Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary blog to the ODPH podcast. On tis edition, we’re catching up on one of my favorite comics on the market right now: Once & Future by BOOM Studios. This imaginative story created by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire never ceases to surprise me each month. Where else do you get crazy monsters, perfect character moments with Bridgette McGuire & one of the most creative flips on the King Arthur mythos? Issue #24 is the latest chapter so let’s not waste any more time & jump in, shall we?

Once & Future #24 - On Sale January 26th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once & Future #24 - On Sale January 26th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios


This issue kicks off right where we left our heroes: Bridgette & co are trying to assess a possible ally or enemy in their fight. It’s an interesting back and forth but ends the only way it can: Taking a risk and closing With a great Bridgette line. I’m not gonna spoil that here but it did bring a smile out when I read it. She is one of the best written characters in comics without question.

The majority of the issue shifts to the battle between both Arthurs that has been brewing for quite some time now. The battle is finally had at Badon, which there’s a very cool flashback scene for. This does not disappoint. Very cool imagery happening here. The resolution was very “Once and Future” and definitely not a bad thing. How the fallout will play from here should be fun to read.

The ending of this issue is what most fans will be buzzing about. Bridgette and her team make a play to get some more help to fight the Arthurs & it’ one of the most legendary “People’s champions” in history!

Once & Future #24 - On Sale January 26th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once & Future #24 - On Sale January 26th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Gillen’s writing of this issue was very solid. Like previously stated, how Bridgette is written makes her one of the best characters in comics. Being the most experienced to face the threats at hand, She always comes off calm, strong and ready with the one-liners. The battle between the Arthurs was a fun moment as well. How Merlyn played a factor in this was interesting. Never thought I would hear that line yelled in battle but that’s the brilliance of Once & Future’s writing.

Dan Mora delivers on the action yet again here. The moments all have that “big fight feel” & the battles are literally jumping off the pages. The visuals really added another level to the story going on with the Arthurs. The battle was brutal, as it should be. One of the staples of Once and Future is their action. This issue doesn’t fail in bringing that front and center here.

Once & Future #24 - On Sale January 26th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once & Future #24 - On Sale January 26th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once & Future #24 - On Sale January 26th

Creative: Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, & Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Dan Mora)

Credit: Boom Studios

Once & Future continues it’s run as being one of the most engaging books at the LCS. You want great writing and amazing action? Look no further than the latest issue. There is a lot to be excited about with this series. Make sure to grab a copy when you hit the shops this week.

Let me know on Twitter what you thought of Once & Future #24? As always, Thanks for reading.