Welcome back for an all new Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. On this edition, we’re taking a look at one of the most anticipated books of 2021: House Of Slaughter #1 by James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera for BOOM! Studios! House of Slaughter comes from the pages of Something Is Killing The Children. Readers are going to get to see the inner workings of where Erica Slaughter became the force of nature that she is. I have to be honest, I just started reading SIKTC so this is gonna be perfect for a new reader to jump in on.

Let’s not waste anymore time & dive in, shall we?

House Of Slaughter #1 On Sale Oct. 27th)

Creative: James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera

Credit: BOOM! Studio

House Of Slaughter #1 On Sale Oct. 27th)

Creative: James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera

Credit: BOOM! Studio


This issue explores the background of Aaron Slaughter. Slaughter’s story picks up fifteen years in the past where he begins his training. It’s very unique perspective seeing how Aaron sees this world. Readers get glimpses of his self doubt after failing an exercise & reacting to meeting his roommate Jace for he first time. Their dynamic was a big strength to this issue. The flashback sequences were very helpful to get a sense of what this pace is all about.

This issue starts & jumps back to present time. Aaron is on a mission and reflecting. His insight on “The Hunt Log” is a great part of the book. The ending leaves readers with a few more questions than they bargained for. I would expect no less from a first issue.

House Of Slaughter #1 On Sale Oct. 27th)

Creative: James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera

Credit: BOOM! Studio

House Of Slaughter #1 On Sale Oct. 27th)

Creative: James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera

Credit: BOOM! Studio

Tynion paces Issue #1 very steady. The present day story hits on all fronts. Aaron having his moments from helping the deer to meeting the young boy was a great balance to the flashbacks. Tynion gave Aaron’s “Year One” story enough of an introduction to new readers that it didn’t take away from the main plot points. Solid work as you would expect from any book Tynion is creating on.

Shenan’s art was equally as good in this book. Darker tones during present time while the flashbacks had brighter pages was a subtle & nice touch. The details to the inner rooms of “House” was well crafted. Attention to makign this place feel lie “normal” but yet something more is no easy feat, bu it’s pulled off here. There was much to like about the work within these pages.

House Of Slaughter #1 On Sale Oct. 27th)

Creative: James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera

Credit: BOOM! Studio

House Of Slaughter #1 On Sale Oct. 27th)

Creative: James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera

Credit: BOOM! Studio

House Of Slaughter #1 On Sale Oct. 27th)

Creative: James Tynion IV ,Tate Brombal, Chris Shehan, Miquel Muetro and Werther Dell’Edera

Credit: BOOM! Studio

Overall, House of Slaughter #1 doesn’t disappoint, not by a longshot. Character driven story & solid art will keep you locked in from opening to ending page. Don’t miss picking up this issue at your Local Comic Shop (and grab some Something Is Killing The Children while you’re at it).

Let me know on Twitter what you thought of this issue. As always, thank for reading!