and see where the story leads us now, shall we?

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


Trying to be a student at the Brooklyn Academy of Engineering is tough enough. Being the inventor of “Duds” an L.C.D. integrated fiber clothing is tougher, but being the only person to stop the Prometheans with only Daedalus, a dog that is the member of the Athenian Family, as your only ally, takes the cake. With the mystery behind the Chymical Society to the mysterious figure Perdix hunting them down, Datson’s life has now spiraled into ways he never could imagine. Last issue, a daring escape was made when the Promethean impersonated his best friend in an attempt to get his powerful watch, which is more than meets the eye. Once activated, the pair is transported away to a landscape that screams danger and wonder all at the same time.

This issue opens with a flashback to 1945 with a narration depicting the testing of the nuclear explosion. The imagery shows the reaction and the repercussions of a creation. The story shifts to where Datson and Daedalus landed after eluding the danger from Perdix and the Prometheans: a maze planet?! The pair comes to terms with how they arrived there but before processing the next move, a minataur figure runs by them into a wall, saying how it can’t stop running. A statement is left behind: “Hope is lost.” This shakes Daedalus to the core. The maze was his vision but what it is now is a corrupted thought that serves a much larger purpose in the wrong hands. Daedalus gives a narration before it’s interrupted by some protectors of the maze!

How does the pair deal with the maze planet? Can they escape? Readers find out what Datson is truly made of as he’s pushed harder and further than he’s ever been tasked before. That said, is it enough for what unfolds in the final moments here? Readers will have much to break down as the nightmare is unveiled an a final image will haunt readers heading into the finale!

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

The question posed from this issue is: Was the dream worth it when it becomes a nightmare? Snyder presents this problem to readers seeing it thru Daedulas' eyes. The origin of the maze was meant with good intentions but how it becomes corrupted proved for a very strong moment. Daedulas has been one character who seemed a step ahead. Seeing him now on the defense makes for a great challenge heading into the finale. Datson's emergence of confidence will be the moment that stands out to readers. It literally is the turning point of this chapter. Snyder sets this growth up perfectly. The scenes give the shift of momentum needed for what the pair walks into the final act. The final moment of the book is a true surprise and one that fans will not be ready for heading to next issue.

Igle keeps the fantasy intrigue up for the origin of the maze. The imagery represents hope and possibility. This connects with readers due to the work of Castro and Sotomayor, who added the vibrant feel with each panel. In contrast, the panels post corruption are dark and gloomy, reflecting the loss of hope. It plays off Snyder’s writing flawlessly. There’s also a small panel sequence where readers see Datson show some anger with a side-by-side shot of the Prometheans bracing for the fallou of his actions. Time and time again, Datson has been thrown into danger but seeing him stand up and run towards his strengths was excellent storytelling. Readers will also have a final page reveal that is sure to blow them away as the road to the final issue begins.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #4

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

FINAL POINT: The saga of Dudley Datson continues its’ fantastic journey into the unknown with an issue that is a must read! Snyder, Igle and the team deliver on incredible writing and artwork in challenging the unlikely pairing of Daedulas and Datson at their very cores. With a strong final visual, you simply cannot miss what is unfolding in this series. Make sure you have this book in your collection asap!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine #4.

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, Season Four of the wildly imaginative story mixing fantasy, sci-fi and many other influences has really made an impact over at the Comixology Originals line. Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4 by Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding showcases the saga of Mercy and the fascinating directions her story takes her in the battle against the evil Kroach. After last issue, readers were left with quite the cliffhanger. Let’s jump into this latest chapter & see where the adventure takes us now, shall we?

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals


If new to this series, a group of monster hunters have recruited Mercy’s services in the fight against evil. The previous seasons have taken mercy on quite the ride. Season Four began with a stop in Rumania, before time jumping to 1997 where a young “Becky,” who is revealed to be a younger version of Mercy (along with allies Ratmir and Jill Anderson) are waiting at the home of Becky’s Grandmother. Unfortunately, the group is looking a a twenty year wait. However, readers don’t wait as the story shifts to the planet Tertiarus and its’ protector Alizarine.

During that time, Tertiarus hasn’t fallen yet. Alizarine and (adult) Mercy are captured by sky pirates led by Absolm Mooncrow. Mooncrow knows what kind of price Mercy would command and how the the Pantheon of Tertiarus would read his actions. Like all good plans, they are not easy as his ship becomes under attack. Mooncrow, Mercy and Alizarine form an uneasy alliance to handle the attack but not before long, the double crosses begin.

This issue jumps in with Mercy drawing a blade to Mooncrow as Alizarine is in danger after helping the pirates deal with their threat. Only when cooler heads prevail, everyone is freed from their immediate dangers on the ship. That said, there is no time to celebrate their win. Mooncrow’s ship flies in the direction of what is the biggest Kroach thus far. Mooncrow announces that the creature is the Harvester, the end all-be all of the Kroach.

From here, readers get a quick tutorial of the impact this creature has. During this talk, a revelation is made and one no one will see coming! What character is connected to the Deathless of the Kroach the most? It’s a great reveal and one that drives the majority of this issue. The flashback sequence features many levels to how determined one is about defeating this evil and at what cost? From that points’ conclusion, someone makes a move that changes the dynamic between these characters forever. It’s a drastic move, but then again, these are drastic times. Excellent final moment to end this issue on.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Starkings sets up a great origin story for the threat of the Harvester. One the connection is made to readers of the major character to the deathless, the book’s mood changes accordingly. That character’s motivation to save Tertiarus has never been in question, but the methods shown in their plan provides a sense of desperation and guilt more than brave heroics. The tragic tale of the Deathless was balanced out very well by the reaction to this reveal. The Pantheon of Tertiarus keeps getting shown in different lights, which Starkings does a masterful job in presenting.

Hardings keeps the fantasy imagery rolling with this issue. The full-blown page shot of the Harvester gave readers a direct message of how serious this threat is. The moment when the Deathless’s connection is to one major character played out perfectly. From the shock on that character’s face to the travel back to a more prosperous time in Tertiarus, Harding delivers on the emotion of the moment and the ultimate despair of accepting failure. The final act pulls no punches as the desperation spreads even more to the ending visual to carry thru to next issue.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: Ask For Mercy #4 takes a small detour into the past but the future pay-off hits big! Starkings and Harding keep readers on the edge of their seats as the strong storytelling and incredible features an unveiling of a best thought plan’s failure spiraling into a reckless move to write a wrong. You definitely want to check this issue out on new Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH socials and let me know what you thought of Ask For Mercy: the Circle of Time #4.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, 2022 ushered in the next wave of books written by the man who brought you such hits as We Have Demons (w/art from Greg Capullo). Clear (w/ Francis Manupal), Night Of The Ghoul (w/ Francesco Francavilla), Barnstormers (w/ Tula Lotay), Canary (w/ Dan Panosian) and Dudley Datson & the Forever Machine (w/ Jamal Igle). We’ve waited since last October for the follow-up issue of this intense read coming out on the Comixology Originals line via Best Jackett Press (Printed copies TBA by Dark Horse Comics) and I can’t think of a better issue to kick off the 2023 BJP year off with.

BOOK OF EVIL #2 by Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price picks up where we last saw Homer and his friends dealing with the “new world” as they know it. The first issue was exceptional. Let’s not waste another second and dive into this latest chapter, but remember stay between the “yolk lines"! LET’S GO!

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)


In case you’re jumping in now or need a refresher: The majority of children in the 1960’s started to experience a radical change when they hit adolescence age (14-15 yrs old). They started demonstrating psychopathic behavior with no apparent origin for the swing. As this issue spread across the entire population, some didn’t get affected. For said group that didn’t (only 8%), they are classified as “animals” or less than Human. Their daily lives in present time are a struggle and one in particular has been an absolute nightmare. His name is Homer, a 12yr old whole lives with his friends Blake, Elliot and Milton. No parents and no hope. The closest person he has to family is his brother Poe, who has gone missing. There’s a rumor saying he’s changed like other humans. Homer isn’t willing to believe that. After coming across a possible clue to end this madness, Homer prepares for his next move.

This issue opens up with a flashback to a memory of Homer and Poe. After witnessing a beating, Poe tries getting Homer’s mind onto something else. the brothers have a game they play and Poe keeps pushing Homer to think where they were going next. Homer is thinking about solving the book of evil and ending all of this. The memory shifts to a thought of going to Coney Island and having a “good day”. The memory is ended with a parting statement by Poe pronouncing he will never leave his brother’s side.

The friends are now looking at the box left in Poe’s room and come across what they feel might be clues to solving this mess. Looking at the letters circled from the cartoon written by E. C. Happ (the author of the book), the kids determine that the location of Happ is actually nearby them. Getting to that location is way easier said than done. The group discusses a group known as “Shepards” led by a man named John Crook. Their reputation for “disliking” non-humans is well known. Crook and co. would be directly in the way of escaping for Happ’s location. With this knowledge, the young group makes plans to escape.

Can these kids pull off the impossible dream? Will they escape the nightmare they live in? Readers tag along for an adventure and test of will. Is it possible for the foursome to defy the odds or will luck run out? High risk, high reward is the motto here. Readers will be excited to tag along for their move but will NOT be ready for an emotion final moment that will leave all invested in the story shaken.

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Snyder pushes the young group into uncharted water while delivering impactful emotional shots within these pages. Seeing Homer’s determination to find his brother, no matter what the cost, connects with readers so much you can’t help but think “can they really do this?” There’s a moment in the book where Homer is internalizing the choice to go escape and breaks down why he’s more afraid of life without his friends than one with him having an easier life changed. It’s a powerful statement and completely explains his drive to see their plan play out. With everything they have seen in this world at such a young age, their plan demonstrates how dire the times are and what they’re will to do to fix things, if they can.

The rest of this chapter carries more “action” per-say but never loses sight of hope in a hopeless place. Their odyssey has exciting and dire moments paced out well. Readers won’t be expecting some of the more shocking parts to happen but nothing will top the final pages of this chapter. Snyder ties everything back full circle and the parting words and image never let go of the tragedy playing out here.

As how this series is crafted, there are no traditional panels. it is all journal entries with images mixed in when needed. Jock and Price make the most of these moments. Seeing Homer’s vision of Poe and Coney Island in the beginning of the book shows how Homer is envisioning the better times with this story. Seeing Blake’s blank and cold stares connects with how dire and hopeless this plan actually is. The use of red (for discarded terms/feelings) was subtle but hit their marks when used.

It’s countered with the yellow imagery (used for “Animals”/Yolk references) of the “pre-planning” of the escape and how Homer is seemingly talking himself up to be brave enough to do this with just a simple picture of a pen just in case an “old friend” returns. However, nothing will hit harder than the final image of this book. No spoilers, but prepare for that. It’s a simple image but one that resonates volumes.

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)

FINAL POINT: Is there still hope when the world feels so hopeless? Homer and his friends’ Odyssey answers that question with a thrilling but tragic tale within the pages of Book Of Evil #2. Snyder, Jock and Price paint their disturbing “new normal” world with an Excellent story and art to compliment the vision. Don't miss out on this issue on ComiXology this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Book Of Evil #2. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the combustible elements involved with a wildly imaginative story on Comixology Originals are about to explode! BLOOD OATH #5 by Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos brings an end to the initial first arc of this supernatural tale of criminal activity in the time of prohibition. The series has been a very fun read thus fan and all bets are off on what to expect for the finale. Let’s not waste another moment and jump into this issue, shall we?

Blood Oath #5 - On Sale December 20th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Blood Oath #5 - On Sale December 20th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics


In case you’re just joining, in 1922, Hazel Crenshaw runs her family farm in New York with her sister Geraldine. Hazel is also dabbling in the alcohol business which is illegal at this time. Her business partner Frankie is helping her pay the bills but their work draws some unwanted attention. That comes from Jotham, a mobster that is more than just a man. Jotham is a vampire. He leads his gang to Hazel’s farm and kidnaps her sister in the melee. From here, Hazel is out for revenge and isn’t alone in her anger towards Jotham. A “Blood Oath” between Vampires and the organized crime families was broken by Jotham’s power play. Hazel, Walt (Geraldine’s boyfriend) and Sister Theresa, a “vampire hunter” who’s been training for this day, are en routre to Jotham’s warehouse. The crime families are on the way. The Vampire Council is heading there as well. Now, there is hell to pay and everyone is in the crossfire.

This issue opens up with a flashback to Hazel and Geraldine fending off a threat to the farm, From here, the pace speeds up to the warehouse and Geraldine lighting the match to start the fireworks. Hazel and her team make their way into the fray between the mob and Jotham’s army. The vampire council finds Jotham who unleashes his forces on them in a power play move. Readers had better buckle up as the action is fast and not stopping for anything. Who makes it out alive from the battles? Can there be business as usual after all Jotham did to damage relationships? Readers will have those answers plus a final image after the smoke clears that leads no doubt this tale is far from over.

Blood Oath #4 - On Sale December 20th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Blood Oath #5 - On Sale December 20th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Hart and Segura do not leave anything on the table with this finale issue. There is many moving pieces to keep track of. It never felt like anyone didn’t get enough page time to finish their story out. Geraldine’s story set the stage early for where the book was heading here. The issue had a “big fight feel” to it as every page seemed to build up the intensity more and more. The eventual Jotham/Sister Theresa run-in did not disappoint as well as Hazel navigating thru the melee to find her sister. The resolution won’t disappoint as the major players seem poised for further adventures. There weren’t too many lingering threads in the aftermath. The final parting image should have readers guessing at to what’s next for Hazel and company.

Eisma goes full throttle on this issue’s big moments. The fights pop off the page and bring an intensity to what’s about to unfold. The showdown readers have been waiting for didn’t falter. Seeing Geraldine navigate thru the inferno she created provided a break from all the furious action. The fallout images set the tone for what an event the melee was. The final moments of the book close out this chapter with a parting shot on where the characters are heading that fans can’t help but be excited about.

Blood Oath #5 - On Sale December 20th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Blood Oath #5 - On Sale December 20th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Blood Oath #5 - On Sale December 20th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

FINAL POINT: Big fights, bigger impacts. The first chapter of Hazel Crenshaw closes with an all out frenzy that doesn’t miss the mark. Hart, Segura, Eisma and the creative team keep readers on edge with a fast -paced conclusion filled with excellent moments that will carry thru till the next time we stop by 1922 New York. Don’t miss this issue (and series) on Comixology this week!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Blood Oath #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, we’re taking a peek at the latest offering from a series on Comixology Originals that has a big 2023 planned for it. Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 by Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding
takes readers into some imaginative directions as season four moves forward. There is a lot going on with this series so let’s dive right in and see where the new addition to the saga takes us, shall we?

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 - On Sale December 20th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 - On Sale December 20th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals


If you’re just joining in this series, the saga is based around Mercy, who is recruited by a team of hunters to join the fight against hideous evil. Season Four has started on an interesting note with the characters of Becky, a young child and Ratmir, who can shape shift into a werewolf type creature escaping danger in Rumania but not without unraveling a major secret about Becky: she’s a younger version of Mercy! Now the pair (along with Jill Anderson) are in the year 1997. Last issue took a step away from that story to give some background on the characters Archimandrite and Alizarine, the protector of the planet Tertiarus, who also hid Mercy from the evil Kroach.

This issue jumps back to 1997 as the trio who escaped from Rumania are now at Becky’s grandmothers house. The trio is waiting for others to join them but they appear to b waitinga while….as in twenty years. The story then shift back to Tertiarus before it fell as Alizarine and Mercy are kidnapped by Absolm Mooncrow, a sky pirate with a vested interest in Mercy’s worth. What started as a scavenger grab has now upped its ante as Mooncrow wants to make a statement to the Pantheon of Tertiarus. Before he’s able to do that, an attack is made on his shop. It’s one he might not be ready for but Alizarine is. What choices are made to fend off the threat? Can all parties work to survive this? What happens if they thwart off the danger? Readers are taken on a sky-seas voyage with lots of excitement along the way. The final act carries enough weight to have readers guessing what unfolds next following this issue.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 - On Sale December 20th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 - On Sale December 20th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

There’s lots of big action this issue to have readers attention. Starkings shifts the story away from the time traveling trio for another moment in time that look to have more serious implications. Alizarine and Mercy’s encounter with Mooncrow plays up the tension on who’s really has the upper hand. Starkings never tips off too much with the chess moves between the major players here. Once the threat shows up, the dynamics changes dramatically. Readers get to see literally and figuratively Alizarine work his magic to much delight. The final act pays off for what the build was intending. How this all factors int the bigger picture remains to be seen but readers won’t be disappointed with all the action here.

Harding brings some noteworthy moments to life within this issue. Seeing Mooncrow’s ship in full detail was excellent. The full panel introduction for him and one of his crew jumps out. The biggest moment of the book will be when the threat attacks Mooncrow’s ship. It’s a full page panel that will lock readers in with its’ details. Haring really lets the imagination grow with this shot. The page elevates the story and gives a true sense of danger to the players at hand. The other actions panels have a steady pace to them as it all makes for an engaging sequence building towards the final act. Readers will have much to enjoy with the artwork featured in this chapter.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 - On Sale December 20th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 - On Sale December 20th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #3 - On Sale December 20th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

FINAL POINT: Season Four of Ask For Mercy sails onward with a fantastic issue. The elements of fantasy jump off the pages with strong visuals matched with solid storytelling. Starkings and Harding take the characters on a creative detour that highlights many various elements readers look for in a great narrative. You simply cannot afford to miss this issue. Make sure to check it out on Comixology this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this entry, it’s back to the old west with one of the best books on the Comixology Originals line via Best Jackett Press! CANARY #4 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis has been a fantastic horror western tale that has been leaving readers in awe with some jaw dropping moments and frightening themes. After last issue’s final image, let’s not delay any longer and see where the story goes from here, shall we?

CANARY #4 - On Sale December 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #4 - On Sale December 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press


In case you’re just joining in, this story centers around a brutal murder in Utah in 1891. Marshall Holt, a legendary lawman, is assigned to the case before he retires. When investigating, Holt is led back to the town of one of his most terrifying case: Canary. It is in Canary that Holt crossed paths with Hyrum Tell, a psychopath who’s heinous activities have scared the bravest of lawmen. The images of the children Tell killed in the flashback last issue give a true indication of what evil Holt was fighting against.

Upon his return, Holt meets up with Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), & Mabel Warren, daughter of Canary founder Chester Warren, as they investigate a cave that may hold the key to solving the case. The cave has its own dark history as well being the spot where Chester and some miners were killed. With the use of Edward’s Sonotron, the trio investigate the water levels of the cave. Their findings come as a shock to all as voices are heard saying “WE’RE STILL DOWN HERE!!!”

This issue opens up with Canary Mayor Gem using the Sonotron to investigate about the voices heard in the cave. Meanwhile, Holt, Edwards and Warren make their way to an abandoned house that Chester used as a headquarters for a group known as “The Global Geological & Divination Society 1081” or House 1081. Inside the house, there may be more clues to solving the reason behind the grizzly murders of the first issue. As the three move throughout the house, they dive deeper into the story behind the “Canary Evolution” theory and brace for some massive reveals.

All that said, one of the biggest shock surprises is what Mayor Gem pulls up from the cave with the Sonotron’s rope … or should I say who? The fallout from this moment is big. Even with this reveal, readers are 1000% NOT READY for the final page of what closes this issue. What do the trio find at House 1081 and what makes Canary so special? What came out from the mine thanks to Mayor Gem and WHAT ABOUT THAT LAST PAGE! Get ready for another can’t miss issue in this series!

CANARY #4 - On Sale December 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #4 - On Sale December 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

Leave it to Snyder to keep dropping surprise after surprise after surprise this issue. Readers will have much to process with the two main stories happening here. The mystery behind House 1081 made for excellent drama as Holt starts pulling back the curtain on the secret of the murders. There’s a quiet moment in the book that connects everything with Holt’s past and present. Snyder spins that into the story perfectly so when the emotional impact hits, readers will feel its’ weight.

The other main story is Mayor Gem’s discovery. Snyder progresses that storyline much like the “canary Evolution” formula. There are any twists and turns with this plot that readers witness the growth into the final form (last page) and can’t help but be blown away. Excellent work pacing these big moments out where none overall the other.

Panosian bestows some amazing visuals throughout this issue. The atmosphere created by the art adds layers of tension and uncertainty as Holt ad company try finding answers. It plays off the writing flawlessly. Mayor Gem’s find at the mine is a full page shocking moment that will connect with every reader. It’s balanced out but the attention to details within House 1081. Later in the book, there’s a scene where Holt is looking at some framed pictures. Panosain makes those panels stand out with great detail and how it connects to a major reveal hits all the marks. With all these fantastic visuals to witness, Panosain drops a lasting image to close this chapter out that fans will be buzzing about.

CANARY #4 - On Sale December 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

CANARY #4 - On Sale December 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press

FINAL POINT: The “Last Ride” Of Marshall Holt takes some thrilling turns before leaving readers with a haunting final image in the latest chapter of Canary. Snyder, Panosian and the team bring the tension and speechless reveals with excellent storytelling and art. It continues to be a must read at Comixology each month. Don’t miss this on new comic book day!

Hit me up on ODPH socails and let me know what you thought of Canary #4. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. For this entry, we’re checking out a fantastic series on the Comixology Originals line via New Wave Comics. With a spectacular first season in the books (and in print via Dark Horse Comics) Comic fans are in the midst of a strong return for Lara Dominguez and her champion ways with season number two. THE BLACK GHOST: SEASON 2 #4 by Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito picks up with a new player making waves in Creighton while Lara is trying to fend off her past from defeating her future. Let’s take a deeper dive into what’s happening her, shall we?

THE BLACK GHOST: SEASON 2 #4   Creative: Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito  Credit" Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics


Creative: Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito

Credit" Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics


Creative: Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito

Credit" Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics


In case anyone is new to the story of the Black Ghost, the story centers around Lara Dominguez, a Creighton police reporter formerly from Miami. Dominguez becomes entranced with the adventures of The Black Ghost. As the story progresses in season one, Lara faces her own personal issues all the while, readers have front row seats to see Lara emerging as a hero that her city needs. It’s a great read that you should definitely check out and as previously stated, it’s out on print via Dark Horse Comics for those looking for a physical copy. That being said, Season 2 hasn’t shown any signs of a sophomore slump.

Season 2 starts out with Lara trying to find a balance out with her personal and heroic identities. Readers see Lara trying to deal with her issues head on by attending AA meetings. The struggle of balancing hero vs human life takes many forms as her reporter instincts draw her into investigating Creighton’s shady police commissioner Paul leGrande while the hero side of things takes a shot as a mysterious letter emerges that shakes Lara to her core. Factor in a new player in town with a deadly agenda and Lara’s life has never been tested like this. That player is names Harrow. Making an impact right out the gate, Harrow’s actions have now set Creighton on the edge of a massive crime war that Lara might not be able to stop. With a growing body count, Lara and Harrow met last issue with Lara being left for dead, only surviving because Harrow didn’t see her as any threat to her. This left Lara in a very bad state testing her will with everything she’s been working to improve.

This issue opens up with a sequence to where Lara meeting Rebekah, a Creighton Homicide office whom Lara has some history with. Once back to present time, Lara is confronted by Rebekah and Molly, her current love. They try to reason with Lara but Lara claims she isn’t drinking and is ok from the encounter with Harrow. So much so that Lara is continuing to infiltrate the club where she thinks holds the key to stopping the war once and for all. Once diving head first back into her mission and dodging the intervention, Lara finds herself undercover at an establishment names Stallions. Once sneaking into an office, Lara discovers a board with the city’s major players on it. Digging into the pictures, Lara starts to uncover the secret of Harrow and how she’s involved with this whole puzzle. This leads Lara into a path for more information but at what cost.

Readers won’t be ready for what unfolds next. Even after Lara starts seeing the pieces fit, does she even see the picture? With all of her investigation skills, is Lara ready for what lies ahead. The final moments of this book will answer that and leave some jaws dropped to what is set to happen next. The tension and stakes have never felt heavier on our hero.


Creative: Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito

Credit" Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics


Creative: Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito

Credit" Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Segura and Gallagher really amps up the drama within these pages. Lara's struggles with balancing both lives drives this story into some interesting directions. Seeing how she deals with the intervention by Rebekah and Molly was a very strong moment. The writing team present Lara as an imperfect person who continuously is trying to improve herself. Yet, with all her falls, she still gets back up trying to do the right thing. The slow burn approach to Harrow’s reveal was a great twist as well. Seeing Lara’s investigative skills come into play made for very noteworthy moments, none bigger than the conversation she has right after getting the lead on Harrow. Pacing gave these type of moments time to grow and connect with readers. The build to the last act was exceptional. It all lead to a great conclusion for this issue, with a great cliffhanger to build off of heading to the final issue of the season.

Not to be outdone, Kambadais hits on all the key story elements . Seeing first hand how Lara bounces back from the initial encounter with Harrow added a small piece of anticipation of where the story was heading. the big reveal also put into perspective Lara’s reaction to the reveal. At first glance, she is celebrating but once readers dig deeper into her reactions, Kambadais’s art sells the moments surprise element incredibly. Another noteworthy moment was the initial timepiece of when Lara meets Rebekah at the bar. With the additon of Ellie Wright’s coloring, it came across as a more detailed moment than one that misses the mark. Fortunately, readers don’t have that problem with this issue. Each fragment of the story escalates an intense visual feel to connect with the words being stated in those areas of the book.


Creative: Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito

Credit" Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics


Creative: Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, George Kambadais, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito

Credit" Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Final point: the latest chapter of Lara Dominguez takes readers on a steady building powder keg of emotional moments. Segura, Gallagher, Kambadais and the rest of the creative team keep applying the pressure to Creighton’s defender and never lets up on seeing if she can remain strong enough to handle the challenge ahead. Season two of the Black Ghost rolls on into a must-witness finale. It’s excellent work that shouldn’t be missed at the Comixology store this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of The Black Ghost: season 2 #4.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. For this entry, we’re checking out the pen-ultimate issue of a series making some waves on the Comixology Originals line. Blood Oath #4 by Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos brings the supernatural adventure of Hazel Crenshaw and her family during prohibition times to a fever pitch. The series has been a great read thus far with many imaginative takes. Let’s take a deeper look into what’s happening here leading into the finale, shall we?

Blood Oath #4 - On Sale November 29th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Blood Oath #4 - On Sale November 29th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics


In case you’re just hearing about this series, Hazel Crenshaw is running the family farm in 1922 New York. During this period, it is the era of prohibition when selling alcohol was illegal. However, Hazel dabbles into the outlawed profession as a way to make end’s meat. Being in this line of work draws some much unwanted attention and uneasy alliances. Being in business with organized crime isn’t something that goes easy for Hazel. As she navigates thru this world, her business partner Frankie mentions more danger is coming. This danger turns out to be a Vampire gang led by Jotham, who attack the farm for the alcohol and kidnap Hazel’s sister Geraldine.

From here, readers have been taken on a trip of Hazel trying to get her sister back. They also seen Jotham go into business for himself after a “blood Oath” was made between the vampires and crime families to preserve the alcohol business. Jotham thinks the deal isn’t very beneficial. This doesn’t sit well with the Vampire Council, who Uzziah is representing when he is brought to Jotham by Carlo, one of the mobsters for a meeting. When the meeting goes south, Carlo is detained and Uzziah is killed.The odds are stacking up badly against Hazel and Geraldine’s boyfriend, Walt. walt carries much self doubt so his help isn’t really felt to be enough. Luckily, Hazel has an ally to fight back in Sister Theresa, who’s been training to stop the vampires since she was born. It might not be enough as Jotham now knows they’re on the move and sends his minions to eliminate them once and for all.

This issue opens up with the council is sent a clear message from Jothan that he’s not working for anyone any more.the council addressing Jotham’s response to the council condemning his actions: the severed head of Uzziah! They demand that Jotham be killed. All the while, Jotham has made moves to a warehouse now preparing for the eventual war coming. With him in the warehouse is Geraldine, who’s being kept alive as a pawn to be used later. Jotham rallies his troops for the battle coming and makes an example out of Carlo. Carlo is released to the mob with a wooden stake and stabs Jotham, to no effect. The receipt Carlo gets is losing his head violently.

How did that happen?! With the trio in pursuit by Lehi, Jotham’s right hand man, will they make it to the warehouse in time? What happens when the crime meets the supernatural now that players have been taken off the board? And what about the final image? Get ready for all those answers as the series prepares to enter last call next issue.

Blood Oath #4 - On Sale November 29th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Blood Oath #4 - On Sale November 29th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

There’s a lot to breakdown here. Hart and Segura shine some light on Jotham and how far he’s grown in his belief of his plan. Making the calculated moves has shown how vicious he is in winning this game. The example made of Carlo will catch readers off guard but it helps cement how dangerous Jotham has grown in such a short amount of time. It’s well placed in the story by the writers. All the actions have led to this point but Carlo’s death was the exclamation point needed. Hazel’s group gets their moments in this issue especially with Lehi, but this issue belongs to Jotham. That’s not a bad thing as Hazel’s tale has been established by now. Seeing the fruition of Jotham’s plans is what readers will take away here an be amped up for the finale.

Eisma doesn’t hold back on Jotham’s ruthlessness. Seeing in how he disposes of Carlo make quite the statement to readers. Another moment that jumps out from the art is the character moments with Walt this issue. Seeing how reluctant he is on himself to being given some confidence made for excellent character work. Proof of thisis shown later in the issue, but Eisma does capture that emotion of someone forced out of their comfort zone due to the situation they’re in. The build to the final page stands out to cap off this chapter in the story. You can’t help but be excited for what’s coming.

Blood Oath #4 - On Sale November 29th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Blood Oath #4 - On Sale November 29th

Creative: Rob Hart, Alex Segura, Joe Eisma, Hilary Jenkins, Jim Campbell, and Heather Antos

Credit: Comixology Originals via New Wave Comics

Final Point: The major places are set for what will be an epic conclusion to the story of vampires in prohibition. Hart, Segura, Eisma and the creative team set the table for a conclusion that has “big fight “ feel written all over it. The series has had fantastic writing and art to complement the imaginative take it’s been driving. With one issue left, make sure to get caught up on this series on Comixology.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Blood Oath #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re continuing to follow the Season Four saga of a tale jumping out on the Comixology Originals line. Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 by Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding picks up after an incredible season premiere with a lot of questions being raised after a few secrets were exposed. Let’s check out what’s happening with the saga now, shall we?

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 - On Sale November 22, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 - On Sale November 22, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals


Last issue we saw the pair of Becky and Ratmir escape the danger in Rumania while finding out Becky’s secret. It was revealed that Becky is a vessel for a fragmented piece of Mercy, the hero recruited in the war to defend the Earth from monsters. Readers see how Mercy’s story begins to have even more layers than previously expected. At the end of the issue, the pair walks thru a portal heading towards the year 1997 for safety. This issue begins on a very different note….

Readers see the character of Archimandrite confronted by an aged Becky/Mercy, Ratmir (in creature form) and Alizarine, the protector of the planet Tertiarus who broke Mercy into the various vessels in a way to keep her safe from the Kroach, the evil forces who are trying to destroy the earth. There is a diamond type power source inside Archimandrite that Alizarine rips out of him in an effort to stop the breach from Tertiarus to Earth. When he does this, Alizarine causes a flashback to an earlier time on Tertiarus. A meteor crashes on Tertiarus and a collection of the planet’s noteworthy citizens go to investigate.

What do they find when they investigate turns into more than anyone expected. The meteor posses much power, but you know the saying “With Great Power…” Readers will see that question be answered with a bookend moment to set the stage for the next issue. The story is only just getting started but it’s been one to keep an eye on and doesn’t appear to be slowing down soon.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 - On Sale November 22, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 - On Sale November 22, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 - On Sale November 22, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Starklings pens an intriguing second issue here. I wasn’t expecting the story to start out like that since there was a bit of character jumping for a new reader to the Ask For Mercy universe. However, once the issue gets going, readers will be able to see who’s on what side pretty quickly. Seeing the lengths Alizarine is willing to go to save people gives more depth to the situation at hand. From the flashback, readers see how these characters came to be with the overall conflict of the story. Getting this piece of the backstory will be crucial for where the story is now leaning towards .

Harding’s art dived into the sci-fi/magical aspect of this issue. Seeing Archimandrite, Alizarine, and the inhabitants of the planet Tertiarus was very well done. Seeing the creatures flying and how the citizens react around the meteor are standout moments. The full pa spread of how the standoff between Archimandrite and Alizarine plays off jumps right off the panel. There’s also another page later that showcases more time traveling that readers will be very excited to see. There’s much to like about this issue with the art.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 - On Sale November 22, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #2 - On Sale November 22, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Final Point: The second installment of Season Four continues to push the story forward while giving readers some much needed background development to what’s going on. Starkings and Harding craft another blend of fantasy and fiction that readers won’t want to miss on Comixology this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #2

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. For this entry, we’re continuing on the all-ages epic unfolding Comixology Originals via Best Jackett Press. Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine by Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano has brought an exciting tale of a young man who’s life is anything but ordinary after becoming involved in a situation bigger than he could ever fathom. Issue #3 just dropped so let’s take a closer look at what the next installment brings, shall we?

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #3 - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press


Dudley Datson is a student of the Brooklyn Academy of Engineering and the inventor of “Duds” an L.C.D. integrated fiber clothing. After debuting it with less than perfect results, Datson walks in on his mentor, Dr. Shae dying in protection a watch with special meaning from a group called the Prometheans. Datson literally cannot catch a break. The only one keeping him alive is Dr. Shae’s pet dog, Daedalus….who is no ordinary dog. Daedalus is the actual Daedalus of the Athenian Family of legend. They thwart off the inital wave of attackers to where Daedalus shows Datson the base of the Chymical Society, and why that watch is so important. Storytime is cut short as Perdix, Daedalus’ nephew has come home looking for the watch.

This issue jumps in (like the previous ones) with a small bit of narration concerning inventors. Issue #3 focuses on Labyrinths, and how they come across as a form of checks and balances to ideas. The time for talking stops there as readers are now back to present time with Perdix demanding the watch from Datson. Luckily for the young inventor, Daedalus has a few tricks still left up his sleeve and morphs into a combat version of himself. Daedalus puts Datson in a safe room and makes an attempt to fight his nephew on his own. However, this is no ordinary safe room as readers will see soon enough. The battle rages forth as the family members fight. When Daedalus is in danger of losing, Datson makes a dramatic entrance with a way to stop Perdix. Readers will definitely enjoy that panel shot!

With his luck being the way this is, how does Datson fare here? Readers see how the odd pairing of Daedalus and Datson need to work together and if they don’t the consequences can be dire. If they survive Perdix, what fate lies ahead for them? Can these two ever catch a break? Readers will have these questions answered and then some with all that unfolds from here. Just wait for the tremendous final image to drive home the danger that lies ahead.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #3 - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #3 - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Three issues in and one theme stays very consistent: Readers can tell how much fun the creative team is having making this book. Snyder keeps throwing in fantastic curves to the direction of the story. From last issue’s reveal of Daedalus’ true nature to this issue’s final moments, the plot-twists hit effectively. It feels larger than the story, but it works flawlessly to the tale being told. Having the brief narration to kick the books off is a creative touch that gives readers a loose sense of what could be a factor in the issue ahead. Issue #3 is no exception. Once readers see how that plays out, it adds to an already dramatic ending to this installment. The unlikely pairing of Datson and Daedalus will be what fans enjoy most about this issue. Seeing this pair have to find a way to work with each other and survive gives this story a whole new energy that all readers can appreciate. The story continues to push the imagination limits with where it goes each time out. This issue is no exception with some amazing creativity.

Igle delivered some eye-catching moments in this issue. Seeing the evolution of Daedalus with his combat gear was a treat. He’s been one character that since his reveal has been enjoyable to watch. The battle between Daedalus and Perdix didn’t hold back and made for an energetic, fast-paced fight. Datson’s re-entrance into that foray was another standout moment. Arguably, the moment that stands out the most is the pair’s argument right after their big fight. Igle plays into Datson’s anger and insecurities with how he’s drawn there. On the other side, even in canine form, Daedalus shows his emotion when Datson draws it out of him (see the “Watch Your Words… panel). The final image goes right into how much fun they’re having here. There is much to enjoy within these pages.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #3 - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #3 - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Final Point: Snyder, Igle and the creative team bring a visionary world to life without skipping a beat. Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine continues to be a must-read title due to its’ excellent writing and innovative art. The story is a lock to win over readers of all ages. It never misses a moment to impress and dive into an ingenious direction when needed to. If you’re looking for a fun, energetic read, look no further than this series and issue. Make sure you pick this up from Comixology this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine #3

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re returning to the escapades of the high-flying duo surrounded in danger within the pages of Best Jackett Press’s second wave of comics on their line on Comixology Originals. Barnstormers #3 by Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings has been an excellent read thus far with much more excitement on the way. Let’s jump into the latest chapter and see what kind of trouble Hawk and Tillie have gotten into now, shall we?

Barnstormers #3 - On Sale November 1st

Creative: Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Barnstormers #3 - On Sale November 1st

Creative: Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Barnstormers is a tale about Hawk E. Baron aka Bix, a former WW1 pilot who’s turned into travelling air showman as a way to make ends meat. On one fateful flight, Bix unknowingly crashes the wedding of Peyton Carlyle and Tillie. The wealthy family didn’t take kindly to this action and held Bix on the property. Things looked bleak until Tillie frees Bix and they make their escape. While on the run, reader have found out there’s more to both of these two that meets the eye. While making their way thru the Rollingers’ (another wealthy family) party, a blossoming romance between the pair has started. Meanwhile, The Carlyles have hired Zeke West to bring Tillie back. The question has now become: How long can their luck keep going and what happens when it runs out (as eluded to in issue #1 ).

This chapter starts with Bix and Tillie back at another wealthy party. While bantering about what to call themselves, readers see how the pair has taken a page out of Robin Hood and see them steal from the rich. Their air shows are now free to the public while they help people in worse conditions with some of the assets acquired from the party. This has now become a normal routine according to the narrator here: Zeke West, whos updating Peyton about their latest adventures. This is only upstaged by Bix and Tillie, who open up to each other about their pasts a bit more. Readers will be very locked in about Bix’s portion as his mystery starts becoming clearer.

The final act will have readers on the edge of their seats. It is a moment that was bound to happen and the first time this unfolds, it doesn’t disappoint. Things move very fast here. The pace is set up perfectly to cap off this portion of the story. Bix and Tillie’s journey doesn’t take a breath heading to the end of this issue. It will leave readers very excited to see where things fall from here.

Barnstormers #3 - On Sale November 1st

Creative: Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Barnstormers #3 - On Sale November 1st

Creative: Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Snyder keeps a great balance of drama with action in this chapter. The mysterious past of Bix gets another reveal during these pages which does explain some moments in the past few issues. There are some more questions raised that will make for quite the reveal when it’s all said and done. This all stems from Tillie getting Bix to fully trust her (even with her questionable past). Snyder has mastered doing the slow-burn build for both these characters as all is not what it seems. The lead pair have only begun to scratch the surface of their true motives. How this will all play out is anyone’s guess but rest assured, there’s much to enjoy on this flight to the end.

Breath-taking. It might sound like a broken record at this stage, but that is the easiest way to describe Lotay’s art. Capturing this timeframe has been a joy to witness. Seeing how Bix and Tillie have grown in their new roles as unexpected partners jumps off the panels, esp. when they’re performing in air. Seeing how they have those brief moments of being free from their pasts shine on the pages. Even with the latter half’s escalating events, Lotay never loses the ranges of emotions of worry, fear and joy to close the book out on. The final image puts a lasting visual of the eventual tragic fate coming.

Barnstormers #3 - On Sale November 1st

Creative: Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Barnstormers #3 - On Sale November 1st

Creative: Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Barnstormers #3 - On Sale November 1st

Creative: Scott Snyder, Tula Lotay, Dee Cunniffe and Richard Starkings

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Final Point: The story of Bix and Tillie takes an unforeseen turn while diving further into mystery as their past lives keep chasing them down. Snyder, Lotay and the team craft an impressive dive into a reluctant pair’s adventures even if it will all lead to disaster. Make sure you have this book in your collection via Comixology this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Barnstormers #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the season premiere of the latest installment of Richard Starkings’ dark fantasy series on the Comixology Originals Line. Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 by Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding is the latest entry of the popular series with a focus on a few fan-favorites that readers will be excited to see. There’s also big news surrounding this series as it has been announced that Ask For Mercy volume one will be hitting print via Dark Horse Comics in March of 2023. The previous seasons are available on Comixology , but let’s not wait any longer and jump into the season four premiere, shall we?

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 - On Sale October 25th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 - On Sale October 25th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals


In case you are not familiar with this series, The character of Mercy is recruited into a war with monsters, who are monster hunters squaring off against creatures conjured by Nazi evil. This issue (and season) is focusing on Becky (who debuted in season 3) and Ratmir, an ally of Mercy since season 1. The pair is traveling thru Rumania when they encounter a spirit crossing their path. The spirit informs them that they have stumbled upon the Forrest Of Silence, and their end is near. This revelation brings back forgotten memories from Ratmir as readers see a heartbreaking tale from his past. The pair doesn’t have much time to process as they move to leave the forest. Chasing after the spirit, the pair sees a young child and pursue them in finding a way out of the forest. As with all good intentions, this doesn’t go according to plan. The pair is led to a gingerbread house in the middle of seemingly nowhere but a group of children. Once inside the house, the true terror begins.

What transpires next takes the story into many different directions. A new character makes their play on the pair. Overseeing from afar, it appears as this new player might have a trick of two up her sleeve. How does this all tie into Ratmir? While readers will get clarification on that questions, they won’t be ready for the big revelation involving Becky! More answers are revealed while more questions get asked. Rest assured, once the game changing revelation is dropped, nothing will be the same. How this story resolves itself will get readers very excited to see where the pair goes from here with all this information.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 - On Sale October 25th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 - On Sale October 25th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 - On Sale October 25th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

This was my first introduction into the Ask For Mercy tale and I was very impressed with what I’ve read. Starkings plays off Becky’s innocence with Ratmir’s grizzled past very well. They are an odd pairing in many ways. Seeing how they wind up in their dangerous situation is noteworthy. Becky’s youthful wonderment plays into Ratmir reliving his past enough to be caught off guard. However, no moment hits more that Becky’s secret. Once that reveal unfolds, from here on out, nothing will be the same. It was great storytelling to keep longtime readers off guard. For new ones, it’s solid narration to what’s happening in this world. Th ending comes quick but after the reveal, it’s paced ong enough to let fans assess what just happened and prep for the next issue.

Harding’s art works well in this fantasy world. The fantasy aspects popped form the start. The spirit and its’ surrounding ghosts impact quickly as to what the lead pair will be dealing with. Showing Ratmir’s past went into a different style which meshed very well with the story in the present. Even the sadness of Ratmir’s face in wolf form spoke volumes. Becky’s reactions to the antagonist at hand factored in nicely to where her big reveal felt like a Huge Moment. The ending’s bright coloring sold the image for being a sign of hope for what lies ahead. Excellent work all around.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 - On Sale October 25th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #1 - On Sale October 25th, 2022

Creative: Richard Starkings and Abigail Jill Harding

Credit: Comixology Originals

Final Point: The fantasy world of Ask For Mercy returned in a strong way. Starkings ad Harding craft a season premiere to watch for. Imaginative storytelling and art welcome new and returning readers to the world of mystery and magic with an issue not to pass on. Swing thru Comixology and check out the season four return this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Ask For Mercy: The Circle Of Time #1.

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the latest chapter of a second wave “Scottober” comic from the team over at Best Jackett Press for Comixology Originals. The line has been such a big success that there was an announcement at New York Comic Con that the deal with Comixology has been extended! This is huge news for comic fans because in the short span of about a year, this line has hit on all marks with fantastic stories like The “Last Ride” Of Marshall Holt in 1891 Utah.

Canary #3 by Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis continues one of the best horror western stories you’re ever going to read. With the tension built from last issue, let’s not waste another second and jump right into this book, shall we?

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals


Marshall Holt’s last ride has been one to captures fan’s attention from the start and never let go. When a seemingly good boy commits a horrific murder, Holt’s investigation leads him to a haunting familiar place. It also leads him back to one of his most terrifying adversaries in Hyrum Tell. Tell’s actions have chilled Holt to the bone and no matter the time away, that encounter still frightens. This issue kicks off with a reminder of how dangerous and maniacal Tell’s actions were. The bodies of the children Tull has killed have been found. The scene pulls no punches. Holt’s reaction is one that someone with his character should have. Struggling to find the right thing to do has been something Holt has been challenging himself with. The resolution is one that plays a factor later in this story.

From here, Holt joins Edison Edwards (or Ed-Ed), a rock doctor & Mabel Warren, daughter of the founder of Canary to search for the mystery at the cave. For this trip, Edwards has brought a Sonotron with him to decipher the water levels in the mines. Once arriving at the cave’s entrance, our trio finds that they are not alone. When members of the Paiute Tribe approach & try destroying the Sonotron, Holt engages in an intense stand-off with a warning issued to him and his team. The message is loud and clear with an object presented that will catch readers attention for sure. One would think this is the biggest shock in the issue, but no one is ready for what they uncover after leaving the mine. That final image is going to haunt readers with fear and anticipation for the next chapter.

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Talk about a game changing moment in the series! Snyder perfectly executes a fantastic exclamation point to this issue with that final shot! Before that moment, the conversation with Mabel explaining her father’s theory of “Forms” stands out. It’s am interesting idea that has lingered around this series since the beginning. Holt’s character evolution on this final case features the various forms he’s gone thru. The banter between Mabel and Holt is executed well as hearing Holt come to terms with how he’ being perceived was a solid add to his character. This issue’s pacing was worked in magnificently. Between the dialogue and getting inside Holt’s mind-frame, the big moments never lost its’ emotional pull. I can’t stress enough: Just WAIT for that final panel shot! Excellent work.

Panosian’s art continues to shine thru the pages of this story. With much dialogue being said between Holt, Mabel and Edwards, the reactions made by those characters will catch the reader’s attention. Going back to the conversation between Mabel and Holt while Edwards is off with his machine, Panosian dives right into Holt’s energy of a Marshall on his last case while Mabel pushing his buttons on what is really going on: He’s at the end of the line. The introduction of the Paiute Tribe to their arrival at the cave gave for another strong point of drama for this chapter. The creative team balances Holt’s world to his legacy without missing a beat.

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Canary #3 - On Sale October 25th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Dan Panosian, Richard Starkings and Will Dennis

Credit: Best Jackett Press/Comixology Originals

Final Point: Snyder, Panosian & the creative team ramp up the tension and fear with another incredible issue. The saga of Holt’s last ride transforms with new elements in play that have only scratched the surface of what evil he looks to be facing before riding off into the sunset. This book is always a must-read so make sure you don’t miss it when it debuts on Comixology Originals this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Canary #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of this chapter of one of Comixology Originals’ best series. The All-Nighter #10 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole has been a fantastic read when a simple team running an all night diner is very much more than they seem. As they tried living in plain sight amongst humans, Alex became a vigilante with the motto “With Great powers comes Great responsibilty” as a possible inspiration. From that moment, the world of Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Alex wrap turned upside down. The first chapter (now out in print by Dark Horse Comics) had game-changing moments & chapter 2 hasn’t let up on the imaginative story. Let’s take a closer look and see how this chapter wraps up, shall we?

The All-Nighter #10 - On Sale September 27th

Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole

Credit: Comixology Originals

The All-Nighter #10 - On Sale September 27th

Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole

Credit: Comixology Originals


Lazaruk and the “Justice Angels” are almost at the end completing their goal. The Takers, who oversee the actions of the supernatural, are arriving on the scene. With Joy (“the Youngest”) presenting the case to stop this invititation, Lazaruk agrees…but plans on offering Andrea, the human ally to Ian’s team as a sacrifice. Luckily, Ian and Cynthia return to the situation to try stopping Lazaruk and the Justice Angels once and for all. Readers will be locked in for the happy “family” reunion, but all parties involved have little tme to celebrate. With Andrea wounded and dying, Alex (“The Teenaged Hero”) and Joy make a rush to get her medical help. However Lazaruk isn’t willing to let go of his plans. With a chase at hand, the action picks up and so does the consequences….

Who survives this outcome? Who’s life is changed forever? How does the family stand after the Takers make their approach? Readers will get answers to all of these questions and then some. The conclusion is fitting for the series which never lets up for keeping the audience engaged from start to finish. The final image will have fans talking and speculating. Get ready for one hell of a ride.

The All-Nighter #10 - On Sale September 27th

Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole

Credit: Comixology Originals

The All-Nighter #10 - On Sale September 27th

Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole

Credit: Comixology Originals

The All-Nighter #10 - On Sale September 27th

Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole

Credit: Comixology Originals

Zdarsky ends this chapter with strong emotional points. Without spoiling too much, the choices and aftermath of one character’s story will hit readers extremely strong. It’s fitting for where their journey has taken them. Even with its supernatural setting, the story is a superhero one at the end of the day. There is good vs evil and not everything has a happy ending. Zdarsky mixes in the character pints well with the fast pace of the opening. The closing slows things down as things appear to head into an entire new direction. Readers will not be let down by its ending but have to wait to see if this is truly the end.

Loo balances out the action with the drama flawlessly. With the beginning of this book, the pace was moving fast and Loo’s depiction matched that with big action scenes. As things slowed down once the end of the second act happened, Loo switched gears to bring out the emotional toll it took on certain characters of the book without making it feel too sudden. The use of the 9 panel page was perfect to start the transition to the third act on. The quality of this book never fails to impress.

The All-Nighter #10 - On Sale September 27th

Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole

Credit: Comixology Originals

The All-Nighter #10 - On Sale September 27th

Creative: Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, Aditya Bidikar & Allison O’Toole

Credit: Comixology Originals

Overall, The All-Nighter #10 ends this current story with a highly satisfying conclusion. Zdarsky, Loo and the team deliver on the big moments and ever-changing direction of this “family’s” journey. Make a point to check this book out on Comixology and in Print via Dark Horse Comics when available (Volume 1 is out now at the LCS).

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of The All-Nighter #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the latest installment from the second wave of comics from Scott Snyder with Comixology Originals (via Best Jacket Press). Dudley Datson and The Forever Machine #2 by Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano continues to build off it’s highly recommended first issue. How is Dudley faring after the last issue’s cliffhanger? Let’s jump back in for a deep dive on this incredible new book, shall we?

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #2 - On Sale September 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #2 - On Sale September 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press


Dudley Datson’s life is one that is ever-changing. Datson is a young teenager who’s an inventor of “Duds” an L.C.D. integrated fiber clothing. After presenting it with a less than stellar execution, Dudley bears witness to Dr. Shae, his mentor at the Brooklyn Academy of Engineering, defending herself from attackers who are trying to take a valuable watch. Defending is putting things mildly as Dr. Shae is wearing an exoskeleton to fend off these attackers. Now caught up in a situation he’s not ready for, Dudley gets help from an unlikely ally: Daedalus, Dr. Shae’s dog….who apparently can now talk?!

This issue picks up with the attackers now shifting focus towards Dudley. Daedalus shows that not only can he talk, but can handle his own verses these forces. Once one gets the upper hand on Daedalus, Dudley uses some quick thinking to handle the crisis at hand using his own invention. Noticing that his aggressor isn’t human, Datson makes a play to subdue the threat & the pair escape danger.

From here, Datson and Daedalus catch up about what is going on here. With a touch of excitement, Datson is introduced to the Chymical Society. What is the story behind this group? Better yet, What is the origin of Daedalus? How does Dudley fit into this equation? Readers will get those answers plus a final page that will keep them locked in until the next issue drops.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #2 - On Sale September 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #2 - On Sale September 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Snyder continues to craft a fun and energetic story with the life of Dudley Datson. The issue explains much of Daedalus and why he is WAY more than he seems. The secrets involved with his character were very surprising and validated on how creative this story is. This book’s storytelling shines when they go all in on focusing readers onto the multi-layered elements of it’s main characters. The dynamic between Daedalus and Dudley is enjoyable and only gets better as the issue progresses forward. “Reluctant Partners” is an understatement but this issue proves there will be many more panels with these two that should make readers very pleased following Dudley’s journey moving forward.

Igle’s artwork continues to impress with the details thrown in this issue. Seeing Daedalus’ story explained thru the timeline was a great segment. Everything down to the panel set-up made that part jump off the page. One of the more fun moments in this book was how the pair accessed the entrance to the Chymical Society. When reading this book, readers can tell how much enjoyment the creators are getting with stories with moments like these. Another stand out final page closes the chapter on this book & readers will be electrified to check out the next issue.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #2 - On Sale September 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #2 - On Sale September 6th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Jamal Igle, Juan Castro, Chris Sotomayor and Tom Napolitano

Credit: Comixology Originals/ Best Jackett Press

Overall, the adventure of Dudley Datson is just beginning and its’ enthusiastic journey is one not to miss. Snyder, Igle and company push the imagination boundaries with a thrilling chapter that is sure to please. The adventure is just beginning so make sure not to miss out on the latest issue when it drops on Comixology Originals .

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Dudley Datson #2. Thanks for reading!