Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!
For this entry, we are diving into the Dawn Of DC with one of their best titles. If anyone hasn’t checked out the SUPERMAN line lately, you are missing out on some of the best work in comics. Every book on the line has been hitting the high marks. This week’s entry hasn’t misfired with its’ current story arc. It also doesn’t hurt having one of comics best writers steering the ship either.
ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN: JON KENT #6 by TOM TAYLOR, CLAYTON HENRY, JORDIE BELLAIRE and WES ABBOTT present the conclusion of “The Injustice Saga”. Let’s waste no more time and jump right into the story finale, shall we?
In this story, Jon Kent has to confront a threat that has inflicted a deep personal wound on him: Ultraman. after stealing years of his childhood away by imprisoning him, Jon has to stop him on the evil mission of killing Clark Kent’s throughout the Multi-verse. Val Zod and Red Tornado (Lois Lane) from earth 2 are accompaning him on this mission. Once the group tracks Ultraman down on another planet, they head to attack with a Phantom Zone Imprison device.
During their encounter, the plan backfires. Ultraman gets the upper-hand and sends Val and Lois into the Phantom Zone. Using all the power he can muster, Jon unloads an attack onto Ultraman. The blow drains him and leaves him at Ultraman’s mercy. Things look bleak until Ultraman is killed by a figure many fans know: Superman! But this is no ordinary Superman. This is the Superman of the INJUSTICE Universe!
Jon has stumbled onto the planet where Superman has taken over by force. During his time there, Jon assesses what has happened. Old friends have changed. The man he knows as Superman is not who he envisions. After tracking down Batman of this world, the picture is made clearer. However, his best friend from home, Damian Wayne, clearly isn’t his now. After putting a tracker on him, Batman’s resistance forces are discovered and captured by Superman’s Justice League.
With the declaration that Batman and Harley Quinn will be publicly executed, Jonathan now is tasked to stop the entire Justice League to save their lives. Can the young hero find a way to save the day?
This issue begins with Superman addressing the league about Jonathan. With Superman’s feeling being conflicted, now seeing the son he never had, Cyborg and Wonder Woman prepare to handle matters if needed. Meanwhile Jonathan recharges by flying from the sun with a collision course at the Hall Of Justice. Systematically, Jonathan deals with The Flash, Hawkgirl, Hal Jordan and Wonder Woman in various ways.
With one final stop, Jonathan tries to talk with Damian Wayne once more. Meanwhile, Superman checks in on a prisoner Jon knows all to well: Jay Nakamura. Blaming him for blinding Jon, Superman prepares to attack!
Readers gear up for the battle no one was expecting! Can Jonathan defeat arguably the most corrupted version of his father the muti-verse has ever seen? The battle plays out differently than most would expect. It goes heavy into how Jonathan Kent is his own Superman. The final act is one that will leave a lasting impression. Rest assured, once the final page is done, there won’t be one comic fan that isn’t counting down the days until the next chapter.
BREAKDOWN: Taylor pulls off a fantastic conclusion to a story that displays the pure essence of Superman. Jon Kent has firmly set himself apart from any comparisons to his father with how he approaches this challenge. The way he engages the Justice League from the beginning of this issue (primarily with the Flash), Taylor presents Jonathan as a hero who perfectly understands a confusing conflict. On the other side, Taylor drives home how this Superman is struggling to deal with his personal loss. Even with the looming presence of Jonathan, he feels removed from worrying about a possible conflict.
The closing arc brings together moments readers won’t easily forget. The way Taylor structures Jonathan’s approach to the battle is catching. It is unorthodox in comparison to the big brawls superhero fights typically bring. The resolution of the conflict hits the emotional strings on readers as well. Taylor serves this with heart-string pulls as the true vision of hope stands before those witnessing this story. It is a great ending to a firmly engaging story.
Henry and Bellaire construct the visuals superbly for the finale. The credits opening page is noteworthy as the panel set-up builds for the reveal of Jonathan flying into action. It’s subtle but the panels built up the tension of what is forthcoming. The art team bring to life the other DCU heroes reactions to what Superman is up to and display a wide range of differing opinions. They also waste no time featuring how unbalanced he is becoming with Jonathan’s actions.
The ending is filled with a few big, half-page panels fitting for the moments. With what has been building up for five issues comes to a strong breaking point. Each character goes into this with unaligned views. Johnathan steals some of these moments leading into the “final shot” bringing the battle to an end. As much action that has been featured, it’s the emotional mannerisms that leave readers wanting more while waiting for the next chapter to begin.
Taylor, Henry and the team leave readers with an emotional conclusion as Jonathan Kent’s tenure as the Man of Tomorrow is put to its most personal test. The internal struggles take off with Taylor’s writing. It’s matched with the art team fortifying how deeply personal this conflict was. This is one story fans won’t want to miss on New Comic Book day this week!
Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6. Thanks for reading!