Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are returning to the land of Kiros with one of Image Comics’ best series. BLACK CLOAK by Kelly Thompson, Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey has been an incredible journey with its’ murder mystery within the fantasy realm. Each issue has led readers into a web of mistrust and power struggles that have tested two of Kiros’ best in law-enforcement. With issue #6 marking the first arc conclusion, fans are anxious to see what secrets get revealed now. Let’s not wait any longer and see where the case leads us now, shall we?

BLACK CLOAK #6 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

BLACK CLOAK #6 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey (Cover: Tula Lotay)

Credit: Image Comics


Freyal III of Sidra, the heir apparent to the royal family of Kiros has been found dead in a questionable area of the city. Phaedra Essex and Pax are the two Black Cloaks (Kiros Law Enforcement) assigned to the case. This hits especially close to home with Phaedra as she was linked to Freyal at one point. With Freyal’s death, tension has mounted to a fever pitch with Kiros’ residents. The public wants answers. Vested parties have interest.

With everyone from the Queen and family to the Kiros Three (last humans left) watching, the pair of Cloaks haven’t had an easy go-around. The search for answers have put Phaedra especially in the line of danger more than once. With some new information into their case, the pair has crashed a party in the Royal Castle. As they make their way through the party, they stumble across secrets neither were expecting.

This issue begins with Essex and Pax discovering the Taka Pens beneath the Castle. Readers find out quickly that Kiros has a very horrible secret that the family has been covering up. The Taka have been used and abused for their magic in energizing the city. The revelation is frightening as what one goes thru is displayed with no punches pulled. Essex and Pax can not believe what they have witnessed. As they plan on exposing this heinous treatments, they are stopped Lysanthir, one of the queens’ most loyal magicians.

What secrets get exposed, readers will brace themselves as the connection between Freyal’s death and the Taka begins to come clearer. With each page, the threads of mystery unwind. There is a great deal of information to take in which should bring closure to many lingering questions.

That said, the final act brings forth a rollercoaster of emotional payoffs and fast paced action. If you have read this series since day 1 (like I have), the ending will pack a serious inner blow as how events play out. If this is your first time diving in, you are either going to be searching your LCS for copies or waiting for the TPB in the fall. This issue packs everyhting you could want. The closing moments bring forth an interesting perspective heading into its’ next phase. it is a perfect closing….for now…..

BLACK CLOAK #6 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

BLACK CLOAK #6 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

BREAKDOWN: Thompson has mastered leading readers into the deep layers of this story. Once this finale gets rolling, their patience is paid off with a tremendous issue. Phaedra and Pax have been protagonists that are easy to cheer for. Their reaction to the Takas is very reflective of how the readers will be. Once that revelation hits, the story shifts into high gear.

Like any mystery, the clues behind Freyal’s death come to light. Thompson paints such a tragic picture and hits on many levels. Never at any point was it treated as open and shut. As more information comes to light, readers can see how impactful these actions were. Thompson doesn’t let up as events shift forward into the Taka situation. The pacing gave each plot point ample time to become enamored in. It is never felt as wasted space or forced time. It is a perfect set-up to lead into the closing moments. For where things go from here is anyone’s guess. In the present, fans will have nothing but praise for this concluding issue and story.

McClaren and Carey present some intense visuals for this closing arc chapter. The Taka scene in the beginning spares no time in bringing the horrors directly to the reader. This is capped off with a full-page panel that drops a big exclamation point on the scene. Once the fallout from this begins, the emotions start pouring out of the panels.

The flashback moments prove to be quite eye-catching as the color scheme used makes them pop off the pages. They don’t lose the key elements of the story that they are telling. Each reaction and mannerism adds more to Thompson’s writing. Readers don’t have much time to recover from all these moments as the story picks up its’ pace going into the closing. The art team demonstrate how quickly things are progressing with the actions. Going into the final pages, McClaren and Carey tie in reactions with the characters to say goodbye, leading to a closing full page panel ushering in the next phase of this amazing story.

BLACK CLOAK #6 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics

BLACK CLOAK #6 by by Kelly Thompson , Meredith McClaren and Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics


The world of Kiros and its’ magical mystery gets exposed in an unforgettable story arc conclusion. Thompson, McClaren and Carey have welcomed readers into an incredible tale filled with fantastic writing and spectacular visuals that builds towards an emotional send-off that won’t be forgotten anytime soon. Highest possible recommendation for this series and issue for New Comic Book day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Black Cloak #6. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, fans came back to the world of Gaia in a big way with the overwhelming response to Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI. With an instant order for a 2nd printing, Garrison, Red Monika, Gully , Calibretto aka Bretto & Knolan relit a fanbase waiting for the next chapter. Luckily, the wait wasn’t long this time around. Battle Chasers #11 by Madureira and Lullabi hits the local comics shops this week. Let’s see how things fare this go-around, shall we?

Battle Chasers #11 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)


Whenever Red Monika is involved, trouble isn’t far behind. Now a wanted fugitive, she wakes up in Garrison’s house. Unfortunately, they were not alone. Mastreo and the Martial Paladins were in hot pursuit of the pair who have a bounty on them. With a daring escape, the pair makes a run. However in a shocking turn, Garrison makes a stand, buying more time for Monika to escape.

This chapter wastes no time catching up with a wounded Monika. Leaving a trail of blood, she’s caught the attention of an unforeseen foe. Meanwhile Garrison begins to summon power from his weapon. The paladins are ready to strike but Mastreo makes a final plea for him to come in. His words fall on deaf ears. Garrison is ready to fight.

Can he overcome unsurmountable odds? Will the power of the Blade be too much? Readers won’t want to blink as the action turns up! The battle is one for the ages. It never lets up on the intensity and vested interest in one of the parties as well. When it is all said and done, readers will NOT be ready for this issues conclusion. Just when they think they know what’s going on, the final image changes everything! Get ready for another twist in an already captivating tale.

Battle Chasers #11 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

Battle Chasers #11 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

BREAKDOWN: Madureira unleashes Garrison’s fury onto readers with this chapter. The majority of the issue spotlights his noble stand against the Paladins. Readers can feel his anger as he not only fights his enemies, but wrestles with the ghosts of his past. Garrison’s background has always been the key point of his character.

Madureira takes a deeper dive with a few key emotional scenes in between the action. He interweaves this very well as nothing feels wedged in to break the action panels up. Knowing how personal the fight becomes adds another dynamic to the story. Heading into the final moments, Madureira sneaks in a solid surprise to keep fans on their toes till next time. It’s a fitting mic drop moment to close out this issue.

Battle Chasers #11 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

Lullabi’s art flourishes with each panel. The “quieter” moments with Monika build for a natural progression with her story. Lullabi presents Garrison as stoic in the face of danger. The mannerisms displayed reflect someone who’s ready to go out on their shield (or sword in this case). The action steals readers focus and never stops. The moments feel big and you can sense how every strike matters in the melee. There are some great full page panels in the closing act that can’t be missed. However, there are none greater than the final image to energize fans in the wait till next issue.


Madureira and Lullabi never waste a second in bringing the action in this can’t miss issue. Great writing and phenomenal art depict a swordsman valiantly fighting against the odds and himself. There’s no doubt this series is a must-have for all comic readers. Don’t miss out on picking up this issue!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Battle Chasers #11. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcats!

For this entry, we are checking out the conclusion of a smash hit series from Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment. The story of Gabby And Trudy’s adventure into home owning has been anything but average with the terrifying scenario they have now become apart of. I HATE THIS PLACE #10 by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, Lee Loughridge and Pat Brosseau looks to close out things on a strong note. Let’s not delay another second and see how things close out, shall we?

I HATE THIS PLACE #10 by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, and Lee Loughridge (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment)


What started out as a promising future for Gabby Rutherford and Trudy Durant quickly turned into an unrelenting nightmare. The couple moves into a 500 acre farm left to them by Gabby’s aunt. During the first night, Gabby is awoken by their cows franticly mooing. When she leaves the house, a ghost touches her shoulder and transports her somewhere else for a brief moment. When Trudy wakes to check on what’s happened, the sky has opened overhead of their new home.

Searching for answers, the couple finds a VHS tape titled “Watch me” that gives a small part of an even bigger puzzle no one could envision unfolding. The VHS tape is left by Gabby’s great aunt Marilyn. Marilyn bears warnings that cannot be ignored. With the knowledge of the farm’s “rules” and the horned man lurking outside it, Gabby and Trudy dive into picking up the pieces of their dreams from the nightmare reality it is.

Through the course of the series, fans have met a wide variety of characters ranging from the dastardly Frank “Itchy” Renta, the charismatic Ghost Hunter extraordinaire Dante Howitzer and the unrelenting Joesph Durant to name a few. Mixing those characters with the violent and terrifying backdrop of the story made for quite the intense read. After the first arc concluded, the second has been focusing on Trudy’s father coming to the farm to bring his daughter back to his doomsday cult. He soon finds out, once you’re on the farm, you can never really leave. The drama is intensified when Gabby is thrusted into the future where she learns the truth about the farm and how it holds the key to the end of the world…literally.!

Inside the house was a piece of alien technology that the Horned Man had been searching for since the first issue. With this piece of equipment, a machine could be activated that destroys Earth as we know it. While Gabby has the piece, she is taken prisoner by Joseph, who now has the knowledge of what to do with the machine, thinking it’s for a “greater good” with an army from the future.

The finale starts with the Horned Man searching the farm property assessing the carnage all around from the battle of Joseph’s forces and the creatures haunting the place. In his path is Trudy, looking for her glasses after Joseph threw them into the woods, knowing she can’t see without them. All the while, Gabby is being led at gunpoint by Joseph to the machine with key in hand! With all these combustible personalities in one place, the sequence of events next couldn’t be any more intense!

Who makes it out alive? Is there a chance the Earth survives? Readers get all the answers they can handle as the finale gives the climatic throwdowns and emotional pulls one expects from a series finale. Nothing is held back with Gabby and Trudy’s desperate attempt to stop the apocalypse from happening. When the smoke clears, readers get a clear-cut vision of what the future holds with a final act that is sure to please long-time readers of this series.

TRUDY, GABBY & Dante Howitzer (I HATE THIS PLACE #3) by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, and Lee Loughridge (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment)

Frank “Itchy” Renta (I HATE THIS PLACE #4) by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, and Lee Loughridge (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment)

BREAKDOWN: In its’ conclusion, Starks drives home the strongest element of this story: the relationship of Gabby and Trudy is unstoppable. With the individual match-ups (Trudy vs Horned Man, Gabby vs Joseph), the re-enforcement of the other’s support is a key factor in pushing thru the moment in the attempt to win. Each character gets ample page time to let readers become entranced in how the stakes keep being raised. Once the dramatic crescendo is hit later in the book, the emotional outpour of Trudy’s words can be felt through the page. Pacing was never an issue as all loose detail are tied up with a few things for readers to ponder post-read. It’s exactly what you want from a finale.

Topilin and Loughridge begin this issue with a unique approach with 3 huge (1 full page) panels depicting the Horned Man’s assessment. The visuals make a big impact setting the tone for what is coming next. The inner fatigue of the lead characters emotions play a big part in connecting the dire times with the readers. This is clearly evident with Gabby is being lead to the machine by Joseph. The horror and violence factor didn’t disappear as the Horned Man’s attack on the soldiers left nothing to chance. However, the moment that jumps out after each read has been the small 3 panels for Trudy re-assuring Gabby of what needs to be done in the closing act. The confidence and love shown by Trudy is the extra boost needed to attempt the final save. Perfect closing panels to send this series off…for now?


The terrifying world of monsters and ghosts is met head-on by an intensely deep relationship that refuses to falter under any circumstance. Trudy and Gabby’s final endeavor to save the world is brought to life by incredible writing and exceptional visuals to take readers into the closing events of a fantastic series. Highest possible recommendation this week for New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of I Hate This Place #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new addition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following the next chapter from a brand-new series from Image Comics that more people need to be talking about. THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #2 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone debut mixing in elements of the Jack Kirby style of storytelling with modern superhero themes. With all the groundwork being laid last issue, the future looks very bright for this series. Let’s take a closer look and see how things pan out in the second issue, shall we?

THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #2 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)


Grant Garrison isn’t your average high school student. After being found lost with amnesia, Garrison takes a shot trying to fit in. All the while, there are forces from outside of Earth looking for a weapon known as “Sharsrum”, which could spell doom for the entire universe.

During the day of school, the normal drama is cut short after a meteor crashes into Kirby High school. Garrison wakes up to find he's survived the crash with Jen, a fellow student. Everyone else has gone away. In it's wake, an unknown creature stands.

Garrison seems unready for what's next, but he bonds with an object, he transforms into something more than human. After defeating the creature, Grant finds out it was Principal Murray. With a mystery unfolding and dangerous figures on the hunt, Grant’s life will never be the same.

The next chapter kicks off with a recap of previous events. Readers find out that those involved have various levels of changes if they survived. Grant and Jen attend the mass burial for those who didn’t survive the meteor attack.

During the ceremony, the pair notice someone with a bodyguard walking around. She is revealed to be Angela Rizni, daughter of Don Rizni from the Techno Mafia. Angela is ushered away by her Uncle and isolated from her friends. At her home (under his protection), Angela escapes to clear her head. Someone else with the same idea is Starstrom, who crosses paths with her. All the while, something else is unfolding. Something ….Supernatural.

Readers find out that something has triggered ZOMBIES to come up from the ground! What or who caused this? Can Starstorm handle another threat? Things move pretty fast as events play out. The final moments give a few things to ponder as it seems that Starstorm might be just the start of powered beings in this universe.

THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #2 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)

THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #2 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)

BREAKDOWN: Craig mixes a few things into the overall picture that create a fun, but at times confusing story. Kudos on mixing in a famous line from “The Crow.” Angela’s plotline involving her friends seemed sudden in their reveals. Instead of diving in more to Starstorm’s own beginning, the addition of more powered characters takes away that connecting time but leaves the door open for expanding on a universe. Being only two issues in, there is still much clouded in suspense.

Craig never loses the superhero elements that shined in the first issue. The throwback feel still works, even with all the new names involved. The zombie portion of the book was a fun mix and something unexpected. Events moved at a brisk pace but with such a bigger cast now, where things head now is literally anyone’s guess following the final page.

The introduction of the Digital mafia was a solid display, giving enough but not diving in too much. The same can be said for the flashbacks of Angela’s parents. Craig gives a brief but effective origin to Angela. The interactions with Grant came off well and readers can easily pick up on the friendship forming. The zombies really popped off the panels with a subtle retro feel to them. The faceoff with Angela and her uncle stands out as well with the expressions showing the shift in their stat quo. The final full page panel looks to be one readers will remember as a possible start to growing an already budding universe.

THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #2 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)


The saga of Starstorm dips away from focusing on the main character to introduce some possible major players into the mix. Readers will enjoy the throwback feel of this story as it combines many elements with its’ blossoming origin. Craig and Finestone bring the always fun dynamic of zombies into the fold as the gear shift will be entertaining to fans that enjoy the superhero genre.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Savage Strength of Starstorm #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, a legendary series returns to the comic shops this week for the first time since 2001! In the early 1990’s after the big Seven (Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen, Jim Valentino, and X-Men line artists Rob Liefeld (X-Force), Whilce Portacio (Uncanny X-Men), Marc Silvestri (Wolverine) and Jim Lee (X-Men) left Marvel Comics formed Image Comics, many fans wondered who would be the next big superstar to emerge from the top line of comics at the time. They didn’t have to wait too long as an artist made an immediate impact and gave the flagship title a whole new look. His name was Joe Madureira.

Madureira was named the artist on Uncanny X-Men in 1994. His work led to the success of the “Age Of Apocalypse” storyline as well as “The Trial Of Gambit” just to name a few. With a style all his own, Madureira quickly became one of the biggest artists in all of comics. In 1997, Madureira left Marvel to join up with an offshoot imprint of Jim Lee’s Wildstorm line known as Cliffhanger. Madureira joined Humberto Ramos (Crimson) and J. Scott Campbell (Danger Girl) with a creator owned title “Battle Chasers” in 1998.

The fantasy-adventure book had much hype behind it but constant release issues with the series led to the last issue being published by Image in 2001! In that time, Madureira has gone on to different non-comic projects with a few returns to Marvel with “Ultimates 3” in 2007, “Avenging Spider-Man” in 2011 and “Inhuman” in 2014. However, fans have never stopped clamoring for more Battle Chasers. Image released The Battle Chasers Anthology in 2019 to huge reactions. With a fanbase still clamoring for more, an announcment was made that shocked and electrified fans…

Early in 2023, Image and Madureira announced that they were bringing the series back with the long-awaited Battle Chasers #10 (by Madureira and LUDO LULLABI). The wait is finally over! The book is in stores! Let’s take a deeper look at how the story fares after debuting 25 years ago, shall we!

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)


This issue kicks off with a great recap of characters for readers jumping in for the first time:

Garrison - A former Paladin coming to terms with his past involving Aramus

Red Monika - An infamous figure who plays by her own rules

Gully - The daughter of the legendary Aramus, Gully possess gauntlets once wore by her father that have immense power

Calibretto aka Bretto - A war machine that has a mind of its’ own and is a force to be reckoned with

Knolan - A wizard of great mystery and capabilites

The story as it stands is the world of Gaia is in danger. Mana, a prime resource is dying out. Sides are being taken and conflict is rising. King Vaneer has played a role in the power balance, helping Gully and Bretto in the search for Aramus. The same cannot be said for Garrison who defies an order to captrue red Monika and now becomes a fugitive himself!

Red Monika wakes up in Garrison’s house after escaping Lord August. Garrison is waiting at the house and informs her that she was followed. Outside the house is Mastreo, leading the Martial Paladins on their bounty mission. Readers get a quick introduction into what they are capable of after they dispose of Akiman, Monika’s partner. Mastreo and his team bicker about what to do when Garrison and Monika make a break from the house. However, they don’t get too far before the Paladins make another play.

All the while, Gully is confronting her alleged brother Sebastian Nefar, who is rotting in a cell with no hands after trying to put on Gully’s gauntlets. Their conversation is brief but sets Gully on a quest to fin answers. What happens when she goes searching? What of Garrison and Monika’s fate? How does Bretto play into the mix? Readers are taken on quite the adventure as events are set in motion, kicking the saga of Battle Chasers into high gear.

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

BREAKDOWN: Madureira plays into the strengths of what makes this series such a beloved one with fans. The relationship between Garrison and Monika has always been combustible. Madureira focuses in on this for some great back and forth moments. The latest threats of the Martial Paladins are an interesting one. They come across to the reader as highly dangerous and ones that have a separate agenda all their own. Gully’s story didn’t get as much time in comparison (only 6 pages)but hit its’ key points. The dynamic with her and Sebastian works flawlessly to set up the forthcoming drama. As a “welcome back” issue, it does a great job for connecting with new and older readers of the series.

LULLABI steps in the art duties and delivers on fast moving, BIG action panels. The short sequence with them taking out Akiman delved into that frenetic pace. The moments with the Paladins hunting Garrison and Monkia establish the stakes very quickly.This leads into an amazing 2 page full panel spread closing out Garrison’s portion of the issue. Lullabi does a spectactular job catching Gully’s reactions to Sebastion’s manipulations. Ranging from anger to puzzled to defiant, the emotions display sold that time in the book and made up for the lack of pages. Great final panel to send things off into the next issue.

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)

Battle Chasers #10 by Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI (credit: Image Comics)


The saga of Battle Chasers resumes without missing a beat. Madureira and Lullabi greet new and faithful readers with great storytelling and incredible visuals that encompasses why this series still connects with fans after 25 years! With the action and drama building back up, it is a perfect time to add this series to your comic book collection.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Battle Chasers #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog tot he ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along the latest hit horror series from Cullen Bunn as the family dynamic of the Agates seems to have a paranormal problem. Ghostlore #2 from Cullen Bunn, Leomacs, Jason Wordie, Ed Dukeshire and Danny Luckert via BOOM! Studios invites readers to follow at their own risk into the unknown dangers waiting. Let’s take a closer look and see how this issue fares, shall we?

Ghostlore #2 from Cullen Bunn, Leomacs, Jason Wordie, Ed Dukeshire and Danny Luckert (On Sale June 14th, 2023 - Credit: BOOM! Studios *Featured Cover artist: Javier Rodriguez)


One fateful night has changed the Agate family forever. When leaving church, Pastor Lucas Agate, his wife Emily, his quiet son Chris are involved in a car accident when his daughter Harmony swerves from a boy standing in the middle of the road. The car crashes into a tree. From the crash, Harmony is convinced someone is in the road, but her father doesn’t believe it. Chris emerges from his silence and starts speaking about what Harmony is seeing. Chris’s story talks of a child who turned into a monster after some young boys bullied her. Chris swears never to speak a word, even when the boys are killed. With a small community rocked, The parishioners of Pastor Lucas’s church start losing faith.

Chris’s story is puzzling to his dad but it sinks in that this isn’t Chris, but his spirit as he and Emily were killed in the crash. Once confessing, Chris can finally rest with Harmony now carrying the weight of his guilt. Surrounding the car are more ghosts who want their story heard to gain peace.

This issue jumps in with Lucas and Harmony coming to grips with what has happened. The scenes are cold and reflecting the losses they have endured. Leaving the house in silence, Harmony sets out for some errands. Lucas is still waking up when he’s approached by a spirit wanting to talk.

With Harmony gone, What happens when it’s Lucas now talking with the spirit? What story do they have to tell? Readers watch with chills as the spirit confesses their tale. With a new dynamic in play, will things go smoothly or crash and burn? The final act leaves nothing behind as it closes this chapter definitively while featuring a final panel that adds more to the mystery at hand.

Ghostlore #2 from Cullen Bunn, Leomacs, Jason Wordie, Ed Dukeshire and Danny Luckert (On Sale June 14th, 2023 - Credit: BOOM! Studios *Featured Cover artist: Javier Rodriguez)

Ghostlore #2 from Cullen Bunn, Leomacs, Jason Wordie, Ed Dukeshire and Danny Luckert (On Sale June 14th, 2023 - Credit: BOOM! Studios *Featured Cover artist: Javier Rodriguez)

BREAKDOWN: Bunn role reverses from last issue’s fallout with Lucas stepping into the ghost conversation. The opening moments give the readers a sense of how things have weighed down the family with no real sense of improvement. The ghost appearance made for an interesting dynamic as Lucas fills in for Harmony. Its’ story is arguably the strongest pint of the book as the ethics behind it leave much to be figured out. The results show that nothing is “normal” about how these meetings are conducted. Bunn filters in Lucas’ anger with a newfound layer into his character. The closing will catch readers off-guard but makes for more drama as the story progress int the following issue.

Art duties are split again with Leoomacs taking the main timeline and Luckert stepping in for the flashback story. This is a winning formula as the story comes across to readers as truly told thru the spirit’s eyes. Luckert’s visuals bring the emotional backstory into the spotlight. It wastes little time in creating the sense of fear haunting the ghost and the burden now on their shoulders. Leomacs makes the opening scenes click with no words uttered. It’s only body language that the readers can cypher. The panels speak volumes on how things are deteriorated between Lucas and Harmony. It’s countered with some truly horrific imagery stemming from the ghost story. The closing panel is very subtle but is sure to set the Agate family into another tailspin before it’s all said and done.

Ghostlore #2 from Cullen Bunn, Leomacs, Jason Wordie, Ed Dukeshire and Danny Luckert (On Sale June 14th, 2023 - Credit: BOOM! Studios *Featured Cover artist: Javier Rodriguez)

Ghostlore #2 from Cullen Bunn, Leomacs, Jason Wordie, Ed Dukeshire and Danny Luckert (On Sale June 14th, 2023 - Credit: BOOM! Studios *Featured Cover artist: Javier Rodriguez)


The supernatural hold on the Agate family becomes tighter as the pressure mounts in the latest chapter from Bunn and Leomacs. Strong imagery raises the frightening tale being constructed into new heights. Don’t miss checking this book out on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Ghostlore #2. Thanks for reading.