Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! One of the best new series of 2022 continues its epic debut story arc with another must-read issue! Grim #4 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano for Boom Studios has been an absolute smash since it debuted in the local comic shops. Last issue left readers with a final page that raised many questions. How does this latest issue fare? Let’s take a deeper dive and see, shall we?

Grim #4- On Sale August 24th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #4- On Sale August 24th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios


The saga of Jessica Harrow continues to take some very exciting turns. After a routine job of guiding a dead soul into the afterlife as a reaper goes sideways, her (after)life has been turned upside down. After somehow crossing over into the land of the living, Jessica starts searching for answers. None of which her boss Adira is happy with. With Adira trying to stop her search for the truth, Jessica and her friends make an escape from The End, who is trying to silence this situation once and for all.

This issue jumps in (literally) with Jessica’s team making a leap from a tower to escape The End. During their free fall, The Scythe she wields opens up a portal. Where that portal leads: Las Vegas! Meanwhile, Adira assesses the situation and determines Jessica has Death’s Scythe! She sends The End to find her in Vegas. While in Vegas, Jessica somehow saves a drunken party-goer from being killed. However, that interaction turns out to be more than it seems. What happens that changes the course for Jessica? It’s a surprise that will have fans talking along with a final chapter of the issue that sets events in motion.

Grim #4- On Sale August 24th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #4- On Sale August 24th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #4- On Sale August 24th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

The story of Jessica Harrow keeps taking such great twists, all thanks to the incredible writing of Phillips. Jessica’s world is one that never feels predictable and always keeps things exciting. The mystery of who she is has been great to follow. This issue shines when she makes the save on the party-goer. Jessica shows why there’s something more to her with her heroic actions. This issue focused more on the journey’s of both Jessica and Adira, which is no a bad thing. It gave Jessica moments to dive into her own mystery. On the flip-side, Adira, while not featured heavily, made the most of the time on page. The pace kept things moving and will invest readers from the opening page to close. Excellent job.

This book has such a unique feel to it, all thanks to Flaviano & the rest of the art team. It always has panels that pop right off the page. None bigger this issue then when Jessica makes the save. This vision of Las Vegas also sands out thanks to the coloring work of Renzi. When there, it stands out with its use of pink/purple as a backdrop to the strip. Readers can’t help but be locked into its surroundings. As someone who’s visited Vegas many times, this felt like the energy you see when you’re in Sin City. The final panels put a solid exclamation point on this issue!

Grim #4- On Sale August 24th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #4- On Sale August 24th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Grim #4 proves why this book is an absolute can’t miss. Phillips, Flaviano and company continue to make one of the coolest books on the market with the work being put in here. The story of Jessica Harrow keeps getting better and better so make sure you stop down to your LCS this week and get this book!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Grim #4. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog for the ODPH podcast! For this entry , we’re checking out a new book from the Magic: the Gathering franchise published by Boom Studios. MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1 by Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire is a one shot story that is perfect for new readers to check out. Let’s see how this issue presents one of the more popular characters in the MTG landscape, shall we?

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1 - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Ariel Olivetti)

Credit: Boom Studios

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1 - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


Now MTG is not one of my stronger fandoms of knowledge so I made a call to Rich from the 3FNpodcast, who is very well versed in the MTG lore. Rich said “Ajani is one of the most beloved Planeswalkers in all of magic. Magic players who wield white mana decks or Orhov decks will always make room for a good Ajani.”

This issue starts off with Ajani looking over Naya, his territory, when he is suddenly attacked by Jazal. However this turns out to be an illusion of sorts as the story shifts to the Naya Shard of Alara. Ajani finds out that some of his nieces and nephews are playing a game based off of a story of lore. Once aware of the story, Ajani decides to clear up some confusion and tell the children a story: What it really means to be a Planeswalker.

Readers are taken on a fun story with “The Tale Of The Endless Hunger” as Ajani and his friend Tamiyo help the people of Eldraine survive a threat. The story isn’t enough for the children so Ajani tells another tale called “The Story Of Shadows upon Stone.” With the children being still restless for more excitement, Ajani finally tells his story of Jazal in “The Tale Of The Lucky Hunt.” Readers will have much to enjoy with this issue and get treated to a solid epilogue to close.

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1 - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1 - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1 - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

As previously mentioned, I’m not the biggest Magic: The Gathering expert, but I really thought this was a cool read. McGuire does an excellent job introducing Ajani to readers of the various levels of fandom. Breaking the stories of Ajani into three small stories was a nice touch and showcased why this character is so beloved. Each story felt different but carried an overall theme. Pacing was never lost and seeing how Ajani interacted in telling his stories made for an enjoyable read.

The art teams did a stellar performance throughout this issue. Having various artists on the 3 small stories made each one feel unique. “The Tale Of The Lucky Hunt” really jumped out with the action sequences, even with how brief they were. The artists kept things moving along with nothing feeling too rushed. There was a lot of ground to cover and the creative team as a whole delivered on a read that will be very pleasing to Magic: The Gathering Fans.

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane - On Sale August 24th

Creative: Seanan McGuire, Nori Retherford, Jaques Salomon, Giuseppe Cafaro, Lea Caballero, Michael Shelfer and Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1 is a great introduction to a fabled character in the MTG universe. New readers will enjoy the heroic moments that connect on the first read thanks to the exceptional work from the creative teams. More seasoned fans will be happy with how this character came across when they pick this issue up at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of MAGIC: Ajani Goldmane #1. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! We’re nearing the end to the Charge to 100 in the pages of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers books by Boom Studios. Power Rangers #22 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire bring fans to an extremely intense destination before the milestone #100! The build up has delivered and there are some BIG events here. Let’s not waste any more time ad jump into the events unfolding within these pages, shall we?

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios


The Omega Rangers have been dealt some unforeseen hands since declaring their warning to any evil doers around the universe. Zach and Trini have become reluctant parents of a fast aging alien names Journey. Jason has endured a major tragedy with the unexpected death of his mother. Factor in the introduction of Andros, a past ranger with a mysterious path, into their lives and it’s been a non-stop roller coaster of emotions to deal with, all while defending the universe.

With the events of last issue (and if you read “Countdown to Ruin”), Andros’ master plan had finally come to fruition . He has found a way to save his best friend Zhane and plans to extract some revenge along the way. Jason has got questions but he and Yale get to be first hand witness to Andros and Zhane destroying a Xurix space station! In shock, Jason tries to asses Zhane more and does he ever get more than he bargained for! The reveals are HUGE! The only thing bigger is an action done that will have readers doing an immediate double take!

The rest of the cast has their moments to spotlight as well during this issue. Journey and Keron Vrin have to find a way to defend Safehaven from the Followers of Vox. Zach and Trini get brought into the drama with Zhane and what a moment that is! On top of all this, we have a surprising action that ultimately leads to an exciting final page to guide readers to the milestone #100!

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

If you’re a new reader to this blog, I’m a big fan of Ryan Parrott’s work. Between the MMPR books and the incredible Rogue Sun, Parrott always delivers on great twists and fan moments (NOT to be considered Fan Service) that get readers telling each other “Hey! Did you see when (character) did (action). HOLY CRAP!” and so forth. There’s at least 2 moments of that in this book that a fellow press member and I had those reactions to. The pacing gives everyone time to shine and once Zhane’s plan unfolded, the impact could be felt thru the page. Another speculation point I’m making: for the amount of time focused on Journey, I’m almost banking on her playing a HUGE part in this story’s conclusion. Possibly a bigger role for her in the “Recharged Era.” Either way, it’s a great pen-ultimate issue before the big blockbuster in September!

Renna conveys a lot of emotional moments for two characters in particular during this issue. Both Jason and Andros have panels that exemplify the events unfolding. Andros, finally reunited with his best friend and the moments following carry weight along with Jason seeing what’s happening and trying to cease where the story is heading demonstrate these elements. There is a fair share of action sequences that Renna brings to life with ease. Events don’t stall for time catching the reader’s attention and getting the story to where it needs to be before such a huge issue forthcoming. The final panel is enough to generate some anticipation for this saga’s conclusion on its own.

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #22 (Legacy #99) - On Sale August 10th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers #22 sets up the final chapter of the Charge to 100 with surprises and excitment fitting for the conclusion of this creative team’s stellar run. Parrott and Renna showcase excellent storytelling and art mixed with a few surprises that readers won’t be able to handle the wait to September to see. Make sure not to miss this issue at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Power Rangers #22. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! The “Charge To 100” continues in the right direction for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Universe for Boom Studios. Mighty Morphin’ #22 by Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire has a fun story going on focusing on one Ranger’s feelings towards legacy. After all the adventures the heroes have been thru, the uncertainty of the future has been looming. Let’s jump into this issue and see how this story plays out, shall we?

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios


The issue opens up with Kimberly and Tommy stuck in an experimental dimension that has gone a bit haywire. Some rogues have now made their appearances in this landscape. None of which have any love loss with the pair of Rangers. Forced to battle, the pair is completely overwhelmed with Tommy left extremely hurt in the altercation. Kimberly gets Tommy to safety and also some divine intervention in the form of an emissary Ranger.

The conversation gives some much needed clarity on what Kimberly has been dealing with during this story. For better or worse, there is an understanding. With this information, Kimberly makes a call on how to handle her situation. Without Tommy to help, how will this play out? Readers will get that answer and a sense of where the future lies for not only the Pink Ranger but the heroes of Angel Grove as well. Excellent epilogue to cap this issue off as well.

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Kimberly’s story these past two issues has been an enjoyable read. Groom breaks down the uncertainty of the future very well. We as readers often think that heroes will do this forever, but at the same time, it’s a question that will pop up from time to time in comics. The conversations Kimberly has during this issue brings that to the forefront. The resolution to those questions is one readers will be pleased with. Readers are also going to be excited to see how Kimberly finds a way to stand up to the rogues.

Hidalgo’s work is such a great compliment to the story. The facial expressions of Kimberly give an added weight to Groom’s writing. They will definitely connect with the readers about what direction she is heading into from these moments. With all the talking happening here, there’s also a healthy does of action to balance. Just wait until you see the two page spread before Kimberly addresses the rogues. The action has big momentum to it and provides for some memorable panels. There is much for readers to be pleased with involving this story.

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #22 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire ( Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Mighty Morphin’ #22 caps off a great story for one of the most well known rangers. Groom and Hidalgo present Kimberly’s questions of what to come with exceptional storytelling and art. As all roads head towards the “Charge To 100”, this story is a solid complement to whats to come. Make sure to keep an eye out for it at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin’ #22. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! It was just announced that one of the most imaginative comics on the shelves will be ending in October with issue #30. Once And Future #28 by Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios leads the march to the conclusion of the King Arthurian re-imaging. Lets check out the latest issue on the road to finishing this series, shall we?

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


A play is made by Mary to acquire something that could be the turning point in this entire struggle. It’s a risky move but appears to work in favor. With this weapon in hand, Mary presents it to one of he King Arthur’s and their court. In this exchange, Mary finds out the truth behind one of these so called “kings.” The reveal is very well done and the fallout becomes even better. All of this is relayed to Bridgette, who’s planning on strategy since the Christmas Day truce is over.

The heroes make their way to parliament Square to try undoing King Lear’s magic. The resolution of this is one for the ages. All the while, readers see an epic battle of two kings which ends in a very shocking matter! Does Bridgette’s plan go off without a hitch? In this world of magic , no bet is a safe bet. As readers will find out, no good deed goes unpunished as there’s a massive change no one saw coming…and a final one was ready for! Trust me when I saw, this issue doesn’t disappoint and there are so many crucial moments that need to be read rather than spoiled.

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Gillen hits the gas pedal with moving into the final act with this issue. Bridgette ad Mary working together was one thing, but seeing the plan come to fruition was a wild ride. The backstory on one king was a great read and added to the tragic tale that can only come from this saga. In a game of kings, there can only be one. The storytelling hits on the marks. Even when she thinks she has the answers, Bridgette shows flaws that only add to the story overall. The final sequence of events deliver on the drama and no one is ready for that final page.

Mora continues to showcase why he’s arguably the best artist in comics right now. The action sequences hold nothing back. the attention to detail shines thru. The story of the one King is extremely well done and the imagery really conveys the emotions felt by its narrator. Seeing Lear make his move was another strong point to the book. When moments like this jump off pages, readers know that they have much to enjoy with the story. The final image of the book drives home the point the story is near the end. Expect much buzz from the fan base after reading this one.

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #28

Creative: Kieron Gullen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Once and Future #28 sets the pace for ending one of the best stories in comics. Gillen and Mora present a heavy narrative will excellent story and art to send this comic into its’ final stand. Don’t miss picking this book up at the LCS this week! It’s some of the best creative work in the business for a reason.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Once and Future #28. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re checking out the final story arc of one of the most intense reads at the LCS. Basilisk #10 by Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios has been a wild read with the saga of a lone survivor against the fearsome supernatural five. The comics has been picking up steam with .some of the most brutal action sequences in comics. The major players are setting up for the ultimate encounter. Let’s see how the latest chapter is taking readers towards the final stand of the Chimera, shall we?

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue kicks off with an eerie origin story for Vanessa, the lead of the Chimera. It’s a very in your face opening that results into present time with Vanessa waking up in a colony of disciples. The group appears to be preparing on unleashing a healthy Vanessa onto the world after her last battle with Hannah.

Meanwhile, Hannah is still in a hospital from her last battle. She begins to think back to her family, who were original victims to the Chimera. Now, Hannah is alone after cutting ties with Regan, the lone defector of the Chimera. Speaking of Regan, she is approached by Barret and his Chimera followers. After an order was subtly given, Barret’s followers invade the hospital and start killing everyone in sight looking for Hannah. The scene’s pull no punches as Hannah fights to survive.

Just when readers think they’re going to have this story figured out, The major players left are now flipped in direction in what will be one of the craziest endings in recent memory. The long time readers will not be ready for what the final page means. The game has now changed. The direction of the book is now set. All bets are off for what’s coming.

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Bunn is really setting the table for the final showdown here. Hannah and Vanessa’s collision course has been very engaging to readers to see how it will all unfold. Vanessa has had a “fall from Grace” ordeal in relearning about her past, On the other side of the coin, Hannah has come to terms that ending the Chimera once and for all might cost her everything, but the ends justify the means. The role players are adding to the intensity of the moments while not stealing anything away from the inevitable end. The mood is dire, and the future is bleak. Could this story end any other way. Great storytelling.

Scharf continues to deliver some of the most brutal scenes with the violence in this issue. The raid of the hospital is intense and graphic. Readers see how fanatic the Chimera followers have turned. Hannah’s fight to survive shows how far of a character growth she’s gone thru. Readers also get a grim look at Vanessa’s beginnings with the flashback sequence to open the book. The shift from grey/blue to light/brown was a great touch to illustrate the points. Very well done.

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #10 - On Sale August 3rd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Basilisk #10 delivers on the calm and the violence. It doesn’t hold back from the brutality of its story but does offer some quiet moments before all hell breaks loose. Bunn and Scharf bring the story to a fever pitch before lighting the ending match. You simply can’t miss this comic at the LCS.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Basilisk #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this edition, we’re checking out the latest issue from the Eisner winning Best Continuing Series from Boom Studios. Something is Killing the Children #25 by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design brings the return of Erica Slaughter to an impactful crossroads. If you’ve been reading the series thus far, brace yourself. If brand new to the series, expect a very cool read. Let’s take a deeper look at the anniversary (#25) issue of the series. shall we?

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios


Erica Slaughter has returned on the radar as she is investigating a vicious murder scene in New Mexico. With a lone teenager as the only witness and a town that is not ready for what has encountered it, Erica’s work is cut out for her. Unknown to her, The Order of St. George has an assassin named Cutter hunting her down, who’s left nothing but death in her wake.

This issue kicks off with Cutter making her way to an undisclosed location. The small talk give an insight to readers about how unhinged Cutter is. A piece of clothing is brought out within that conversation this is sure to get a reaction out of readers. Meanwhile, Gabi the lone survivor, is having a conversation with Octo, Erica’s “companion”, who convinces her to search out the monster behind this whole mess. All the while Riqui, the bartender housing Gabi i having a one-on-one conversation with Erica.

The conversation takes a sharp turn as Gabi calls Riqui to say what she’s doing. From here, readers see a frantic race against the clock to save Gabi! The outcome is a big enough moment as is, but where the biggest buzz of this issue comes is when Cutter finally makes a bold move against Erica that will shake long-time readers to their core. Prepare yourselves now for this one. Excellent issue.

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Tynion really outdoes himself with this issue. With two stories happening here, it could be easy to lose the impact of both. However, that’s not the case here. Erica’s case speeds up dramatically with a break in the case unexpected. The panels feel intense as Erica races to try saving Gabi. This could have been the sole story being told here, but it’s overshadowed by the actions of Cutter. Tynion really hits all the emotions with the fallout from Cutter’s first salvo against Erica. Readers are going to be heartbroken at the powerful conversation had with Erica surrounding these events. It truly showcase’s Tynion’s strengths as a writer.

Not to be overlooked, Dell’edera’s art sets the perfect background to the emotional issues. From the facial reactions of Cutter to the frantic attempt of Erica to save Gabi, the art showcases the moments perfectly to compliment the gravity of the moments. Where Dell’edera’s art truly shines in this issue is Erica’s reaction to what Cutter has done. Readers will literally be feeling the sequence of events and can’t help but feel sympathy for what’s happened to our lead character here.

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Something is Killing the Children #25 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit Boom Studios

Overall, SIKTC #25 delivers on a roller-coaster ride of exceptional storytelling within this issue. The creative team creates an issue that will connect with readers on a few different levels and one that will certainly be talked about for some time. Do not delay in getting this book (and previous issues if needed) from the LCS.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of SIKTC #25. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re looking at the latest issue of a series spinning out of the pages of Something Is Killing the Children. House Of Slaughter #7 by James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera has just begun a new arc diving into a story concerning the red masks from the Order of St. George. In a change of pace, Edwin Slaughter was selected to investigate a scene at a campsite. This is new territory for a red mask so let’s tag along and see where this latest issue takes us, shall we?

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale July 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios


The story picks up with Edwin Slaughter’s initial investigation of a mysterious campsite. After the first encounter, he sails away to use his unique perspective to cypher what is happening. While drifting at sea, Edwin starts talking to Hermes, his brush companion about what could possibly be next. Edwin (mentally) paints the picture of what their next plan of action should be. All the while, Hermes is becoming more impatient as time passes by.

Edwin starts breaking down a story of a family who drowned in a flood. When the story escalates, Hermes stops the story. As they make their way back to the island from sea, it appears the pair might be lost. Edwin breaks down where they are using the stars. Readers start noticing how Edwin sees the world is vastly different than most. From this, will the pair make it to shore? Did Edwin get more clues on what is killing people? What will he do with the information? There is a lot of questions that arise that readers will get some answers and theories to before closing this issue.

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

This issue really takes a deeper look at how Edwin sees the world. It’s a very unique take as his perception is giving this story something fresh in a character. Using Hermes as a balance to his visions has been a solid take. For being a red/scarlett mask with no real experience, Edwin is holding his own . Readers are seeing the slow build for something big to happen. The payoff should be excellent.

The art has a distinct look that makes Edwin’s world pop off the pages. The conversation with Hermes comes off “normal” as it possibly can be. The flashback sequence to the story he tells Hermes is well done. It captures the terror and fear of that moment perfectly. Readers will also enjoy the small foreshadowing of Edwin’s vision being correct in its’ assumptions. Without spoiling anything, there’s a 2 page spread late that hits the mark without revealing everything. Solid work all around.

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #7 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, the slow-burn of House Of Slaughter #7 spotlights its’ unique lead character. Storytelling and art deliver on painting a standout perspective of what this story is capable of. It’s just getting started now so make sure you snag a copy at the LCS this week and don’t miss when this pace picks up. It feels as it will be a memorable journey to watch along.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #7. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! We’re back on the “CHARGE TO 100” in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Universe! Power Rangers #21 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios brings the Omega Rangers into a few situations they were not expecting. Their lives have been turned upside down for various reasons already. This issue amplifies one key storyline that will have huge implications moving forward. Let’s check out the latest chapter in the lives of the Power Rangers, shall we?

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue kicks off on Safehaven, where Zach and Trini have become the guardians of an alien known as Journey. Jounrey is aging extremely fast as now she is a teenager from where she was just a baby a few issues ago. The “parents” are catching that Keron Vrin, who had a rough introduction to Zach has caught Journey’s eye. While this is happening, evil forces are plotting against the Rangers in the shadows. This is to be expected as the Rangers declared their warning of protection to the universe. Once the rangers are called away, their plan starts to take form.

Meanwhile, the addition of Andros to the team has been one readers have been locked in on. The mysterious ranger has been moving in shadows with an agenda all his own. As the team makes their play on the Astro Mega ship, they’re met with resistance from the Xurix. From this initial battle, the Rangers make progress and so does Andros. What unfolds next with have readers very shocked with a last panel shot that will have the fandom buzzing on socials.

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios

The story of Andros continues to hook readers within these pages. Side note: if you haven’t read Power Rangers Unlimited: “Countdown to Ruin” yet, it would be a good complementary piece to this issue. Parrott brings out the complexity of this character as his actions are completely justified by his means. The slow build on his ultimate motives has been written extremely well. Take nothing away from the rest of the issue, but once that last page hits, readers gt the full gut-punch of everything that’s happened prior. The Zach/Trini/Journey story is a fun break from the seriousness of Andros. Excellent balance.

Renna and the art team deliver another solid issue. The fight scenes with the Rangers and Xurix pop off the pages. They have a lot of high energy and big action to them. Without giving anything away, the latter section of the book is where these panels shine. Readers are in for something special with them. On the other side, the young love story with Journey and Kevor adds some light-hearten visuals to the book. The reactions to Kevor giving his advice to Journey about “what’s better” is a quiet yet perfectly placed moment in their story. Heading towards #100, Power Rangers is really picking up steam.

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #21 - On Sale July 13th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Guillaume Martinez)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers #21 is one not to miss at the LCS this week. With only a few issues left until Legacy #100, Parrott, Renna and the team are turning up the drama a few notches & giving the fans some moments that scream nothing but excitement heading into their finale. Don’t just take my word for it. Grab a copy this week and see how the team is steering this story in the right direction.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought off Power Rangers #21. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this edition, we are continuing on reading one of the most creative and imaginative books on the market. Once And Future #27 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios progresses on with its’ fantastic tale. Each issue, there’s something new and unique that makes this a must-read each time out. Let’s take a dive into the latest epic adventures of Bridgette, Duncan and Rose, shall we?

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue opens up at Grail Castle where Elaine, Bridgette’s daughter has taken up residency. She is on a mission to save Galahad, her “son”. He is a mix of a half zombie and half mantaur but Elaine is pushing to save him by any means she can. Meanwhile, It’s Christmas Eve and everyone is making a play for the sword in the stone. Yes, that is correct, the legendary sword of Excalibur is in play for the one who should be King. Remember how I said this book is one of the most imaginative at the LCS? Need I say more.

Bridgette makes the plan on what to do: take out anyone trying to make a claim. She gets some unlikely help and readers are treated to an all out battle for the sword. It’s exciting action from the first panel! The resolution from that is big and fits into the outstanding character work from this book. The story of Galahad this issue also takes a few turns and readers are left with a final page that will really catch some attention.

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Gillen creates a very solid issue within these pages. The Galahad story is one that gets broken up but has an ending that fits perfectly to where the characters connected are. Bridgette McGuire is one of the best characters in comics. Her personality throughout every adventure is always stealing the panel. How she prepares for the battle at Hyde Park will hook readers and add some excitement to the story at hand. The ending of this issue will hit some emotional marks and closes the book out strong.

Is there a better artist in comics right now than Dan Mora? Consistently, every issue he draws is energetic and always presents moments larger than life. The entire battle of Hype Park is prime example. The action is HUGE. They jump off the page. Not to be outdone, the Galahad ending proves not everything needs a huge panel. The quiet moments there hit with readers with an emotional combo. There are few books on the market as Once & Future for its creative quality.

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Once And Future #27

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamara Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Once and Future #27 continues to prove why its’ one of the best reads at the LCS. Great storytelling and fantastic art make this book a must have every time out. Keep your eyes peeled on NCBD at the local comic shops and don’t miss this issue!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Once and Future #27. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re continuing the “Charge To 100” with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Mighty Morphin #21 by Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire gear up the team for their next adventure, with all roads leading to the legacy number #100 in September. Let’s check out where Angel Grove’s finest are up to now, shall we?

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios


The team is back on Earth after”acquiring” a new command center as the old one was destroyed during the Eltarian War. With the team being in space, they returned to find out Jason’s mother had passed away. This has been an emotional story going on between both books (highly recommend Power Rangers #20). This issue focuses heavily on Kimberly/ As she goes to check on Jason, readers are seeing Jason deal with the loss of his mother . From here, Kimberly has some catch-up time with Trini, who’s on Earth with the rest of the Omega Rangers. This is a fun sequence seeing the two friends catch up on events going on, primarily Trimi breaking down events to Kimberly. It’s almost a great intro page for new readers who get the bullet points of some of the Omega Rangers adventures.

The conversation does carry a big impact on Kimberly, as she brings up points to both Tommy and Billy. Being a Power Ranger and the responsibilities along with the legacy is driving Kimberly’s motives this issue. The results lead a pair of rangers into a situation unplanned for. What will be the outcome of cementing the legacy? Readers will have to check this issue out and see for themselves.

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Groom shows off some great character moments involving Kimberly and some of her fellow rangers. The conversation with Trini bring up a few points that have quietly been looming with Kimberly. Factor in the impact of Jason losing his mother and it pushes Kimberly to question where she (and the rest of the Rangers) go from here. The outcome makes sense as with trying to move forward is never an easy road. The ending of this issue will have reader’s attention and how this plays out should make for a fun story.

Hidalgo’s depiction of Kimberly’ conversation with Trini hits the marks for this issue. often, readers can forget that these young heroes are still young and have lives outside of fighting the forces of evil. The Mall sequence of events really gave this issue some light-hearted moments while also building up for the more serious nature of the issue’s final moments. Action sequences worked where they were placed in the story. Very interesting final page to close the book out on.

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #21 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Mighty Morphin’ #21 continue the Charge to 100 with a very heavy character driven issue. Groom and Hidalgo present the struggles of Kimberly and where she progresses from her makes for the beginnings of another entertaining story in the Power Rangers Universe. Keep an eye out for this book at the LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought about Mighty Morphin’ #21. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! We’re finally returning to the battle of the Chimera in the return issue of Basilsk by Boom Studios! Basilisk #9 by Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire kicks off the final chapter of this horror comic, where a group of individuals known as the Chimera are on a murderous spree with one lone survivor trying to stop them. The series has been an absolutely violent and fantastic read with many twists along the way. Entering the final stretch, let’s see where this book is heading, shall we?

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


ICYMI: The Chimera is a murderous group who have been leaving death and destruction in their wake, while leaving a survivor from the attack to speak their legend. In one of those cases, someone has made it their mission to stop them once and for all. The hunters have become the hunted while the two forces have escalated things over this run. After the last issue, there is much fallout for the two forces of this story. This issue opens up with Vanessa, leader of the Chimera having a flashback to a moment growing up. This gives a bit of insight to how she became one of the Chimera, who’s powers are based off the five senses. Now it appears she has returned back to the beginning of everything. It’s an interesting part of the story with a lot more room to grow on. Vanessa’s actions of late have come back to haunt her to a degree.

On the other side, Hannah, the lone survivor of a Chimera attack, has her own flashback while waking up in a hospital. Regan, the Chimera defector and Hannah’s ally, is outside watching and listening. Their relationship takes a unique twist during this issue. It’s one readers will not be super surprised (and this isn’t a slight. It makes sense for the characters involved) at but its impact still hits very solid. The final sequence of events is another great surprise and one that could change the fate of the series moving forward.

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Bunn is crafting a truly intense story within these pages for the final chapter. Last issue was a brutal one where Vanessa and Hannah both were left in bad condition for various reasons. This issue does a subtle reintroduction to these two focal characters. New readers might be a bit confused in certain areas but can pick up quick with talking the readers back thru their pasts. The most stand-out moment was the interaction between Regan and Hannah. Their “frienemy” status has been taken up a notch with a huge cliffhanger ending that I feel will have a drastic effect on this book’s conclusion.

Scharf delivers on the emotional toll from the series in this issue. This point rises to the front when dealing with Hannah and Regan this issue. Readers will easily connect with Hannah’s emotional reaction to those scenes. Vanessa’s reactions also stand out this issue as well. there isn’t a ton of fighting and action here, but the weight of the previous battles weigh heavy on the characters involved. Solid final panel to close out the latest chapter on.

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #9 - On Sale July 6th

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Basilisk returns for its’ final chapter with a solid issue. Bunn & Scharf continue to break down the main characters for the eventual final battle. The payoff will be huge for the emotional moments showcased throughout this issue. Make sure to keep an eye out for it at the LCS this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Basilisk #9. As always, thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this edition, we’re nearing the end of a very intriguing series from Boom Studios. BRZRKR #9 by Keanu Reeves (yes, THAT Keanu Reeves), Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins has been an exciting read into the life of B, a half man/half god and his search to find an end to his immortal life. The story has gone in a few different directions than one would expect but it’s been a solid read each time out. Let’s check out where the latest chapter is taking us this time, shall we?

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios


Last issue showed how B went missing from the experiments of Dr. Caudwell, who revealed his evil mater plan. Where readers jump in, it appears as B has finally connected with his father on a whole other realm. However that reunion is cut short as B is pulled back to Earth without a ton of answers he was looking for. Is anyone really prepared for how B handles this moment? Meanwhile, Diana, B’s only “friend” in the government agency working with him is in a containment tank after being exposed to energy radiating from an explosion involving B.

Once B returns, readers get a very blunt, brutal, in your face look at what B is capable of. How do you stop an unstoppable force? That is the question to ask during these moments. This pleases Caudwell, who is watching all these events and enjoying what he’s seeing. However, an X factor is thrown into the mix that might derail everything. Readers are left with a very puzzling last panel to ponder over.

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

There’s much to talk about with this issue. Reeves & Kindt unleash B in one of the most primal and violent ways readers will ever see in a fight. To drive the point of how intensely important learning B’s secret to clone/adapt was well played. Readers fully get why Caudwell is happy to see the “progress” unfold in this issue. The short family reunion served its’ purpose to light the match known as B’s rage. Once B thinks he will finally get some answers, they are denied once again and he takes that out on anyone in sight. The biggest question is Diana’s involvement in this issue which readers will see that unfold next time.

Garney delivers some of the most violent action you will read in a comic within these pages. B unleashed is a terrifying image to witness and readers get a front row seat for that. There is nothing held back about it. An immortal killing machine unleashed. period. The conversation with ‘dad” worked well here as well, as it drove home B’s anger when he returned to Earth. That last sequence of events does raise some questions and Garney crafts those moments to really have readers talking.

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #9 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree and Clem Robins

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, BRZRKR #9 sets the final arc off with an intense kick in the teeth. The creative team show B is at his most brutal withan ending that draws up more questions than answers (and that’s not a bad thing). Make sure to check this series out at the LCS this week. Big things are happening towards the conclusion.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #9. As always, Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! On this entry, we’re checking out a one-shot from the great people over at Boom Studios. If you haven’t been checking out the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers line of books, you’re really missing out on some of the best books at the LCS.

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 by Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire is a solo sotry focusing on a character we’ve seen appear recently in the pages of Power Rangers: Andros. This books sheds some light on the motives of this character that’s generating some buzz around the “Charge to 100” (for legacy numbering) and that monster issue coming in September. Let’s check this story out and see what’s happening here, shall we?

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Keyla Valerio)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


The story kicks off on KO-35, where readers see a fallen ranger right before their eyes: Zhane , the Silver anger! From there, the timeline jumps back thirteen years to show Andros’s family being attacked and decimated by a mysterious figure. Andros watches his sister Karone being taken away and whatever else is left of his world is now gone. Zhane finds him but he’s not alone as there are Power Rangers fighting off the attackers. The boys (among others) are taken in by Rangers Maavi & Dhaza. From here, readers show how Andros is adapting to his new life.

Thebig shift in Andros’s story is when both he and Zhane join the Planetary Defense Syndicate. Albeit, both have their reasons for it. Zhane became involved to help more people. Andros’ sole purpose was to find any information concerning his sister and the parties responsible. Throughout his journey, Andros has never let go of those emotions from the past. Once they both graduate, an opportunity is presented to them both, one that changes everything even more than is realized at the time. In that journey, a hero is born and a hero is lost. How will this all play out and tie into the current series? read and find out!

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Bennett really gave Andros a memorable back story with this issue. At the center of all this story is someone trying to find revenge/peace for what he lost at any cost. Andros shows many emotions as one his age would with the factors surrounding his life. The friendship with Zhane will connect with readers. Even wen Andros is ready to quit on himself, Zhane is thereto support him. This plays huge dividends for what happens later in the book. It’s a great companion piece to what i happening in Power Rangers with this character and foreshadows things to come in present time.

The art team back up the writing superbly on this book. The emotions of Andros are fully brought to life in these pages. It doesn’t stop while he’s young. The art team carry that through until the last page. Readers will also see the strength of Zhane’s friendship to Andros and how in never waivers no matter what as well. The final page sums up the feelings readers will have for this story perfectly.

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown to Ruin #1 - On Sale June 29th

Creative: Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown To Ruin #1 is an excellent pick up at the LCS this week. The creative team brings a lot of emotions and highlights to a character newer readers of Power Rangers are just getting familiar with. There’s much to enjoy from this issue and is a welcome addition to the MMPR line of books. Don’t miss it.

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you thought of Power Rangers Unlimited: Countdown To Ruin #1

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. The saga of Erica Slaughter continues to be a book to have in your pull list each month! Something Is Killing The Children #24 by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design for Boom Studios continues its’ ever engaging story. Let’s not delay any longer and jump right into the latest chapter in the current story arc, shall we?

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


The issue kicks off with a flashback sequence to the gruesome murders that started this story arc. readers get their first glance at who the culprit is behind this mess. The moment hits very hard as readers now put a visual to what happened on that day. Gabi, the lone witness to the monster, returns to the scene of the crime and runs into a unexpected ally.

Meanwhile, Riqui, a bartender that has been watching over Gabi since the killings, has a face to face with Erica Slaughter at the bar. Erica’s re-emergence has been attracting much attention and this interaction tells much of where the story is heading. A small town rocked by a horrific moment doesn’t know how to handle it. Now walks in someone asking questions and claiming to help? This conversation gives a true glimpse of the temp in the small town emotion. Factor in that Erica’s problems do not end with solving this case. There’s other forces working against her that make some more ground during this issue. Readers will have much to process with this issue.

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Tynion continues the slow burn approach to this story and it’s working flawlessly. Erica’s investigation is hitting the problems as one would expect. It’s not a one-and-done ordeal. Erica has to deal with a town scared and fearful of whats happening. Her world is definitely not the same one these people live in. The conversation between Riqui and Erica spotlights this. The other strong part of this book is Erica’s growing problem of the House of Cutter. There’s a great recap segment as Erica’ story is being told to Cutter as a small intro for new readers. The dynamic of Cutter is very engaging. What is eventually going to become a HUGE issue for Erica is exciting to see develop for readers.

Dell’edera presents powerful imagery in unveiling the monster behind this story. The pages speak volumes while only showing the monster in 4 panels. There is nothing over the top with the art, but it’s staged to where the readers will develop their own conclusions of the flashback moments. Erica and Cutter also have distinct character moments in this book as well. Cutter’s story progresses enough to have readers guessing how badly does the House want her eliminated to bring in someone of her caliber?

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #24 - On Sale June 22nd

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto, & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, SIKTC #24 has much within these pages to be excited to pick up at the comic shop. The creative team paint this disturbing world with excellent storytelling and art. Thee is much happening with this book, and yet, the major plots are balanced out with enough time that nothing feels forced. The story is building and the payoff will be something incredible. Make sure to sang this issue when you hit the Local Comic Shops this week. You won’t be disappointed.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of SIKTC #24. As always, Thanks for Reading


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re on the charge to 100 with the continuation of the emotional closings of the last two Mighty Morphin Power Rangers books by Boom Studios. On top of the comics, it was also announced that both Ryan Parrott and Mat Groom will be stepping away from the books at the end of issue #100 in September. They are currently setting up some powerful impacts before leaving and the latest MMPR issue is no exception. Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) by Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire delivers an impactful and somber moment for one Ranger in particular. Let’s not delay and break this issue down, shall we?

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios


The announcement of Jason’s mother passing away was the final pages of both MMPR books last issues hit readers very hard. Power Rangers #20 jumps in to the remembrance of Ann Christine Scott & how Jason and his family deal with this tragedy at Angel Grove. Readers will see many emotions go thru the ranger this issue. There are many strongly felt sequences throughout this issue to drive that point home. Issues like this illustrate that even with all the powers a superhero can have, nothing can prep them for when tragedy strikes.

Meanwhile On Safehaven, Andros remains with the team after their mission on KO-35. He is interrogating a Xurix, who has information that he needs. As we witnessed last issue, Andros might not be revealing all his motives to the rangers. There are glimpses of that for this issue to put it mildly. Where this part of the story goes escalates very quickly to where this ending for this issue will have readers very anxious. That final page should generate some chatter after reading it.

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Parrott takes readers thru many stages of emotional grieving in these pages. This issue is very well done in showcasing Jason’s handling of losing his mother. There is much that readers will see and can find relatable if they have ever lost a parent. The stages of grief really come thru the pages of this book, Take nothing away from the other points of the comic with Andros and the others, but readers will be talking about how Jason’s story is hitting them. It goes to show how great of a writer Parrott is to bring out all these feelings in the reading audience.

The impression made by Jason’s story is equally felt in the art of the book. Renna brings out everything going on inside Jason during this issue. There are multiple points throughout this issue that exemplify that. Those panels are connecting exactly as expected. Granted readers will be more focused on Jason’s story, but the work in creating Andros’s time in the book shouldn’t be ignored. Figuring out his endgame will be something special for the reader, especially factoring in that final page cliffhanger.

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #20 (Legacy #95) - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire Cover by Guillaume Martinez

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers #20 packs an emotional impact with bringing Jason’s grief to to forefront after losing his mother. Parrott and Renna deliver on a heartbreaking journey while balancing out some tension building set-up with Andros. Highly recommended at the LCS so make sure you get your copies ASAP!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Power Rangers #20. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! On this edition, we’re continuing to follow a brand new hit series from Boom Studios! Grim #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano debuted with a very strong issue out of the gate that had fans talking. The buzz is very real with this book. Where does the story of Jessica Harrow go now? Let’ take a deeper dive in and find out, shall we?

Grim #2 - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #2 - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios


The consequences of Jessica’s last outing have come back to haunt her as her, being a reaper, crossing over into the real world from the afterlife has now been exposed. However, this issue starts off in Mexico City for El Dia de Los Muertos (Day Of The Dead) and Death has arrived. Literally. Readers should expect a very intense moment during these panels.

Meanwhile Jessica is returning to the Afterlife with her fellow reapers after crossing over into the real world. This is an uncanny predicament. After catching up with her supervisor Adira, Jessica now becomes further in isolation in dealing with the cross over. Never one to sit idle, Jessica schemes a way to figure a way out of this mystery. Does she succeed? what’s the truth about what’s happened? Plus that last page! There is much for readers to enjoy within these pages.

Grim #2 - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #2 - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Phillips delivers on a solid follow-up to the debut issue. Jessica’s story is one that readers are only getting small glimpses of, but yet, there’s enough to be fully locked in on where the story is going. The dynamic she has with her fellow reapers is fun and engaging. Once the story shifts gears to her plan of solving her mysterious situation, readers get hit with some impactful pages later in the story. The start of Death’s part in the comic is one that made a serious impact and nothing good can come from it.

Flaviano crushes it on art duties yet again. From the Day of The Dead part to when Jessica and her team try their plan, panels are popping off the pages. I’ve become a big fan of how music is incorporated in this book. Last issue was Blue Oyster Cult, This issue was The Doors. Visualizing the lyrics gives another feel to what readers are seeing. It looks fresh and stands out. Readers are going to really savor what they’re getting out of this comic. There is much to enjoy.

Grim #2 - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #2 - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #2 - On Sale June 15th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, the trip thru the afterlife within these pages cannot be missed. Grim #2 delivers on strong storytelling and mind-blowing art. Jessica Harrow has to be in contention for best new character of 2022. Do not let this book pass you by at the LCS! Make sure you lock your copy up today!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Grim #2. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! On this edition, “it’s Morphin time” as we’re checking out the “Charge To 100” unfolding in the pages of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe by Boom Studios. Mighty Morphin #20 by Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire continues the next phase for the Rangers trying to find a new home due to the fallout of The Eltarian War. Meanwhile, there’s other elements at play that our young heroes need to face. Let’s jump into this issue and see what’s happening here, shall we?

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios


The issue jumps in where the team is crashing a gala thrown by King Veiron in the Lion Galaxy. They need to provide a distraction to steal a command center for Earth. Sounds simple enough, right? Due to some quick thinking by Alpha, the heroes get some time but some interpersonal talk between Rangers might delay the goal from being hit. Like I said…..sounds simple enough stealing an entire command center under everyone’s nose, right?

Meanwhile on Earth, Rocky (Red Ranger) and Matt (Green Ranger) are holding the line against King Aradon best they can, but is it enough? There are some great character moments between the pair. It’s a small break between the action but one that plays a big role in this issue. How does this all end up for the heroes? Will they finally secure a command center? Will there be an Earth left to call home if/when they do? Readers will also get hit with a strong final panel that effects both MMPR books by Boom.

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Groom balances out all the multiple stories extremely well. With such a big cast, no one felt like they were missing any time in this issue. Alpha had some panel stealing moments while the talk between Kim and Adam feels like there’s more to come with the questions they were bringing up. Meanwhile, the moments of King Aradon facing off with Rocky and Matt delivered on the most memorable panels of the book. Hearing Matt’s talk with Rocky felt organic and much needed for a ranger whose confidence was shaken. There is much to enjoy from this latest.

Hidalgo crafts some excellent fight sequences. Aradon’s battle really stood out. Hidalgo also delivers on the emotion with the talk with Matt and Rocky as well as Adam and Kim. Even though these weren’t big action panels, the emphasis on the discussion shines thru here. Emotions weigh heavy heading into the closing of this issue but if you read Power Rangers #19, the ending is very familiar but doesn’t lack the heartbreaking feeling when you see the panel.

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #20 (Legacy #94) - On sale June 8th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Mighty Morphin #20 brings great storytelling and art to this Power Rangers team with emotional moments that hit readers with a bullseye. The issue is very busy but never feels rushed as all parties involved have moments to be tied into the overall story. The Charge to 100 continues to be a must-read at the LCS so make sure to get your copy.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin #20. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! On this edition, we’re checking out one of the most consistently imaginative and entertaining books at the LCS! Once and Future #26 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire from Boom Studios always delivers on bringing something special to readers each issue. Let’s jump in and see where the latest chapter takes us, shall we?

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


On Otherworld, Bridgette, Duncan and Rose attempt to make their way back to Sherwood Forrest after recently recruiting the one and only Robin Hood in their fight. While on their way back to the forest, Bridgette unveils her master plan. It’s a gamble but one that has a fighting chance. Meanwhile at the Grail Castle, Bridgette’s daughter Elaine starts making her own moves. One that will cause some waves is the recruitment of Lancelot & his mission.

However, there is no time to focus there as readers are fast forwarded to Christmas time. There’s some great character moments with our trio of heroes to offset what will be unfolding on Christmas Day. New readers will appreciate these moments and regulars will have a nice sequence to build upon until the finals panels of this book and the last image which will have readers buzzing in anticipation.

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

“Otherworld is a magical place” to paraphrase Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. There might not be a better written character in comics than Bridgette McGuire. Gillen continues to add layers to her character and the overall direction of this story. For the reveal of her plan, it’s delivered in such a fun way that any other character was talking it, it would appear flat. The “Christmas” break is a great pause to the story that connects with the audience. Readers are so used to the fast pace then when it’s slowed down, it delivers on reminding that our heroes are human at the end of the day.

When top artists in comics today are talked about, Dan Mora’s name had better be in the conversation. Balancing the ever-changing world in which this story is set, Mora’s art gives such energy to this book. From the action sequences to the subtle moments with Duncan and Rose having a quiet pause, each detail shown elevates the incredible writing. Factor in Bridgette’s mannerisms and you have a can’t miss issue each month, let alone this issue.

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once and Future #26 - On sale June 1st

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Once and Future #26 continues the impressive quality run of this stand-out creative team. The issue feels almost like a change of pace from the regular issue, but it delivers on slowing down to remind readers about all these characters have accomplished before what is next to come. Waste no time getting to your LCS and get your copy this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Once & Future #26. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re continuing to tag along the latest adventure of Erica Slaughter in the pages of one of Boom Studios’s best comics! Something Is Killing The Children #23 by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design continues its’ slow burn approach to its’ most recent story. Not one thing wrong with that so let’s take a deep dive into this latest chapter, shall we?

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


Last we saw Erica Slaughter, she was arrested for trespassing on a crime scene she was investigating in New Mexico. A young girl’s family was killed and this case is way above the local sheriff’s head. Erica is the only one who can help but being behind bars isn’t exactly working out in her favor. Erica makes a call to a old friend, Big Gary, who works some magic to get her out of her current situation. He knows that any move she makes, The Order of St. George will be shortly following up on.

Meanwhile, Gabi, the lone witness to the killings has been moved into the bartender’s apartment to stay safe. The question now becomes: with Erica off the board, who will save her if the killer tracks her down? Erica can’t answer that because she’s too busy pleading her “case” of why she was at the crime scene to the sheriff. Reluctantly, the sheriff lets Erica go but not without giving her a clue to follow up on. All the while some new arrivals have made a dramatic appearance stateside with a hunt all their own. Readers will be very locked in for this issue.

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Tynion continues to make something special happen within these pages. Erica’s conversation with Big Gary was a nice interaction to show some emotion behind Erica. Life after the Order is not exactly a runaway smash, yet the writing here keeps you locked in seeing Erica’s struggles first hand. Erica “working” with Sheriff Thomas as a solid compliment as well. The issue caps off with a closing section involving the House of Cutter. Within those few moments (matched up with last issue) and readers can’t help but be excited to see what happens when this House eventually finds Erica.

Dell’edera & Muerto continue to impress with the art duties here. From showing off the frustration in Erica to Gabi’s strong front of being calm with a monster on the loose, the art team does some fantastic work with the emotions being told. Readers can easily see how both characters are feeling the weight of the stories they’re in. This factors in heavily when you see the talk between both houses looking for Erica. There’s always a unqiue feel to this book and keeps readers on edge of what’s coming.

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something Is Killing The Children #23 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto & Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, the latest chapter of Erica Slaughter continues to gain some steam while keeping readers guessing at what’s next. The book is known for its wonderful storytelling and art and for good reason. The story doesn’t pack a lot (if any) action in it but readers will definitely feel the emotions of the scenes they’re reading within these pages. Make sure to snag a copy next time you hit the LCS up!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Something Is Killing The Children #23.

Thanks for reading!