Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition, were at the conclusion of the origin of one of the most mysterious characters in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe: The Phantom Ranger! Power Rangers Universe #6 by Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios has been a thrill-ride taking a closer look at this secretive character. Let’s not waste any more time and see how this story plays out its’ final chapter, shall we?

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


The origin of the Phantom Ranger has been a unique trip as readers have see the Morphinaut first appear when the experiment he was working becomes more than he planned. Attempting to access the Morphin Grid, the Morphinaut also drew the attention of the Dark Specter. Trying to stop the evil presence from escaping the Grid, a choice is made to seal the opening off. Years later in the A47 Galaxy, the Morphinaut appears warning of the danger following him. This message falls at the feet of the group that will be known as the Squadron Rangers. From there, the young teens are trying to fend off forces trying to access the Morphin Grid. At one point, they take an extreme gamble as their powers begin to fail them. Coming back stronger than ever, the young heroes prepare to take the fight to the Dark Specter once and for all. That is their plan until the Morphinaut makes a noble sacrifice that might become the Rangers ultimate doom.

The final issue kicks off with the Dark Specter now in possession of the Morphinaut’s body. Once their initial plan of trapping the Specter fails, the Rangers must find a way to prevail. The stakes have never been as high as they are fighting in vain to buy time. During the fight, the Morphinaut re-emerges for a brief moment with a possible way to end this threat once and for all? Can these heroes pull off the impossible and at what cost? Plus there’s a final panel that you need to see to believe!

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Andelfinger caps off he series with a very satisfying ending. This issue didn’t have the heavy emotional kick of last issue, but it wasn’t necessary here. At his moment, all the young heroes knew the gravity of the situation. Every moment was high emotion. Orisonth and Aleia had standout moments as well with the decisions made this issue. Readers witnessed the huge ramifications of the play made to stop the Spector and were treated to a final moment that they will be talking about happily.

Ragazzoni delivers on big action to close this story out properly. The build-up was set as they take the attack to the Dark Specter. The panels had high energy to them ad were capped off by a fantastic “It’s Morphin Time” 2 page spread that will please many readers. There was some great “quieter” moments mixed in, especially with Orisonth and Aleia . The fallout sequences were engaging to assist in letting the next moves for this team forward from the battle. Absolutely marked out at the last panel. Readers will be extremely pleased with who or what appears at the end.

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers Universe #6 - On Sale May 25th

Creative: Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers Universe #6 closes the chapter of the Phanton Ranger’s beginnings with a great story that fans will surely enjoy. The series has been carried by great storytelling and energetic artwork to give the series a feel all its own. It’s a must read for MMPR fans and anyone who’s jumping into this universe will be very pleased to have checked this series out. Make sure to give this a shot when you’re at the local comic shop this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Power Rangers Universe #6. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! On this edition, we’re checking out the latest installement from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Universe by Boom Studios on their “Charge to 100”! Power Rangers #19 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire has taken the Omega Rangers on a few paths unexpected since the aftermath of the Eltarian War. Last issue split the team into very different directions. Let’s check out where the latest issue takes our heroes, shall we?

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th   Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)  Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue opens up with Trini and Zach being make shift parents after taking care of their mysterious alien discovered on the last mission. That alien is aging rather rapidly but that doesn’t stop our rangers from still trying to take care of the young child. It’s a fun sequence of events that shows a different side to the Rangers. Suffice to say, Safehaven’s newest resident is winning everyone over.

Meanwhile Jason and Yale are thrown into uncharted territory on Planet KO-35. The pair ran into Andros, a ranger with his own mysterious past last issue. Andros drops some information on the pair that gives off a certain vibe of not everything is what it seems with this ranger. With lives on the line, this trio makes their move but does Andros have other motives at play? Plus, there is a final page that will leave readers in a very heartbroken place heading towards next issue.

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th   Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)  Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th   Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)  Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th   Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)  Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Talk about a mic-drop moment to end the issue on. Parrott writes an emotional punch to the reader that caps off a very solid issue. The Trini/Zach babysitting story was a fun break in the action of the Omega Rangers’ new status quo. It gave a good balance to the more serious nature of Jason and Yale’s story with Andros. Considering the namedrop done by the mysterious stranger, Andros’s story should be one to watch. Expecting big things happening there.

Renna delivers another great issue on art duties. Fun opening full page to open the issue on. The moments that jump off the page are the ones involved in the rescue mission. Andros’ facial expressions told a definite story that will only grow from here moving forward. Excellent final panel with the emotional closing moment of this issue as well.

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th   Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)  Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th   Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)  Credit: Boom Studios

Power Rangers #19 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini and Ed Dukeshire (cover: Gerald Parel)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Power Rangers #19 progresses forward in its new directions. It has a great balance of light & serious moments with a gut-wrenching final shot to close on. Parrott and Renna continue their incredible work and make this issue a can’t miss at the LCS.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Power Rangers #19. As always, thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re checking out the next chapter of the smash spin-off set in the world of “Something IS Killing The Children”. This time, there’s a new creative team bringing the actions of those involved in the world of the Order of St. George to life. House of Slaughter #6 by Boom Studios has Sam Johns and Letizia Cadonici joining James Tynion, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera to deliver the start of an all new adventure. Let’s not waste anymore time and deep dive into the latest issue, shall we?

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera (Cover: Rafael Albuquerque)

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios


For this arc, readers are getting a spotlight on the Scarlet Masks of the Order of St. George. They are more known for being the book keepers of the Order in comparison to the white masks synonymous with the hunters. This issue kicks off with a nine year old girl’s body washing up to shore at a campsite off Lake Michigan. When the body is discovered by campers, the victim is missing their eyes. News of this incident travels back to the Order.

The spotlight is thrown on Edwin Slaughter, a scarlet mask who’s dreams of being a hunter but is relegated to only record their adventures. This all changes when he is selected to serve as reconnaissance for the incident at the camp. As he is debriefed , this incident at the camp isn’t as isolated as it might appear. When he arrives at the campsite, readers get a peek into seeing why Edwin was selected for this mission. What does he find out? Is there more to this campsite than meets the eye? You need to pick up this issue and check it out for your own conclusion.

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Excellent way to kick this new story off. The dynamic of Edwin Slaughter is fascinating to read about. Edwin doesn’t appear to be the right person for this assignment at first but Tynion and Johns gives a very unique explanation to sell the point home using “Bears”. His perception of the world makes this story stand-out. The interaction he has with the camper further drives that point. The rest of the issue gives that slow build you expect from this series and will have readers locked in to the unfolding story.

Cadonici makes a big impression with this issue as well. From the moment the body washes up to shore and the campers reaction, the mood is set for this issue and doesn’t let up. Visualizing the “Bears” story was another standout moment in this book as well. The panel set-up with Edwin looking a the camper was a great presentation to show how Edwin broke down what he was seeing. The imagery doesn’t disappoint and leaves with a great final full page panel.

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th  Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera  Credit: Boom Studios

House Of Slaughter #6 - On Sale May 18th

Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, the House returns with a strong issue readers need to pick up. House Of Slaughter #6 by James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera brings a mystery to the masses with strong storytelling and fantastic art. It’s a perfect place for new readers to jump in and old readers of SIKTC will be excited to pick up. Don’t miss this issue when you hit the LCS this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #6. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast: Parlay Points! For this edition, we’re checking on the latest chapter on the “Charge to 100” for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic books for Boom Studios. Mighty Morphin #19 by Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire continues to gain momentum in its’ first story after “The Eltarian War.” With the Rangers off world on their own adventure, evil forces have moved in on the Earth. What happen next? Let’s check this issue out and see where this story leads us now, shall we?

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios


With the rangers away finding a new command center, Earth has been left open for some visitors to stop by and stake claim. King Aradon and his forces have shown up to Earth with only the Green & Red Rangers to stop them. Zordon is calling the gameplan to hold steady but Matt (Green Ranger) takes the lead to confront the invaders. Rocky (Red Ranger) has his young siblings with him and can’t break away to assist due to protecting his secret identity. How will this fare for our heroes?

Meanwhile, the rest of the team is in on Leonis in search of another command center. Once the “Oceans’s 11” style plan is made, the team makes their move against King Veiron. The reigning King has all the information they need to acquire their new home but securing said info isn’t going to be easy. Can the team pull off the big score here? And what did Alpha do?! Read the issue and find out.

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Groom continues his run on Mighty Morphin with a very solid read. With the two stories happening here, things can easily get lost in the shuffle but at no point did I feel that happened here. Matt & Rocky’s story being Earth’s last line of defense really picked up steam with some excellent action sequences & seeing Zordon make a change in a long time Ranger rule gave it a nice spin. As for the other half, I’m really enjoying the “heist” story (even though it’s against “The Lion King” and for good reason). There’s some fun moments that readers will enjoy with that heading to next issue.

Hidalgo lets loose with the action for this issue with a great sequence involving the Green Ranger making his play against the invaders. Readers will most definitely enjoy those panels. Another standout moment was Vieron’s gala where the rangers make their move. Very cool visuals here and Alpha stole the show! Excellent final page to close the book out on.

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Mighty Morphin #19 - On Same May 11th

Creative: Mat Groom, Moises Hidalgo, Raul Angulo & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Mighty Morphin #19 continues its’ new direction with a great issue. Excellent storytelling and art will have you invested in the next phase adventures for this team. Make sure to grab your copy at the local Comic Shops this week. You won’t be disappointed!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin #19. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we are checking out a brand new series that is projected to be a monster hit from Boom Studios. Grim #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano is a very entertaining read and one that you should definitely keep your eyes out for at the local comic shops this week. Let’s deep dive into this new series and see what it’s all about, shall we?

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios


Editor note: you KNOW it’s gonna be a great issue when it kicks off with some Blue Oyster Cult “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” playing on the first panel! LETS’ GO!!!!!!

Grim centers around a reaper by the name of Jessica Harrow. Her job: guiding the recently departed into the next phase of the afterlife. For this assignment, she’s to escort Bryan Michael Andrews on that journey. Bryan just died in a drunk driving accident seeing his ex, Abigail. From here, Jessica becomes his guide into his next phase. Bryan tries sparking conversation with Jessica asking a million questions about what’s next with very little answers to his liking.

When the table is turned on Jessica’s past, she doesn’t have much answers. Their journey comes to an end when they arrive at “the end of the line”. This case is closed so it seems until Jessica notices that something is missing. From there, her story takes a very unexpected turn that will cause some issues and raise more questions than she’s ready to answer….or find out the truth about.

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Excellent first issue. Phillips writes a very dynamic character in Jessica Harrow. Readers will be locked in on her story of mystery as she’s more of an enigma than the questions about the afterlife she was asked. The afterlife voyage and destination was an interesting creation for this story. It had the usual dark elements mixed in with some slight light-hearted moments. It served as a good backdrop to the main characters here. As for the story, seeing how this simple “delivery” went awry made for a fun adventure with a solid cliffhanger for the lead going into issue #2.

Flaviano did an incredible job on art duties. Very creative way for the song lyrics in the beginning to appear as floating spirits much like Bryan was a spirit himself. The voyage to the afterlife served up great visuals as did the “retrieval mission” & Jessica’s “reaction” to what was happening there. Seeing her break from being serious about her mission and not showing any emotion to letting loose near the end will keep readers engaged for the next chapter of this book. Interesting final page as well.

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Grim #1 - On Sale May 11th

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi, & Tom Napolitano

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Grim #1 takes readers on a wild trip through the afterlife that raises more questions than answers. This is not a bad thing as the book showcases great storytelling & eye catching art to keep the story of Jessica Harrow one to keep an eye one. Don’t fear the reaper here! Make sure to pick this up at your next trip to the local comic shop!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Grim #1. As always, Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! On this edition, we’re checking out the latest adventure of monster hunter extraordinaire Erica Slaughter. Something is Killing the Children #22 by James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design for Boom Studios came back with a solid return Slaughter last issue. Where does this new story take us now? Let’s check this issue out and deep dive, shall we?

Side Note: If this is your first time checking out SiKtC, it has elements of horror in it and some of the images aren’t the best for younger readers. Viewing discretion is advised.

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios


Erica Slaughter has re-emerged in New Mexico investigating a serial killer. Slaughter does break away with the lone witness, Gabriella, to try getting information. However, that encounter doesn’t give her much info to work from. Erica starts scouring the town to get any information on the killer. All the while, the members of the town are trying to piece together what is going on as well. When Erica goes back to the crime scene, things do not go as planned.

Unfortunately, Slaughter won’t have that problem to solely focus on. She has now came across the radar of the House Of Cutter. They have their assignment: Take Out Erica Slaughter. Readers will be very interested to see how this starts to develop.

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Tynion delivers on another great issue. The build of how Erica is working to figure this case out has been fascinating to read. The interaction with Gabriella was a strong part of this issue as Gabi’s story is a major factor of this current arc. Gabi’s relationship with the other members in town fees like there is more to her dealings than readers know yet. The introduction of the new Hunters was another strong point here as well. This should be something special by the time this arc wraps up.

Dell’edera pulls no punches with the imagery here. The opening sequences is graphic and telling at the same time. The rest of the issue is balanced well to capture the quiet moments of the town members reactions to these events. Seeing how they deal with the events gives the story a certain edge to the overall narrative. Great final image to close the issue out on as well.

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Something is Killing The Children #22 - on sale April 27th

Creative: James Tynion, Werther Dell’edera, Miquel Muerto and Andworld Design

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, Something Is Killing The Children #22 continues building forward on its latest story. Erica Slaughter's return continues to be one readers should definitely not be missing out on. Fantastic storytelling and art throughout this book. If you haven’t checked this book out yet, make a point to get this issue at the LCS this week and jump into the latest adventure.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Something Is Killing The Children #22.

As always, thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition, we’re checking out the latest installment of one of the most unique series at the shops.

BRZRKR #8 by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins for Boom Studios has been a wild story of B, an immortal half man and half god who doesn’t want to exist anymore. As this series hits the final stretch, where do readers find our lead character now? Let’s check this issue out and see, shall we?

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios


As B has been working for the government in exchange for finding a way to end his existence. The relationship has become very strained due to the actions of Dr. Caudwell, who has ulterior motives for working with B.

As this issue kicks off, there is an explosion of energy where B had been stationed underground. The blast kills some soldiers working the assignment and the energy taps into Diana, B’s only real “friend” in this arrangement and knocks her out. B is also missing from his chamber. Where this should be considered an absolute disaster is spun as a win by Caudwell. B’s saga during this issue is one readers need to check out for themselves cause… wow, it goes places!

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

Reeves and Kindt continue to take this story in some interesting directions. Caudwell finally unveiling his master plan was a cool twist to the story. It’s one that wasn’t unexpected but it also hits some strong notes on what levels this character will go to achieve his plan. B’s story is also very well set up here. There are many layers to this final arc that will have readers hooked till the end.

Garney delivers on some fantastic art in this issue. The big 2 page explosion scene really jumps off the pages. The panel set-up for B’s story this issue was very creative as well. Using a blank page to build up a moment works well for this issue. Great cliffhanger ending page to cap this issue of as well.

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

BRZRKR #8 - On Sale April 27th

Creative: Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, Ron Garney, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins (Cover: Lee Garbett)

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, BRZRKR #8 answers some outstanding questions while raising more in the process. The saga of B takes some unique paths this issue but readers are guided with ease by the creative team. The book has been a fascinating read while building towards a memorable conclusion. Make sure to pick this book up at your LCS this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of BRZRKR #8. As always, thanks for reading.