Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the Energon Universe grows again! With its’ debut in 2023’s Void Rivals, Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics have re-ignited the fandoms of both Transformers and G.I. Joe. Each series following has been diving further into the key players of this shared landscape.

With the events of Transformers #2 spiraling into Duke #1, it was only a matter of time until COBRA and their charismatic leader showed their evil heads into the picture.

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten re-introduce the main antagonist of G.I. Joe with a fresh new take. Let’s take a closer look at the early stages of COBRA’s ascent.

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten (Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics)


Under the fall of snow, a man walks into a bar. As the line might sound familiar, this scenario is anything but. At “No Man’s Land” rest stop/bar, a stranger walks in demanding a vehicle. A patron steps up and doesn’t respect the request. After brushing the stranger off, the patron walks outside. He is followed and informed his vehicle will work just fine. An altercation is alluded to with frightening imagery.

The bartender walks out to catch up with the patron. The following moments are filled with terror and shock. All that’s left is the patron’s dead body and a snake shaped emblem in the snow, forged in blood.

The story shifts to an enigmatic city. The people seem to be prospering while reptilian creatures roam free. The peace is quickly dashed as there’s an uprising started.

With “Cobra LALALALALALA” yelled as a battle cry, a mob attacks a building housing scientists. Someone screams about surrendering. He is shot dead by a man with an all too familiar face plate mask. The masked man’s words are defiant as he insists the research be protected at all costs.

As the fight rages on, another scientist doesn’t realize the explosive in their hands. The building explodes and the masked man is severely burnt. This begins a descent into evil and treachery with secrets revealed. Readers better brace for impact because there is a MONSTEROUS one right before the final act sends the masked man onto another course of plans of world conquering. Consider yourself warned now. You don’t want to miss this!

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten (Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: David Aja)

With a haunting feel dominating these pages, Williamson wastes no time in bringing the legendary villain’s story to life. The opening act keeps readers guessing as Commmander is vague with his words but speaks loud with actions. The ruthlessness shown on a few panels becomes the pace setter for the rest of the chapter.

The backstory gives a different look at Commander’s beginnings. Being a scientist defending his research, Williamson write him almost sympathetically. The key word there is almost. As the explosion fallout reveals more, the use of smoke and mirrors with Commander’s story perfectly sets up readers for BIG reveals later. The chapter’s hold on the audience never lets up and leaves them with an interesting final moment before ending a solid opening salvo.

Milana and Leoni never shy away from the cunning and devious side of Commander. The opening moment where the patron is killed is never shown. The panels paint enough of a picture (along with Wooten’s lettering) to leave readers a lasting impression of how things are going to go moving forward.

The flashback moments never tips their hand until after the explosion. The fallout is filled with unapologetic panels showing the consequences of Commander’s actions. There’s a fair share of big panels (including a face-off with another known Cobra character) but a two page spread will steal the show. Readers will be buzzing about this incredible image as the story here will have BIG ramifications. The closing act teases a few events while never letting readers question Commander’s drive and evil. This is definitively not a story of redemption, but unrelenting drive. Excellent work with the storytelling in this chapter.

COBRA COMMANDER #1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni and Rus Wooten (Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics - Cover: Steve Epting)


Evil without a face. Through the superb writing of Williamson readers see the early scheming and debauchery of an iconic villain. The stellar imagery of Milana, Leoni and Wooten add a touch of terror within the unhinged drive of a person with bad intentions. This is going to be a story you simply can’t escape.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Cobra Commander #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the past is the present with a DC Icon. Recovering form his injuries sustained against Sam Stryker aka The Chained, SUPERMAN Wastes no time heading into action. However, during an encounter with Marilynn Moonlight and Mr. Graft, the Man of Steel is sent into the past. Readers see the Man of Steel trying to deal truth, justice and a better tomorrow in the old wild west!

SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher dives right into the time-splitting tale. Let’s take a closer look and see how things shape up.

SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - cover: Jamal Campbell)


The issue begins with with a frantic chase to find out what happened to Superman. In Supercorp, Lois Lane, mercy Graves and Lena Luthor are trying to sort things out. Lex Luthor can hear them and gives his thoughts. Suddenly, an alarm goes off. With danger knocking at the door of the building, Superman might not save the day in this timeline….

Meanwhile in the past, Supes and Marilynn ride their horses across the open plains. Their destination is a shocking one. Readers see the pair arrive on the scene of a slaughter. Travelers are lying dead. Their wagons destroyed. A crime has been committed. This might sound like a standard old West story, but its anything but. The weapons used were lasers.

The culprit is an old Superman foe who’s more than willing to stake his claim as the fastest draw in the West. With how weakened Superman is from his previous fight, there might be a different outcome for this rogue.

Readers see that the Man of Tomorrow is ready to fight for justice in the past. Luckily he has some help with Marilynn. The question becomes: will it be enough? The answer gives more clarity to how timeless the character is. Moonlight does get ample time to connect with readers on her story before the final act shifts gears. Time does run out on the closing pages as a new danger has emerged that poses another question offsetting the current stat quo of the Last Son of Krypton.

SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - cover: Bruno Redondo)

Even displaced through time, Williamson keeps Superman grounded in the ideals he exemplifies. The investigation into the robbery is halted by a selfless act. This only makes the inevitable confrontation even more impactful. The traditional superhero themes beam across Clark’s actions.

Once the spotlight shifts to Moonlight, it gives the readers a deeper connection to the character as her story has only just begun. The closing act throws a big curveball to where things are heading. This is something this series does frequently and it’s always a win for the readers.

The art leaves a lasting impression on readers throughout this journey. There is a gorgeous two page image of Superman and Monnlight riding through the plains. It lets the moment sink in with readers about how this isn’t just another Superman tale.

The confrontation with the main villain is also a gift to fans with another two page spread conveying the emotions of the challenge. The detailed time on Moonlight connects her story with the audience, leaving more for the next encounter. After an iconic vision of Superman doing what he does best, the closing moments ramp up towards a final image that leaves readers wondering where we go from here.

SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - cover: Lee Bermejo)


The Man of Tomorrow searches for truth and justice in the past with a conclusion that simply hits the bullseye. Fantastic writing with amazing visuals bring out the best of DC’s franchise hero as this current series scores another huge win.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #10. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, Gotham City’s most famous father and son duo continue their fight against crime as their latest case takes an unexpected turn. With the reveal of who was behind the attacks on Batman, the pair looks to close the case sooner than later. However as all good plans goes, they never go off easy.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #5 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands takes readers into the next phase of their current case. Let’s tag along and see how things play out.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #5 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands (CREDIT: DC COMICS - COVER: Simone Di Meo)


With the disconnect from the rest of the family from “The Gotham War”, Bruce Wayne adjusts to a new stat quo. No longer at Wayne Manor, Bruce resides in a brownstone. Luckily for him, he’s not alone in this venture. His son Damian aka Robin stays with him. Both hope to repair a very strained relationship.

Part of this process has been working on an attempted case. Dr. Kafira was the intended target. Their investigation brought them face-to-face with an old foe: Kirk Langstrom aka MAN-BAT! Working with him on this caper is the mysterious Shush. After surviving the encounter, Robin believes he knows who Shush is and how it connects to his “day job” as a High School student.

This chapter begins at Gotham City High School. Raising money for school sports is nothing new. However, a special guest is heling with the pancake fundraiser. Readers see Bruce Wayne is serving hotcakes. This doesn’t go over well with Damian and his plans.

Readers see a flashback to the night before. The dynamic duo is in pursuit of Orca. They apprehend their rogue but not any concrete info. With Man-Bat more dangerous than ever, Batman makes the call to “assist” Damian’s lead on Shush.

How does this play out? Readers see a new side to Damian emerge as his life as an “ordinary” high school student leads into an unlikely place. As the investigation ramps up, the pair starts fitting more pieces of the puzzle…or so they thought. The final image will be the talk of the comic shops this week and looks to open a door no one saw coming.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #5 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands (CREDIT: DC COMICS - COVER: Jorge Molina)

Williamson constructs the family bonding through rime fighting to make this series stand out like no other. The high school antics provide a light-hearted pause from the hunt for Man-Bat. Damian’s “ploy” to go under cover hides the secret Williamson eludes with his character.

The product of the League Of Assassins appears more open to “normal” high school life than it seems. The writing also reflects the proud father moment in Bruce Wayne. Those panels peak where Bruce is trying to make small talk with his son. This distracts readers long enough set up the final page. It is a crazy surprise that looks to have a deeper tie to the overall story. It’s also another reason this book stands out from the other Bat family for its directions as well.

Čižmešija and Lokus step in for art duties for Simone Di Meo this issue and present a fresh look at Gotham High. The mannerisms of “Happy” Bruce clash with “Brooding” Damian to give readers solid drama while watching Damain’s plans unfold.

That said, The superhero life doesn’t escape this story. There’s a fun two-page spread that kicks off the Orca sequence. The final act captures the investigation tension with images reflecting Damian’s struggle of how events at school have changed. This leads directly into a full page final image that is guaranteed to have Batman fans talking and counting down until the next issue drops.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #5 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus and Steve Wands (CREDIT: DC COMICS - COVER: Kael Ngu)


Fast times at Gotham High reign supreme for the Dynamic Duo as their latest case takes a unique twist. Williamson leads readers in a different side of Damian while balancing the father-son dynamic flawlessly. Čižmešija and Lokus craft excellent imagery to ride shotgun until the final page stops everything with an unforgettable moment.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman and Robin #5. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this review, the wait is finally over! One of 2023’s most anticipated books is finally hitting comic shops. Ever since the announcement of the Energon Universe from Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics, fans have been wondering how G.I. Joe would fit into the new playing field.

A big hint was revealed within the pages of Transformers (2023) #2 with one of the most popular members making a huge impact. Now fans find out where things go from here with a solo series they simply cannot miss!

DUKE #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton finds the franchise member of the Elite fighting team in a new stat quo. Let’s not wait any longer and see where thing stand now.


The chapter opens up with a flashback to Duke in action. The narration eludes to how great of a soldier he is,. The image then shifts to a distraught Duke sitting in an office. The narrator is revealed to be none other than General Hawk! The argument is over the events of Transformers #2.

Duke’s claim of Starscream is being dismissed. Readrs see a retelling of events through Duke’s eyes. However Hawk is not hearing a word of this. Duke is given time off to get his head right which doesn’t go over well.

Six months go by and Duke is still in assurance of what has happened. He is contacted by Dr. Adele Burkhart. Burkhart is housing a meeting of “alien survivors”. Once inside, Burkhart takes Duke into her office and reveals some important research. Burkhart was searching for energy sources not of this world. The research was taken away, much like Duke’s story was dismissed. The stories appear to be leading to one location: M.A.R.S. Industries!

Duke embarks on discovering the truth. Once he starts, he quickly finds out there is more than meets the eye about anything the public knows. The pace ramps up with many invested parties now having Duke on their radars. The question is can he survive long enough to expose the truth. If the final act is any indication, fans better buckle in for non-stop action and excitement! This is going to be a must-have series!

DUKE #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (credit: Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics - Credit: David Aja)

Williamson hits the ground running with setting a strong pace for this issue. the conversation with Hawk and Duke plays into the initial reactions expected when hearing of giant robots. Duke is written as defiant but perceived as paranoid. Once events shift after six months, the issue takes off!

The conversation with Barnhart kickstarts Duke’s pursuit of the truth. At this stage, he becomes entangled in a bigger conspiracy. The feel of deep rooted espionage takes over and allows Duke to do what he does best. The sheer grit he demonstrates is an easy win for readers looking for the action. The closing moments cap off events perfectly sending this initial chapter onto the next.

Reilly and Bellaire grace readers with some of the best action sequences in comics. Right from the start, there is an exceptional two-page spread showcasing Duke’s skills. It’s matched by another great two-page spread showing Starscream’s attack, smiling in the process.

Just when readers think they will slow down, the art ramps up after Duke goes investigating M.A.R.S. The pace never slows and readers can feel the intensity of the panels pour right off the pages. The closing images will have fans amped up for what’s to come. You couldn’t ask for a stronger debut in storytelling.

DUKE #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, and Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (credit: Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics - Credit: Steve Epting)


Williamson constructs a magnificent combination of high-stakes drama and thunderous action to welcome back the face of G.I. Joe to comic fans. Adding in the electrifying imagery of Reilly, Bellaire and Wooton only elevates an incredible issue even higher. This is one not to miss on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Duke #1. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re returning to the City of Tomorrow to find out the status of the Man Of Steel! Under the “Dawn Of DC”, the SUPERMAN line of comics have been thriving with incredible stories. One of the biggest break-outs in the line has been Superman. The classic storytelling has given a fresh take on the dynamic of Supes and Lex Luthor.

The creative team has been crushing it right out of the gate. That said, Fans are getting a special treat for the next few issues. Joining the ride is an Eisner winning artist that has been making an impact in Bludhaven for a while now. Let’s see what visuals are crafted in Metropolis under his artistic style.

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo (NIGHTWING), Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher starts up a new arc falling out of “The Chained” storyline. Lets not delay any longer and dive into the latest issue!

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Jamal Campbell)


Superman is left in a weakened state following his encounter with Sam Stryker aka The Chained. The current “frienemy” status with Lex Luthor becomes even more strained. Lex Luthor is dealing with the return of his mother, Letica and daughter Lena. Meanwhile, Dr. Pharm and Mr. Graft are still looming to finish their revenge of Lex and anyone who steps in their way.

The issue begins with Lois Lane reading Superman fan letters. It is revealed that Superman is laying unconscious from the fallout of his latest battle. Readers see a quick trip through Lois’ memories as she recomposes to start reading letters again.

Metropolis as a whole is still reeling from The Chained’s attack. Normally, Lex Luthor would be a prime candidate to swoop in. However, Lex is still behind bars and dealing with a more direct threat: his mother. Knowing that she and his daughter are making waves isn’t good for anyone.

Moments later, a weakened Superman awakens. He wants to go after Pharm and Graft but is in no condition to do such. How does the Man of Tomorrow deal with this? Readers see a creative solution that leads into a conflict long the making. The outcome readers won’t see coming as events unfold that take this new chapter into an unlikely direction. Just wait for the closing arc and buckle in for a can’t miss story!

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Lee Bermejo)

Williamson masters capturing the essence of Turth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow with this issue. The opening pages reflect Superman’s place being a symbol of Hope to the world. Having Lois reading the fan letters instantly connects the emotional impact of a fallen Superman. The personal connection shines through as well once readers see her relive the private memories. Ultimately when he awakens, Superman comes off as the ever vigilant hero trying to stop evil no matter the cost.

The supporting cast has great moments to shine as well. The dynamic between Lex and his mother jumps out. Seeing Lex on the defense is a rare sight but conveys the looming threats building. The action speeds up nearing the latter half of the book. The closing act plays into a creative surprise which is sure to have readers locked in for the long haul.

Redondo jumping in for art duties makes a big splash. The moments with Lois reading the letters pours of emotion and heartbreak knowing how dire things are. Following a great full page panel, a simple 9 panel page by Redondo and Lucas puts a big exclamation point on the effect this is having on Lois.

The action sequences are bold with a thunderous entry for the Man Of Steel. The full page shot sets the tempo for the conflict. The two-page spread combines a few different looks before closing with a couple strong visuals. The closing act is constructed very well, closing with a final image that will have fans talking!

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Bruno Redondo)


With Redondo’s amazing visuals leading the way, the latest arc of the Man Of Tomorrow soars to a new level. Williamson’s excellent writing balances out the classic storytelling with the creative team to give fans an adventurous new tale that needs to be added to your collection!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #9. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along a brand new tale involving one of DC Comics’ most notable father-son duos. In the mix of the Batman/Catwoman civil war, this series debut and has been lights out each issue! With the creators involved, it’s not hard to believe. The only questions fans have now is: where are we going after that ending for issue #2. Luckily, that answer comes in form of the latest issue.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo and Steve Wands presents the Dynamic Duo with a brand new challenge along with repairing a strained relationship. Let’s check it out, shall we?

BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics)


With the events of “The Gotham War”, Wayne Manor is no longer at Bruce Wayne’s disposal. Batman sets up shop in a brownstone and continues his never-ending battle against crime. The Dark Knight’s status is heavily strained from most of his closest allies. There is one exception as Damien Wayne aka Robin is with his father.

After investigating a kidnapping case involving Dr. Kafira, the pair struggle to co-exist in their new stat quo. All the while, they need to stop a new threat emerging in Gotham: Shush. As their investigation goes deeper, it now puts them in Shush’s crosshairs while they try to protect the White Rabbit, who may hold a key to breaking the case wide open.

This issue begins with a flashback to a happier time. Damien is talking to Alfred Pennyworth, the longtime butler/ally/confidant to Bruce Wayne. The discussion is over when to stop learning. Damian’s stubbornness pushes until Batman walks in the room. Bruce gives the advice about not becoming too comfortable because that’s when one slips up.

It plays into the present moment. The Rabbit finds a way to escape her fate. The heroes try figuring out what happened until Shush intervenes. Readers get thrown a curve as Shush plans an unexpected surprise which draws the attention way for an escape….or does it?

With an escape comes a bigger chase. Fans are greeted to a high-octane trek through the streets of Gotham. Where it leads is to unexpected territory. Who comes out unscathed? These questions become the match lit for the final act. Once upon arrival, the final page drops another big bombshell on what is going on. Brace yourself for impact from this issue!

BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: David Finch)

Williamson hits the gas petal on giving readers a solid mix of drama and action. Right from the beginning, the introduction involving Alfred hits heavy with readers. Considering the current stat quo of the Bat Family, seeing the advice given and received gave a great start to the comic. This became the perfect “on Your Mark” sequence because from here, everything sped up to reflect the heated action.

Events unfolded rapidly enough to invest the readers into the danger. This only took a small break before hitting the closing moments. Williamson pens a Damian that falls back on his brashness that makes him a fan favorite. The conclusion of the chapter is a great closing statement on an already must-read story.

Di Meo brings some incredible action sequences to the pages in the chapter. Once the Rabbit makes her run, a great two-page spread ushers in the excitement of the chase. The mix of character moments like Shush’s “connection” hit a big mark to break the pace up. However, fans will be blown away by the hunt for Rabbit. It legitimately feels like a Hollywood blockbuster film. Just when readers have a break, the art raises the danger up to a high mark. This is all before delivering on a final image that will have readers on the edge of their seats waiting for what’s next. Incredible work.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics - Cover: Kael Ngu)


The creative team puts the “Dynamite” in the Dynamic duo with a action-driven chapter. Williamson crafts key character moments in-between Di Meo’s explosive action images to give readers an issue they simply won’t want to end. Check it out on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman And Robin #3. Thanks for reading!