Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH Podcast. On this edition, we are checking out the latest issue of Basilisk by Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire for Boom Studios. It has been an excellent read thus far. The increasingly dangerous battle between Hannah & the Chimera, whose powers are based around the five senses, was last seen with a failed attempt to end things once and for all. How has the story evolved from there? Let’s check out the latest issue & find out, shall we?

Basilisk #7 - On Sale Feb. 2nd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #7 - On Sale Feb. 2nd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios


After a flashback of Hannah’s first moments after being the lone survivor of a Chimera attack, readers see her and Regan, A Chimera defector, are on the run. Their failed attack has now led Jimmy-Boy on a chase after them. There is a TON of action going on here that is gonna please fans of the book. Hannah becomes distracted with everything going on & when Jimmy-Boy catches up to her, the following moments are intense & really hit very hard. It’s not for the squeamish so keep that in mind if a new reader.

The other half of this issue focuses on Vanessa, another member of the Chimera, is waiting in the aftermath of the last battle with Hannah & Regan. While waiting for Jimmy-Boy to complete his seek & destroy mission, Vanessa tries deflecting the truth from Cara, another Chimera member, about their powers. However, readers are in for a few surprises by issues’ end that really cranks up the Chimera threat to a new level. No spoilers here for the big moments, but fans will enjoy what they read here.

Basilisk #7 - On Sale Feb. 2nd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #7 - On Sale Feb. 2nd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Bunn really pushed the pace with this issue. From the initial offset, the buildup to Hannah facing off with Jimmy-Boy is very well done. The tension keeps climbing and never slows down until its’ conclusion. It’s brutal and wild as their battles have been thus far. Meanwhile, Vanessa’s actions have a “slow burn” feel that when she makes her big move, they’re THAT more impactful. Bunn balances this issue out flawlessly.

Scharf brings the action with each panel between Hannah, Regan & Jimmy-Boy. The imagery is brutal, violent & delivers on the severity of what’s going on. Like previously said, this series doesn’t pull punches. Readers will see some crazy scenes within this book, which is the only way to describe the Chimera’s actions. Even the subtle build for Vanessa’s game-changer move is done with seamless effort. Scharf has crafted this fractured world very well & it will hook readers from page one until the end.

Basilisk #7 - On Sale Feb. 2nd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #7 - On Sale Feb. 2nd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Basilisk #7 - On Sale Feb. 2nd

Creative: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf, Alex Guimaraes, & Ed Dukeshire

Credit: Boom Studios

Overall, this might be the best issue of Basilisk yet. Bunn & Scharf drive up the tension and when th action happens, there is nothing pulled back. It is intense as you’ll see in a comic. It’s equally matched by the fallout & the domino fall reaction from Vanessa. This issue is an absolute must-grab at the LCS.

Hit me up on Twitter & let me know what you thought of Basilisk #7. as always, thanks for reading.