Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast. For this entry, we’re continuing to follow one of the best new series of 2022 & one that should be a must-have in your pull lists on New Comic Book Day. THE DEAD LUCKY #4 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) for Image Comics pushes onward with it’s energetic debut arc. The latest addition to comic’s hottest line, The Radiant Black-led “Massive-Verse” doesn’t fail to impress and astonish every issue. Let’s not waste another second and jump into the latest chapter, shall we?





In case you’re just jumping into the story now, Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi returned to her home of San Francisco after being honorably discharged from the armed forces. Much has changed since her time away. Morrow, a company with an agenda all its’ own, has been digging their clutches int San Francisco while opposing them has been the Salvation Army, who has their own ideas about what San Francisco should be. The only person standing in their way is Bibi, who’s emerged as a hero the city needs while dealing with her own mental health post service (PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt).

This issue jumps in with the fallout of Morrow making a play to draw Bibi out which resulted in her parents restaurant being destroyed and her father injured. Bibi makes the save with some help and rescues her dad before flying off. Meanwhile, Mr. Jimmi Moss, the head of Morrow, is relaxing while the chaos is ensuing. His plan to take down Bibi has started to work.

From here, readers catch up with former Officer Maria Garcia who has become an ally to Bibi, and Valentine, who’s Morrow through and through. The conversation is poignant as the question of Morrow’s ethics come into play. However, readers won’t be ready for what comes next as there’s a dive into Bibi’s past that will change her future forever. How will Bibi handle what’s coming next? Will Morrow pull off their next phase? and HOLY CRAP, WHAT JUST HAPPENED ON THE LAST PAGE?!?! Get ready for an issue that is sure to have fans talking!







The saga of Bibi’s heroic evolution continues to be absolutely incredible. Flores presents Bibi as a character who doesn’t do everything right but does everything needed to win. One of the strongest moments in this issue is right after Bibi makes the save of her father and starts reflecting after. Giving readers an inside peak into what Bibi is thinking made for some powerful imagery. The pace doesn’t slow down after that as Bibi heads straight into Morrow’s way. Readers can’t help but root for her to win and that’s all based on how the writing has established the emerging hero.

Carlomagno and Iacono give the world of Bibi’s San Francisco a bold energy in this issue. Bibi’s emergence from the restaurant pops right off the page and gives that panel an iconic feel. Without spoiling, the place where Bibi goes after is presented exceptionally. The action is high impact when it happens while the emotional moments stand apart on their own. The final shot form this book is one that adds more excitement to the moment which already had a huge aura to it. Excellent work from all involved.







FINAL POINT: The Dead Lucky shows no sign of slowing down from its meteoric pace. With a lead character that is complex while balancing bravery, Bibiana Lopez-Yang has become a character you can’t pass reading about. Flores, Carlomagno and the creative team craft another hit with the emotion and action readers crave from a super hero tale. Don’t leave the comic shop without this issue in your bags this week.

Hit me up on the socials and let me know what you thought of The Dead Lucky #4. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. For this entry, we’re returning to one of the hottest comic universes on all fandoms: The Massive-Verse! RADIANT BLACK #19 by Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Carlos Eduardo & Becca Carey for Image Comics via Black Market Narrative kicks off a huge month for the line and picks up after an incredible separate tale with the origin of Radiant Yellow last issue. Let’s not wait any longer and dive right into the latest chapter of one of comics’ best series, shall we?

RADIANT BLACK #19 - On Sale November 9th  Creative: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Igor Monti & Becca Carey   Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

RADIANT BLACK #19 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Carlos Eduardo & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative


This issue starts off with an alien-esque object floating over Sao Paulo Brazil. Meanwhile, back in Illinois, two car jackets pull a robbery at a gas station. Thinking this is an easy crime, the criminals get a ride awakening of justice as their car is flipped over as they speed away. This is all due to the one and only Radiant Black, but is he “one and only” anymore?

At first, it was Nathan Burnett who discovered the power Radiant. After being injured and in a coma, Nathan's powers shifted to his best friend Marshall. This lasted until Marshall was overwhelmed by a group of rogues when Nathan regained the power Radiant. Post battle, the pair have decided to split the role of Radiant Black. Now in action, there seems to be a bit of “hero rust” from Nathan but nothing that won’t be worked out in time. Obviosuly with what he’s endured, this is to be expected. Post action, Nathan takes a moment to check out the latest events surrounding someone Radiant Black knows well: Satomi Sone aka Radiant Red. Satomi has decided to turn herself in for her past crimes. Readers bear witness to an interesting back and forth with Marshall and Nathan about how they know Satomi, which plays into their new stat quo.

From here, both Nathan and Marshall’s stories split into different paths. Something catches Nathan’s attention to where he catches up on the latest actions of Radiant Red, promoting a visit behind bars. As for Marshall, the object flying in Brazil might be something that he knows will bring nothing good. Luckily, Marshall gets an assist to investigate but what do they find when they get there? How does Nathan’s talk go when he starts asking questions? Readers are in for an exciting issue as the final page moments will have those answers and ”confirm” what’s happening is going to be nothing short of sensational moving forward.

RADIANT BLACK #19 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Carlos Eduardo & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

RADIANT BLACK #19 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Carlos Eduardo & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

Great kickoff to the new story. Coming off the break for the Radiant Yellow story (which issue #18 is a must read), Higgins jumps back into the dynamic between Nathan and Marshall with focusing on how this pair will co-exist as Radiant Black. The moments when Nathan is catching up about how Radiant Black “knows” Radiant Red is a great benchmark for how this will be set up for readers. Pacing was great for balancing out the two lead characters. Nathan’s story here stands out just a bit more as his conversation into Radiant Red’s current situation made for a highlight. Seeing how that talk goes makes for quite the dialogue. “remeeting” for the first time has a different feel to it, but the writing let the readers feel the awkwardness. Higgins crafts it with much uncertainty about what's to come. Marshall’s tale is just getting started but as he finds out what’s in Brazil, readers know that it will be a game changer. It can be forgotten in the tale that Marshall is still growing in his role as a hero. Seeing his reaction to what is coming made for an excellent close to his portion of the book.

Costa and the art team present some fun action sequences for readers in the opening sequence. Seeing how Nathan and Marshall both use their powers to shift into Radiant Black and stop the robbers was solid. The story of Nathan’s reaction to Radiant Red is very noteworthy. Nathan's reactions to talking with Satomi connects strong with the readers. Costa captures Nathan's unsureness of what he feels is coming to add the right amount of gravity to the moment.

RADIANT BLACK #19 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Carlos Eduardo & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

RADIANT BLACK #19 - On Sale November 9th

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Carlos Eduardo & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

Final Point: The tales of two heroes starts this next chapter with an exceptional issue. Higgins, Costa and the team present a character driven issue with splashes of super heroics to make for a can't miss read this week. Make sure not to miss this one at the Local Comic Shops this week!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Radiant Black #19.

Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this entry, we’re returning to the “Massive-Verse”, home of some of the most imaginative storytelling in all of comics right now! From RADIANT BLACK to THE DEAD LUCKY and the upcoming INFERNO GIRL RED, what the team over at Black Market Narrative is doing is nothing short of fantastic. This book we’re about to talk about is no exception and should be in your pull list every month. ROGUE SUN by Ryan Parrott & Abel has been one of the best new series of 2022, and with good reason. The story of Dylan Siegal continues to be a non-stop thrill ride with many excellent surprises along the way.

If you’ve read Ryan’s work on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers over at Boom Studios, this should come as no shock. Parrott’s one of the best writers in comics and now with a creator-owned character, Rogue Sun has brought that creative freedom out and then some. ROGUE SUN #7 by Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil is one of the best creative storytelling methods you’ll see all year. Let’s not waste any more time and start this latest adventure, shall we?

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative


Rolling out from the pages of the “Super Massive” epic, Rogue Son hit the ground running with fans with the excitement. Dylan Siegal’s life has been anything but normal since the death of this father Marcus aka Rogue Sun in the very first issue! There has been nothing short of surprise after surprise for our young “hero” since. Issue #4’s reveal is one of the best of the year if you’ve been with this story since Issue #1. With the first arc wrapping up last issue (Now out on Trade Paperback) and a major change in place , one might think that Dylan would have a minute to catch a break. That’s definitely not the case and it’s a big win for the readers.

After playing a board game with his half-brother Brock, What starts out as a routine mission for Dylan fighting a monster in the Gulf of Mexico turns out to be more than meets the eye. Dylan is confronted by a mysterious figure named Ornate, who has a vested interest in him. The events of issue #6 have left an opening that Ornate is looking to fill: mentor-ship. Not willing to go back into having someone tell him orders (again), Dylan declines. Not willing to let go, Ornate sends Dylan on an adventure….one that Ornate lets Dylan choose his own paths without his guidance. From here, readers are treated to a fantastic idea that I’m super excited to see in these pages. What choices does Dylan make? Will he agree to Ornate’s offer? Get ready for a fantastic read and you’ll see how Dylan’s choices affect his future.

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

When I first heard the “Choose Your Own Adventure” idea being mentioned with his issue, was super excited. For anyone who doesn’t know, CYOA is a book series that let YOU, the reader dictate where the story went. One minor choice could have grave consequences. Others lead to happy endings. Leave it to Parrott (with Nick Cotton assisting this issue) to bring it into the comic scene and make it work on so many different levels. After the events of the past few issues with Marcus and his family, Dylan is in a weird place for the first time: On his own. Seeing how he handles his first threat solo was a great read. The conclusion plays into Dylan’s character perfectly. Dylan is anything but perfect, but he’s growing in learning how to adapt to his father’s world. Ornate is a great addition to the rogues of the Massive-Verse. Challenging Dylan to force his own paths was a solid touch to an ever-evolving character.

Carlos fills in for Abel on art duties and gives this issue a unique feel. The panels are high-paced action when Dylan is off forging his way. When the battle shifts to Ornate vs. Dylan, the imagery of Ornate’s powers impresses. Between the energy blasts, there’s great detailed work thrown in the possibilities shown to Dylan for his actions. The moments feel big and when readers see Dylan’s eyes through the broken Rogue Sun suit, it connects to what Dylan is now dealing with: growing as a hero on his own. Very cool sequence spread for pages 20-21 but you’ll have to read the issue to see those images.

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

ROGUE SUN #7 -On Sale October 5th

Creative: Ryan Parrott, Nick Cotton, Ze Carlos, Raul Angulo, Becca Carey, and Michael Busuttil

Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

Overall, the most creative line in comics hits another home run. Rogue Sun #7 delivers readers on a fun filled journey where THEY become the hero. Parrott, Cotton, Carlos and the team kick off the next phase of Dylan’s superhero legacy with a story that showcases why he was chosen for the Rogue Sun mantle, and proves he might actually be able to do it on his own. Incredible job by the creative team. Highly recommended. Don’t miss this book when it drops at the Local Comic Shop!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Rogue Sun #7. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re checking out the latest installment of one of 2022’s best new series. The Dead Lucky by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (alog with editor Michael Busuttil) has hit the ground running introducing readers to the world of Bibiana Lopez-Yang aka Bibi. Bibi’s story of returning home to San Francisco after being honorably discharged from the armed forces hasn’t gone exactly as planned.

With the growing threats of Morrow and the Salvation Gang trying to implement their visions onto the city, Bibi has taken action to save her city while dealing with her own mental health post service (PTSD and Survivor’s Guilt). Two issues in and this story from Image Comics and Black Market Narrative (Home of the Radiant Black-led “Massive-Verse”) has a must-read for all comic fans. The Dead Lucky #3 is about to hit comic shops so lets take a deeper dive and see what’s happening here, shall we?

The Dead Lucky #3 - On Sale October 5th


Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative


This issue opens up with a Morrow board meeting with the attendees discussing how their vision of San Francisco is going over. While hearing the feedback, plans are set in motion to disrupt the popularity of San Francisco’s new hero. Meanwhile, Officer Maria Garcia tracks Bibi and her friend Eddie at Bibi’s family’s’ restaurant. Maria is trying to give warning to the pair of what Morrow is up too. Her speech is meant with some resistance until Maria opens up a bit more on her reason for fighting Morrow. Readers see how quickly Maria gets acquainted with the team and how her help will impact Bibi. Readers will have to wait and see how this dynamic will all co-exist but for now, it looks like Bibi might have some much needed assistance to fight an ever-growing front from Morrow.

This thought might be short lived as Morrow amps up their search for Bibi. With drones in place, they make a bold move. When Bibi responds, the situation escalates in a manner no one is expecting. What happens now? With actions come consequences and readers will NOT be ready fro what happens during the final act of this issue. For a hero that relays on a bit more luck than most, is there enough for what’s going on here? It is a final sequence of events with an exclamation point parting image that readers will be so amped up to see how this all unfolds, they might be waiting at the LCS the minute they get done reading so they don’t miss out.

The Dead Lucky #3 - On Sale October 5th


Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

The Dead Lucky #3 - On Sale October 5th


Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

Flores continues to take readers on a journey with Bibi that never loses its’ hold on their attention. Throwing in Maria as an ally (or so it seems) in their fight is a very cool element to watch unfold. I’m still not 100% sold of her motives just yet, but that’s a good thing as it should never feel predictable this early in a story. Seeing how she connects with both Eddie and Bibi were standout moments of this issue as well. Morrow’s big play within these pages makes sense and pushes Bibi into areas where we haven't seen her in yet, but how they conclude this issue will have fans very excited.

Carlomagno, Iacono & Carey continues to hit on all the points for this series. From Maria's conversations with Eddie & Bibi to covering her moves from Valentine and Morrow, the emotions played out connect with the readers easily. Those personal interactions have been a strength of the book since issue #1. Seeing how Bibi is reacting to the final act is impressive as well. No spoilers here for that but the moment grabs the reader and doesn't waver on hitting it's mark with the fantastic art. San Francisco is ever changing with Carlomagno's art but it does steal scenes for how vibrant the city is to the story. It's always a visual treat when reading this series.

The Dead Lucky #3 - On Sale October 5th


Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

The Dead Lucky #3 - On Sale October 5th


Credit: Image Comics/Black Market Narrative

Overall, The Dead Lucky #3 continues it's incredible debut with another must read story. Flores, Carlomagno and the team present the world of Bibi with dynamic visuals and a story that continues to shine issue after issue. This isn’t your ordinary super hero book and I, for one, am very happy to see that each month at the LCS when the latest issue drops. Don’t miss this comic on NCBD!

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of The Dead Lucky #3. Thanks for reading!


Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we are checking out a very special issue from one of the best comics and comic lines in the business today. RADIANT BLACK #18 by Kyle Higgins, Laurence Homles, Stefeno Simeone, Igor Monti, Becca Carey & Michael Busuttil for Image Comics presents one of the most creative origin stories in recent memory: Radiant Yellow. This kind of imaginative storytelling is a staple from the team at Black Market Narrative, which is home to other amazing books like Rogue Sun, Inferno Girl Red and The Dead Lucky just to name a few.

The “Massive-Verse” line is only matched by the energy of their fan base. Look at what AmazngNickanger made to hype this issue! Let’s not delay any longer and jump into the latest chapter from the flagship book of “The Massive-Verse” and deep dive into this incredible issue, shall we?

RADIANT BLACK #18 - On sale September 21st

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Laurence Homles, Stefeno Simeone, Igor Monti & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative


From what readers have seen of him in previous issues, Radiant Yellow has always been a voice of reason when deal with the other Radiants. How he grew into that voice has always been a story fans have waited to see. With this issue, the story of Wendell George (aka Radiant Yellow) is presented to readers in a very creative way. Each page is broken down into four specific years of his life: 1984, 2002, 2020 and 2038, where each year’s panels stretches across the book equally. In 1984 Wendell has just graduated from Purdue with a degree in engineering. His wife is expecting their first child. Wendell thinks his landed a dream job but not everything is as what it seems. However, when that chapter ends, Wendell’s life is forever changed.

Jumping to 2002, Wendell and his wife Zandra are trying to celebrate their daughter Ziza 18th birthday and not everything is as easy as they hoped. As the years progressed, Wendell’s dream job has not been the dream he hoped it would be. With an ever changing business environment, Wendell struggles with a work/life balance. The damage this is doing is immense and leads to nothing good. Fast forward to 2020, Wendell is starting careers over as everything he’s built has crashed around him. It’s a humbling and somber moment, but a fateful encounter changes everything. Lastly, 2039 is a whole level of change happening as Wendell is surviving thru a devastated world. His companion is a great surprise that long-time Massive-verse fans will appreciate that cameo. What is the mission that ties this all together? How does the landscape in the Massiveverse change moving forward? Readers will have much to enjoy with this incredible issue.

RADIANT BLACK #18 - On sale September 21st

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Laurence Homles, Stefeno Simeone, Igor Monti & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

Absolutely fantastic issue from Higgins (along with Laurence Holmes) concerning the overall theme of this story. “We Are Products Of Our Decisions” is a quote dropped later in the book that perfectly ties all four stories together. As readers see, every choice Wendell makes with good intentions fails with its executions. The slow breakdown of what he’s strived for is masterfully showcased. From having the optimism of just graduating with degree and family in tow to ultimately losing more than hope, Higgins and Holmes combines real-world challenges with the super hero surroundings that connects on many levels. By the time this issue concludes, one can’t help but to buy into seeing where he goes from here.

Simeone steps in for art duties here and absolutely crushes it! From how each story flows from page to page, Simeone gives them their own emotional weight without ever becoming lost in the shuffle. Each one guides the reader along Wendell’s saga and drives home the points of his character. Without spoiling too much, once the second acts conclude in each story, the art adds so much to those moments that you simply can’t avoid the impact when they hit. Even with the little super hero elements featured, this issue packs all fantastic traits that readers have grown accustom to with this book and brand.

RADIANT BLACK #18 - On sale September 21st

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Laurence Homles, Stefeno Simeone, Igor Monti & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

RADIANT BLACK #18 - On sale September 21st

Creative: Kyle Higgins, Laurence Homles, Stefeno Simeone, Igor Monti & Becca Carey

Credit: Image Comics via Black Market Narrative

Overall, Radiant Black #18 is one issue fans will be talking about for quite some time due to it’s amazing creativity. Higgins, Holmes Simeone and the team introduce the hidden tale of Wendell George to the masses with an incredible tale proving all thing are connected. Highest possible recommendation at the LCS this week. Don’t miss it!

If you’re looking for more “Massive-Verse” content, I strongly recommend joining the Radiant Black Discord which Matt from the Panel 2 Panel podcast is moderator of. It’s a great fan base to talk in and connect with fans such as the team over at the Radiant Black Podcast .

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Radiant Black #18. Thanks for reading.