Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, one of the most powerful mutants has a new perspective. The Krakoa Era is dead. In its’ wake is a presence that transcends normal daily life. It is an entity that can save and destroy. It is…THE PHOENIX! With a history in the Marvel Universe unparalleled, its’ mere name strikes a chord with all comic fans.

Jean Grey played a key part in saving mutant kind. With the Pheonix Force forever bonded to her, Grey blazes a new path in space. Is the universe ready for what’s next?

PHOENIX #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo, David Curiel and Cory Petit ushers in the next phase of Jean Grey with a bold new start.

Let’s take a closer look and see how thing fire up!


Mortal or God? That is the identity complex Grey must deal with in this new series. Phillips brings out the best in both to compel the argument. Right from the start, The Phoenix aura draws unique reactions. Seeing Grey deal with a dying sun instantly showcases the awe-inspiring power of a force that strikes fear throughout the galaxy.

Grey is also grounded back to her human and mutant ties. The conversation with Cyclops is a well-placed break displaying her human emotions. It serves as a precursor for what lies later. Once in conflict, the writing takes flight. Even with all her power, a question of choice leads to a bigger domino effect. This all leads into a strong close where Grey must atone for her actions but will it be enough?

The art delivers on giving the Phoenix Force a prestigious feel. Seeing Grey deal with the dying sun makes an instant statement to her power levels. Grey’s mere presence strikes fear. This is complimented with a full page splash showing Grey in full Phoenix mode.

The action panels bring a frantic and intense pace. Events don’t slow down and mirror the dramatic challenge at hand. Grey’s reactions play into the conflict of her humanity vs. being above reproach. This builds to a striking image to end things with building excitement on the horizon.


With a new direction, Jean Grey takes flight with a stellar first flight. Phillips builds a complex challenge with superb writing. The artwork gives readers high paced action through the cosmos as the Phoenix blazes another trail for readers to jump on board.

Hit me up on ODPHpod Social Media and let me know your thoughts on Phoenix #1. Thanks for reading!