Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this edition, we are continuing on reading one of the most creative and imaginative books on the market. Once And Future #27 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios progresses on with its’ fantastic tale. Each issue, there’s something new and unique that makes this a must-read each time out. Let’s take a dive into the latest epic adventures of Bridgette, Duncan and Rose, shall we?

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue opens up at Grail Castle where Elaine, Bridgette’s daughter has taken up residency. She is on a mission to save Galahad, her “son”. He is a mix of a half zombie and half mantaur but Elaine is pushing to save him by any means she can. Meanwhile, It’s Christmas Eve and everyone is making a play for the sword in the stone. Yes, that is correct, the legendary sword of Excalibur is in play for the one who should be King. Remember how I said this book is one of the most imaginative at the LCS? Need I say more.

Bridgette makes the plan on what to do: take out anyone trying to make a claim. She gets some unlikely help and readers are treated to an all out battle for the sword. It’s exciting action from the first panel! The resolution from that is big and fits into the outstanding character work from this book. The story of Galahad this issue also takes a few turns and readers are left with a final page that will really catch some attention.

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Gillen creates a very solid issue within these pages. The Galahad story is one that gets broken up but has an ending that fits perfectly to where the characters connected are. Bridgette McGuire is one of the best characters in comics. Her personality throughout every adventure is always stealing the panel. How she prepares for the battle at Hyde Park will hook readers and add some excitement to the story at hand. The ending of this issue will hit some emotional marks and closes the book out strong.

Is there a better artist in comics right now than Dan Mora? Consistently, every issue he draws is energetic and always presents moments larger than life. The entire battle of Hype Park is prime example. The action is HUGE. They jump off the page. Not to be outdone, the Galahad ending proves not everything needs a huge panel. The quiet moments there hit with readers with an emotional combo. There are few books on the market as Once & Future for its creative quality.

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Once and Future #27 continues to prove why its’ one of the best reads at the LCS. Great storytelling and fantastic art make this book a must have every time out. Keep your eyes peeled on NCBD at the local comic shops and don’t miss this issue!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Once and Future #27. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition, we’re checking out the second issue of a brand new series on Comixology Originals. Cold Iron #2 by Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller picks up from the cliffhanger debut that introduced readers to Kay Farragher and the lost child Mona. Would this pair survive the night or succumb to the terrors they encountered? Let’s not waste any more time and jump into this latest chapter, shall we?

Cold Iron #2 - On Sale June 14th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals

Cold Iron #2 - On Sale June 14th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals


The story picks up where Kay and Mona are rescued by the police in the morning after spending the night in an abandon house. The police are trying to figure out what (if anything) makes sense of the story that they are telling. How can they explain Mona’s past and being from another world where it seems as shes hunted? However, a new character enters the story that might change everything. William Quilliam, a money broker who oversees the property shows up. At first, it seems as he’s on the up and up, but once readers see a few moments later, there are some red flags raised via his facial expression.

From here, Kay struggles to deal with Mona being turned over to social services. Once she goes back to find Mona, there is more information revealed that proves she is anything but ordinary. From here, the pair begin to try figuring out what has happened. Unfortunately for them, other forces are at play. can the pair survive long enough to figure out this mystery? And where does the character of Quilliam fit into this puzzles? Readers will have to read and make their own conclusions.

Cold Iron #2 - On Sale June 14th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals

Cold Iron #2 - On Sale June 14th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals

Diggle continues to build off off a soild debut with this issue. Kay’s story begins to shift gears as she becomes more connected with Mona. Seeing how their story has grown in such a short time has been a big win for this series. The addition of Quilliam adds another dynamic to this book. It’s very early in this story to figure out everything about him but there’s enough in this issue to make readers keep focused on him as this book progresses. Very good closing sequence to end the issue on.

Brokenshire does another fantastic job on bringing this world to life. Balancing out the grounded reality with the supernatural elements i presented with no problems. When the mystic moments happen, they’re big events. When the quieter conversation happen, they still translate to the reader as impactful. Readers are in for a real treat with the imagery they will see in this issue. Very cool final panels to close out on.

Cold Iron #2 - On Sale June 14th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals

Cold Iron #2 - On Sale June 14th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals

Cold Iron #2 - On Sale June 14th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals

Overall, Cold Iron #2 continues to build it’s blend of reality and supernatural with a well crafted story. The saga of Kay and Mona grows with some very grounded moments only to shift into the realm of fantasy with ease. This book is one to keep an eye on when you’re checking out Comixology this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Cold Iron #3. as always, Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this edition, we’re taking a look at a brand new book out on the Comixology Originals line. Cold Iron #1 by Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller for Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd. is the latest book released under that banner. I can’t stress enough: Sign up for the Comixology Unlimited deal for books like these. Let’s not waste any more time and jump into this first issue, shall we?

Cold Iron #1 (of 4) - On Sale May 10th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd.

Cold Iron #1 (of 4) - On Sale May 10th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd.


The story is set around Kay Farragher, a singer who’s based out of the Isle Of Man. Kay struggles with breaking away from her “nowhere” life to chase her dreams. After singing in front of some children for Hop-tu-Naa (otherwise known as Halloween), Kay chats with her superstitious grandmother about the future until she’s called away to pick up her drunk boyfriend. En route to do a good deed, Kay’s life gets pulled into another unexpected direction.

While driving, Kay veers off the road to avoid hitting a young girl named Mona. The car she’s in is wrecked badly. Mona claims she is running from something. While Kay originally brushes this notion off, she quickly changes her tune when a face to face confrontation sets up the long night ahead. With no car and no working phone, Kay and Mona must now find a way to survive a dangerous night with no notion of how to fight back other than with some “Cold Iron.”

Cold Iron #1 (of 4) - On Sale May 10th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd.

Cold Iron #1 (of 4) - On Sale May 10th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd.

Cold Iron #1 (of 4) - On Sale May 10th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd.

Very cool first issue. Diggle sets the tone early of this book will tie into the world of fantasy and the supernatural. Kay’s story is a very relatable one that readers can side with her on. Seeing how the grandmother tried warning Kay of respecting the mythology of the night was a nice touch. Once Mona appears in the story, then this book really takes off. It’s an unlikely pairing yet doesn’t seem to be too awkward in grasping the current situation. Seeing how Kay reacts to this new world she’s walked into is going to be exciting to follow. The book also has a great cliffhanger ending for where this story goes next.

Brokenshire does a great job setting up this place of mystery. There is always a tense feel to the panels after Kay finds Mona that doesn’t let up the rest of the story. This is balanced out with Mona’s fear of whatever is looking for her to Kay’s flipping of emotions as the story progresses. Seeing Kay’s turn to panic after doubting her grandmother’s warning adds to the heightened emotions of the pair running for their lives. Readers will sense the horror movie-esque feel with this book and be very locked in for the remainder of this story of myths and suspense.

Cold Iron #1 (of 4) - On Sale May 10th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd.

Cold Iron #1 (of 4) - On Sale May 10th

Creative: Andy Diggle, Nick Brokenshire, Triona Farrell, Simon Bowland & Tom Muller

Credit: Comixology Originals/Final Form Entertainment Ltd.

Overall, Cold Iron #1 sets up a very interesting story for fans of gripping storytelling. Solid writing and artwork give readers a great addition to their collections with what looks to be an exciting story to become invested in. Make sure to check this out on Comixology this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Cold Iron #1. As always, thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re continuing to follow the fallout of the Eltarian War in the pages of Power Rangers by Boom Studios. Power Rangers #18 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire have established a new stat quo for the Omega Rangers but this issue takes them into some uncharted waters. Let’s deep dive into their latest adventures, shall we?

Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios


The Omega Rangers have now set up shop on Safehaven after addressing the universe with a warning for all evil-doers. When Xi picks up two distress signals, the team splits up to investigate. Jason And Yale take to the planet KO-35 while Zach & Trini head to the Mindrow System. However, when both teams arrive to their missions, they both find that things are definitely not as they seem.

Jason & Yale come across some hostiles known as the Xurix with a mysterious onlooker watching. Readers will be very intrigued when said person is revealed to them later in the issue. As for Zach & Trini, they discover the remains of a crashed ship. During their investigation, they find a LOT more than rubble and debris. Even after leaving that planet, What does their findings mean for their future moving forward? And what about Jason’s encounter with that onlooker? There’s a lot of questions that readers will have to decipher for themselves with this issue.

Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Parrott has led this team into a few interesting directions with this issue. Obviously, coming off the heels of last issue’s proclamation, there was going to questions about how the team would be handling their new paths. Both pairs of heroes had captivating stories, with Trini and Zach’s edging out Jason and Yale’s (but not by much). The question of how they will handle their new responsibilities after leaving the Mindrow System will be a fun story to see with Zach & Trini. Jason & Yale’s story raised a lot of questions which readers will be excited to follow along with. This issue laid some great groundwork for what’s coming next.

Renna crushes it on the art (as awalys). I was a big fan of how the Mindrow System was depicted & the “cause” of their conflict (Never thought I would be reporting on a battle with “Mrs. Westinghouse” but here we are!). There’s a lot of action between both stories and Renna gives them great energy behind them. The whole sequence with Jason/Yale and the Xurix played out very well. There is a lot to be excited about this new direction for Omega Ranger fans.

Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers #18 is a great jump-on point for new readers while establishing the new threats for longtime readers. The book has fantastic storytelling & art. It’s become the norm for both Power Rangers books under Boom Studios. There is no good reason not to check this book out at your LCS. It’s an excellent read!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Power Rangers #18. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complimentary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re checking out the conclusion of one of the best horror comics on the market: Night Of The Ghoul #6 by Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design for Comixology Originals. If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: The Comixology Originals line is one of the best investments you can make as a comic fan. Some of the best storytelling in the medium is happening here.

If you’re new to this story, Night Of The Ghoul centers around Forest Innman, a film studio worker who has come across the long lost remains of the film “Night Of The Ghoul”. With this piece of history in hand & son along for the ride, Innman tracks down the director of the movie, T. F. Merritt at a nursing home under a different name. Innman’s curiosity of this film might be more than he bargained for as Merritt starts to unveil the mystery about this film thought destroyed in a movie studio in 1946. Is Innman ready for the truth behind “The Greatest Horror Movie of All Time”?

Readers find that answer out quickly as this tale has so many incredible twists and turns that need to be read to fully appreciate. Now at the conclusion, let’s see how this epic concludes, shall we?

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Innman & Merritt have made an escape from the nursing home & the insanity happening there. With time running out on his life, Merritt makes a last request to Innman to take him to the studio where it all begin in 1946. With this intention, Merritt prepares to finish the story for the movie’s biggest fan. As the movie starts playing it’s final act, it becomes clear that the movie being thought destroyed should have stayed dead. Readers will bear witness to the true ending of “Night Of The Ghoul” & what really happened on that fateful night with the studio fire.

Even with this mild spoiler warning, readers will not be ready for the final twists that happen in these pages. I’m keeping details a bit vague for this review because when I read this issue, I kept saying “HOLY ****!” and feel you, the reader, should have those moments to make with any tampering of judgement. The story has been such a fantastic read that heading into the finale, one would hope it doesn’t drop off. Rest assured, you won’t be disappointed with the events happening within this issue.

All the questions that have been asked since the beginning of the first issue will be answered without any confusion. The impact of these reveals will hit all the marks with fans. It literally is a roller-coaster of emotions when seeing how Innman’s quest of curiosity ends. This issue is perfectly crafted that once finished, you know you will have truly read something special with this story.

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Snyder captures everything you love about horror with this book. Packing this story with so much drama, suspense and frightening moments was no easy task. However, it helps with strong lead figures to make that become a reality. The character of Forrest Innman brings to life the definition of there are some mysteries should be left close forever. Innman is one who connects to the audience easily for his harmless actions, but once the story ramps up, finds out he’s in way over his head. The complexity of TF Merritt is another strong point to this book. Merritt is a perfect counter to Innman. Even from the beginning, his story is not so cut and dry. The conflict of the truth behind the film does a nice slow burn until the ending but never loses the readers attention. Every element of the pacing of this story works.

Francavilla absolutely gives this book fantastic imagery throughout the story. Whether it’s the flashbacks to 1918, The infamous studio fire in ‘46 or present day, Francavilla sets up panels to make the big moments jump out at the reader. The use of the “vintage” color tones for the past sequences was a great touch throughout these issues. Look at the time Innman and Merritt spend in the studio during this final issue for a prime example. When Merritt asks “please play my movie” sends shivers up the spine because of how Merritt’s body language gives off the inevitable ending of his story. There is a lot of crazy sequences that unfold to get here but when the story needs that extra boost, the art raises it to a whole other level.

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Overall, Night Of The Ghoul #6 is an absolute masterpiece! Snyder’s writing & Francavilla’s art bring a classic horror tale to modern times without losing any details along the way. Even if horror is not your go-to genre of comics, give this book a read. It’s a complete package of what a great comic is. Highly recommended for all comic readers. Sign up ASAP on Comixology & don’t miss this story.

If you’re looking for more Scott Snyder on Comixology, I highly recommend “We Have Demons” with Greg Capullo (Issue #1 now out in print form from Dark Horse Comics) and “Clear” with Francis Manapul.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Night Of The Ghoul. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parla Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition, we’re checking out the final issue of the current run of Shadowman by Valiant Entertainment! Shadowman #8 by CULLEN BUNN, PEDRO ANDREO, JORDIE BELLAIRE and CLAYTON COWLES closes the chapter of Valiant Supernatural protector to a great close for this run. The story of Jack Boniface will be continuing with Book Of Shadows, which is set to debut during the summer of 2022. This current run has been a fantastic read so let’s not waste any more time and jump into this final chapter of the Deadside War, shall we?

Written by
Horror Movie Homage Variant Cover by CLAUDIA IANICELLO
Pre-order Cover by MICO SUAYAN

On sale April 13th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment


The Deadside War has taken a turn where Deadside & the blights have almost completely crossed over into the land of the living. With the assist of the Abettors, PUNK MAMBO & the entire Valiant Universe, Shadowman has been leading the resistance to little success. Even with the moments of self doubt, there can be no quit otherwise world as its known is over. With that gravity on his back, Shadowman leads his troops into the Deadside world itself to a confrontation with some notable figures. The power they possess is “borrowed” by the the Abettors leading to the final play they can make. The play: exorcise Deadside!

This leads to an epic final stand with the forces of Good and Evil. If you’re a fan of big action, you’ll LOVE this portion of the book. The moment that will have fans buzzing is the final resolution to this conflict. It’s somewhat of a surprise but knowing how Jack Boniface works, it’s not out of the realm of thought. What is it you ask? No spoilers here for that. All I will say is it wraps up the event to a satisfying conclusion leading into the next adventures of Jack Boniface in July.

Written by
Horror Movie Homage Variant Cover by CLAUDIA IANICELLO
Pre-order Cover by MICO SUAYAN

On sale April 13th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Written by
Horror Movie Homage Variant Cover by CLAUDIA IANICELLO
Pre-order Cover by MICO SUAYAN

On sale April 13th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Bunn caps off this run of Shadowman with a fitting conclusion. During both story arcs, Boniface is challenged to find a solution to the ever growing problem of the Blights. He is written as a conflicted hero and this plays well for both arcs (#1-4 and then 5-8). Deadside has proven to be a very intriguing character in her own right. The stakes of this event felt very heavy, as it should for such an event. The events to close the war feels like a surprising play, but that always leads to the best stories. With Bunn writing, there is no doubt of that not happening.

Putting this out into the universe: MORE PEDRO ANDREO PLEASE! With this story, Andreo really brought the action and fast paced war moments to panels with excellent art. Valiant couldn’t have picked a better person for this event. If you need proof of this, the 2 page spread (pages 10-11 I believe) will put all other doubts to rest. How Andreo showcased the use of the supernatural really connected and gave this event that shot of energy to feel epic. As a reader, The Deadside War truly felt like an event because of this!

Written by
Horror Movie Homage Variant Cover by CLAUDIA IANICELLO
Pre-order Cover by MICO SUAYAN

On sale April 13th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Written by
Horror Movie Homage Variant Cover by CLAUDIA IANICELLO
Pre-order Cover by MICO SUAYAN

On sale April 13th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Written by
Horror Movie Homage Variant Cover by CLAUDIA IANICELLO
Pre-order Cover by MICO SUAYAN

On sale April 13th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Overall, The Deadside War closes on a fitting note. Bunn and Andreo put the final touches on this chapter of Jack Boniface with an incredible mix of strong writing & fantastic art. If Shadowman hasn’t been in your pull list for this run, fix that quick. Place your orders at the LCS now for Book Of Shadows cause the fallout from these pages are going to keep the Year of Valiant moving strong into the summer and beyond.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Shadowman #8, Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! On this edition, one of my favorite indie books has returned!!!! Pocus Hocus #3 by Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz for Bad Bug Media continues the wild and outrageous adventures of everyone’s favorite soul selling magician Pocus Hocus! The previous issues have been quality reads mixing in humor and horror. Issue #3 just wrapped up on Kickstater & the book is about ready to hit readers’s hands. Let’s not waste any more time and jump into the latest issue, shall we?

Pocus Hocus #3

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Bad Bug Media


Pocus and Emily, his magic assistant are dealing with the mess Pocus made. The mess you ask? Well, when Pocus sold his soul for becoming the world’s greatest magician, he didn’t realize he was forever tied to the demon. Now that his benefactor is caught up in some trouble, Pocus decided to remedy this situation by….making it worse as only he can! The only voice of reason is Emily who insists they have to try making things right. And how do they do this? By going to Hell looking for the demon himself!

While there, Pocus and Emily attract a LOT of unwanted attention. None of which is trying to make a warm welcome for the pair. The first “friend” they meet sets the tempo for the rest of the issue. From there, the pair goes into another wild adventure that, without spoiling too much, will leave readers very amped up for the next issue. If you’ve been with this book since day 1, you’ll really enjoy this issue. If you’re just joining now, prepare to go back and track down the previous 2 issues. It’s THAT fun of a read!

Pocus Hocus #3

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Bad Bug Media

Pocus Hocus #3

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Bad Bug Media

What other book can have a character yell “SWEET BABY SATAN” & you immediately start laughing at the panel? Dunford & Radford create a very unique version of Hell within these pages. There’s a bit more humor in that setting than yo normally see, but that’s where the writers really shine with this issue. The well timed humor serves as a great counter balance to what’s happening. When meeting some of Hell’s residents, readers get some very funny moments mixed into the horrible setting. It’s really gives this book something that jumps out from a lot of books.

Balando delivers on another solid outing here. One big change from past issues with the art is the use of Color for the majority of the story. It gives a great visual for the change of setting for the readers. Another great touch was with Emily’s aura. Being in her own energy while in Hell gave some leverage to that moment in the story. It’s a small touch but does convey a bigger message to the overall picture. The rest of Hell’s residents all have a special look to them and this isn’t easy to pull off. The art team here made that look very easy.

Pocus Hocus #3

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Bad Bug Media

Pocus Hocus #3

Creative: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Photo Credit: Bad Bug Media

Overall, Pocus Hocus gives readers it’s best issue yet. The writing is sharp & funny while given a great counter balance with the art. Making a stop thru Hell never looked more interesting. If you’re still not sold (for some reason) on this book, chec out the ODPHpod episode where Allen dropped in to talk about this issue. Make sure you check out their Kickstarter along with checking Bad Bug media to get your hands on copies of this book! Don’t miss out!

Let me know on Twitter what you thought of Pocus Hocus #3! As always, thanks for reading!