Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this blog, we’re checking out a brand new book on the Comixology Originals line via Migdal Comics. The Comixology Unlimted deal is one that all comic fans should invest in. The quality of books they have is second to none & its’ latest entry continues that trend.

The Panic #1 by Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti is a very chilling tale that will hook readers from the start. The book will be out later this year in print via Dark Horse Comics but don’t wait until then to check this story out! As anyone who’s read this blog before, I’ve never been a huge Horror fan but this book caught my attention enough from it’s trailer that I had to take a read. Let’s not waste any more time & jump right in to see what is going with this series, shall we?

The Panic #1 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti

Credit: Comixology Originals/Migdal Comics

The Panic #1 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti

Credit: Comixology Originals/Migdal Comics


The book is centered around Annie Delgado and a simple commute to New York City that turns into something not so simple. As Annie and her best friend Niyati are on their way to join a protest, the PATH train that they are on mysteriously crashes underneath the Hudson River. Niyati is among the casualties on the train. Annie is now left with the remaining survivors trying to figure out how they will get out of this.

Multiple challenges face the group from this accident. Cell phones aren’t working. There is not a perceivable way to message for help. The remaining survivors are trying to form a plan but there are many clashing personalities preventing this from happening. During this, a mysterious stranger that no one remembers on the train prior to the crash is discovered. Trying to figure ou his mystery becomes the immediate problem as he’s leaving weird imagery on the train glass. How is this handled? Where are we going from here? Readers will be locked in to find out these answers during this series.

The Panic #1 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti

Credit: Comixology Originals/Migdal Comics

The Panic #1 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti

Credit: Comixology Originals/Migdal Comics

Kleid makes a strong debut for this story. Dealing with the loss of a best friend right in front of your eyes is traumatic enough but throwing Annie into a group of combustible personalities after said fact is even more soul-testing. Yet with all this going on, Annie seems to be holding it together just enough. The strongest point of this issue is seeing this group of strangers coming together (for better or worse) will all their clashing views. Mixing in social commentary along with the pandemic isn’t easy to pull off but Kleid makes it happen for this story’s beginnings.

Mutti creates a cold and grounded environment for this story to build into. No punches are pulled with the graphic fallout from the train crash. Seeing all the emotions pour out of these characters really drove this issue as well. Prime example is when Annie, dealing with her own grief, extends her hand to comfort David, a young boy on the train. Balancing all these personalities on panels was very well done. Great final shot to carry readers into the next issue.

The Panic #1 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti

Credit: Comixology Originals/Migdal Comics

The Panic #1 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti

Credit: Comixology Originals/Migdal Comics

The Panic #1 - On Sale May 3rd

Creative: Neil Kleid and Andrea Mutti

Credit: Comixology Originals/Migdal Comics

Overall, The Panic delivers on creating a terrifying set-up for a greater story to tell. Excellent writing and imagery takes readers on a unique tour of NYC and the horrors that lie within and underneath. Make sure to check this issue out on Comixology.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of The Panic #1. As always, Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! On this edition, we’re checking out the latest adventure of monster hunter extraordinaire Erica Slaughter. Something is Killing the Children #22 by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design for Boom Studios came back with a solid return Slaughter last issue. Where does this new story take us now? Let’s check this issue out and deep dive, shall we?

Side Note: If this is your first time checking out SiKtC, it has elements of horror in it and some of the images aren’t the best for younger readers. Viewing discretion is advised.

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


Erica Slaughter has re-emerged in New Mexico investigating a serial killer. Slaughter does break away with the lone witness, Gabriella, to try getting information. However, that encounter doesn’t give her much info to work from. Erica starts scouring the town to get any information on the killer. All the while, the members of the town are trying to piece together what is going on as well. When Erica goes back to the crime scene, things do not go as planned.

Unfortunately, Slaughter won’t have that problem to solely focus on. She has now came across the radar of the House Of Cutter. They have their assignment: Take Out Erica Slaughter. Readers will be very interested to see how this starts to develop.

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Tynion delivers on another great issue. The build of how Erica is working to figure this case out has been fascinating to read. The interaction with Gabriella was a strong part of this issue as Gabi’s story is a major factor of this current arc. Gabi’s relationship with the other members in town fees like there is more to her dealings than readers know yet. The introduction of the new Hunters was another strong point here as well. This should be something special by the time this arc wraps up.

Dell’edera pulls no punches with the imagery here. The opening sequences is graphic and telling at the same time. The rest of the issue is balanced well to capture the quiet moments of the town members reactions to these events. Seeing how they deal with the events gives the story a certain edge to the overall narrative. Great final image to close the issue out on as well.

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Something Is Killing The Children #22 continues building forward on its latest story. Erica Slaughter's return continues to be one readers should definitely not be missing out on. Fantastic storytelling and art throughout this book. If you haven’t checked this book out yet, make a point to get this issue at the LCS this week and jump into the latest adventure.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Something Is Killing The Children #22.

As always, thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complimentary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re checking out the conclusion of one of the best horror comics on the market: Night Of The Ghoul #6 by Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design for Comixology Originals. If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: The Comixology Originals line is one of the best investments you can make as a comic fan. Some of the best storytelling in the medium is happening here.

If you’re new to this story, Night Of The Ghoul centers around Forest Innman, a film studio worker who has come across the long lost remains of the film “Night Of The Ghoul”. With this piece of history in hand & son along for the ride, Innman tracks down the director of the movie, T. F. Merritt at a nursing home under a different name. Innman’s curiosity of this film might be more than he bargained for as Merritt starts to unveil the mystery about this film thought destroyed in a movie studio in 1946. Is Innman ready for the truth behind “The Greatest Horror Movie of All Time”?

Readers find that answer out quickly as this tale has so many incredible twists and turns that need to be read to fully appreciate. Now at the conclusion, let’s see how this epic concludes, shall we?

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press


Innman & Merritt have made an escape from the nursing home & the insanity happening there. With time running out on his life, Merritt makes a last request to Innman to take him to the studio where it all begin in 1946. With this intention, Merritt prepares to finish the story for the movie’s biggest fan. As the movie starts playing it’s final act, it becomes clear that the movie being thought destroyed should have stayed dead. Readers will bear witness to the true ending of “Night Of The Ghoul” & what really happened on that fateful night with the studio fire.

Even with this mild spoiler warning, readers will not be ready for the final twists that happen in these pages. I’m keeping details a bit vague for this review because when I read this issue, I kept saying “HOLY ****!” and feel you, the reader, should have those moments to make with any tampering of judgement. The story has been such a fantastic read that heading into the finale, one would hope it doesn’t drop off. Rest assured, you won’t be disappointed with the events happening within this issue.

All the questions that have been asked since the beginning of the first issue will be answered without any confusion. The impact of these reveals will hit all the marks with fans. It literally is a roller-coaster of emotions when seeing how Innman’s quest of curiosity ends. This issue is perfectly crafted that once finished, you know you will have truly read something special with this story.

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Snyder captures everything you love about horror with this book. Packing this story with so much drama, suspense and frightening moments was no easy task. However, it helps with strong lead figures to make that become a reality. The character of Forrest Innman brings to life the definition of there are some mysteries should be left close forever. Innman is one who connects to the audience easily for his harmless actions, but once the story ramps up, finds out he’s in way over his head. The complexity of TF Merritt is another strong point to this book. Merritt is a perfect counter to Innman. Even from the beginning, his story is not so cut and dry. The conflict of the truth behind the film does a nice slow burn until the ending but never loses the readers attention. Every element of the pacing of this story works.

Francavilla absolutely gives this book fantastic imagery throughout the story. Whether it’s the flashbacks to 1918, The infamous studio fire in ‘46 or present day, Francavilla sets up panels to make the big moments jump out at the reader. The use of the “vintage” color tones for the past sequences was a great touch throughout these issues. Look at the time Innman and Merritt spend in the studio during this final issue for a prime example. When Merritt asks “please play my movie” sends shivers up the spine because of how Merritt’s body language gives off the inevitable ending of his story. There is a lot of crazy sequences that unfold to get here but when the story needs that extra boost, the art raises it to a whole other level.

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla

Night Of The Ghoul #6 - On Sale April 19th

Creative: Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla & Andworld Design

Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press

Overall, Night Of The Ghoul #6 is an absolute masterpiece! Snyder’s writing & Francavilla’s art bring a classic horror tale to modern times without losing any details along the way. Even if horror is not your go-to genre of comics, give this book a read. It’s a complete package of what a great comic is. Highly recommended for all comic readers. Sign up ASAP on Comixology & don’t miss this story.

If you’re looking for more Scott Snyder on Comixology, I highly recommend “We Have Demons” with Greg Capullo (Issue #1 now out in print form from Dark Horse Comics) and “Clear” with Francis Manapul.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Night Of The Ghoul. Thanks for reading!