Welcome back for an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition, I’m checking out a book I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews from: Mighty Morphin by BOOM! Studios. Mighty Morphin is based off the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers characters, still going strong after 28 years on-air. The story being crafted here by Ryan Parrott has been generating a TON of buzz throughout Comic Twitter & after last issue’s big reveal, this was a must-read.

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th

Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th

Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: BOOM! Studios


The ELTARIAN WAR is the next big story happening in this series. Mighty Morphin’ #11 kicks off with the fallout of last issue’s big reveal: Zophram is Lord Zedd & how Zordon, the long standing mentor of the Power Rangers, has some secrets. These all start from his past on Eltar and lead to present day.

The Power Rangers are dealing with the fallout of their previous encounters but have no time to rest. Zordon has enlisted some help in their next battle. An old ally, Zartus, has brought his own team to Earth with plans of eliminating Lord Zedd once and for all. However, not everything appears as it seems. There is a distinct feel that ulterior motives lurk for who claims to be “the good guys” The last page of the book drives that home without question.

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th

Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th

Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

After reading this issue, I fully get why there’s so much hype behind this book. Jumping in relatively new, it was easy for me to pick up on the key elements of the story. Parrott really hit the MMPR fanbase with a gut punch last issue & didn’t let up with the aftermath of the big reveal. Zartus steals panels when he appears & its’ all due to the writing. The eventual throwdown between our heroes & Zartus should be a fun one.

The art on the book really complemented the story. Renna’s actions scenes have a nice pop to them. The moments with Zartus talking with Tommy along with Zeyla’s reveal really showcase how interesting this character is. It’s the small mannerisms drawn that throw more impact on the story. Solid team effort.

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Rena, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)Credit: BOOM! Studios

Mighty Morphin’ #11 - On Sale Sept. 8th

Creative team: Ryan Parrott, Marco Rena, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli & Ed Dukeshire (Cover by Inhyuk Lee)

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Overall, Mighy Morphin’ #11 continyes on all the hype it’s getting. The ELTARIAN WAR had a good build here with solid character moments & subtle reveals. As a comic reader, I enjoy a good build before an all out battle which we’re seem to be heading all for. I really can’t wait to check out the next issue now.

Check your Local Comic Shop for this book when it hits shelves & special shout out to 607podcasts’ favorite MMPR guru Tom Craven for an assist with the Ranger Lore. He interviewed Ryan Parrott a few weeks back. Check it out for more Power Rangers goodness!

As always, thanks for reading & support your LCS’s & indie comic podcasts!


Welcome back for another edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. On this edition, I’m checking out the latest issue of Magic by Jed MacKay, Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, & Arianna Consonni for BOOM! Studios. This Magic: The Gathering comic is the latest installment from the partnership between BOOM!, Wizards of the Coast & Hasbro. I’m not the biggest MTG expert but always down to try a new comic. Let’s see how this issue shapes up

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021 - Cover by Qistina KhalidahCreative team: Jed MacKay,  Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala,  Arianna Consonni, & Ed DukeshireCredit: BOOM! Studios

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021 - Cover by Qistina Khalidah

Creative team: Jed MacKay, Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala, Arianna Consonni, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021Creative team: Jed MacKay,  Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala,  Arianna Consonni, & Ed DukeshireCredit: BOOM! Studios

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021

Creative team: Jed MacKay, Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala, Arianna Consonni, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021Creative team: Jed MacKay,  Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala,  Arianna Consonni, & Ed DukeshireCredit: BOOM! Studios

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021

Creative team: Jed MacKay, Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala, Arianna Consonni, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

The issue focuses on a Planeswalker named Jaya Ballard. Planeswalkers can access magic throughout the multiverse. The main characters (Ral, Vraska, and Kaya) have finally found Jaya & hopefully some insight into how to deal with a threat. What we get is a travel back in time to the Age of Ice in Dominaria, where they currently are. In these moments, readers get a backstory of Jaya that connects to the current timeline.

Very impressed by the story crafted by MacKay & company. Jumping thru multiple times is never easy, but they pulled it off very well. I really enjoyed the past storyline. French Carlomagno had a very fresh and energetic feel to the story. Readers will get the true sense of Jaya’s powers & the gravity of her past moments. It’s balanced well with Ig Guara”s art style. Both timelines have very unique looks & compliment the writing very well.

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021Creative team: Jed MacKay,  Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala,  Arianna Consonni, & Ed DukeshireCredit: BOOM! Studios

Magic #6 - On Sale September 1st, 2021

Creative team: Jed MacKay, Ig Guara, French Carlomagno, Francesco Segala, Arianna Consonni, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Overall, I really enjoyed this issue. As previously stated, MTG isn’t really something I know well, but I’m definitely glad I checked this book out. This issue had solid writing & strong art. It’s very well worth the time to check out at your Local Comic Shop. Magic #6 hits shelves on Sept. 1st.

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you thought of Magic #6. As always, Thanks for reading.


Welcome back for an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition, we’re continuing the saga of Basilisk by BOOM! Studios! Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf & company have crafted an absolute thriller with this book. The saga of the Chimera & Hannah’s mission to stop them has been an absolute wild ride. I reviewed issue #3 on a previous Parlay Points & have been very excited to see were this story goes. Let’s not wait any longer, shall we?

BASILISK #4 ( BOOM! Studios) In Stores Sept. 1st, 2021Creative Team: Cullen Bunn,  Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire Credit: BOOM! Studios

BASILISK #4 ( BOOM! Studios) In Stores Sept. 1st, 2021

Creative Team: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

BASILISK #4 ( BOOM! Studios) In Stores Sept. 1st, 2021

Creative Team: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios


After a quick flashback, This issue doesn’t waste time in building the tension for Hannah’s stand against the Chimera. Even with Regan being an “ally”, Hannah is at an eerie calm before the battle. Readers can immediately feel this moment. Once the Chimera sends the first wave in, the issue doesn’t slow down. It is violent, fast-paced & intense. Literally, one of the most action packed issues I’ve read in recent memory.

The real main begins when the Chimera comes thru. Just when you think this battle can’t get any crazier, it steps up a few notches. When the smoke clears, there’s a shock moment that will catch readers off guard & leave a haunting feel by the end of the issue.

BASILISK #4 ( BOOM! Studios) In Stores Sept. 1st, 2021Creative Team: Cullen Bunn,  Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire Credit: BOOM! Studios

BASILISK #4 ( BOOM! Studios) In Stores Sept. 1st, 2021

Creative Team: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Wow….Simply WOW. Bunn’s writing on this issue was incredible. The stakes of this issue were felt on each page. From Hannah’s calm & committed demeanor to the Chimera’s insane fury, this issue hit on all the checkmarks. Even that surprise death will catch readers for a second of pause. There’s so much going on yet you never feel lost reading this issue.

The art matches the writing on all fronts as well. Scharf’s action scenes don’t pause for anything. They’re brutal & elevate what is going on here tenfold. The term “Big Fight Feel” is thrown around a lot, but this issue HAS IT! Everything you expected this issue to have from the previous issues’ build definitely does. When you get to the last page, you’ll immediately want to start another read.

BASILISK #4 ( BOOM! Studios) In Stores Sept. 1st, 2021Creative Team: Cullen Bunn,  Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire Credit: BOOM! Studios

BASILISK #4 ( BOOM! Studios) In Stores Sept. 1st, 2021

Creative Team: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Overall, Basilisk #4 is a wild ride you don’t want to miss. The creative team gives readers a high octane issue fueled with action & intense moments. It is highly recommended when you go to your LCS. You won’t be disappointed.

Let me know your thoughts on Basilisk #4. As always, thanks for reading!


Welcome back for another edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. For this edition…..LET’S TALK NINJAK!!!!! WOW, Valiant Entertainment came out swinging for the fences with its’ debut issue & hit it out of the park! Jeff Parker & Javier Pulido brought Colin King, super spy & human weapon extraordinaire, back to the comic shops in a big way. Absolutely loved the first issue (as stated in a previous blog) so lets see where the story is going now, shall we!

NINJAK #2 By JEFF PARKER & JAVIER PULIDO Cover A by DAVID NAKAYAMA Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here) Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZOn sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here)
Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZ

On sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Right off the bat, readers get a quick recap of last issue’s events thru the eyes of Myna. She is the agent who’s been following King since leaving MI-6. Huge fan of how Valiant has a secondary character narrate these pages. It’s a subtle touch, but it works big! This issue picks up right where issue #1 ended: Our hero being confronted by assassins trying to collect a price on his head. Each assassin has a unique set of powers to them. They might have gotten the jump on Ninjak but this fight is far from over.

How does Ninjak & Myna stop these foes? It’s a very clever way that showcases Ninjak’s smarts. It also shows how dangerous he can be. It’s what really drove this issue. From there, readers get a small glimpse into Daylight, the group who exposed MI-6’s agents. They also get a better understanding of Kingmaker, who appears to be the head of Daylight & how he deals with potential threats.

NINJAK #2 By JEFF PARKER & JAVIER PULIDO Cover A by DAVID NAKAYAMA Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here) Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZOn sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here)
Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZ

On sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Parker continues crafting a great tale with issue #2. While the majority of the issue is focuses on Ninjak & G-3, he gives readers a great insight into how Ninjak assesses threats & handles them. This is all done in a very “super-spy” way: calm, cool, & stylish. Wouldn’t expect anything less from Colin King. I especially enjoy how Myna is written here because her perspective mirrors the readers’ view of the situation. Pacing is just right for the action in this issue. There is a lot to enjoy from the story within these pages.

The art gives this book such a fresh dynamic. Pulido delivers again on an ultra-cool, 70’s vibe with the artwork. It pops on each page. The 2 page spreads are absolutely on-point. Even the smaller moments are made into bigger standout places in this book. Look no further than when Ninjak defeats Growler. The use of light & shadows is strong. Not everything needs to be over the top explosions & you get all the emotion of the moment in these panels. Special shout out to Michael Walsh on Cover B for this issue as well.

NINJAK #2 By JEFF PARKER & JAVIER PULIDO Cover A by DAVID NAKAYAMA Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here) Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZOn sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here)
Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZ

On sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

NINJAK #2 By JEFF PARKER & JAVIER PULIDO Cover A by DAVID NAKAYAMA Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here) Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZOn sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here)
Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZ

On sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH (featured here)
Pre-order Cover by DAVID LOPEZ

On sale AUGUST 25th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Overall, if this book isn’t on your pull list, check your pulse. The latest adventure of Colin King doesn’t have a miscue for issue #2. Solid action & slow burn reveals about Daylight deliver for readers. Don’t miss Ninjak #2 when it drops in your local comic shop on August 25th.

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you think of Ninjak #2. As always, thanks for reading!


Welcome back for an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re talking BOOM! Studios’ newest hit: Eat The Rich #1 by Sarah Gailey & Puis Bak. This book has been mentioned by a lot of our podcast family as a must-read. With that kind of buzz around this book, lets see what the hype is all about, shall we?

EAT THE RICH #1 - BOOM! Studios - On sale August 18th Written by Sarah Gailey - Artist: Pius BakCredit: BOOM! Studios

EAT THE RICH #1 - BOOM! Studios - On sale August 18th

Written by Sarah Gailey - Artist: Pius Bak

Credit: BOOM! Studios

****Warning: The Blog teeters around spoilers, so consider yourself warned***

The story centers around Joey, who’s future is wide open with promise. She’s heading to the home of her boyfriend Astor: Crestfall Bluffs for some summer relaxation. However, when they arrive there, all is not as it seems. Joey meets the family & it’s not exactly smooth sailing. There’s an intimidating vibe to Astor’s family that haunts this issue. This is never more prevalent than a retirement party later in the evening.

Joey is a “fish out of water” around the other guests at this party & starts noticing odd behavior. After breaking away from the crowd, Joey stumbles onto something very horrific. It’s a great surprise & you need to read it for yourself. Solid cliffhanger ending.

EAT THE RICH #1 - BOOM! Studios - On sale August 18th Written by Sarah Gailey - Artist: Pius BakCredit: BOOM! Studios

EAT THE RICH #1 - BOOM! Studios - On sale August 18th

Written by Sarah Gailey - Artist: Pius Bak

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Gailey pens an excellent thriller in issue #1. The surprise will definitely hit readers hard. The “slow burn” build of Joey’s attempts to fit in really drive this book. While Astor is seemingly unfazed by the party, Joey seems to hone in on the guests’ behavior more & you get the tension building from page to page. Being the outsider looking in only sells the ending even more.

Gailey had a great pace & build for this issue balanced with some great artwork from Pak. The shady world of Crestfall Bluffs has brought to page very well. Even the small touches of bringing Joey’s inner monologue to life helped sell the reader on her awkwardness in her new surroundings (see “Not That Kind Of Girl” panel). .From the minute readers see Joey at the party, they can easily pick up from the visuals that all is not right & get that big payoff moment at the end of the issue.

EAT THE RICH #1 - BOOM! Studios - On sale August 18th Written by Sarah Gailey - Artist: Pius BakCredit: BOOM! Studios

EAT THE RICH #1 - BOOM! Studios - On sale August 18th

Written by Sarah Gailey - Artist: Pius Bak

Credit: BOOM! Studios

Overall, it’s clear to see what the hype is all about. The creative team crafts a thrilling first issue that will have readers guessing on what is the secret of Crestfall Bluffs & can Joey survive the summer. Very interested to see where the story goes to now. Swing by your Local comic shop & check it out!

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you think of the issue. As always, thanks for reading!


Welcome back for an all new edition of Parlay Points, The #ODPHpod podcast complimentary blog. For this edition, we’re talking the highly anticipated return of one of Valiant Comics”s most popular heroes: X-O Manowar! Ever since his debut in 1992, Aric of Dacia has been a franchise player in the Valiant Universe. Issue #5 of the current series written by Dennis Hopeless and art by Emilio Laiso, Raffaele Forte, & Ruth Redmond is about to hit your local comic shops. Let’s see what’s going on with Aric’s latest adventure: “Upgrade The World pt. 1”

X-O MANOWAR #5 (Jumping on point!) Written by DENNIS HOPELESS Art by EMILIO LAISO Inks by RAFFAELE FORTE Colors by RUTH REDMOND Letters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOU Cover A by RAHZZAH Cover B & 1:25 Cover by MICHAEL CHO Pre-order Cover by CHRISTIAN WARDOn sale AUGUST 18th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

X-O MANOWAR #5 (Jumping on point!)
Written by
Cover A by RAHZZAH
Cover B & 1:25 Cover by MICHAEL CHO
Pre-order Cover by CHRISTIAN WARD

On sale AUGUST 18th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Note: we teeter around ***SPOILER TALK*** so this next block so giving fair warning now

First thing off the bat, we get a recap/intro page. I’m a HUGE fan of this in comics & always enjoy how Valiant makes their issues so easy for readers to jump on board. It works very well with Shanhara (the alien armor) being the narrator for this page. As we are caught up to speed, Aric’s battle with a nanite beast is starting to take it’s told….and that’s where we jump in!

Without giving anything away, Aric & Troy Whittaker (Aric’s “manager”) come up with some clever ideas on how to deal with the threat. However , it doesn’t come without a cost as Shanhara is injured. The ramifications are felt through the rest of the issue as a breakthrough on what is causing attacks is made clear. There’s also a great story told with Shanhara that should be a driving point of this next arc.

Written by DENNIS HOPELESS Art by EMILIO LAISO Inks by RAFFAELE FORTE Colors by RUTH REDMOND Letters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCredit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

There is a lot to enjoy with this issue. Hopeless guides the story & immediately establishes the threat at hand. The banter between Aric and Troy adds another element to the story. Even with the gravity of the situation at hand, Troy’s attempt to be heroic plays well in the story. Even the brief interlude of how Troy deciphers what’s going on adds another layer to his character. Readers can also detect the deep connection between Aric & Shanhara, esp. post battle with the beast.

With the great writing, it was matched by some AMAZING artwork! Laiso & the team did an incredible job. The action was BIG! There was no question of how serious the threat was & how high the stakes were. Take a look at the pages in this review! Strong work throughout the book. Even the quieter scenes with Aric’s reaction to Shanhara’s status told a story onto itself due to the art. Perfect combination!

Written by DENNIS HOPELESS Art by EMILIO LAISO Inks by RAFFAELE FORTE Colors by RUTH REDMOND Letters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCredit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Written by DENNIS HOPELESS Art by EMILIO LAISO Inks by RAFFAELE FORTE Colors by RUTH REDMOND Letters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCredit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Written by DENNIS HOPELESS Art by EMILIO LAISO Inks by RAFFAELE FORTE Colors by RUTH REDMOND Letters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCredit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment

Overall, Aric & Shanhara returns to the comic shelves with no sign of a letdown. X-O Manowar #5 is a great place for new readers to join in the story. It’s got big action & a very well written story foundation. I’m very intrigued to see where this creative team is taking our heroes in this upcoming arc. Make sure to check this book out when you hit the shops on Wednesday! X-O Manowar #5 hits shelves August 18th

Let me know what you think of X-O Manowar #5 on Twitter. As always, thanks for reading!

PARLAY POINTS: WWE The New Day: Power Of Positivity #2 (BOOM! Studios)

Welcome back to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. This week, BOOM! Studios has some big releases hitting shops this week, but one book really jumped out at me for pretty obvious reasons if you listen to the podcast. WWE The New Day: power of Positivity #2 hits shelves this week. As an avid fan & content creator that talks pro-wrestling, I had to check this out. Let’s see what is going on with this issue.

WWE The New Day: Power Of Positivity #2Creative team: Evan Narcisse, Austin Walker, Daniel Bayliss & DC HopkinsBOOM! Studios available August 11th, 2021

WWE The New Day: Power Of Positivity #2

Creative team: Evan Narcisse, Austin Walker, Daniel Bayliss & DC Hopkins

BOOM! Studios available August 11th, 2021

If you’re not familiar with the New Day, they are one of the most legendary teams in all of WWE history. Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods & Big E comprised this faction. This book focuses on their beginnings & not everything was easy when it started. Getting “Over” with the fans is never a easy task. It literally makes or breaks wrestlers in the business.

This issue shows the struggles they had when they first started out. It also is never easy when you’re in a division with the likes of the Shield & Usos, who were such rising stars at that time. Plus, Kofi, Woods, & Big E weren’t a gelled unit either. They all were doing singles runs prior. Now they’re trying to be a team? How does that work? Will this work out? Will this implode before it has a chance? The readers will have all that answered & have a great understanding of why this team worked.

WWE The New Day: Power Of Positivity #2Creative team: Evan Narcisse, Austin Walker, Daniel Bayliss & DC HopkinsBOOM! Studios available August 11th, 2021

WWE The New Day: Power Of Positivity #2

Creative team: Evan Narcisse, Austin Walker, Daniel Bayliss & DC Hopkins

BOOM! Studios available August 11th, 2021

Narcisse & Walker really capture the voices of 3 very different superstars. They really drive the point home of how different each member is & the adjustment all 3 had into becoming a team. What makes the New day the legends they are is they each balance their personalities out & be themselves. The team chemistry’s journey is presented well. Even Triple H is the Vince McMahon role works well here.

Bayliss brings this world to life with the art. Their lives outside wrestling do get a lot of time & that’s not a bad thing. One thing we as fans forget is there’s an “off time” away from the ring, but yet they’re always working. Big E at the Barber shop & Kofi with his trainer are prime examples of this. Pages are fluid and bring the world of the WWE to life, especially the end part of he book.

WWE The New Day: Power Of Positivity #2Creative team: Evan Narcisse, Austin Walker, Daniel Bayliss & DC HopkinsBOOM! Studios available August 11th, 2021

WWE The New Day: Power Of Positivity #2

Creative team: Evan Narcisse, Austin Walker, Daniel Bayliss & DC Hopkins

BOOM! Studios available August 11th, 2021

Overall, this is a great book for WWE & comic fans to check out. It’s wild to think that at one point, the New Day wasn’t over. Seeing their early days thru new eyes was a treat. The book is filled with a lot of great moments to remind fans that New Day does indeed “Rock”. Make sure to check this (& Mighty Morphin’ #10 from BOOM!) out at your Local Comic Shop.

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you thought of the book. As always, thanks for reading.


Welcome back for an all new edition of Parlay Points, the ODPH podcast’s complementary blog. We are absolutely THRILLED to announce we’re going to start reviewing comics from BOOM! Studios! If you’re not familiar with what BOOM!’s got going on, now is a perfect time to check them out. For this edition of the blog, let’s talk about Basilisk #3 by Cullen Bunn & Jonas Scharf

BASILISK #3 (BOOM! STUDIOS)Creative team: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimarães, & Ed DukeshireOn Sale August 4th, 2021(credit: BOOM! Studios)


Creative team: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimarães, & Ed Dukeshire

On Sale August 4th, 2021

(credit: BOOM! Studios)

The story focuses on The Chimera, a savage group of individuals (Jimmy-Boy, Cara, Vanessa & Manny) with superpowers based around the senses. They’re leaving a trail of obliteration wherever they go. One former member, Regan might be the key to stopping them. She’s broken away & is now paired with a former victim, Hannah in ending the Chimera once and for all.

It makes for a very uncomfortable pairing considering Regan killed Hannah’s daughter. The pair’s actions has caused the rest of the Chimera to prepare for a confrontation. However, they have some warm-up action involving a face-off with the state police with one of the more wilder scenes you’ll see in comics. There is nothing routine for the pack of wild psychopaths, or all they all bad? With a tip from Manny, Regan & Hannah get the signal who’s on the move.

After the smoke clears, it appears all roads now lead to a final confrontation.

Credit: BOOM! Studios (Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimarães)

Credit: BOOM! Studios (Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimarães)

There is a LOT of win with this book. If you’ve read this blog before, you know I really enjoy Bunn’s writing. This book is no exception. Bunn presents this “family” as more than meets the eyes. Everyday moments turn into a powder-keg explosion at the drop of a dime. Take the moment at the rest stop when the State Police shows up as prime example. The Battle is BRUTAL. It’s a great horror element added to this book.

For the saga of Regan & Hannah, the tension is there from the moment you see them on page & never lets up. One key factor of how this translates is Jonas Scharf & Alex Guimarães’ artwork. The scenes ooze the pain & stress of the world we’re watching in these pages. Plus, when they bring the fight with the state police to life, no punches are pulled. The helicopter scene stands out for how vicious the Chimera can be. It’s an excellent compliment to the story being created in Basilisk.

Credit: BOOM! Studios (Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimarães)

Credit: BOOM! Studios (Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimarães)

Overall, Basilisk stands out on the shelves. The book’s motto could be “With Great Power comes No Regard.” The creative team takes the supernatural vibe up a notch by giving these characters powers & show how absolutely evil they can be. Even with the shades of gray throw in, the horror & dark elements stay strong throughout. Can Hannah & Regan stop The Chimera? We will have to read on & find out.

Basilisk drops on at the LCS on August 4th. Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you think.

As always, Thanks for reading & supporting the ODPH Podcast


Welcome back to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH Podcast. WOW! How great has this book been? If you’re not reading Shadowman By Cullen Bunn & Jon Davis-Hunt, you don’t know what you’re missing! Valiant Comics has a monster hit on their hands with this book. The return of Jack Boniface has been solid for the first 3 issues. Issue #4 drops July 28th.

Let’s see how the latest (& last one till January) fairs, shall we?

SHADOWMAN #4 Written by CULLEN BUNN Art by JON DAVIS-HUNT Colors by JORDIE BELLAIRE Letters by CLAYTON COWLES Cover A by JON DAVIS-HUNT Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH Cover C (Horror Movie Homage) by JUAN GIMENEZ Pre-order Cover by DECLAN SHALVEY On sale JULY 28th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Written by
Cover C (Horror Movie Homage) by JUAN GIMENEZ
Pre-order Cover by DECLAN SHALVEY
On sale JULY 28th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment


After opening with the best recap page in comics (Seriously, Baron Samedi welcoming the readers back is always a treat), we catch up with Jack Boniface aka Shadowman on the streets of London. He’s on the search for a Blight, a portal allowing creatures from the Deadside into our world. This issue has one of those creatures who made a frightening introduction a few pages prior: A monster that causes drug-enduced overdoses whomever it is around (even without direct contact). It’s one of the more creepier debuts you’ll read & fully sets the tone for this issue.

How does Jack survive this? You’ll have to read & see for yourself. Readers will also get a big answer to who is a mysterious figure who’s been lurking around our hero. It’s a big moment that gives Jack an idea about what to do next. It’s a solid cliffhanger to close out the first arc.

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Bunn continues to balance the line between superheroes & supernatural with flawless ease. From the horrific introduction of this issue’s creature to showing our hero’s fight to stop it, this issue really takes readers on a journey. The big reveal will hit strong for readers & Bunn sets it up perfectly. It’s gonna be a long wait till January to see where Bunn takes Jack on his adventures from here.

I can’t say enough good things about the art in this book. Davis-Hunt really brought it for the closing issue. Look no further than the pages when Shadowman is absorbing the creatures first attack when you pick up the book! Davis-Hunt does a great job in crafting a horrific antagonist & capturing its’ powers. It stands out from the opening intro. Great action sequences balance out the dark world created here. It’s always a perfect compliment to the writing on the book.

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Overall, the first arc of Shadowman has been a win from the opening page. It’s a fresh take on the supernatural hero longtime Valiant readers have known. It’s also a great book for readers that want something different at the LCS than your typical superhero saga. Cullen Bunn has created this dark, horrific corner of the Valiant Universe that hooks you from the start. Jon Davis-Hunt & Jordan Bellaire bring this world to life with a unique vibe all it’s own. Issue 4 puts an exclamation point on this arc without question.

If you’re jumping in late, head to the LCS now & catch up on Shadowman before #5 drops in January.

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you think of Shadowman #4. Till next time, Thanks for reading


Welcome back for an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog of the ODPH Podcast. For this edition, I’m checking out a book highly recommended by our friends over at Comic Book Keepers: Barbaric #2 by Michael Moreci & Nathan Gooden for Vault Comics. Early spoiler: there is a LOT of great things with this book, so lets take a deeper dive into this series, shall we?

Image courtesy of Vault Comics (Creative team: Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden, Addison Duke, Jim Campbell and Tim Daniel).Release date: July 28th $3.99

Image courtesy of Vault Comics

(Creative team: Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden, Addison Duke, Jim Campbell and Tim Daniel).

Release date: July 28th $3.99

There might be partial spoilers here

“Barbaric” is the story of Owen, a barbarian with a curse & a bad ass Axe. The curse: to do good, even though he might not be a “good” person. The axe: is alive, named “Axe” & has an issue with drinking. The story: FAN-EFFING-TASTIC! Let the adventure begin!

As we jump into issue 2, we catch up Owen, Axe & Soren (a witch) recapping briefly previous events. Whee is this taking place? Inside of a pub. From here, Soren takes center stage & breaks down the threat they face along with learning more about her background. From there, we get taken on a wild ride thru the mission at hand & left with a solid cliffhanger for next issue.

There is a lot to enjoy with this book. Moreci’s writing flows so well with these characters. The back & forth between all 3 characters is so well done. The humor is well placed & it’s perfect pacing between the Soren flashbacks. Never once did the issue feel like i jumped around too much. Owen’s reactions to Soren’s magic talk is priceless. He might not be the perfect hero for the job, but you know he’s ready to step up for a fight. Readers will so appreciate Axe’s commentary as well.

The rest of the book delivers on BIG action. Gooden & Duke bring this magical world to life with ease. The action scenes carry that “big fight” feel on every panel. Even with the more emotional moments of Soren’s past, Gooden delivers strong work each page & perfectly compliments Moreci’s writing. I was a big fan of the detail with the church scenes. With all the action going on, everything was well presented.

Overall, DAMN, this was a fun book. Huge action, great banter & where we go from here is anyone’s guess. Moreci & Gooden put together a wild, unpredictable ride with very entertaining group to lead the readers on this adventure. Make a point to check this book out at your local comic shop. You won’t be disappointed. Barbaric #2 drops July 28th.

Let me know what you thought of the book on Twitter . Until next time, Thanks for reading.


Welcome back for another edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. If you’ve been following this blog for a while (& thank you if you have), you know I’m a big fan of Shadowman by Cullen Bunn & Jon Davis- Hunt for Valiant Entertainment. Since he’s returned, the adventures of Jack Boniface have mastered the balance between horror and heroic comics. It’s always a solid pick up at the LCS & issue 3 is dropping soon. Lets take a look shall we?

SHADOWMAN #3 Written by CULLEN BUNN Art by JON DAVIS-HUNT Colors by JORDIE BELLAIRE Letters by CLAYTON COWLES Cover A by JON DAVIS-HUNT Cover B by TYLER KIRKHAM Cover C (Horror Movie Homage Variant) by ERICA HENDERSON Preorder Cover by ROBBI RODRIGUEZOn sale JUNE 23rd | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Written by
Cover C (Horror Movie Homage Variant) by ERICA HENDERSON
Preorder Cover by ROBBI RODRIGUEZ

On sale JUNE 23rd | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Arguably, Shadowman has the best recap page in all of comics. Having Baron Samedi introducing the readers to where we are now is a great way to start off the issue. Even in it’s small run thus far, Boniface has had his hands full with a lot of traveling & the latest with the Deadside.

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

The issue jumps in to Barcelona where our hero has now become the hunted. This is the first time this series that we’ve seen him in extremely rough shape & on the defensive.

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Credit: JON DAVIS-HUNT & JORDIE BELLAIRE (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

What mystery has led our hero here? A murder investigation from Port-Au-Prince takes our hero & his “spirit Guide” in Samedi on a wild adventure & introduces readers to a new threat that can challenge our hero on the power scale. We also get a few more twists and turns that really delve into Shadowman & the Deadside with an ending that few see coming.

Bunn’s writing on this book continues its winning ways. The banter between Boniface & Samedi is a hidden treasure of this book. It’s a great break from the overall story & its humor always hits. The story showcases the weird, crazy world Boniface lives in & the writing reflects that with all the characters we meet this issue. Great buildup for the final panel reveal at the end.

Davis-Hunt’s artwork is a solid compliment to Bunn’s writing. All the horrific creatures we see this issue get taken up a few notches with a very cool splash panel moment on page 19. Another area that needs to be noted is the attention to facial expressions during the fight. Davis-Hunt nailed it during the issues’ action pages with Boniface fighting for his life.

Overall, another solid issue of Shadowman is gonna hit the shelves at your LCS. Bunn & Davis Hunt take you on another trip into the supernatural unknown & take our hero into uncharted territory. There’s been no drop off since issue #1 on the horror & heroics. If you haven’t checked out this book lately, you need to catch up on the world of Jack Boniface as soon as you can.

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you think of Shadowman #3. Till next time, Thanks for reading


Welcome back for an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this edition, I’m checking out NINJAK #1 by JEFF PARKER & JAVIER PULIDO for Valiant Entertainment! In case you’re not familiar with one of the best characters in comics, here’s a quick refresher: Originally debuting in 1993, Colin King is the world’s best & most deadly mercenary. Trained thru MI-6’s Ninja programme. King has perfected his abilities to the highest human levels.

Part Super-spy, Part elite martial artist, 100% fascinating character to follow.

Since returning to the pages of Valiant in 2012, he has been a mainstay of their most popular characters & for good reason. The latest adventures of Mr. King are slated to kick off with a brand new series.

Lets’ see what’s going on, shall we?

NINJAK #1 By JEFF PARKER & JAVIER PULIDO Letters by DAVE SHARPE & JAVIER PULIDO Cover A by DAVID NAKAYAMA Cover B by CASPAR WIJNGAARD Cover C by DAMION SCOTT Preorder Cover by IBRAHIM MOUSTAFA 1:100 Prisma Glass Variant Cover by JAVIER PULIDO Pre-order Deadline is June 21stOn sale JULY 14th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Preorder Cover by IBRAHIM MOUSTAFA
1:100 Prisma Glass Variant Cover by JAVIER PULIDO
Pre-order Deadline is June 21st

On sale JULY 14th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Right off the bat, we get the recap page to start the book. Our main character has cut ties with MI-6 after discovering how they have a branch working on manipulating agents. Colin King is now an independent agent for hire, sending shockwaves around the globe.

The readers go on an international tour after that. Starting in London, where the direct fallout of King’s move is felt. We also see some new players enter the field & make a move with big ramifications.

Credit: Art by JAVIER PULIDO (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Credit: Art by JAVIER PULIDO (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

From there, the readers now see a journalist in Istanbul who is in dire trouble. From the viewpoint of Myna, another spy from MI-6, we see our title character makes his appearance & do what he does best.

Credit: Art by JAVIER PULIDO (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment")

Credit: Art by JAVIER PULIDO (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment")

Readers are also given a quick origin story from Myna’s point of view. This is a great way to get new readers caught up to speed without going a full retelling. After Ninjak fulfills his “assignment”, he has to save Myna, who has been tracked down by assassins. Once the situation has been handled (as only he can), Ninjak leaves the scene with Myna, who now realizes that he’s been on to her following for quite a while now.

However, that is the last of their issues. The big momentum shift happens when one of their worst fears as spies has happened. All MI-6 agents have been exposed! What good is it being a “secret” agent when it’s no longer a “secret”? Readers find that out in a hurry as events unfold into a cliffhanger for issue #2.

Parker captures the spy genre very well with his writing. From the slow burn build in the London Pub to the frantic fallout of the MI-6 leak. Parker keeps the readers locked in each page while escalating the gravity of the big reveal. Even the quick origin recap was a subtle touch to an already solid story.

The writing is equally matched by the artwork. Pulido creates this spy world with a unique retro feel, echoing older “James Bond” vibes. The action scenes are big, but simple. Even the panels set-up look like a fresh throwback to older spy comics & I’m all in for that! This book definitely has a style al its own.

Overall, this book was a fantastic read & will be a sure fire hit! Parker crafts this deep espionage story while balancing it out with what makes Ninjak a standout character! It’s balanced out perfectly by Pulido’s art. Everything from the action sequences to Ninjak moving in shadows hit all the marks with a style & cool all its own. Don’t miss out on this book! Order now & save July 14th on your LCS calendar!

Let me know what you thought of Ninjak #1 on Twitter. Till next time, Thanks for reading!

PARLAY POINTS: THE VISITOR #6 (Valiant Entertainment 2021)

Welcome back for an all new Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast! On this edition, we’re returning to the saga of The Visitor by Valiant Entertainment.On a previous blog, I reviewed Issue #5 of the Visitor & now we’re at the final issue of this run. Issue #6 is written by Paul Levitz & artwork done by MJ Kim, who’s returning for art duties after Soo Lee filled in for issue 5. The story of a mysterious figure from the future & his mission has been a fun action ride thus far. All the major players of the story are set. How does it all end? Let’s take a read, shall we?

THE VISITOR #6 (of 6) Written by PAUL LEVITZ Art by MJ KIM Colors by ULISES ARREOLA Letters by SIMON BOWLAND Cover A by AMILCAR PINNA Cover B by ALAN QUAH Preorder Cover by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA  On sale JUNE 16th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

THE VISITOR #6 (of 6)
Written by
Art by MJ KIM
Cover B by ALAN QUAH

On sale JUNE 16th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

The issue kicks off right where Issue #5 left of & it’s cliffhanger ending. U.N. Security Service Director Talia Dauber has confronted Kubo-sama about his A.I. project. This has been the driving point of The Visitor’s mission: Stop it’s completion at any cost. However, when the Visitor arrives, things don’t go so smoothly. Take a look at this preview art from Kim & Arreola to further drive that point home for readers.

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

The rest of the issue paces very well between action sequences & small character moments. Levitz breaks up the action sequences just enough to let the readers catch a moment from all the blockbuster events our protagonists are going thru. The issue reads like a summer Hollywood film & that’s definitely not a bad thing. Readers are taken on a big roller coaster ride where you think the moment ends & it’s only just the beginning. Kubo-sama presents himself as a true threat & is a great counter-balance to our heroes.

The pairing of the Visitor & Talia really drives this book more than his mission. I really enjoyed how Levitz wrote their interactions. Their dynamic is a strong point of this book. For being someone who’s not as powerful, Talia holds her own amongst the super-powered characters she’s around.

Once we arrive at the end of the issue, the epilogues do a great job closing chapters while leaving room for new ones.

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

MJ Kim’s artwork is a great compliment to Levitz’s storytelling. Phenomenal job with the artwork for this issue. Kim really captured this high energy of the action from start to close. Without spoiling, there are a few moments with the Visitor & his powers that pop right off the page. It really added another element to the book & gave the readers an excellent close out for this chapter.

Overall, the Visitor #6 was a fun adventure that really stood on it’s own. This is not the Visitor you knew in 1994. Paul Levitz’s tale of the man out of time & his mission really was enjoyable. It had great plot twist & one notable character that stole scenes in Talia Dauber. Another reason the story really went over well was because of the artwork of MJ Kim. Action sequences felt big & that’s what you need for a story with the future hanging in the balance. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing a return of Talia & the Visitor to the Valiant Universe sooner than later or on the big screen at some point.

Head down to your LCS & check out The Visitor series by Valiant Entertainment. Let me know what you thought of the book on Twitter. Till next time…


Welcome back for an all new Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, I’m talking the latest issue of Rangers Of The Divide by Megan Huang! If you’re not familiar with Huang’s work, she has illustrated “Jia and the Nian Monster” & was the colorist on “Jenny Zero” for Dark Horse Comics. She has also done work for IDW & Oni Press amongst other publishers.

“Rangers Of The Divide” is her latest project. It debuted in May of 2021. Rangers Of The Divide is a sci-fi/fantasy epic (written & illustrated by Huang) that tells the story of a rookie class of rangers, lead by a grizzled leader & the unknown challenges that face them being the only ones left to keep peace. Let’s take a deeper dive into issue #2 (which is released June 16th).

Credit: Megan Huang/ Dark Horse Comics

Credit: Megan Huang/ Dark Horse Comics

Right out the gate, we get a recap front page. Long time readers of this blog know I am a HUGE fan of this. You’re immediately caught up with the first issue’s events without tipping off the reader too much of where the team is going next.

From there, readers quickly see how the team is meshing (or lack there of) with their commander. Early impressions reminded me of when Cable took over the New Mutants & started to mold them into X-Force. Not a bad thing by any means & not as super unapproachable. A prime example of this is the Commander’s interaction & feedback with a young cadet about her last performance. As much as he’s tough on the cadets, he’s really trying to make them better. It seems as the commander’s been put in this position before & is trying to improve on something from his past.

The rest of the story is a great exploration of this new world. There are some fun moments where you start getting an idea of personalities from the cadets.I wouldn’t mind seeing more of this as the series progresses. As of this reading, the breakout cadets are Frost and Brandt. Both had featured segments in this issue for different reasons. Readers get a pretty straight-forward plot here with a really interesting cliffhanger to take us into issue 3 (due July 14th).

The true MVP of this issue is Huang’s art. From the first page turn, the issue is vibrant & pops with energetic art. When you hear “sci-fi” or “fantasy” in a description of a book, you have certain expectations to see. Huang hits that out of the park. The creatures have a unique look to them. The world we’re exploring here jumps off the page. No better examples than pages 7, 13 & 30. Huang’s full panel pages will have your attention for a long take Even the cadet uniforms stand out & have an alien sleek to them that gives the readers the total sci-fi vibe.

Overall, Rangers Of The Divide #2 was a solid issue. The story is pretty even paced. Readers get taken on a fun world exploring trip. Hopefully, as this series progresses, all the cadets get some time to stand out. That might have been the only thing I wasn’t so high on, and it’s a minor thing too. The artwork is what really makes this book stand out. Huang’s style is fresh and takes this saga to a whole other level.

If you’re a fan of fantasy & sci-fi adventures, Rangers of the Divide is definitely a book you want to check out when you at the LCS. Hit me up on Twitter & let me know your thoughts on Rangers Of The Divide,

Till next time…. Thanks for reading

PARLAY POINTS: THE VISITOR #5 (Valiant Entertainment 2021)

Welcome back for an all new Parlay Points, the complementary blog of the ODPH podcast. For this edition, I’m checking out the latest issue of “The Visitor” from Valiant Entertainment (out now at your Local Comic Shop).. This series is at the penultimate mark with the final issue dropping June 16th. Let’s take a deeper dive & see what The Visitor is all about!

THE VISITOR #5 (of 6) Written by PAUL LEVITZ Art by SOO LEE Colors by ULISES ARREOLA Letters by SIMON BOWLAND Cover A by AMILCAR PINNA Cover B by CASPAR WIJNGAARD 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Visitor Cover B Photo Credit: Valiant Entertainment

THE VISITOR #5 (of 6)
Written by
Art by SOO LEE

32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Visitor Cover B Photo Credit: Valiant Entertainment

One thing that I can not stress enough: Valiant makes it very easy for new readers to jump on a book. Even as this series is about to wrap up, they give a new reader enough background that they can jump right in & know who the main characters are and reasons for their actions.

Photo Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Photo Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Now, if you’re an old school Valiant reader like myself, this is not the Visitor you knew in 1994. This story (written by PAUL LEVITZ & art by SOO LEE (for this issue. MJ Kim was the artist for the previous 4 issues and is the artist for issue 6) centers around an individual sent back in time to stop the creation of an A.I. that will become dictator in the years to come. All we know is our visitor has enhanced abilities & an unrelenting will to finish his mission at any cost.

Photo Credit: Valiant Entertainment

Photo Credit: Valiant Entertainment

The rest of the book centers around the balance of U.N. Security Service Detective Talia Dauber’s assignment to protect those behind the project & coming to grips with the Visitor’s mission after he shows her the future. When she is finally “told” what this project is all about, the book really kicks into high gear. Solid action sequences & surprise betrayals ensue. It also ends with a solid cliffhanger going into the final issue.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. As a new reader to this book, it was easy for me to jump in & figure out what was going on. Solid pacing of the story from start to finish. The manner in how the Visitor “tells” his story to Talia was a great twist. Artwork hit it’s stride when pages were split between The Visitor & Kubo-sama. The side-by-side build as they’re on their collision course was a cool touch. The build for the final battle was set up perfectly. I’m definitely interested to see how this story plays out on June 16th.

Head down to your LCS & check this book out. Hit me up on Twitter & let me know your thoughts on “The Visitor” by Valiant Entertainment. Till Next time…


It’s been a while, but let’s talk some comics on this edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast! Valiant Entertainment has a huge book hitting comic book shops this week with Shadowman #2. The latest volume by CULLEN BUNN & JON DAVIS-HUNT started off with a very strong first issue & look to continue the momentum for Jack Boniface’s return. Lets see how it went…..

SHADOWMAN #2 Written by CULLEN BUNN Art by JON DAVIS-HUNT Colors by JORDIE BELLAIRE Letters by CLAYTON COWLES Cover A by JON DAVIS-HUNT Cover B by CASPAR WIJNGAARD Cover C Horror Movie Homage Variant by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA Preorder Variant Cover by ANNIE WU On sale MAY 26th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+Credit: Valiant Entertainment & DMG Entertainment

Written by
Cover C Horror Movie Homage Variant by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA
Preorder Variant Cover by ANNIE WU

On sale MAY 26th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Credit: Valiant Entertainment & DMG Entertainment

First & foremost, I’m totally digging Baron Samedi, the Loa of the Dead doing the intro for the issue. It’s a fun way to recap events for new readers. Hopefully this is a permanent fixture of the book moving forward.

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

The issue kicks into high gear with the horror right from the start. It also teaches a great lesson: Nothing ever good comes from hitchhiking. From there, we catch up with Boniface & Samedi on a road trip to Arizona where our hero has to stop the Deadside doorway that has opened & the evil coming with it.

The dialogue plays very well with Samedi being both the Angel & Devil on Boniface’s shoulders. Readers get fun banter to break up the seriousness of the threat at hand. The elements of humor definitely adds to the dynamic between those two. Plus, a new threat looms over our hero & what role they’ll play hasn’t been revealed….just yet. From there, our hero delves into the mission at hand. The outcome doesn’t come easy & without more questions.

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Credit: Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

The team of Bunn & Davis-Hunt continue to build this supernatural world in a great direction. Horror fans will definitely appreciate the opening simplicity of the car intro. It’s simple in set-up & does a great job setting the tone for the rest of the book. One other note-worthy point is Boniface’s inner dialogue before the main battle. How Boniface describes the mood before walking in the old saloon really adds another layer to the character’s drive. Bunn is weaving a great story in these pages.

Davis-Hunt hits all the points in this issue. From creating a literal “ghost town” to horrific creatures, the art delivers each page. Prime example is this issue’s antagonist, which really reflects the Deadside to perfection. The detail in which Davis-Hunt draws the creature’s features & the end of its’ fight with Shadowman really stand out, It’s perfect for a supernatural horror comic.

There’s no second issue slowdown here. The creative team has done a superb job with merging horror with heroics to give the readers a fresh look at one of Valiant’s more well known characters. If you’re looking for a great supernatural horror saga, look no further than Shadowman by Valiant.

Issue #2 is out May 26th at your local comic shop . Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you think of the latest adventures of Jack Boniface. Till next time….


Welcome back to another edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this blog, we are gonna talk about Valiant Entertainment’s latest restart of Shadowman! If you’re like me that read Valiant in the 90’s, you know who Jack Boniface is & what supernatural/horror elements follow him . For anyone else, he’s one of Valiant’s more well-known characters that is still making noise since his debut in 1992. Jack is getting a brand new series from the creative team of Cullen Bunn & & Jon Davis-Hunt dropping April 28th & we were lucky enough to get a preview of this issue. Let’s discuss:

SHADOWMAN #1 Written by CULLEN BUNN Art by JON DAVIS-HUNT Colors by JORDIE BELLAIRE Letters by CLAYTON COWLES Cover A by JON DAVIS-HUNT Cover B by ROD REIS Cover C Horror Movie Homage Variant by DAVE JOHNSON Preorder Variant Cover by TONY MOORE 1:25…

Written by
Cover B by ROD REIS
Cover C Horror Movie Homage Variant by DAVE JOHNSON
Preorder Variant Cover by TONY MOORE
1:250 Variant Cover by JEFF DEKAL
Image from Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment


Right from the opening (after the great “Character 101” page which I’m always a huge fan of for first issues & new readers jump-on points), Bunn establishes the dark feel to the book quickly. This is a staple for Shadowman comics & it delivered right from the jump. It was a perfect introduction into new readers as well.

The reader is given just enough info on Boniface to know what he’s about without feeling like a whole retelling of his entire history. For someone who’s read Shadowman before, I thought this was a great move & had me invested earlier in the story. Speaking of the story, this issue was very balanced between the horror & heroics element. It was a solid read that was matched by the artwork.

Art by Jon Davis-Hunt & Jordie Bellaire (Valiant Entertainment)

Art by Jon Davis-Hunt & Jordie Bellaire (Valiant Entertainment)

Davis-Hunt’s art on this issue was a perfect compliment to the story. His style of art felt brand new for Shadowman. Great action sequences to balance out the dark elements. The imagery on the pages delivered that message while mixing in the superhero moments when it needed to. Nothing felt forced to be either a horror comic or a superhero comic.

Obviously, this is important with a horror comic. You need to really sense the danger & Davis-Hunt really hit that point home. The creatures you will see really looked the role you would expect & want with horror elements. The images let the story lead & they played their part to take the reader on Boniface’s latest adventure.

Overall, Jack Boniface’s latest is a must-have addition to your weekly pull list. Bunn, Davis-Hunt & the rest of the creative team did a great job establishing a new take on a classic character. The biggest takeaway is this isn’t your same old Shadowman. There’s a different vibe to this character & readers are in for a real treat. Don’t miss this issue when it hits your local comic shop!

For more things Shadowman, check out the panel at Wondercon@Home this past weekend!

Till next time, hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you think of Shadowman’s return!

Thanks for reading.


Welcome back for an all new Parlay Points, the complementary blog section of the ODPH podcast. We’re back this week talking Valiant Entertainment . Thank you for all the feedback about Bloodshot #12. Next up on the review list is Savage #2 by MAX BEMIS & NATHAN STOCKMAN. The return of Kevin Sauvage is something Valiant fans have been waiting for & this issue definitely caters to them

SAVAGE #2 Written by MAX BEMIS Art by NATHAN STOCKMAN Colors by TRIONA FARRELL Letters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOU Cover A by MARCUS TO Cover B by MICHAEL WALSH Preorder Variant Cover by DAVID LOPEZOn sale MARCH 17th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US |…

Written by
Cover A by MARCUS TO
Preorder Variant Cover by DAVID LOPEZ

On sale MARCH 17th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

All artwork courtesy of Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

*As always, I try keeping this as SPOILER-FREE as possible*

This current series picks up from the 2016 volume about a young boy who grows up on a mysterious island filled with dinosaurs. The current series delves into Savage’s reluctant “Heartthrob Hero” title while finding his way into the real world. Issue #2 jumps in with a nice quick recap page to catch readers up to speed. I’ve always been a fan of this technique. The book then takes off into Kevin’s current dilemma of finding away to escape his captures.

Artwork by Nathan Stockman and Triona Farrell (Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment)

Artwork by Nathan Stockman and Triona Farrell (Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment)

The book’s strongest points is it’s humor. Bemis writes Savage as the “fish out of water” very well, while Stockman and Farrell balance it out on the pages. The story has some over the top moments but that’s the charm of this book. Looking for action and monsters? You’ve found your book esp. on Page 9. The artwork really reflects that as well. Where else would you fin a “WinkleBeast” other than here?

The ending falls back on the theme of “stranger in a new world” which isn’t a bad thing but will keep fans interested to see where the story goes from here. It’s a natural progression for the character.

Overall, Savage #2 was a fun read. Fans of the character are going to enjoy the book. For new readers, the current saga of Kevin Sauvage is an enjoyable read that you will catch a good laugh with while watching him navigate in his new surroundings.

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading & supporting the ODPH podcast. till next time….


Welcome back to an all new Parlay Points, the complimentary blog section to the ODPH podcast! We’re returning in a big way from hiatus talking one of my favorite comic companies: Valiant Entertainment! As we’ve said on the #ODPHpod, don’t sleep on this comic line.

I’ve been a fan of their books since the 90’s when they debuted. They consistently put out great books & Bloodshot #12 is no exception! Let’s talk about it, shall we?

Credit to Valiant Entertainment/DMG EntertainmentBLOODSHOT #12 Written by TIM SEELEY Art by PEDRO ANDREO Colors by ANDREW DALHOUSE Letters by DAVE SHARPE Cover A by ADELSO CORONA Cover B by JIMBO SALGADO Preorder Variant Cover by JIM TOWE Backup Wri…

Credit to Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment

Written by
Letters by DAVE SHARPE
Preorder Variant Cover by JIM TOWE
Backup Written by BENNY POTTER
Backup Art by JUAN JOSÉ RYP
Backup Colors by ANDREW DALHOUSE
Backup Letters by DAVE SHARPE

I’m going to try and keep this as SPOILER-FREE as possible, but giving fair warning now…. the book has a lot going on & so much GOOD stuff so one or two might slip, so shall we begin?

The story wastes no time hitting the ground running. Project Rising Spirit is on the verge of a huge success that very well end could end free thought. An old Bloodshot enemy is involved with this experiment as well: Rampage now going by the name Harmony.

The only hope to stop him is Ray Garrison aka Bloodshot. And here we go…

Artwork by Pedro Andreo and Andrew Dalhouse (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

Artwork by Pedro Andreo and Andrew Dalhouse (Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment)

The creative team sets this up beautifully. Seeing the events unfold through Bloodshot’s perspective sells that point. Instantly, Readers sense the grave stakes if he can’t stop Harmony. The action sequences are high octane & balance out Seeley’s writing very well. Andreo & Dalhouse make the fights into larger than life. It’s everything you want from a super-powered showdown.

The resolution to the Harmony brawl, I thought, was a very creative twist. The overall closing of the story does bring up the question: Is Bloodshot more man or machine?

Overall, this issue is a great read. I enjoyed it very much. It had everything I look for in a great comic. Story and artwork were a perfect match in balance & quality. Even the cameo from another Valiant hero was a great addition to the story without taking anything away.

Before closing, I have to applaud the back-up feature by Benny Potter & Juan Jose Ryp. It’s a great recap of Bloodshot & where to possibly expect to see his life take him next.

Pick up the issue & let me know what you think on Twitter: @ODparlayHour

Till next time

DC FANDOME - August 22nd

Welcome back to the ODPH blog section, otherwise known as Parlay Points! Now, we haven’t done this in a while because Twitch (Twitch.TV/607Podcasts) has blown up & taken up a lot of time lately. We have some things in the works there that when they happen, I think you’ll be very excited to see. make sure to drop a Follow there & please spread word about the channel!

But for now, this blog is going to be a companion piece to the latest ODPH podcast episode were the panel broke down DC Fandome! ICYMI: DC Fandome is an all virtual event taking place on August 22nd. It’s going to have news concerning Movies, Tv, comics & more. It’s actually grown so much that they’ve added a second date (September 13th) so the fans can watch as much as they can.

There’s been some changes to the schedule so let’s quickly go over what you need to catch this weekend! (More info:

1PM (All Eastern Standard Times) - Wonder woman 1984: The panel to kick everythin off is one of DC’s most anticipated movies. Expect new footage with Gal Gadot & the test of the cast kicking off Fandome in style.

1:25pm - WB Montreal Games: What is the mystery games that is going to be announced here? Court Of Owls? Knightfall? Sensing a BIG announcement involving the Caped Crusader here.

2:55pm - The Suicide Squad: Director James Gunn talks about DC’s most secretive reboot. Expect some of the cast t crash & drop some hints about the upcoming film.

4:45PM - Surprise DC Comics Panel: Anything could happen here….a new creative team announcement? A new series that will shatter the internet?

5:30pm - SNYDER CUT - JUSTICE LEAGUE: The most polarizing movie in all of comics gets brought back to life from Director Zach Snyder. Expect a LOT of buzz around this panel.

5:54pm - The FLASH: The CW’s long running show has the cast unveil some footage & hints for the upcoming season.

6:10pm - BLACK ADAM: The Rock. DC Comics. nuff said…….but the long hyped movie is FINALLY goin to get some news announced for it as only the Rock can!

6:50pm - TITANS: The DC Universe’s flagship show has the cast drop some knowledge about Season 3 & how we got here.

7:05pm - Aquaman: Director James Wan & “Ocean Master” Patrick Wilson talk stories from the surprise hit starring Jason Mamoa (will he crash the panel, tune in & find out).

7:40pm - SHAZAM!: Zac Levi talks about the upcoming sequel & more news surrounding the growing franchise.

8:10pm - Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League: The company that brought you the “Batman: Arkham” series returns to DC with a HUGE new project. Gamers - DO NOT MISS THIS!

8:30pm - THE BATMAN: The new Bat Franchise is unveiled wit director Matt Reeves talking bout the new incarnation of Batman. Expect plenty of news and surprises here.

There’s so much more that Fandome will start an encore of all panels right after this ends, so you won’t miss anything. Make sure to sign up at & check out the immediate reaction live stream on before the next ODPH podcast.

Until then, stop by Twitter & join in the conversation! Thanks for reading!