Welcome back for an all new Parlay Points, the complementary blog section of the ODPH podcast. We’re back this week talking Valiant Entertainment . Thank you for all the feedback about Bloodshot #12. Next up on the review list is Savage #2 by MAX BEMIS & NATHAN STOCKMAN. The return of Kevin Sauvage is something Valiant fans have been waiting for & this issue definitely caters to them
Written by MAX BEMIS
Cover A by MARCUS TO
Preorder Variant Cover by DAVID LOPEZ
On sale MARCH 17th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+
All artwork courtesy of Valiant Entertainment/DMG Entertainment
*As always, I try keeping this as SPOILER-FREE as possible*
This current series picks up from the 2016 volume about a young boy who grows up on a mysterious island filled with dinosaurs. The current series delves into Savage’s reluctant “Heartthrob Hero” title while finding his way into the real world. Issue #2 jumps in with a nice quick recap page to catch readers up to speed. I’ve always been a fan of this technique. The book then takes off into Kevin’s current dilemma of finding away to escape his captures.
Artwork by Nathan Stockman and Triona Farrell (Valiant Entertainment/DMG entertainment)
The book’s strongest points is it’s humor. Bemis writes Savage as the “fish out of water” very well, while Stockman and Farrell balance it out on the pages. The story has some over the top moments but that’s the charm of this book. Looking for action and monsters? You’ve found your book esp. on Page 9. The artwork really reflects that as well. Where else would you fin a “WinkleBeast” other than here?
The ending falls back on the theme of “stranger in a new world” which isn’t a bad thing but will keep fans interested to see where the story goes from here. It’s a natural progression for the character.
Overall, Savage #2 was a fun read. Fans of the character are going to enjoy the book. For new readers, the current saga of Kevin Sauvage is an enjoyable read that you will catch a good laugh with while watching him navigate in his new surroundings.
That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading & supporting the ODPH podcast. till next time….