Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Point, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast. For this entry, we’re checking out a graphic novel on the Comixology Originals line that has much to discuss from it. The Ghost of Wreckers Cove by Liniers, Angelica del Campo, Christian Argiz, and John Lind is an all ages tale that takes readers on a solid mystery adventure thru the eyes of a family on vacation. If Liners ‘s name sounds familiar, readers might know him as the Eisner Award winning creator behind Good Night Planet. Let’s take a closer look at this graphic novel, shall we?

The Ghost of Wreckers Cove - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Liniers, Angelica del Campo, Christian Argiz, and John Lind

Credit: Comixology Originals

The Ghost of Wreckers Cove - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Liniers, Angelica del Campo, Christian Argiz, and John Lind

Credit: Comixology Originals


The story begins with a father taking his two daughters, Christina and Martha out of the busy life of the city to a more relaxed place for the summer after losing their mother. That place is the Coast Of Maine. Being away for the summer might be exciting for some, but not the oldest daughter Christina. There is much unhappiness of being away from the land of electronics. Settling into a rented house on the beach is the “punishment” being served. The family’s rental is near an abandoned lighthouse. The father mentions that the lens is missing from the lighthouse, with more of a story behind what he’s letting on. Martha, the youngest is more than happy with this situation but Christina is not so sold.

While getting used to their new surroundings on the beach, the pair meets Ida, a resident of the beach that’s very happy to meet some new people. The three make fast friends. However, during a rainstorm, Ida seems to disappear while the pair duck into the lighthouse for cover. While waiting out the storm, a older ship appears to be crashing into the rocks. After it passes, the pair tell their dad the story. He brushes it off as an over active imagination. The pair don’t let go of what they saw and start comparing facts. They come to break down a few things that they have noticed. Not everything seems to be normal with Ida. Sensing that all these events tie into each other, the pair begins to start searching for answers. Where this journey leads the is into uncharted character water. Will they be able to swim thru what’s real and imagination? Readers will be taken along for the ride as the pair tries make sense of what can only be described as a summer to remember.

The Ghost of Wreckers Cove - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Liniers, Angelica del Campo, Christian Argiz, and John Lind

Credit: Comixology Originals

The Ghost of Wreckers Cove - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Liniers, Angelica del Campo, Christian Argiz, and John Lind

Credit: Comixology Originals

This story is an entertaining one for all ages. . Liners and Del Campo take readers thru many different directions as the story moves forward. There are many elements going on within these pages. The basic family dynamic is a noteworthy portion of the book. The reluctance of Christina’s acceptance of her new summer home is played off well with Martha’s constant optimism with their situation. The father makes his presence known but doesn’t overwhelm the daughters’ tale. The beginning of the book might feel slow-moving to some but once Ida crashes into their lives, the story starts hitting high gear. Ida’s secrets were nicely paced reveals when needed. At no point was there a full tip-off to what was happening overall (even when the mystery of why she’s such an important figure comes into play). Readers will be fully engaged once the mystery slowly starts unraveling. Pacing worked well to construct for the ending. Final moments concluding things on a high note. The story is an entertaining one for all ages.

The art captures the imaginative energy of this story to the fullest potential. Seeing how the family’s dynamic works will connect with the readers greatly as the story progresses. Witnessing how the father is trying to make this situation work adds to the storytelling. The panels where he is trying to explain “Amy Spyglass” are prime examples of this. This is a great counter-balance to when Ida’s story starts to become clearer. The flashback sequence where the sisters start finding out the truth played out superbly. The panel set-up with changing colors will grab readers and answer many questions for that section of the story. The color sequences make the final act’s moments jump off the page. It really makes for an enjoyable tale.

The Ghost of Wreckers Cove - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Liniers, Angelica del Campo, Christian Argiz, and John Lind

Credit: Comixology Originals

The Ghost of Wreckers Cove - On Sale November 8th

Creative: Liniers, Angelica del Campo, Christian Argiz, and John Lind

Credit: Comixology Originals

Final Point: The Ghost Of Wreckers Cove blends elements of supernatural mystery with grounded family factors that will become a delightful saga for readers of all ages. Liniers, Del Campo and the creative team present a mystery tale with a unique spirit all its’ own. Make sure to check this graphic novel out on Comixology this week.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of The Ghost Of Wreckers Cove.

Thanks for reading!