In the Catalyst War's wake, only one Radiant Black stands tall. Marshall Ward took sole ownership from Nathan Burnett. The innovative manner in how their story was told one that locked in readers. Ward also won the fan vote of the Massiveverse's franchise character.

Comic's most exciting Universe is poised to blaze a new course in an uncertain world. How will Ward fare in his new era with the Power Radiant?

RADIANT BLACK #31 by Kyle Higgins, Joe Clark, Eduardo Ferigato, Rod Fernandes and Becca Carey usher in the next phase for the Black Market Narrative and Image Comics franchise.


Higgins welcomes readers in to a very different Chicago from last we saw. Five months have passed. Marshall in the mantle is adjusting to his new life. With no Nathan by his side, Marshall tries finding balance. Readers watch as he tries finding some normalcy. This comes in the form a date. Escaping his alter ego becomes difficult. Once that stop concludes, a growing mood becomes clear. Perception is Reality. Not everyone loves Radiant Black.

This leads into the next phase of the book. Chicago is reeling from the Catalyst War fallout. Higgins throws in many twists as a new rogue debuts. Readers watch with Marshall as the public’s feeling boil over. It is a point that shows the downside of being a hero. Whether it’s drowning out the noise or dealing with fallout, the writing puts Marshall directly in front of it. This leads to a question of doubt before the final page. Once here, Marshall’s rebuilding may crash before it even begins to rise.

Ferigato and Fernandes pace out panels very well right from the start. The build to Marshall taking flight is good. It gives readers an insight to where things are now. A two page splash alludes to a return to normalcy. As the issue progresses, it is far from that. The images of downtown Chicago drive home the painful fallout of the war. Even as Marshall has a date, the sense of doubt lingers through him.

The podcast playlist image leads belief of Marshall dealing with public opinion. His mannerisms as he listens speaks of someone who’s still coping. There isn’t much time for him to fully grasp this. A case he shows up for proves to be much more dangerous than he thought. The art team presents a dire picture. It is one that sticks to Marshall as he ventures to the web. An excellent full image shows off the online comments looming over our hero. Readers watch as the fallout here leads into a dire reflection. There’s no rest for heroes concerning the last page. One final full image leaves no doubt that fans better prepare for what’s coming. Here we go!


Welcome back to the Massiveverse! Higgins balances through Catalyst fallout masterfully. The writing gives Marshall an all out challenge while redefining the stat quo. Ferigato, Fernandes and Carey delve into the fractured soul of a hero with superb visuals. Jump on board now and don’t miss the next saga in waiting!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Radiant Black #31. Thanks for reading!